1use crate::leading_zeros::leading_zeros_u16;
2use core::mem;
5pub(crate) const fn f32_to_bf16(value: f32) -> u16 {
6 // TODO: Replace mem::transmute with to_bits() once to_bits is const-stabilized
7 // Convert to raw bytes
8 let x: u32 = unsafe { mem::transmute(src:value) };
10 // check for NaN
11 if x & 0x7FFF_FFFFu32 > 0x7F80_0000u32 {
12 // Keep high part of current mantissa but also set most significiant mantissa bit
13 return ((x >> 16) | 0x0040u32) as u16;
14 }
16 // round and shift
17 let round_bit: u32 = 0x0000_8000u32;
18 if (x & round_bit) != 0 && (x & (3 * round_bit - 1)) != 0 {
19 (x >> 16) as u16 + 1
20 } else {
21 (x >> 16) as u16
22 }
26pub(crate) const fn f64_to_bf16(value: f64) -> u16 {
27 // TODO: Replace mem::transmute with to_bits() once to_bits is const-stabilized
28 // Convert to raw bytes, truncating the last 32-bits of mantissa; that precision will always
29 // be lost on half-precision.
30 let val: u64 = unsafe { mem::transmute(value) };
31 let x = (val >> 32) as u32;
33 // Extract IEEE754 components
34 let sign = x & 0x8000_0000u32;
35 let exp = x & 0x7FF0_0000u32;
36 let man = x & 0x000F_FFFFu32;
38 // Check for all exponent bits being set, which is Infinity or NaN
39 if exp == 0x7FF0_0000u32 {
40 // Set mantissa MSB for NaN (and also keep shifted mantissa bits).
41 // We also have to check the last 32 bits.
42 let nan_bit = if man == 0 && (val as u32 == 0) {
43 0
44 } else {
45 0x0040u32
46 };
47 return ((sign >> 16) | 0x7F80u32 | nan_bit | (man >> 13)) as u16;
48 }
50 // The number is normalized, start assembling half precision version
51 let half_sign = sign >> 16;
52 // Unbias the exponent, then bias for bfloat16 precision
53 let unbiased_exp = ((exp >> 20) as i64) - 1023;
54 let half_exp = unbiased_exp + 127;
56 // Check for exponent overflow, return +infinity
57 if half_exp >= 0xFF {
58 return (half_sign | 0x7F80u32) as u16;
59 }
61 // Check for underflow
62 if half_exp <= 0 {
63 // Check mantissa for what we can do
64 if 7 - half_exp > 21 {
65 // No rounding possibility, so this is a full underflow, return signed zero
66 return half_sign as u16;
67 }
68 // Don't forget about hidden leading mantissa bit when assembling mantissa
69 let man = man | 0x0010_0000u32;
70 let mut half_man = man >> (14 - half_exp);
71 // Check for rounding
72 let round_bit = 1 << (13 - half_exp);
73 if (man & round_bit) != 0 && (man & (3 * round_bit - 1)) != 0 {
74 half_man += 1;
75 }
76 // No exponent for subnormals
77 return (half_sign | half_man) as u16;
78 }
80 // Rebias the exponent
81 let half_exp = (half_exp as u32) << 7;
82 let half_man = man >> 13;
83 // Check for rounding
84 let round_bit = 0x0000_1000u32;
85 if (man & round_bit) != 0 && (man & (3 * round_bit - 1)) != 0 {
86 // Round it
87 ((half_sign | half_exp | half_man) + 1) as u16
88 } else {
89 (half_sign | half_exp | half_man) as u16
90 }
94pub(crate) const fn bf16_to_f32(i: u16) -> f32 {
95 // TODO: Replace mem::transmute with from_bits() once from_bits is const-stabilized
96 // If NaN, keep current mantissa but also set most significiant mantissa bit
97 if i & 0x7FFFu16 > 0x7F80u16 {
98 unsafe { mem::transmute((i as u32 | 0x0040u32) << 16) }
99 } else {
100 unsafe { mem::transmute((i as u32) << 16) }
101 }
105pub(crate) const fn bf16_to_f64(i: u16) -> f64 {
106 // TODO: Replace mem::transmute with from_bits() once from_bits is const-stabilized
107 // Check for signed zero
108 if i & 0x7FFFu16 == 0 {
109 return unsafe { mem::transmute((i as u64) << 48) };
110 }
112 let half_sign = (i & 0x8000u16) as u64;
113 let half_exp = (i & 0x7F80u16) as u64;
114 let half_man = (i & 0x007Fu16) as u64;
116 // Check for an infinity or NaN when all exponent bits set
117 if half_exp == 0x7F80u64 {
118 // Check for signed infinity if mantissa is zero
119 if half_man == 0 {
120 return unsafe { mem::transmute((half_sign << 48) | 0x7FF0_0000_0000_0000u64) };
121 } else {
122 // NaN, keep current mantissa but also set most significiant mantissa bit
123 return unsafe {
124 mem::transmute((half_sign << 48) | 0x7FF8_0000_0000_0000u64 | (half_man << 45))
125 };
126 }
127 }
129 // Calculate double-precision components with adjusted exponent
130 let sign = half_sign << 48;
131 // Unbias exponent
132 let unbiased_exp = ((half_exp as i64) >> 7) - 127;
134 // Check for subnormals, which will be normalized by adjusting exponent
135 if half_exp == 0 {
136 // Calculate how much to adjust the exponent by
137 let e = leading_zeros_u16(half_man as u16) - 9;
139 // Rebias and adjust exponent
140 let exp = ((1023 - 127 - e) as u64) << 52;
141 let man = (half_man << (46 + e)) & 0xF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFu64;
142 return unsafe { mem::transmute(sign | exp | man) };
143 }
144 // Rebias exponent for a normalized normal
145 let exp = ((unbiased_exp + 1023) as u64) << 52;
146 let man = (half_man & 0x007Fu64) << 45;
147 unsafe { mem::transmute(sign | exp | man) }