1// x11-rs: Rust bindings for X11 libraries
2// The X11 libraries are available under the MIT license.
3// These bindings are public domain.
5use std::fmt;
6use std::os::raw::{
7 c_char, c_double, c_int, c_long, c_schar, c_short, c_uchar, c_uint, c_ulong, c_ushort, c_void,
9use std::slice;
11use libc::wchar_t;
13use super::internal::{mem_eq, transmute_union};
14use super::xf86vmode;
15use super::xrandr;
16use super::xss;
18// deprecated
19pub mod xkb {}
22// functions
25x11_link! { Xlib, x11, ["libX11.so.6", "libX11.so"], 767,
26 pub fn XActivateScreenSaver (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
27 pub fn XAddConnectionWatch (_3: *mut Display, _2: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut c_char, c_int, c_int, *mut *mut c_char)>, _1: *mut c_char) -> c_int,
28 pub fn XAddExtension (_1: *mut Display) -> *mut XExtCodes,
29 pub fn XAddHost (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XHostAddress) -> c_int,
30 pub fn XAddHosts (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut XHostAddress, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
31 pub fn XAddPixel (_2: *mut XImage, _1: c_long) -> c_int,
32 pub fn XAddToExtensionList (_2: *mut *mut XExtData, _1: *mut XExtData) -> c_int,
33 pub fn XAddToSaveSet (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
34 pub fn XAllocClassHint () -> *mut XClassHint,
35 pub fn XAllocColor (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XColor) -> c_int,
36 pub fn XAllocColorCells (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: *mut c_ulong, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
37 pub fn XAllocColorPlanes (_11: *mut Display, _10: c_ulong, _9: c_int, _8: *mut c_ulong, _7: c_int, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: *mut c_ulong, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: *mut c_ulong) -> c_int,
38 pub fn XAllocIconSize () -> *mut XIconSize,
39 pub fn XAllocNamedColor (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: *const c_char, _2: *mut XColor, _1: *mut XColor) -> c_int,
40 pub fn XAllocSizeHints () -> *mut XSizeHints,
41 pub fn XAllocStandardColormap () -> *mut XStandardColormap,
42 pub fn XAllocWMHints () -> *mut XWMHints,
43 pub fn XAllowEvents (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
44 pub fn XAllPlanes () -> c_ulong,
45 pub fn XAutoRepeatOff (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
46 pub fn XAutoRepeatOn (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
47 pub fn XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet (_1: XFontSet) -> *mut c_char,
48 pub fn XBell (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
49 pub fn XBitmapBitOrder (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
50 pub fn XBitmapPad (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
51 pub fn XBitmapUnit (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
52 pub fn XBlackPixel (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_ulong,
53 pub fn XBlackPixelOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_ulong,
54 pub fn XCellsOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_int,
55 pub fn XChangeActivePointerGrab (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
56 pub fn XChangeGC (_4: *mut Display, _3: GC, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XGCValues) -> c_int,
57 pub fn XChangeKeyboardControl (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XKeyboardControl) -> c_int,
58 pub fn XChangeKeyboardMapping (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
59 pub fn XChangePointerControl (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
60 pub fn XChangeProperty (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_uchar, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
61 pub fn XChangeSaveSet (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
62 pub fn XChangeWindowAttributes (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XSetWindowAttributes) -> c_int,
63 pub fn XCheckIfEvent (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XEvent, _2: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XEvent, *mut c_char) -> c_int>, _1: *mut c_char) -> c_int,
64 pub fn XCheckMaskEvent (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_long, _1: *mut XEvent) -> c_int,
65 pub fn XCheckTypedEvent (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: *mut XEvent) -> c_int,
66 pub fn XCheckTypedWindowEvent (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: *mut XEvent) -> c_int,
67 pub fn XCheckWindowEvent (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_long, _1: *mut XEvent) -> c_int,
68 pub fn XCirculateSubwindows (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
69 pub fn XCirculateSubwindowsDown (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
70 pub fn XCirculateSubwindowsUp (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
71 pub fn XClearArea (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
72 pub fn XClearWindow (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
73 pub fn XClipBox (_2: Region, _1: *mut XRectangle) -> c_int,
74 pub fn XCloseDisplay (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
75 pub fn XCloseIM (_1: XIM) -> c_int,
76 pub fn XCloseOM (_1: XOM) -> c_int,
77 pub fn XcmsAddColorSpace (_1: *mut XcmsColorSpace) -> c_int,
78 pub fn XcmsAddFunctionSet (_1: *mut XcmsFunctionSet) -> c_int,
79 pub fn XcmsAllocColor (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
80 pub fn XcmsAllocNamedColor (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: *const c_char, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
81 pub fn XcmsCCCOfColormap (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> XcmsCCC,
82 pub fn XcmsCIELabClipab (_5: XcmsCCC, _4: *mut XcmsColor, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
83 pub fn XcmsCIELabClipL (_5: XcmsCCC, _4: *mut XcmsColor, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
84 pub fn XcmsCIELabClipLab (_5: XcmsCCC, _4: *mut XcmsColor, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
85 pub fn XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: c_double, _2: c_double, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
86 pub fn XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: c_double, _2: c_double, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
87 pub fn XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC (_3: XcmsCCC, _2: c_double, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
88 pub fn XcmsCIELabQueryMinL (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: c_double, _2: c_double, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
89 pub fn XcmsCIELabToCIEXYZ (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
90 pub fn XcmsCIELabWhiteShiftColors (_7: XcmsCCC, _6: *mut XcmsColor, _5: *mut XcmsColor, _4: c_ulong, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
91 pub fn XcmsCIELuvClipL (_5: XcmsCCC, _4: *mut XcmsColor, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
92 pub fn XcmsCIELuvClipLuv (_5: XcmsCCC, _4: *mut XcmsColor, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
93 pub fn XcmsCIELuvClipuv (_5: XcmsCCC, _4: *mut XcmsColor, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
94 pub fn XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: c_double, _2: c_double, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
95 pub fn XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: c_double, _2: c_double, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
96 pub fn XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC (_3: XcmsCCC, _2: c_double, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
97 pub fn XcmsCIELuvQueryMinL (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: c_double, _2: c_double, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
98 pub fn XcmsCIELuvToCIEuvY (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
99 pub fn XcmsCIELuvWhiteShiftColors (_7: XcmsCCC, _6: *mut XcmsColor, _5: *mut XcmsColor, _4: c_ulong, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
100 pub fn XcmsCIEuvYToCIELuv (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
101 pub fn XcmsCIEuvYToCIEXYZ (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
102 pub fn XcmsCIEuvYToTekHVC (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
103 pub fn XcmsCIExyYToCIEXYZ (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
104 pub fn XcmsCIEXYZToCIELab (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
105 pub fn XcmsCIEXYZToCIEuvY (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
106 pub fn XcmsCIEXYZToCIExyY (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
107 pub fn XcmsCIEXYZToRGBi (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
108 pub fn XcmsClientWhitePointOfCCC (_1: XcmsCCC) -> *mut XcmsColor,
109 pub fn XcmsConvertColors (_5: XcmsCCC, _4: *mut XcmsColor, _3: c_uint, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
110 pub fn XcmsCreateCCC (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_int, _6: *mut Visual, _5: *mut XcmsColor, _4: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (XcmsCCC, *mut XcmsColor, c_uint, c_uint, *mut c_int) -> c_int>, _3: *mut c_char, _2: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (XcmsCCC, *mut XcmsColor, *mut XcmsColor, c_ulong, *mut XcmsColor, c_uint, *mut c_int) -> c_int>, _1: *mut c_char) -> XcmsCCC,
111 pub fn XcmsDefaultCCC (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> XcmsCCC,
112 pub fn XcmsDisplayOfCCC (_1: XcmsCCC) -> *mut Display,
113 pub fn XcmsFormatOfPrefix (_1: *mut c_char) -> c_ulong,
114 pub fn XcmsFreeCCC (_1: XcmsCCC) -> (),
115 pub fn XcmsLookupColor (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: *const c_char, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
116 pub fn XcmsPrefixOfFormat (_1: c_ulong) -> *mut c_char,
117 pub fn XcmsQueryBlack (_3: XcmsCCC, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
118 pub fn XcmsQueryBlue (_3: XcmsCCC, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
119 pub fn XcmsQueryColor (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
120 pub fn XcmsQueryColors (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: c_uint, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
121 pub fn XcmsQueryGreen (_3: XcmsCCC, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
122 pub fn XcmsQueryRed (_3: XcmsCCC, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
123 pub fn XcmsQueryWhite (_3: XcmsCCC, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
124 pub fn XcmsRGBiToCIEXYZ (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
125 pub fn XcmsRGBiToRGB (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
126 pub fn XcmsRGBToRGBi (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
127 pub fn XcmsScreenNumberOfCCC (_1: XcmsCCC) -> c_int,
128 pub fn XcmsScreenWhitePointOfCCC (_1: XcmsCCC) -> *mut XcmsColor,
129 pub fn XcmsSetCCCOfColormap (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: XcmsCCC) -> XcmsCCC,
130 pub fn XcmsSetCompressionProc (_3: XcmsCCC, _2: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (XcmsCCC, *mut XcmsColor, c_uint, c_uint, *mut c_int) -> c_int>, _1: *mut c_char) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (XcmsCCC, *mut XcmsColor, c_uint, c_uint, *mut c_int) -> c_int>,
131 pub fn XcmsSetWhiteAdjustProc (_3: XcmsCCC, _2: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (XcmsCCC, *mut XcmsColor, *mut XcmsColor, c_ulong, *mut XcmsColor, c_uint, *mut c_int) -> c_int>, _1: *mut c_char) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (XcmsCCC, *mut XcmsColor, *mut XcmsColor, c_ulong, *mut XcmsColor, c_uint, *mut c_int) -> c_int>,
132 pub fn XcmsSetWhitePoint (_2: XcmsCCC, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
133 pub fn XcmsStoreColor (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
134 pub fn XcmsStoreColors (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
135 pub fn XcmsTekHVCClipC (_5: XcmsCCC, _4: *mut XcmsColor, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
136 pub fn XcmsTekHVCClipV (_5: XcmsCCC, _4: *mut XcmsColor, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
137 pub fn XcmsTekHVCClipVC (_5: XcmsCCC, _4: *mut XcmsColor, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
138 pub fn XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: c_double, _2: c_double, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
139 pub fn XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: c_double, _2: c_double, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
140 pub fn XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC (_3: XcmsCCC, _2: c_double, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
141 pub fn XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVSamples (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: c_double, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
142 pub fn XcmsTekHVCQueryMinV (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: c_double, _2: c_double, _1: *mut XcmsColor) -> c_int,
143 pub fn XcmsTekHVCToCIEuvY (_4: XcmsCCC, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: *mut XcmsColor, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
144 pub fn XcmsTekHVCWhiteShiftColors (_7: XcmsCCC, _6: *mut XcmsColor, _5: *mut XcmsColor, _4: c_ulong, _3: *mut XcmsColor, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
145 pub fn XcmsVisualOfCCC (_1: XcmsCCC) -> *mut Visual,
146 pub fn XConfigureWindow (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut XWindowChanges) -> c_int,
147 pub fn XConnectionNumber (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
148 pub fn XContextDependentDrawing (_1: XFontSet) -> c_int,
149 pub fn XContextualDrawing (_1: XFontSet) -> c_int,
150 pub fn XConvertCase (_3: c_ulong, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: *mut c_ulong) -> (),
151 pub fn XConvertSelection (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
152 pub fn XCopyArea (_10: *mut Display, _9: c_ulong, _8: c_ulong, _7: GC, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
153 pub fn XCopyColormapAndFree (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_ulong,
154 pub fn XCopyGC (_4: *mut Display, _3: GC, _2: c_ulong, _1: GC) -> c_int,
155 pub fn XCopyPlane (_11: *mut Display, _10: c_ulong, _9: c_ulong, _8: GC, _7: c_int, _6: c_int, _5: c_uint, _4: c_uint, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
156 pub fn XCreateBitmapFromData (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: *const c_char, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_ulong,
157 pub fn XCreateColormap (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut Visual, _1: c_int) -> c_ulong,
158 pub fn XCreateFontCursor (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_uint) -> c_ulong,
159 pub fn XCreateFontSet (_5: *mut Display, _4: *const c_char, _3: *mut *mut *mut c_char, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut *mut c_char) -> XFontSet,
160 pub fn XCreateGC (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XGCValues) -> GC,
161 pub fn XCreateGlyphCursor (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: *const XColor, _1: *const XColor) -> c_ulong,
162 pub fn XCreateImage (_10: *mut Display, _9: *mut Visual, _8: c_uint, _7: c_int, _6: c_int, _5: *mut c_char, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> *mut XImage,
163 pub fn XCreatePixmap (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_ulong,
164 pub fn XCreatePixmapCursor (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_ulong, _4: *mut XColor, _3: *mut XColor, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_ulong,
165 pub fn XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: *mut c_char, _5: c_uint, _4: c_uint, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_uint) -> c_ulong,
166 pub fn XCreateRegion () -> Region,
167 pub fn XCreateSimpleWindow (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_ulong, _7: c_int, _6: c_int, _5: c_uint, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_ulong,
168 pub fn XCreateWindow (_12: *mut Display, _11: c_ulong, _10: c_int, _9: c_int, _8: c_uint, _7: c_uint, _6: c_uint, _5: c_int, _4: c_uint, _3: *mut Visual, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XSetWindowAttributes) -> c_ulong,
169 pub fn XDefaultColormap (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_ulong,
170 pub fn XDefaultColormapOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_ulong,
171 pub fn XDefaultDepth (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
172 pub fn XDefaultDepthOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_int,
173 pub fn XDefaultGC (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> GC,
174 pub fn XDefaultGCOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> GC,
175 pub fn XDefaultRootWindow (_1: *mut Display) -> c_ulong,
176 pub fn XDefaultScreen (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
177 pub fn XDefaultScreenOfDisplay (_1: *mut Display) -> *mut Screen,
178 pub fn XDefaultString () -> *const c_char,
179 pub fn XDefaultVisual (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> *mut Visual,
180 pub fn XDefaultVisualOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> *mut Visual,
181 pub fn XDefineCursor (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
182 pub fn XDeleteContext (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
183 pub fn XDeleteModifiermapEntry (_3: *mut XModifierKeymap, _2: c_uchar, _1: c_int) -> *mut XModifierKeymap,
184 pub fn XDeleteProperty (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
185 pub fn XDestroyIC (_1: XIC) -> (),
186 pub fn XDestroyImage (_1: *mut XImage) -> c_int,
187 pub fn XDestroyOC (_1: XFontSet) -> (),
188 pub fn XDestroyRegion (_1: Region) -> c_int,
189 pub fn XDestroySubwindows (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
190 pub fn XDestroyWindow (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
191 pub fn XDirectionalDependentDrawing (_1: XFontSet) -> c_int,
192 pub fn XDisableAccessControl (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
193 pub fn XDisplayCells (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
194 pub fn XDisplayHeight (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
195 pub fn XDisplayHeightMM (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
196 pub fn XDisplayKeycodes (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
197 pub fn XDisplayMotionBufferSize (_1: *mut Display) -> c_ulong,
198 pub fn XDisplayName (_1: *const c_char) -> *mut c_char,
199 pub fn XDisplayOfIM (_1: XIM) -> *mut Display,
200 pub fn XDisplayOfOM (_1: XOM) -> *mut Display,
201 pub fn XDisplayOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> *mut Display,
202 pub fn XDisplayPlanes (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
203 pub fn XDisplayString (_1: *mut Display) -> *mut c_char,
204 pub fn XDisplayWidth (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
205 pub fn XDisplayWidthMM (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
206 pub fn XDoesBackingStore (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_int,
207 pub fn XDoesSaveUnders (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_int,
