1// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
3//! Rust bindings for `libclang`.
5//! ## [Documentation](https://docs.rs/clang-sys)
7//! Note that the documentation on https://docs.rs for this crate assumes usage
8//! of the `runtime` Cargo feature as well as the Cargo feature for the latest
9//! supported version of `libclang` (e.g., `clang_11_0`), neither of which are
10//! enabled by default.
12//! Due to the usage of the `runtime` Cargo feature, this documentation will
13//! contain some additional types and functions to manage a dynamically loaded
14//! `libclang` instance at runtime.
16//! Due to the usage of the Cargo feature for the latest supported version of
17//! `libclang`, this documentation will contain constants and functions that are
18//! not available in the oldest supported version of `libclang` (3.5). All of
19//! these types and functions have a documentation comment which specifies the
20//! minimum `libclang` version required to use the item.
22#![allow(non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]
23#![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(clippy::unreadable_literal))]
25extern crate glob;
26extern crate libc;
27#[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
28extern crate libloading;
30pub mod support;
33mod link;
35use std::mem;
37use libc::*;
39pub type CXClientData = *mut c_void;
40pub type CXCursorVisitor = extern "C" fn(CXCursor, CXCursor, CXClientData) -> CXChildVisitResult;
41#[cfg(feature = "clang_3_7")]
42pub type CXFieldVisitor = extern "C" fn(CXCursor, CXClientData) -> CXVisitorResult;
43pub type CXInclusionVisitor = extern "C" fn(CXFile, *mut CXSourceLocation, c_uint, CXClientData);
46// Macros
49/// Defines a C enum as a series of constants.
50macro_rules! cenum {
51 (#[repr($ty:ty)] $(#[$meta:meta])* enum $name:ident {
52 $($(#[$vmeta:meta])* const $variant:ident = $value:expr), +,
53 }) => (
54 pub type $name = $ty;
56 $($(#[$vmeta])* pub const $variant: $name = $value;)+
57 );
58 (#[repr($ty:ty)] $(#[$meta:meta])* enum $name:ident {
59 $($(#[$vmeta:meta])* const $variant:ident = $value:expr); +;
60 }) => (
61 pub type $name = $ty;
63 $($(#[$vmeta])* pub const $variant: $name = $value;)+
64 );
65 ($(#[$meta:meta])* enum $name:ident {
66 $($(#[$vmeta:meta])* const $variant:ident = $value:expr), +,
67 }) => (
68 pub type $name = c_int;
70 $($(#[$vmeta])* pub const $variant: $name = $value;)+
71 );
72 ($(#[$meta:meta])* enum $name:ident {
73 $($(#[$vmeta:meta])* const $variant:ident = $value:expr); +;
74 }) => (
75 pub type $name = c_int;
77 $($(#[$vmeta])* pub const $variant: $name = $value;)+
78 );
81/// Implements a zeroing implementation of `Default` for the supplied type.
82macro_rules! default {
83 (#[$meta:meta] $ty:ty) => {
84 #[$meta]
85 impl Default for $ty {
86 fn default() -> $ty {
87 unsafe { mem::zeroed() }
88 }
89 }
90 };
92 ($ty:ty) => {
93 impl Default for $ty {
94 fn default() -> $ty {
95 unsafe { mem::zeroed() }
96 }
97 }
98 };
102// Enums
105cenum! {
106 enum CXAvailabilityKind {
107 const CXAvailability_Available = 0,
108 const CXAvailability_Deprecated = 1,
109 const CXAvailability_NotAvailable = 2,
110 const CXAvailability_NotAccessible = 3,
111 }
114cenum! {
115 /// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
116 #[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
117 enum CXBinaryOperatorKind {
118 const CXBinaryOperator_Invalid = 0,
119 const CXBinaryOperator_PtrMemD = 1,
120 const CXBinaryOperator_PtrMemI = 2,
121 const CXBinaryOperator_Mul = 3,
122 const CXBinaryOperator_Div = 4,
123 const CXBinaryOperator_Rem = 5,
124 const CXBinaryOperator_Add = 6,
125 const CXBinaryOperator_Sub = 7,
126 const CXBinaryOperator_Shl = 8,
127 const CXBinaryOperator_Shr = 9,
128 const CXBinaryOperator_Cmp = 10,
129 const CXBinaryOperator_LT = 11,
130 const CXBinaryOperator_GT = 12,
131 const CXBinaryOperator_LE = 13,
132 const CXBinaryOperator_GE = 14,
133 const CXBinaryOperator_EQ = 15,
134 const CXBinaryOperator_NE = 16,
135 const CXBinaryOperator_And = 17,
136 const CXBinaryOperator_Xor = 18,
137 const CXBinaryOperator_Or = 19,
138 const CXBinaryOperator_LAnd = 20,
139 const CXBinaryOperator_LOr = 21,
140 const CXBinaryOperator_Assign = 22,
141 const CXBinaryOperator_MulAssign = 23,
142 const CXBinaryOperator_DivAssign = 24,
143 const CXBinaryOperator_RemAssign = 25,
144 const CXBinaryOperator_AddAssign = 26,
145 const CXBinaryOperator_SubAssign = 27,
146 const CXBinaryOperator_ShlAssign = 28,
147 const CXBinaryOperator_ShrAssign = 29,
148 const CXBinaryOperator_AndAssign = 30,
149 const CXBinaryOperator_XorAssign = 31,
150 const CXBinaryOperator_OrAssign = 32,
151 const CXBinaryOperator_Comma = 33,
152 }
155cenum! {
156 enum CXCallingConv {
157 const CXCallingConv_Default = 0,
158 const CXCallingConv_C = 1,
159 const CXCallingConv_X86StdCall = 2,
160 const CXCallingConv_X86FastCall = 3,
161 const CXCallingConv_X86ThisCall = 4,
162 const CXCallingConv_X86Pascal = 5,
163 const CXCallingConv_AAPCS = 6,
164 const CXCallingConv_AAPCS_VFP = 7,
165 /// Only produced by `libclang` 4.0 and later.
166 const CXCallingConv_X86RegCall = 8,
167 const CXCallingConv_IntelOclBicc = 9,
168 const CXCallingConv_Win64 = 10,
169 const CXCallingConv_X86_64Win64 = 10,
170 const CXCallingConv_X86_64SysV = 11,
171 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.6 and later.
172 const CXCallingConv_X86VectorCall = 12,
173 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
174 const CXCallingConv_Swift = 13,
175 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
176 const CXCallingConv_PreserveMost = 14,
177 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
178 const CXCallingConv_PreserveAll = 15,
179 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
180 const CXCallingConv_AArch64VectorCall = 16,
181 const CXCallingConv_Invalid = 100,
182 const CXCallingConv_Unexposed = 200,
183 /// Only produced by `libclang` 13.0 and later.
184 const CXCallingConv_SwiftAsync = 17,
185 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
186 const CXCallingConv_AArch64SVEPCS = 18,
187 }
190cenum! {
191 enum CXChildVisitResult {
192 const CXChildVisit_Break = 0,
193 const CXChildVisit_Continue = 1,
194 const CXChildVisit_Recurse = 2,
195 }
198cenum! {
199 #[repr(c_uchar)]
200 /// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
201 #[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
202 enum CXChoice {
203 const CXChoice_Default = 0,
204 const CXChoice_Enabled = 1,
205 const CXChoice_Disabled = 2,
206 }
209cenum! {
210 enum CXCommentInlineCommandRenderKind {
211 const CXCommentInlineCommandRenderKind_Normal = 0,
212 const CXCommentInlineCommandRenderKind_Bold = 1,
213 const CXCommentInlineCommandRenderKind_Monospaced = 2,
214 const CXCommentInlineCommandRenderKind_Emphasized = 3,
215 }
218cenum! {
219 enum CXCommentKind {
220 const CXComment_Null = 0,
221 const CXComment_Text = 1,
222 const CXComment_InlineCommand = 2,
223 const CXComment_HTMLStartTag = 3,
224 const CXComment_HTMLEndTag = 4,
225 const CXComment_Paragraph = 5,
226 const CXComment_BlockCommand = 6,
227 const CXComment_ParamCommand = 7,
228 const CXComment_TParamCommand = 8,
229 const CXComment_VerbatimBlockCommand = 9,
230 const CXComment_VerbatimBlockLine = 10,
231 const CXComment_VerbatimLine = 11,
232 const CXComment_FullComment = 12,
233 }
236cenum! {
237 enum CXCommentParamPassDirection {
238 const CXCommentParamPassDirection_In = 0,
239 const CXCommentParamPassDirection_Out = 1,
240 const CXCommentParamPassDirection_InOut = 2,
241 }
244cenum! {
245 enum CXCompilationDatabase_Error {
246 const CXCompilationDatabase_NoError = 0,
247 const CXCompilationDatabase_CanNotLoadDatabase = 1,
248 }
251cenum! {
252 enum CXCompletionChunkKind {
253 const CXCompletionChunk_Optional = 0,
254 const CXCompletionChunk_TypedText = 1,
255 const CXCompletionChunk_Text = 2,
256 const CXCompletionChunk_Placeholder = 3,
257 const CXCompletionChunk_Informative = 4,
258 const CXCompletionChunk_CurrentParameter = 5,
259 const CXCompletionChunk_LeftParen = 6,
260 const CXCompletionChunk_RightParen = 7,
261 const CXCompletionChunk_LeftBracket = 8,
262 const CXCompletionChunk_RightBracket = 9,
263 const CXCompletionChunk_LeftBrace = 10,
264 const CXCompletionChunk_RightBrace = 11,
265 const CXCompletionChunk_LeftAngle = 12,
266 const CXCompletionChunk_RightAngle = 13,
267 const CXCompletionChunk_Comma = 14,
268 const CXCompletionChunk_ResultType = 15,
269 const CXCompletionChunk_Colon = 16,
270 const CXCompletionChunk_SemiColon = 17,
271 const CXCompletionChunk_Equal = 18,
272 const CXCompletionChunk_HorizontalSpace = 19,
273 const CXCompletionChunk_VerticalSpace = 20,
274 }
277cenum! {
278 enum CXCursorKind {
279 const CXCursor_UnexposedDecl = 1,
280 const CXCursor_StructDecl = 2,
281 const CXCursor_UnionDecl = 3,
282 const CXCursor_ClassDecl = 4,
283 const CXCursor_EnumDecl = 5,
284 const CXCursor_FieldDecl = 6,
285 const CXCursor_EnumConstantDecl = 7,
286 const CXCursor_FunctionDecl = 8,
287 const CXCursor_VarDecl = 9,
288 const CXCursor_ParmDecl = 10,
289 const CXCursor_ObjCInterfaceDecl = 11,
290 const CXCursor_ObjCCategoryDecl = 12,
291 const CXCursor_ObjCProtocolDecl = 13,
292 const CXCursor_ObjCPropertyDecl = 14,
293 const CXCursor_ObjCIvarDecl = 15,
294 const CXCursor_ObjCInstanceMethodDecl = 16,
295 const CXCursor_ObjCClassMethodDecl = 17,
296 const CXCursor_ObjCImplementationDecl = 18,
297 const CXCursor_ObjCCategoryImplDecl = 19,
298 const CXCursor_TypedefDecl = 20,
299 const CXCursor_CXXMethod = 21,
300 const CXCursor_Namespace = 22,
301 const CXCursor_LinkageSpec = 23,
302 const CXCursor_Constructor = 24,
303 const CXCursor_Destructor = 25,
304 const CXCursor_ConversionFunction = 26,
305 const CXCursor_TemplateTypeParameter = 27,
306 const CXCursor_NonTypeTemplateParameter = 28,
307 const CXCursor_TemplateTemplateParameter = 29,
308 const CXCursor_FunctionTemplate = 30,
309 const CXCursor_ClassTemplate = 31,
310 const CXCursor_ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization = 32,
311 const CXCursor_NamespaceAlias = 33,
312 const CXCursor_UsingDirective = 34,
313 const CXCursor_UsingDeclaration = 35,
314 const CXCursor_TypeAliasDecl = 36,
315 const CXCursor_ObjCSynthesizeDecl = 37,
316 const CXCursor_ObjCDynamicDecl = 38,
317 const CXCursor_CXXAccessSpecifier = 39,
318 const CXCursor_ObjCSuperClassRef = 40,
319 const CXCursor_ObjCProtocolRef = 41,
320 const CXCursor_ObjCClassRef = 42,
321 const CXCursor_TypeRef = 43,
322 const CXCursor_CXXBaseSpecifier = 44,
323 const CXCursor_TemplateRef = 45,
324 const CXCursor_NamespaceRef = 46,
325 const CXCursor_MemberRef = 47,
326 const CXCursor_LabelRef = 48,
327 const CXCursor_OverloadedDeclRef = 49,
328 const CXCursor_VariableRef = 50,
329 const CXCursor_InvalidFile = 70,
330 const CXCursor_NoDeclFound = 71,
331 const CXCursor_NotImplemented = 72,
332 const CXCursor_InvalidCode = 73,
333 const CXCursor_UnexposedExpr = 100,
334 const CXCursor_DeclRefExpr = 101,
335 const CXCursor_MemberRefExpr = 102,
336 const CXCursor_CallExpr = 103,
337 const CXCursor_ObjCMessageExpr = 104,
338 const CXCursor_BlockExpr = 105,
339 const CXCursor_IntegerLiteral = 106,
340 const CXCursor_FloatingLiteral = 107,
341 const CXCursor_ImaginaryLiteral = 108,
342 const CXCursor_StringLiteral = 109,
343 const CXCursor_CharacterLiteral = 110,
344 const CXCursor_ParenExpr = 111,
345 const CXCursor_UnaryOperator = 112,
346 const CXCursor_ArraySubscriptExpr = 113,
347 const CXCursor_BinaryOperator = 114,
348 const CXCursor_CompoundAssignOperator = 115,
349 const CXCursor_ConditionalOperator = 116,
350 const CXCursor_CStyleCastExpr = 117,
351 const CXCursor_CompoundLiteralExpr = 118,
352 const CXCursor_InitListExpr = 119,
353 const CXCursor_AddrLabelExpr = 120,
354 const CXCursor_StmtExpr = 121,
355 const CXCursor_GenericSelectionExpr = 122,
356 const CXCursor_GNUNullExpr = 123,
357 const CXCursor_CXXStaticCastExpr = 124,
358 const CXCursor_CXXDynamicCastExpr = 125,
359 const CXCursor_CXXReinterpretCastExpr = 126,
360 const CXCursor_CXXConstCastExpr = 127,
361 const CXCursor_CXXFunctionalCastExpr = 128,
362 const CXCursor_CXXTypeidExpr = 129,
363 const CXCursor_CXXBoolLiteralExpr = 130,
364 const CXCursor_CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr = 131,
365 const CXCursor_CXXThisExpr = 132,
366 const CXCursor_CXXThrowExpr = 133,
367 const CXCursor_CXXNewExpr = 134,
368 const CXCursor_CXXDeleteExpr = 135,
369 const CXCursor_UnaryExpr = 136,
370 const CXCursor_ObjCStringLiteral = 137,
371 const CXCursor_ObjCEncodeExpr = 138,
372 const CXCursor_ObjCSelectorExpr = 139,
373 const CXCursor_ObjCProtocolExpr = 140,
374 const CXCursor_ObjCBridgedCastExpr = 141,
375 const CXCursor_PackExpansionExpr = 142,
376 const CXCursor_SizeOfPackExpr = 143,
377 const CXCursor_LambdaExpr = 144,
378 const CXCursor_ObjCBoolLiteralExpr = 145,
379 const CXCursor_ObjCSelfExpr = 146,
380 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.8 and later.
