1//! Tablet tool event types
3use super::{pointer::ButtonState, EventTrait};
4use crate::{ffi, AsRaw, Context, FromRaw, Libinput};
6mod tool;
7pub use self::tool::*;
9/// Common functions all TabletTool-Events implement.
10pub trait TabletToolEventTrait: AsRaw<ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool> + Context {
11 ffi_func!(
12 /// The event time for this event
13 fn time, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_time, u32);
14 ffi_func!(
15 /// The event time for this event in microseconds
16 fn time_usec, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_time_usec, u64);
17 ffi_func!(
18 /// Check if the distance axis was updated in this event.
19 ///
20 /// For `TabletToolProximityEvent`s this function always returns `true`. For
21 /// `TabletToolButtonEvent`s this function always returns `false`.
22 fn distance_has_changed, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_distance_has_changed, bool);
23 ffi_func!(
24 /// Returns the current distance from the tablet's sensor, normalized to the range
25 /// [0, 1].
26 ///
27 /// If this axis does not exist on the current tool, this function returns 0.
28 fn distance, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_distance, f64);
29 ffi_func!(
30 /// Return the delta between the last event and the current event.
31 ///
32 /// If the tool employs pointer acceleration, the delta returned by this function is
33 /// the accelerated delta.
34 ///
35 /// This value is in screen coordinate space, the delta is to be interpreted like
36 /// the return value of `PointerMotionEvent::dx`. See
37 /// [Relative motion for tablet tools](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/tablet-support.html#tablet-relative-motion)
38 /// for more details.
39 fn dx, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_dx, f64);
40 ffi_func!(
41 /// Return the delta between the last event and the current event.
42 ///
43 /// If the tool employs pointer acceleration, the delta returned by this function is
44 /// the accelerated delta.
45 ///
46 /// This value is in screen coordinate space, the delta is to be interpreted like
47 /// the return value of `PointerMotionEvent::dy`. See
48 /// [Relative motion for tablet tools](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/tablet-support.html#tablet-relative-motion)
49 /// for more details.
50 fn dy, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_dy, f64);
51 ffi_func!(
52 /// Check if the pressure axis was updated in this event. For `TabletToolButtonEvent`s this function always returns `false`.
53 fn pressure_has_changed, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_pressure_has_changed, bool);
54 ffi_func!(
55 /// Returns the current pressure being applied on the tool in use, normalized to the
56 /// range [0, 1].
57 ///
58 /// If this axis does not exist on the current tool, this function returns 0.
59 fn pressure, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_pressure, f64);
60 ffi_func!(
61 /// Check if the z-rotation axis was updated in this event.
62 ///
63 /// For `TabletToolButtonEvent`s this function always returns `false`.
64 fn rotation_has_changed, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_rotation_has_changed, bool);
65 ffi_func!(
66 /// Returns the current z rotation of the tool in degrees, clockwise from the tool's
67 /// logical neutral position.
68 ///
69 /// For tools of type `TabletToolType::Mouse` and `TabletToolType::Lens` the logical
70 /// neutral position is pointing to the current logical north of the tablet. For
71 /// tools of type `TabletToolType::Brush`, the logical neutral position is with the
72 /// buttons pointing up.
73 ///
74 /// If this axis does not exist on the current tool, this function returns 0.
75 fn rotation, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_rotation, f64);
76 ffi_func!(
77 /// Check if the slider axis was updated in this event.
78 ///
79 /// For `TabletToolButtonEvent`s this function always returns `false`.
80 fn slider_has_changed, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_slider_has_changed, bool);
81 ffi_func!(
82 /// Returns the current position of the slider on the tool, normalized to the range
83 /// [-1, 1].
84 ///
85 /// The logical zero is the neutral position of the slider, or the logical center of
86 /// the axis. This axis is available on e.g. the Wacom Airbrush.
87 ///
88 /// If this axis does not exist on the current tool, this function returns 0.
89 fn slider_position, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_slider_position, f64);
90 ffi_func!(
91 /// Check if the tilt x axis was updated in this event.
92 ///
93 /// For `TabletToolButtonEvent`s this function always returns `false`.