208 pub fn XDrawArc (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_ulong, _7: GC, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
209 pub fn XDrawArcs (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: GC, _2: *mut XArc, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
210 pub fn XDrawImageString (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
211 pub fn XDrawImageString16 (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const XChar2b, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
212 pub fn XDrawLine (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
213 pub fn XDrawLines (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: GC, _3: *mut XPoint, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
214 pub fn XDrawPoint (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: GC, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
215 pub fn XDrawPoints (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: GC, _3: *mut XPoint, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
216 pub fn XDrawRectangle (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
217 pub fn XDrawRectangles (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: GC, _2: *mut XRectangle, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
218 pub fn XDrawSegments (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: GC, _2: *mut XSegment, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
219 pub fn XDrawString (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
220 pub fn XDrawString16 (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const XChar2b, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
221 pub fn XDrawText (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *mut XTextItem, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
222 pub fn XDrawText16 (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *mut XTextItem16, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
223 pub fn XEHeadOfExtensionList (_1: XEDataObject) -> *mut *mut XExtData,
224 pub fn XEmptyRegion (_1: Region) -> c_int,
225 pub fn XEnableAccessControl (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
226 pub fn XEqualRegion (_2: Region, _1: Region) -> c_int,
227 pub fn XESetBeforeFlush (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XExtCodes, *const c_char, c_long)>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XExtCodes, *const c_char, c_long)>,
228 pub fn XESetCloseDisplay (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>,
229 pub fn XESetCopyEventCookie (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XGenericEventCookie, *mut XGenericEventCookie) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XGenericEventCookie, *mut XGenericEventCookie) -> c_int>,
230 pub fn XESetCopyGC (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, GC, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, GC, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>,
231 pub fn XESetCreateFont (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XFontStruct, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XFontStruct, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>,
232 pub fn XESetCreateGC (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, GC, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, GC, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>,
233 pub fn XESetError (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut xError, *mut XExtCodes, *mut c_int) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut xError, *mut XExtCodes, *mut c_int) -> c_int>,
234 pub fn XESetErrorString (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, c_int, *mut XExtCodes, *mut c_char, c_int) -> *mut c_char>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, c_int, *mut XExtCodes, *mut c_char, c_int) -> *mut c_char>,
235 pub fn XESetEventToWire (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XEvent, *mut xEvent) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XEvent, *mut xEvent) -> c_int>,
236 pub fn XESetFlushGC (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, GC, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, GC, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>,
237 pub fn XESetFreeFont (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XFontStruct, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XFontStruct, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>,
238 pub fn XESetFreeGC (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, GC, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, GC, *mut XExtCodes) -> c_int>,
239 pub fn XESetPrintErrorValues (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XErrorEvent, *mut c_void)>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XErrorEvent, *mut c_void)>,
240 pub fn XESetWireToError (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XErrorEvent, *mut xError) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XErrorEvent, *mut xError) -> c_int>,
241 pub fn XESetWireToEvent (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XEvent, *mut xEvent) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XEvent, *mut xEvent) -> c_int>,
242 pub fn XESetWireToEventCookie (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XGenericEventCookie, *mut xEvent) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XGenericEventCookie, *mut xEvent) -> c_int>,
243 pub fn XEventMaskOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_long,
244 pub fn XEventsQueued (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
245 pub fn XExtendedMaxRequestSize (_1: *mut Display) -> c_long,
246 pub fn XExtentsOfFontSet (_1: XFontSet) -> *mut XFontSetExtents,
247 pub fn XFetchBuffer (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut c_int, _1: c_int) -> *mut c_char,
248 pub fn XFetchBytes (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut c_char,
249 pub fn XFetchName (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut *mut c_char) -> c_int,
250 pub fn XFillArc (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_ulong, _7: GC, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
251 pub fn XFillArcs (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: GC, _2: *mut XArc, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
252 pub fn XFillPolygon (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: GC, _4: *mut XPoint, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
253 pub fn XFillRectangle (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
254 pub fn XFillRectangles (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: GC, _2: *mut XRectangle, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
255 pub fn XFilterEvent (_2: *mut XEvent, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
256 pub fn XFindContext (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: *mut *mut c_char) -> c_int,
257 pub fn XFindOnExtensionList (_2: *mut *mut XExtData, _1: c_int) -> *mut XExtData,
258 pub fn XFlush (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
259 pub fn XFlushGC (_2: *mut Display, _1: GC) -> (),
260 pub fn XFontsOfFontSet (_3: XFontSet, _2: *mut *mut *mut XFontStruct, _1: *mut *mut *mut c_char) -> c_int,
261 pub fn XForceScreenSaver (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
262 pub fn XFree (_1: *mut c_void) -> c_int,
263 pub fn XFreeColormap (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
264 pub fn XFreeColors (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: *mut c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
265 pub fn XFreeCursor (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
266 pub fn XFreeEventData (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XGenericEventCookie) -> (),
267 pub fn XFreeExtensionList (_1: *mut *mut c_char) -> c_int,
268 pub fn XFreeFont (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XFontStruct) -> c_int,
269 pub fn XFreeFontInfo (_3: *mut *mut c_char, _2: *mut XFontStruct, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
270 pub fn XFreeFontNames (_1: *mut *mut c_char) -> c_int,
271 pub fn XFreeFontPath (_1: *mut *mut c_char) -> c_int,
272 pub fn XFreeFontSet (_2: *mut Display, _1: XFontSet) -> (),
273 pub fn XFreeGC (_2: *mut Display, _1: GC) -> c_int,
274 pub fn XFreeModifiermap (_1: *mut XModifierKeymap) -> c_int,
275 pub fn XFreePixmap (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
276 pub fn XFreeStringList (_1: *mut *mut c_char) -> (),
277 pub fn XGContextFromGC (_1: GC) -> c_ulong,
278 pub fn XGeometry (_13: *mut Display, _12: c_int, _11: *const c_char, _10: *const c_char, _9: c_uint, _8: c_uint, _7: c_uint, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
279 pub fn XGetAtomName (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> *mut c_char,
280 pub fn XGetAtomNames (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: *mut *mut c_char) -> c_int,
281 pub fn XGetClassHint (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XClassHint) -> c_int,
282 pub fn XGetCommand (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut *mut *mut c_char, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
283 pub fn XGetDefault (_3: *mut Display, _2: *const c_char, _1: *const c_char) -> *mut c_char,
284 pub fn XGetErrorDatabaseText (_6: *mut Display, _5: *const c_char, _4: *const c_char, _3: *const c_char, _2: *mut c_char, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
285 pub fn XGetErrorText (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_int, _2: *mut c_char, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
286 pub fn XGetEventData (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XGenericEventCookie) -> c_int,
287 pub fn XGetFontPath (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut *mut c_char,
288 pub fn XGetFontProperty (_3: *mut XFontStruct, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut c_ulong) -> c_int,
289 pub fn XGetGCValues (_4: *mut Display, _3: GC, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XGCValues) -> c_int,
290 pub fn XGetGeometry (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_ulong, _7: *mut c_ulong, _6: *mut c_int, _5: *mut c_int, _4: *mut c_uint, _3: *mut c_uint, _2: *mut c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
291 pub fn XGetIconName (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut *mut c_char) -> c_int,
292 pub fn XGetIconSizes (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut *mut XIconSize, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
293 pub fn XGetImage (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> *mut XImage,
294 pub fn XGetInputFocus (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
295 pub fn XGetKeyboardControl (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XKeyboardState) -> c_int,
296 pub fn XGetKeyboardMapping (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uchar, _2: c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut c_ulong,
297 pub fn XGetModifierMapping (_1: *mut Display) -> *mut XModifierKeymap,
298 pub fn XGetMotionEvents (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut XTimeCoord,
299 pub fn XGetNormalHints (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XSizeHints) -> c_int,
300 pub fn XGetPixel (_3: *mut XImage, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_ulong,
301 pub fn XGetPointerControl (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
302 pub fn XGetPointerMapping (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut c_uchar, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
303 pub fn XGetRGBColormaps (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: *mut *mut XStandardColormap, _2: *mut c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
304 pub fn XGetScreenSaver (_5: *mut Display, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
305 pub fn XGetSelectionOwner (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_ulong,
306 pub fn XGetSizeHints (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XSizeHints, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
307 pub fn XGetStandardColormap (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XStandardColormap, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
308 pub fn XGetSubImage (_11: *mut Display, _10: c_ulong, _9: c_int, _8: c_int, _7: c_uint, _6: c_uint, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_int, _3: *mut XImage, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> *mut XImage,
309 pub fn XGetTextProperty (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XTextProperty, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
310 pub fn XGetTransientForHint (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut c_ulong) -> c_int,
311 pub fn XGetVisualInfo (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_long, _2: *mut XVisualInfo, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut XVisualInfo,
312 pub fn XGetWindowAttributes (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XWindowAttributes) -> c_int,
313 pub fn XGetWindowProperty (_12: *mut Display, _11: c_ulong, _10: c_ulong, _9: c_long, _8: c_long, _7: c_int, _6: c_ulong, _5: *mut c_ulong, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_ulong, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: *mut *mut c_uchar) -> c_int,
314 pub fn XGetWMClientMachine (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XTextProperty) -> c_int,
315 pub fn XGetWMColormapWindows (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut *mut c_ulong, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
316 pub fn XGetWMHints (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> *mut XWMHints,
317 pub fn XGetWMIconName (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XTextProperty) -> c_int,
318 pub fn XGetWMName (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XTextProperty) -> c_int,
319 pub fn XGetWMNormalHints (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XSizeHints, _1: *mut c_long) -> c_int,
320 pub fn XGetWMProtocols (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut *mut c_ulong, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
321 pub fn XGetWMSizeHints (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: *mut XSizeHints, _2: *mut c_long, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
322 pub fn XGetZoomHints (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XSizeHints) -> c_int,
323 pub fn XGrabButton (_10: *mut Display, _9: c_uint, _8: c_uint, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_int, _5: c_uint, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
324 pub fn XGrabKey (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_int, _5: c_uint, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
325 pub fn XGrabKeyboard (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
326 pub fn XGrabPointer (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_ulong, _7: c_int, _6: c_uint, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
327 pub fn XGrabServer (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
328 pub fn XHeightMMOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_int,
329 pub fn XHeightOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_int,
330 pub fn XIconifyWindow (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
331 pub fn XIfEvent (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XEvent, _2: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XEvent, *mut c_char) -> c_int>, _1: *mut c_char) -> c_int,
332 pub fn XImageByteOrder (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
333 pub fn XIMOfIC (_1: XIC) -> XIM,
334 pub fn XInitExtension (_2: *mut Display, _1: *const c_char) -> *mut XExtCodes,
335 pub fn XInitImage (_1: *mut XImage) -> c_int,
336 pub fn XInitThreads () -> c_int,
337 pub fn XInsertModifiermapEntry (_3: *mut XModifierKeymap, _2: c_uchar, _1: c_int) -> *mut XModifierKeymap,
338 pub fn XInstallColormap (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
339 pub fn XInternalConnectionNumbers (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
340 pub fn XInternAtom (_3: *mut Display, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> c_ulong,
341 pub fn XInternAtoms (_5: *mut Display, _4: *mut *mut c_char, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *mut c_ulong) -> c_int,
342 pub fn XIntersectRegion (_3: Region, _2: Region, _1: Region) -> c_int,
343 pub fn XkbAddDeviceLedInfo (_3: XkbDeviceInfoPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> XkbDeviceLedInfoPtr,
344 pub fn XkbAddGeomColor (_3: XkbGeometryPtr, _2: *mut c_char, _1: c_uint) -> XkbColorPtr,
345 pub fn XkbAddGeomDoodad (_3: XkbGeometryPtr, _2: XkbSectionPtr, _1: c_ulong) -> XkbDoodadPtr,
346 pub fn XkbAddGeomKey (_1: XkbRowPtr) -> XkbKeyPtr,
347 pub fn XkbAddGeomKeyAlias (_3: XkbGeometryPtr, _2: *mut c_char, _1: *mut c_char) -> XkbKeyAliasPtr,
348 pub fn XkbAddGeomOutline (_2: XkbShapePtr, _1: c_int) -> XkbOutlinePtr,
349 pub fn XkbAddGeomOverlay (_3: XkbSectionPtr, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> XkbOverlayPtr,
350 pub fn XkbAddGeomOverlayKey (_4: XkbOverlayPtr, _3: XkbOverlayRowPtr, _2: *mut c_char, _1: *mut c_char) -> XkbOverlayKeyPtr,
351 pub fn XkbAddGeomOverlayRow (_3: XkbOverlayPtr, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> XkbOverlayRowPtr,
352 pub fn XkbAddGeomProperty (_3: XkbGeometryPtr, _2: *mut c_char, _1: *mut c_char) -> XkbPropertyPtr,
353 pub fn XkbAddGeomRow (_2: XkbSectionPtr, _1: c_int) -> XkbRowPtr,
354 pub fn XkbAddGeomSection (_5: XkbGeometryPtr, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> XkbSectionPtr,
355 pub fn XkbAddGeomShape (_3: XkbGeometryPtr, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> XkbShapePtr,
356 pub fn XkbAddKeyType (_5: XkbDescPtr, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> XkbKeyTypePtr,
357 pub fn XkbAllocClientMap (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
358 pub fn XkbAllocCompatMap (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
359 pub fn XkbAllocControls (_2: XkbDescPtr, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
360 pub fn XkbAllocDeviceInfo (_3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> XkbDeviceInfoPtr,
361 pub fn XkbAllocGeomColors (_2: XkbGeometryPtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
362 pub fn XkbAllocGeomDoodads (_2: XkbGeometryPtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
363 pub fn XkbAllocGeometry (_2: XkbDescPtr, _1: XkbGeometrySizesPtr) -> c_int,
364 pub fn XkbAllocGeomKeyAliases (_2: XkbGeometryPtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
365 pub fn XkbAllocGeomKeys (_2: XkbRowPtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
366 pub fn XkbAllocGeomOutlines (_2: XkbShapePtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
367 pub fn XkbAllocGeomOverlayKeys (_2: XkbOverlayRowPtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
368 pub fn XkbAllocGeomOverlayRows (_2: XkbOverlayPtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
369 pub fn XkbAllocGeomOverlays (_2: XkbSectionPtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
370 pub fn XkbAllocGeomPoints (_2: XkbOutlinePtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
371 pub fn XkbAllocGeomProps (_2: XkbGeometryPtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
