1use core::{
2 cmp,
3 fmt::Debug,
4 panic::{RefUnwindSafe, UnwindSafe},
5 u8,
8use alloc::{sync::Arc, vec, vec::Vec};
10use crate::{
11 packed,
12 util::{
13 alphabet::ByteSet,
14 search::{Match, MatchKind, Span},
15 },
18/// A prefilter for accelerating a search.
20/// This crate uses prefilters in the core search implementations to accelerate
21/// common cases. They typically only apply to cases where there are a small
22/// number of patterns (less than 100 or so), but when they do, thoughput can
23/// be boosted considerably, perhaps by an order of magnitude. When a prefilter
24/// is active, it is used whenever a search enters an automaton's start state.
26/// Currently, prefilters cannot be constructed by
27/// callers. A `Prefilter` can only be accessed via the
28/// [`Automaton::prefilter`](crate::automaton::Automaton::prefilter)
29/// method and used to execute a search. In other words, a prefilter can be
30/// used to optimize your own search implementation if necessary, but cannot do
31/// much else. If you have a use case for more APIs, please submit an issue.
32#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
33pub struct Prefilter {
34 finder: Arc<dyn PrefilterI>,
35 memory_usage: usize,
38impl Prefilter {
39 /// Execute a search in the haystack within the span given. If a match or
40 /// a possible match is returned, then it is guaranteed to occur within
41 /// the bounds of the span.
42 ///
43 /// If the span provided is invalid for the given haystack, then behavior
44 /// is unspecified.
45 #[inline]
46 pub fn find_in(&self, haystack: &[u8], span: Span) -> Candidate {
47 self.finder.find_in(haystack, span)
48 }
50 #[inline]
51 pub(crate) fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
52 self.memory_usage
53 }
56/// A candidate is the result of running a prefilter on a haystack at a
57/// particular position.
59/// The result is either no match, a confirmed match or a possible match.
61/// When no match is returned, the prefilter is guaranteeing that no possible
62/// match can be found in the haystack, and the caller may trust this. That is,
63/// all correct prefilters must never report false negatives.
65/// In some cases, a prefilter can confirm a match very quickly, in which case,
66/// the caller may use this to stop what it's doing and report the match. In
67/// this case, prefilter implementations must never report a false positive.
68/// In other cases, the prefilter can only report a potential match, in which
69/// case the callers must attempt to confirm the match. In this case, prefilter
70/// implementations are permitted to return false positives.
71#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
72pub enum Candidate {
73 /// No match was found. Since false negatives are not possible, this means
74 /// the search can quit as it is guaranteed not to find another match.
75 None,
76 /// A confirmed match was found. Callers do not need to confirm it.
77 Match(Match),
78 /// The start of a possible match was found. Callers must confirm it before
79 /// reporting it as a match.
80 PossibleStartOfMatch(usize),
83impl Candidate {
84 /// Convert this candidate into an option. This is useful when callers
85 /// do not distinguish between true positives and false positives (i.e.,
86 /// the caller must always confirm the match).
87 pub fn into_option(self) -> Option<usize> {
88 match self {
89 Candidate::None => None,
90 Candidate::Match(ref m) => Some(m.start()),
91 Candidate::PossibleStartOfMatch(start) => Some(start),
92 }
93 }
96/// A prefilter describes the behavior of fast literal scanners for quickly
97/// skipping past bytes in the haystack that we know cannot possibly
98/// participate in a match.
99trait PrefilterI:
100 Send + Sync + RefUnwindSafe + UnwindSafe + Debug + 'static
102 /// Returns the next possible match candidate. This may yield false
103 /// positives, so callers must confirm a match starting at the position
104 /// returned. This, however, must never produce false negatives. That is,
105 /// this must, at minimum, return the starting position of the next match
106 /// in the given haystack after or at the given position.
107 fn find_in(&self, haystack: &[u8], span: Span) -> Candidate;
110impl<P: PrefilterI + ?Sized> PrefilterI for Arc<P> {
111 #[inline(always)]
112 fn find_in(&self, haystack: &[u8], span: Span) -> Candidate {
113 (**self).find_in(haystack, span)
114 }
117/// A builder for constructing the best possible prefilter. When constructed,
118/// this builder will heuristically select the best prefilter it can build,
119/// if any, and discard the rest.