94 fn tilt_x_has_changed, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_tilt_x_has_changed, bool);
95 ffi_func!(
96 /// Check if the tilt y axis was updated in this event.
97 ///
98 /// For `TabletToolButtonEvent`s this function always returns `false`.
99 fn tilt_y_has_changed, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_tilt_y_has_changed, bool);
100 ffi_func!(
101 /// Returns the current tilt along the X axis of the tablet's current logical
102 /// orientation, in degrees off the tablet's z axis.
103 ///
104 /// That is, if the tool is perfectly orthogonal to the tablet, the tilt angle is 0.
105 /// When the top tilts towards the logical top/left of the tablet, the x/y tilt
106 /// angles are negative, if the top tilts towards the logical bottom/right of the
107 /// tablet, the x/y tilt angles are positive.
108 ///
109 /// If this axis does not exist on the current tool, this function returns 0.
110 fn tilt_x, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_tilt_x, f64);
111 ffi_func!(
112 /// Returns the current tilt along the Y axis of the tablet's current logical
113 /// orientation, in degrees off the tablet's z axis.
114 ///
115 /// That is, if the tool is perfectly orthogonal to the tablet, the tilt angle is 0.
116 /// When the top tilts towards the logical top/left of the tablet, the x/y tilt
117 /// angles are negative, if the top tilts towards the logical bottom/right of the
118 /// tablet, the x/y tilt angles are positive.
119 ///
120 /// If this axis does not exist on the current tool, this function returns 0.
121 fn tilt_y, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_tilt_y, f64);
122 #[cfg(feature = "libinput_1_14")]
123 ffi_func!(
124 /// Check if the size major axis was updated in this event.
125 ///
126 /// For `TabletToolButtonEvent`s this function always returns false
127 fn size_major_has_changed, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_size_major_has_changed, bool);
128 #[cfg(feature = "libinput_1_14")]
129 ffi_func!(
130 /// Check if the size minor axis was updated in this event.
131 ///
132 /// For `TabletToolButtonEvent`s this function always returns false
133 fn size_minor_has_changed, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_size_minor_has_changed, bool);
134 #[cfg(feature = "libinput_1_14")]
135 ffi_func!(
136 /// Returns the current size in mm along the major axis of the touching ellipse.
137 /// This axis is not necessarily aligned with either x or y, the rotation must
138 /// be taken into account.
139 ///
140 /// Where no rotation is available on a tool, or where rotation is zero, the major
141 /// axis aligns with the y axis and the minor axis with the x axis.
142 ///
143 /// If the axis does not exist on the current tool, this function returns 0.
144 fn size_major, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_size_major, f64);
145 #[cfg(feature = "libinput_1_14")]
146 ffi_func!(
147 /// Returns the current size in mm along the minor axis of the touching ellipse.
148 /// This axis is not necessarily aligned with either x or y, the rotation must
149 /// be taken into account.
150 ///
151 /// Where no rotation is available on a tool, or where rotation is zero, the minor
152 /// axis aligns with the y axis and the major axis with the x axis.
153 ///
154 /// If the axis does not exist on the current tool, this function returns 0.
155 fn size_minor, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_size_minor, f64);
156 ffi_func!(
157 /// Check if the wheel axis was updated in this event.
158 ///
159 /// For `TabletToolButtonEvent`s this function always returns `false`.
160 fn wheel_has_changed, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_wheel_has_changed, bool);
161 ffi_func!(
162 /// Return the delta for the wheel in degrees.
163 fn wheel_delta, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_wheel_delta, f64);
164 ffi_func!(
165 /// Return the delta for the wheel in discrete steps (e.g. wheel clicks).
166 fn wheel_delta_discrete, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_wheel_delta_discrete, f64);
167 ffi_func!(
168 /// Check if the x axis was updated in this event.
169 ///
170 /// For `TabletToolButtonEvent`s this function always returns `false`.
171 fn x_has_changed, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_x_has_changed, bool);
172 ffi_func!(
173 /// Check if the y axis was updated in this event.
174 ///
175 /// For `TabletToolButtonEvent`s this function always returns `false`.