372 pub fn XkbAllocGeomRows (_2: XkbSectionPtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
373 pub fn XkbAllocGeomSectionDoodads (_2: XkbSectionPtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
374 pub fn XkbAllocGeomSections (_2: XkbGeometryPtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
375 pub fn XkbAllocGeomShapes (_2: XkbGeometryPtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
376 pub fn XkbAllocIndicatorMaps (_1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
377 pub fn XkbAllocKeyboard () -> XkbDescPtr,
378 pub fn XkbAllocNames (_4: XkbDescPtr, _3: c_uint, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
379 pub fn XkbAllocServerMap (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
380 pub fn XkbApplyCompatMapToKey (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_uchar, _1: XkbChangesPtr) -> c_int,
381 pub fn XkbApplyVirtualModChanges (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbChangesPtr) -> c_int,
382 pub fn XkbBell (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
383 pub fn XkbBellEvent (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
384 pub fn XkbChangeDeviceInfo (_3: *mut Display, _2: XkbDeviceInfoPtr, _1: XkbDeviceChangesPtr) -> c_int,
385 pub fn XkbChangeEnabledControls (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
386 pub fn XkbChangeKeycodeRange (_4: XkbDescPtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: XkbChangesPtr) -> c_int,
387 pub fn XkbChangeMap (_3: *mut Display, _2: XkbDescPtr, _1: XkbMapChangesPtr) -> c_int,
388 pub fn XkbChangeNames (_3: *mut Display, _2: XkbDescPtr, _1: XkbNameChangesPtr) -> c_int,
389 pub fn XkbChangeTypesOfKey (_6: XkbDescPtr, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut c_int, _1: XkbMapChangesPtr) -> c_int,
390 pub fn XkbComputeEffectiveMap (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: XkbKeyTypePtr, _1: *mut c_uchar) -> c_int,
391 pub fn XkbComputeRowBounds (_3: XkbGeometryPtr, _2: XkbSectionPtr, _1: XkbRowPtr) -> c_int,
392 pub fn XkbComputeSectionBounds (_2: XkbGeometryPtr, _1: XkbSectionPtr) -> c_int,
393 pub fn XkbComputeShapeBounds (_1: XkbShapePtr) -> c_int,
394 pub fn XkbComputeShapeTop (_2: XkbShapePtr, _1: XkbBoundsPtr) -> c_int,
395 pub fn XkbCopyKeyType (_2: XkbKeyTypePtr, _1: XkbKeyTypePtr) -> c_int,
396 pub fn XkbCopyKeyTypes (_3: XkbKeyTypePtr, _2: XkbKeyTypePtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
397 pub fn XkbDeviceBell (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
398 pub fn XkbDeviceBellEvent (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
399 pub fn XkbFindOverlayForKey (_3: XkbGeometryPtr, _2: XkbSectionPtr, _1: *mut c_char) -> *mut c_char,
400 pub fn XkbForceBell (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
401 pub fn XkbForceDeviceBell (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
402 pub fn XkbFreeClientMap (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_int) -> (),
403 pub fn XkbFreeCompatMap (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_int) -> (),
404 pub fn XkbFreeComponentList (_1: XkbComponentListPtr) -> (),
405 pub fn XkbFreeControls (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_int) -> (),
406 pub fn XkbFreeDeviceInfo (_3: XkbDeviceInfoPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_int) -> (),
407 pub fn XkbFreeGeomColors (_4: XkbGeometryPtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
408 pub fn XkbFreeGeomDoodads (_3: XkbDoodadPtr, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
409 pub fn XkbFreeGeometry (_3: XkbGeometryPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_int) -> (),
410 pub fn XkbFreeGeomKeyAliases (_4: XkbGeometryPtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
411 pub fn XkbFreeGeomKeys (_4: XkbRowPtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
412 pub fn XkbFreeGeomOutlines (_4: XkbShapePtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
413 pub fn XkbFreeGeomOverlayKeys (_4: XkbOverlayRowPtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
414 pub fn XkbFreeGeomOverlayRows (_4: XkbOverlayPtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
415 pub fn XkbFreeGeomOverlays (_4: XkbSectionPtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
416 pub fn XkbFreeGeomPoints (_4: XkbOutlinePtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
417 pub fn XkbFreeGeomProperties (_4: XkbGeometryPtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
418 pub fn XkbFreeGeomRows (_4: XkbSectionPtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
419 pub fn XkbFreeGeomSections (_4: XkbGeometryPtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
420 pub fn XkbFreeGeomShapes (_4: XkbGeometryPtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
421 pub fn XkbFreeIndicatorMaps (_1: XkbDescPtr) -> (),
422 pub fn XkbFreeKeyboard (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_int) -> (),
423 pub fn XkbFreeNames (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_int) -> (),
424 pub fn XkbFreeServerMap (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_int) -> (),
425 pub fn XkbGetAutoRepeatRate (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
426 pub fn XkbGetAutoResetControls (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
427 pub fn XkbGetCompatMap (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
428 pub fn XkbGetControls (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
429 pub fn XkbGetDetectableAutoRepeat (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
430 pub fn XkbGetDeviceButtonActions (_5: *mut Display, _4: XkbDeviceInfoPtr, _3: c_int, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
431 pub fn XkbGetDeviceInfo (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> XkbDeviceInfoPtr,
432 pub fn XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges (_3: *mut Display, _2: XkbDeviceInfoPtr, _1: XkbDeviceChangesPtr) -> c_int,
433 pub fn XkbGetDeviceLedInfo (_5: *mut Display, _4: XkbDeviceInfoPtr, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
434 pub fn XkbGetGeometry (_2: *mut Display, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
435 pub fn XkbGetIndicatorMap (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
436 pub fn XkbGetIndicatorState (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
437 pub fn XkbGetKeyActions (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
438 pub fn XkbGetKeyBehaviors (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
439 pub fn XkbGetKeyboard (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> XkbDescPtr,
440 pub fn XkbGetKeyboardByName (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_uint, _4: XkbComponentNamesPtr, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_int) -> XkbDescPtr,
441 pub fn XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
442 pub fn XkbGetKeyModifierMap (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
443 pub fn XkbGetKeySyms (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
444 pub fn XkbGetKeyTypes (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
445 pub fn XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
446 pub fn XkbGetMap (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> XkbDescPtr,
447 pub fn XkbGetMapChanges (_3: *mut Display, _2: XkbDescPtr, _1: XkbMapChangesPtr) -> c_int,
448 pub fn XkbGetNamedDeviceIndicator (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_uint, _7: c_uint, _6: c_uint, _5: c_ulong, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: XkbIndicatorMapPtr, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
449 pub fn XkbGetNamedGeometry (_3: *mut Display, _2: XkbDescPtr, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
450 pub fn XkbGetNamedIndicator (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: XkbIndicatorMapPtr, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
451 pub fn XkbGetNames (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
452 pub fn XkbGetPerClientControls (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
453 pub fn XkbGetState (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbStatePtr) -> c_int,
454 pub fn XkbGetUpdatedMap (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
455 pub fn XkbGetVirtualMods (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
456 pub fn XkbGetXlibControls (_1: *mut Display) -> c_uint,
457 pub fn XkbIgnoreExtension (_1: c_int) -> c_int,
458 pub fn XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
459 pub fn XkbKeycodeToKeysym (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uchar, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_ulong,
460 pub fn XkbKeysymToModifiers (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_uint,
461 pub fn XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols (_6: XkbDescPtr, _5: c_int, _4: *mut c_ulong, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_ulong) -> c_int,
462 pub fn XkbLatchGroup (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
463 pub fn XkbLatchModifiers (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
464 pub fn XkbLibraryVersion (_2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
465 pub fn XkbListComponents (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: XkbComponentNamesPtr, _1: *mut c_int) -> XkbComponentListPtr,
466 pub fn XkbLockGroup (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
467 pub fn XkbLockModifiers (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
468 pub fn XkbLookupKeyBinding (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_uint, _3: *mut c_char, _2: c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
469 pub fn XkbLookupKeySym (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_uchar, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut c_uint, _1: *mut c_ulong) -> c_int,
470 pub fn XkbNoteControlsChanges (_3: XkbControlsChangesPtr, _2: *mut XkbControlsNotifyEvent, _1: c_uint) -> (),
471 pub fn XkbNoteDeviceChanges (_3: XkbDeviceChangesPtr, _2: *mut XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent, _1: c_uint) -> (),
472 pub fn XkbNoteMapChanges (_3: XkbMapChangesPtr, _2: *mut XkbMapNotifyEvent, _1: c_uint) -> (),
473 pub fn XkbNoteNameChanges (_3: XkbNameChangesPtr, _2: *mut XkbNamesNotifyEvent, _1: c_uint) -> (),
474 pub fn XkbOpenDisplay (_6: *mut c_char, _5: *mut c_int, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut Display,
475 pub fn XkbQueryExtension (_6: *mut Display, _5: *mut c_int, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
476 pub fn XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping (_1: *mut XkbMapNotifyEvent) -> c_int,
477 pub fn XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions (_2: XkbDeviceInfoPtr, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
478 pub fn XkbResizeKeyActions (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> *mut XkbAction,
479 pub fn XkbResizeKeySyms (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> *mut c_ulong,
480 pub fn XkbResizeKeyType (_5: XkbDescPtr, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
481 pub fn XkbSelectEventDetails (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
482 pub fn XkbSelectEvents (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
483 pub fn XkbSetAtomFuncs (_2: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *const c_char, c_int) -> c_ulong>, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, c_ulong) -> *mut c_char>) -> (),
484 pub fn XkbSetAutoRepeatRate (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
485 pub fn XkbSetAutoResetControls (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
486 pub fn XkbSetCompatMap (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: XkbDescPtr, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
487 pub fn XkbSetControls (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
488 pub fn XkbSetDebuggingFlags (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_uint, _6: c_uint, _5: *mut c_char, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
489 pub fn XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
490 pub fn XkbSetDeviceButtonActions (_4: *mut Display, _3: XkbDeviceInfoPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
491 pub fn XkbSetDeviceInfo (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDeviceInfoPtr) -> c_int,
492 pub fn XkbSetDeviceLedInfo (_5: *mut Display, _4: XkbDeviceInfoPtr, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
493 pub fn XkbSetGeometry (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbGeometryPtr) -> c_int,
494 pub fn XkbSetIgnoreLockMods (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_uint, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
495 pub fn XkbSetIndicatorMap (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
496 pub fn XkbSetMap (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
497 pub fn XkbSetNamedDeviceIndicator (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_uint, _7: c_uint, _6: c_uint, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: XkbIndicatorMapPtr) -> c_int,
498 pub fn XkbSetNamedIndicator (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: XkbIndicatorMapPtr) -> c_int,
499 pub fn XkbSetNames (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbDescPtr) -> c_int,
500 pub fn XkbSetPerClientControls (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
501 pub fn XkbSetServerInternalMods (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_uint, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
502 pub fn XkbSetXlibControls (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_uint,
503 pub fn XkbToControl (_1: c_char) -> c_char,
504 pub fn XkbTranslateKeyCode (_5: XkbDescPtr, _4: c_uchar, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut c_uint, _1: *mut c_ulong) -> c_int,
505 pub fn XkbTranslateKeySym (_6: *mut Display, _5: *mut c_ulong, _4: c_uint, _3: *mut c_char, _2: c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
506 pub fn XkbUpdateActionVirtualMods (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: *mut XkbAction, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
507 pub fn XkbUpdateKeyTypeVirtualMods (_4: XkbDescPtr, _3: XkbKeyTypePtr, _2: c_uint, _1: XkbChangesPtr) -> (),
508 pub fn XkbUpdateMapFromCore (_6: XkbDescPtr, _5: c_uchar, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: XkbChangesPtr) -> c_int,
509 pub fn XkbUseExtension (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
510 pub fn XkbVirtualModsToReal (_3: XkbDescPtr, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
511 pub fn XkbXlibControlsImplemented () -> c_uint,
512 pub fn XKeycodeToKeysym (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_uchar, _1: c_int) -> c_ulong,
513 pub fn XKeysymToKeycode (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_uchar,
514 pub fn XKeysymToString (_1: c_ulong) -> *mut c_char,
515 pub fn XKillClient (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
516 pub fn XLastKnownRequestProcessed (_1: *mut Display) -> c_ulong,
517 pub fn XListDepths (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut c_int,
518 pub fn XListExtensions (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut *mut c_char,
519 pub fn XListFonts (_4: *mut Display, _3: *const c_char, _2: c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut *mut c_char,
520 pub fn XListFontsWithInfo (_5: *mut Display, _4: *const c_char, _3: c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut *mut XFontStruct) -> *mut *mut c_char,
521 pub fn XListHosts (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut XHostAddress,
522 pub fn XListInstalledColormaps (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut c_ulong,
523 pub fn XListPixmapFormats (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut XPixmapFormatValues,
524 pub fn XListProperties (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut c_ulong,
525 pub fn XLoadFont (_2: *mut Display, _1: *const c_char) -> c_ulong,
526 pub fn XLoadQueryFont (_2: *mut Display, _1: *const c_char) -> *mut XFontStruct,
527 pub fn XLocaleOfFontSet (_1: XFontSet) -> *mut c_char,
528 pub fn XLocaleOfIM (_1: XIM) -> *mut c_char,
529 pub fn XLocaleOfOM (_1: XOM) -> *mut c_char,
530 pub fn XLockDisplay (_1: *mut Display) -> (),
531 pub fn XLookupColor (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: *const c_char, _2: *mut XColor, _1: *mut XColor) -> c_int,
532 pub fn XLookupKeysym (_2: *mut XKeyEvent, _1: c_int) -> c_ulong,
533 pub fn XLookupString (_5: *mut XKeyEvent, _4: *mut c_char, _3: c_int, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: *mut XComposeStatus) -> c_int,
534 pub fn XLowerWindow (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
535 pub fn XMapRaised (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
536 pub fn XMapSubwindows (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
537 pub fn XMapWindow (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
538 pub fn XMaskEvent (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_long, _1: *mut XEvent) -> c_int,
539 pub fn XMatchVisualInfo (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *mut XVisualInfo) -> c_int,
540 pub fn XMaxCmapsOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_int,
541 pub fn XMaxRequestSize (_1: *mut Display) -> c_long,
542 pub fn XmbDrawImageString (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: XFontSet, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> (),
543 pub fn XmbDrawString (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: XFontSet, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> (),
544 pub fn XmbDrawText (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *mut XmbTextItem, _1: c_int) -> (),
545 pub fn XmbLookupString (_6: XIC, _5: *mut XKeyEvent, _4: *mut c_char, _3: c_int, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
546 pub fn XmbResetIC (_1: XIC) -> *mut c_char,
547 pub fn XmbSetWMProperties (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_ulong, _7: *const c_char, _6: *const c_char, _5: *mut *mut c_char, _4: c_int, _3: *mut XSizeHints, _2: *mut XWMHints, _1: *mut XClassHint) -> (),
548 pub fn XmbTextEscapement (_3: XFontSet, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
549 pub fn XmbTextExtents (_5: XFontSet, _4: *const c_char, _3: c_int, _2: *mut XRectangle, _1: *mut XRectangle) -> c_int,
550 pub fn XmbTextListToTextProperty (_5: *mut Display, _4: *mut *mut c_char, _3: c_int, _2: XICCEncodingStyle, _1: *mut XTextProperty) -> c_int,
551 pub fn XmbTextPerCharExtents (_9: XFontSet, _8: *const c_char, _7: c_int, _6: *mut XRectangle, _5: *mut XRectangle, _4: c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut XRectangle, _1: *mut XRectangle) -> c_int,
552 pub fn XmbTextPropertyToTextList (_4: *mut Display, _3: *const XTextProperty, _2: *mut *mut *mut c_char, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
553 pub fn XMinCmapsOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_int,
554 pub fn XMoveResizeWindow (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
555 pub fn XMoveWindow (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
556 pub fn XNewModifiermap (_1: c_int) -> *mut XModifierKeymap,
557 pub fn XNextEvent (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XEvent) -> c_int,
