1// Copyright © SixtyFPS GmbH <info@slint.dev>
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
4// cSpell: ignore pointee repr
6//! implementation of vtable::Vrc
8use super::*;
9use portable_atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};
11/// This trait is implemented by the [`#[vtable]`](macro@vtable) macro.
13/// It is implemented if the macro has a "drop_in_place" function.
15/// # Safety
17/// The implementation of drop_in_place and dealloc must be correct
18pub unsafe trait VTableMetaDropInPlace: VTableMeta {
19 /// # Safety
20 /// The target ptr argument needs to be pointing to a an instance of the VTable
21 /// after the call to this function, the memory is still there but no longer contains
22 /// a valid object.
23 unsafe fn drop_in_place(vtable: &Self::VTable, ptr: *mut u8) -> vrc::Layout;
24 /// # Safety
25 /// The target ptr must have been allocated by the same allocator as the
26 /// one which the vtable will delegate to.
27 unsafe fn dealloc(vtable: &Self::VTable, ptr: *mut u8, layout: vrc::Layout);
30/// This is a marker type to be used in [`VRc`] and [`VWeak`] to mean that the
31/// actual type is not known.
32// Note the use of PhantomData to make this type not Send, as a VRc<T, Dyn> cannot be send between thread
33pub struct Dyn(PhantomData<*mut ()>);
35/// Similar to [`core::alloc::Layout`], but `repr(C)`
37#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
38pub struct Layout {
39 /// The size in bytes
40 pub size: usize,
41 /// The minimum alignment in bytes
42 pub align: usize,
45impl From<core::alloc::Layout> for Layout {
46 fn from(layout: core::alloc::Layout) -> Self {
47 Self { size: layout.size(), align: layout.align() }
48 }
51impl core::convert::TryFrom<Layout> for core::alloc::Layout {
52 type Error = core::alloc::LayoutError;
54 fn try_from(value: Layout) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
55 Self::from_size_align(value.size, value.align)
56 }
60struct VRcInner<'vt, VTable: VTableMeta, X> {
61 vtable: &'vt VTable::VTable,
62 /// The amount of VRc pointing to this object. When it reaches 0, the object will be dropped
63 strong_ref: AtomicU32,
64 /// The amount of VWeak +1. When it reaches 0, the memory will be deallocated.
65 /// The +1 is there such as all the VRc together hold a weak reference to the memory
66 weak_ref: AtomicU32,
67 /// offset to the data from the beginning of VRcInner. This is needed to cast a VRcInner<VT, X>
68 /// to VRcInner<VT, u8> as "dyn VRc" and then still be able to get the correct data pointer,
69 /// since the alignment of X may not be the same as u8.
70 data_offset: u16,
71 /// Actual data, or an instance of `Self::Layout` iff `strong_ref == 0`.
72 /// Can be seen as `union {data: X, layout: Layout}` (but that's not stable)
73 data: X,
76impl<'vt, VTable: VTableMeta, X> VRcInner<'vt, VTable, X> {
77 unsafe fn data_ptr(s: *const Self) -> *const X {
78 (s as *const u8).add(*core::ptr::addr_of!((*s).data_offset) as usize) as *const X
79 }
80 fn as_ref(&self) -> &X {
81 let ptr: *const u8 = self as *const Self as *const u8;
82 unsafe { &*(ptr.add(self.data_offset as usize) as *const X) }
83 }
86/// A reference counted pointer to an object matching the virtual table `T`
88/// Similar to [`alloc::rc::Rc`] where the `VTable` type parameter is a VTable struct
89/// annotated with [`#[vtable]`](macro@vtable), and the `X` type parameter is the actual instance.
90/// When `X` is the [`Dyn`] type marker, this means that the X is not known and the only
91/// thing that can be done is to get a [`VRef<VTable>`] through the [`Self::borrow()`] function.
93/// Other differences with the [`alloc::rc::Rc`] types are:
94/// - It does not allow to access mutable reference. (No `get_mut` or `make_mut`), meaning it is
95/// safe to get a Pin reference with `borrow_pin`.