381 const CXCursor_OMPArraySectionExpr = 147,
382 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
383 const CXCursor_ObjCAvailabilityCheckExpr = 148,
384 /// Only produced by `libclang` 7.0 and later.
385 const CXCursor_FixedPointLiteral = 149,
386 /// Only produced by `libclang` 12.0 and later.
387 const CXCursor_OMPArrayShapingExpr = 150,
388 /// Only produced by `libclang` 12.0 and later.
389 const CXCursor_OMPIteratorExpr = 151,
390 /// Only produced by `libclang` 12.0 and later.
391 const CXCursor_CXXAddrspaceCastExpr = 152,
392 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
393 const CXCursor_ConceptSpecializationExpr = 153,
394 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
395 const CXCursor_RequiresExpr = 154,
396 /// Only produced by `libclang` 16.0 and later.
397 const CXCursor_CXXParenListInitExpr = 155,
398 const CXCursor_UnexposedStmt = 200,
399 const CXCursor_LabelStmt = 201,
400 const CXCursor_CompoundStmt = 202,
401 const CXCursor_CaseStmt = 203,
402 const CXCursor_DefaultStmt = 204,
403 const CXCursor_IfStmt = 205,
404 const CXCursor_SwitchStmt = 206,
405 const CXCursor_WhileStmt = 207,
406 const CXCursor_DoStmt = 208,
407 const CXCursor_ForStmt = 209,
408 const CXCursor_GotoStmt = 210,
409 const CXCursor_IndirectGotoStmt = 211,
410 const CXCursor_ContinueStmt = 212,
411 const CXCursor_BreakStmt = 213,
412 const CXCursor_ReturnStmt = 214,
413 /// Duplicate of `CXCursor_GccAsmStmt`.
414 const CXCursor_AsmStmt = 215,
415 const CXCursor_ObjCAtTryStmt = 216,
416 const CXCursor_ObjCAtCatchStmt = 217,
417 const CXCursor_ObjCAtFinallyStmt = 218,
418 const CXCursor_ObjCAtThrowStmt = 219,
419 const CXCursor_ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt = 220,
420 const CXCursor_ObjCAutoreleasePoolStmt = 221,
421 const CXCursor_ObjCForCollectionStmt = 222,
422 const CXCursor_CXXCatchStmt = 223,
423 const CXCursor_CXXTryStmt = 224,
424 const CXCursor_CXXForRangeStmt = 225,
425 const CXCursor_SEHTryStmt = 226,
426 const CXCursor_SEHExceptStmt = 227,
427 const CXCursor_SEHFinallyStmt = 228,
428 const CXCursor_MSAsmStmt = 229,
429 const CXCursor_NullStmt = 230,
430 const CXCursor_DeclStmt = 231,
431 const CXCursor_OMPParallelDirective = 232,
432 const CXCursor_OMPSimdDirective = 233,
433 const CXCursor_OMPForDirective = 234,
434 const CXCursor_OMPSectionsDirective = 235,
435 const CXCursor_OMPSectionDirective = 236,
436 const CXCursor_OMPSingleDirective = 237,
437 const CXCursor_OMPParallelForDirective = 238,
438 const CXCursor_OMPParallelSectionsDirective = 239,
439 const CXCursor_OMPTaskDirective = 240,
440 const CXCursor_OMPMasterDirective = 241,
441 const CXCursor_OMPCriticalDirective = 242,
442 const CXCursor_OMPTaskyieldDirective = 243,
443 const CXCursor_OMPBarrierDirective = 244,
444 const CXCursor_OMPTaskwaitDirective = 245,
445 const CXCursor_OMPFlushDirective = 246,
446 const CXCursor_SEHLeaveStmt = 247,
447 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.6 and later.
448 const CXCursor_OMPOrderedDirective = 248,
449 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.6 and later.
450 const CXCursor_OMPAtomicDirective = 249,
451 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.6 and later.
452 const CXCursor_OMPForSimdDirective = 250,
453 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.6 and later.
454 const CXCursor_OMPParallelForSimdDirective = 251,
455 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.6 and later.
456 const CXCursor_OMPTargetDirective = 252,
457 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.6 and later.
458 const CXCursor_OMPTeamsDirective = 253,
459 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.7 and later.
460 const CXCursor_OMPTaskgroupDirective = 254,
461 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.7 and later.
462 const CXCursor_OMPCancellationPointDirective = 255,
463 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.7 and later.
464 const CXCursor_OMPCancelDirective = 256,
465 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.8 and later.
466 const CXCursor_OMPTargetDataDirective = 257,
467 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.8 and later.
468 const CXCursor_OMPTaskLoopDirective = 258,
469 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.8 and later.
470 const CXCursor_OMPTaskLoopSimdDirective = 259,
471 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.8 and later.
472 const CXCursor_OMPDistributeDirective = 260,
473 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
474 const CXCursor_OMPTargetEnterDataDirective = 261,
475 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
476 const CXCursor_OMPTargetExitDataDirective = 262,
477 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
478 const CXCursor_OMPTargetParallelDirective = 263,
479 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
480 const CXCursor_OMPTargetParallelForDirective = 264,
481 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
482 const CXCursor_OMPTargetUpdateDirective = 265,
483 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
484 const CXCursor_OMPDistributeParallelForDirective = 266,
485 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
486 const CXCursor_OMPDistributeParallelForSimdDirective = 267,
487 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
488 const CXCursor_OMPDistributeSimdDirective = 268,
489 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
490 const CXCursor_OMPTargetParallelForSimdDirective = 269,
491 /// Only produced by `libclang` 4.0 and later.
492 const CXCursor_OMPTargetSimdDirective = 270,
493 /// Only produced by `libclang` 4.0 and later.
494 const CXCursor_OMPTeamsDistributeDirective = 271,
495 /// Only produced by `libclang` 4.0 and later.
496 const CXCursor_OMPTeamsDistributeSimdDirective = 272,
497 /// Only produced by `libclang` 4.0 and later.
498 const CXCursor_OMPTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective = 273,
499 /// Only produced by `libclang` 4.0 and later.
500 const CXCursor_OMPTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective = 274,
501 /// Only produced by `libclang` 4.0 and later.
502 const CXCursor_OMPTargetTeamsDirective = 275,
503 /// Only produced by `libclang` 4.0 and later.
504 const CXCursor_OMPTargetTeamsDistributeDirective = 276,
505 /// Only produced by `libclang` 4.0 and later.
506 const CXCursor_OMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective = 277,
507 /// Only produced by `libclang` 4.0 and later.
508 const CXCursor_OMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective = 278,
509 /// Only producer by `libclang` 4.0 and later.
510 const CXCursor_OMPTargetTeamsDistributeSimdDirective = 279,
511 /// Only produced by 'libclang' 9.0 and later.
512 const CXCursor_BuiltinBitCastExpr = 280,
513 /// Only produced by `libclang` 10.0 and later.
514 const CXCursor_OMPMasterTaskLoopDirective = 281,
515 /// Only produced by `libclang` 10.0 and later.
516 const CXCursor_OMPParallelMasterTaskLoopDirective = 282,
517 /// Only produced by `libclang` 10.0 and later.
518 const CXCursor_OMPMasterTaskLoopSimdDirective = 283,
519 /// Only produced by `libclang` 10.0 and later.
520 const CXCursor_OMPParallelMasterTaskLoopSimdDirective = 284,
521 /// Only produced by `libclang` 10.0 and later.
522 const CXCursor_OMPParallelMasterDirective = 285,
523 /// Only produced by `libclang` 11.0 and later.
524 const CXCursor_OMPDepobjDirective = 286,
525 /// Only produced by `libclang` 11.0 and later.
526 const CXCursor_OMPScanDirective = 287,
527 /// Only produced by `libclang` 13.0 and later.
528 const CXCursor_OMPTileDirective = 288,
529 /// Only produced by `libclang` 13.0 and later.
530 const CXCursor_OMPCanonicalLoop = 289,
531 /// Only produced by `libclang` 13.0 and later.
532 const CXCursor_OMPInteropDirective = 290,
533 /// Only produced by `libclang` 13.0 and later.
534 const CXCursor_OMPDispatchDirective = 291,
535 /// Only produced by `libclang` 13.0 and later.
536 const CXCursor_OMPMaskedDirective = 292,
537 /// Only produced by `libclang` 13.0 and later.
538 const CXCursor_OMPUnrollDirective = 293,
539 /// Only produced by `libclang` 14.0 and later.
540 const CXCursor_OMPMetaDirective = 294,
541 /// Only produced by `libclang` 14.0 and later.
542 const CXCursor_OMPGenericLoopDirective = 295,
543 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
544 const CXCursor_OMPTeamsGenericLoopDirective = 296,
545 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
546 const CXCursor_OMPTargetTeamsGenericLoopDirective = 297,
547 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
548 const CXCursor_OMPParallelGenericLoopDirective = 298,
549 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
550 const CXCursor_OMPTargetParallelGenericLoopDirective = 299,
551 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
552 const CXCursor_OMPParallelMaskedDirective = 300,
553 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
554 const CXCursor_OMPMaskedTaskLoopDirective = 301,
555 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
556 const CXCursor_OMPMaskedTaskLoopSimdDirective = 302,
557 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
558 const CXCursor_OMPParallelMaskedTaskLoopDirective = 303,
559 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
560 const CXCursor_OMPParallelMaskedTaskLoopSimdDirective = 304,
561 /// Only produced by `libclang` 16.0 and later.
562 const CXCursor_OMPErrorDirective = 305,
563 #[cfg(not(feature="clang_15_0"))]
564 const CXCursor_TranslationUnit = 300,
565 #[cfg(feature="clang_15_0")]
566 const CXCursor_TranslationUnit = 350,
567 const CXCursor_UnexposedAttr = 400,
568 const CXCursor_IBActionAttr = 401,
569 const CXCursor_IBOutletAttr = 402,
570 const CXCursor_IBOutletCollectionAttr = 403,
571 const CXCursor_CXXFinalAttr = 404,
572 const CXCursor_CXXOverrideAttr = 405,
573 const CXCursor_AnnotateAttr = 406,
574 const CXCursor_AsmLabelAttr = 407,
575 const CXCursor_PackedAttr = 408,
576 const CXCursor_PureAttr = 409,
577 const CXCursor_ConstAttr = 410,
578 const CXCursor_NoDuplicateAttr = 411,
579 const CXCursor_CUDAConstantAttr = 412,
580 const CXCursor_CUDADeviceAttr = 413,
581 const CXCursor_CUDAGlobalAttr = 414,
582 const CXCursor_CUDAHostAttr = 415,
583 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.6 and later.
584 const CXCursor_CUDASharedAttr = 416,
585 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.8 and later.
586 const CXCursor_VisibilityAttr = 417,
587 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.8 and later.
588 const CXCursor_DLLExport = 418,
589 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.8 and later.
590 const CXCursor_DLLImport = 419,
591 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
592 const CXCursor_NSReturnsRetained = 420,
593 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
594 const CXCursor_NSReturnsNotRetained = 421,
595 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
596 const CXCursor_NSReturnsAutoreleased = 422,
597 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
598 const CXCursor_NSConsumesSelf = 423,
599 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
600 const CXCursor_NSConsumed = 424,
601 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
602 const CXCursor_ObjCException = 425,
603 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
604 const CXCursor_ObjCNSObject = 426,
605 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
606 const CXCursor_ObjCIndependentClass = 427,
607 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
608 const CXCursor_ObjCPreciseLifetime = 428,
609 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
610 const CXCursor_ObjCReturnsInnerPointer = 429,
611 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
612 const CXCursor_ObjCRequiresSuper = 430,
613 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
614 const CXCursor_ObjCRootClass = 431,
615 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
616 const CXCursor_ObjCSubclassingRestricted = 432,
617 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
618 const CXCursor_ObjCExplicitProtocolImpl = 433,
619 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
620 const CXCursor_ObjCDesignatedInitializer = 434,
621 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
622 const CXCursor_ObjCRuntimeVisible = 435,
623 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
624 const CXCursor_ObjCBoxable = 436,
625 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
626 const CXCursor_FlagEnum = 437,
627 /// Only produced by `libclang` 9.0 and later.
628 const CXCursor_ConvergentAttr = 438,
629 /// Only produced by `libclang` 9.0 and later.
630 const CXCursor_WarnUnusedAttr = 439,
631 /// Only produced by `libclang` 9.0 and later.
632 const CXCursor_WarnUnusedResultAttr = 440,
633 /// Only produced by `libclang` 9.0 and later.
634 const CXCursor_AlignedAttr = 441,
635 const CXCursor_PreprocessingDirective = 500,
636 const CXCursor_MacroDefinition = 501,
637 /// Duplicate of `CXCursor_MacroInstantiation`.
638 const CXCursor_MacroExpansion = 502,
639 const CXCursor_InclusionDirective = 503,
640 const CXCursor_ModuleImportDecl = 600,
641 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.8 and later.
642 const CXCursor_TypeAliasTemplateDecl = 601,
643 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
644 const CXCursor_StaticAssert = 602,
645 /// Only produced by `libclang` 4.0 and later.