558 pub fn XNextRequest (_1: *mut Display) -> c_ulong,
559 pub fn XNoOp (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
560 pub fn XOffsetRegion (_3: Region, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
561 pub fn XOMOfOC (_1: XFontSet) -> XOM,
562 pub fn XOpenDisplay (_1: *const c_char) -> *mut Display,
563 pub fn XOpenIM (_4: *mut Display, _3: XrmDatabase, _2: *mut c_char, _1: *mut c_char) -> XIM,
564 pub fn XOpenOM (_4: *mut Display, _3: XrmDatabase, _2: *const c_char, _1: *const c_char) -> XOM,
565 pub fn XParseColor (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *const c_char, _1: *mut XColor) -> c_int,
566 pub fn XParseGeometry (_5: *const c_char, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
567 pub fn XPeekEvent (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XEvent) -> c_int,
568 pub fn XPeekIfEvent (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XEvent, _2: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XEvent, *mut c_char) -> c_int>, _1: *mut c_char) -> c_int,
569 pub fn XPending (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
570 pub fn Xpermalloc (_1: c_uint) -> *mut c_char,
571 pub fn XPlanesOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_int,
572 pub fn XPointInRegion (_3: Region, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
573 pub fn XPolygonRegion (_3: *mut XPoint, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> Region,
574 pub fn XProcessInternalConnection (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> (),
575 pub fn XProtocolRevision (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
576 pub fn XProtocolVersion (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
577 pub fn XPutBackEvent (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XEvent) -> c_int,
578 pub fn XPutImage (_10: *mut Display, _9: c_ulong, _8: GC, _7: *mut XImage, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
579 pub fn XPutPixel (_4: *mut XImage, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
580 pub fn XQLength (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
581 pub fn XQueryBestCursor (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
582 pub fn XQueryBestSize (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_int, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
583 pub fn XQueryBestStipple (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
584 pub fn XQueryBestTile (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
585 pub fn XQueryColor (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XColor) -> c_int,
586 pub fn XQueryColors (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XColor, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
587 pub fn XQueryExtension (_5: *mut Display, _4: *const c_char, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
588 pub fn XQueryFont (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> *mut XFontStruct,
589 pub fn XQueryKeymap (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut c_char) -> c_int,
590 pub fn XQueryPointer (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_ulong, _7: *mut c_ulong, _6: *mut c_ulong, _5: *mut c_int, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
591 pub fn XQueryTextExtents (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: *const c_char, _5: c_int, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut XCharStruct) -> c_int,
592 pub fn XQueryTextExtents16 (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: *const XChar2b, _5: c_int, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut XCharStruct) -> c_int,
593 pub fn XQueryTree (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: *mut c_ulong, _3: *mut c_ulong, _2: *mut *mut c_ulong, _1: *mut c_uint) -> c_int,
594 pub fn XRaiseWindow (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
595 pub fn XReadBitmapFile (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: *const c_char, _5: *mut c_uint, _4: *mut c_uint, _3: *mut c_ulong, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
596 pub fn XReadBitmapFileData (_6: *const c_char, _5: *mut c_uint, _4: *mut c_uint, _3: *mut *mut c_uchar, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
597 pub fn XRebindKeysym (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: *mut c_ulong, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_uchar, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
598 pub fn XRecolorCursor (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XColor, _1: *mut XColor) -> c_int,
599 pub fn XReconfigureWMWindow (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_int, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut XWindowChanges) -> c_int,
600 pub fn XRectInRegion (_5: Region, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
601 pub fn XRefreshKeyboardMapping (_1: *mut XMappingEvent) -> c_int,
602 pub fn XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback (_6: *mut Display, _5: XrmDatabase, _4: *mut c_char, _3: *mut c_char, _2: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut c_char, *mut c_char)>, _1: *mut c_char) -> c_int,
603 pub fn XRemoveConnectionWatch (_3: *mut Display, _2: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut c_char, c_int, c_int, *mut *mut c_char)>, _1: *mut c_char) -> (),
604 pub fn XRemoveFromSaveSet (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
605 pub fn XRemoveHost (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XHostAddress) -> c_int,
606 pub fn XRemoveHosts (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut XHostAddress, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
607 pub fn XReparentWindow (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
608 pub fn XResetScreenSaver (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
609 pub fn XResizeWindow (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
610 pub fn XResourceManagerString (_1: *mut Display) -> *mut c_char,
611 pub fn XRestackWindows (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
612 pub fn XrmCombineDatabase (_3: XrmDatabase, _2: *mut XrmDatabase, _1: c_int) -> (),
613 pub fn XrmCombineFileDatabase (_3: *const c_char, _2: *mut XrmDatabase, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
614 pub fn XrmDestroyDatabase (_1: XrmDatabase) -> (),
615 pub fn XrmEnumerateDatabase (_6: XrmDatabase, _5: *mut c_int, _4: *mut c_int, _3: c_int, _2: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut XrmDatabase, *mut XrmBinding, *mut c_int, *mut c_int, *mut XrmValue, *mut c_char) -> c_int>, _1: *mut c_char) -> c_int,
616 pub fn XrmGetDatabase (_1: *mut Display) -> XrmDatabase,
617 pub fn XrmGetFileDatabase (_1: *const c_char) -> XrmDatabase,
618 pub fn XrmGetResource (_5: XrmDatabase, _4: *const c_char, _3: *const c_char, _2: *mut *mut c_char, _1: *mut XrmValue) -> c_int,
619 pub fn XrmGetStringDatabase (_1: *const c_char) -> XrmDatabase,
620 pub fn XrmInitialize () -> (),
621 pub fn XrmLocaleOfDatabase (_1: XrmDatabase) -> *const c_char,
622 pub fn XrmMergeDatabases (_2: XrmDatabase, _1: *mut XrmDatabase) -> (),
623 pub fn XrmParseCommand (_6: *mut XrmDatabase, _5: XrmOptionDescList, _4: c_int, _3: *const c_char, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut *mut c_char) -> (),
624 pub fn XrmPermStringToQuark (_1: *const c_char) -> c_int,
625 pub fn XrmPutFileDatabase (_2: XrmDatabase, _1: *const c_char) -> (),
626 pub fn XrmPutLineResource (_2: *mut XrmDatabase, _1: *const c_char) -> (),
627 pub fn XrmPutResource (_4: *mut XrmDatabase, _3: *const c_char, _2: *const c_char, _1: *mut XrmValue) -> (),
628 pub fn XrmPutStringResource (_3: *mut XrmDatabase, _2: *const c_char, _1: *const c_char) -> (),
629 pub fn XrmQGetResource (_5: XrmDatabase, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut XrmValue) -> c_int,
630 pub fn XrmQGetSearchList (_5: XrmDatabase, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut *mut XrmDatabase, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
631 pub fn XrmQGetSearchResource (_5: *mut *mut XrmDatabase, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut XrmValue) -> c_int,
632 pub fn XrmQPutResource (_5: *mut XrmDatabase, _4: *mut XrmBinding, _3: *mut c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *mut XrmValue) -> (),
633 pub fn XrmQPutStringResource (_4: *mut XrmDatabase, _3: *mut XrmBinding, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *const c_char) -> (),
634 pub fn XrmQuarkToString (_1: c_int) -> *mut c_char,
635 pub fn XrmSetDatabase (_2: *mut Display, _1: XrmDatabase) -> (),
636 pub fn XrmStringToBindingQuarkList (_3: *const c_char, _2: *mut XrmBinding, _1: *mut c_int) -> (),
637 pub fn XrmStringToQuark (_1: *const c_char) -> c_int,
638 pub fn XrmStringToQuarkList (_2: *const c_char, _1: *mut c_int) -> (),
639 pub fn XrmUniqueQuark () -> c_int,
640 pub fn XRootWindow (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_ulong,
641 pub fn XRootWindowOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_ulong,
642 pub fn XRotateBuffers (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
643 pub fn XRotateWindowProperties (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: *mut c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
644 pub fn XSaveContext (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_char) -> c_int,
645 pub fn XScreenCount (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
646 pub fn XScreenNumberOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_int,
647 pub fn XScreenOfDisplay (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> *mut Screen,
648 pub fn XScreenResourceString (_1: *mut Screen) -> *mut c_char,
649 pub fn XSelectInput (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_long) -> c_int,
650 pub fn XSendEvent (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_int, _2: c_long, _1: *mut XEvent) -> c_int,
651 pub fn XServerVendor (_1: *mut Display) -> *mut c_char,
652 pub fn XSetAccessControl (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
653 pub fn XSetAfterFunction (_2: *mut Display, _1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display) -> c_int>,
654 pub fn XSetArcMode (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
655 pub fn XSetAuthorization (_4: *mut c_char, _3: c_int, _2: *mut c_char, _1: c_int) -> (),
656 pub fn XSetBackground (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
657 pub fn XSetClassHint (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XClassHint) -> c_int,
658 pub fn XSetClipMask (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
659 pub fn XSetClipOrigin (_4: *mut Display, _3: GC, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
660 pub fn XSetClipRectangles (_7: *mut Display, _6: GC, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: *mut XRectangle, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
661 pub fn XSetCloseDownMode (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
662 pub fn XSetCommand (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut *mut c_char, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
663 pub fn XSetDashes (_5: *mut Display, _4: GC, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
664 pub fn XSetErrorHandler (_1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XErrorEvent) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut XErrorEvent) -> c_int>,
665 pub fn XSetFillRule (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
666 pub fn XSetFillStyle (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
667 pub fn XSetFont (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
668 pub fn XSetFontPath (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut *mut c_char, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
669 pub fn XSetForeground (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
670 pub fn XSetFunction (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
671 pub fn XSetGraphicsExposures (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
672 pub fn XSetICFocus (_1: XIC) -> (),
673 pub fn XSetIconName (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *const c_char) -> c_int,
674 pub fn XSetIconSizes (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XIconSize, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
675 pub fn XSetInputFocus (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
676 pub fn XSetIOErrorHandler (_1: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display) -> c_int>) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display) -> c_int>,
677 pub fn XSetLineAttributes (_6: *mut Display, _5: GC, _4: c_uint, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
678 pub fn XSetLocaleModifiers (_1: *const c_char) -> *mut c_char,
679 pub fn XSetModifierMapping (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XModifierKeymap) -> c_int,
680 pub fn XSetNormalHints (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XSizeHints) -> c_int,
681 pub fn XSetPlaneMask (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
682 pub fn XSetPointerMapping (_3: *mut Display, _2: *const c_uchar, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
683 pub fn XSetRegion (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: Region) -> c_int,
684 pub fn XSetRGBColormaps (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: *mut XStandardColormap, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> (),
685 pub fn XSetScreenSaver (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
686 pub fn XSetSelectionOwner (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
687 pub fn XSetSizeHints (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XSizeHints, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
688 pub fn XSetStandardColormap (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XStandardColormap, _1: c_ulong) -> (),
689 pub fn XSetStandardProperties (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: *const c_char, _5: *const c_char, _4: c_ulong, _3: *mut *mut c_char, _2: c_int, _1: *mut XSizeHints) -> c_int,
690 pub fn XSetState (_6: *mut Display, _5: GC, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
691 pub fn XSetStipple (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
692 pub fn XSetSubwindowMode (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
693 pub fn XSetTextProperty (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XTextProperty, _1: c_ulong) -> (),
694 pub fn XSetTile (_3: *mut Display, _2: GC, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
695 pub fn XSetTransientForHint (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
696 pub fn XSetTSOrigin (_4: *mut Display, _3: GC, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
697 pub fn XSetWindowBackground (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
698 pub fn XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
699 pub fn XSetWindowBorder (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
700 pub fn XSetWindowBorderPixmap (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
701 pub fn XSetWindowBorderWidth (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
702 pub fn XSetWindowColormap (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
703 pub fn XSetWMClientMachine (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XTextProperty) -> (),
704 pub fn XSetWMColormapWindows (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
705 pub fn XSetWMHints (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XWMHints) -> c_int,
706 pub fn XSetWMIconName (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XTextProperty) -> (),
707 pub fn XSetWMName (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XTextProperty) -> (),
708 pub fn XSetWMNormalHints (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XSizeHints) -> (),
709 pub fn XSetWMProperties (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_ulong, _7: *mut XTextProperty, _6: *mut XTextProperty, _5: *mut *mut c_char, _4: c_int, _3: *mut XSizeHints, _2: *mut XWMHints, _1: *mut XClassHint) -> (),
710 pub fn XSetWMProtocols (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
711 pub fn XSetWMSizeHints (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XSizeHints, _1: c_ulong) -> (),
712 pub fn XSetZoomHints (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XSizeHints) -> c_int,
713 pub fn XShrinkRegion (_3: Region, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
714 pub fn XStoreBuffer (_4: *mut Display, _3: *const c_char, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
715 pub fn XStoreBytes (_3: *mut Display, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
716 pub fn XStoreColor (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XColor) -> c_int,
717 pub fn XStoreColors (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut XColor, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
718 pub fn XStoreName (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *const c_char) -> c_int,
719 pub fn XStoreNamedColor (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: *const c_char, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
720 pub fn XStringListToTextProperty (_3: *mut *mut c_char, _2: c_int, _1: *mut XTextProperty) -> c_int,
721 pub fn XStringToKeysym (_1: *const c_char) -> c_ulong,
722 pub fn XSubImage (_5: *mut XImage, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> *mut XImage,
723 pub fn XSubtractRegion (_3: Region, _2: Region, _1: Region) -> c_int,
724 pub fn XSupportsLocale () -> c_int,
725 pub fn XSync (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
726 pub fn XSynchronize (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display) -> c_int>,
727 pub fn XTextExtents (_7: *mut XFontStruct, _6: *const c_char, _5: c_int, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut XCharStruct) -> c_int,
728 pub fn XTextExtents16 (_7: *mut XFontStruct, _6: *const XChar2b, _5: c_int, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut XCharStruct) -> c_int,
729 pub fn XTextPropertyToStringList (_3: *mut XTextProperty, _2: *mut *mut *mut c_char, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
730 pub fn XTextWidth (_3: *mut XFontStruct, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
731 pub fn XTextWidth16 (_3: *mut XFontStruct, _2: *const XChar2b, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
732 pub fn XTranslateCoordinates (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_ulong) -> c_int,
733 pub fn XUndefineCursor (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
734 pub fn XUngrabButton (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_uint, _2: c_uint, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
735 pub fn XUngrabKey (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_int, _2: c_uint, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
736 pub fn XUngrabKeyboard (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
737 pub fn XUngrabPointer (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
738 pub fn XUngrabServer (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
739 pub fn XUninstallColormap (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
740 pub fn XUnionRectWithRegion (_3: *mut XRectangle, _2: Region, _1: Region) -> c_int,
