1 // Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 /// A collection of key/value pairs which provides efficient retrieval of
6 /// value by key.
7 ///
8 /// This class implements a persistent map: extending this map with a new
9 /// key/value pair does not modify an existing instance but instead creates a
10 /// new instance.
11 ///
12 /// Unlike [Map ], this class does not support `null` as a key value and
13 /// implements only a functionality needed for a specific use case at the
14 /// core of the framework.
15 ///
16 /// Underlying implementation uses a variation of *hash array mapped trie*
17 /// data structure with compressed (bitmap indexed) nodes.
18 ///
19 /// See also:
20 ///
21 /// * [Bagwell, Phil. Ideal hash trees.](https://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/64398);
22 /// * [Steindorfer, Michael J., and Jurgen J. Vinju. "Optimizing hash-array mapped tries for fast and lean immutable JVM collections."](https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2814270.2814312);
23 /// * [Clojure's `PersistentHashMap`](https://github.com/clojure/clojure/blob/master/src/jvm/clojure/lang/PersistentHashMap.java).
24 ///
25 class PersistentHashMap <K extends Object , V> {
26 /// Creates an empty hash map.
27 const PersistentHashMap .empty () : this ._ (null );
29 const PersistentHashMap ._ (this ._root );
31 final _TrieNode ? _root ;
33 /// If this map does not already contain the given [key ] to [value ]
34 /// mapping then create a new version of the map which contains
35 /// all mappings from the current one plus the given [key ] to [value ]
36 /// mapping.
37 PersistentHashMap <K , V > put (K key , V value ) {
38 final _TrieNode newRoot =
39 (_root ?? _CompressedNode .empty ).put (0 , key , key .hashCode , value );
40 if (newRoot == _root ) {
41 return this ;
42 }
43 return PersistentHashMap <K , V >._ (newRoot );
44 }
46 /// Returns value associated with the given [key ] or `null` if [key ]
47 /// is not in the map.
48 @pragma ('dart2js:as:trust' )
49 V ? operator [] (K key ) {
50 // Unfortunately can not use unsafeCast(...) here because it leads
51 // to worse code generation on VM.
52 return _root ?.get (0 , key , key .hashCode ) as V ?;
53 }
54 }
56 /// Base class for nodes in a hash trie.
57 ///
58 /// This trie is keyed by hash code bits using [hashBitsPerLevel ] bits
59 /// at each level.
60 abstract class _TrieNode {
61 static const int hashBitsPerLevel = 5 ;
62 static const int hashBitsPerLevelMask = (1 << hashBitsPerLevel ) - 1 ;
64 @pragma ('dart2js:tryInline' )
65 @pragma ('vm:prefer-inline' )
66 @pragma ('wasm:prefer-inline' )
67 static int trieIndex (int hash , int bitIndex ) {
68 return (hash >>> bitIndex ) & hashBitsPerLevelMask ;
69 }
71 /// Insert [key ] to [value ] mapping into the trie using bits from [keyHash ]
72 /// starting at [bitIndex ].
73 _TrieNode put (int bitIndex , Object key , int keyHash , Object ? value );
75 /// Lookup a value associated with the given [key ] using bits from [keyHash ]
76 /// starting at [bitIndex ].
77 Object ? get (int bitIndex , Object key , int keyHash );
78 }
80 /// A full (uncompressed) node in the trie.
81 ///
82 /// It contains an array with `1<<_hashBitsPerLevel` elements which
83 /// are references to deeper nodes.
84 class _FullNode extends _TrieNode {
85 _FullNode (this .descendants );
87 static const int numElements = 1 << _TrieNode .hashBitsPerLevel ;
89 // Caveat: this array is actually List<_TrieNode?> but typing it like that
90 // will introduce a type check when copying this array. For performance
91 // reasons we instead omit the type and use (implicit) casts when accessing
92 // it instead.
