3macro_rules! int_module {
4 ($T:ident) => (int_module!($T, #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]););
5 ($T:ident, #[$attr:meta]) => (
6 #[doc = concat!(
7 "The smallest value that can be represented by this integer type. Use ",
8 "[`", stringify!($T), "::MIN", "`] instead."
9 )]
10 ///
11 /// # Examples
12 ///
13 /// ```rust
14 /// // deprecated way
15 #[doc = concat!("let min = std::", stringify!($T), "::MIN;")]
16 ///
17 /// // intended way
18 #[doc = concat!("let min = ", stringify!($T), "::MIN;")]
19 /// ```
20 ///
21 #[$attr]
22 #[deprecated(since = "TBD", note = "replaced by the `MIN` associated constant on this type")]
23 #[rustc_diagnostic_item = concat!(stringify!($T), "_legacy_const_min")]
24 pub const MIN: $T = $T::MIN;
26 #[doc = concat!(
27 "The largest value that can be represented by this integer type. Use ",
28 "[`", stringify!($T), "::MAX", "`] instead."
29 )]
30 ///
31 /// # Examples
32 ///
33 /// ```rust
34 /// // deprecated way
35 #[doc = concat!("let max = std::", stringify!($T), "::MAX;")]
36 ///
37 /// // intended way
38 #[doc = concat!("let max = ", stringify!($T), "::MAX;")]
39 /// ```
40 ///
41 #[$attr]
42 #[deprecated(since = "TBD", note = "replaced by the `MAX` associated constant on this type")]
43 #[rustc_diagnostic_item = concat!(stringify!($T), "_legacy_const_max")]
44 pub const MAX: $T = $T::MAX;
45 )