741 pub fn XUnionRegion (_3: Region, _2: Region, _1: Region) -> c_int,
742 pub fn XUnloadFont (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
743 pub fn XUnlockDisplay (_1: *mut Display) -> (),
744 pub fn XUnmapSubwindows (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
745 pub fn XUnmapWindow (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
746 pub fn XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback (_6: *mut Display, _5: XrmDatabase, _4: *mut c_char, _3: *mut c_char, _2: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut Display, *mut c_char, *mut c_char)>, _1: *mut c_char) -> c_int,
747 pub fn XUnsetICFocus (_1: XIC) -> (),
748 pub fn Xutf8DrawImageString (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: XFontSet, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> (),
749 pub fn Xutf8DrawString (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: XFontSet, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> (),
750 pub fn Xutf8DrawText (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *mut XmbTextItem, _1: c_int) -> (),
751 pub fn Xutf8LookupString (_6: XIC, _5: *mut XKeyEvent, _4: *mut c_char, _3: c_int, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
752 pub fn Xutf8ResetIC (_1: XIC) -> *mut c_char,
753 pub fn Xutf8SetWMProperties (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_ulong, _7: *const c_char, _6: *const c_char, _5: *mut *mut c_char, _4: c_int, _3: *mut XSizeHints, _2: *mut XWMHints, _1: *mut XClassHint) -> (),
754 pub fn Xutf8TextEscapement (_3: XFontSet, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
755 pub fn Xutf8TextExtents (_5: XFontSet, _4: *const c_char, _3: c_int, _2: *mut XRectangle, _1: *mut XRectangle) -> c_int,
756 pub fn Xutf8TextListToTextProperty (_5: *mut Display, _4: *mut *mut c_char, _3: c_int, _2: XICCEncodingStyle, _1: *mut XTextProperty) -> c_int,
757 pub fn Xutf8TextPerCharExtents (_9: XFontSet, _8: *const c_char, _7: c_int, _6: *mut XRectangle, _5: *mut XRectangle, _4: c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut XRectangle, _1: *mut XRectangle) -> c_int,
758 pub fn Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList (_4: *mut Display, _3: *const XTextProperty, _2: *mut *mut *mut c_char, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
759 pub fn XVendorRelease (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
760 pub fn XVisualIDFromVisual (_1: *mut Visual) -> c_ulong,
761 pub fn XWarpPointer (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_ulong, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
762 pub fn XwcDrawImageString (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: XFontSet, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const wchar_t, _1: c_int) -> (),
763 pub fn XwcDrawString (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_ulong, _6: XFontSet, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const wchar_t, _1: c_int) -> (),
764 pub fn XwcDrawText (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: GC, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *mut XwcTextItem, _1: c_int) -> (),
765 pub fn XwcFreeStringList (_1: *mut *mut wchar_t) -> (),
766 pub fn XwcLookupString (_6: XIC, _5: *mut XKeyEvent, _4: *mut wchar_t, _3: c_int, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
767 pub fn XwcResetIC (_1: XIC) -> *mut wchar_t,
768 pub fn XwcTextEscapement (_3: XFontSet, _2: *const wchar_t, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
769 pub fn XwcTextExtents (_5: XFontSet, _4: *const wchar_t, _3: c_int, _2: *mut XRectangle, _1: *mut XRectangle) -> c_int,
770 pub fn XwcTextListToTextProperty (_5: *mut Display, _4: *mut *mut wchar_t, _3: c_int, _2: XICCEncodingStyle, _1: *mut XTextProperty) -> c_int,
771 pub fn XwcTextPerCharExtents (_9: XFontSet, _8: *const wchar_t, _7: c_int, _6: *mut XRectangle, _5: *mut XRectangle, _4: c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut XRectangle, _1: *mut XRectangle) -> c_int,
772 pub fn XwcTextPropertyToTextList (_4: *mut Display, _3: *const XTextProperty, _2: *mut *mut *mut wchar_t, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
773 pub fn XWhitePixel (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_ulong,
774 pub fn XWhitePixelOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_ulong,
775 pub fn XWidthMMOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_int,
776 pub fn XWidthOfScreen (_1: *mut Screen) -> c_int,
777 pub fn XWindowEvent (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_long, _1: *mut XEvent) -> c_int,
778 pub fn XWithdrawWindow (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
779 pub fn XWMGeometry (_11: *mut Display, _10: c_int, _9: *const c_char, _8: *const c_char, _7: c_uint, _6: *mut XSizeHints, _5: *mut c_int, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
780 pub fn XWriteBitmapFile (_7: *mut Display, _6: *const c_char, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
781 pub fn XXorRegion (_3: Region, _2: Region, _1: Region) -> c_int,
783 pub fn XCreateIC (_1: XIM) -> XIC,
784 pub fn XCreateOC (_1: XOM) -> XFontSet,
785 pub fn XGetICValues (_1: XIC) -> *mut c_char,
786 pub fn XGetIMValues (_1: XIM) -> *mut c_char,
787 pub fn XGetOCValues (_1: XFontSet) -> *mut c_char,
788 pub fn XGetOMValues (_1: XOM) -> *mut c_char,
789 pub fn XSetICValues (_1: XIC) -> *mut c_char,
790 pub fn XSetIMValues (_1: XIM) -> *mut c_char,
791 pub fn XSetOCValues (_1: XFontSet) -> *mut c_char,
792 pub fn XSetOMValues (_1: XOM) -> *mut c_char,
793 pub fn XVaCreateNestedList (_1: c_int) -> *mut c_void,
798// types
801// common types
802pub type Atom = XID;
803pub type Bool = c_int;
804pub type Colormap = XID;
805pub type Cursor = XID;
806pub type Drawable = XID;
807pub type Font = XID;
808pub type GContext = XID;
809pub type KeyCode = c_uchar;
810pub type KeySym = XID;
811pub type Mask = c_ulong;
812pub type Pixmap = XID;
813pub type Status = Bool;
814pub type Time = c_ulong;
815pub type VisualID = XID;
816pub type Window = XID;
817pub type XID = c_ulong;
818pub type XPointer = *mut c_char;
820// opaque structures
821pub enum _XDisplay {}
822pub enum xError {}
823pub enum xEvent {}
824pub enum _XGC {}
825pub enum _XIC {}
826pub enum _XIM {}
827pub enum _XRegion {}
828pub enum _XOC {}
829pub enum _XOM {}
830pub enum _XrmHashBucketRec {}
832// TODO structs
834pub struct _XcmsCCC;
836pub struct XcmsColor;
838pub struct _XcmsColorSpace;
840pub struct _XcmsFunctionSet;
842pub struct _XkbAction;
844pub struct _XkbBounds;
846pub struct _XkbChanges;
848pub struct _XkbClientMapRec;
850pub struct _XkbColor;
852pub struct _XkbComponentList;
854pub struct _XkbComponentNames;
856pub struct _XkbControls {
857 pub mk_dflt_btn: c_uchar,
858 pub num_groups: c_uchar,
859 pub groups_wrap: c_uchar,
860 pub internal: XkbModsRec,
861 pub ignore_loc: XkbModsRec,
862 pub enabled_ctrls: c_uint,
863 pub repeat_delay: c_ushort,
864 pub repeat_interval: c_ushort,
865 pub slow_keys_delay: c_ushort,
866 pub debounce_delay: c_ushort,
867 pub mk_delay: c_ushort,
868 pub mk_interval: c_ushort,
869 pub mk_time_to_max: c_ushort,
870 pub mk_max_speed: c_ushort,
871 pub mk_curve: c_short,
872 pub ax_options: c_ushort,
873 pub ax_timeout: c_ushort,
874 pub axt_opts_mask: c_ushort,
875 pub axt_opts_values: c_ushort,
876 pub axt_ctrls_mask: c_uint,
877 pub axt_ctrls_values: c_uint,
878 pub per_key_repeat: [c_uchar; 32],
881pub struct _XkbControlsChanges;
883pub struct _XkbControlsNotify;
885pub struct _XkbDeviceChanges;
887pub struct _XkbDeviceInfo;
889pub struct _XkbDeviceLedInfo;
891pub struct _XkbDoodad;
893pub struct _XkbExtensionDeviceNotify;
895pub struct _XkbGeometry;
897pub struct _XkbGeometrySizes;
899pub struct _XkbIndicatorMapRec;
901pub struct _XkbKey;
903pub struct _XkbKeyType;
905pub struct _XkbMapChanges;
907pub struct _XkbMods {
908 pub mask: c_uchar,
909 pub real_mods: c_uchar,
910 pub vmods: c_ushort,
913pub struct _XkbNameChanges;
915pub struct _XkbNamesNotify;
917pub struct _XkbOutline;
919pub struct _XkbOverlay;
921pub struct _XkbOverlayKey;
923pub struct _XkbOverlayRow;
925pub struct _XkbProperty;
927pub struct _XkbRow;
929pub struct _XkbSection;
931pub struct _XkbServerMapRec;
933pub struct _XkbShape;
935pub struct _XkbSymInterpretRec;
937// union placeholders
938pub type XEDataObject = *mut c_void;
940// misc typedefs
941pub type Display = _XDisplay;
942pub type GC = *mut _XGC;
943pub type Region = *mut _XRegion;
944pub type XcmsCCC = *mut _XcmsCCC;
945pub type XcmsColorSpace = _XcmsColorSpace;
946pub type XcmsFunctionSet = _XcmsFunctionSet;
947pub type XContext = c_int;
948pub type XFontSet = *mut _XOC;
949pub type XIC = *mut _XIC;
950pub type XIM = *mut _XIM;
951pub type XkbAction = _XkbAction;
952pub type XkbBoundsPtr = *mut _XkbBounds;
953pub type XkbChangesPtr = *mut _XkbChanges;
954pub type XkbClientMapPtr = *mut _XkbClientMapRec;
955pub type XkbColorPtr = *mut _XkbColor;
956pub type XkbCompatMapPtr = *mut _XkbCompatMapRec;
957pub type XkbComponentListPtr = *mut _XkbComponentList;
958pub type XkbComponentNamesPtr = *mut _XkbComponentNames;
959pub type XkbControlsChangesPtr = *mut _XkbControlsChanges;
960pub type XkbControlsNotifyEvent = _XkbControlsNotify;
961pub type XkbControlsPtr = *mut _XkbControls;
962pub type XkbDescPtr = *mut _XkbDesc;
963pub type XkbDeviceChangesPtr = *mut _XkbDeviceChanges;
964pub type XkbDeviceInfoPtr = *mut _XkbDeviceInfo;
965pub type XkbDeviceLedInfoPtr = *mut _XkbDeviceLedInfo;
966pub type XkbDoodadPtr = *mut _XkbDoodad;
967pub type XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent = _XkbExtensionDeviceNotify;
968pub type XkbGeometryPtr = *mut _XkbGeometry;
969pub type XkbGeometrySizesPtr = *mut _XkbGeometrySizes;
970pub type XkbIndicatorMapPtr = *mut _XkbIndicatorMapRec;
971pub type XkbIndicatorMapRec = _XkbIndicatorMapRec;
972pub type XkbIndicatorPtr = *mut _XkbIndicatorRec;
973pub type XkbKeyTypePtr = *mut _XkbKeyType;
974pub type XkbMapChangesPtr = *mut _XkbMapChanges;
975pub type XkbMapNotifyEvent = _XkbMapNotifyEvent;
976pub type XkbModsPtr = *mut _XkbMods;
977pub type XkbModsRec = _XkbMods;
978pub type XkbNameChangesPtr = *mut _XkbNameChanges;
979pub type XkbNamesNotifyEvent = _XkbNamesNotify;
980pub type XkbNamesPtr = *mut _XkbNamesRec;
981pub type XkbKeyAliasPtr = *mut _XkbKeyAliasRec;
982pub type XkbKeyNamePtr = *mut _XkbKeyNameRec;
983pub type XkbKeyPtr = *mut _XkbKey;
984pub type XkbOutlinePtr = *mut _XkbOutline;
985pub type XkbOverlayKeyPtr = *mut _XkbOverlayKey;
986pub type XkbOverlayPtr = *mut _XkbOverlay;
987pub type XkbOverlayRowPtr = *mut _XkbOverlayRow;
988pub type XkbPropertyPtr = *mut _XkbProperty;
989pub type XkbRowPtr = *mut _XkbRow;
990pub type XkbSectionPtr = *mut _XkbSection;
991pub type XkbServerMapPtr = *mut _XkbServerMapRec;
992pub type XkbShapePtr = *mut _XkbShape;
993pub type XkbStatePtr = *mut _XkbStateRec;
994pub type XkbStateRec = _XkbStateRec;
995pub type XkbSymInterpretPtr = *mut _XkbSymInterpretRec;
996pub type XOM = *mut _XOM;
997pub type XrmDatabase = *mut _XrmHashBucketRec;
998pub type XrmOptionDescList = *mut XrmOptionDescRec;
1000// function pointers
1001pub type XConnectionWatchProc =
1002 Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut Display, XPointer, c_int, Bool, XPointer)>;
1003pub type XIMProc = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(XIM, XPointer, XPointer)>;
1004pub type XICProc = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(XIC, XPointer, XPointer) -> Bool>;
1006// C enums
1007pub type XICCEncodingStyle = c_int;
1008pub type XOrientation = c_int;
1009pub type XrmBinding = c_int;
1010pub type XrmOptionKind = c_int;
1015enum TestEnum {
1016 Variant1,
1017 Variant2,
1021fn enum_size_test() {
1022 assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<TestEnum>() == ::std::mem::size_of::<c_int>());
1026// event structures
1029#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
1031pub union XEvent {
1032 pub type_: c_int,
1033 pub any: XAnyEvent,
1034 pub button: XButtonEvent,
1035 pub circulate: XCirculateEvent,
1036 pub circulate_request: XCirculateRequestEvent,
1037 pub client_message: XClientMessageEvent,
1038 pub colormap: XColormapEvent,
1039 pub configure: XConfigureEvent,
1040 pub configure_request: XConfigureRequestEvent,
1041 pub create_window: XCreateWindowEvent,
1042 pub crossing: XCrossingEvent,
1043 pub destroy_window: XDestroyWindowEvent,
1044 pub error: XErrorEvent,
1045 pub expose: XExposeEvent,
1046 pub focus_change: XFocusChangeEvent,
1047 pub generic_event_cookie: XGenericEventCookie,
1048 pub graphics_expose: XGraphicsExposeEvent,
1049 pub gravity: XGravityEvent,
1050 pub key: XKeyEvent,
1051 pub keymap: XKeymapEvent,
1052 pub map: XMapEvent,
1053 pub mapping: XMappingEvent,
1054 pub map_request: XMapRequestEvent,
1055 pub motion: XMotionEvent,
1056 pub no_expose: XNoExposeEvent,
1057 pub property: XPropertyEvent,
1058 pub reparent: XReparentEvent,
1059 pub resize_request: XResizeRequestEvent,
1060 pub selection_clear: XSelectionClearEvent,
1061 pub selection: XSelectionEvent,
1062 pub selection_request: XSelectionRequestEvent,
1063 pub unmap: XUnmapEvent,
1064 pub visibility: XVisibilityEvent,
1065 pub pad: [c_long; 24],
1066 // xf86vidmode
1067 pub xf86vm_notify: xf86vmode::XF86VidModeNotifyEvent,
1068 // xrandr
1069 pub xrr_screen_change_notify: xrandr::XRRScreenChangeNotifyEvent,
1070 pub xrr_notify: xrandr::XRRNotifyEvent,
1071 pub xrr_output_change_notify: xrandr::XRROutputChangeNotifyEvent,
1072 pub xrr_crtc_change_notify: xrandr::XRRCrtcChangeNotifyEvent,
1073 pub xrr_output_property_notify: xrandr::XRROutputPropertyNotifyEvent,
1074 pub xrr_provider_change_notify: xrandr::XRRProviderChangeNotifyEvent,
1075 pub xrr_provider_property_notify: xrandr::XRRProviderPropertyNotifyEvent,
1076 pub xrr_resource_change_notify: xrandr::XRRResourceChangeNotifyEvent,
1077 // xscreensaver
1078 pub xss_notify: xss::XScreenSaverNotifyEvent,
1081impl XEvent {
1082 pub fn get_type(&self) -> c_int {
1083 unsafe { self.type_ }
1084 }
1087impl fmt::Debug for XEvent {
1088 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1089 let mut d = f.debug_struct("XEvent");
1090 unsafe {
1091 match self.type_ {
1092 KeyPress => d.field("key", &self.key),
1093 KeyRelease => d.field("key", &self.key),
1094 ButtonPress => d.field("button", &self.button),
1095 ButtonRelease => d.field("button", &self.button),
1096 MotionNotify => d.field("motion", &self.motion),
1097 EnterNotify => d.field("crossing", &self.crossing),
1098 LeaveNotify => d.field("crossing", &self.crossing),
1099 FocusIn => d.field("focus_change", &self.focus_change),
1100 FocusOut => d.field("focus_change", &self.focus_change),
1101 KeymapNotify => d.field("keymap", &self.keymap),
1102 Expose => d.field("expose", &self.expose),
1103 GraphicsExpose => d.field("graphics_expose", &self.graphics_expose),
1104 NoExpose => d.field("no_expose", &self.no_expose),
1105 VisibilityNotify => d.field("visibility", &self.visibility),
1106 CreateNotify => d.field("create_window", &self.create_window),
1107 DestroyNotify => d.field("destroy_window", &self.destroy_window),
1108 UnmapNotify => d.field("unmap", &self.unmap),
1109 MapNotify => d.field("map", &self.map),
1110 MapRequest => d.field("map_request", &self.map_request),
1111 ReparentNotify => d.field("reparent", &self.reparent),
1112 ConfigureNotify => d.field("configure", &self.configure),
1113 ConfigureRequest => d.field("configure_request", &self.configure_request),
1114 GravityNotify => d.field("gravity", &self.gravity),
1115 ResizeRequest => d.field("resize_request", &self.resize_request),
1116 CirculateNotify => d.field("circulate", &self.circulate),
1117 CirculateRequest => d.field("circulate_request", &self.circulate_request),
1118 PropertyNotify => d.field("property", &self.property),
1119 SelectionClear => d.field("selection_clear", &self.selection_clear),
1120 SelectionRequest => d.field("selection_request", &self.selection_request),
1121 SelectionNotify => d.field("selection", &self.selection),
1122 ColormapNotify => d.field("colormap", &self.colormap),
1123 ClientMessage => d.field("client_message", &self.client_message),
1124 MappingNotify => d.field("mapping", &self.mapping),
1125 GenericEvent => d.field("generic_event_cookie", &self.generic_event_cookie),
1126 _ => d.field("any", &self.any),
1127 }
1128 }
1129 .finish()
1130 }
1133macro_rules! event_conversions_and_tests {
1134 { $($field:ident: $ty:ty,)* } => {
1135 #[test]
1136 fn xevent_size_test () {
1137 use std::mem::size_of;
1138 let xevent_size = size_of::<XEvent>();
1139 $(assert!(xevent_size >= size_of::<$ty>());)*
1140 }
1142 $(
1143 impl AsMut<$ty> for XEvent {
1144 fn as_mut (&mut self) -> &mut $ty {
1145 unsafe { &mut self.$field }
1146 }
1147 }
1149 impl AsRef<$ty> for XEvent {
1150 fn as_ref (&self) -> &$ty {
1151 unsafe { &self.$field }
1152 }
1153 }
1155 impl From<$ty> for XEvent {
1156 fn from (other: $ty) -> XEvent {
1157 XEvent{ $field: other }
1158 }
1159 }
1161 impl<'a> From<&'a $ty> for XEvent {
1162 fn from (other: &'a $ty) -> XEvent {
1163 XEvent{ $field: other.clone() }
1164 }
1165 }
1167 impl From<XEvent> for $ty {
1168 fn from (xevent: XEvent) -> $ty {
1169 unsafe { xevent.$field }
1170 }
1171 }
1173 impl<'a> From<&'a XEvent> for $ty {
1174 fn from (xevent: &'a XEvent) -> $ty {
1175 unsafe { xevent.$field }
1176 }
1177 }
1178 )*
1179 };
1182event_conversions_and_tests! {
1183 any: XAnyEvent,
1184 button: XButtonEvent,
1185 circulate: XCirculateEvent,
1186 circulate_request: XCirculateRequestEvent,
1187 client_message: XClientMessageEvent,
1188 colormap: XColormapEvent,
1189 configure: XConfigureEvent,
1190 configure_request: XConfigureRequestEvent,
1191 create_window: XCreateWindowEvent,
1192 crossing: XCrossingEvent,
1193 destroy_window: XDestroyWindowEvent,
1194 error: XErrorEvent,
1195 expose: XExposeEvent,
1196 focus_change: XFocusChangeEvent,
1197 generic_event_cookie: XGenericEventCookie,
1198 graphics_expose: XGraphicsExposeEvent,
1199 gravity: XGravityEvent,
1200 key: XKeyEvent,
1201 keymap: XKeymapEvent,
1202 map: XMapEvent,
1203 mapping: XMappingEvent,
1204 map_request: XMapRequestEvent,
1205 motion: XMotionEvent,
1206 no_expose: XNoExposeEvent,
1207 property: XPropertyEvent,
1208 reparent: XReparentEvent,
1209 resize_request: XResizeRequestEvent,
1210 selection_clear: XSelectionClearEvent,
1211 selection: XSelectionEvent,
1212 selection_request: XSelectionRequestEvent,
1213 unmap: XUnmapEvent,
1214 visibility: XVisibilityEvent,
1217#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1219pub struct XAnyEvent {
1220 pub type_: c_int,
1221 pub serial: c_ulong,
1222 pub send_event: Bool,
1223 pub display: *mut Display,
1224 pub window: Window,
1227#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1229pub struct XButtonEvent {
1230 pub type_: c_int,
1231 pub serial: c_ulong,
1232 pub send_event: Bool,
1233 pub display: *mut Display,
1234 pub window: Window,
1235 pub root: Window,
1236 pub subwindow: Window,
1237 pub time: Time,
1238 pub x: c_int,
1239 pub y: c_int,
1240 pub x_root: c_int,
1241 pub y_root: c_int,
1242 pub state: c_uint,
1243 pub button: c_uint,
1244 pub same_screen: Bool,
1246pub type XButtonPressedEvent = XButtonEvent;
1247pub type XButtonReleasedEvent = XButtonEvent;
1249#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1251pub struct XCirculateEvent {