121pub(crate) struct Builder {
122 count: usize,
123 ascii_case_insensitive: bool,
124 start_bytes: StartBytesBuilder,
125 rare_bytes: RareBytesBuilder,
126 memmem: MemmemBuilder,
127 packed: Option<packed::Builder>,
128 // If we run across a condition that suggests we shouldn't use a prefilter
129 // at all (like an empty pattern), then disable prefilters entirely.
130 enabled: bool,
133impl Builder {
134 /// Create a new builder for constructing the best possible prefilter.
135 pub(crate) fn new(kind: MatchKind) -> Builder {
136 let pbuilder = kind
137 .as_packed()
138 .map(|kind| packed::Config::new().match_kind(kind).builder());
139 Builder {
140 count: 0,
141 ascii_case_insensitive: false,
142 start_bytes: StartBytesBuilder::new(),
143 rare_bytes: RareBytesBuilder::new(),
144 memmem: MemmemBuilder::default(),
145 packed: pbuilder,
146 enabled: true,
147 }
148 }
150 /// Enable ASCII case insensitivity. When set, byte strings added to this
151 /// builder will be interpreted without respect to ASCII case.
152 pub(crate) fn ascii_case_insensitive(mut self, yes: bool) -> Builder {
153 self.ascii_case_insensitive = yes;
154 self.start_bytes = self.start_bytes.ascii_case_insensitive(yes);
155 self.rare_bytes = self.rare_bytes.ascii_case_insensitive(yes);
156 self
157 }
159 /// Return a prefilter suitable for quickly finding potential matches.
160 ///
161 /// All patterns added to an Aho-Corasick automaton should be added to this
162 /// builder before attempting to construct the prefilter.
163 pub(crate) fn build(&self) -> Option<Prefilter> {
164 if !self.enabled {
165 debug!("prefilter not enabled, skipping");
166 return None;
167 }
168 // If we only have one pattern, then deferring to memmem is always
169 // the best choice. This is kind of a weird case, because, well, why
170 // use Aho-Corasick if you only have one pattern? But maybe you don't
171 // know exactly how many patterns you'll get up front, and you need to
172 // support the option of multiple patterns. So instead of relying on
173 // the caller to branch and use memmem explicitly, we just do it for
174 // them.
175 if !self.ascii_case_insensitive {
176 if let Some(pre) = self.memmem.build() {
177 debug!("using memmem prefilter");
178 return Some(pre);
179 }
180 }
181 let (packed, patlen, minlen) = if self.ascii_case_insensitive {
182 (None, usize::MAX, 0)
183 } else {
184 let patlen = self.packed.as_ref().map_or(usize::MAX, |p| p.len());
185 let minlen = self.packed.as_ref().map_or(0, |p| p.minimum_len());
186 let packed =
187 self.packed.as_ref().and_then(|b| b.build()).map(|s| {
188 let memory_usage = s.memory_usage();
189 debug!(
190 "built packed prefilter (len: {}, \
191 minimum pattern len: {}, memory usage: {}) \
192 for consideration",
193 patlen, minlen, memory_usage,
194 );
195 Prefilter { finder: Arc::new(Packed(s)), memory_usage }
196 });
197 (packed, patlen, minlen)
198 };
199 match (self.start_bytes.build(), self.rare_bytes.build()) {
200 // If we could build both start and rare prefilters, then there are
201 // a few cases in which we'd want to use the start-byte prefilter
202 // over the rare-byte prefilter, since the former has lower
203 // overhead.