646 const CXCursor_FriendDecl = 603,
647 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
648 const CXCursor_ConceptDecl = 604,
649 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.7 and later.
650 const CXCursor_OverloadCandidate = 700,
651 }
654cenum! {
655 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
656 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
657 enum CXCursor_ExceptionSpecificationKind {
658 const CXCursor_ExceptionSpecificationKind_None = 0,
659 const CXCursor_ExceptionSpecificationKind_DynamicNone = 1,
660 const CXCursor_ExceptionSpecificationKind_Dynamic = 2,
661 const CXCursor_ExceptionSpecificationKind_MSAny = 3,
662 const CXCursor_ExceptionSpecificationKind_BasicNoexcept = 4,
663 const CXCursor_ExceptionSpecificationKind_ComputedNoexcept = 5,
664 const CXCursor_ExceptionSpecificationKind_Unevaluated = 6,
665 const CXCursor_ExceptionSpecificationKind_Uninstantiated = 7,
666 const CXCursor_ExceptionSpecificationKind_Unparsed = 8,
667 /// Only available on `libclang` 9.0 and later.
668 #[cfg(feature = "clang_9_0")]
669 const CXCursor_ExceptionSpecificationKind_NoThrow = 9,
670 }
673cenum! {
674 enum CXDiagnosticSeverity {
675 const CXDiagnostic_Ignored = 0,
676 const CXDiagnostic_Note = 1,
677 const CXDiagnostic_Warning = 2,
678 const CXDiagnostic_Error = 3,
679 const CXDiagnostic_Fatal = 4,
680 }
683cenum! {
684 enum CXErrorCode {
685 const CXError_Success = 0,
686 const CXError_Failure = 1,
687 const CXError_Crashed = 2,
688 const CXError_InvalidArguments = 3,
689 const CXError_ASTReadError = 4,
690 }
693cenum! {
694 enum CXEvalResultKind {
695 const CXEval_UnExposed = 0,
696 const CXEval_Int = 1 ,
697 const CXEval_Float = 2,
698 const CXEval_ObjCStrLiteral = 3,
699 const CXEval_StrLiteral = 4,
700 const CXEval_CFStr = 5,
701 const CXEval_Other = 6,
702 }
705cenum! {
706 enum CXIdxAttrKind {
707 const CXIdxAttr_Unexposed = 0,
708 const CXIdxAttr_IBAction = 1,
709 const CXIdxAttr_IBOutlet = 2,
710 const CXIdxAttr_IBOutletCollection = 3,
711 }
714cenum! {
715 enum CXIdxEntityCXXTemplateKind {
716 const CXIdxEntity_NonTemplate = 0,
717 const CXIdxEntity_Template = 1,
718 const CXIdxEntity_TemplatePartialSpecialization = 2,
719 const CXIdxEntity_TemplateSpecialization = 3,
720 }
723cenum! {
724 enum CXIdxEntityKind {
725 const CXIdxEntity_Unexposed = 0,
726 const CXIdxEntity_Typedef = 1,
727 const CXIdxEntity_Function = 2,
728 const CXIdxEntity_Variable = 3,
729 const CXIdxEntity_Field = 4,
730 const CXIdxEntity_EnumConstant = 5,
731 const CXIdxEntity_ObjCClass = 6,
732 const CXIdxEntity_ObjCProtocol = 7,
733 const CXIdxEntity_ObjCCategory = 8,
734 const CXIdxEntity_ObjCInstanceMethod = 9,
735 const CXIdxEntity_ObjCClassMethod = 10,
736 const CXIdxEntity_ObjCProperty = 11,
737 const CXIdxEntity_ObjCIvar = 12,
738 const CXIdxEntity_Enum = 13,
739 const CXIdxEntity_Struct = 14,
740 const CXIdxEntity_Union = 15,
741 const CXIdxEntity_CXXClass = 16,
742 const CXIdxEntity_CXXNamespace = 17,
743 const CXIdxEntity_CXXNamespaceAlias = 18,
744 const CXIdxEntity_CXXStaticVariable = 19,
745 const CXIdxEntity_CXXStaticMethod = 20,
746 const CXIdxEntity_CXXInstanceMethod = 21,
747 const CXIdxEntity_CXXConstructor = 22,
748 const CXIdxEntity_CXXDestructor = 23,
749 const CXIdxEntity_CXXConversionFunction = 24,
750 const CXIdxEntity_CXXTypeAlias = 25,
751 const CXIdxEntity_CXXInterface = 26,
752 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
753 const CXIdxEntity_CXXConcept = 27,
754 }
757cenum! {
758 enum CXIdxEntityLanguage {
759 const CXIdxEntityLang_None = 0,
760 const CXIdxEntityLang_C = 1,
761 const CXIdxEntityLang_ObjC = 2,
762 const CXIdxEntityLang_CXX = 3,
763 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
764 const CXIdxEntityLang_Swift = 4,
765 }
768cenum! {
769 enum CXIdxEntityRefKind {
770 const CXIdxEntityRef_Direct = 1,
771 const CXIdxEntityRef_Implicit = 2,
772 }
775cenum! {
776 enum CXIdxObjCContainerKind {
777 const CXIdxObjCContainer_ForwardRef = 0,
778 const CXIdxObjCContainer_Interface = 1,
779 const CXIdxObjCContainer_Implementation = 2,
780 }
783cenum! {
784 enum CXLanguageKind {
785 const CXLanguage_Invalid = 0,
786 const CXLanguage_C = 1,
787 const CXLanguage_ObjC = 2,
788 const CXLanguage_CPlusPlus = 3,
789 }
792cenum! {
793 enum CXLinkageKind {
794 const CXLinkage_Invalid = 0,
795 const CXLinkage_NoLinkage = 1,
796 const CXLinkage_Internal = 2,
797 const CXLinkage_UniqueExternal = 3,
798 const CXLinkage_External = 4,
799 }
802cenum! {
803 enum CXLoadDiag_Error {
804 const CXLoadDiag_None = 0,
805 const CXLoadDiag_Unknown = 1,
806 const CXLoadDiag_CannotLoad = 2,
807 const CXLoadDiag_InvalidFile = 3,
808 }
811cenum! {
812 /// Only available on `libclang` 7.0 and later.
813 #[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
814 enum CXPrintingPolicyProperty {
815 const CXPrintingPolicy_Indentation = 0,
816 const CXPrintingPolicy_SuppressSpecifiers = 1,
817 const CXPrintingPolicy_SuppressTagKeyword = 2,
818 const CXPrintingPolicy_IncludeTagDefinition = 3,
819 const CXPrintingPolicy_SuppressScope = 4,
820 const CXPrintingPolicy_SuppressUnwrittenScope = 5,
821 const CXPrintingPolicy_SuppressInitializers = 6,
822 const CXPrintingPolicy_ConstantArraySizeAsWritten = 7,
823 const CXPrintingPolicy_AnonymousTagLocations = 8,
824 const CXPrintingPolicy_SuppressStrongLifetime = 9,
825 const CXPrintingPolicy_SuppressLifetimeQualifiers = 10,
826 const CXPrintingPolicy_SuppressTemplateArgsInCXXConstructors = 11,
827 const CXPrintingPolicy_Bool = 12,
828 const CXPrintingPolicy_Restrict = 13,
829 const CXPrintingPolicy_Alignof = 14,
830 const CXPrintingPolicy_UnderscoreAlignof = 15,
831 const CXPrintingPolicy_UseVoidForZeroParams = 16,
832 const CXPrintingPolicy_TerseOutput = 17,
833 const CXPrintingPolicy_PolishForDeclaration = 18,
834 const CXPrintingPolicy_Half = 19,
835 const CXPrintingPolicy_MSWChar = 20,
836 const CXPrintingPolicy_IncludeNewlines = 21,
837 const CXPrintingPolicy_MSVCFormatting = 22,
838 const CXPrintingPolicy_ConstantsAsWritten = 23,
839 const CXPrintingPolicy_SuppressImplicitBase = 24,
840 const CXPrintingPolicy_FullyQualifiedName = 25,
841 }
844cenum! {
845 enum CXRefQualifierKind {
846 const CXRefQualifier_None = 0,
847 const CXRefQualifier_LValue = 1,
848 const CXRefQualifier_RValue = 2,
849 }
852cenum! {
853 enum CXResult {
854 const CXResult_Success = 0,
855 const CXResult_Invalid = 1,
856 const CXResult_VisitBreak = 2,
857 }
860cenum! {
861 enum CXSaveError {
862 const CXSaveError_None = 0,
863 const CXSaveError_Unknown = 1,
864 const CXSaveError_TranslationErrors = 2,
865 const CXSaveError_InvalidTU = 3,
866 }
869cenum! {
870 /// Only available on `libclang` 6.0 and later.
871 #[cfg(feature = "clang_6_0")]
872 enum CXTLSKind {
873 const CXTLS_None = 0,
874 const CXTLS_Dynamic = 1,
875 const CXTLS_Static = 2,
876 }
879cenum! {
880 enum CXTUResourceUsageKind {
881 const CXTUResourceUsage_AST = 1,
882 const CXTUResourceUsage_Identifiers = 2,
883 const CXTUResourceUsage_Selectors = 3,
884 const CXTUResourceUsage_GlobalCompletionResults = 4,
885 const CXTUResourceUsage_SourceManagerContentCache = 5,
886 const CXTUResourceUsage_AST_SideTables = 6,
887 const CXTUResourceUsage_SourceManager_Membuffer_Malloc = 7,
888 const CXTUResourceUsage_SourceManager_Membuffer_MMap = 8,
889 const CXTUResourceUsage_ExternalASTSource_Membuffer_Malloc = 9,
890 const CXTUResourceUsage_ExternalASTSource_Membuffer_MMap = 10,
891 const CXTUResourceUsage_Preprocessor = 11,
892 const CXTUResourceUsage_PreprocessingRecord = 12,
893 const CXTUResourceUsage_SourceManager_DataStructures = 13,
894 const CXTUResourceUsage_Preprocessor_HeaderSearch = 14,
895 }
898cenum! {
899 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.6 and later.
900 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_6")]
901 enum CXTemplateArgumentKind {
902 const CXTemplateArgumentKind_Null = 0,
903 const CXTemplateArgumentKind_Type = 1,
904 const CXTemplateArgumentKind_Declaration = 2,
905 const CXTemplateArgumentKind_NullPtr = 3,
906 const CXTemplateArgumentKind_Integral = 4,
907 const CXTemplateArgumentKind_Template = 5,
908 const CXTemplateArgumentKind_TemplateExpansion = 6,
909 const CXTemplateArgumentKind_Expression = 7,
910 const CXTemplateArgumentKind_Pack = 8,
911 const CXTemplateArgumentKind_Invalid = 9,
912 }
915cenum! {
916 enum CXTokenKind {
917 const CXToken_Punctuation = 0,
918 const CXToken_Keyword = 1,
919 const CXToken_Identifier = 2,
920 const CXToken_Literal = 3,
921 const CXToken_Comment = 4,
922 }
925cenum! {
926 enum CXTypeKind {
927 const CXType_Invalid = 0,
928 const CXType_Unexposed = 1,
929 const CXType_Void = 2,
930 const CXType_Bool = 3,
931 const CXType_Char_U = 4,
932 const CXType_UChar = 5,
933 const CXType_Char16 = 6,
934 const CXType_Char32 = 7,
935 const CXType_UShort = 8,
936 const CXType_UInt = 9,
937 const CXType_ULong = 10,
938 const CXType_ULongLong = 11,
939 const CXType_UInt128 = 12,
940 const CXType_Char_S = 13,
941 const CXType_SChar = 14,
942 const CXType_WChar = 15,
943 const CXType_Short = 16,
944 const CXType_Int = 17,
945 const CXType_Long = 18,
946 const CXType_LongLong = 19,
947 const CXType_Int128 = 20,
948 const CXType_Float = 21,
949 const CXType_Double = 22,
950 const CXType_LongDouble = 23,
951 const CXType_NullPtr = 24,
952 const CXType_Overload = 25,
953 const CXType_Dependent = 26,
954 const CXType_ObjCId = 27,
955 const CXType_ObjCClass = 28,
956 const CXType_ObjCSel = 29,
957 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
958 const CXType_Float128 = 30,
959 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
960 const CXType_Half = 31,
961 /// Only produced by `libclang` 6.0 and later.
962 const CXType_Float16 = 32,
963 /// Only produced by `libclang` 7.0 and later.
964 const CXType_ShortAccum = 33,
965 /// Only produced by `libclang` 7.0 and later.
966 const CXType_Accum = 34,
967 /// Only produced by `libclang` 7.0 and later.
968 const CXType_LongAccum = 35,
969 /// Only produced by `libclang` 7.0 and later.
970 const CXType_UShortAccum = 36,
971 /// Only produced by `libclang` 7.0 and later.
972 const CXType_UAccum = 37,
973 /// Only produced by `libclang` 7.0 and later.
974 const CXType_ULongAccum = 38,
975 /// Only produced by `libclang` 11.0 and later.
976 const CXType_BFloat16 = 39,
977 /// Only produced by `libclang` 14.0 and later.
978 const CXType_Ibm128 = 40,
979 const CXType_Complex = 100,
980 const CXType_Pointer = 101,
981 const CXType_BlockPointer = 102,
982 const CXType_LValueReference = 103,
983 const CXType_RValueReference = 104,
984 const CXType_Record = 105,
985 const CXType_Enum = 106,
986 const CXType_Typedef = 107,
987 const CXType_ObjCInterface = 108,
988 const CXType_ObjCObjectPointer = 109,
989 const CXType_FunctionNoProto = 110,
990 const CXType_FunctionProto = 111,
991 const CXType_ConstantArray = 112,
992 const CXType_Vector = 113,
993 const CXType_IncompleteArray = 114,
994 const CXType_VariableArray = 115,
995 const CXType_DependentSizedArray = 116,
996 const CXType_MemberPointer = 117,
997 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.8 and later.
998 const CXType_Auto = 118,
999 /// Only produced by `libclang` 3.9 and later.