1252 pub type_: c_int,
1253 pub serial: c_ulong,
1254 pub send_event: Bool,
1255 pub display: *mut Display,
1256 pub event: Window,
1257 pub window: Window,
1258 pub place: c_int,
1261#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1263pub struct XCirculateRequestEvent {
1264 pub type_: c_int,
1265 pub serial: c_ulong,
1266 pub send_event: Bool,
1267 pub display: *mut Display,
1268 pub parent: Window,
1269 pub window: Window,
1270 pub place: c_int,
1273#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1275pub struct XClientMessageEvent {
1276 pub type_: c_int,
1277 pub serial: c_ulong,
1278 pub send_event: Bool,
1279 pub display: *mut Display,
1280 pub window: Window,
1281 pub message_type: Atom,
1282 pub format: c_int,
1283 pub data: ClientMessageData,
1286#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1288pub struct XColormapEvent {
1289 pub type_: c_int,
1290 pub serial: c_ulong,
1291 pub send_event: Bool,
1292 pub display: *mut Display,
1293 pub window: Window,
1294 pub colormap: Colormap,
1295 pub new: Bool,
1296 pub state: c_int,
1299#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1301pub struct XConfigureEvent {
1302 pub type_: c_int,
1303 pub serial: c_ulong,
1304 pub send_event: Bool,
1305 pub display: *mut Display,
1306 pub event: Window,
1307 pub window: Window,
1308 pub x: c_int,
1309 pub y: c_int,
1310 pub width: c_int,
1311 pub height: c_int,
1312 pub border_width: c_int,
1313 pub above: Window,
1314 pub override_redirect: Bool,
1317#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1319pub struct XConfigureRequestEvent {
1320 pub type_: c_int,
1321 pub serial: c_ulong,
1322 pub send_event: Bool,
1323 pub display: *mut Display,
1324 pub parent: Window,
1325 pub window: Window,
1326 pub x: c_int,
1327 pub y: c_int,
1328 pub width: c_int,
1329 pub height: c_int,
1330 pub border_width: c_int,
1331 pub above: Window,
1332 pub detail: c_int,
1333 pub value_mask: c_ulong,
1336#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1338pub struct XCreateWindowEvent {
1339 pub type_: c_int,
1340 pub serial: c_ulong,
1341 pub send_event: Bool,
1342 pub display: *mut Display,
1343 pub parent: Window,
1344 pub window: Window,
1345 pub x: c_int,
1346 pub y: c_int,
1347 pub width: c_int,
1348 pub height: c_int,
1349 pub border_width: c_int,
1350 pub override_redirect: Bool,
1353#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1355pub struct XCrossingEvent {
1356 pub type_: c_int,
1357 pub serial: c_ulong,
1358 pub send_event: Bool,
1359 pub display: *mut Display,
1360 pub window: Window,
1361 pub root: Window,
1362 pub subwindow: Window,
1363 pub time: Time,
1364 pub x: c_int,
1365 pub y: c_int,
1366 pub x_root: c_int,
1367 pub y_root: c_int,
1368 pub mode: c_int,
1369 pub detail: c_int,
1370 pub same_screen: Bool,
1371 pub focus: Bool,
1372 pub state: c_uint,
1374pub type XEnterWindowEvent = XCrossingEvent;
1375pub type XLeaveWindowEvent = XCrossingEvent;
1377#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1379pub struct XDestroyWindowEvent {
1380 pub type_: c_int,
1381 pub serial: c_ulong,
1382 pub send_event: Bool,
1383 pub display: *mut Display,
1384 pub event: Window,
1385 pub window: Window,
1388#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1390pub struct XErrorEvent {
1391 pub type_: c_int,
1392 pub display: *mut Display,
1393 pub resourceid: XID,
1394 pub serial: c_ulong,
1395 pub error_code: c_uchar,
1396 pub request_code: c_uchar,
1397 pub minor_code: c_uchar,
1400#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1402pub struct XExposeEvent {
1403 pub type_: c_int,
1404 pub serial: c_ulong,
1405 pub send_event: Bool,
1406 pub display: *mut Display,
1407 pub window: Window,
1408 pub x: c_int,
1409 pub y: c_int,
1410 pub width: c_int,
1411 pub height: c_int,
1412 pub count: c_int,
1415#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1417pub struct XFocusChangeEvent {
1418 pub type_: c_int,
1419 pub serial: c_ulong,
1420 pub send_event: Bool,
1421 pub display: *mut Display,
1422 pub window: Window,
1423 pub mode: c_int,
1424 pub detail: c_int,
1426pub type XFocusInEvent = XFocusChangeEvent;
1427pub type XFocusOutEvent = XFocusChangeEvent;
1429#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1431pub struct XGraphicsExposeEvent {
1432 pub type_: c_int,
1433 pub serial: c_ulong,
1434 pub send_event: Bool,
1435 pub display: *mut Display,
1436 pub drawable: Drawable,
1437 pub x: c_int,
1438 pub y: c_int,
1439 pub width: c_int,
1440 pub height: c_int,
1441 pub count: c_int,
1442 pub major_code: c_int,
1443 pub minor_code: c_int,
1446#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1448pub struct XGravityEvent {
1449 pub type_: c_int,
1450 pub serial: c_ulong,
1451 pub send_event: Bool,
1452 pub display: *mut Display,
1453 pub event: Window,
1454 pub window: Window,
1455 pub x: c_int,
1456 pub y: c_int,
1459#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1461pub struct XKeyEvent {
1462 pub type_: c_int,
1463 pub serial: c_ulong,
1464 pub send_event: Bool,
1465 pub display: *mut Display,
1466 pub window: Window,
1467 pub root: Window,
1468 pub subwindow: Window,
1469 pub time: Time,
1470 pub x: c_int,
1471 pub y: c_int,
1472 pub x_root: c_int,
1473 pub y_root: c_int,
1474 pub state: c_uint,
1475 pub keycode: c_uint,
1476 pub same_screen: Bool,
1478pub type XKeyPressedEvent = XKeyEvent;
1479pub type XKeyReleasedEvent = XKeyEvent;
1481#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1483pub struct XKeymapEvent {
1484 pub type_: c_int,
1485 pub serial: c_ulong,
1486 pub send_event: Bool,
1487 pub display: *mut Display,
1488 pub window: Window,
1489 pub key_vector: [c_char; 32],
1492#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1494pub struct XMapEvent {
1495 pub type_: c_int,
1496 pub serial: c_ulong,
1497 pub send_event: Bool,
1498 pub display: *mut Display,
1499 pub event: Window,
1500 pub window: Window,
1501 pub override_redirect: Bool,
1504#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1506pub struct XMappingEvent {
1507 pub type_: c_int,
1508 pub serial: c_ulong,
1509 pub send_event: Bool,
1510 pub display: *mut Display,
1511 pub event: Window,
1512 pub request: c_int,
1513 pub first_keycode: c_int,
1514 pub count: c_int,
1517#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1519pub struct XMapRequestEvent {
1520 pub type_: c_int,
1521 pub serial: c_ulong,
1522 pub send_event: Bool,
1523 pub display: *mut Display,
1524 pub parent: Window,
1525 pub window: Window,
1528#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1530pub struct XMotionEvent {
1531 pub type_: c_int,
1532 pub serial: c_ulong,
1533 pub send_event: Bool,
1534 pub display: *mut Display,
1535 pub window: Window,
1536 pub root: Window,
1537 pub subwindow: Window,
1538 pub time: Time,
1539 pub x: c_int,
1540 pub y: c_int,
1541 pub x_root: c_int,
1542 pub y_root: c_int,
1543 pub state: c_uint,
1544 pub is_hint: c_char,
1545 pub same_screen: Bool,
1547pub type XPointerMovedEvent = XMotionEvent;
1549#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1551pub struct XNoExposeEvent {
1552 pub type_: c_int,
1553 pub serial: c_ulong,
1554 pub send_event: Bool,
1555 pub display: *mut Display,
1556 pub drawable: Drawable,
1557 pub major_code: c_int,
1558 pub minor_code: c_int,
1561#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1563pub struct XPropertyEvent {
1564 pub type_: c_int,
1565 pub serial: c_ulong,
1566 pub send_event: Bool,
1567 pub display: *mut Display,
1568 pub window: Window,
1569 pub atom: Atom,
1570 pub time: Time,
1571 pub state: c_int,
1574#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1576pub struct XReparentEvent {
1577 pub type_: c_int,
1578 pub serial: c_ulong,
1579 pub send_event: Bool,
1580 pub display: *mut Display,
1581 pub event: Window,
1582 pub window: Window,
1583 pub parent: Window,
1584 pub x: c_int,
1585 pub y: c_int,
1586 pub override_redirect: Bool,
1589#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1591pub struct XResizeRequestEvent {
1592 pub type_: c_int,
1593 pub serial: c_ulong,
1594 pub send_event: Bool,
1595 pub display: *mut Display,
1596 pub window: Window,
1597 pub width: c_int,
1598 pub height: c_int,
1601#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1603pub struct XSelectionClearEvent {
1604 pub type_: c_int,
1605 pub serial: c_ulong,
1606 pub send_event: Bool,
1607 pub display: *mut Display,
1608 pub window: Window,
1609 pub selection: Atom,
1610 pub time: Time,
1613#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1615pub struct XSelectionEvent {
1616 pub type_: c_int,
1617 pub serial: c_ulong,
1618 pub send_event: Bool,
1619 pub display: *mut Display,
1620 pub requestor: Window,
1621 pub selection: Atom,
1622 pub target: Atom,
1623 pub property: Atom,
1624 pub time: Time,
1627#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1629pub struct XSelectionRequestEvent {
1630 pub type_: c_int,
1631 pub serial: c_ulong,
1632 pub send_event: Bool,
1633 pub display: *mut Display,
1634 pub owner: Window,
1635 pub requestor: Window,
1636 pub selection: Atom,
1637 pub target: Atom,
1638 pub property: Atom,
1639 pub time: Time,
1642#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1644pub struct XUnmapEvent {
1645 pub type_: c_int,
1646 pub serial: c_ulong,
1647 pub send_event: Bool,
1648 pub display: *mut Display,
1649 pub event: Window,
1650 pub window: Window,
1651 pub from_configure: Bool,
1654#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1656pub struct XVisibilityEvent {
1657 pub type_: c_int,
1658 pub serial: c_ulong,
1659 pub send_event: Bool,
1660 pub display: *mut Display,
1661 pub window: Window,
1662 pub state: c_int,
1666// Xkb structs
1670pub struct _XkbCompatMapRec {
1671 pub sym_interpret: XkbSymInterpretPtr,
1672 pub groups: [XkbModsRec; XkbNumKbdGroups],
1673 pub num_si: c_ushort,
1674 pub size_si: c_ushort,
1677#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1679pub struct _XkbDesc {
1680 pub dpy: *mut Display,
1681 pub flags: c_ushort,
1682 pub device_spec: c_ushort,
1683 pub min_key_code: KeyCode,
1684 pub max_key_code: KeyCode,
1685 pub ctrls: XkbControlsPtr,
1686 pub server: XkbServerMapPtr,
1687 pub map: XkbClientMapPtr,
1688 pub indicators: XkbIndicatorPtr,
1689 pub names: XkbNamesPtr,
1690 pub compat: XkbCompatMapPtr,
1691 pub geom: XkbGeometryPtr,
1695pub struct _XkbIndicatorRec {
1696 pub phys_indicators: c_ulong,
1697 pub maps: [XkbIndicatorMapRec; XkbNumIndicators],
1700#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1702pub struct _XkbKeyAliasRec {
1703 pub real: [c_char; XkbKeyNameLength],
1704 pub alias: [c_char; XkbKeyNameLength],
1707#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1709pub struct _XkbKeyNameRec {
1710 pub name: [c_char; XkbKeyNameLength],
1713#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1715pub struct _XkbNamesRec {
1716 pub keycodes: Atom,
1717 pub geometry: Atom,
1718 pub symbols: Atom,
1719 pub types: Atom,
1720 pub compat: Atom,
1721 pub vmods: [Atom; XkbNumVirtualMods],
1722 pub indicators: [Atom; XkbNumIndicators],
1723 pub groups: [Atom; XkbNumKbdGroups],
1724 pub keys: XkbKeyNamePtr,
1725 pub key_aliases: XkbKeyAliasPtr,
1726 pub radio_groups: *mut Atom,
1727 pub phys_symbols: Atom,
1728 pub num_keys: c_uchar,
1729 pub num_key_aliases: c_uchar,
1730 pub num_rg: c_ushort,
1733#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1735pub struct _XkbStateRec {
1736 pub group: c_uchar,
1737 pub base_group: c_ushort,
1738 pub latched_group: c_ushort,
1739 pub locked_group: c_uchar,
1741 pub mods: c_uchar,
1742 pub base_mods: c_uchar,
1743 pub latched_mods: c_uchar,
1744 pub locked_mods: c_uchar,
1746 pub compat_state: c_uchar,
1748 pub grab_mods: c_uchar,
1749 pub compat_grab_mods: c_uchar,
1751 pub lookup_mods: c_uchar,
1752 pub compat_lookup_mods: c_uchar,
1754 pub ptr_buttons: c_ushort,
1758// Xkb event structs
1761#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1763pub struct XkbAnyEvent {
1764 pub type_: c_int,
1765 pub serial: c_ulong,
1766 pub send_event: Bool,
1767 pub display: *mut Display,
1768 pub time: Time,
1769 pub xkb_type: c_int,
1770 pub device: c_uint,
1773#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1775pub struct XkbNewKeyboardNotifyEvent {
1776 pub type_: c_int,
1777 pub serial: c_ulong,
1778 pub send_event: Bool,
1779 pub display: *mut Display,
1780 pub time: Time,
1781 pub xkb_type: c_int,
1782 pub device: c_int,
1783 pub old_device: c_int,
1784 pub min_key_code: c_int,
1785 pub max_key_code: c_int,
1786 pub old_min_key_code: c_int,
1787 pub old_max_key_code: c_int,
1788 pub changed: c_uint,
1789 pub req_major: c_char,
1790 pub req_minor: c_char,
1793#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1795pub struct _XkbMapNotifyEvent {
1796 pub type_: c_int,
1797 pub serial: c_ulong,
1798 pub send_event: Bool,
1799 pub display: *mut Display,
1800 pub time: Time,
1801 pub xkb_type: c_int,
1802 pub device: c_int,
1803 pub changed: c_uint,
1804 pub flags: c_uint,
1805 pub first_type: c_int,
1806 pub num_types: c_int,
1807 pub min_key_code: KeyCode,
1808 pub max_key_code: KeyCode,
1809 pub first_key_sym: KeyCode,
1810 pub first_key_act: KeyCode,
1811 pub first_key_bahavior: KeyCode,
1812 pub first_key_explicit: KeyCode,
1813 pub first_modmap_key: KeyCode,
1814 pub first_vmodmap_key: KeyCode,
1815 pub num_key_syms: c_int,
1816 pub num_key_acts: c_int,
1817 pub num_key_behaviors: c_int,
1818 pub num_key_explicit: c_int,
1819 pub num_modmap_keys: c_int,
1820 pub num_vmodmap_keys: c_int,
1821 pub vmods: c_uint,
1824#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1826pub struct XkbStateNotifyEvent {
1827 pub type_: c_int,
1828 pub serial: c_ulong,
1829 pub send_event: Bool,
1830 pub display: *mut Display,
1831 pub time: Time,
1832 pub xkb_type: c_int,
1833 pub device: c_int,
1834 pub changed: c_uint,
1835 pub group: c_int,
1836 pub base_group: c_int,
1837 pub latched_group: c_int,
1838 pub locked_group: c_int,
1839 pub mods: c_uint,
1840 pub base_mods: c_uint,
1841 pub latched_mods: c_uint,
1842 pub locked_mods: c_uint,
1843 pub compat_state: c_int,
1844 pub grab_mods: c_uchar,
1845 pub compat_grab_mods: c_uchar,
1846 pub lookup_mods: c_uchar,
1847 pub compat_lookup_mods: c_uchar,
1848 pub ptr_buttons: c_int,
1849 pub keycode: KeyCode,
1850 pub event_type: c_char,
1851 pub req_major: c_char,
1852 pub req_minor: c_char,
1855#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1857pub struct _XkbControlsNotifyEvent {
1858 pub type_: c_int,
1859 pub serial: c_ulong,
1860 pub send_event: Bool,
1861 pub display: *mut Display,
1862 pub time: Time,
1863 pub xkb_type: c_int,
1864 pub device: c_int,
1865 pub changed_ctrls: c_uint,
1866 pub enabled_ctrls: c_uint,
1867 pub enabled_ctrl_changes: c_uint,
1868 pub num_groups: c_int,
1869 pub keycode: KeyCode,
1870 pub event_type: c_char,
1871 pub req_major: c_char,
1872 pub req_minor: c_char,
1875#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1877pub struct XkbIndicatorNotifyEvent {
1878 pub type_: c_int,
1879 pub serial: c_ulong,
1880 pub send_event: Bool,
1881 pub display: *mut Display,
1882 pub time: Time,
1883 pub xkb_type: c_int,
1884 pub device: c_int,
1885 pub changed: c_uint,
1886 pub state: c_uint,
1889#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1891pub struct _XkbNamesNotifyEvent {
1892 pub type_: c_int,
1893 pub serial: c_ulong,
1894 pub send_event: Bool,
1895 pub display: *mut Display,
1896 pub time: Time,
1897 pub xkb_type: c_int,
1898 pub device: c_int,
1899 pub changed: c_uint,
1900 pub first_type: c_int,
1901 pub num_types: c_int,
1902 pub first_lvl: c_int,
1903 pub num_lvls: c_int,
1904 pub num_aliases: c_int,
1905 pub num_radio_groups: c_int,
1906 pub changed_vmods: c_uint,
1907 pub changed_groups: c_uint,
1908 pub changed_indicators: c_uint,
1909 pub first_key: c_int,
1910 pub num_keys: c_int,
1913#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1915pub struct XkbCompatMapNotifyEvent {
1916 pub type_: c_int,
1917 pub serial: c_ulong,
1918 pub send_event: Bool,
1919 pub display: *mut Display,
1920 pub time: Time,
1921 pub xkb_type: c_int,
1922 pub device: c_int,
1923 pub changed_groups: c_uint,
1924 pub first_si: c_int,
1925 pub num_si: c_int,
1926 pub num_total_si: c_int,
1929#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1931pub struct XkbBellNotifyEvent {
1932 pub type_: c_int,
1933 pub serial: c_ulong,
1934 pub send_event: Bool,
1935 pub display: *mut Display,
1936 pub time: Time,
1937 pub xkb_type: c_int,
1938 pub device: c_int,
1939 pub percent: c_int,
1940 pub pitch: c_int,
1941 pub duration: c_int,
1942 pub bell_class: c_int,
1943 pub bell_id: c_int,
1944 pub name: Atom,
1945 pub window: Window,
1946 pub event_only: Bool,
1949#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1951pub struct XkbActionMessageEvent {
1952 pub type_: c_int,
1953 pub serial: c_ulong,
1954 pub send_event: Bool,
1955 pub display: *mut Display,
1956 pub time: Time,
1957 pub xkb_type: c_int,
1958 pub device: c_int,
1959 pub keycode: KeyCode,
1960 pub press: Bool,
1961 pub key_event_follows: Bool,
1962 pub group: c_int,
1963 pub mods: c_uint,
1964 pub message: [c_char; XkbActionMessageLength + 1],
1967#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1969pub struct XkbAccessXNotifyEvent {
1970 pub type_: c_int,
1971 pub serial: c_ulong,
1972 pub send_event: Bool,
1973 pub display: *mut Display,
1974 pub time: Time,
1975 pub xkb_type: c_int,
1976 pub device: c_int,
1977 pub detail: c_int,
1978 pub keycode: c_int,
1979 pub sk_delay: c_int,
1980 pub debounce_delay: c_int,
1983#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
1985pub struct _XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent {
1986 pub type_: c_int,
1987 pub serial: c_ulong,
1988 pub send_event: Bool,
1989 pub display: *mut Display,
1990 pub time: Time,
1991 pub xkb_type: c_int,
1992 pub device: c_int,
1993 pub reason: c_uint,
1994 pub supported: c_uint,
1995 pub unsupported: c_uint,
1996 pub first_btn: c_int,
1997 pub num_btns: c_int,
1998 pub leds_defined: c_uint,
1999 pub led_state: c_uint,
2000 pub led_class: c_int,
2001 pub led_id: c_int,
2004#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2006pub struct XkbEvent {
2007 _pad: [c_long; 24],
2011macro_rules! test_xkb_event_size {
2012 { $($ty:ty,)* } => { $(
2013 assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<XkbEvent>() >= ::std::mem::size_of::<$ty>());
2014 )* };
2018fn xkb_event_size_test() {
2019 test_xkb_event_size! {
2020 XkbAnyEvent,
2021 XkbNewKeyboardNotifyEvent,
2022 XkbMapNotifyEvent,
2023 XkbStateNotifyEvent,
2024 XkbControlsNotifyEvent,
2025 XkbIndicatorNotifyEvent,
2026 XkbNamesNotifyEvent,
2027 XkbCompatMapNotifyEvent,
2028 XkbBellNotifyEvent,
2029 XkbActionMessageEvent,
2030 XkbAccessXNotifyEvent,
2031 XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent,
2032 }
2035pub enum XkbKbdDpyStateRec {}
2036pub type XkbKbdDpyStatePtr = *mut XkbKbdDpyStateRec;
2039// other structures
2042#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2044pub struct Depth {
2045 pub depth: c_int,
2046 pub nvisuals: c_int,
2047 pub visuals: *mut Visual,
2050#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2052pub struct Screen {
2053 pub ext_data: *mut XExtData,
2054 pub display: *mut Display,
2055 pub root: Window,
2056 pub width: c_int,
2057 pub height: c_int,