93 final List <Object ?> descendants ;
95 @override
96 _TrieNode put (int bitIndex , Object key , int keyHash , Object ? value ) {
97 final int index = _TrieNode .trieIndex (keyHash , bitIndex );
98 final _TrieNode node = _unsafeCast <_TrieNode ?>(descendants [index ]) ?? _CompressedNode .empty ;
99 final _TrieNode newNode = node .put (bitIndex + _TrieNode .hashBitsPerLevel , key , keyHash , value );
100 return identical (newNode , node )
101 ? this
102 : _FullNode (_copy (descendants )..[index ] = newNode );
103 }
105 @override
106 Object ? get (int bitIndex , Object key , int keyHash ) {
107 final int index = _TrieNode .trieIndex (keyHash , bitIndex );
109 final _TrieNode ? node = _unsafeCast <_TrieNode ?>(descendants [index ]);
110 return node ?.get (bitIndex + _TrieNode .hashBitsPerLevel , key , keyHash );
111 }
112 }
114 /// Compressed node in the trie.
115 ///
116 /// Instead of storing the full array of outgoing edges this node uses a
117 /// compressed representation:
118 ///
119 /// * [_CompressedNode .occupiedIndices ] has a bit set for indices which are
120 /// occupied.
121 /// * furthermore, each occupied index can either be a `(key, value)` pair
122 /// representing an actual key/value mapping or a `(null, trieNode)` pair
123 /// representing a descendant node.
124 ///
125 /// Keys and values are stored together in a single array (instead of two
126 /// parallel arrays) for performance reasons: this improves memory access
127 /// locality and reduces memory usage (two arrays of length N take slightly
128 /// more space than one array of length 2*N).
129 class _CompressedNode extends _TrieNode {
130 _CompressedNode (this .occupiedIndices , this .keyValuePairs );
131 _CompressedNode ._empty () : this (0 , _emptyArray );
133 factory _CompressedNode .single (int bitIndex , int keyHash , _TrieNode node ) {
134 final int bit = 1 << _TrieNode .trieIndex (keyHash , bitIndex );
135 // A single (null, node) pair.
136 final List <Object ?> keyValuePairs = _makeArray (2 )
137 ..[1 ] = node ;
138 return _CompressedNode (bit , keyValuePairs );
139 }
141 static final _CompressedNode empty = _CompressedNode ._empty ();
143 // Caveat: do not replace with [] or const [] this will
144 // introduce polymorphism in the keyValuePairs field and significantly
145 // degrade performance on the VM because it will no longer be able to
146 // devirtualize method calls on keyValuePairs.
147 static final List <Object ?> _emptyArray = _makeArray (0 );
149 // This bitmap only uses 32bits due to [_TrieNode.hashBitsPerLevel] being `5`.
150 final int occupiedIndices ;
151 final List <Object ?> keyValuePairs ;
153 @override
154 _TrieNode put (int bitIndex , Object key , int keyHash , Object ? value ) {
155 final int bit = 1 << _TrieNode .trieIndex (keyHash , bitIndex );
156 final int index = _compressedIndex (bit );
158 if ((occupiedIndices & bit ) != 0 ) {
159 // Index is occupied.
160 final Object ? keyOrNull = keyValuePairs [2 * index ];
161 final Object ? valueOrNode = keyValuePairs [2 * index + 1 ];
163 // Is this a (null, trieNode) pair?
164 if (identical (keyOrNull , null )) {
165 final _TrieNode newNode = _unsafeCast <_TrieNode >(valueOrNode ).put (
166 bitIndex + _TrieNode .hashBitsPerLevel , key , keyHash , value );
167 if (newNode == valueOrNode ) {
168 return this ;
169 }
170 return _CompressedNode (
171 occupiedIndices , _copy (keyValuePairs )..[2 * index + 1 ] = newNode );
172 }
174 if (key == keyOrNull ) {
175 // Found key/value pair with a matching key. If values match
176 // then avoid doing anything otherwise copy and update.
177 return identical (value , valueOrNode )
178 ? this
179 : _CompressedNode (
180 occupiedIndices , _copy (keyValuePairs )..[2 * index + 1 ] = value );
181 }
183 // Two different keys at the same index, resolve collision.
184 final _TrieNode newNode = _resolveCollision (
185 bitIndex + _TrieNode .hashBitsPerLevel ,
186 keyOrNull ,
187 valueOrNode ,
188 key ,
189 keyHash ,
190 value );
191 return _CompressedNode (
192 occupiedIndices ,
193 _copy (keyValuePairs )
194 ..[2 * index ] = null
195 ..[2 * index + 1 ] = newNode );
196 } else {
197 // Adding new key/value mapping.
198 final int occupiedCount = _bitCount (occupiedIndices );
199 if (occupiedCount >= 16 ) {
200 // Too many occupied: inflate compressed node into full node and
201 // update descendant at the corresponding index.