204 (prestart @ Some(_), prerare @ Some(_)) => {
205 debug!(
206 "both start (len={}, rank={}) and \
207 rare (len={}, rank={}) byte prefilters \
208 are available",
209 self.start_bytes.count,
210 self.start_bytes.rank_sum,
211 self.rare_bytes.count,
212 self.rare_bytes.rank_sum,
213 );
214 if patlen <= 16
215 && minlen >= 2
216 && self.start_bytes.count >= 3
217 && self.rare_bytes.count >= 3
218 {
219 debug!(
220 "start and rare byte prefilters available, but \
221 they're probably slower than packed so using \
222 packed"
223 );
224 return packed;
225 }
226 // If the start-byte prefilter can scan for a smaller number
227 // of bytes than the rare-byte prefilter, then it's probably
228 // faster.
229 let has_fewer_bytes =
230 self.start_bytes.count < self.rare_bytes.count;
231 // Otherwise, if the combined frequency rank of the detected
232 // bytes in the start-byte prefilter is "close" to the combined
233 // frequency rank of the rare-byte prefilter, then we pick
234 // the start-byte prefilter even if the rare-byte prefilter
235 // heuristically searches for rare bytes. This is because the
236 // rare-byte prefilter has higher constant costs, so we tend to
237 // prefer the start-byte prefilter when we can.
238 let has_rarer_bytes =
239 self.start_bytes.rank_sum <= self.rare_bytes.rank_sum + 50;
240 if has_fewer_bytes {
241 debug!(
242 "using start byte prefilter because it has fewer
243 bytes to search for than the rare byte prefilter",
244 );
245 prestart
246 } else if has_rarer_bytes {
247 debug!(
248 "using start byte prefilter because its byte \
249 frequency rank was determined to be \
250 \"good enough\" relative to the rare byte prefilter \
251 byte frequency rank",
252 );
253 prestart
254 } else {
255 debug!("using rare byte prefilter");
256 prerare
257 }
258 }
259 (prestart @ Some(_), None) => {
260 if patlen <= 16 && minlen >= 2 && self.start_bytes.count >= 3 {
261 debug!(
262 "start byte prefilter available, but \
263 it's probably slower than packed so using \
264 packed"
265 );
266 return packed;
267 }
268 debug!(
269 "have start byte prefilter but not rare byte prefilter, \
270 so using start byte prefilter",
271 );
272 prestart
273 }
274 (None, prerare @ Some(_)) => {
275 if patlen <= 16 && minlen >= 2 && self.rare_bytes.count >= 3 {
276 debug!(
277 "rare byte prefilter available, but \
278 it's probably slower than packed so using \
279 packed"
280 );
281 return packed;
282 }
283 debug!(
284 "have rare byte prefilter but not start byte prefilter, \
285 so using rare byte prefilter",
286 );
287 prerare
288 }
289 (None, None) if self.ascii_case_insensitive => {
290 debug!(
291 "no start or rare byte prefilter and ASCII case \
292 insensitivity was enabled, so skipping prefilter",
293 );
294 None
295 }
296 (None, None) => {
297 if packed.is_some() {
298 debug!("falling back to packed prefilter");
299 } else {
300 debug!("no prefilter available");
301 }
302 packed
303 }
304 }
305 }
307 /// Add a literal string to this prefilter builder.
308 pub(crate) fn add(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) {
309 if bytes.is_empty() {
310 self.enabled = false;
311 }
312 if !self.enabled {
313 return;
314 }
315 self.count += 1;
316 self.start_bytes.add(bytes);
317 self.rare_bytes.add(bytes);
318 self.memmem.add(bytes);
319 if let Some(ref mut pbuilder) = self.packed {
320 pbuilder.add(bytes);
321 }
322 }
325/// A type that wraps a packed searcher and implements the `Prefilter`
326/// interface.
327#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
328struct Packed(packed::Searcher);
330impl PrefilterI for Packed {
331 fn find_in(&self, haystack: &[u8], span: Span) -> Candidate {
332 self.0
333 .find_in(&haystack, span)
334 .map_or(Candidate::None, Candidate::Match)
335 }
338/// A builder for constructing a prefilter that uses memmem.
339#[derive(Debug, Default)]
340struct MemmemBuilder {
341 /// The number of patterns that have been added.
342 count: usize,
343 /// The singular pattern to search for. This is only set when count==1.