2058 pub mwidth: c_int,
2059 pub mheight: c_int,
2060 pub ndepths: c_int,
2061 pub depths: *mut Depth,
2062 pub root_depth: c_int,
2063 pub root_visual: *mut Visual,
2064 pub default_gc: GC,
2065 pub cmap: Colormap,
2066 pub white_pixel: c_ulong,
2067 pub black_pixel: c_ulong,
2068 pub max_maps: c_int,
2069 pub min_maps: c_int,
2070 pub backing_store: c_int,
2071 pub save_unders: Bool,
2072 pub root_input_mask: c_long,
2075#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2077pub struct ScreenFormat {
2078 pub ext_data: *mut XExtData,
2079 pub depth: c_int,
2080 pub bits_per_pixel: c_int,
2081 pub scanline_pad: c_int,
2084#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2086pub struct Visual {
2087 pub ext_data: *mut XExtData,
2088 pub visualid: VisualID,
2089 pub class: c_int,
2090 pub red_mask: c_ulong,
2091 pub green_mask: c_ulong,
2092 pub blue_mask: c_ulong,
2093 pub bits_per_rgb: c_int,
2094 pub map_entries: c_int,
2097#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2099pub struct XArc {
2100 pub x: c_short,
2101 pub y: c_short,
2102 pub width: c_ushort,
2103 pub height: c_ushort,
2104 pub angle1: c_short,
2105 pub angle2: c_short,
2108#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2110pub struct XChar2b {
2111 pub byte1: c_uchar,
2112 pub byte2: c_uchar,
2115#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2117pub struct XCharStruct {
2118 pub lbearing: c_short,
2119 pub rbearing: c_short,
2120 pub width: c_short,
2121 pub ascent: c_short,
2122 pub descent: c_short,
2123 pub attributes: c_ushort,
2126#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2128pub struct XClassHint {
2129 pub res_name: *mut c_char,
2130 pub res_class: *mut c_char,
2133#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2135pub struct XColor {
2136 pub pixel: c_ulong,
2137 pub red: c_ushort,
2138 pub green: c_ushort,
2139 pub blue: c_ushort,
2140 pub flags: c_char,
2141 pub pad: c_char,
2144#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2146pub struct XComposeStatus {
2147 pub compose_ptr: XPointer,
2148 pub chars_matched: c_int,
2151#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2153pub struct XExtCodes {
2154 pub extension: c_int,
2155 pub major_opcode: c_int,
2156 pub first_event: c_int,
2157 pub first_error: c_int,
2161pub struct XExtData {
2162 pub number: c_int,
2163 pub next: *mut XExtData,
2164 pub free_private: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> c_int>,
2165 pub private_data: XPointer,
2168#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2170pub struct XFontProp {
2171 pub name: Atom,
2172 pub card32: c_ulong,
2175#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2177pub struct XFontSetExtents {
2178 pub max_ink_extent: XRectangle,
2179 pub max_logical_extent: XRectangle,
2182#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2184pub struct XFontStruct {
2185 pub ext_data: *mut XExtData,
2186 pub fid: Font,
2187 pub direction: c_uint,
2188 pub min_char_or_byte2: c_uint,
2189 pub max_char_or_byte2: c_uint,
2190 pub min_byte1: c_uint,
2191 pub max_byte1: c_uint,
2192 pub all_chars_exist: Bool,
2193 pub default_char: c_uint,
2194 pub n_properties: c_int,
2195 pub properties: *mut XFontProp,
2196 pub min_bounds: XCharStruct,
2197 pub max_bounds: XCharStruct,
2198 pub per_char: *mut XCharStruct,
2199 pub ascent: c_int,
2200 pub descent: c_int,
2203#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2205pub struct XGCValues {
2206 pub function: c_int,
2207 pub plane_mask: c_ulong,
2208 pub foreground: c_ulong,
2209 pub background: c_ulong,
2210 pub line_width: c_int,
2211 pub line_style: c_int,
2212 pub cap_style: c_int,
2213 pub join_style: c_int,
2214 pub fill_style: c_int,
2215 pub fill_rule: c_int,
2216 pub arc_mode: c_int,
2217 pub tile: Pixmap,
2218 pub stipple: Pixmap,
2219 pub ts_x_origin: c_int,
2220 pub ts_y_origin: c_int,
2221 pub font: Font,
2222 pub subwindow_mode: c_int,
2223 pub graphics_exposures: Bool,
2224 pub clip_x_origin: c_int,
2225 pub clip_y_origin: c_int,
2226 pub clip_mask: Pixmap,
2227 pub dash_offset: c_int,
2228 pub dashes: c_char,
2231#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2233pub struct XGenericEventCookie {
2234 pub type_: c_int,
2235 pub serial: c_ulong,
2236 pub send_event: Bool,
2237 pub display: *mut Display,
2238 pub extension: c_int,
2239 pub evtype: c_int,
2240 pub cookie: c_uint,
2241 pub data: *mut c_void,
2244#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2246pub struct XHostAddress {
2247 pub family: c_int,
2248 pub length: c_int,
2249 pub address: *mut c_char,
2253#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
2254pub struct XServerInterpretedAddress {
2255 pub typelength: c_int,
2256 pub valuelength: c_int,
2257 pub type_: *mut c_char,
2258 pub value: *mut c_char,
2261#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2263pub struct XIconSize {
2264 pub min_width: c_int,
2265 pub min_height: c_int,
2266 pub max_width: c_int,
2267 pub max_height: c_int,
2268 pub width_inc: c_int,
2269 pub height_inc: c_int,
2272#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2274pub struct XImage {
2275 pub width: c_int,
2276 pub height: c_int,
2277 pub xoffset: c_int,
2278 pub format: c_int,
2279 pub data: *mut c_char,
2280 pub byte_order: c_int,
2281 pub bitmap_unit: c_int,
2282 pub bitmap_bit_order: c_int,
2283 pub bitmap_pad: c_int,
2284 pub depth: c_int,
2285 pub bytes_per_line: c_int,
2286 pub bits_per_pixel: c_int,
2287 pub red_mask: c_ulong,
2288 pub green_mask: c_ulong,
2289 pub blue_mask: c_ulong,
2290 pub obdata: XPointer,
2291 pub funcs: ImageFns,
2294#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2296pub struct XKeyboardControl {
2297 pub key_click_percent: c_int,
2298 pub bell_percent: c_int,
2299 pub bell_pitch: c_int,
2300 pub bell_duration: c_int,
2301 pub led: c_int,
2302 pub led_mode: c_int,
2303 pub key: c_int,
2304 pub auto_repeat_mode: c_int,
2307#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2309pub struct XKeyboardState {
2310 pub key_click_percent: c_int,
2311 pub bell_percent: c_int,
2312 pub bell_pitch: c_uint,
2313 pub bell_duration: c_uint,
2314 pub led_mask: c_ulong,
2315 pub global_auto_repeat: c_int,
2316 pub auto_repeats: [c_char; 32],
2319#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2321pub struct XmbTextItem {
2322 pub chars: *mut c_char,
2323 pub nchars: c_int,
2324 pub delta: c_int,
2325 pub font_set: XFontSet,
2328#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2330pub struct XModifierKeymap {
2331 pub max_keypermod: c_int,
2332 pub modifiermap: *mut KeyCode,
2335#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2337pub struct XOMCharSetList {
2338 pub charset_count: c_int,
2339 pub charset_list: *mut *mut c_char,
2342#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2344pub struct XPixmapFormatValues {
2345 pub depth: c_int,
2346 pub bits_per_pixel: c_int,
2347 pub scanline_pad: c_int,
2350#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2352pub struct XPoint {
2353 pub x: c_short,
2354 pub y: c_short,
2357#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2359pub struct XRectangle {
2360 pub x: c_short,
2361 pub y: c_short,
2362 pub width: c_ushort,
2363 pub height: c_ushort,
2366#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2368pub struct XrmOptionDescRec {
2369 pub option: *mut c_char,
2370 pub specifier: *mut c_char,
2371 pub argKind: XrmOptionKind,
2372 pub value: XPointer,
2375#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2377pub struct XrmValue {
2378 pub size: c_uint,
2379 pub addr: XPointer,
2382#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2384pub struct XSegment {
2385 pub x1: c_short,
2386 pub y1: c_short,
2387 pub x2: c_short,
2388 pub y2: c_short,
2391#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2393pub struct XSetWindowAttributes {
2394 pub background_pixmap: Pixmap,
2395 pub background_pixel: c_ulong,
2396 pub border_pixmap: Pixmap,
2397 pub border_pixel: c_ulong,
2398 pub bit_gravity: c_int,
2399 pub win_gravity: c_int,
2400 pub backing_store: c_int,
2401 pub backing_planes: c_ulong,
2402 pub backing_pixel: c_ulong,
2403 pub save_under: Bool,
2404 pub event_mask: c_long,
2405 pub do_not_propagate_mask: c_long,
2406 pub override_redirect: Bool,
2407 pub colormap: Colormap,
2408 pub cursor: Cursor,
2411#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2413pub struct XSizeHints {
2414 pub flags: c_long,
2415 pub x: c_int,
2416 pub y: c_int,
2417 pub width: c_int,
2418 pub height: c_int,
2419 pub min_width: c_int,
2420 pub min_height: c_int,
2421 pub max_width: c_int,
2422 pub max_height: c_int,
2423 pub width_inc: c_int,
2424 pub height_inc: c_int,
2425 pub min_aspect: AspectRatio,
2426 pub max_aspect: AspectRatio,
2427 pub base_width: c_int,
2428 pub base_height: c_int,
2429 pub win_gravity: c_int,
2432#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2434pub struct XStandardColormap {
2435 pub colormap: Colormap,
2436 pub red_max: c_ulong,
2437 pub red_mult: c_ulong,
2438 pub green_max: c_ulong,
2439 pub green_mult: c_ulong,
2440 pub blue_max: c_ulong,
2441 pub blue_mult: c_ulong,
2442 pub base_pixel: c_ulong,
2443 pub visualid: VisualID,
2444 pub killid: XID,
2447#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2449pub struct XTextItem {
2450 pub chars: *mut c_char,
2451 pub nchars: c_int,
2452 pub delta: c_int,
2453 pub font: Font,
2456#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2458pub struct XTextItem16 {
2459 pub chars: *mut XChar2b,
2460 pub nchars: c_int,
2461 pub delta: c_int,
2462 pub font: Font,
2465#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2467pub struct XTextProperty {
2468 pub value: *mut c_uchar,
2469 pub encoding: Atom,
2470 pub format: c_int,
2471 pub nitems: c_ulong,
2474#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2476pub struct XTimeCoord {
2477 pub time: Time,
2478 pub x: c_short,
2479 pub y: c_short,
2482#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2484pub struct XVisualInfo {
2485 pub visual: *mut Visual,
2486 pub visualid: VisualID,
2487 pub screen: c_int,
2488 pub depth: c_int,
2489 pub class: c_int,
2490 pub red_mask: c_ulong,
2491 pub green_mask: c_ulong,
2492 pub blue_mask: c_ulong,
2493 pub colormap_size: c_int,
2494 pub bits_per_rgb: c_int,
2497#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2499pub struct XwcTextItem {
2500 pub chars: *mut wchar_t,
2501 pub nchars: c_int,
2502 pub delta: c_int,
2503 pub font_set: XFontSet,
2506#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2508pub struct XWindowAttributes {
2509 pub x: c_int,
2510 pub y: c_int,
2511 pub width: c_int,
2512 pub height: c_int,
2513 pub border_width: c_int,
2514 pub depth: c_int,
2515 pub visual: *mut Visual,
2516 pub root: Window,
2517 pub class: c_int,
2518 pub bit_gravity: c_int,
2519 pub win_gravity: c_int,
2520 pub backing_store: c_int,
2521 pub backing_planes: c_ulong,
2522 pub backing_pixel: c_ulong,
2523 pub save_under: Bool,
2524 pub colormap: Colormap,
2525 pub map_installed: Bool,
2526 pub map_state: c_int,
2527 pub all_event_masks: c_long,
2528 pub your_event_mask: c_long,
2529 pub do_not_propagate_mask: c_long,
2530 pub override_redirect: Bool,
2531 pub screen: *mut Screen,
2534#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2536pub struct XWindowChanges {
2537 pub x: c_int,
2538 pub y: c_int,
2539 pub width: c_int,
2540 pub height: c_int,
2541 pub border_width: c_int,
2542 pub sibling: Window,
2543 pub stack_mode: c_int,
2546#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2548pub struct XWMHints {
2549 pub flags: c_long,
2550 pub input: Bool,
2551 pub initial_state: c_int,
2552 pub icon_pixmap: Pixmap,
2553 pub icon_window: Window,
2554 pub icon_x: c_int,
2555 pub icon_y: c_int,
2556 pub icon_mask: Pixmap,
2557 pub window_group: XID,
2561pub struct XIMCallback {
2562 pub client_data: XPointer,
2563 pub callback: XIMProc,
2566#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2568pub enum XIMCaretDirection {
2569 XIMForwardChar,
2570 XIMBackwardChar,
2571 XIMForwardWord,
2572 XIMBackwardWord,
2573 XIMCaretUp,
2574 XIMCaretDown,
2575 XIMNextLine,
2576 XIMPreviousLine,
2577 XIMLineStart,
2578 XIMLineEnd,
2579 XIMAbsolutePosition,
2580 XIMDontChange,
2583#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2585pub enum XIMCaretStyle {
2586 XIMIsInvisible,
2587 XIMIsPrimary,
2588 XIMIsSecondary,
2591pub type XIMFeedback = c_ulong;
2593#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2595pub struct XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct {
2596 pub caret: c_int,
2597 pub chg_first: c_int,
2598 pub chg_length: c_int,
2599 pub text: *mut XIMText,
2602#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2604pub struct XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct {
2605 pub position: c_int,
2606 pub direction: XIMCaretDirection,
2607 pub style: XIMCaretStyle,
2610#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
2612pub union XIMTextString {
2613 pub multi_byte: *mut c_char,
2614 pub wide_char: wchar_t,
2617#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
2619pub struct XIMText {
2620 pub length: c_ushort,
2621 pub feedback: *mut XIMFeedback,
2622 pub encoding_is_wchar: Bool,
2623 pub string: XIMTextString,
2627pub struct XICCallback {
2628 pub client_data: XPointer,
2629 pub callback: XICProc,
2633// anonymous structures
2636#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
2638pub struct AspectRatio {
2639 pub x: c_int,
2640 pub y: c_int,
2643#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq)]
2645pub struct ClientMessageData {
2646 longs: [c_long; 5],
2649impl ClientMessageData {
2650 pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[c_char] {
2651 self.as_ref()
2652 }
2654 pub fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [c_char] {
2655 self.as_mut()
2656 }
2658 pub fn as_longs(&self) -> &[c_long] {
2659 self.as_ref()
2660 }
2662 pub fn as_longs_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [c_long] {
2663 self.as_mut()
2664 }
2666 pub fn as_shorts(&self) -> &[c_short] {
2667 self.as_ref()
2668 }
2670 pub fn as_shorts_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [c_short] {
2671 self.as_mut()
2672 }
2674 pub fn get_byte(&self, index: usize) -> c_char {
2675 self.as_bytes()[index]
2676 }
2678 pub fn get_long(&self, index: usize) -> c_long {
2679 self.longs[index]
2680 }
2682 pub fn get_short(&self, index: usize) -> c_short {
2683 self.as_shorts()[index]
2684 }
2686 pub fn new() -> ClientMessageData {
2687 ClientMessageData { longs: [0; 5] }
2688 }
2690 pub fn set_byte(&mut self, index: usize, value: c_char) {
2691 self.as_bytes_mut()[index] = value;
2692 }
2694 pub fn set_long(&mut self, index: usize, value: c_long) {
2695 self.longs[index] = value;
2696 }
2698 pub fn set_short(&mut self, index: usize, value: c_short) {
2699 self.as_shorts_mut()[index] = value;
2700 }
2703macro_rules! client_message_data_conversions {
2704 { $($ty:ty[$n:expr],)* } => {
2705 $(
2706 impl AsMut<[$ty]> for ClientMessageData {
2707 fn as_mut (&mut self) -> &mut [$ty] {
2708 unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.longs.as_mut_ptr() as *mut $ty, $n) }
2709 }
2710 }
2712 impl AsRef<[$ty]> for ClientMessageData {
2713 fn as_ref (&self) -> &[$ty] {
2714 unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(self.longs.as_ptr() as *mut $ty, $n) }
2715 }
2716 }
2718 impl From<[$ty; $n]> for ClientMessageData {
2719 fn from (array: [$ty; $n]) -> ClientMessageData {
2720 unsafe { transmute_union(&array) }
2721 }
2722 }
2723 )*
2724 };
2727client_message_data_conversions! {
2728 c_schar[20],
2729 c_uchar[20],
2730 c_short[10],
2731 c_ushort[10],
2732 c_long[5],
2733 c_ulong[5],
2737fn client_message_size_test() {
2738 assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<ClientMessageData>() >= ::std::mem::size_of::<[c_char; 20]>());
2739 assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<ClientMessageData>() >= ::std::mem::size_of::<[c_short; 10]>());
2742#[derive(Debug, Copy)]
2744pub struct ImageFns {
2745 pub create_image: Option<
2746 unsafe extern "C" fn(
2747 *mut Display,
2748 *mut Visual,
2749 c_uint,
2750 c_int,
2751 c_int,
2752 *mut c_char,
2753 c_uint,
2754 c_uint,
2755 c_int,
2756 c_int,
2757 ) -> *mut XImage,
2758 >,
2759 pub destroy_image: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut XImage) -> c_int>,
2760 pub get_pixel: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut XImage, c_int, c_int) -> c_ulong>,
2761 pub put_pixel: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut XImage, c_int, c_int, c_ulong) -> c_int>,
2762 pub sub_image:
2763 Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut XImage, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint) -> *mut XImage>,
2764 pub add_pixel: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut XImage, c_long) -> c_int>,
2767impl Clone for ImageFns {
2768 fn clone(&self) -> ImageFns {
2769 *self
2770 }
2773impl PartialEq for ImageFns {
2774 fn eq(&self, rhs: &ImageFns) -> bool {
2775 unsafe { mem_eq(self, b:rhs) }
2776 }
2780// constants
2783// allocate colormap
2784pub const AllocNone: c_int = 0;
2785pub const AllocAll: c_int = 1;
2787// array sizes
2788pub const XkbKeyNameLength: usize = 4;
2789pub const XkbNumIndicators: usize = 32;
2790pub const XkbNumKbdGroups: usize = 4;
2791pub const XkbNumVirtualMods: usize = 16;
2793// atoms
2794pub const XA_PRIMARY: Atom = 1;
2795pub const XA_SECONDARY: Atom = 2;
2796pub const XA_ARC: Atom = 3;
2797pub const XA_ATOM: Atom = 4;
2798pub const XA_BITMAP: Atom = 5;
2799pub const XA_CARDINAL: Atom = 6;
2800pub const XA_COLORMAP: Atom = 7;
2801pub const XA_CURSOR: Atom = 8;
2802pub const XA_CUT_BUFFER0: Atom = 9;
2803pub const XA_CUT_BUFFER1: Atom = 10;
2804pub const XA_CUT_BUFFER2: Atom = 11;
2805pub const XA_CUT_BUFFER3: Atom = 12;
2806pub const XA_CUT_BUFFER4: Atom = 13;
2807pub const XA_CUT_BUFFER5: Atom = 14;
2808pub const XA_CUT_BUFFER6: Atom = 15;
2809pub const XA_CUT_BUFFER7: Atom = 16;
2810pub const XA_DRAWABLE: Atom = 17;
2811pub const XA_FONT: Atom = 18;
2812pub const XA_INTEGER: Atom = 19;
2813pub const XA_PIXMAP: Atom = 20;
2814pub const XA_POINT: Atom = 21;
2815pub const XA_RECTANGLE: Atom = 22;
2816pub const XA_RESOURCE_MANAGER: Atom = 23;
2817pub const XA_RGB_COLOR_MAP: Atom = 24;
2818pub const XA_RGB_BEST_MAP: Atom = 25;
2819pub const XA_RGB_BLUE_MAP: Atom = 26;
2820pub const XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP: Atom = 27;
2821pub const XA_RGB_GRAY_MAP: Atom = 28;
2822pub const XA_RGB_GREEN_MAP: Atom = 29;
2823pub const XA_RGB_RED_MAP: Atom = 30;
2824pub const XA_STRING: Atom = 31;
2825pub const XA_VISUALID: Atom = 32;
2826pub const XA_WINDOW: Atom = 33;
2827pub const XA_WM_COMMAND: Atom = 34;
2828pub const XA_WM_HINTS: Atom = 35;
2829pub const XA_WM_CLIENT_MACHINE: Atom = 36;
2830pub const XA_WM_ICON_NAME: Atom = 37;
2831pub const XA_WM_ICON_SIZE: Atom = 38;
2832pub const XA_WM_NAME: Atom = 39;
2833pub const XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS: Atom = 40;
2834pub const XA_WM_SIZE_HINTS: Atom = 41;
2835pub const XA_WM_ZOOM_HINTS: Atom = 42;
2836pub const XA_MIN_SPACE: Atom = 43;
2837pub const XA_NORM_SPACE: Atom = 44;
2838pub const XA_MAX_SPACE: Atom = 45;
2839pub const XA_END_SPACE: Atom = 46;
2840pub const XA_SUPERSCRIPT_X: Atom = 47;