202 return _inflate (bitIndex )
203 ..descendants [_TrieNode .trieIndex (keyHash , bitIndex )] =
204 _CompressedNode .empty .put (
205 bitIndex + _TrieNode .hashBitsPerLevel , key , keyHash , value );
206 } else {
207 // Grow keyValuePairs by inserting key/value pair at the given
208 // index.
209 final int prefixLength = 2 * index ;
210 final int totalLength = 2 * occupiedCount ;
211 final List <Object ?> newKeyValuePairs = _makeArray (totalLength + 2 );
212 for (int srcIndex = 0 ; srcIndex < prefixLength ; srcIndex ++) {
213 newKeyValuePairs [srcIndex ] = keyValuePairs [srcIndex ];
214 }
215 newKeyValuePairs [prefixLength ] = key ;
216 newKeyValuePairs [prefixLength + 1 ] = value ;
217 for (int srcIndex = prefixLength , dstIndex = prefixLength + 2 ;
218 srcIndex < totalLength ;
219 srcIndex ++, dstIndex ++) {
220 newKeyValuePairs [dstIndex ] = keyValuePairs [srcIndex ];
221 }
222 return _CompressedNode (occupiedIndices | bit , newKeyValuePairs );
223 }
224 }
225 }
227 @override
228 Object ? get (int bitIndex , Object key , int keyHash ) {
229 final int bit = 1 << _TrieNode .trieIndex (keyHash , bitIndex );
230 if ((occupiedIndices & bit ) == 0 ) {
231 return null ;
232 }
233 final int index = _compressedIndex (bit );
234 final Object ? keyOrNull = keyValuePairs [2 * index ];
235 final Object ? valueOrNode = keyValuePairs [2 * index + 1 ];
236 if (keyOrNull == null ) {
237 final _TrieNode node = _unsafeCast <_TrieNode >(valueOrNode );
238 return node .get (bitIndex + _TrieNode .hashBitsPerLevel , key , keyHash );
239 }
240 if (key == keyOrNull ) {
241 return valueOrNode ;
242 }
243 return null ;
244 }
246 /// Convert this node into an equivalent [_FullNode ].
247 _FullNode _inflate (int bitIndex ) {
248 final List <Object ?> nodes = _makeArray (_FullNode .numElements );
249 int srcIndex = 0 ;
250 for (int dstIndex = 0 ; dstIndex < _FullNode .numElements ; dstIndex ++) {
251 if (((occupiedIndices >>> dstIndex ) & 1 ) != 0 ) {
252 final Object ? keyOrNull = keyValuePairs [srcIndex ];
253 if (keyOrNull == null ) {
254 nodes [dstIndex ] = keyValuePairs [srcIndex + 1 ];
255 } else {
256 nodes [dstIndex ] = _CompressedNode .empty .put (
257 bitIndex + _TrieNode .hashBitsPerLevel ,
258 keyOrNull ,
259 keyValuePairs [srcIndex ].hashCode ,
260 keyValuePairs [srcIndex + 1 ]);
261 }
262 srcIndex += 2 ;
263 }
264 }
265 return _FullNode (nodes );
266 }
268 @pragma ('dart2js:tryInline' )
269 @pragma ('vm:prefer-inline' )
270 @pragma ('wasm:prefer-inline' )
271 int _compressedIndex (int bit ) {
272 return _bitCount (occupiedIndices & (bit - 1 ));
273 }
275 static _TrieNode _resolveCollision (int bitIndex , Object existingKey ,
276 Object ? existingValue , Object key , int keyHash , Object ? value ) {
277 final int existingKeyHash = existingKey .hashCode ;
278 // Check if this is a full hash collision and use _HashCollisionNode
279 // in this case.
280 return (existingKeyHash == keyHash )
281 ? _HashCollisionNode .fromCollision (
282 keyHash , existingKey , existingValue , key , value )
283 : _CompressedNode .empty
284 .put (bitIndex , existingKey , existingKeyHash , existingValue )
285 .put (bitIndex , key , keyHash , value );
286 }
287 }
289 /// Trie node representing a full hash collision.
290 ///
291 /// Stores a list of key/value pairs (where all keys have the same hash code).