344 one: Option<Vec<u8>>,
347impl MemmemBuilder {
348 fn build(&self) -> Option<Prefilter> {
349 #[cfg(all(feature = "std", feature = "perf-literal"))]
350 fn imp(builder: &MemmemBuilder) -> Option<Prefilter> {
351 let pattern = builder.one.as_ref()?;
352 assert_eq!(1, builder.count);
353 let finder = Arc::new(Memmem(
354 memchr::memmem::Finder::new(pattern).into_owned(),
355 ));
356 let memory_usage = pattern.len();
357 Some(Prefilter { finder, memory_usage })
358 }
360 #[cfg(not(all(feature = "std", feature = "perf-literal")))]
361 fn imp(_: &MemmemBuilder) -> Option<Prefilter> {
362 None
363 }
365 imp(self)
366 }
368 fn add(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) {
369 self.count += 1;
370 if self.count == 1 {
371 self.one = Some(bytes.to_vec());
372 } else {
373 self.one = None;
374 }
375 }
378/// A type that wraps a SIMD accelerated single substring search from the
379/// `memchr` crate for use as a prefilter.
381/// Currently, this prefilter is only active for Aho-Corasick searchers with
382/// a single pattern. In theory, this could be extended to support searchers
383/// that have a common prefix of more than one byte (for one byte, we would use
384/// memchr), but it's not clear if it's worth it or not.
386/// Also, unfortunately, this currently also requires the 'std' feature to
387/// be enabled. That's because memchr doesn't have a no-std-but-with-alloc
388/// mode, and so APIs like Finder::into_owned aren't available when 'std' is
389/// disabled. But there should be an 'alloc' feature that brings in APIs like
390/// Finder::into_owned but doesn't use std-only features like runtime CPU
391/// feature detection.
392#[cfg(all(feature = "std", feature = "perf-literal"))]
393#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
394struct Memmem(memchr::memmem::Finder<'static>);
396#[cfg(all(feature = "std", feature = "perf-literal"))]
397impl PrefilterI for Memmem {
398 fn find_in(&self, haystack: &[u8], span: Span) -> Candidate {
399 use crate::util::primitives::PatternID;
401 self.0.find(&haystack[span]).map_or(Candidate::None, |i| {
402 let start = span.start + i;
403 let end = start + self.0.needle().len();
404 // N.B. We can declare a match and use a fixed pattern ID here
405 // because a Memmem prefilter is only ever created for searchers
406 // with exactly one pattern. Thus, every match is always a match
407 // and it is always for the first and only pattern.
408 Candidate::Match(Match::new(PatternID::ZERO, start..end))
409 })
410 }
413/// A builder for constructing a rare byte prefilter.
415/// A rare byte prefilter attempts to pick out a small set of rare bytes that
416/// occurr in the patterns, and then quickly scan to matches of those rare
417/// bytes.
418#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
419struct RareBytesBuilder {
420 /// Whether this prefilter should account for ASCII case insensitivity or
421 /// not.
422 ascii_case_insensitive: bool,
423 /// A set of rare bytes, indexed by byte value.
424 rare_set: ByteSet,
425 /// A set of byte offsets associated with bytes in a pattern. An entry
426 /// corresponds to a particular bytes (its index) and is only non-zero if
427 /// the byte occurred at an offset greater than 0 in at least one pattern.
428 ///
429 /// If a byte's offset is not representable in 8 bits, then the rare bytes
430 /// prefilter becomes inert.
431 byte_offsets: RareByteOffsets,
432 /// Whether this is available as a prefilter or not. This can be set to
433 /// false during construction if a condition is seen that invalidates the
434 /// use of the rare-byte prefilter.
435 available: bool,
436 /// The number of bytes set to an active value in `byte_offsets`.
437 count: usize,
438 /// The sum of frequency ranks for the rare bytes detected. This is
439 /// intended to give a heuristic notion of how rare the bytes are.
440 rank_sum: u16,
443/// A set of byte offsets, keyed by byte.
444#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
445struct RareByteOffsets {
446 /// Each entry corresponds to the maximum offset of the corresponding
447 /// byte across all patterns seen.
