1//! Platform-specific, assembly instructions to avoid
2//! intermediate rounding on architectures with FPUs.
4pub use fpu_precision::set_precision;
6// On x86, the x87 FPU is used for float operations if the SSE/SSE2 extensions are not available.
7// The x87 FPU operates with 80 bits of precision by default, which means that operations will
8// round to 80 bits causing double rounding to happen when values are eventually represented as
9// 32/64 bit float values. To overcome this, the FPU control word can be set so that the
10// computations are performed in the desired precision.
12// Note that normally, it is Undefined Behavior to alter the FPU control word while Rust code runs.
13// The compiler assumes that the control word is always in its default state. However, in this
14// particular case the semantics with the altered control word are actually *more faithful*
15// to Rust semantics than the default -- arguably it is all the code that runs *outside* of the scope
16// of a `set_precision` guard that is wrong.
17// In other words, we are only using this to work around <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/114479>.
18// Sometimes killing UB with UB actually works...
19// (If this is used to set 32bit precision, there is still a risk that the compiler moves some 64bit
20// operation into the scope of the `set_precision` guard. So it's not like this is totally sound.
21// But it's not really any less sound than the default state of 80bit precision...)
22#[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86", not(target_feature = "sse2")))]
23mod fpu_precision {
24 use core::arch::asm;
25 use core::mem::size_of;
27 /// A structure used to preserve the original value of the FPU control word, so that it can be
28 /// restored when the structure is dropped.
29 ///
30 /// The x87 FPU is a 16-bits register whose fields are as follows:
31 ///
32 /// | 12-15 | 10-11 | 8-9 | 6-7 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
33 /// |------:|------:|----:|----:|---:|---:|---:|---:|---:|---:|
34 /// | | RC | PC | | PM | UM | OM | ZM | DM | IM |
35 ///
36 /// The documentation for all of the fields is available in the IA-32 Architectures Software
37 /// Developer's Manual (Volume 1).
38 ///
39 /// The only field which is relevant for the following code is PC, Precision Control. This
40 /// field determines the precision of the operations performed by the FPU. It can be set to:
41 /// - 0b00, single precision i.e., 32-bits
42 /// - 0b10, double precision i.e., 64-bits
43 /// - 0b11, double extended precision i.e., 80-bits (default state)
44 /// The 0b01 value is reserved and should not be used.
45 pub struct FPUControlWord(u16);
47 fn set_cw(cw: u16) {
48 // SAFETY: the `fldcw` instruction has been audited to be able to work correctly with
49 // any `u16`
50 unsafe {
51 asm!(
52 "fldcw word ptr [{}]",
53 in(reg) &cw,
54 options(nostack),
55 )
56 }
57 }
59 /// Sets the precision field of the FPU to `T` and returns a `FPUControlWord`.
60 pub fn set_precision<T>() -> FPUControlWord {
61 let mut cw = 0_u16;
63 // Compute the value for the Precision Control field that is appropriate for `T`.
64 let cw_precision = match size_of::<T>() {
65 4 => 0x0000, // 32 bits
66 8 => 0x0200, // 64 bits
67 _ => 0x0300, // default, 80 bits
68 };
70 // Get the original value of the control word to restore it later, when the
71 // `FPUControlWord` structure is dropped
72 // SAFETY: the `fnstcw` instruction has been audited to be able to work correctly with
73 // any `u16`
74 unsafe {
75 asm!(
76 "fnstcw word ptr [{}]",
77 in(reg) &mut cw,
78 options(nostack),
79 )
80 }
82 // Set the control word to the desired precision. This is achieved by masking away the old
83 // precision (bits 8 and 9, 0x300) and replacing it with the precision flag computed above.
84 set_cw((cw & 0xFCFF) | cw_precision);
86 FPUControlWord(cw)
87 }
89 impl Drop for FPUControlWord {
90 fn drop(&mut self) {
91 set_cw(self.0)
92 }
93 }
96// In most architectures, floating point operations have an explicit bit size, therefore the
97// precision of the computation is determined on a per-operation basis.
98#[cfg(any(not(target_arch = "x86"), target_feature = "sse2"))]
99mod fpu_precision {
100 pub fn set_precision<T>() {}