176 fn y_has_changed, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_y_has_changed, bool);
177 ffi_func!(
178 /// Returns the X coordinate of the tablet tool, in mm from the top left corner of
179 /// the tablet in its current logical orientation.
180 ///
181 /// Use `x_transformed` for transforming the axis value into a different coordinate
182 /// space.
183 ///
184 /// ## Note
185 ///
186 /// On some devices, returned value may be negative or larger than the width of the
187 /// device. See [Out-of-bounds motion events](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/tablet-support.html#tablet-bounds)
188 /// for more details.
189 fn x, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_x, f64);
190 ffi_func!(
191 /// Returns the Y coordinate of the tablet tool, in mm from the top left corner of
192 /// the tablet in its current logical orientation.
193 ///
194 /// Use `y_transformed` for transforming the axis value into a different coordinate
195 /// space.
196 ///
197 /// ## Note
198 ///
199 /// On some devices, returned value may be negative or larger than the width of the
200 /// device. See [Out-of-bounds motion events](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/tablet-support.html#tablet-bounds)
201 /// for more details.
202 fn y, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_y, f64);
204 /// Return the current absolute x coordinate of the tablet tool event, transformed
205 /// to screen coordinates.
206 ///
207 /// ## Note
208 ///
209 /// This function may be called for a specific axis even if `x_has_changed` returns
210 /// `false` for that axis. libinput always includes all device axes in the event.
211 ///
212 /// On some devices, returned value may be negative or larger than the width of the
213 /// device. See [Out-of-bounds motion events](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/tablet-support.html#tablet-bounds)
214 /// for more details.
215 fn x_transformed(&self, width: u32) -> f64 {
216 unsafe { ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_x_transformed(self.as_raw_mut(), width) }
217 }
219 /// Return the current absolute y coordinate of the tablet tool event, transformed
220 /// to screen coordinates.
221 ///
222 /// ## Note
223 ///
224 /// This function may be called for a specific axis even if `y_has_changed` returns
225 /// `false` for that axis. libinput always includes all device axes in the event.
226 ///
227 /// On some devices, returned value may be negative or larger than the width of the
228 /// device. See [Out-of-bounds motion events](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/tablet-support.html#tablet-bounds)
229 /// for more details.
230 fn y_transformed(&self, height: u32) -> f64 {
231 unsafe { ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_y_transformed(self.as_raw_mut(), height) }
232 }
234 /// Returns the tool that was in use during this event.
235 ///
236 /// ## Note
237 ///
238 /// Physical tool tracking requires hardware support. If unavailable, libinput
239 /// creates one tool per type per tablet. See [Tracking unique tools](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/tablet-support.html#tablet-serial-numbers)
240 /// for more details.
241 fn tool(&self) -> TabletTool {
242 unsafe {
243 TabletTool::from_raw(
244 ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_tool(self.as_raw_mut()),
245 self.context(),
246 )
247 }
248 }
250 /// Convert into a general `TabletToolEvent` again
251 fn into_tablet_tool_event(self) -> TabletToolEvent
252 where
253 Self: Sized,
254 {
255 unsafe { TabletToolEvent::from_raw(self.as_raw_mut(), self.context()) }
256 }
259impl<T: AsRaw<ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool> + Context> TabletToolEventTrait for T {}
261/// An event related to a tablet tool
262#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
264pub enum TabletToolEvent {
265 /// One or more axes have changed state on a device with the
266 /// `DeviceCapability::TabletTool` capability.
267 ///
268 /// This event is only sent when the tool is in proximity, see
269 /// `TabletToolProximityEvent` for details.
270 ///
271 /// The proximity event contains the initial state of the axis as the tool comes into
272 /// proximity. An event of type `TabletToolAxisEvent` is only sent when an axis value
273 /// changes from this initial state. It is possible for a tool to enter and leave
274 /// proximity without sending an event of type `TabletToolAxisEvent`.
275 ///
276 /// An event of type `TabletToolAxisEvent` is sent when the tip state does not
277 /// change. See the documentation for `TabletToolTipEvent` for more details.