448 set: [RareByteOffset; 256],
451impl RareByteOffsets {
452 /// Create a new empty set of rare byte offsets.
453 pub(crate) fn empty() -> RareByteOffsets {
454 RareByteOffsets { set: [RareByteOffset::default(); 256] }
455 }
457 /// Add the given offset for the given byte to this set. If the offset is
458 /// greater than the existing offset, then it overwrites the previous
459 /// value and returns false. If there is no previous value set, then this
460 /// sets it and returns true.
461 pub(crate) fn set(&mut self, byte: u8, off: RareByteOffset) {
462 self.set[byte as usize].max =
463 cmp::max(self.set[byte as usize].max, off.max);
464 }
467impl core::fmt::Debug for RareByteOffsets {
468 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
469 let mut offsets = vec![];
470 for off in self.set.iter() {
471 if off.max > 0 {
472 offsets.push(off);
473 }
474 }
475 f.debug_struct("RareByteOffsets").field("set", &offsets).finish()
476 }
479/// Offsets associated with an occurrence of a "rare" byte in any of the
480/// patterns used to construct a single Aho-Corasick automaton.
481#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
482struct RareByteOffset {
483 /// The maximum offset at which a particular byte occurs from the start
484 /// of any pattern. This is used as a shift amount. That is, when an
485 /// occurrence of this byte is found, the candidate position reported by
486 /// the prefilter is `position_of_byte - max`, such that the automaton
487 /// will begin its search at a position that is guaranteed to observe a
488 /// match.
489 ///
490 /// To avoid accidentally quadratic behavior, a prefilter is considered
491 /// ineffective when it is asked to start scanning from a position that it
492 /// has already scanned past.
493 ///
494 /// Using a `u8` here means that if we ever see a pattern that's longer
495 /// than 255 bytes, then the entire rare byte prefilter is disabled.
496 max: u8,
499impl Default for RareByteOffset {
500 fn default() -> RareByteOffset {
501 RareByteOffset { max: 0 }
502 }
505impl RareByteOffset {
506 /// Create a new rare byte offset. If the given offset is too big, then
507 /// None is returned. In that case, callers should render the rare bytes
508 /// prefilter inert.
509 fn new(max: usize) -> Option<RareByteOffset> {
510 if max > u8::MAX as usize {
511 None
512 } else {
513 Some(RareByteOffset { max: max as u8 })
514 }
515 }
518impl RareBytesBuilder {
519 /// Create a new builder for constructing a rare byte prefilter.
520 fn new() -> RareBytesBuilder {
521 RareBytesBuilder {
522 ascii_case_insensitive: false,
523 rare_set: ByteSet::empty(),
524 byte_offsets: RareByteOffsets::empty(),
525 available: true,
526 count: 0,
527 rank_sum: 0,
528 }
529 }
531 /// Enable ASCII case insensitivity. When set, byte strings added to this
532 /// builder will be interpreted without respect to ASCII case.
533 fn ascii_case_insensitive(mut self, yes: bool) -> RareBytesBuilder {
534 self.ascii_case_insensitive = yes;
535 self
536 }
538 /// Build the rare bytes prefilter.
539 ///
540 /// If there are more than 3 distinct rare bytes found, or if heuristics
541 /// otherwise determine that this prefilter should not be used, then `None`
542 /// is returned.
543 fn build(&self) -> Option<Prefilter> {
544 #[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
545 fn imp(builder: &RareBytesBuilder) -> Option<Prefilter> {
546 if !builder.available || builder.count > 3 {
547 return None;
548 }
549 let (mut bytes, mut len) = ([0; 3], 0);
550 for b in 0..=255 {
551 if builder.rare_set.contains(b) {
552 bytes[len] = b as u8;
553 len += 1;
554 }
555 }
556 let finder: Arc<dyn PrefilterI> = match len {
557 0 => return None,
558 1 => Arc::new(RareBytesOne {
559 byte1: bytes[0],
560 offset: builder.byte_offsets.set[bytes[0] as usize],
561 }),
562 2 => Arc::new(RareBytesTwo {
563 offsets: builder.byte_offsets,
564 byte1: bytes[0],
565 byte2: bytes[1],
566 }),
567 3 => Arc::new(RareBytesThree {
568 offsets: builder.byte_offsets,
569 byte1: bytes[0],
570 byte2: bytes[1],
571 byte3: bytes[2],
572 }),
573 _ => unreachable!(),
574 };
575 Some(Prefilter { finder, memory_usage: 0 })
576 }
578 #[cfg(not(feature = "perf-literal"))]
579 fn imp(_: &RareBytesBuilder) -> Option<Prefilter> {
580 None
581 }
583 imp(self)
584 }
586 /// Add a byte string to this builder.