1000 const CXType_Elaborated = 119,
1001 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1002 const CXType_Pipe = 120,
1003 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1004 const CXType_OCLImage1dRO = 121,
1005 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1006 const CXType_OCLImage1dArrayRO = 122,
1007 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1008 const CXType_OCLImage1dBufferRO = 123,
1009 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1010 const CXType_OCLImage2dRO = 124,
1011 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1012 const CXType_OCLImage2dArrayRO = 125,
1013 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1014 const CXType_OCLImage2dDepthRO = 126,
1015 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1016 const CXType_OCLImage2dArrayDepthRO = 127,
1017 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1018 const CXType_OCLImage2dMSAARO = 128,
1019 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1020 const CXType_OCLImage2dArrayMSAARO = 129,
1021 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1022 const CXType_OCLImage2dMSAADepthRO = 130,
1023 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1024 const CXType_OCLImage2dArrayMSAADepthRO = 131,
1025 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1026 const CXType_OCLImage3dRO = 132,
1027 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1028 const CXType_OCLImage1dWO = 133,
1029 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1030 const CXType_OCLImage1dArrayWO = 134,
1031 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1032 const CXType_OCLImage1dBufferWO = 135,
1033 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1034 const CXType_OCLImage2dWO = 136,
1035 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1036 const CXType_OCLImage2dArrayWO = 137,
1037 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1038 const CXType_OCLImage2dDepthWO = 138,
1039 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1040 const CXType_OCLImage2dArrayDepthWO = 139,
1041 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1042 const CXType_OCLImage2dMSAAWO = 140,
1043 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1044 const CXType_OCLImage2dArrayMSAAWO = 141,
1045 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1046 const CXType_OCLImage2dMSAADepthWO = 142,
1047 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1048 const CXType_OCLImage2dArrayMSAADepthWO = 143,
1049 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1050 const CXType_OCLImage3dWO = 144,
1051 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1052 const CXType_OCLImage1dRW = 145,
1053 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1054 const CXType_OCLImage1dArrayRW = 146,
1055 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1056 const CXType_OCLImage1dBufferRW = 147,
1057 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1058 const CXType_OCLImage2dRW = 148,
1059 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1060 const CXType_OCLImage2dArrayRW = 149,
1061 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1062 const CXType_OCLImage2dDepthRW = 150,
1063 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1064 const CXType_OCLImage2dArrayDepthRW = 151,
1065 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1066 const CXType_OCLImage2dMSAARW = 152,
1067 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1068 const CXType_OCLImage2dArrayMSAARW = 153,
1069 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1070 const CXType_OCLImage2dMSAADepthRW = 154,
1071 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1072 const CXType_OCLImage2dArrayMSAADepthRW = 155,
1073 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1074 const CXType_OCLImage3dRW = 156,
1075 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1076 const CXType_OCLSampler = 157,
1077 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1078 const CXType_OCLEvent = 158,
1079 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1080 const CXType_OCLQueue = 159,
1081 /// Only produced by `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1082 const CXType_OCLReserveID = 160,
1083 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1084 const CXType_ObjCObject = 161,
1085 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1086 const CXType_ObjCTypeParam = 162,
1087 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1088 const CXType_Attributed = 163,
1089 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1090 const CXType_OCLIntelSubgroupAVCMcePayload = 164,
1091 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1092 const CXType_OCLIntelSubgroupAVCImePayload = 165,
1093 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1094 const CXType_OCLIntelSubgroupAVCRefPayload = 166,
1095 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1096 const CXType_OCLIntelSubgroupAVCSicPayload = 167,
1097 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1098 const CXType_OCLIntelSubgroupAVCMceResult = 168,
1099 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1100 const CXType_OCLIntelSubgroupAVCImeResult = 169,
1101 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1102 const CXType_OCLIntelSubgroupAVCRefResult = 170,
1103 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1104 const CXType_OCLIntelSubgroupAVCSicResult = 171,
1105 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1106 const CXType_OCLIntelSubgroupAVCImeResultSingleRefStreamout = 172,
1107 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1108 const CXType_OCLIntelSubgroupAVCImeResultDualRefStreamout = 173,
1109 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1110 const CXType_OCLIntelSubgroupAVCImeSingleRefStreamin = 174,
1111 /// Only produced by `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1112 const CXType_OCLIntelSubgroupAVCImeDualRefStreamin = 175,
1113 /// Only produced by `libclang` 9.0 and later.
1114 const CXType_ExtVector = 176,
1115 /// Only produced by `libclang` 11.0 and later.
1116 const CXType_Atomic = 177,
1117 /// Only produced by `libclang` 15.0 and later.
1118 const CXType_BTFTagAttributed = 178,
1119 }
1122cenum! {
1123 enum CXTypeLayoutError {
1124 const CXTypeLayoutError_Invalid = -1,
1125 const CXTypeLayoutError_Incomplete = -2,
1126 const CXTypeLayoutError_Dependent = -3,
1127 const CXTypeLayoutError_NotConstantSize = -4,
1128 const CXTypeLayoutError_InvalidFieldName = -5,
1129 /// Only produced by `libclang` 9.0 and later.
1130 const CXTypeLayoutError_Undeduced = -6,
1131 }
1134cenum! {
1135 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.8 and later.
1136 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_8")]
1137 enum CXVisibilityKind {
1138 const CXVisibility_Invalid = 0,
1139 const CXVisibility_Hidden = 1,
1140 const CXVisibility_Protected = 2,
1141 const CXVisibility_Default = 3,
1142 }
1145cenum! {
1146 /// Only available on `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1147 #[cfg(feature = "clang_8_0")]
1148 enum CXTypeNullabilityKind {
1149 const CXTypeNullability_NonNull = 0,
1150 const CXTypeNullability_Nullable = 1,
1151 const CXTypeNullability_Unspecified = 2,
1152 const CXTypeNullability_Invalid = 3,
1153 /// Only produced by `libclang` 12.0 and later.
1154 const CXTypeNullability_NullableResult = 4,
1155 }
1158cenum! {
1159 /// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
1160 #[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
1161 enum CXUnaryOperatorKind {
1162 const CXUnaryOperator_Invalid = 0,
1163 const CXUnaryOperator_PostInc = 1,
1164 const CXUnaryOperator_PostDec = 2,
1165 const CXUnaryOperator_PreInc = 3,
1166 const CXUnaryOperator_PreDec = 4,
1167 const CXUnaryOperator_AddrOf = 5,
1168 const CXUnaryOperator_Deref = 6,
1169 const CXUnaryOperator_Plus = 7,
1170 const CXUnaryOperator_Minus = 8,
1171 const CXUnaryOperator_Not = 9,
1172 const CXUnaryOperator_LNot = 10,
1173 const CXUnaryOperator_Real = 11,
1174 const CXUnaryOperator_Imag = 12,
1175 const CXUnaryOperator_Extension = 13,
1176 const CXUnaryOperator_Coawait = 14,
1177 }
1180cenum! {
1181 enum CXVisitorResult {
1182 const CXVisit_Break = 0,
1183 const CXVisit_Continue = 1,
1184 }
1187cenum! {
1188 enum CX_CXXAccessSpecifier {
1189 const CX_CXXInvalidAccessSpecifier = 0,
1190 const CX_CXXPublic = 1,
1191 const CX_CXXProtected = 2,
1192 const CX_CXXPrivate = 3,
1193 }
1196cenum! {
1197 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.6 and later.
1198 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_6")]
1199 enum CX_StorageClass {
1200 const CX_SC_Invalid = 0,
1201 const CX_SC_None = 1,
1202 const CX_SC_Extern = 2,
1203 const CX_SC_Static = 3,
1204 const CX_SC_PrivateExtern = 4,
1205 const CX_SC_OpenCLWorkGroupLocal = 5,
1206 const CX_SC_Auto = 6,
1207 const CX_SC_Register = 7,
1208 }
1212// Flags
1215cenum! {
1216 enum CXCodeComplete_Flags {
1217 const CXCodeComplete_IncludeMacros = 1;
1218 const CXCodeComplete_IncludeCodePatterns = 2;
1219 const CXCodeComplete_IncludeBriefComments = 4;
1220 const CXCodeComplete_SkipPreamble = 8;
1221 const CXCodeComplete_IncludeCompletionsWithFixIts = 16;
1222 }
1225cenum! {
1226 enum CXCompletionContext {
1227 const CXCompletionContext_Unexposed = 0;
1228 const CXCompletionContext_AnyType = 1;
1229 const CXCompletionContext_AnyValue = 2;
1230 const CXCompletionContext_ObjCObjectValue = 4;
1231 const CXCompletionContext_ObjCSelectorValue = 8;
1232 const CXCompletionContext_CXXClassTypeValue = 16;
1233 const CXCompletionContext_DotMemberAccess = 32;
1234 const CXCompletionContext_ArrowMemberAccess = 64;
1235 const CXCompletionContext_ObjCPropertyAccess = 128;
1236 const CXCompletionContext_EnumTag = 256;
1237 const CXCompletionContext_UnionTag = 512;
1238 const CXCompletionContext_StructTag = 1024;
1239 const CXCompletionContext_ClassTag = 2048;
1240 const CXCompletionContext_Namespace = 4096;
1241 const CXCompletionContext_NestedNameSpecifier = 8192;
1242 const CXCompletionContext_ObjCInterface = 16384;
1243 const CXCompletionContext_ObjCProtocol = 32768;
1244 const CXCompletionContext_ObjCCategory = 65536;
1245 const CXCompletionContext_ObjCInstanceMessage = 131072;
1246 const CXCompletionContext_ObjCClassMessage = 262144;
1247 const CXCompletionContext_ObjCSelectorName = 524288;
1248 const CXCompletionContext_MacroName = 1048576;
1249 const CXCompletionContext_NaturalLanguage = 2097152;
1250 const CXCompletionContext_IncludedFile = 4194304;
1251 const CXCompletionContext_Unknown = 8388607;
1252 }
1255cenum! {
1256 enum CXDiagnosticDisplayOptions {
1257 const CXDiagnostic_DisplaySourceLocation = 1;
1258 const CXDiagnostic_DisplayColumn = 2;
1259 const CXDiagnostic_DisplaySourceRanges = 4;
1260 const CXDiagnostic_DisplayOption = 8;
1261 const CXDiagnostic_DisplayCategoryId = 16;
1262 const CXDiagnostic_DisplayCategoryName = 32;
1263 }
1266cenum! {
1267 enum CXGlobalOptFlags {
1268 const CXGlobalOpt_None = 0;
1269 const CXGlobalOpt_ThreadBackgroundPriorityForIndexing = 1;
1270 const CXGlobalOpt_ThreadBackgroundPriorityForEditing = 2;
1271 const CXGlobalOpt_ThreadBackgroundPriorityForAll = 3;
1272 }
1275cenum! {
1276 enum CXIdxDeclInfoFlags {
1277 const CXIdxDeclFlag_Skipped = 1;
1278 }
1281cenum! {
1282 enum CXIndexOptFlags {
1283 const CXIndexOptNone = 0;
1284 const CXIndexOptSuppressRedundantRefs = 1;
1285 const CXIndexOptIndexFunctionLocalSymbols = 2;
1286 const CXIndexOptIndexImplicitTemplateInstantiations = 4;
1287 const CXIndexOptSuppressWarnings = 8;
1288 const CXIndexOptSkipParsedBodiesInSession = 16;
1289 }
1292/// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
1293#[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
1294#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
1295pub type CXIndexOptions_Flags = c_ushort;
1297/// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
1298#[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
1299#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
1300pub type CXIndexOptions_Flags = c_uint;
1302/// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
1303#[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
1304pub const CXIndexOptions_ExcludeDeclarationsFromPCH: CXIndexOptions_Flags = 1;
1306/// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
1307#[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
1308pub const CXIndexOptions_DisplayDiagnostics: CXIndexOptions_Flags = 2;
1310/// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
1311#[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
1312pub const CXIndexOptions_StorePreamblesInMemory: CXIndexOptions_Flags = 4;
1314cenum! {
1315 enum CXNameRefFlags {
1316 const CXNameRange_WantQualifier = 1;
1317 const CXNameRange_WantTemplateArgs = 2;
1318 const CXNameRange_WantSinglePiece = 4;
1319 }
1322cenum! {
1323 enum CXObjCDeclQualifierKind {
1324 const CXObjCDeclQualifier_None = 0;
1325 const CXObjCDeclQualifier_In = 1;
1326 const CXObjCDeclQualifier_Inout = 2;
1327 const CXObjCDeclQualifier_Out = 4;
1328 const CXObjCDeclQualifier_Bycopy = 8;
1329 const CXObjCDeclQualifier_Byref = 16;
1330 const CXObjCDeclQualifier_Oneway = 32;
1331 }
1334cenum! {
1335 enum CXObjCPropertyAttrKind {
1336 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_noattr = 0;
1337 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_readonly = 1;
1338 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_getter = 2;
1339 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_assign = 4;
1340 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_readwrite = 8;
1341 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_retain = 16;
1342 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_copy = 32;
1343 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_nonatomic = 64;
1344 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_setter = 128;
1345 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_atomic = 256;
1346 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_weak = 512;
1347 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_strong = 1024;
1348 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_unsafe_unretained = 2048;
1349 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
1350 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
1351 const CXObjCPropertyAttr_class = 4096;
1352 }
1355cenum! {
1356 enum CXReparse_Flags {
1357 const CXReparse_None = 0;
1358 }
1361cenum! {
1362 enum CXSaveTranslationUnit_Flags {
1363 const CXSaveTranslationUnit_None = 0;
1364 }
1367cenum! {
1368 /// Only available on `libclang` 7.0 and later.
1369 #[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
1370 enum CXSymbolRole {
1371 const CXSymbolRole_None = 0;
1372 const CXSymbolRole_Declaration = 1;
1373 const CXSymbolRole_Definition = 2;
1374 const CXSymbolRole_Reference = 4;
1375 const CXSymbolRole_Read = 8;
1376 const CXSymbolRole_Write = 16;
1377 const CXSymbolRole_Call = 32;
1378 const CXSymbolRole_Dynamic = 64;
1379 const CXSymbolRole_AddressOf = 128;
1380 const CXSymbolRole_Implicit = 256;
1381 }
1384cenum! {
1385 enum CXTranslationUnit_Flags {
1386 const CXTranslationUnit_None = 0;
1387 const CXTranslationUnit_DetailedPreprocessingRecord = 1;
1388 const CXTranslationUnit_Incomplete = 2;
1389 const CXTranslationUnit_PrecompiledPreamble = 4;
1390 const CXTranslationUnit_CacheCompletionResults = 8;
1391 const CXTranslationUnit_ForSerialization = 16;
1392 const CXTranslationUnit_CXXChainedPCH = 32;
1393 const CXTranslationUnit_SkipFunctionBodies = 64;
1394 const CXTranslationUnit_IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion = 128;
1395 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.8 and later.
