1use std::fs::File;
2use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufReader, Cursor, Read, Seek, SeekFrom};
3use std::path::Path;
5use crate::dynimage::DynamicImage;
6use crate::error::{ImageFormatHint, UnsupportedError, UnsupportedErrorKind};
7use crate::image::ImageFormat;
8use crate::{ImageError, ImageResult};
10use super::free_functions;
12/// A multi-format image reader.
14/// Wraps an input reader to facilitate automatic detection of an image's format, appropriate
15/// decoding method, and dispatches into the set of supported [`ImageDecoder`] implementations.
17/// ## Usage
19/// Opening a file, deducing the format based on the file path automatically, and trying to decode
20/// the image contained can be performed by constructing the reader and immediately consuming it.
22/// ```no_run
23/// # use image::ImageError;
24/// # use image::io::Reader;
25/// # fn main() -> Result<(), ImageError> {
26/// let image = Reader::open("path/to/image.png")?
27/// .decode()?;
28/// # Ok(()) }
29/// ```
31/// It is also possible to make a guess based on the content. This is especially handy if the
32/// source is some blob in memory and you have constructed the reader in another way. Here is an
33/// example with a `pnm` black-and-white subformat that encodes its pixel matrix with ascii values.
35/// ```
36/// # use image::ImageError;
37/// # use image::io::Reader;
38/// # fn main() -> Result<(), ImageError> {
39/// use std::io::Cursor;
40/// use image::ImageFormat;
42/// let raw_data = b"P1 2 2\n\
43/// 0 1\n\
44/// 1 0\n";
46/// let mut reader = Reader::new(Cursor::new(raw_data))
47/// .with_guessed_format()
48/// .expect("Cursor io never fails");
49/// assert_eq!(reader.format(), Some(ImageFormat::Pnm));
51/// # #[cfg(feature = "pnm")]
52/// let image = reader.decode()?;
53/// # Ok(()) }
54/// ```
56/// As a final fallback or if only a specific format must be used, the reader always allows manual
57/// specification of the supposed image format with [`set_format`].
59/// [`set_format`]: #method.set_format
60/// [`ImageDecoder`]: ../trait.ImageDecoder.html
61pub struct Reader<R: Read> {
62 /// The reader. Should be buffered.
63 inner: R,
64 /// The format, if one has been set or deduced.
65 format: Option<ImageFormat>,
66 /// Decoding limits
67 limits: super::Limits,
70impl<R: Read> Reader<R> {
71 /// Create a new image reader without a preset format.
72 ///
73 /// Assumes the reader is already buffered. For optimal performance,
74 /// consider wrapping the reader with a `BufReader::new()`.
75 ///
76 /// It is possible to guess the format based on the content of the read object with
77 /// [`with_guessed_format`], or to set the format directly with [`set_format`].
78 ///
79 /// [`with_guessed_format`]: #method.with_guessed_format
80 /// [`set_format`]: method.set_format
81 pub fn new(buffered_reader: R) -> Self {
82 Reader {
83 inner: buffered_reader,
84 format: None,
85 limits: super::Limits::default(),
86 }
87 }
89 /// Construct a reader with specified format.
90 ///
91 /// Assumes the reader is already buffered. For optimal performance,
92 /// consider wrapping the reader with a `BufReader::new()`.
93 pub fn with_format(buffered_reader: R, format: ImageFormat) -> Self {
94 Reader {
95 inner: buffered_reader,
96 format: Some(format),
97 limits: super::Limits::default(),
98 }
99 }
101 /// Get the currently determined format.
102 pub fn format(&self) -> Option<ImageFormat> {
103 self.format
104 }
106 /// Supply the format as which to interpret the read image.
107 pub fn set_format(&mut self, format: ImageFormat) {
108 self.format = Some(format);
109 }
111 /// Remove the current information on the image format.
112 ///
113 /// Note that many operations require format information to be present and will return e.g. an
114 /// `ImageError::Unsupported` when the image format has not been set.
115 pub fn clear_format(&mut self) {
116 self.format = None;
117 }
119 /// Disable all decoding limits.
120 pub fn no_limits(&mut self) {
121 self.limits = super::Limits::no_limits();
122 }
124 /// Set a custom set of decoding limits.
