1// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5import 'dart:developer';
6import 'dart:typed_data';
8import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
10import '_timeline_io.dart'
11 if (dart.library.js_util) '_timeline_web.dart' as impl;
12import 'constants.dart';
14/// Measures how long blocks of code take to run.
16/// This class can be used as a drop-in replacement for [Timeline] as it
17/// provides methods compatible with [Timeline] signature-wise, and it has
18/// minimal overhead.
20/// Provides [debugReset] and [debugCollect] methods that make it convenient to use in
21/// frame-oriented environment where collected metrics can be attributed to a
22/// frame, then aggregated into frame statistics, e.g. frame averages.
24/// Forwards measurements to [Timeline] so they appear in Flutter DevTools.
25abstract final class FlutterTimeline {
26 static _BlockBuffer _buffer = _BlockBuffer();
28 /// Whether block timings are collected and can be retrieved using the
29 /// [debugCollect] method.
30 ///
31 /// This is always false in release mode.
32 static bool get debugCollectionEnabled => _collectionEnabled;
34 /// Enables metric collection.
35 ///
36 /// Metric collection can only be enabled in non-release modes. It is most
37 /// useful in profile mode where application performance is representative
38 /// of a deployed application.
39 ///
40 /// When disabled, resets collected data by calling [debugReset].
41 ///
42 /// Throws a [StateError] if invoked in release mode.
43 static set debugCollectionEnabled(bool value) {
44 if (kReleaseMode) {
45 throw _createReleaseModeNotSupportedError();
46 }
47 if (value == _collectionEnabled) {
48 return;
49 }
50 _collectionEnabled = value;
51 debugReset();
52 }
54 static StateError _createReleaseModeNotSupportedError() {
55 return StateError('FlutterTimeline metric collection not supported in release mode.');
56 }
58 static bool _collectionEnabled = false;
60 /// Start a synchronous operation labeled `name`.
61 ///
62 /// Optionally takes a map of `arguments`. This slice may also optionally be
63 /// associated with a [Flow] event. This operation must be finished by calling
64 /// [finishSync] before returning to the event queue.
65 ///
66 /// This is a drop-in replacement for [Timeline.startSync].
67 static void startSync(String name, { Map<String, Object?>? arguments, Flow? flow }) {
68 Timeline.startSync(name, arguments: arguments, flow: flow);
69 if (!kReleaseMode && _collectionEnabled) {
70 _buffer.startSync(name, arguments: arguments, flow: flow);
71 }
72 }
74 /// Finish the last synchronous operation that was started.
75 ///
76 /// This is a drop-in replacement for [Timeline.finishSync].
77 static void finishSync() {
78 Timeline.finishSync();
79 if (!kReleaseMode && _collectionEnabled) {
80 _buffer.finishSync();
81 }
82 }
84 /// Emit an instant event.
85 ///
86 /// This is a drop-in replacement for [Timeline.instantSync].
87 static void instantSync(String name, { Map<String, Object?>? arguments }) {
88 Timeline.instantSync(name, arguments: arguments);
89 }
91 /// A utility method to time a synchronous `function`. Internally calls
92 /// `function` bracketed by calls to [startSync] and [finishSync].
93 ///
94 /// This is a drop-in replacement for [Timeline.timeSync].
95 static T timeSync<T>(String name, TimelineSyncFunction<T> function,
96 { Map<String, Object?>? arguments, Flow? flow }) {
97 startSync(name, arguments: arguments, flow: flow);
98 try {
99 return function();
100 } finally {
101 finishSync();
102 }
103 }
105 /// The current time stamp from the clock used by the timeline in
106 /// microseconds.
107 ///
108 /// When run on the Dart VM, uses the same monotonic clock as the embedding
109 /// API's `Dart_TimelineGetMicros`.
110 ///
111 /// When run on the web, uses `window.performance.now`.
112 ///
113 /// This is a drop-in replacement for [Timeline.now].
114 static int get now => impl.performanceTimestamp.toInt();
116 /// Returns timings collected since [debugCollectionEnabled] was set to true,
117 /// since the previous [debugCollect], or since the previous [debugReset],
118 /// whichever was last.
119 ///
120 /// Resets the collected timings.
121 ///
122 /// This is only meant to be used in non-release modes, typically in profile
123 /// mode that provides timings close to release mode timings.
124 static AggregatedTimings debugCollect() {
125 if (kReleaseMode) {
126 throw _createReleaseModeNotSupportedError();
127 }
128 if (!_collectionEnabled) {
129 throw StateError('Timeline metric collection not enabled.');
130 }
131 final AggregatedTimings result = AggregatedTimings(_buffer.computeTimings());
132 debugReset();
133 return result;
134 }
136 /// Forgets all previously collected timing data.
137 ///
138 /// Use this method to scope metrics to a frame, a pointer event, or any
139 /// other event. To do that, call [debugReset] at the start of the event, then
140 /// call [debugCollect] at the end of the event.
141 ///
142 /// This is only meant to be used in non-release modes.