292 class _HashCollisionNode extends _TrieNode {
293 _HashCollisionNode (this .hash , this .keyValuePairs );
295 factory _HashCollisionNode .fromCollision (
296 int keyHash , Object keyA , Object ? valueA , Object keyB , Object ? valueB ) {
297 final List <Object ?> list = _makeArray (4 );
298 list [0 ] = keyA ;
299 list [1 ] = valueA ;
300 list [2 ] = keyB ;
301 list [3 ] = valueB ;
302 return _HashCollisionNode (keyHash , list );
303 }
305 final int hash ;
306 final List <Object ?> keyValuePairs ;
308 @override
309 _TrieNode put (int bitIndex , Object key , int keyHash , Object ? val ) {
310 // Is this another full hash collision?
311 if (keyHash == hash ) {
312 final int index = _indexOf (key );
313 if (index != -1 ) {
314 return identical (keyValuePairs [index + 1 ], val )
315 ? this
316 : _HashCollisionNode (
317 keyHash , _copy (keyValuePairs )..[index + 1 ] = val );
318 }
319 final int length = keyValuePairs .length ;
320 final List <Object ?> newArray = _makeArray (length + 2 );
321 for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++) {
322 newArray [i ] = keyValuePairs [i ];
323 }
324 newArray [length ] = key ;
325 newArray [length + 1 ] = val ;
326 return _HashCollisionNode (keyHash , newArray );
327 }
329 // Not a full hash collision, need to introduce a _CompressedNode which
330 // uses previously unused bits.
331 return _CompressedNode .single (bitIndex , hash , this )
332 .put (bitIndex , key , keyHash , val );
333 }
335 @override
336 Object ? get (int bitIndex , Object key , int keyHash ) {
337 final int index = _indexOf (key );
338 return index < 0 ? null : keyValuePairs [index + 1 ];
339 }
341 int _indexOf (Object key ) {
342 final int length = keyValuePairs .length ;
343 for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i += 2 ) {
344 if (key == keyValuePairs [i ]) {
345 return i ;
346 }
347 }
348 return -1 ;
349 }
350 }
352 /// Returns number of bits set in a 32bit integer.
353 ///
354 /// dart2js safe because we work with 32bit integers.
355 @pragma ('dart2js:tryInline' )
356 @pragma ('vm:prefer-inline' )
357 @pragma ('wasm:prefer-inline' )
358 int _bitCount (int n ) {
359 assert ((n & 0xFFFFFFFF ) == n );
360 n = n - ((n >> 1 ) & 0x55555555 );
361 n = (n & 0x33333333 ) + ((n >>> 2 ) & 0x33333333 );
362 n = (n + (n >> 4 )) & 0x0F0F0F0F ;
363 n = n + (n >> 8 );
364 n = n + (n >> 16 );
365 return n & 0x0000003F ;
366 }
368 /// Create a copy of the given array.
369 ///
370 /// Caveat: do not replace with List.of or similar methods. They are
371 /// considerably slower.
372 @pragma ('dart2js:tryInline' )
373 @pragma ('vm:prefer-inline' )
374 @pragma ('wasm:prefer-inline' )
375 List <Object ?> _copy (List <Object ?> array ) {
376 final List <Object ?> clone = _makeArray (array .length );
377 for (int j = 0 ; j < array .length ; j ++) {
378 clone [j ] = array [j ];
379 }
380 return clone ;
381 }
383 /// Create a fixed-length array of the given length filled with `null`.
384 ///
385 /// We are using fixed length arrays because they are smaller and
386 /// faster to access on VM. Growable arrays are represented by 2 objects
387 /// (growable array instance pointing to a fixed array instance) and
388 /// consequently fixed length arrays are faster to allocated, require less
389 /// memory and are faster to access (less indirections).
390 @pragma ('dart2js:tryInline' )
391 @pragma ('vm:prefer-inline' )
392 @pragma ('wasm:prefer-inline' )
393 List <Object ?> _makeArray (int length ) {
394 return List <Object ?>.filled (length , null );
395 }
397 /// This helper method becomes an no-op when compiled with dart2js on
398 /// with high level of optimizations enabled.
399 @pragma ('dart2js:as:trust' )
400 @pragma ('dart2js:tryInline' )
401 @pragma ('vm:prefer-inline' )
402 @pragma ('wasm:prefer-inline' )
403 T _unsafeCast <T>(Object ? o ) {
404 return o as T ;
405 }