1use crate::{Expression, Value};
3macro_rules! define_property {
4 (
5 $(
6 $(#[$attr:meta])*
7 $variant:ident($value_ty:ident, $name:expr),
8 )+
9 ) => {
10 #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
11 #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
12 pub enum Property {
13 $(
14 $(#[$attr])*
15 $variant(Expression),
16 )+
17 Dynamic(String, Expression),
18 }
20 impl Property {
21 pub fn kind(&self) -> PropertyKind {
22 match self {
23 $(
24 Property::$variant(_) => PropertyKind::$variant,
25 )+
26 Property::Dynamic(s, _) => PropertyKind::Dynamic(s.clone()),
27 }
28 }
29 }
31 #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
32 #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
33 pub enum PropertyKind {
34 $(
35 $(#[$attr])*
36 $variant,
37 )+
38 Dynamic(String),
39 }
41 parse_enum! {
42 PropertyKind,
43 $(
44 ($variant, $name),
45 )+
46 |s| Ok(PropertyKind::Dynamic(s.into())),
47 }
49 impl PropertyKind {
50 pub fn make_property(self, expr: Expression) -> Property {
51 match self {
52 $(
53 PropertyKind::$variant => Property::$variant(expr),
54 )+
55 PropertyKind::Dynamic(name) => Property::Dynamic(name.clone(), expr),
56 }
57 }
58 }
59 };
62define_property! {
63 /// Font family names
64 Family(String, "family"),
65 /// Languages corresponding to each family
66 FamilyLang(String, "familylang"),
67 /// Font style. Overrides weight and slant
68 Style(String, "style"),
69 /// Languages corresponding to each style
70 StyleLang(String, "stylelang"),
71 /// Font full names (often includes style)
72 FullName(String, "fullname"),
73 /// Languages corresponding to each fullname
74 FullNameLang(String, "fullnamelang"),
76 /// Italic, oblique or roman
77 Slant(Int, "slant"),
78 /// Light, medium, demibold, bold or black
79 Weight(Int, "weight"),
80 /// Point size
81 Size(Double, "size"),
82 /// Condensed, normal or expanded
83 Width(Int, "width"),
84 /// Stretches glyphs horizontally before hinting
85 Aspect(Double, "aspect"),
86 /// Pixel size
87 PixelSize(Double, "pixelsize"),
88 /// Proportional, dual-width, monospace or charcell
89 Spacing(Int, "spacing"),
90 /// Font foundry name
91 Foundry(String, "foundry"),
92 /// Whether glyphs can be antialiased
93 Antialias(Bool, "antialias"),
94 /// Whether the rasterizer should use hinting
95 Hinting(Bool, "hinting"),
96 /// Automatic hinting style
97 HintStyle(Int, "hintstyle"),
98 /// Automatic hinting style
99 VerticalLayout(Bool, "verticallayout"),
100 /// Use autohinter instead of normal hinter
101 AutoHint(Bool, "autohint"),
102 /// Use font global advance data (deprecated)
103 GlobalAdvance(Bool, "globaladvance"),
105 /// The filename holding the font
106 File(String, "file"),
107 /// The index of the font within the file
108 Index(Int, "index"),
109 // TODO:
110 // /// Use the specified FreeType face object
111 // Ftface(FT_Face),
112 /// Which rasterizer is in use (deprecated)
113 Rasterizer(String, "rasterizer"),
114 /// Whether the glyphs are outlines
115 Outline(Bool, "outline"),
116 /// Whether glyphs can be scaled
117 Scalable(Bool, "scalable"),
118 /// Whether any glyphs have color
119 Color(Bool, "color"),
120 /// Scale factor for point->pixel conversions (deprecated)
121 Scale(Double, "scale"),
122 /// Target dots per inch
123 Dpi(Double, "dpi"),
124 /// unknown, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr, none - subpixel geometry
125 Rgba(Int, "rgba"),
126 /// Type of LCD filter
127 Lcdfilter(Int, "lcdfilter"),
128 /// Eliminate leading from line spacing
129 Minspace(Bool, "minspace"),
130 /// Unicode chars encoded by the font
131 Charset(CharSet, "charset"),
132 /// List of RFC-3066-style languages this font supports
133 Lang(String, "lang"),
134 /// Version number of the font
135 Fontversion(Int, "fontversion"),
136 /// List of layout capabilities in the font
137 Capability(String, "capability"),
138 /// String name of the font format
139 Fontformat(String, "fontformat"),
140 /// Rasterizer should synthetically embolden the font
141 Embolden(Bool, "embolden"),
142 /// Use the embedded bitmap instead of the outline
143 Embeddedbitmap(Bool, "embeddedbitmap"),
144 /// Whether the style is a decorative variant
145 Decorative(Bool, "decorative"),
146 /// List of the feature tags in OpenType to be enabled
147 Fontfeatures(String, "fontfeatures"),
148 /// Language name to be used for the default value of familylang, stylelang, and fullnamelang
149 Namelang(String, "namelang"),
150 /// String Name of the running program
151 Prgname(String, "prgname"),
152 /// Font family name in PostScript
153 Postscriptname(String, "postscriptname"),
154 /// Whether the font has hinting
155 Fonthashint(Bool, "fonthashint"),
156 /// Order number of the font
157 Order(Int, "order"),
159 // custom
161 Matrix(Matrix, "matrix"),
162 PixelSizeFixupFactor(Double, "pixelsizefixupfactor"),
163 ScalingNotNeeded(Bool, "scalingnotneeded"),
166impl Default for Property {
167 fn default() -> Self {
168 Property::Family(Expression::Simple(Value::String(String::default())))
169 }
172impl Default for PropertyKind {
173 fn default() -> Self {
174 PropertyKind::Family
175 }