96/// - It is safe to pass it across ffi boundaries.
98pub struct VRc<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, X = Dyn> {
99 inner: NonNull<VRcInner<'static, VTable, X>>,
102impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, X> Drop for VRc<VTable, X> {
103 fn drop(&mut self) {
104 unsafe {
105 let inner = self.inner.as_ptr();
106 if (*inner).strong_ref.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst) == 1 {
107 let data =
108 (inner as *mut u8).add(*core::ptr::addr_of!((*inner).data_offset) as usize);
109 let vtable = core::ptr::addr_of!((*inner).vtable);
110 let mut layout = VTable::drop_in_place(*vtable, data);
111 layout = core::alloc::Layout::new::<VRcInner<VTable, ()>>()
112 .extend(layout.try_into().unwrap())
113 .unwrap()
114 .0
115 .pad_to_align()
116 .into();
117 if (*core::ptr::addr_of!((*inner).weak_ref)).load(Ordering::SeqCst) > 1 {
118 // at this point we are sure that no other thread can access the data
119 // since we still hold a weak reference, so the other weak references
120 // in other thread won't start destroying the object.
121 *(VRcInner::data_ptr(self.inner.cast::<VRcInner<VTable, Layout>>().as_ptr())
122 as *mut Layout) = layout;
123 }
124 if (*core::ptr::addr_of!((*inner).weak_ref)).fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst) == 1 {
125 VTable::dealloc(*vtable, self.inner.cast().as_ptr(), layout);
126 }
127 }
128 }
129 }
132impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, X> core::fmt::Debug for VRc<VTable, X> {
133 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
134 f.debug_struct("VRc").field(name:"inner", &self.inner).finish()
135 }
138impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace, X: HasStaticVTable<VTable>> VRc<VTable, X> {
139 /// Create a new VRc from an instance of a type that can be associated with a VTable.
140 ///
141 /// Will move the instance on the heap.
142 ///
143 /// (the `HasStaticVTable` is implemented by the `“MyTrait”VTable_static!` macro generated by
144 /// the #[vtable] macro)
145 pub fn new(data: X) -> Self {
146 let layout = core::alloc::Layout::new::<VRcInner<VTable, X>>().pad_to_align();
147 // We must ensure the size is enough to hold a Layout when strong_count becomes 0
148 let layout_with_layout = core::alloc::Layout::new::<VRcInner<VTable, Layout>>();
149 let layout = core::alloc::Layout::from_size_align(
150 layout.size().max(layout_with_layout.size()),
151 layout.align().max(layout_with_layout.align()),
152 )
153 .unwrap();
154 let mem = unsafe { alloc::alloc::alloc(layout) as *mut VRcInner<VTable, X> };
155 let inner = NonNull::new(mem).unwrap();
156 assert!(!mem.is_null());
158 unsafe {
159 mem.write(VRcInner {
160 vtable: X::static_vtable(),
161 strong_ref: AtomicU32::new(1),
162 weak_ref: AtomicU32::new(1), // All the VRc together hold a weak_ref to the memory
163 data_offset: 0,
164 data,
165 });
166 (*mem).data_offset =
167 (&(*mem).data as *const _ as usize - mem as *const _ as usize) as u16;
168 VRc { inner }
169 }
170 }
172 /// Convert a VRc of a real instance to a VRc of a Dyn instance
173 pub fn into_dyn(this: Self) -> VRc<VTable, Dyn>
174 where
175 Self: 'static,
176 {
177 // Safety: they have the exact same representation: just a pointer to the same structure.
178 // no Drop will be called here, so no need to increment any ref count
179 unsafe { core::mem::transmute(this) }
180 }
183impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, X: HasStaticVTable<VTable> + 'static> VRc<VTable, X> {
184 /// This function allows safely holding a reference to a field inside the VRc. In order to accomplish
185 /// that, you need to provide a mapping function `map_fn` in which you need to provide and return a
186 /// pinned reference to the object you would like to map. The returned `VRcMapped` allows obtaining
187 /// that pinned reference again using [`VRcMapped::as_pin_ref`].