143 static void debugReset() {
144 if (kReleaseMode) {
145 throw _createReleaseModeNotSupportedError();
146 }
147 _buffer = _BlockBuffer();
148 }
151/// Provides [start], [end], and [duration] of a named block of code, timed by
152/// [FlutterTimeline].
154final class TimedBlock {
155 /// Creates a timed block of code from a [name], [start], and [end].
156 ///
157 /// The [name] should be sufficiently unique and descriptive for someone to
158 /// easily tell which part of code was measured.
159 const TimedBlock({
160 required this.name,
161 required this.start,
162 required this.end,
163 }) : assert(end >= start, 'The start timestamp must not be greater than the end timestamp.');
165 /// A readable label for a block of code that was measured.
166 ///
167 /// This field should be sufficiently unique and descriptive for someone to
168 /// easily tell which part of code was measured.
169 final String name;
171 /// The timestamp in microseconds that marks the beginning of the measured
172 /// block of code.
173 final double start;
175 /// The timestamp in microseconds that marks the end of the measured block of
176 /// code.
177 final double end;
179 /// How long the measured block of code took to execute in microseconds.
180 double get duration => end - start;
182 @override
183 String toString() {
184 return 'TimedBlock($name, $start, $end, $duration)';
185 }
188/// Provides aggregated results for timings collected by [FlutterTimeline].
190final class AggregatedTimings {
191 /// Creates aggregated timings for the provided timed blocks.
192 AggregatedTimings(this.timedBlocks);
194 /// All timed blocks collected between the last reset and [FlutterTimeline.debugCollect].
195 final List<TimedBlock> timedBlocks;
197 /// Aggregated timed blocks collected between the last reset and [FlutterTimeline.debugCollect].
198 ///
199 /// Does not guarantee that all code blocks will be reported. Only those that
200 /// executed since the last reset are listed here. Use [getAggregated] for
201 /// graceful handling of missing code blocks.
202 late final List<AggregatedTimedBlock> aggregatedBlocks = _computeAggregatedBlocks();
204 List<AggregatedTimedBlock> _computeAggregatedBlocks() {
205 final Map<String, (double, int)> aggregate = <String, (double, int)>{};
206 for (final TimedBlock block in timedBlocks) {
207 final (double, int) previousValue = aggregate.putIfAbsent(block.name, () => (0, 0));
208 aggregate[block.name] = (previousValue.$1 + block.duration, previousValue.$2 + 1);
209 }
210 return aggregate.entries.map<AggregatedTimedBlock>(
211 (MapEntry<String, (double, int)> entry) {
212 return AggregatedTimedBlock(name: entry.key, duration: entry.value.$1, count: entry.value.$2);
213 }
214 ).toList();
215 }
217 /// Returns aggregated numbers for a named block of code.
218 ///
219 /// If the block in question never executed since the last reset, returns an
220 /// aggregation with zero duration and count.
221 AggregatedTimedBlock getAggregated(String name) {
222 return aggregatedBlocks.singleWhere(
223 (AggregatedTimedBlock block) => block.name == name,
224 // Handle the case where there are no recorded blocks of the specified
225 // type. In this case, the aggregated duration is simply zero, and so is
226 // the number of occurrences (i.e. count).
227 orElse: () => AggregatedTimedBlock(name: name, duration: 0, count: 0),
228 );
229 }
232/// Aggregates multiple [TimedBlock] objects that share a [name].
234/// It is common for the same block of code to be executed multiple times within
235/// a frame. It is useful to combine multiple executions and report the total
236/// amount of time attributed to that block of code.
238final class AggregatedTimedBlock {
239 /// Creates a timed block of code from a [name] and [duration].
240 ///
241 /// The [name] should be sufficiently unique and descriptive for someone to
242 /// easily tell which part of code was measured.
243 const AggregatedTimedBlock({
244 required this.name,
245 required this.duration,
246 required this.count,
247 }) : assert(duration >= 0);
249 /// A readable label for a block of code that was measured.
250 ///
251 /// This field should be sufficiently unique and descriptive for someone to
252 /// easily tell which part of code was measured.
253 final String name;
255 /// The sum of [TimedBlock.duration] values of aggretaged blocks.
256 final double duration;
258 /// The number of [TimedBlock] objects aggregated.
259 final int count;
261 @override
262 String toString() {
263 return 'AggregatedTimedBlock($name, $duration, $count)';
264 }
267const int _kSliceSize = 500;
269/// A growable list of float64 values with predictable [add] performance.
271/// The list is organized into a "chain" of [Float64List]s. The object starts
272/// with a `Float64List` "slice". When [add] is called, the value is added to
273/// the slice. Once the slice is full, it is moved into the chain, and a new
274/// slice is allocated. Slice size is static and therefore its allocation has
275/// predictable cost. This is unlike the default [List] implementation, which,
276/// when full, doubles its buffer size and copies all old elements into the new
277/// buffer, leading to unpredictable performance. This makes it a poor choice
278/// for recording performance because buffer reallocation would affect the
279/// runtime.