1396 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_8")]
1397 const CXTranslationUnit_CreatePreambleOnFirstParse = 256;
1398 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
1399 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
1400 const CXTranslationUnit_KeepGoing = 512;
1401 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1402 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
1403 const CXTranslationUnit_SingleFileParse = 1024;
1404 /// Only available on `libclang` 7.0 and later.
1405 #[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
1406 const CXTranslationUnit_LimitSkipFunctionBodiesToPreamble = 2048;
1407 /// Only available on `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1408 #[cfg(feature = "clang_8_0")]
1409 const CXTranslationUnit_IncludeAttributedTypes = 4096;
1410 /// Only available on `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1411 #[cfg(feature = "clang_8_0")]
1412 const CXTranslationUnit_VisitImplicitAttributes = 8192;
1413 /// Only available on `libclang` 9.0 and later.
1414 #[cfg(feature = "clang_9_0")]
1415 const CXTranslationUnit_IgnoreNonErrorsFromIncludedFiles = 16384;
1416 /// Only available on `libclang` 10.0 and later.
1417 #[cfg(feature = "clang_10_0")]
1418 const CXTranslationUnit_RetainExcludedConditionalBlocks = 32768;
1419 }
1423// Structs
1426// Opaque ________________________________________
1428macro_rules! opaque {
1429 ($name:ident) => {
1430 pub type $name = *mut c_void;
1431 };
1441#[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
1451#[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
1454#[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
1458// Transparent ___________________________________
1460#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1462pub struct CXCodeCompleteResults {
1463 pub Results: *mut CXCompletionResult,
1464 pub NumResults: c_uint,
1469#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1471pub struct CXComment {
1472 pub ASTNode: *const c_void,
1473 pub TranslationUnit: CXTranslationUnit,
1478#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1480pub struct CXCompletionResult {
1481 pub CursorKind: CXCursorKind,
1482 pub CompletionString: CXCompletionString,
1487#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1489pub struct CXCursor {
1490 pub kind: CXCursorKind,
1491 pub xdata: c_int,
1492 pub data: [*const c_void; 3],
1497#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1499pub struct CXCursorAndRangeVisitor {
1500 pub context: *mut c_void,
1501 pub visit: Option<extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, CXCursor, CXSourceRange) -> CXVisitorResult>,
1506#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1508pub struct CXFileUniqueID {
1509 pub data: [c_ulonglong; 3],
1514#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1516pub struct CXIdxAttrInfo {
1517 pub kind: CXIdxAttrKind,
1518 pub cursor: CXCursor,
1519 pub loc: CXIdxLoc,
1524#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1526pub struct CXIdxBaseClassInfo {
1527 pub base: *const CXIdxEntityInfo,
1528 pub cursor: CXCursor,
1529 pub loc: CXIdxLoc,
1534#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1536pub struct CXIdxCXXClassDeclInfo {
1537 pub declInfo: *const CXIdxDeclInfo,
1538 pub bases: *const *const CXIdxBaseClassInfo,
1539 pub numBases: c_uint,
1544#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1546pub struct CXIdxContainerInfo {
1547 pub cursor: CXCursor,
1552#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1554pub struct CXIdxDeclInfo {
1555 pub entityInfo: *const CXIdxEntityInfo,
1556 pub cursor: CXCursor,
1557 pub loc: CXIdxLoc,
1558 pub semanticContainer: *const CXIdxContainerInfo,
1559 pub lexicalContainer: *const CXIdxContainerInfo,
1560 pub isRedeclaration: c_int,
1561 pub isDefinition: c_int,
1562 pub isContainer: c_int,
1563 pub declAsContainer: *const CXIdxContainerInfo,
1564 pub isImplicit: c_int,
1565 pub attributes: *const *const CXIdxAttrInfo,
1566 pub numAttributes: c_uint,
1567 pub flags: c_uint,
1572#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1574pub struct CXIdxEntityInfo {
1575 pub kind: CXIdxEntityKind,
1576 pub templateKind: CXIdxEntityCXXTemplateKind,
1577 pub lang: CXIdxEntityLanguage,
1578 pub name: *const c_char,
1579 pub USR: *const c_char,
1580 pub cursor: CXCursor,
1581 pub attributes: *const *const CXIdxAttrInfo,
1582 pub numAttributes: c_uint,
1587#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1589pub struct CXIdxEntityRefInfo {
1590 pub kind: CXIdxEntityRefKind,
1591 pub cursor: CXCursor,
1592 pub loc: CXIdxLoc,
1593 pub referencedEntity: *const CXIdxEntityInfo,
1594 pub parentEntity: *const CXIdxEntityInfo,
1595 pub container: *const CXIdxContainerInfo,
1596 /// Only available on `libclang` 7.0 and later.
1597 #[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
1598 pub role: CXSymbolRole,
1603#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1605pub struct CXIdxIBOutletCollectionAttrInfo {
1606 pub attrInfo: *const CXIdxAttrInfo,
1607 pub objcClass: *const CXIdxEntityInfo,
1608 pub classCursor: CXCursor,
1609 pub classLoc: CXIdxLoc,
1614#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1616pub struct CXIdxImportedASTFileInfo {
1617 pub file: CXFile,
1618 pub module: CXModule,
1619 pub loc: CXIdxLoc,
1620 pub isImplicit: c_int,
1625#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1627pub struct CXIdxIncludedFileInfo {
1628 pub hashLoc: CXIdxLoc,
1629 pub filename: *const c_char,
1630 pub file: CXFile,
1631 pub isImport: c_int,
1632 pub isAngled: c_int,
1633 pub isModuleImport: c_int,
1638#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1640pub struct CXIdxLoc {
1641 pub ptr_data: [*mut c_void; 2],
1642 pub int_data: c_uint,
1647#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1649pub struct CXIdxObjCCategoryDeclInfo {
1650 pub containerInfo: *const CXIdxObjCContainerDeclInfo,
1651 pub objcClass: *const CXIdxEntityInfo,
1652 pub classCursor: CXCursor,
1653 pub classLoc: CXIdxLoc,
1654 pub protocols: *const CXIdxObjCProtocolRefListInfo,
1659#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1661pub struct CXIdxObjCContainerDeclInfo {
1662 pub declInfo: *const CXIdxDeclInfo,
1663 pub kind: CXIdxObjCContainerKind,
1668#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1670pub struct CXIdxObjCInterfaceDeclInfo {
1671 pub containerInfo: *const CXIdxObjCContainerDeclInfo,
1672 pub superInfo: *const CXIdxBaseClassInfo,
1673 pub protocols: *const CXIdxObjCProtocolRefListInfo,
1678#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1680pub struct CXIdxObjCPropertyDeclInfo {
1681 pub declInfo: *const CXIdxDeclInfo,
1682 pub getter: *const CXIdxEntityInfo,
1683 pub setter: *const CXIdxEntityInfo,
1688#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1690pub struct CXIdxObjCProtocolRefInfo {
1691 pub protocol: *const CXIdxEntityInfo,
1692 pub cursor: CXCursor,
1693 pub loc: CXIdxLoc,
1698#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1700pub struct CXIdxObjCProtocolRefListInfo {
1701 pub protocols: *const *const CXIdxObjCProtocolRefInfo,
1702 pub numProtocols: c_uint,
1707#[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
1708#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1710pub struct CXIndexOptions {
1711 pub Size: c_uint,
1712 pub ThreadBackgroundPriorityForIndexing: CXChoice,
1713 pub ThreadBackgroundPriorityForEditing: CXChoice,
1714 pub flags: CXIndexOptions_Flags,
1715 pub PreambleStoragePath: *const c_char,
1716 pub InvocationEmissionPath: *const c_char,
1719#[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
1722#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1724pub struct CXPlatformAvailability {
1725 pub Platform: CXString,
1726 pub Introduced: CXVersion,
1727 pub Deprecated: CXVersion,
1728 pub Obsoleted: CXVersion,
1729 pub Unavailable: c_int,
1730 pub Message: CXString,
1735#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1737pub struct CXSourceLocation {
1738 pub ptr_data: [*const c_void; 2],
1739 pub int_data: c_uint,
1744#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1746pub struct CXSourceRange {
1747 pub ptr_data: [*const c_void; 2],
1748 pub begin_int_data: c_uint,
1749 pub end_int_data: c_uint,
1754#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1756pub struct CXSourceRangeList {
1757 pub count: c_uint,
1758 pub ranges: *mut CXSourceRange,
1763#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1765pub struct CXString {
1766 pub data: *const c_void,
1767 pub private_flags: c_uint,
1772#[cfg(feature = "clang_3_8")]
1773#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1775pub struct CXStringSet {
1776 pub Strings: *mut CXString,
1777 pub Count: c_uint,
1780#[cfg(feature = "clang_3_8")]
1783#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1785pub struct CXTUResourceUsage {
1786 pub data: *mut c_void,
1787 pub numEntries: c_uint,
1788 pub entries: *mut CXTUResourceUsageEntry,
1793#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1795pub struct CXTUResourceUsageEntry {
1796 pub kind: CXTUResourceUsageKind,
1797 pub amount: c_ulong,
1802#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1804pub struct CXToken {
1805 pub int_data: [c_uint; 4],
1806 pub ptr_data: *mut c_void,
1811#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1813pub struct CXType {
1814 pub kind: CXTypeKind,
1815 pub data: [*mut c_void; 2],
1820#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1822pub struct CXUnsavedFile {
1823 pub Filename: *const c_char,
1824 pub Contents: *const c_char,
1825 pub Length: c_ulong,
1830#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1832pub struct CXVersion {
1833 pub Major: c_int,
1834 pub Minor: c_int,
1835 pub Subminor: c_int,
1840#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1843pub struct IndexerCallbacks {
1844 pub abortQuery: Option<extern "C" fn(CXClientData, *mut c_void) -> c_int>,
1845 pub diagnostic: Option<extern "C" fn(CXClientData, CXDiagnosticSet, *mut c_void)>,
1846 pub enteredMainFile: Option<extern "C" fn(CXClientData, CXFile, *mut c_void) -> CXIdxClientFile>,
1847 pub ppIncludedFile: Option<extern "C" fn(CXClientData, *const CXIdxIncludedFileInfo) -> CXIdxClientFile>,
1848 pub importedASTFile: Option<extern "C" fn(CXClientData, *const CXIdxImportedASTFileInfo) -> CXIdxClientASTFile>,
1849 pub startedTranslationUnit: Option<extern "C" fn(CXClientData, *mut c_void) -> CXIdxClientContainer>,
1850 pub indexDeclaration: Option<extern "C" fn(CXClientData, *const CXIdxDeclInfo)>,
1851 pub indexEntityReference: Option<extern "C" fn(CXClientData, *const CXIdxEntityRefInfo)>,
1857// Functions
1860link! {
1861 pub fn clang_CXCursorSet_contains(set: CXCursorSet, cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1862 pub fn clang_CXCursorSet_insert(set: CXCursorSet, cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1863 pub fn clang_CXIndex_getGlobalOptions(index: CXIndex) -> CXGlobalOptFlags;
1864 pub fn clang_CXIndex_setGlobalOptions(index: CXIndex, flags: CXGlobalOptFlags);
1865 /// Only available on `libclang` 6.0 and later.
1866 #[cfg(feature = "clang_6_0")]
1867 pub fn clang_CXIndex_setInvocationEmissionPathOption(index: CXIndex, path: *const c_char);
1868 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
1869 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
1870 pub fn clang_CXXConstructor_isConvertingConstructor(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1871 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
1872 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
1873 pub fn clang_CXXConstructor_isCopyConstructor(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1874 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
1875 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
1876 pub fn clang_CXXConstructor_isDefaultConstructor(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1877 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
1878 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
1879 pub fn clang_CXXConstructor_isMoveConstructor(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1880 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.8 and later.
1881 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_8")]
1882 pub fn clang_CXXField_isMutable(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1883 pub fn clang_CXXMethod_isConst(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1884 /// Only available on `libclang` 16.0 and later.
1885 #[cfg(feature = "clang_16_0")]
1886 pub fn clang_CXXMethod_isCopyAssignmentOperator(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1887 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
1888 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
1889 pub fn clang_CXXMethod_isDefaulted(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1890 /// Only available on `libclang` 16.0 and later.
1891 #[cfg(feature = "clang_16_0")]
1892 pub fn clang_CXXMethod_isDeleted(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1893 /// Only available on `libclang` 16.0 and later.
1894 #[cfg(feature = "clang_16_0")]
1895 pub fn clang_CXXMethod_isMoveAssignmentOperator(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1896 pub fn clang_CXXMethod_isPureVirtual(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1897 pub fn clang_CXXMethod_isStatic(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1898 pub fn clang_CXXMethod_isVirtual(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1899 /// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
1900 #[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
1901 pub fn clang_CXXMethod_isExplicit(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1902 /// Only available on `libclang` 6.0 and later.
1903 #[cfg(feature = "clang_6_0")]
1904 pub fn clang_CXXRecord_isAbstract(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1905 pub fn clang_CompilationDatabase_dispose(database: CXCompilationDatabase);
1906 pub fn clang_CompilationDatabase_fromDirectory(directory: *const c_char, error: *mut CXCompilationDatabase_Error) -> CXCompilationDatabase;
1907 pub fn clang_CompilationDatabase_getAllCompileCommands(database: CXCompilationDatabase) -> CXCompileCommands;
1908 pub fn clang_CompilationDatabase_getCompileCommands(database: CXCompilationDatabase, filename: *const c_char) -> CXCompileCommands;
1909 pub fn clang_CompileCommand_getArg(command: CXCompileCommand, index: c_uint) -> CXString;
1910 pub fn clang_CompileCommand_getDirectory(command: CXCompileCommand) -> CXString;
1911 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.8 and later.
1912 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_8")]
1913 pub fn clang_CompileCommand_getFilename(command: CXCompileCommand) -> CXString;
1914 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.8 and later.
1915 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_8")]
1916 pub fn clang_CompileCommand_getMappedSourceContent(command: CXCompileCommand, index: c_uint) -> CXString;
1917 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.8 and later.