188 pub fn map<MappedType: ?Sized>(
189 this: Self,
190 map_fn: impl for<'r> FnOnce(Pin<&'r X>) -> Pin<&'r MappedType>,
191 ) -> VRcMapped<VTable, MappedType> {
192 VRcMapped {
193 parent_strong: Self::into_dyn(this.clone()),
194 object: map_fn(this.as_pin_ref()).get_ref(),
195 }
196 }
199impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static> VRc<VTable, Dyn> {
200 /// This function allows safely holding a reference to a field inside the VRc. In order to accomplish
201 /// that, you need to provide a mapping function `map_fn` in which you need to provide and return a
202 /// pinned reference to the object you would like to map. The returned `VRcMapped` allows obtaining
203 /// that pinned reference again using [`VRcMapped::as_pin_ref`].
204 /// This works similar to [`VRc::map`] except that it works on a type-erased VRc.
205 pub fn map_dyn<MappedType: ?Sized>(
206 this: Self,
207 map_fn: impl for<'r> FnOnce(Pin<VRef<'r, VTable>>) -> Pin<&'r MappedType>,
208 ) -> VRcMapped<VTable, MappedType> {
209 VRcMapped { parent_strong: this.clone(), object: map_fn(Self::borrow_pin(&this)).get_ref() }
210 }
212impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace, X> VRc<VTable, X> {
213 /// Create a Pinned reference to the inner.
214 ///
215 /// This is safe because we don't allow mutable reference to the inner
216 pub fn as_pin_ref(&self) -> Pin<&X> {
217 unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(self) }
218 }
220 /// Gets a VRef pointing to this instance
221 pub fn borrow(this: &Self) -> VRef<'_, VTable> {
222 unsafe {
223 let inner = this.inner.cast::<VRcInner<VTable, u8>>();
224 VRef::from_raw(
225 NonNull::from(*::core::ptr::addr_of!((*inner.as_ptr()).vtable)),
226 NonNull::new_unchecked(VRcInner::data_ptr(inner.as_ptr()) as *mut u8),
227 )
228 }
229 }
231 /// Gets a `Pin<VRef>` pointing to this instance
232 ///
233 /// This is safe because there is no way to access a mutable reference to the pointee.
234 /// (There is no `get_mut` or `make_mut`),
235 pub fn borrow_pin(this: &Self) -> Pin<VRef<VTable>> {
236 unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(Self::borrow(this)) }
237 }
239 /// Construct a [`VWeak`] pointing to this instance.
240 pub fn downgrade(this: &Self) -> VWeak<VTable, X> {
241 let inner = unsafe { this.inner.as_ref() };
242 inner.weak_ref.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
243 VWeak { inner: Some(this.inner) }
244 }
246 /// Gets the number of strong (VRc) pointers to this allocation.
247 pub fn strong_count(this: &Self) -> usize {
248 unsafe { this.inner.as_ref().strong_ref.load(Ordering::SeqCst) as usize }
249 }
251 /// Returns true if the two VRc's point to the same allocation
252 pub fn ptr_eq(this: &Self, other: &Self) -> bool {
253 this.inner == other.inner
254 }
257impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, X> Clone for VRc<VTable, X> {
258 fn clone(&self) -> Self {
259 let inner: &VRcInner<'_, VTable, X> = unsafe { self.inner.as_ref() };
260 inner.strong_ref.fetch_add(val:1, order:Ordering::SeqCst);
261 Self { inner: self.inner }
262 }
265impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace, X /*+ HasStaticVTable<VTable>*/> Deref for VRc<VTable, X> {
266 type Target = X;
267 fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
268 let inner: &VRcInner<'_, VTable, X> = unsafe { self.inner.as_ref() };
269 inner.as_ref()
270 }
273// Safety: we use atomic reference count for the internal things
274unsafe impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + Send + Sync + 'static, X: Send + Sync> Send
275 for VRc<VTable, X>
278unsafe impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + Send + Sync + 'static, X: Send + Sync> Sync
279 for VRc<VTable, X>
283/// Weak pointer for the [`VRc`] where `VTable` is a VTable struct, and
284/// `X` is the type of the instance, or [`Dyn`] if it is not known
286/// Similar to [`alloc::rc::Weak`].