281/// The trade-off is that reading values back from the chain is more expensive
282/// compared to [List] because it requires iterating over multiple slices. This
283/// is a reasonable trade-off for performance metrics, because it is more
284/// important to minimize the overhead while recording metrics, than it is when
285/// reading them.
286final class _Float64ListChain {
287 _Float64ListChain();
289 final List<Float64List> _chain = <Float64List>[];
290 Float64List _slice = Float64List(_kSliceSize);
291 int _pointer = 0;
293 int get length => _length;
294 int _length = 0;
296 /// Adds and [element] to this chain.
297 void add(double element) {
298 _slice[_pointer] = element;
299 _pointer += 1;
300 _length += 1;
301 if (_pointer >= _kSliceSize) {
302 _chain.add(_slice);
303 _slice = Float64List(_kSliceSize);
304 _pointer = 0;
305 }
306 }
308 /// Returns all elements added to this chain.
309 ///
310 /// This getter is not optimized to be fast. It is assumed that when metrics
311 /// are read back, they do not affect the timings of the work being
312 /// benchmarked.
313 List<double> extractElements() {
314 final List<double> result = <double>[];
315 _chain.forEach(result.addAll);
316 for (int i = 0; i < _pointer; i++) {
317 result.add(_slice[i]);
318 }
319 return result;
320 }
323/// Same as [_Float64ListChain] but for recording string values.
324final class _StringListChain {
325 _StringListChain();
327 final List<List<String?>> _chain = <List<String?>>[];
328 List<String?> _slice = List<String?>.filled(_kSliceSize, null);
329 int _pointer = 0;
331 int get length => _length;
332 int _length = 0;
334 /// Adds and [element] to this chain.
335 void add(String element) {
336 _slice[_pointer] = element;
337 _pointer += 1;
338 _length += 1;
339 if (_pointer >= _kSliceSize) {
340 _chain.add(_slice);
341 _slice = List<String?>.filled(_kSliceSize, null);
342 _pointer = 0;
343 }
344 }
346 /// Returns all elements added to this chain.
347 ///
348 /// This getter is not optimized to be fast. It is assumed that when metrics
349 /// are read back, they do not affect the timings of the work being
350 /// benchmarked.
351 List<String> extractElements() {
352 final List<String> result = <String>[];
353 for (final List<String?> slice in _chain) {
354 for (final String? element in slice) {
355 result.add(element!);
356 }
357 }
358 for (int i = 0; i < _pointer; i++) {
359 result.add(_slice[i]!);
360 }
361 return result;
362 }
365/// A buffer that records starts and ends of code blocks, and their names.
366final class _BlockBuffer {
367 // Start-finish blocks can be nested. Track this nestedness by stacking the
368 // start timestamps. Finish timestamps will pop timings from the stack and
369 // add the (start, finish) tuple to the _block.
370 static const int _stackDepth = 1000;
371 static final Float64List _startStack = Float64List(_stackDepth);
372 static final List<String?> _nameStack = List<String?>.filled(_stackDepth, null);
373 static int _stackPointer = 0;
375 final _Float64ListChain _starts = _Float64ListChain();
376 final _Float64ListChain _finishes = _Float64ListChain();
377 final _StringListChain _names = _StringListChain();
379 List<TimedBlock> computeTimings() {
380 assert(
381 _stackPointer == 0,
382 'Invalid sequence of `startSync` and `finishSync`.\n'
383 'The operation stack was not empty. The following operations are still '
384 'waiting to be finished via the `finishSync` method:\n'
385 '${List<String>.generate(_stackPointer, (int i) => _nameStack[i]!).join(', ')}'
386 );
388 final List<TimedBlock> result = <TimedBlock>[];
389 final int length = _finishes.length;
390 final List<double> starts = _starts.extractElements();
391 final List<double> finishes = _finishes.extractElements();
392 final List<String> names = _names.extractElements();
394 assert(starts.length == length);
395 assert(finishes.length == length);
396 assert(names.length == length);
398 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
399 result.add(TimedBlock(
400 start: starts[i],
401 end: finishes[i],
402 name: names[i],
403 ));
404 }
406 return result;
407 }
409 void startSync(String name, { Map<String, Object?>? arguments, Flow? flow }) {
410 _startStack[_stackPointer] = impl.performanceTimestamp;
411 _nameStack[_stackPointer] = name;
412 _stackPointer += 1;
413 }
415 void finishSync() {
416 assert(
417 _stackPointer > 0,
418 'Invalid sequence of `startSync` and `finishSync`.\n'
419 'Attempted to finish timing a block of code, but there are no pending '
420 '`startSync` calls.'
421 );
423 final double finishTime = impl.performanceTimestamp;
424 final double startTime = _startStack[_stackPointer - 1];
425 final String name = _nameStack[_stackPointer - 1]!;
426 _stackPointer -= 1;
428 _starts.add(startTime);
429 _finishes.add(finishTime);
430 _names.add(name);
431 }