1//! Constants for the `f16` half-precision floating point type.
3//! *[See also the `f16` primitive type][f16].*
5//! Mathematically significant numbers are provided in the `consts` sub-module.
7//! For the constants defined directly in this module
8//! (as distinct from those defined in the `consts` sub-module),
9//! new code should instead use the associated constants
10//! defined directly on the `f16` type.
12#![unstable(feature = "f16", issue = "116909")]
14use crate::mem;
16/// Basic mathematical constants.
17#[unstable(feature = "f16", issue = "116909")]
18pub mod consts {}
21impl f16 {
22 // FIXME(f16_f128): almost everything in this `impl` is missing examples and a const
23 // implementation. Add these once we can run code on all platforms and have f16/f128 in CTFE.
25 /// Returns `true` if this value is NaN.
26 #[inline]
27 #[must_use]
28 #[unstable(feature = "f16", issue = "116909")]
29 #[allow(clippy::eq_op)] // > if you intended to check if the operand is NaN, use `.is_nan()` instead :)
30 pub const fn is_nan(self) -> bool {
31 self != self
32 }
34 /// Returns `true` if `self` has a positive sign, including `+0.0`, NaNs with
35 /// positive sign bit and positive infinity. Note that IEEE 754 doesn't assign any
36 /// meaning to the sign bit in case of a NaN, and as Rust doesn't guarantee that
37 /// the bit pattern of NaNs are conserved over arithmetic operations, the result of
38 /// `is_sign_positive` on a NaN might produce an unexpected result in some cases.
39 /// See [explanation of NaN as a special value](f32) for more info.
40 #[inline]
41 #[must_use]
42 #[unstable(feature = "f128", issue = "116909")]
43 pub fn is_sign_positive(self) -> bool {
44 !self.is_sign_negative()
45 }
47 /// Returns `true` if `self` has a negative sign, including `-0.0`, NaNs with
48 /// negative sign bit and negative infinity. Note that IEEE 754 doesn't assign any
49 /// meaning to the sign bit in case of a NaN, and as Rust doesn't guarantee that
50 /// the bit pattern of NaNs are conserved over arithmetic operations, the result of
51 /// `is_sign_negative` on a NaN might produce an unexpected result in some cases.
52 /// See [explanation of NaN as a special value](f32) for more info.
53 #[inline]
54 #[must_use]
55 #[unstable(feature = "f128", issue = "116909")]
56 pub fn is_sign_negative(self) -> bool {
57 // IEEE754 says: isSignMinus(x) is true if and only if x has negative sign. isSignMinus
58 // applies to zeros and NaNs as well.
59 // SAFETY: This is just transmuting to get the sign bit, it's fine.
60 (self.to_bits() & (1 << 15)) != 0
61 }
63 /// Raw transmutation to `u16`.
64 ///
65 /// This is currently identical to `transmute::<f16, u16>(self)` on all platforms.
66 ///
67 /// See [`from_bits`](#method.from_bits) for some discussion of the
68 /// portability of this operation (there are almost no issues).
69 ///
70 /// Note that this function is distinct from `as` casting, which attempts to
71 /// preserve the *numeric* value, and not the bitwise value.
72 #[inline]
73 #[unstable(feature = "f16", issue = "116909")]
74 #[must_use = "this returns the result of the operation, without modifying the original"]
75 pub fn to_bits(self) -> u16 {
76 // SAFETY: `u16` is a plain old datatype so we can always... uh...
77 // ...look, just pretend you forgot what you just read.
78 // Stability concerns.
79 unsafe { mem::transmute(self) }
80 }
82 /// Raw transmutation from `u16`.
83 ///
84 /// This is currently identical to `transmute::<u16, f16>(v)` on all platforms.
85 /// It turns out this is incredibly portable, for two reasons:
86 ///
87 /// * Floats and Ints have the same endianness on all supported platforms.
88 /// * IEEE 754 very precisely specifies the bit layout of floats.
89 ///
90 /// However there is one caveat: prior to the 2008 version of IEEE 754, how
91 /// to interpret the NaN signaling bit wasn't actually specified. Most platforms
92 /// (notably x86 and ARM) picked the interpretation that was ultimately
93 /// standardized in 2008, but some didn't (notably MIPS). As a result, all
94 /// signaling NaNs on MIPS are quiet NaNs on x86, and vice-versa.
95 ///
96 /// Rather than trying to preserve signaling-ness cross-platform, this
97 /// implementation favors preserving the exact bits. This means that
98 /// any payloads encoded in NaNs will be preserved even if the result of
99 /// this method is sent over the network from an x86 machine to a MIPS one.
100 ///
101 /// If the results of this method are only manipulated by the same
102 /// architecture that produced them, then there is no portability concern.
103 ///
104 /// If the input isn't NaN, then there is no portability concern.
105 ///
106 /// If you don't care about signalingness (very likely), then there is no
107 /// portability concern.
108 ///
109 /// Note that this function is distinct from `as` casting, which attempts to
110 /// preserve the *numeric* value, and not the bitwise value.
111 #[inline]
112 #[must_use]
113 #[unstable(feature = "f16", issue = "116909")]
114 pub fn from_bits(v: u16) -> Self {
115 // SAFETY: `u16` is a plain old datatype so we can always... uh...
116 // ...look, just pretend you forgot what you just read.
117 // Stability concerns.
118 unsafe { mem::transmute(v) }
119 }