288/// Can be constructed with [`VRc::downgrade`] and use [`VWeak::upgrade`]
289/// to re-create the original VRc.
291pub struct VWeak<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, X = Dyn> {
292 inner: Option<NonNull<VRcInner<'static, VTable, X>>>,
295impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, X> Default for VWeak<VTable, X> {
296 fn default() -> Self {
297 Self { inner: None }
298 }
301impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, X> Clone for VWeak<VTable, X> {
302 fn clone(&self) -> Self {
303 if let Some(inner: NonNull>) = self.inner {
304 let inner: &VRcInner<'_, VTable, X> = unsafe { inner.as_ref() };
305 inner.weak_ref.fetch_add(val:1, order:Ordering::SeqCst);
306 }
307 VWeak { inner: self.inner }
308 }
311impl<T: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, X> Drop for VWeak<T, X> {
312 fn drop(&mut self) {
313 if let Some(i: NonNull>) = self.inner {
314 unsafe {
315 if (*core::ptr::addr_of!((*i.as_ptr()).weak_ref)).fetch_sub(val:1, order:Ordering::SeqCst)
316 == 1
317 {
318 // Safety: while allocating, we made sure that the size was big enough to
319 // hold a VRcInner<T, Layout>.
320 let vtable: &&::VTable = &*core::ptr::addr_of!((*i.as_ptr()).vtable);
321 let layout: Layout = *(VRcInner::data_ptr(i.cast::<VRcInner<T, Layout>>().as_ptr()));
322 T::dealloc(vtable, i.cast().as_ptr(), layout);
323 }
324 }
325 }
326 }
329impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, X> VWeak<VTable, X> {
330 /// Returns a new `VRc` if some other instance still holds a strong reference to this item.
331 /// Otherwise, returns None.
332 pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<VRc<VTable, X>> {
333 if let Some(i: NonNull>) = self.inner {
334 let inner: &VRcInner<'_, VTable, X> = unsafe { i.as_ref() };
335 if inner.strong_ref.load(order:Ordering::SeqCst) == 0 {
336 None
337 } else {
338 inner.strong_ref.fetch_add(val:1, order:Ordering::SeqCst);
339 Some(VRc { inner: i })
340 }
341 } else {
342 None
343 }
344 }
346 /// Returns true if the two VWeak instances point to the same allocation
347 pub fn ptr_eq(this: &Self, other: &Self) -> bool {
348 this.inner == other.inner
349 }
352impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, X: HasStaticVTable<VTable> + 'static>
353 VWeak<VTable, X>
355 /// Convert a VRc of a real instance to a VRc of a Dyn instance
356 pub fn into_dyn(self) -> VWeak<VTable, Dyn> {
357 // Safety: they have the exact same representation: just a pointer to the same structure.
358 // no Drop will be called here, so no need to increment any ref count
359 unsafe { core::mem::transmute(self) }
360 }
363/// Safety: The data VRc manages is held by `VRcInner`, which maintains its address when the VRc
364/// is moved.
365unsafe impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, X> stable_deref_trait::StableDeref
366 for VRc<VTable, X>
370/// Safety: The data VRc manages is held by `VRcInner`, and a clone of a VRc merely clones the pointer
371/// *to* the `VRcInner`.
372unsafe impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, X> stable_deref_trait::CloneStableDeref
373 for VRc<VTable, X>
377/// VRcMapped allows bundling a VRc of a type along with a reference to an object that's
378/// reachable through the data the VRc owns and that satisfies the requirements of a Pin.