278 Axis(TabletToolAxisEvent),
279 /// Signals that a tool has come in or out of proximity of a device with the
280 /// `DeviceCapability::TabletTool` capability.
281 ///
282 /// Proximity events contain each of the current values for each axis, and these
283 /// values may be extracted from them in the same way they are with
284 /// `TabletToolAxisEvent` events.
285 ///
286 /// Some tools may always be in proximity. For these tools, proximity events with
287 /// `ProximityState::In` are sent only once after `DeviceAddedEvent`, and proximity
288 /// events with `ProximityState::Out` are sent only once before `DeviceRemovedEvent`.
289 ///
290 /// If the tool that comes into proximity supports x/y coordinates, libinput
291 /// guarantees that both x and y are set in the proximity event.
292 ///
293 /// When a tool goes out of proximity, the value of every axis should be assumed to
294 /// have an undefined state and any buttons that are currently held down on the
295 /// stylus are marked as released. Button release events for each button that was
296 /// held down on the stylus are sent before the proximity out event.
297 Proximity(TabletToolProximityEvent),
298 /// Signals that a tool has come in contact with the surface of a device with the
299 /// `DeviceCapability::TabletTool` capability.
300 ///
301 /// On devices without distance proximity detection, the `TabletToolTipEvent` is sent
302 /// immediately after `TabletToolProximityEvent` for the tip down event, and
303 /// immediately before for the tip up event.
304 ///
305 /// The decision when a tip touches the surface is device-dependent and may be
306 /// derived from pressure data or other means. If the tip state is changed by axes
307 /// changing state, the `TabletToolTipEvent` includes the changed axes and no
308 /// additional axis event is sent for this state change. In other words, a caller
309 /// must look at both `TabletToolAxisEvent` and `TabletToolTipEvent` events to know
310 /// the current state of the axes.
311 ///
312 /// If a button state change occurs at the same time as a tip state change, the order
313 /// of events is device-dependent.
314 Tip(TabletToolTipEvent),
315 /// Signals that a tool has changed a logical button state on a device with the
316 /// `DeviceCapability::TabletTool` capability.
317 ///
318 /// Button state changes occur on their own and do not include axis state changes. If
319 /// button and axis state changes occur within the same logical hardware event, the
320 /// order of the `TabletToolButtonEvent` and `TabletToolAxisEvent` is device-specific.
321 ///
322 /// This event is not to be confused with the button events emitted by the tablet
323 /// pad. See `TabletPadButtonEvent`.
324 Button(TabletToolButtonEvent),
327impl EventTrait for TabletToolEvent {
328 #[doc(hidden)]
329 fn as_raw_event(&self) -> *mut ffi::libinput_event {
330 match self {
331 TabletToolEvent::Axis(event: &TabletToolAxisEvent) => event.as_raw_event(),
332 TabletToolEvent::Proximity(event: &TabletToolProximityEvent) => event.as_raw_event(),
333 TabletToolEvent::Tip(event: &TabletToolTipEvent) => event.as_raw_event(),
334 TabletToolEvent::Button(event: &TabletToolButtonEvent) => event.as_raw_event(),
335 }
336 }
339impl FromRaw<ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool> for TabletToolEvent {
340 unsafe fn try_from_raw(
341 event: *mut ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool,
342 context: &Libinput,
343 ) -> Option<Self> {
344 let base = ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_base_event(event);
345 match ffi::libinput_event_get_type(base) {
346 ffi::libinput_event_type_LIBINPUT_EVENT_TABLET_TOOL_AXIS => Some(
347 TabletToolEvent::Axis(TabletToolAxisEvent::try_from_raw(event, context)?),
348 ),
349 ffi::libinput_event_type_LIBINPUT_EVENT_TABLET_TOOL_PROXIMITY => Some(
350 TabletToolEvent::Proximity(TabletToolProximityEvent::try_from_raw(event, context)?),
351 ),
352 ffi::libinput_event_type_LIBINPUT_EVENT_TABLET_TOOL_TIP => Some(TabletToolEvent::Tip(
353 TabletToolTipEvent::try_from_raw(event, context)?,
354 )),
355 ffi::libinput_event_type_LIBINPUT_EVENT_TABLET_TOOL_BUTTON => Some(
356 TabletToolEvent::Button(TabletToolButtonEvent::try_from_raw(event, context)?),
357 ),
358 _ => None,
359 }
360 }