1918 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_8")]
1919 pub fn clang_CompileCommand_getMappedSourcePath(command: CXCompileCommand, index: c_uint) -> CXString;
1920 pub fn clang_CompileCommand_getNumArgs(command: CXCompileCommand) -> c_uint;
1921 pub fn clang_CompileCommand_getNumMappedSources(command: CXCompileCommand) -> c_uint;
1922 pub fn clang_CompileCommands_dispose(command: CXCompileCommands);
1923 pub fn clang_CompileCommands_getCommand(command: CXCompileCommands, index: c_uint) -> CXCompileCommand;
1924 pub fn clang_CompileCommands_getSize(command: CXCompileCommands) -> c_uint;
1925 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
1926 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
1927 pub fn clang_Cursor_Evaluate(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXEvalResult;
1928 pub fn clang_Cursor_getArgument(cursor: CXCursor, index: c_uint) -> CXCursor;
1929 pub fn clang_Cursor_getBriefCommentText(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXString;
1930 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.8 and later.
1931 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_8")]
1932 pub fn clang_Cursor_getCXXManglings(cursor: CXCursor) -> *mut CXStringSet;
1933 pub fn clang_Cursor_getCommentRange(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXSourceRange;
1934 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.6 and later.
1935 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_6")]
1936 pub fn clang_Cursor_getMangling(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXString;
1937 pub fn clang_Cursor_getModule(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXModule;
1938 pub fn clang_Cursor_getNumArguments(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_int;
1939 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.6 and later.
1940 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_6")]
1941 pub fn clang_Cursor_getNumTemplateArguments(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_int;
1942 pub fn clang_Cursor_getObjCDeclQualifiers(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXObjCDeclQualifierKind;
1943 /// Only available on `libclang` 6.0 and later.
1944 #[cfg(feature = "clang_6_0")]
1945 pub fn clang_Cursor_getObjCManglings(cursor: CXCursor) -> *mut CXStringSet;
1946 pub fn clang_Cursor_getObjCPropertyAttributes(cursor: CXCursor, reserved: c_uint) -> CXObjCPropertyAttrKind;
1947 /// Only available on `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1948 #[cfg(feature = "clang_8_0")]
1949 pub fn clang_Cursor_getObjCPropertyGetterName(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXString;
1950 /// Only available on `libclang` 8.0 and later.
1951 #[cfg(feature = "clang_8_0")]
1952 pub fn clang_Cursor_getObjCPropertySetterName(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXString;
1953 pub fn clang_Cursor_getObjCSelectorIndex(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_int;
1954 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.7 and later.
1955 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_7")]
1956 pub fn clang_Cursor_getOffsetOfField(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_longlong;
1957 pub fn clang_Cursor_getRawCommentText(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXString;
1958 pub fn clang_Cursor_getReceiverType(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXType;
1959 pub fn clang_Cursor_getSpellingNameRange(cursor: CXCursor, index: c_uint, reserved: c_uint) -> CXSourceRange;
1960 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.6 and later.
1961 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_6")]
1962 pub fn clang_Cursor_getStorageClass(cursor: CXCursor) -> CX_StorageClass;
1963 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.6 and later.
1964 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_6")]
1965 pub fn clang_Cursor_getTemplateArgumentKind(cursor: CXCursor, index: c_uint) -> CXTemplateArgumentKind;
1966 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.6 and later.
1967 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_6")]
1968 pub fn clang_Cursor_getTemplateArgumentType(cursor: CXCursor, index: c_uint) -> CXType;
1969 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.6 and later.
1970 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_6")]
1971 pub fn clang_Cursor_getTemplateArgumentUnsignedValue(cursor: CXCursor, index: c_uint) -> c_ulonglong;
1972 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.6 and later.
1973 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_6")]
1974 pub fn clang_Cursor_getTemplateArgumentValue(cursor: CXCursor, index: c_uint) -> c_longlong;
1975 pub fn clang_Cursor_getTranslationUnit(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXTranslationUnit;
1976 /// Only available on `libclang` 12.0 and later.
1977 #[cfg(feature = "clang_12_0")]
1978 pub fn clang_Cursor_getVarDeclInitializer(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXCursor;
1979 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
1980 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
1981 pub fn clang_Cursor_hasAttrs(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1982 /// Only available on `libclang` 12.0 and later.
1983 #[cfg(feature = "clang_12_0")]
1984 pub fn clang_Cursor_hasVarDeclGlobalStorage(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1985 /// Only available on `libclang` 12.0 and later.
1986 #[cfg(feature = "clang_12_0")]
1987 pub fn clang_Cursor_hasVarDeclExternalStorage(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1988 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.7 and later.
1989 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_7")]
1990 pub fn clang_Cursor_isAnonymous(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1991 /// Only available on `libclang` 9.0 and later.
1992 #[cfg(feature = "clang_9_0")]
1993 pub fn clang_Cursor_isAnonymousRecordDecl(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1994 pub fn clang_Cursor_isBitField(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1995 pub fn clang_Cursor_isDynamicCall(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_int;
1996 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
1997 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
1998 pub fn clang_Cursor_isExternalSymbol(cursor: CXCursor, language: *mut CXString, from: *mut CXString, generated: *mut c_uint) -> c_uint;
1999 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
2000 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
2001 pub fn clang_Cursor_isFunctionInlined(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
2002 /// Only available on `libclang` 9.0 and later.
2003 #[cfg(feature = "clang_9_0")]
2004 pub fn clang_Cursor_isInlineNamespace(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
2005 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
2006 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
2007 pub fn clang_Cursor_isMacroBuiltin(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
2008 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
2009 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
2010 pub fn clang_Cursor_isMacroFunctionLike(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
2011 pub fn clang_Cursor_isNull(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_int;
2012 pub fn clang_Cursor_isObjCOptional(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
2013 pub fn clang_Cursor_isVariadic(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
2014 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
2015 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
2016 pub fn clang_EnumDecl_isScoped(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
2017 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
2018 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
2019 pub fn clang_EvalResult_dispose(result: CXEvalResult);
2020 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
2021 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
2022 pub fn clang_EvalResult_getAsDouble(result: CXEvalResult) -> libc::c_double;
2023 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
2024 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
2025 pub fn clang_EvalResult_getAsInt(result: CXEvalResult) -> c_int;
2026 /// Only available on `libclang` 4.0 and later.
2027 #[cfg(feature = "clang_4_0")]
2028 pub fn clang_EvalResult_getAsLongLong(result: CXEvalResult) -> c_longlong;
2029 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
2030 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
2031 pub fn clang_EvalResult_getAsStr(result: CXEvalResult) -> *const c_char;
2032 /// Only available on `libclang` 4.0 and later.
2033 #[cfg(feature = "clang_4_0")]
2034 pub fn clang_EvalResult_getAsUnsigned(result: CXEvalResult) -> c_ulonglong;
2035 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
2036 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
2037 pub fn clang_EvalResult_getKind(result: CXEvalResult) -> CXEvalResultKind;
2038 /// Only available on `libclang` 4.0 and later.
2039 #[cfg(feature = "clang_4_0")]
2040 pub fn clang_EvalResult_isUnsignedInt(result: CXEvalResult) -> c_uint;
2041 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.6 and later.
2042 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_6")]
2043 pub fn clang_File_isEqual(left: CXFile, right: CXFile) -> c_int;
2044 /// Only available on `libclang` 7.0 and later.
2045 #[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
2046 pub fn clang_File_tryGetRealPathName(file: CXFile) -> CXString;
2047 pub fn clang_IndexAction_create(index: CXIndex) -> CXIndexAction;
2048 pub fn clang_IndexAction_dispose(index: CXIndexAction);
2049 pub fn clang_Location_isFromMainFile(location: CXSourceLocation) -> c_int;
2050 pub fn clang_Location_isInSystemHeader(location: CXSourceLocation) -> c_int;
2051 pub fn clang_Module_getASTFile(module: CXModule) -> CXFile;
2052 pub fn clang_Module_getFullName(module: CXModule) -> CXString;
2053 pub fn clang_Module_getName(module: CXModule) -> CXString;
2054 pub fn clang_Module_getNumTopLevelHeaders(tu: CXTranslationUnit, module: CXModule) -> c_uint;
2055 pub fn clang_Module_getParent(module: CXModule) -> CXModule;
2056 pub fn clang_Module_getTopLevelHeader(tu: CXTranslationUnit, module: CXModule, index: c_uint) -> CXFile;
2057 pub fn clang_Module_isSystem(module: CXModule) -> c_int;
2058 /// Only available on `libclang` 7.0 and later.
2059 #[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
2060 pub fn clang_PrintingPolicy_dispose(policy: CXPrintingPolicy);
2061 /// Only available on `libclang` 7.0 and later.
2062 #[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
2063 pub fn clang_PrintingPolicy_getProperty(policy: CXPrintingPolicy, property: CXPrintingPolicyProperty) -> c_uint;
2064 /// Only available on `libclang` 7.0 and later.
2065 #[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
2066 pub fn clang_PrintingPolicy_setProperty(policy: CXPrintingPolicy, property: CXPrintingPolicyProperty, value: c_uint);
2067 pub fn clang_Range_isNull(range: CXSourceRange) -> c_int;
2068 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
2069 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
2070 pub fn clang_TargetInfo_dispose(info: CXTargetInfo);
2071 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
2072 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
2073 pub fn clang_TargetInfo_getPointerWidth(info: CXTargetInfo) -> c_int;
2074 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
2075 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
2076 pub fn clang_TargetInfo_getTriple(info: CXTargetInfo) -> CXString;
2077 pub fn clang_Type_getAlignOf(type_: CXType) -> c_longlong;
2078 pub fn clang_Type_getCXXRefQualifier(type_: CXType) -> CXRefQualifierKind;
2079 pub fn clang_Type_getClassType(type_: CXType) -> CXType;
2080 /// Only available on `libclang` 8.0 and later.
2081 #[cfg(feature = "clang_8_0")]
2082 pub fn clang_Type_getModifiedType(type_: CXType) -> CXType;
2083 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
2084 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
2085 pub fn clang_Type_getNamedType(type_: CXType) -> CXType;
2086 /// Only available on `libclang` 8.0 and later.
2087 #[cfg(feature = "clang_8_0")]
2088 pub fn clang_Type_getNullability(type_: CXType) -> CXTypeNullabilityKind;
2089 /// Only available on `libclang` 8.0 and later.
2090 #[cfg(feature = "clang_8_0")]
2091 pub fn clang_Type_getNumObjCProtocolRefs(type_: CXType) -> c_uint;
2092 /// Only available on `libclang` 8.0 and later.
2093 #[cfg(feature = "clang_8_0")]
2094 pub fn clang_Type_getNumObjCTypeArgs(type_: CXType) -> c_uint;
2095 pub fn clang_Type_getNumTemplateArguments(type_: CXType) -> c_int;
2096 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.9 and later.
2097 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_9")]
2098 pub fn clang_Type_getObjCEncoding(type_: CXType) -> CXString;
2099 /// Only available on `libclang` 8.0 and later.
2100 #[cfg(feature = "clang_8_0")]
2101 pub fn clang_Type_getObjCObjectBaseType(type_: CXType) -> CXType;
2102 /// Only available on `libclang` 8.0 and later.
2103 #[cfg(feature = "clang_8_0")]
2104 pub fn clang_Type_getObjCProtocolDecl(type_: CXType, index: c_uint) -> CXCursor;
2105 /// Only available on `libclang` 8.0 and later.
2106 #[cfg(feature = "clang_8_0")]
2107 pub fn clang_Type_getObjCTypeArg(type_: CXType, index: c_uint) -> CXType;
2108 pub fn clang_Type_getOffsetOf(type_: CXType, field: *const c_char) -> c_longlong;
2109 pub fn clang_Type_getSizeOf(type_: CXType) -> c_longlong;
2110 pub fn clang_Type_getTemplateArgumentAsType(type_: CXType, index: c_uint) -> CXType;
2111 /// Only available on `libclang` 11.0 and later.
2112 #[cfg(feature = "clang_11_0")]
2113 pub fn clang_Type_getValueType(type_: CXType) -> CXType;
2114 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
2115 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
2116 pub fn clang_Type_isTransparentTagTypedef(type_: CXType) -> c_uint;
2117 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.7 and later.
2118 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_7")]
2119 pub fn clang_Type_visitFields(type_: CXType, visitor: CXFieldVisitor, data: CXClientData) -> CXVisitorResult;
2120 pub fn clang_annotateTokens(tu: CXTranslationUnit, tokens: *mut CXToken, n_tokens: c_uint, cursors: *mut CXCursor);
2121 pub fn clang_codeCompleteAt(tu: CXTranslationUnit, file: *const c_char, line: c_uint, column: c_uint, unsaved: *mut CXUnsavedFile, n_unsaved: c_uint, flags: CXCodeComplete_Flags) -> *mut CXCodeCompleteResults;
2122 pub fn clang_codeCompleteGetContainerKind(results: *mut CXCodeCompleteResults, incomplete: *mut c_uint) -> CXCursorKind;
2123 pub fn clang_codeCompleteGetContainerUSR(results: *mut CXCodeCompleteResults) -> CXString;
2124 pub fn clang_codeCompleteGetContexts(results: *mut CXCodeCompleteResults) -> c_ulonglong;
2125 pub fn clang_codeCompleteGetDiagnostic(results: *mut CXCodeCompleteResults, index: c_uint) -> CXDiagnostic;
2126 pub fn clang_codeCompleteGetNumDiagnostics(results: *mut CXCodeCompleteResults) -> c_uint;
2127 pub fn clang_codeCompleteGetObjCSelector(results: *mut CXCodeCompleteResults) -> CXString;
2128 pub fn clang_constructUSR_ObjCCategory(class: *const c_char, category: *const c_char) -> CXString;
2129 pub fn clang_constructUSR_ObjCClass(class: *const c_char) -> CXString;
2130 pub fn clang_constructUSR_ObjCIvar(name: *const c_char, usr: CXString) -> CXString;
2131 pub fn clang_constructUSR_ObjCMethod(name: *const c_char, instance: c_uint, usr: CXString) -> CXString;
2132 pub fn clang_constructUSR_ObjCProperty(property: *const c_char, usr: CXString) -> CXString;
2133 pub fn clang_constructUSR_ObjCProtocol(protocol: *const c_char) -> CXString;
2134 pub fn clang_createCXCursorSet() -> CXCursorSet;
2135 pub fn clang_createIndex(exclude: c_int, display: c_int) -> CXIndex;
2136 /// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
2137 #[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
2138 pub fn clang_createIndexWithOptions(options: CXIndexOptions) -> CXIndex;
2139 pub fn clang_createTranslationUnit(index: CXIndex, file: *const c_char) -> CXTranslationUnit;
2140 pub fn clang_createTranslationUnit2(index: CXIndex, file: *const c_char, tu: *mut CXTranslationUnit) -> CXErrorCode;
2141 pub fn clang_createTranslationUnitFromSourceFile(index: CXIndex, file: *const c_char, n_arguments: c_int, arguments: *const *const c_char, n_unsaved: c_uint, unsaved: *mut CXUnsavedFile) -> CXTranslationUnit;
2142 pub fn clang_defaultCodeCompleteOptions() -> CXCodeComplete_Flags;
2143 pub fn clang_defaultDiagnosticDisplayOptions() -> CXDiagnosticDisplayOptions;
2144 pub fn clang_defaultEditingTranslationUnitOptions() -> CXTranslationUnit_Flags;
2145 pub fn clang_defaultReparseOptions(tu: CXTranslationUnit) -> CXReparse_Flags;
2146 pub fn clang_defaultSaveOptions(tu: CXTranslationUnit) -> CXSaveTranslationUnit_Flags;
2147 pub fn clang_disposeCXCursorSet(set: CXCursorSet);
2148 pub fn clang_disposeCXPlatformAvailability(availability: *mut CXPlatformAvailability);
2149 pub fn clang_disposeCXTUResourceUsage(usage: CXTUResourceUsage);
2150 pub fn clang_disposeCodeCompleteResults(results: *mut CXCodeCompleteResults);
2151 pub fn clang_disposeDiagnostic(diagnostic: CXDiagnostic);
2152 pub fn clang_disposeDiagnosticSet(diagnostic: CXDiagnosticSet);
2153 pub fn clang_disposeIndex(index: CXIndex);
2154 pub fn clang_disposeOverriddenCursors(cursors: *mut CXCursor);
2155 pub fn clang_disposeSourceRangeList(list: *mut CXSourceRangeList);
2156 pub fn clang_disposeString(string: CXString);
2157 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.8 and later.