587 ///
588 /// All patterns added to an Aho-Corasick automaton should be added to this
589 /// builder before attempting to construct the prefilter.
590 fn add(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) {
591 // If we've already given up, then do nothing.
592 if !self.available {
593 return;
594 }
595 // If we've already blown our budget, then don't waste time looking
596 // for more rare bytes.
597 if self.count > 3 {
598 self.available = false;
599 return;
600 }
601 // If the pattern is too long, then our offset table is bunk, so
602 // give up.
603 if bytes.len() >= 256 {
604 self.available = false;
605 return;
606 }
607 let mut rarest = match bytes.get(0) {
608 None => return,
609 Some(&b) => (b, freq_rank(b)),
610 };
611 // The idea here is to look for the rarest byte in each pattern, and
612 // add that to our set. As a special exception, if we see a byte that
613 // we've already added, then we immediately stop and choose that byte,
614 // even if there's another rare byte in the pattern. This helps us
615 // apply the rare byte optimization in more cases by attempting to pick
616 // bytes that are in common between patterns. So for example, if we
617 // were searching for `Sherlock` and `lockjaw`, then this would pick
618 // `k` for both patterns, resulting in the use of `memchr` instead of
619 // `memchr2` for `k` and `j`.
620 let mut found = false;
621 for (pos, &b) in bytes.iter().enumerate() {
622 self.set_offset(pos, b);
623 if found {
624 continue;
625 }
626 if self.rare_set.contains(b) {
627 found = true;
628 continue;
629 }
630 let rank = freq_rank(b);
631 if rank < rarest.1 {
632 rarest = (b, rank);
633 }
634 }
635 if !found {
636 self.add_rare_byte(rarest.0);
637 }
638 }
640 fn set_offset(&mut self, pos: usize, byte: u8) {
641 // This unwrap is OK because pos is never bigger than our max.
642 let offset = RareByteOffset::new(pos).unwrap();
643 self.byte_offsets.set(byte, offset);
644 if self.ascii_case_insensitive {
645 self.byte_offsets.set(opposite_ascii_case(byte), offset);
646 }
647 }
649 fn add_rare_byte(&mut self, byte: u8) {
650 self.add_one_rare_byte(byte);
651 if self.ascii_case_insensitive {
652 self.add_one_rare_byte(opposite_ascii_case(byte));
653 }
654 }
656 fn add_one_rare_byte(&mut self, byte: u8) {
657 if !self.rare_set.contains(byte) {
658 self.rare_set.add(byte);
659 self.count += 1;
660 self.rank_sum += freq_rank(byte) as u16;
661 }
662 }
665/// A prefilter for scanning for a single "rare" byte.
666#[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
667#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
668struct RareBytesOne {
669 byte1: u8,
670 offset: RareByteOffset,
673#[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
674impl PrefilterI for RareBytesOne {
675 fn find_in(&self, haystack: &[u8], span: Span) -> Candidate {
676 memchr::memchr(self.byte1, &haystack[span])
677 .map(|i| {
678 let pos = span.start + i;
679 cmp::max(
680 span.start,
681 pos.saturating_sub(usize::from(self.offset.max)),
682 )
683 })
684 .map_or(Candidate::None, Candidate::PossibleStartOfMatch)
685 }
688/// A prefilter for scanning for two "rare" bytes.
