1 | [package]
2 | name = "glow"
3 | version = "0.13.1"
4 | description = "GL on Whatever: a set of bindings to run GL (Open GL, OpenGL ES, and WebGL) anywhere, and avoid target-specific code."
5 | authors = [
6 | "Joshua Groves <josh@joshgroves.com>" ,
7 | "Dzmitry Malyshau <kvarkus@gmail.com>" ,
8 | ]
9 | homepage = "https://github.com/grovesNL/glow.git"
10 | repository = "https://github.com/grovesNL/glow"
11 | license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR Zlib"
12 | edition = "2021"
13 |
14 | [package.metadata.docs.rs]
15 | default-target = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
16 | targets = [
17 | "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" ,
18 | "x86_64-apple-darwin" ,
19 | "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" ,
20 | "i686-unknown-linux-gnu" ,
21 | "i686-pc-windows-msvc" ,
22 | "wasm32-unknown-unknown"
23 | ]
24 |
25 | [lib]
26 | name = "glow"
27 | path = "src/lib.rs"
28 |
29 | [dependencies]
30 | log = { version = "0.4.16" , optional = true }
31 |
32 | [features]
33 | debug_trace_calls = []
34 | debug_automatic_glGetError = []
35 |
36 | [target.'cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")'.dependencies]
37 | js-sys = "~0.3"
38 | wasm-bindgen = "~0.2"
39 | slotmap = "1"
40 |
41 | [target.'cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")'.dependencies.web_sys]
42 | version = "~0.3.60"
43 | package = "web-sys"
44 | features = [
45 | "Document" ,
46 | "Element" ,
47 | "HtmlCanvasElement" ,
48 | "HtmlImageElement" ,
49 | "HtmlVideoElement" ,
50 | "ImageBitmap" ,
51 | "VideoFrame" ,
52 | "WebGlActiveInfo" ,
53 | "WebGlBuffer" ,
54 | "WebGlFramebuffer" ,
55 | "WebGlProgram" ,
56 | "WebGlQuery" ,
57 | "WebGlRenderbuffer" ,
58 | "WebGlRenderingContext" ,
59 | "WebGl2RenderingContext" ,
60 | "WebGlSampler" ,
61 | "WebGlShader" ,
62 | "WebGlSync" ,
63 | "WebGlTexture" ,
64 | "WebGlTransformFeedback" ,
65 | "WebGlUniformLocation" ,
66 | "WebGlVertexArrayObject" ,
67 | "Window" ,
68 |
69 | "AngleInstancedArrays" ,
70 | "ExtBlendMinmax" ,
71 | "ExtColorBufferFloat" ,
72 | "ExtColorBufferHalfFloat" ,
73 | "ExtDisjointTimerQuery" ,
74 | "ExtFragDepth" ,
75 | "ExtShaderTextureLod" ,
76 | "ExtSRgb" ,
77 | "ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic" ,
78 | "OesElementIndexUint" ,
79 | "OesStandardDerivatives" ,
80 | "OesTextureFloat" ,
81 | "OesTextureFloatLinear" ,
82 | "OesTextureHalfFloat" ,
83 | "OesTextureHalfFloatLinear" ,
84 | "OesVertexArrayObject" ,
85 | "WebglColorBufferFloat" ,
86 | "WebglCompressedTextureAstc" ,
87 | "WebglCompressedTextureEtc" ,
88 | "WebglCompressedTextureEtc1" ,
89 | "WebglCompressedTexturePvrtc" ,
90 | "WebglCompressedTextureS3tc" ,
91 | "WebglCompressedTextureS3tcSrgb" ,
92 | "WebglDebugRendererInfo" ,
93 | "WebglDebugShaders" ,
94 | "WebglDepthTexture" ,
95 | "WebglDrawBuffers" ,
96 | "WebglLoseContext" ,
97 | "OvrMultiview2" ,
98 | ]
99 |
100 | [workspace]
101 | members = [
102 | "examples/hello" ,
103 | "examples/howto" ,
104 | ]
105 | |