2158 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_8")]
2159 pub fn clang_disposeStringSet(set: *mut CXStringSet);
2160 pub fn clang_disposeTokens(tu: CXTranslationUnit, tokens: *mut CXToken, n_tokens: c_uint);
2161 pub fn clang_disposeTranslationUnit(tu: CXTranslationUnit);
2162 pub fn clang_enableStackTraces();
2163 pub fn clang_equalCursors(left: CXCursor, right: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
2164 pub fn clang_equalLocations(left: CXSourceLocation, right: CXSourceLocation) -> c_uint;
2165 pub fn clang_equalRanges(left: CXSourceRange, right: CXSourceRange) -> c_uint;
2166 pub fn clang_equalTypes(left: CXType, right: CXType) -> c_uint;
2167 pub fn clang_executeOnThread(function: extern fn(*mut c_void), data: *mut c_void, stack: c_uint);
2168 pub fn clang_findIncludesInFile(tu: CXTranslationUnit, file: CXFile, cursor: CXCursorAndRangeVisitor) -> CXResult;
2169 pub fn clang_findReferencesInFile(cursor: CXCursor, file: CXFile, visitor: CXCursorAndRangeVisitor) -> CXResult;
2170 pub fn clang_formatDiagnostic(diagnostic: CXDiagnostic, flags: CXDiagnosticDisplayOptions) -> CXString;
2171 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.7 and later.
2172 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_7")]
2173 pub fn clang_free(buffer: *mut c_void);
2174 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
2175 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
2176 pub fn clang_getAddressSpace(type_: CXType) -> c_uint;
2177 /// Only available on `libclang` 4.0 and later.
2178 #[cfg(feature = "clang_4_0")]
2179 pub fn clang_getAllSkippedRanges(tu: CXTranslationUnit) -> *mut CXSourceRangeList;
2180 pub fn clang_getArgType(type_: CXType, index: c_uint) -> CXType;
2181 pub fn clang_getArrayElementType(type_: CXType) -> CXType;
2182 pub fn clang_getArraySize(type_: CXType) -> c_longlong;
2183 /// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
2184 #[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
2185 pub fn clang_getBinaryOperatorKindSpelling(kind: CXBinaryOperatorKind) -> CXString;
2186 pub fn clang_getCString(string: CXString) -> *const c_char;
2187 pub fn clang_getCXTUResourceUsage(tu: CXTranslationUnit) -> CXTUResourceUsage;
2188 pub fn clang_getCXXAccessSpecifier(cursor: CXCursor) -> CX_CXXAccessSpecifier;
2189 pub fn clang_getCanonicalCursor(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXCursor;
2190 pub fn clang_getCanonicalType(type_: CXType) -> CXType;
2191 pub fn clang_getChildDiagnostics(diagnostic: CXDiagnostic) -> CXDiagnosticSet;
2192 pub fn clang_getClangVersion() -> CXString;
2193 pub fn clang_getCompletionAnnotation(string: CXCompletionString, index: c_uint) -> CXString;
2194 pub fn clang_getCompletionAvailability(string: CXCompletionString) -> CXAvailabilityKind;
2195 pub fn clang_getCompletionBriefComment(string: CXCompletionString) -> CXString;
2196 pub fn clang_getCompletionChunkCompletionString(string: CXCompletionString, index: c_uint) -> CXCompletionString;
2197 pub fn clang_getCompletionChunkKind(string: CXCompletionString, index: c_uint) -> CXCompletionChunkKind;
2198 pub fn clang_getCompletionChunkText(string: CXCompletionString, index: c_uint) -> CXString;
2199 /// Only available on `libclang` 7.0 and later.
2200 #[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
2201 pub fn clang_getCompletionFixIt(results: *mut CXCodeCompleteResults, completion_index: c_uint, fixit_index: c_uint, range: *mut CXSourceRange) -> CXString;
2202 pub fn clang_getCompletionNumAnnotations(string: CXCompletionString) -> c_uint;
2203 /// Only available on `libclang` 7.0 and later.
2204 #[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
2205 pub fn clang_getCompletionNumFixIts(results: *mut CXCodeCompleteResults, completion_index: c_uint) -> c_uint;
2206 pub fn clang_getCompletionParent(string: CXCompletionString, kind: *mut CXCursorKind) -> CXString;
2207 pub fn clang_getCompletionPriority(string: CXCompletionString) -> c_uint;
2208 pub fn clang_getCursor(tu: CXTranslationUnit, location: CXSourceLocation) -> CXCursor;
2209 pub fn clang_getCursorAvailability(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXAvailabilityKind;
2210 /// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
2211 #[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
2212 pub fn clang_getCursorBinaryOperatorKind(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXBinaryOperatorKind;
2213 pub fn clang_getCursorCompletionString(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXCompletionString;
2214 pub fn clang_getCursorDefinition(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXCursor;
2215 pub fn clang_getCursorDisplayName(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXString;
2216 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
2217 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
2218 pub fn clang_getCursorExceptionSpecificationType(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXCursor_ExceptionSpecificationKind;
2219 pub fn clang_getCursorExtent(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXSourceRange;
2220 pub fn clang_getCursorKind(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXCursorKind;
2221 pub fn clang_getCursorKindSpelling(kind: CXCursorKind) -> CXString;
2222 pub fn clang_getCursorLanguage(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXLanguageKind;
2223 pub fn clang_getCursorLexicalParent(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXCursor;
2224 pub fn clang_getCursorLinkage(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXLinkageKind;
2225 pub fn clang_getCursorLocation(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXSourceLocation;
2226 pub fn clang_getCursorPlatformAvailability(cursor: CXCursor, deprecated: *mut c_int, deprecated_message: *mut CXString, unavailable: *mut c_int, unavailable_message: *mut CXString, availability: *mut CXPlatformAvailability, n_availability: c_int) -> c_int;
2227 /// Only available on `libclang` 7.0 and later.
2228 #[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
2229 pub fn clang_getCursorPrettyPrinted(cursor: CXCursor, policy: CXPrintingPolicy) -> CXString;
2230 /// Only available on `libclang` 7.0 and later.
2231 #[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
2232 pub fn clang_getCursorPrintingPolicy(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXPrintingPolicy;
2233 pub fn clang_getCursorReferenceNameRange(cursor: CXCursor, flags: CXNameRefFlags, index: c_uint) -> CXSourceRange;
2234 pub fn clang_getCursorReferenced(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXCursor;
2235 pub fn clang_getCursorResultType(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXType;
2236 pub fn clang_getCursorSemanticParent(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXCursor;
2237 pub fn clang_getCursorSpelling(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXString;
2238 /// Only available on `libclang` 6.0 and later.
2239 #[cfg(feature = "clang_6_0")]
2240 pub fn clang_getCursorTLSKind(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXTLSKind;
2241 pub fn clang_getCursorType(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXType;
2242 /// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
2243 #[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
2244 pub fn clang_getCursorUnaryOperatorKind(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXUnaryOperatorKind;
2245 pub fn clang_getCursorUSR(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXString;
2246 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.8 and later.
2247 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_8")]
2248 pub fn clang_getCursorVisibility(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXVisibilityKind;
2249 pub fn clang_getDeclObjCTypeEncoding(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXString;
2250 pub fn clang_getDefinitionSpellingAndExtent(cursor: CXCursor, start: *mut *const c_char, end: *mut *const c_char, start_line: *mut c_uint, start_column: *mut c_uint, end_line: *mut c_uint, end_column: *mut c_uint);
2251 pub fn clang_getDiagnostic(tu: CXTranslationUnit, index: c_uint) -> CXDiagnostic;
2252 pub fn clang_getDiagnosticCategory(diagnostic: CXDiagnostic) -> c_uint;
2253 pub fn clang_getDiagnosticCategoryName(category: c_uint) -> CXString;
2254 pub fn clang_getDiagnosticCategoryText(diagnostic: CXDiagnostic) -> CXString;
2255 pub fn clang_getDiagnosticFixIt(diagnostic: CXDiagnostic, index: c_uint, range: *mut CXSourceRange) -> CXString;
2256 pub fn clang_getDiagnosticInSet(diagnostic: CXDiagnosticSet, index: c_uint) -> CXDiagnostic;
2257 pub fn clang_getDiagnosticLocation(diagnostic: CXDiagnostic) -> CXSourceLocation;
2258 pub fn clang_getDiagnosticNumFixIts(diagnostic: CXDiagnostic) -> c_uint;
2259 pub fn clang_getDiagnosticNumRanges(diagnostic: CXDiagnostic) -> c_uint;
2260 pub fn clang_getDiagnosticOption(diagnostic: CXDiagnostic, option: *mut CXString) -> CXString;
2261 pub fn clang_getDiagnosticRange(diagnostic: CXDiagnostic, index: c_uint) -> CXSourceRange;
2262 pub fn clang_getDiagnosticSetFromTU(tu: CXTranslationUnit) -> CXDiagnosticSet;
2263 pub fn clang_getDiagnosticSeverity(diagnostic: CXDiagnostic) -> CXDiagnosticSeverity;
2264 pub fn clang_getDiagnosticSpelling(diagnostic: CXDiagnostic) -> CXString;
2265 pub fn clang_getElementType(type_: CXType) -> CXType;
2266 pub fn clang_getEnumConstantDeclUnsignedValue(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_ulonglong;
2267 pub fn clang_getEnumConstantDeclValue(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_longlong;
2268 pub fn clang_getEnumDeclIntegerType(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXType;
2269 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
2270 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
2271 pub fn clang_getExceptionSpecificationType(type_: CXType) -> CXCursor_ExceptionSpecificationKind;
2272 pub fn clang_getExpansionLocation(location: CXSourceLocation, file: *mut CXFile, line: *mut c_uint, column: *mut c_uint, offset: *mut c_uint);
2273 pub fn clang_getFieldDeclBitWidth(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_int;
2274 pub fn clang_getFile(tu: CXTranslationUnit, file: *const c_char) -> CXFile;
2275 /// Only available on `libclang` 6.0 and later.
2276 #[cfg(feature = "clang_6_0")]
2277 pub fn clang_getFileContents(tu: CXTranslationUnit, file: CXFile, size: *mut size_t) -> *const c_char;
2278 pub fn clang_getFileLocation(location: CXSourceLocation, file: *mut CXFile, line: *mut c_uint, column: *mut c_uint, offset: *mut c_uint);
2279 pub fn clang_getFileName(file: CXFile) -> CXString;
2280 pub fn clang_getFileTime(file: CXFile) -> time_t;
2281 pub fn clang_getFileUniqueID(file: CXFile, id: *mut CXFileUniqueID) -> c_int;
2282 pub fn clang_getFunctionTypeCallingConv(type_: CXType) -> CXCallingConv;
2283 pub fn clang_getIBOutletCollectionType(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXType;
2284 pub fn clang_getIncludedFile(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXFile;
2285 pub fn clang_getInclusions(tu: CXTranslationUnit, visitor: CXInclusionVisitor, data: CXClientData);
2286 pub fn clang_getInstantiationLocation(location: CXSourceLocation, file: *mut CXFile, line: *mut c_uint, column: *mut c_uint, offset: *mut c_uint);
2287 pub fn clang_getLocation(tu: CXTranslationUnit, file: CXFile, line: c_uint, column: c_uint) -> CXSourceLocation;
2288 pub fn clang_getLocationForOffset(tu: CXTranslationUnit, file: CXFile, offset: c_uint) -> CXSourceLocation;
2289 pub fn clang_getModuleForFile(tu: CXTranslationUnit, file: CXFile) -> CXModule;
2290 /// Only available on `libclang` 16.0 and later.