689#[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
690#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
691struct RareBytesTwo {
692 offsets: RareByteOffsets,
693 byte1: u8,
694 byte2: u8,
697#[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
698impl PrefilterI for RareBytesTwo {
699 fn find_in(&self, haystack: &[u8], span: Span) -> Candidate {
700 memchr::memchr2(self.byte1, self.byte2, &haystack[span])
701 .map(|i| {
702 let pos = span.start + i;
703 let offset = self.offsets.set[usize::from(haystack[pos])].max;
704 cmp::max(span.start, pos.saturating_sub(usize::from(offset)))
705 })
706 .map_or(Candidate::None, Candidate::PossibleStartOfMatch)
707 }
710/// A prefilter for scanning for three "rare" bytes.
711#[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
712#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
713struct RareBytesThree {
714 offsets: RareByteOffsets,
715 byte1: u8,
716 byte2: u8,
717 byte3: u8,
720#[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
721impl PrefilterI for RareBytesThree {
722 fn find_in(&self, haystack: &[u8], span: Span) -> Candidate {
723 memchr::memchr3(self.byte1, self.byte2, self.byte3, &haystack[span])
724 .map(|i| {
725 let pos = span.start + i;
726 let offset = self.offsets.set[usize::from(haystack[pos])].max;
727 cmp::max(span.start, pos.saturating_sub(usize::from(offset)))
728 })
729 .map_or(Candidate::None, Candidate::PossibleStartOfMatch)
730 }
733/// A builder for constructing a starting byte prefilter.
735/// A starting byte prefilter is a simplistic prefilter that looks for possible
736/// matches by reporting all positions corresponding to a particular byte. This
737/// generally only takes affect when there are at most 3 distinct possible
738/// starting bytes. e.g., the patterns `foo`, `bar`, and `baz` have two
739/// distinct starting bytes (`f` and `b`), and this prefilter returns all
740/// occurrences of either `f` or `b`.
742/// In some cases, a heuristic frequency analysis may determine that it would
743/// be better not to use this prefilter even when there are 3 or fewer distinct
744/// starting bytes.
745#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
746struct StartBytesBuilder {
747 /// Whether this prefilter should account for ASCII case insensitivity or
748 /// not.
749 ascii_case_insensitive: bool,
750 /// The set of starting bytes observed.
751 byteset: Vec<bool>,
752 /// The number of bytes set to true in `byteset`.
753 count: usize,
754 /// The sum of frequency ranks for the rare bytes detected. This is
755 /// intended to give a heuristic notion of how rare the bytes are.
756 rank_sum: u16,
759impl StartBytesBuilder {
760 /// Create a new builder for constructing a start byte prefilter.
761 fn new() -> StartBytesBuilder {
762 StartBytesBuilder {
763 ascii_case_insensitive: false,
764 byteset: vec![false; 256],
765 count: 0,
766 rank_sum: 0,
767 }
768 }
770 /// Enable ASCII case insensitivity. When set, byte strings added to this
771 /// builder will be interpreted without respect to ASCII case.
772 fn ascii_case_insensitive(mut self, yes: bool) -> StartBytesBuilder {
773 self.ascii_case_insensitive = yes;
774 self
775 }
777 /// Build the starting bytes prefilter.
778 ///
779 /// If there are more than 3 distinct starting bytes, or if heuristics
780 /// otherwise determine that this prefilter should not be used, then `None`
781 /// is returned.
782 fn build(&self) -> Option<Prefilter> {
783 #[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
784 fn imp(builder: &StartBytesBuilder) -> Option<Prefilter> {
785 if builder.count > 3 {
786 return None;
787 }
788 let (mut bytes, mut len) = ([0; 3], 0);
789 for b in 0..256 {
790 if !builder.byteset[b] {
791 continue;
792 }
793 // We don't handle non-ASCII bytes for now. Getting non-ASCII
794 // bytes right is trickier, since we generally don't want to put
795 // a leading UTF-8 code unit into a prefilter that isn't ASCII,
796 // since they can frequently. Instead, it would be better to use a
797 // continuation byte, but this requires more sophisticated analysis
798 // of the automaton and a richer prefilter API.
