1 | /*!
2 | fs-err is a drop-in replacement for [`std::fs`][std::fs] that provides more
3 | helpful messages on errors. Extra information includes which operations was
4 | attempted and any involved paths.
5 |
6 | # Error Messages
7 |
8 | Using [`std::fs`][std::fs], if this code fails:
9 |
10 | ```no_run
11 | # use std::fs::File;
12 | let file = File::open("does not exist.txt" )?;
13 | # Ok::<(), std::io::Error>(())
14 | ```
15 |
16 | The error message that Rust gives you isn't very useful:
17 |
18 | ```txt
19 | The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)
20 | ```
21 |
22 | ...but if we use fs-err instead, our error contains more actionable information:
23 |
24 | ```txt
25 | failed to open file `does not exist.txt`
26 | caused by: The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)
27 | ```
28 |
29 | # Usage
30 |
31 | fs-err's API is the same as [`std::fs`][std::fs], so migrating code to use it is easy.
32 |
33 | ```no_run
34 | // use std::fs;
35 | use fs_err as fs;
36 |
37 | let contents = fs::read_to_string("foo.txt" )?;
38 |
39 | println!("Read foo.txt: {}" , contents);
40 |
41 | # Ok::<(), std::io::Error>(())
42 | ```
43 |
44 | fs-err uses [`std::io::Error`][std::io::Error] for all errors. This helps fs-err
45 | compose well with traits from the standard library like
46 | [`std::io::Read`][std::io::Read] and crates that use them like
47 | [`serde_json`][serde_json]:
48 |
49 | ```no_run
50 | use fs_err::File;
51 |
52 | let file = File::open("my-config.json" )?;
53 |
54 | // If an I/O error occurs inside serde_json, the error will include a file path
55 | // as well as what operation was being performed.
56 | let decoded: Vec<String> = serde_json::from_reader(file)?;
57 |
58 | println!("Program config: {:?}" , decoded);
59 |
60 | # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
61 | ```
62 |
63 | [std::fs]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/
64 | [std::io::Error]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/io/struct.Error.html
65 | [std::io::Read]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/io/trait.Read.html
66 | [serde_json]: https://crates.io/crates/serde_json
67 | */
68 |
69 | #![doc (html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/fs-err/2.9.0" )]
70 | #![deny (missing_debug_implementations, missing_docs)]
71 | #![cfg_attr (docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
72 |
73 | mod dir;
74 | mod errors;
75 | mod file;
76 | mod open_options;
77 | pub mod os;
78 | mod path;
79 | #[cfg (feature = "tokio" )]
80 | #[cfg_attr (docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "tokio" )))]
81 | pub mod tokio;
82 |
83 | use std::fs;
84 | use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
85 | use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
86 |
87 | use errors::{Error, ErrorKind, SourceDestError, SourceDestErrorKind};
88 |
89 | pub use dir::*;
90 | pub use file::*;
91 | pub use open_options::OpenOptions;
92 | pub use path::PathExt;
93 |
94 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::read`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.read.html).
95 | pub fn read<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
96 | let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
97 | let mut file: File = file::open(path).map_err(|err_gen: impl FnOnce(PathBuf) -> Error| err_gen(path.to_path_buf()))?;
98 | let mut bytes: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(initial_buffer_size(&file));
99 | file.read_to_end(&mut bytes)
100 | .map_err(|err: Error| Error::build(source:err, kind:ErrorKind::Read, path))?;
101 | Ok(bytes)
102 | }
103 |
104 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::read_to_string`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.read_to_string.html).
105 | pub fn read_to_string<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> io::Result<String> {
106 | let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
107 | let mut file: File = file::open(path).map_err(|err_gen: impl FnOnce(PathBuf) -> Error| err_gen(path.to_path_buf()))?;
108 | let mut string: String = String::with_capacity(initial_buffer_size(&file));
109 | file.read_to_string(&mut string)
110 | .map_err(|err: Error| Error::build(source:err, kind:ErrorKind::Read, path))?;
111 | Ok(string)
112 | }
113 |
114 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::write`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.write.html).
115 | pub fn write<P: AsRef<Path>, C: AsRef<[u8]>>(path: P, contents: C) -> io::Result<()> {
116 | let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
117 | file::create(path)
118 | .map_err(|err_gen| err_gen(path.to_path_buf()))?
119 | .write_all(contents.as_ref())
120 | .map_err(|err: Error| Error::build(source:err, kind:ErrorKind::Write, path))
121 | }
122 |
123 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::copy`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.copy.html).
124 | pub fn copy<P, Q>(from: P, to: Q) -> io::Result<u64>
125 | where
126 | P: AsRef<Path>,
127 | Q: AsRef<Path>,
128 | {
129 | let from: &Path = from.as_ref();
130 | let to: &Path = to.as_ref();
131 | fs::copy(from, to)
132 | .map_err(|source: Error| SourceDestError::build(source, kind:SourceDestErrorKind::Copy, from_path:from, to_path:to))
133 | }
134 |
135 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::create_dir`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.create_dir.html).