379/// VRCMapped is constructed using [`VRc::map`] and, like VRc, has a weak counterpart, [`VWeakMapped`].
380pub struct VRcMapped<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, MappedType: ?Sized> {
381 parent_strong: VRc<VTable, Dyn>,
382 object: *const MappedType,
385impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, MappedType: ?Sized> Clone
386 for VRcMapped<VTable, MappedType>
388 fn clone(&self) -> Self {
389 Self { parent_strong: self.parent_strong.clone(), object: self.object }
390 }
393impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, MappedType: ?Sized> VRcMapped<VTable, MappedType> {
394 /// Returns a new [`VWeakMapped`] that points to this instance and can be upgraded back to
395 /// a [`Self`] as long as a `VRc`/`VMapped` exists.
396 pub fn downgrade(this: &Self) -> VWeakMapped<VTable, MappedType> {
397 VWeakMapped { parent_weak: VRc::downgrade(&this.parent_strong), object: this.object }
398 }
400 /// Create a Pinned reference to the mapped type.
401 ///
402 /// This is safe because the map function returns a pinned reference.
403 pub fn as_pin_ref(&self) -> Pin<&MappedType> {
404 unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(self) }
405 }
407 /// This function allows safely holding a reference to a field inside the `VRcMapped`. In order to accomplish
408 /// that, you need to provide a mapping function `map_fn` in which you need to provide and return a
409 /// pinned reference to the object you would like to map. The returned `VRcMapped` allows obtaining
410 /// that pinned reference again using [`VRcMapped::as_pin_ref`].
411 ///
412 /// See also [`VRc::map`]
413 pub fn map<ReMappedType: ?Sized>(
414 this: Self,
415 map_fn: impl for<'r> FnOnce(Pin<&'r MappedType>) -> Pin<&'r ReMappedType>,
416 ) -> VRcMapped<VTable, ReMappedType> {
417 VRcMapped {
418 parent_strong: this.parent_strong.clone(),
419 object: map_fn(this.as_pin_ref()).get_ref(),
420 }
421 }
423 /// Returns a strong reference to the object that the mapping originates
424 /// from.
425 pub fn origin(this: &Self) -> VRc<VTable> {
426 this.parent_strong.clone()
427 }
430impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, MappedType: ?Sized> Deref
431 for VRcMapped<VTable, MappedType>
433 type Target = MappedType;
434 fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
435 // Safety: self.object was mapped from self.parent_strong, which the VRc
436 // keeps alive *and* pinned.
437 unsafe { &*self.object }
438 }
441/// VWeakMapped allows bundling a VWeak with a reference to an object that's reachable
442/// from the object a successfully upgraded VWeak points to. VWeakMapped's API consists
443/// only of the ability to create clones and to attempt upgrading back to a [`VRcMapped`].
444pub struct VWeakMapped<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, MappedType: ?Sized> {
445 parent_weak: VWeak<VTable, Dyn>,
446 object: *const MappedType,
449impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, MappedType: ?Sized> VWeakMapped<VTable, MappedType> {
450 /// Returns a new `VRcMapped` if some other instance still holds a strong reference to the owned
451 /// object. Otherwise, returns None.
452 pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<VRcMapped<VTable, MappedType>> {
453 self.parent_weak
454 .upgrade()
455 .map(|parent: VRc| VRcMapped { parent_strong: parent, object: self.object })
456 }
459impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, MappedType: ?Sized> Clone
460 for VWeakMapped<VTable, MappedType>
462 fn clone(&self) -> Self {
463 Self { parent_weak: self.parent_weak.clone(), object: self.object }
464 }
467impl<VTable: VTableMetaDropInPlace + 'static, MappedType> Default
468 for VWeakMapped<VTable, MappedType>
470 fn default() -> Self {
471 Self { parent_weak: VWeak::default(), object: core::ptr::null() }
472 }