125 pub fn limits(&mut self, limits: super::Limits) {
126 self.limits = limits;
127 }
129 /// Unwrap the reader.
130 pub fn into_inner(self) -> R {
131 self.inner
132 }
135impl Reader<BufReader<File>> {
136 /// Open a file to read, format will be guessed from path.
137 ///
138 /// This will not attempt any io operation on the opened file.
139 ///
140 /// If you want to inspect the content for a better guess on the format, which does not depend
141 /// on file extensions, follow this call with a call to [`with_guessed_format`].
142 ///
143 /// [`with_guessed_format`]: #method.with_guessed_format
144 pub fn open<P>(path: P) -> io::Result<Self>
145 where
146 P: AsRef<Path>,
147 {
148 Self::open_impl(path.as_ref())
149 }
151 fn open_impl(path: &Path) -> io::Result<Self> {
152 Ok(Reader {
153 inner: BufReader::new(inner:File::open(path)?),
154 format: ImageFormat::from_path(path).ok(),
155 limits: super::Limits::default(),
156 })
157 }
160impl<R: BufRead + Seek> Reader<R> {
161 /// Make a format guess based on the content, replacing it on success.
162 ///
163 /// Returns `Ok` with the guess if no io error occurs. Additionally, replaces the current
164 /// format if the guess was successful. If the guess was unable to determine a format then
165 /// the current format of the reader is unchanged.
166 ///
167 /// Returns an error if the underlying reader fails. The format is unchanged. The error is a
168 /// `std::io::Error` and not `ImageError` since the only error case is an error when the
169 /// underlying reader seeks.
170 ///
171 /// When an error occurs, the reader may not have been properly reset and it is potentially
172 /// hazardous to continue with more io.
173 ///
174 /// ## Usage
175 ///
176 /// This supplements the path based type deduction from [`open`](Reader::open) with content based deduction.
177 /// This is more common in Linux and UNIX operating systems and also helpful if the path can
178 /// not be directly controlled.
179 ///
180 /// ```no_run
181 /// # use image::ImageError;
182 /// # use image::io::Reader;
183 /// # fn main() -> Result<(), ImageError> {
184 /// let image = Reader::open("image.unknown")?
185 /// .with_guessed_format()?
186 /// .decode()?;
187 /// # Ok(()) }
188 /// ```
189 pub fn with_guessed_format(mut self) -> io::Result<Self> {
190 let format = self.guess_format()?;
191 // Replace format if found, keep current state if not.
192 self.format = format.or(self.format);
193 Ok(self)
194 }
196 fn guess_format(&mut self) -> io::Result<Option<ImageFormat>> {
197 let mut start = [0; 16];
199 // Save current offset, read start, restore offset.
200 let cur = self.inner.stream_position()?;
201 let len = io::copy(
202 // Accept shorter files but read at most 16 bytes.
203 &mut self.inner.by_ref().take(16),
204 &mut Cursor::new(&mut start[..]),
205 )?;
206 self.inner.seek(SeekFrom::Start(cur))?;
208 Ok(free_functions::guess_format_impl(&start[..len as usize]))
209 }
211 /// Read the image dimensions.
212 ///
213 /// Uses the current format to construct the correct reader for the format.
214 ///
215 /// If no format was determined, returns an `ImageError::Unsupported`.
216 pub fn into_dimensions(mut self) -> ImageResult<(u32, u32)> {
217 let format = self.require_format()?;
218 free_functions::image_dimensions_with_format_impl(self.inner, format)
219 }
221 /// Read the image (replaces `load`).
222 ///
223 /// Uses the current format to construct the correct reader for the format.
224 ///
225 /// If no format was determined, returns an `ImageError::Unsupported`.
226 pub fn decode(mut self) -> ImageResult<DynamicImage> {
227 let format = self.require_format()?;
228 free_functions::load_inner(self.inner, self.limits, format)
229 }
231 fn require_format(&mut self) -> ImageResult<ImageFormat> {
232 self.format.ok_or_else(|| {
233 ImageError::Unsupported(UnsupportedError::from_format_and_kind(
234 ImageFormatHint::Unknown,
235 UnsupportedErrorKind::Format(ImageFormatHint::Unknown),
236 ))
237 })
238 }