[+] additional-attributes-qml/
[+] anim-viewer/
[+] animation-keyframe-blendtree/
[+] animation-keyframe-programmatic/
[+] animation-keyframe-simple/
[+] assimp/
[+] assimp-cpp/
[+] bigmodel-qml/
[+] bigscene-cpp/
[+] bigscene-instanced-qml/
[+] blitframebuffer-qml/
[+] buffercapture-qml/
[+] clip-planes-qml/
[+] component-changes/
[+] compressed_textures/
[+] compute-manual/
[+] custom-mesh-cpp/
[+] custom-mesh-cpp-indirect/
[+] custom-mesh-qml/
[+] custom-mesh-update-data-cpp/
[+] custom-mesh-update-data-qml/
[+] cylinder-cpp/
[+] cylinder-parent-test/
[+] cylinder-qml/
[+] deferred-renderer-cpp/
[+] deferred-renderer-qml/
[+] distancefieldtext/
[+] downloading/
[+] dragging/
[+] dynamic-model-loader-qml/
[+] dynamicscene-cpp/
[+] enabled-qml/
[+] gltf/
[+] gooch-qml/
[+] keyboardinput-qml/
[+] layerfilter-qml/
[+] loader-qml/
[+] lod/
[+] manual-renderloop/
[+] mesh-morphing/
[+] mouseinput-qml/
[+] multiplewindows-qml/
[+] paintedtexture-cpp/
[+] picking-qml/
[+] plasma/
[+] pointlinesize/
[+] proximityfilter/
[+] qtbug-72236/
[+] qtbug-76766/
[+] quickwidget-switch/
[+] raster-cpp/
[+] raster-qml/
[+] raycasting-qml/
[+] render-qml-to-texture/
[+] render-qml-to-texture-qml/
[+] rendercapture-cpp/
[+] rendercapture-qml/
[+] rendercapture-qml-fbo/
[+] rhi/
[+] rigged-simple/
[+] scene3d-in-sync/
[+] scene3d-loader/
[+] scene3d-visibility/
[+] shader-image-qml/
[+] shared_texture_image/
[+] sharedtexture/
[+] sharedtextureqml/
[+] simple-shaders-qml/
[+] skinned-mesh/
[+] skybox/
[+] spritegrid/
[+] subtree-enabler-qml/
[+] tessellation-modes/
[+] texture-updates-cpp/
[+] texture_property_updates/
[+] transforms-qml/
[+] transparency-qml/
[+] transparency-qml-scene3d/
[+] video-texture-qml/

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