799 if b > 0x7F {
800 return None;
801 }
802 bytes[len] = b as u8;
803 len += 1;
804 }
805 let finder: Arc<dyn PrefilterI> = match len {
806 0 => return None,
807 1 => Arc::new(StartBytesOne { byte1: bytes[0] }),
808 2 => Arc::new(StartBytesTwo {
809 byte1: bytes[0],
810 byte2: bytes[1],
811 }),
812 3 => Arc::new(StartBytesThree {
813 byte1: bytes[0],
814 byte2: bytes[1],
815 byte3: bytes[2],
816 }),
817 _ => unreachable!(),
818 };
819 Some(Prefilter { finder, memory_usage: 0 })
820 }
822 #[cfg(not(feature = "perf-literal"))]
823 fn imp(_: &StartBytesBuilder) -> Option<Prefilter> {
824 None
825 }
827 imp(self)
828 }
830 /// Add a byte string to this builder.
831 ///
832 /// All patterns added to an Aho-Corasick automaton should be added to this
833 /// builder before attempting to construct the prefilter.
834 fn add(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) {
835 if self.count > 3 {
836 return;
837 }
838 if let Some(&byte) = bytes.get(0) {
839 self.add_one_byte(byte);
840 if self.ascii_case_insensitive {
841 self.add_one_byte(opposite_ascii_case(byte));
842 }
843 }
844 }
846 fn add_one_byte(&mut self, byte: u8) {
847 if !self.byteset[byte as usize] {
848 self.byteset[byte as usize] = true;
849 self.count += 1;
850 self.rank_sum += freq_rank(byte) as u16;
851 }
852 }
855/// A prefilter for scanning for a single starting byte.
856#[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
857#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
858struct StartBytesOne {
859 byte1: u8,
862#[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
863impl PrefilterI for StartBytesOne {
864 fn find_in(&self, haystack: &[u8], span: Span) -> Candidate {
865 memchr::memchr(self.byte1, &haystack[span])
866 .map(|i| span.start + i)
867 .map_or(Candidate::None, Candidate::PossibleStartOfMatch)
868 }
871/// A prefilter for scanning for two starting bytes.
872#[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
873#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
874struct StartBytesTwo {
875 byte1: u8,
876 byte2: u8,
879#[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
880impl PrefilterI for StartBytesTwo {
881 fn find_in(&self, haystack: &[u8], span: Span) -> Candidate {
882 memchr::memchr2(self.byte1, self.byte2, &haystack[span])
883 .map(|i| span.start + i)
884 .map_or(Candidate::None, Candidate::PossibleStartOfMatch)
885 }
888/// A prefilter for scanning for three starting bytes.
889#[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
890#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
891struct StartBytesThree {
892 byte1: u8,
893 byte2: u8,
894 byte3: u8,
897#[cfg(feature = "perf-literal")]
898impl PrefilterI for StartBytesThree {
899 fn find_in(&self, haystack: &[u8], span: Span) -> Candidate {
900 memchr::memchr3(self.byte1, self.byte2, self.byte3, &haystack[span])
901 .map(|i| span.start + i)
902 .map_or(Candidate::None, Candidate::PossibleStartOfMatch)
903 }
906/// If the given byte is an ASCII letter, then return it in the opposite case.
907/// e.g., Given `b'A'`, this returns `b'a'`, and given `b'a'`, this returns
908/// `b'A'`. If a non-ASCII letter is given, then the given byte is returned.
909pub(crate) fn opposite_ascii_case(b: u8) -> u8 {
910 if b'A' <= b && b <= b'Z' {
911 b.to_ascii_lowercase()
912 } else if b'a' <= b && b <= b'z' {
913 b.to_ascii_uppercase()
914 } else {
915 b
916 }
919/// Return the frequency rank of the given byte. The higher the rank, the more
920/// common the byte (heuristically speaking).
921fn freq_rank(b: u8) -> u8 {
922 use crate::util::byte_frequencies::BYTE_FREQUENCIES;
923 BYTE_FREQUENCIES[b as usize]