361 unsafe fn from_raw(event: *mut ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool, context: &Libinput) -> Self {
362 Self::try_from_raw(event, context).expect("Unknown tablet tool event type")
363 }
366impl AsRaw<ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool> for TabletToolEvent {
367 fn as_raw(&self) -> *const ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool {
368 match self {
369 TabletToolEvent::Axis(event: &TabletToolAxisEvent) => event.as_raw(),
370 TabletToolEvent::Proximity(event: &TabletToolProximityEvent) => event.as_raw(),
371 TabletToolEvent::Tip(event: &TabletToolTipEvent) => event.as_raw(),
372 TabletToolEvent::Button(event: &TabletToolButtonEvent) => event.as_raw(),
373 }
374 }
377impl Context for TabletToolEvent {
378 fn context(&self) -> &Libinput {
379 match self {
380 TabletToolEvent::Axis(event: &TabletToolAxisEvent) => event.context(),
381 TabletToolEvent::Proximity(event: &TabletToolProximityEvent) => event.context(),
382 TabletToolEvent::Tip(event: &TabletToolTipEvent) => event.context(),
383 TabletToolEvent::Button(event: &TabletToolButtonEvent) => event.context(),
384 }
385 }
388ffi_event_struct! {
389 /// One or more axes have changed state on a device with the
390 /// `DeviceCapability::TabletTool` capability.
391 ///
392 /// This event is only sent when the tool is in proximity, see
393 /// `TabletToolProximityEvent` for details.
394 ///
395 /// The proximity event contains the initial state of the axis as the tool comes into
396 /// proximity. An event of type `TabletToolAxisEvent` is only sent when an axis value
397 /// changes from this initial state. It is possible for a tool to enter and leave
398 /// proximity without sending an event of type `TabletToolAxisEvent`.
399 ///
400 /// An event of type `TabletToolAxisEvent` is sent when the tip state does not
401 /// change. See the documentation for `TabletToolTipEvent` for more details.
402 struct TabletToolAxisEvent, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_base_event
405/// The state of proximity for a tool on a device.
407/// The proximity of a tool is a binary state signalling whether the tool is within a
408/// detectable distance of the tablet device. A tool that is out of proximity cannot
409/// generate events.
411/// On some hardware a tool goes out of proximity when it ceases to touch the surface. On /// other hardware, the tool is still detectable within a short distance (a few cm) off
412/// the surface.
413#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
414pub enum ProximityState {
415 /// Out of proximity
416 Out,
417 /// In proximity
418 In,
421ffi_event_struct! {
422 /// Signals that a tool has come in or out of proximity of a device with the
423 /// `DeviceCapability::TabletTool` capability.
424 ///
425 /// Proximity events contain each of the current values for each axis, and these
426 /// values may be extracted from them in the same way they are with
427 /// `TabletToolAxisEvent` events.
428 ///
429 /// Some tools may always be in proximity. For these tools, proximity events with
430 /// `ProximityState::In` are sent only once after `DeviceAddedEvent`, and proximity
431 /// events with `ProximityState::Out` are sent only once before `DeviceRemovedEvent`.
432 ///
433 /// If the tool that comes into proximity supports x/y coordinates, libinput
434 /// guarantees that both x and y are set in the proximity event.
435 ///
436 /// When a tool goes out of proximity, the value of every axis should be assumed to
437 /// have an undefined state and any buttons that are currently held down on the
438 /// stylus are marked as released. Button release events for each button that was
439 /// held down on the stylus are sent before the proximity out event.
440 struct TabletToolProximityEvent, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_base_event
443impl TabletToolProximityEvent {
444 /// Returns the new proximity state of a tool from a proximity event.
445 ///
446 /// Used to check whether or not a tool came in or out of proximity during an
447 /// `TabletToolProximityEvent`.
448 ///
449 /// See [Handling of proximity events](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/tablet-support.html#tablet-fake-proximity)
450 /// for recommendations on proximity handling.
