1//! This module contains a list of primitives to help to modify a [`Table`].
3//! [`Table`]: crate::Table
5mod format_config;
6mod format_content;
7mod format_positioned;
9pub use format_config::FormatConfig;
10pub use format_content::FormatContent;
11pub use format_positioned::FormatContentPositioned;
13/// A formatting function of particular cells on a [`Table`].
15/// [`Table`]: crate::Table
17pub struct Format;
19impl Format {
20 /// This function creates a new [`Format`] instance, so
21 /// it can be used as a grid setting.
22 ///
23 /// # Example
24 ///
25 /// ```
26 /// use tabled::{Table, settings::{Format, object::Rows, Modify}};
27 ///
28 /// let data = vec![
29 /// (0, "Grodno", true),
30 /// (1, "Minsk", true),
31 /// (2, "Hamburg", false),
32 /// (3, "Brest", true),
33 /// ];
34 ///
35 /// let table = Table::new(&data)
36 /// .with(Modify::new(Rows::new(1..)).with(Format::content(|s| format!(": {} :", s))))
37 /// .to_string();
38 ///
39 /// assert_eq!(
40 /// table,
41 /// "+-------+-------------+-----------+\n\
42 /// | i32 | &str | bool |\n\
43 /// +-------+-------------+-----------+\n\
44 /// | : 0 : | : Grodno : | : true : |\n\
45 /// +-------+-------------+-----------+\n\
46 /// | : 1 : | : Minsk : | : true : |\n\
47 /// +-------+-------------+-----------+\n\
48 /// | : 2 : | : Hamburg : | : false : |\n\
49 /// +-------+-------------+-----------+\n\
50 /// | : 3 : | : Brest : | : true : |\n\
51 /// +-------+-------------+-----------+"
52 /// );
53 /// ```
54 pub fn content<F>(f: F) -> FormatContent<F>
55 where
56 F: FnMut(&str) -> String,
57 {
58 FormatContent::new(f)
59 }
61 /// This function creates a new [`FormatContentPositioned`], so
62 /// it can be used as a grid setting.
63 ///
64 /// It's different from [`Format::content`] as it also provides a row and column index.
65 ///
66 /// # Example
67 ///
68 /// ```
69 /// use tabled::{Table, settings::{Format, object::Rows, Modify}};
70 ///
71 /// let data = vec![
72 /// (0, "Grodno", true),
73 /// (1, "Minsk", true),
74 /// (2, "Hamburg", false),
75 /// (3, "Brest", true),
76 /// ];
77 ///
78 /// let table = Table::new(&data)
79 /// .with(Modify::new(Rows::single(0)).with(Format::positioned(|_, (_, col)| col.to_string())))
80 /// .to_string();
81 ///
82 /// assert_eq!(
83 /// table,
84 /// "+---+---------+-------+\n\
85 /// | 0 | 1 | 2 |\n\
86 /// +---+---------+-------+\n\
87 /// | 0 | Grodno | true |\n\
88 /// +---+---------+-------+\n\
89 /// | 1 | Minsk | true |\n\
90 /// +---+---------+-------+\n\
91 /// | 2 | Hamburg | false |\n\
92 /// +---+---------+-------+\n\
93 /// | 3 | Brest | true |\n\
94 /// +---+---------+-------+"
95 /// );
96 /// ```
97 pub fn positioned<F>(f: F) -> FormatContentPositioned<F>
98 where
99 F: FnMut(&str, (usize, usize)) -> String,
100 {
101 FormatContentPositioned::new(f)
102 }
104 /// This function creates [`FormatConfig`] function to modify a table config.
105 ///
106 /// # Example
107 ///
108 /// ```
109 /// use tabled::{
110 /// Table,
111 /// settings::{Format, object::Rows, Modify},
112 /// grid::config::ColoredConfig,
113 /// };
114 ///
115 /// let data = vec![
116 /// (0, "Grodno", true),
117 /// (1, "Minsk", true),
118 /// (2, "Hamburg", false),
119 /// (3, "Brest", true),
120 /// ];
121 ///
122 /// let table = Table::new(&data)
123 /// .with(Format::config(|cfg: &mut ColoredConfig| cfg.set_justification((0,1).into(), '.')))
124 /// .to_string();
125 ///
126 /// assert_eq!(
127 /// table,
128 /// "+-----+---------+-------+\n\
129 /// | i32 | &str... | bool |\n\
130 /// +-----+---------+-------+\n\
131 /// | 0 | Grodno | true |\n\
132 /// +-----+---------+-------+\n\
133 /// | 1 | Minsk | true |\n\
134 /// +-----+---------+-------+\n\
135 /// | 2 | Hamburg | false |\n\
136 /// +-----+---------+-------+\n\
137 /// | 3 | Brest | true |\n\
138 /// +-----+---------+-------+"
139 /// );
140 /// ```
141 pub fn config<F>(f: F) -> FormatConfig<F> {
142 FormatConfig(f)
143 }