136 | pub fn create_dir<P>(path: P) -> io::Result<()>
137 | where
138 | P: AsRef<Path>,
139 | {
140 | let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
141 | fs::create_dir(path).map_err(|source: Error| Error::build(source, kind:ErrorKind::CreateDir, path))
142 | }
143 |
144 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::create_dir_all`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.create_dir_all.html).
145 | pub fn create_dir_all<P>(path: P) -> io::Result<()>
146 | where
147 | P: AsRef<Path>,
148 | {
149 | let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
150 | fs::create_dir_all(path).map_err(|source: Error| Error::build(source, kind:ErrorKind::CreateDir, path))
151 | }
152 |
153 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::remove_dir`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.remove_dir.html).
154 | pub fn remove_dir<P>(path: P) -> io::Result<()>
155 | where
156 | P: AsRef<Path>,
157 | {
158 | let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
159 | fs::remove_dir(path).map_err(|source: Error| Error::build(source, kind:ErrorKind::RemoveDir, path))
160 | }
161 |
162 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::remove_dir_all`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.remove_dir_all.html).
163 | pub fn remove_dir_all<P>(path: P) -> io::Result<()>
164 | where
165 | P: AsRef<Path>,
166 | {
167 | let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
168 | fs::remove_dir_all(path).map_err(|source: Error| Error::build(source, kind:ErrorKind::RemoveDir, path))
169 | }
170 |
171 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::remove_file`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.remove_file.html).
172 | pub fn remove_file<P>(path: P) -> io::Result<()>
173 | where
174 | P: AsRef<Path>,
175 | {
176 | let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
177 | fs::remove_file(path).map_err(|source: Error| Error::build(source, kind:ErrorKind::RemoveFile, path))
178 | }
179 |
180 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::metadata`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.metadata.html).
181 | pub fn metadata<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> io::Result<fs::Metadata> {
182 | let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
183 | fs::metadata(path).map_err(|source: Error| Error::build(source, kind:ErrorKind::Metadata, path))
184 | }
185 |
186 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::canonicalize`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.canonicalize.html).
187 | pub fn canonicalize<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
188 | let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
189 | fs::canonicalize(path).map_err(|source: Error| Error::build(source, kind:ErrorKind::Canonicalize, path))
190 | }
191 |
192 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::hard_link`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.hard_link.html).
193 | pub fn hard_link<P: AsRef<Path>, Q: AsRef<Path>>(src: P, dst: Q) -> io::Result<()> {
194 | let src: &Path = src.as_ref();
195 | let dst: &Path = dst.as_ref();
196 | fs::hard_link(src, dst)
197 | .map_err(|source: Error| SourceDestError::build(source, kind:SourceDestErrorKind::HardLink, from_path:src, to_path:dst))
198 | }
199 |
200 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::read_link`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.read_link.html).
201 | pub fn read_link<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
202 | let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
203 | fs::read_link(path).map_err(|source: Error| Error::build(source, kind:ErrorKind::ReadLink, path))
204 | }
205 |
206 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::rename`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.rename.html).
207 | pub fn rename<P: AsRef<Path>, Q: AsRef<Path>>(from: P, to: Q) -> io::Result<()> {
208 | let from: &Path = from.as_ref();
209 | let to: &Path = to.as_ref();
210 | fs::rename(from, to)
211 | .map_err(|source: Error| SourceDestError::build(source, kind:SourceDestErrorKind::Rename, from_path:from, to_path:to))
212 | }
213 |
214 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::soft_link`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.soft_link.html).
215 | #[deprecated = "replaced with std::os::unix::fs::symlink and \
216 | std::os::windows::fs::{symlink_file, symlink_dir}" ]
217 | pub fn soft_link<P: AsRef<Path>, Q: AsRef<Path>>(src: P, dst: Q) -> io::Result<()> {
218 | let src: &Path = src.as_ref();
219 | let dst: &Path = dst.as_ref();
220 | #[allow (deprecated)]
221 | fs::soft_link(src, dst)
222 | .map_err(|source: Error| SourceDestError::build(source, kind:SourceDestErrorKind::SoftLink, from_path:src, to_path:dst))
223 | }
224 |
225 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::symlink_metadata`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.symlink_metadata.html).
226 | pub fn symlink_metadata<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> io::Result<fs::Metadata> {
227 | let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
228 | fs::symlink_metadata(path)
229 | .map_err(|source: Error| Error::build(source, kind:ErrorKind::SymlinkMetadata, path))
230 | }
231 |
232 | /// Wrapper for [`fs::set_permissions`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.set_permissions.html).
233 | pub fn set_permissions<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, perm: fs::Permissions) -> io::Result<()> {
234 | let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
235 | fs::set_permissions(path, perm)
236 | .map_err(|source: Error| Error::build(source, kind:ErrorKind::SetPermissions, path))
237 | }
238 |
239 | fn initial_buffer_size(file: &std::fs::File) -> usize {
240 | file.metadata().map(|m| m.len() as usize + 1).unwrap_or(default:0)
241 | }
242 |
243 | pub(crate) use private::Sealed;
244 | mod private {
245 | pub trait Sealed {}
246 |
247 | impl Sealed for crate::File {}
248 | impl Sealed for std::path::Path {}
249 | impl Sealed for crate::OpenOptions {}
250 | }
251 | |