1/// Provides high level API for reading from a stream.
2pub mod stream {
3 pub use crate::read::stream::*;
5/// Types for creating ZIP archives.
6pub mod write {
7 use crate::write::FileOptions;
8 /// Unstable methods for [`FileOptions`].
9 pub trait FileOptionsExt {
10 /// Write the file with the given password using the deprecated ZipCrypto algorithm.
11 ///
12 /// This is not recommended for new archives, as ZipCrypto is not secure.
13 fn with_deprecated_encryption(self, password: &[u8]) -> Self;
14 }
15 impl FileOptionsExt for FileOptions {
16 fn with_deprecated_encryption(self, password: &[u8]) -> Self {
17 self.with_deprecated_encryption(password)
18 }
19 }