451 pub fn proximity_state(&self) -> ProximityState {
452 match unsafe { ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_proximity_state(self.as_raw_mut()) } {
453 ffi::libinput_tablet_tool_proximity_state_LIBINPUT_TABLET_TOOL_PROXIMITY_STATE_OUT => {
454 ProximityState::Out
455 }
456 ffi::libinput_tablet_tool_proximity_state_LIBINPUT_TABLET_TOOL_PROXIMITY_STATE_IN => {
457 ProximityState::In
458 }
459 _ => panic!("libinput returned invalid 'libinput_tablet_tool_proximity_state'"),
460 }
461 }
464/// The tip contact state for a tool on a device.
466/// The tip contact state of a tool is a binary state signalling whether the tool is
467/// touching the surface of the tablet device.
468#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
469pub enum TipState {
470 /// Not touching the surface
471 Up,
472 /// Touching the surface
473 Down,
476ffi_event_struct! {
477 /// Signals that a tool has come in contact with the surface of a device with the
478 /// `DeviceCapability::TabletTool` capability.
479 ///
480 /// On devices without distance proximity detection, the `TabletToolTipEvent` is sent
481 /// immediately after `TabletToolProximityEvent` for the tip down event, and
482 /// immediately before for the tip up event.
483 ///
484 /// The decision when a tip touches the surface is device-dependent and may be
485 /// derived from pressure data or other means. If the tip state is changed by axes
486 /// changing state, the `TabletToolTipEvent` includes the changed axes and no
487 /// additional axis event is sent for this state change. In other words, a caller
488 /// must look at both `TabletToolAxisEvent` and `TabletToolTipEvent` events to know
489 /// the current state of the axes.
490 ///
491 /// If a button state change occurs at the same time as a tip state change, the order
492 /// of events is device-dependent.
493 struct TabletToolTipEvent, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_base_event
496impl TabletToolTipEvent {
497 /// Returns the new tip state of a tool from a tip event.
498 ///
499 /// Used to check whether or not a tool came in contact with the tablet surface or
500 /// left contact with the tablet surface during an `TabletToolTipEvent`.
501 pub fn tip_state(&self) -> TipState {
502 match unsafe { ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_tip_state(self.as_raw_mut()) } {
503 ffi::libinput_tablet_tool_tip_state_LIBINPUT_TABLET_TOOL_TIP_UP => TipState::Up,
504 ffi::libinput_tablet_tool_tip_state_LIBINPUT_TABLET_TOOL_TIP_DOWN => TipState::Down,
505 _ => panic!("libinput returned invalid 'libinput_tablet_tool_top_state'"),
506 }
507 }
510ffi_event_struct! {
511 /// Signals that a tool has changed a logical button state on a device with the
512 /// `DeviceCapability::TabletTool` capability.
513 ///
514 /// Button state changes occur on their own and do not include axis state changes. If
515 /// button and axis state changes occur within the same logical hardware event, the
516 /// order of the `TabletToolButtonEvent` and `TabletToolAxisEvent` is device-specific.
517 ///
518 /// This event is not to be confused with the button events emitted by the tablet
519 /// pad. See `TabletPadButtonEvent`.
520 struct TabletToolButtonEvent, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_base_event
523impl TabletToolButtonEvent {
524 ffi_func!(
525 /// Return the button that triggered this event.
526 pub fn button, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_button, u32);
527 ffi_func!(
528 /// For the button of a `TabletToolButtonEvent`, return the total number of buttons
529 /// pressed on all devices on the associated seat after the the event was triggered.
530 pub fn seat_button_count, ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_seat_button_count, u32);
532 /// Return the button state of the event.
533 pub fn button_state(&self) -> ButtonState {
534 match unsafe { ffi::libinput_event_tablet_tool_get_button_state(self.as_raw_mut()) } {
535 ffi::libinput_button_state_LIBINPUT_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED => ButtonState::Pressed,
536 ffi::libinput_button_state_LIBINPUT_BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED => ButtonState::Released,
537 _ => panic!("libinput returned invalid 'libinput_button_state'"),
538 }
539 }