2291 #[cfg(feature = "clang_16_0")]
2292 pub fn clang_getNonReferenceType(type_: CXType) -> CXType;
2293 pub fn clang_getNullCursor() -> CXCursor;
2294 pub fn clang_getNullLocation() -> CXSourceLocation;
2295 pub fn clang_getNullRange() -> CXSourceRange;
2296 pub fn clang_getNumArgTypes(type_: CXType) -> c_int;
2297 pub fn clang_getNumCompletionChunks(string: CXCompletionString) -> c_uint;
2298 pub fn clang_getNumDiagnostics(tu: CXTranslationUnit) -> c_uint;
2299 pub fn clang_getNumDiagnosticsInSet(diagnostic: CXDiagnosticSet) -> c_uint;
2300 pub fn clang_getNumElements(type_: CXType) -> c_longlong;
2301 pub fn clang_getNumOverloadedDecls(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
2302 pub fn clang_getOverloadedDecl(cursor: CXCursor, index: c_uint) -> CXCursor;
2303 pub fn clang_getOverriddenCursors(cursor: CXCursor, cursors: *mut *mut CXCursor, n_cursors: *mut c_uint);
2304 pub fn clang_getPointeeType(type_: CXType) -> CXType;
2305 pub fn clang_getPresumedLocation(location: CXSourceLocation, file: *mut CXString, line: *mut c_uint, column: *mut c_uint);
2306 pub fn clang_getRange(start: CXSourceLocation, end: CXSourceLocation) -> CXSourceRange;
2307 pub fn clang_getRangeEnd(range: CXSourceRange) -> CXSourceLocation;
2308 pub fn clang_getRangeStart(range: CXSourceRange) -> CXSourceLocation;
2309 pub fn clang_getRemappings(file: *const c_char) -> CXRemapping;
2310 pub fn clang_getRemappingsFromFileList(files: *mut *const c_char, n_files: c_uint) -> CXRemapping;
2311 pub fn clang_getResultType(type_: CXType) -> CXType;
2312 pub fn clang_getSkippedRanges(tu: CXTranslationUnit, file: CXFile) -> *mut CXSourceRangeList;
2313 pub fn clang_getSpecializedCursorTemplate(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXCursor;
2314 pub fn clang_getSpellingLocation(location: CXSourceLocation, file: *mut CXFile, line: *mut c_uint, column: *mut c_uint, offset: *mut c_uint);
2315 pub fn clang_getTUResourceUsageName(kind: CXTUResourceUsageKind) -> *const c_char;
2316 pub fn clang_getTemplateCursorKind(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXCursorKind;
2317 pub fn clang_getToken(tu: CXTranslationUnit, location: CXSourceLocation) -> *mut CXToken;
2318 pub fn clang_getTokenExtent(tu: CXTranslationUnit, token: CXToken) -> CXSourceRange;
2319 pub fn clang_getTokenKind(token: CXToken) -> CXTokenKind;
2320 pub fn clang_getTokenLocation(tu: CXTranslationUnit, token: CXToken) -> CXSourceLocation;
2321 pub fn clang_getTokenSpelling(tu: CXTranslationUnit, token: CXToken) -> CXString;
2322 pub fn clang_getTranslationUnitCursor(tu: CXTranslationUnit) -> CXCursor;
2323 pub fn clang_getTranslationUnitSpelling(tu: CXTranslationUnit) -> CXString;
2324 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
2325 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
2326 pub fn clang_getTranslationUnitTargetInfo(tu: CXTranslationUnit) -> CXTargetInfo;
2327 /// Only available on `libclang` 17.0 and later.
2328 #[cfg(feature = "clang_17_0")]
2329 pub fn clang_getUnaryOperatorKindSpelling(kind: CXUnaryOperatorKind) -> CXString;
2330 /// Only available on `libclang` 16.0 and later.
2331 #[cfg(feature = "clang_16_0")]
2332 pub fn clang_getUnqualifiedType(type_: CXType) -> CXType;
2333 pub fn clang_getTypeDeclaration(type_: CXType) -> CXCursor;
2334 pub fn clang_getTypeKindSpelling(type_: CXTypeKind) -> CXString;
2335 pub fn clang_getTypeSpelling(type_: CXType) -> CXString;
2336 pub fn clang_getTypedefDeclUnderlyingType(cursor: CXCursor) -> CXType;
2337 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
2338 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
2339 pub fn clang_getTypedefName(type_: CXType) -> CXString;
2340 pub fn clang_hashCursor(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
2341 pub fn clang_indexLoc_getCXSourceLocation(location: CXIdxLoc) -> CXSourceLocation;
2342 pub fn clang_indexLoc_getFileLocation(location: CXIdxLoc, index_file: *mut CXIdxClientFile, file: *mut CXFile, line: *mut c_uint, column: *mut c_uint, offset: *mut c_uint);
2343 pub fn clang_indexSourceFile(index: CXIndexAction, data: CXClientData, callbacks: *mut IndexerCallbacks, n_callbacks: c_uint, index_flags: CXIndexOptFlags, file: *const c_char, arguments: *const *const c_char, n_arguments: c_int, unsaved: *mut CXUnsavedFile, n_unsaved: c_uint, tu: *mut CXTranslationUnit, tu_flags: CXTranslationUnit_Flags) -> CXErrorCode;
2344 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.8 and later.
2345 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_8")]
2346 pub fn clang_indexSourceFileFullArgv(index: CXIndexAction, data: CXClientData, callbacks: *mut IndexerCallbacks, n_callbacks: c_uint, index_flags: CXIndexOptFlags, file: *const c_char, arguments: *const *const c_char, n_arguments: c_int, unsaved: *mut CXUnsavedFile, n_unsaved: c_uint, tu: *mut CXTranslationUnit, tu_flags: CXTranslationUnit_Flags) -> CXErrorCode;
2347 pub fn clang_indexTranslationUnit(index: CXIndexAction, data: CXClientData, callbacks: *mut IndexerCallbacks, n_callbacks: c_uint, flags: CXIndexOptFlags, tu: CXTranslationUnit) -> c_int;
2348 pub fn clang_index_getCXXClassDeclInfo(info: *const CXIdxDeclInfo) -> *const CXIdxCXXClassDeclInfo;
2349 pub fn clang_index_getClientContainer(info: *const CXIdxContainerInfo) -> CXIdxClientContainer;
2350 pub fn clang_index_getClientEntity(info: *const CXIdxEntityInfo) -> CXIdxClientEntity;
2351 pub fn clang_index_getIBOutletCollectionAttrInfo(info: *const CXIdxAttrInfo) -> *const CXIdxIBOutletCollectionAttrInfo;
2352 pub fn clang_index_getObjCCategoryDeclInfo(info: *const CXIdxDeclInfo) -> *const CXIdxObjCCategoryDeclInfo;
2353 pub fn clang_index_getObjCContainerDeclInfo(info: *const CXIdxDeclInfo) -> *const CXIdxObjCContainerDeclInfo;
2354 pub fn clang_index_getObjCInterfaceDeclInfo(info: *const CXIdxDeclInfo) -> *const CXIdxObjCInterfaceDeclInfo;
2355 pub fn clang_index_getObjCPropertyDeclInfo(info: *const CXIdxDeclInfo) -> *const CXIdxObjCPropertyDeclInfo;
2356 pub fn clang_index_getObjCProtocolRefListInfo(info: *const CXIdxDeclInfo) -> *const CXIdxObjCProtocolRefListInfo;
2357 pub fn clang_index_isEntityObjCContainerKind(info: CXIdxEntityKind) -> c_int;
2358 pub fn clang_index_setClientContainer(info: *const CXIdxContainerInfo, container: CXIdxClientContainer);
2359 pub fn clang_index_setClientEntity(info: *const CXIdxEntityInfo, entity: CXIdxClientEntity);
2360 pub fn clang_isAttribute(kind: CXCursorKind) -> c_uint;
2361 pub fn clang_isConstQualifiedType(type_: CXType) -> c_uint;
2362 pub fn clang_isCursorDefinition(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
2363 pub fn clang_isDeclaration(kind: CXCursorKind) -> c_uint;
2364 pub fn clang_isExpression(kind: CXCursorKind) -> c_uint;
2365 pub fn clang_isFileMultipleIncludeGuarded(tu: CXTranslationUnit, file: CXFile) -> c_uint;
2366 pub fn clang_isFunctionTypeVariadic(type_: CXType) -> c_uint;
2367 pub fn clang_isInvalid(kind: CXCursorKind) -> c_uint;
2368 /// Only available on `libclang` 7.0 and later.
2369 #[cfg(feature = "clang_7_0")]
2370 pub fn clang_isInvalidDeclaration(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
2371 pub fn clang_isPODType(type_: CXType) -> c_uint;
2372 pub fn clang_isPreprocessing(kind: CXCursorKind) -> c_uint;
2373 pub fn clang_isReference(kind: CXCursorKind) -> c_uint;
2374 pub fn clang_isRestrictQualifiedType(type_: CXType) -> c_uint;
2375 pub fn clang_isStatement(kind: CXCursorKind) -> c_uint;
2376 pub fn clang_isTranslationUnit(kind: CXCursorKind) -> c_uint;
2377 pub fn clang_isUnexposed(kind: CXCursorKind) -> c_uint;
2378 pub fn clang_isVirtualBase(cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
2379 pub fn clang_isVolatileQualifiedType(type_: CXType) -> c_uint;
2380 pub fn clang_loadDiagnostics(file: *const c_char, error: *mut CXLoadDiag_Error, message: *mut CXString) -> CXDiagnosticSet;
2381 pub fn clang_parseTranslationUnit(index: CXIndex, file: *const c_char, arguments: *const *const c_char, n_arguments: c_int, unsaved: *mut CXUnsavedFile, n_unsaved: c_uint, flags: CXTranslationUnit_Flags) -> CXTranslationUnit;
2382 pub fn clang_parseTranslationUnit2(index: CXIndex, file: *const c_char, arguments: *const *const c_char, n_arguments: c_int, unsaved: *mut CXUnsavedFile, n_unsaved: c_uint, flags: CXTranslationUnit_Flags, tu: *mut CXTranslationUnit) -> CXErrorCode;
2383 /// Only available on `libclang` 3.8 and later.
2384 #[cfg(feature = "clang_3_8")]
2385 pub fn clang_parseTranslationUnit2FullArgv(index: CXIndex, file: *const c_char, arguments: *const *const c_char, n_arguments: c_int, unsaved: *mut CXUnsavedFile, n_unsaved: c_uint, flags: CXTranslationUnit_Flags, tu: *mut CXTranslationUnit) -> CXErrorCode;
2386 pub fn clang_remap_dispose(remapping: CXRemapping);
2387 pub fn clang_remap_getFilenames(remapping: CXRemapping, index: c_uint, original: *mut CXString, transformed: *mut CXString);
2388 pub fn clang_remap_getNumFiles(remapping: CXRemapping) -> c_uint;
2389 pub fn clang_reparseTranslationUnit(tu: CXTranslationUnit, n_unsaved: c_uint, unsaved: *mut CXUnsavedFile, flags: CXReparse_Flags) -> CXErrorCode;
2390 pub fn clang_saveTranslationUnit(tu: CXTranslationUnit, file: *const c_char, options: CXSaveTranslationUnit_Flags) -> CXSaveError;
2391 pub fn clang_sortCodeCompletionResults(results: *mut CXCompletionResult, n_results: c_uint);
2392 /// Only available on `libclang` 5.0 and later.
2393 #[cfg(feature = "clang_5_0")]
2394 pub fn clang_suspendTranslationUnit(tu: CXTranslationUnit) -> c_uint;
2395 pub fn clang_toggleCrashRecovery(recovery: c_uint);
2396 pub fn clang_tokenize(tu: CXTranslationUnit, range: CXSourceRange, tokens: *mut *mut CXToken, n_tokens: *mut c_uint);
2397 pub fn clang_visitChildren(cursor: CXCursor, visitor: CXCursorVisitor, data: CXClientData) -> c_uint;
2399 // Documentation
2400 pub fn clang_BlockCommandComment_getArgText(comment: CXComment, index: c_uint) -> CXString;
2401 pub fn clang_BlockCommandComment_getCommandName(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;
2402 pub fn clang_BlockCommandComment_getNumArgs(comment: CXComment) -> c_uint;
2403 pub fn clang_BlockCommandComment_getParagraph(comment: CXComment) -> CXComment;
2404 pub fn clang_Comment_getChild(comment: CXComment, index: c_uint) -> CXComment;
2405 pub fn clang_Comment_getKind(comment: CXComment) -> CXCommentKind;
2406 pub fn clang_Comment_getNumChildren(comment: CXComment) -> c_uint;
2407 pub fn clang_Comment_isWhitespace(comment: CXComment) -> c_uint;
2408 pub fn clang_Cursor_getParsedComment(C: CXCursor) -> CXComment;
2409 pub fn clang_FullComment_getAsHTML(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;
2410 pub fn clang_FullComment_getAsXML(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;
2411 pub fn clang_HTMLStartTag_getAttrName(comment: CXComment, index: c_uint) -> CXString;
2412 pub fn clang_HTMLStartTag_getAttrValue(comment: CXComment, index: c_uint) -> CXString;
2413 pub fn clang_HTMLStartTag_getNumAttrs(comment: CXComment) -> c_uint;
2414 pub fn clang_HTMLStartTagComment_isSelfClosing(comment: CXComment) -> c_uint;
2415 pub fn clang_HTMLTagComment_getAsString(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;
2416 pub fn clang_HTMLTagComment_getTagName(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;
2417 pub fn clang_InlineCommandComment_getArgText(comment: CXComment, index: c_uint) -> CXString;
2418 pub fn clang_InlineCommandComment_getCommandName(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;
2419 pub fn clang_InlineCommandComment_getNumArgs(comment: CXComment) -> c_uint;
2420 pub fn clang_InlineCommandComment_getRenderKind(comment: CXComment) -> CXCommentInlineCommandRenderKind;
2421 pub fn clang_InlineContentComment_hasTrailingNewline(comment: CXComment) -> c_uint;
2422 pub fn clang_ParamCommandComment_getDirection(comment: CXComment) -> CXCommentParamPassDirection;
2423 pub fn clang_ParamCommandComment_getParamIndex(comment: CXComment) -> c_uint;
2424 pub fn clang_ParamCommandComment_getParamName(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;
2425 pub fn clang_ParamCommandComment_isDirectionExplicit(comment: CXComment) -> c_uint;
2426 pub fn clang_ParamCommandComment_isParamIndexValid(comment: CXComment) -> c_uint;
2427 pub fn clang_TextComment_getText(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;
2428 pub fn clang_TParamCommandComment_getDepth(comment: CXComment) -> c_uint;
2429 pub fn clang_TParamCommandComment_getIndex(comment: CXComment, depth: c_uint) -> c_uint;
2430 pub fn clang_TParamCommandComment_getParamName(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;
2431 pub fn clang_TParamCommandComment_isParamPositionValid(comment: CXComment) -> c_uint;
2432 pub fn clang_VerbatimBlockLineComment_getText(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;
2433 pub fn clang_VerbatimLineComment_getText(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;