2841pub const XA_SUPERSCRIPT_Y: Atom = 48;
2842pub const XA_SUBSCRIPT_X: Atom = 49;
2843pub const XA_SUBSCRIPT_Y: Atom = 50;
2844pub const XA_UNDERLINE_POSITION: Atom = 51;
2845pub const XA_UNDERLINE_THICKNESS: Atom = 52;
2846pub const XA_STRIKEOUT_ASCENT: Atom = 53;
2847pub const XA_STRIKEOUT_DESCENT: Atom = 54;
2848pub const XA_ITALIC_ANGLE: Atom = 55;
2849pub const XA_X_HEIGHT: Atom = 56;
2850pub const XA_QUAD_WIDTH: Atom = 57;
2851pub const XA_WEIGHT: Atom = 58;
2852pub const XA_POINT_SIZE: Atom = 59;
2853pub const XA_RESOLUTION: Atom = 60;
2854pub const XA_COPYRIGHT: Atom = 61;
2855pub const XA_NOTICE: Atom = 62;
2856pub const XA_FONT_NAME: Atom = 63;
2857pub const XA_FAMILY_NAME: Atom = 64;
2858pub const XA_FULL_NAME: Atom = 65;
2859pub const XA_CAP_HEIGHT: Atom = 66;
2860pub const XA_WM_CLASS: Atom = 67;
2861pub const XA_WM_TRANSIENT_FOR: Atom = 68;
2863// boolean values
2864pub const False: Bool = 0;
2865pub const True: Bool = 1;
2867// clip rect ordering
2868pub const Unsorted: c_int = 0;
2869pub const YSorted: c_int = 1;
2870pub const YXSorted: c_int = 2;
2871pub const YXBanded: c_int = 3;
2873// color component mask
2874pub const DoRed: c_char = 1;
2875pub const DoGreen: c_char = 2;
2876pub const DoBlue: c_char = 4;
2878// error codes
2879pub const Success: c_uchar = 0;
2880pub const BadRequest: c_uchar = 1;
2881pub const BadValue: c_uchar = 2;
2882pub const BadWindow: c_uchar = 3;
2883pub const BadPixmap: c_uchar = 4;
2884pub const BadAtom: c_uchar = 5;
2885pub const BadCursor: c_uchar = 6;
2886pub const BadFont: c_uchar = 7;
2887pub const BadMatch: c_uchar = 8;
2888pub const BadDrawable: c_uchar = 9;
2889pub const BadAccess: c_uchar = 10;
2890pub const BadAlloc: c_uchar = 11;
2891pub const BadColor: c_uchar = 12;
2892pub const BadGC: c_uchar = 13;
2893pub const BadIDChoice: c_uchar = 14;
2894pub const BadName: c_uchar = 15;
2895pub const BadLength: c_uchar = 16;
2896pub const BadImplementation: c_uchar = 17;
2897pub const FirstExtensionError: c_uchar = 128;
2898pub const LastExtensionError: c_uchar = 255;
2900// event kinds
2901pub const KeyPress: c_int = 2;
2902pub const KeyRelease: c_int = 3;
2903pub const ButtonPress: c_int = 4;
2904pub const ButtonRelease: c_int = 5;
2905pub const MotionNotify: c_int = 6;
2906pub const EnterNotify: c_int = 7;
2907pub const LeaveNotify: c_int = 8;
2908pub const FocusIn: c_int = 9;
2909pub const FocusOut: c_int = 10;
2910pub const KeymapNotify: c_int = 11;
2911pub const Expose: c_int = 12;
2912pub const GraphicsExpose: c_int = 13;
2913pub const NoExpose: c_int = 14;
2914pub const VisibilityNotify: c_int = 15;
2915pub const CreateNotify: c_int = 16;
2916pub const DestroyNotify: c_int = 17;
2917pub const UnmapNotify: c_int = 18;
2918pub const MapNotify: c_int = 19;
2919pub const MapRequest: c_int = 20;
2920pub const ReparentNotify: c_int = 21;
2921pub const ConfigureNotify: c_int = 22;
2922pub const ConfigureRequest: c_int = 23;
2923pub const GravityNotify: c_int = 24;
2924pub const ResizeRequest: c_int = 25;
2925pub const CirculateNotify: c_int = 26;
2926pub const CirculateRequest: c_int = 27;
2927pub const PropertyNotify: c_int = 28;
2928pub const SelectionClear: c_int = 29;
2929pub const SelectionRequest: c_int = 30;
2930pub const SelectionNotify: c_int = 31;
2931pub const ColormapNotify: c_int = 32;
2932pub const ClientMessage: c_int = 33;
2933pub const MappingNotify: c_int = 34;
2934pub const GenericEvent: c_int = 35;
2935pub const LASTEvent: c_int = 36;
2937// event mask
2938pub const NoEventMask: c_long = 0;
2939pub const KeyPressMask: c_long = 0x0000_0001;
2940pub const KeyReleaseMask: c_long = 0x0000_0002;
2941pub const ButtonPressMask: c_long = 0x0000_0004;
2942pub const ButtonReleaseMask: c_long = 0x0000_0008;
2943pub const EnterWindowMask: c_long = 0x0000_0010;
2944pub const LeaveWindowMask: c_long = 0x0000_0020;
2945pub const PointerMotionMask: c_long = 0x0000_0040;
2946pub const PointerMotionHintMask: c_long = 0x0000_0080;
2947pub const Button1MotionMask: c_long = 0x0000_0100;
2948pub const Button2MotionMask: c_long = 0x0000_0200;
2949pub const Button3MotionMask: c_long = 0x0000_0400;
2950pub const Button4MotionMask: c_long = 0x0000_0800;
2951pub const Button5MotionMask: c_long = 0x0000_1000;
2952pub const ButtonMotionMask: c_long = 0x0000_2000;
2953pub const KeymapStateMask: c_long = 0x0000_4000;
2954pub const ExposureMask: c_long = 0x0000_8000;
2955pub const VisibilityChangeMask: c_long = 0x0001_0000;
2956pub const StructureNotifyMask: c_long = 0x0002_0000;
2957pub const ResizeRedirectMask: c_long = 0x0004_0000;
2958pub const SubstructureNotifyMask: c_long = 0x0008_0000;
2959pub const SubstructureRedirectMask: c_long = 0x0010_0000;
2960pub const FocusChangeMask: c_long = 0x0020_0000;
2961pub const PropertyChangeMask: c_long = 0x0040_0000;
2962pub const ColormapChangeMask: c_long = 0x0080_0000;
2963pub const OwnerGrabButtonMask: c_long = 0x0100_0000;
2965// property modes
2966pub const PropModeReplace: c_int = 0;
2967pub const PropModePrepend: c_int = 1;
2968pub const PropModeAppend: c_int = 2;
2970// modifier names
2971pub const ShiftMapIndex: c_int = 0;
2972pub const LockMapIndex: c_int = 1;
2973pub const ControlMapIndex: c_int = 2;
2974pub const Mod1MapIndex: c_int = 3;
2975pub const Mod2MapIndex: c_int = 4;
2976pub const Mod3MapIndex: c_int = 5;
2977pub const Mod4MapIndex: c_int = 6;
2978pub const Mod5MapIndex: c_int = 7;
2980// button masks
2981pub const Button1Mask: c_uint = 1 << 8;
2982pub const Button2Mask: c_uint = 1 << 9;
2983pub const Button3Mask: c_uint = 1 << 10;
2984pub const Button4Mask: c_uint = 1 << 11;
2985pub const Button5Mask: c_uint = 1 << 12;
2986pub const AnyModifier: c_uint = 1 << 15;
2988// Notify modes
2989pub const NotifyNormal: c_int = 0;
2990pub const NotifyGrab: c_int = 1;
2991pub const NotifyUngrab: c_int = 2;
2992pub const NotifyWhileGrabbed: c_int = 3;
2994pub const NotifyHint: c_int = 1;
2996// Notify detail
2997pub const NotifyAncestor: c_int = 0;
2998pub const NotifyVirtual: c_int = 1;
2999pub const NotifyInferior: c_int = 2;
3000pub const NotifyNonlinear: c_int = 3;
3001pub const NotifyNonlinearVirtual: c_int = 4;
3002pub const NotifyPointer: c_int = 5;
3003pub const NotifyPointerRoot: c_int = 6;
3004pub const NotifyDetailNone: c_int = 7;
3006// Visibility notify
3007pub const VisibilityUnobscured: c_int = 0;
3008pub const VisibilityPartiallyObscured: c_int = 1;
3009pub const VisibilityFullyObscured: c_int = 2;
3011// Circulation request
3012pub const PlaceOnTop: c_int = 0;
3013pub const PlaceOnBottom: c_int = 1;
3015// protocol families
3016pub const FamilyInternet: c_int = 0;
3017pub const FamilyDECnet: c_int = 1;
3018pub const FamilyChaos: c_int = 2;
3019pub const FamilyInternet6: c_int = 6;
3021// authentication families not tied to a specific protocol
3022pub const FamilyServerInterpreted: c_int = 5;
3024// property notification
3025pub const PropertyNewValue: c_int = 0;
3026pub const PropertyDelete: c_int = 1;
3028// Color Map notification
3029pub const ColormapUninstalled: c_int = 0;
3030pub const ColormapInstalled: c_int = 1;
3032// grab modes
3033pub const GrabModeSync: c_int = 0;
3034pub const GrabModeAsync: c_int = 1;
3036// grab status
3037pub const GrabSuccess: c_int = 0;
3038pub const AlreadyGrabbed: c_int = 1;
3039pub const GrabInvalidTime: c_int = 2;
3040pub const GrabNotViewable: c_int = 3;
3041pub const GrabFrozen: c_int = 4;
3043// AllowEvents modes
3044pub const AsyncPointer: c_int = 0;
3045pub const SyncPointer: c_int = 1;
3046pub const ReplayPointer: c_int = 2;
3047pub const AsyncKeyboard: c_int = 3;
3048pub const SyncKeyboard: c_int = 4;
3049pub const ReplayKeyboard: c_int = 5;
3050pub const AsyncBoth: c_int = 6;
3051pub const SyncBoth: c_int = 7;
3053// Used in SetInputFocus, GetInputFocus
3054pub const RevertToNone: c_int = 0;
3055pub const RevertToPointerRoot: c_int = 1;
3056pub const RevertToParent: c_int = 2;
3058// ConfigureWindow structure
3059pub const CWX: c_ushort = 1 << 0;
3060pub const CWY: c_ushort = 1 << 1;
3061pub const CWWidth: c_ushort = 1 << 2;
3062pub const CWHeight: c_ushort = 1 << 3;
3063pub const CWBorderWidth: c_ushort = 1 << 4;
3064pub const CWSibling: c_ushort = 1 << 5;
3065pub const CWStackMode: c_ushort = 1 << 6;
3067// gravity
3068pub const ForgetGravity: c_int = 0;
3069pub const UnmapGravity: c_int = 0;
3070pub const NorthWestGravity: c_int = 1;
3071pub const NorthGravity: c_int = 2;
3072pub const NorthEastGravity: c_int = 3;
3073pub const WestGravity: c_int = 4;
3074pub const CenterGravity: c_int = 5;
3075pub const EastGravity: c_int = 6;
3076pub const SouthWestGravity: c_int = 7;
3077pub const SouthGravity: c_int = 8;
3078pub const SouthEastGravity: c_int = 9;
3079pub const StaticGravity: c_int = 10;
3081// image format
3082pub const XYBitmap: c_int = 0;
3083pub const XYPixmap: c_int = 1;
3084pub const ZPixmap: c_int = 2;
3086// Used in CreateWindow for backing-store hint
3087pub const NotUseful: c_int = 0;
3088pub const WhenMapped: c_int = 1;
3089pub const Always: c_int = 2;
3091// map state
3092pub const IsUnmapped: c_int = 0;
3093pub const IsUnviewable: c_int = 1;
3094pub const IsViewable: c_int = 2;
3096// modifier keys mask
3097pub const ShiftMask: c_uint = 0x01;
3098pub const LockMask: c_uint = 0x02;
3099pub const ControlMask: c_uint = 0x04;
3100pub const Mod1Mask: c_uint = 0x08;
3101pub const Mod2Mask: c_uint = 0x10;
3102pub const Mod3Mask: c_uint = 0x20;
3103pub const Mod4Mask: c_uint = 0x40;
3104pub const Mod5Mask: c_uint = 0x80;
3106// mouse buttons
3107pub const Button1: c_uint = 1;
3108pub const Button2: c_uint = 2;
3109pub const Button3: c_uint = 3;
3110pub const Button4: c_uint = 4;
3111pub const Button5: c_uint = 5;
3113// size hints mask
3114pub const USPosition: c_long = 0x0001;
3115pub const USSize: c_long = 0x0002;
3116pub const PPosition: c_long = 0x0004;
3117pub const PSize: c_long = 0x0008;
3118pub const PMinSize: c_long = 0x0010;
3119pub const PMaxSize: c_long = 0x0020;
3120pub const PResizeInc: c_long = 0x0040;
3121pub const PAspect: c_long = 0x0080;
3122pub const PBaseSize: c_long = 0x0100;
3123pub const PWinGravity: c_long = 0x0200;
3124pub const PAllHints: c_long = PPosition | PSize | PMinSize | PMaxSize | PResizeInc | PAspect;
3126// Used in ChangeSaveSet
3127pub const SetModeInsert: c_int = 0;
3128pub const SetModeDelete: c_int = 1;
3130// Used in ChangeCloseDownMode
3131pub const DestroyAll: c_int = 0;
3132pub const RetainPermanent: c_int = 1;
3133pub const RetainTemporary: c_int = 2;
3135// Window stacking method (in configureWindow)
3136pub const Above: c_int = 0;
3137pub const Below: c_int = 1;
3138pub const TopIf: c_int = 2;
3139pub const BottomIf: c_int = 3;
3140pub const Opposite: c_int = 4;
3142// Circulation direction
3143pub const RaiseLowest: c_int = 0;
3144pub const LowerHighest: c_int = 1;
3146// graphics functions
3147pub const GXclear: c_int = 0x0;
3148pub const GXand: c_int = 0x1;
3149pub const GXandReverse: c_int = 0x2;
3150pub const GXcopy: c_int = 0x3;
3151pub const GXandInverted: c_int = 0x4;
3152pub const GXnoop: c_int = 0x5;
3153pub const GXxor: c_int = 0x6;
3154pub const GXor: c_int = 0x7;
3155pub const GXnor: c_int = 0x8;
3156pub const GXequiv: c_int = 0x9;
3157pub const GXinvert: c_int = 0xa;
3158pub const GXorReverse: c_int = 0xb;
3159pub const GXcopyInverted: c_int = 0xc;
3160pub const GXorInverted: c_int = 0xd;
3161pub const GXnand: c_int = 0xe;
3162pub const GXset: c_int = 0xf;
3164// LineStyle
3165pub const LineSolid: c_int = 0;
3166pub const LineOnOffDash: c_int = 1;
3167pub const LineDoubleDash: c_int = 2;
3169// capStyle
3170pub const CapNotLast: c_int = 0;
3171pub const CapButt: c_int = 1;
3172pub const CapRound: c_int = 2;
3173pub const CapProjecting: c_int = 3;
3175// joinStyle
3176pub const JoinMiter: c_int = 0;
3177pub const JoinRound: c_int = 1;
3178pub const JoinBevel: c_int = 2;
3180// fillStyle
3181pub const FillSolid: c_int = 0;
3182pub const FillTiled: c_int = 1;
3183pub const FillStippled: c_int = 2;
3184pub const FillOpaqueStippled: c_int = 3;
3186// fillRule
3187pub const EvenOddRule: c_int = 0;
3188pub const WindingRule: c_int = 1;
3190// subwindow mode
3191pub const ClipByChildren: c_int = 0;
3192pub const IncludeInferiors: c_int = 1;
3194// CoordinateMode for drawing routines
3195pub const CoordModeOrigin: c_int = 0;
3196pub const CoordModePrevious: c_int = 1;
3198// Polygon shapes
3199pub const Complex: c_int = 0;
3200pub const Nonconvex: c_int = 1;
3201pub const Convex: c_int = 2;
3203// Arc modes for PolyFillArc
3204pub const ArcChord: c_int = 0;
3205pub const ArcPieSlice: c_int = 1;
3207// GC components
3208pub const GCFunction: c_uint = 1 << 0;
3209pub const GCPlaneMask: c_uint = 1 << 1;
3210pub const GCForeground: c_uint = 1 << 2;
3211pub const GCBackground: c_uint = 1 << 3;
3212pub const GCLineWidth: c_uint = 1 << 4;
3213pub const GCLineStyle: c_uint = 1 << 5;
3214pub const GCCapStyle: c_uint = 1 << 6;
3215pub const GCJoinStyle: c_uint = 1 << 7;
3216pub const GCFillStyle: c_uint = 1 << 8;
3217pub const GCFillRule: c_uint = 1 << 9;
3218pub const GCTile: c_uint = 1 << 10;
3219pub const GCStipple: c_uint = 1 << 11;
3220pub const GCTileStipXOrigin: c_uint = 1 << 12;
3221pub const GCTileStipYOrigin: c_uint = 1 << 13;
3222pub const GCFont: c_uint = 1 << 14;
3223pub const GCSubwindowMode: c_uint = 1 << 15;
3224pub const GCGraphicsExposures: c_uint = 1 << 16;
3225pub const GCClipXOrigin: c_uint = 1 << 17;
3226pub const GCClipYOrigin: c_uint = 1 << 18;
3227pub const GCClipMask: c_uint = 1 << 19;
3228pub const GCDashOffset: c_uint = 1 << 20;
3229pub const GCDashList: c_uint = 1 << 21;
3230pub const GCArcMode: c_uint = 1 << 22;
3232pub const GCLastBit: c_uint = 22;
3234// draw direction
3235pub const FontLeftToRight: c_int = 0;
3236pub const FontRightToLeft: c_int = 1;
3238pub const FontChange: c_uchar = 255;
3240// QueryBestSize Class
3241pub const CursorShape: c_int = 0;
3242pub const TileShape: c_int = 1;
3243pub const StippleShape: c_int = 2;
3245// keyboard autorepeat
3246pub const AutoRepeatModeOff: c_int = 0;
3247pub const AutoRepeatModeOn: c_int = 1;
3248pub const AutoRepeatModeDefault: c_int = 2;
3250pub const LedModeOff: c_int = 0;
3251pub const LedModeOn: c_int = 1;
3253// masks for ChangeKeyboardControl
3254pub const KBKeyClickPercent: c_ulong = 1 << 0;
3255pub const KBBellPercent: c_ulong = 1 << 1;
3256pub const KBBellPitch: c_ulong = 1 << 2;
3257pub const KBBellDuration: c_ulong = 1 << 3;
3258pub const KBLed: c_ulong = 1 << 4;
3259pub const KBLedMode: c_ulong = 1 << 5;
3260pub const KBKey: c_ulong = 1 << 6;
3261pub const KBAutoRepeatMode: c_ulong = 1 << 7;
3263pub const MappingSuccess: c_uchar = 0;
3264pub const MappingBusy: c_uchar = 1;
3265pub const MappingFailed: c_uchar = 2;
3267pub const MappingModifier: c_int = 0;
3268pub const MappingKeyboard: c_int = 1;
3269pub const MappingPointer: c_int = 2;
3271// screensaver
3272pub const DontPreferBlanking: c_int = 0;
3273pub const PreferBlanking: c_int = 1;
3274pub const DefaultBlanking: c_int = 2;
3276pub const DisableScreenSaver: c_int = 0;
3277pub const DisableScreenInterval: c_int = 0;
3279pub const DontAllowExposures: c_int = 0;
3280pub const AllowExposures: c_int = 1;
3281pub const DefaultExposures: c_int = 2;
3283pub const ScreenSaverReset: c_int = 0;
3284pub const ScreenSaverActive: c_int = 1;
3286// hosts and connections
3287pub const HostInsert: c_uchar = 0;
3288pub const HostDelete: c_uchar = 1;
3290pub const EnableAccess: c_int = 1;
3291pub const DisableAccess: c_int = 0;
3293// visual class
3294pub const StaticGray: c_int = 0;
3295pub const GrayScale: c_int = 1;
3296pub const StaticColor: c_int = 2;
3297pub const PseudoColor: c_int = 3;
3298pub const TrueColor: c_int = 4;
3299pub const DirectColor: c_int = 5;
3301// visual info mask
3302pub const VisualNoMask: c_long = 0x0000;
3303pub const VisualIDMask: c_long = 0x0001;
3304pub const VisualScreenMask: c_long = 0x0002;
3305pub const VisualDepthMask: c_long = 0x0004;
3306pub const VisualClassMask: c_long = 0x0008;
3307pub const VisualRedMaskMask: c_long = 0x0010;
3308pub const VisualGreenMaskMask: c_long = 0x0020;
3309pub const VisualBlueMaskMask: c_long = 0x0040;
3310pub const VisualColormapSizeMask: c_long = 0x0080;
3311pub const VisualBitsPerRGBMask: c_long = 0x0100;
3312pub const VisualAllMask: c_long = 0x01ff;
3314// window attributes
3315pub const CWBackPixmap: c_ulong = 0x0001;
3316pub const CWBackPixel: c_ulong = 0x0002;
3317pub const CWBorderPixmap: c_ulong = 0x0004;
3318pub const CWBorderPixel: c_ulong = 0x0008;
3319pub const CWBitGravity: c_ulong = 0x0010;
3320pub const CWWinGravity: c_ulong = 0x0020;
3321pub const CWBackingStore: c_ulong = 0x0040;
3322pub const CWBackingPlanes: c_ulong = 0x0080;
3323pub const CWBackingPixel: c_ulong = 0x0100;
3324pub const CWOverrideRedirect: c_ulong = 0x0200;
3325pub const CWSaveUnder: c_ulong = 0x0400;
3326pub const CWEventMask: c_ulong = 0x0800;
3327pub const CWDontPropagate: c_ulong = 0x1000;
3328pub const CWColormap: c_ulong = 0x2000;
3329pub const CWCursor: c_ulong = 0x4000;
3331// window classes
3332pub const InputOutput: c_int = 1;
3333pub const InputOnly: c_int = 2;
3335// XCreateIC values
3336pub const XIMPreeditArea: c_int = 0x0001;
3337pub const XIMPreeditCallbacks: c_int = 0x0002;
3338pub const XIMPreeditPosition: c_int = 0x0004;
3339pub const XIMPreeditNothing: c_int = 0x0008;
3340pub const XIMPreeditNone: c_int = 0x0010;
3341pub const XIMStatusArea: c_int = 0x0100;
3342pub const XIMStatusCallbacks: c_int = 0x0200;
3343pub const XIMStatusNothing: c_int = 0x0400;
3344pub const XIMStatusNone: c_int = 0x0800;
3346// Byte order used in imageByteOrder and bitmapBitOrder
3347pub const LSBFirst: c_int = 0;
3348pub const MSBFirst: c_int = 1;
3350// Reserved resource and constant definitions
3351//pub const None: c_int = 0;
3352pub const ParentRelative: c_int = 1;
3353pub const CopyFromParent: c_int = 0;
3354pub const PointerWindow: c_int = 0;
3355pub const InputFocus: c_int = 1;
3356pub const PointerRoot: c_int = 1;
3357pub const AnyPropertyType: c_int = 0;
3358pub const AnyKey: c_int = 0;
3359pub const AnyButton: c_int = 0;
3360pub const AllTemporary: c_int = 0;
3361pub const CurrentTime: Time = 0;
3362pub const NoSymbol: c_int = 0;
3364/* Definitions for the X window system likely to be used by applications */
3365pub const X_PROTOCOL: c_int = 11;
3366pub const X_PROTOCOL_REVISION: c_int = 0;
3368pub const XNVaNestedList: &str = "XNVaNestedList";
3369pub const XNQueryInputStyle: &str = "queryInputStyle";
3370pub const XNClientWindow: &str = "clientWindow";
3371pub const XNInputStyle: &str = "inputStyle";
3372pub const XNFocusWindow: &str = "focusWindow";
3373pub const XNResourceName: &str = "resourceName";
3374pub const XNResourceClass: &str = "resourceClass";
3375pub const XNGeometryCallback: &str = "geometryCallback";
3376pub const XNDestroyCallback: &str = "destroyCallback";
3377pub const XNFilterEvents: &str = "filterEvents";
3378pub const XNPreeditStartCallback: &str = "preeditStartCallback";
3379pub const XNPreeditDoneCallback: &str = "preeditDoneCallback";
3380pub const XNPreeditDrawCallback: &str = "preeditDrawCallback";
3381pub const XNPreeditCaretCallback: &str = "preeditCaretCallback";
3382pub const XNPreeditStateNotifyCallback: &str = "preeditStateNotifyCallback";
3383pub const XNPreeditAttributes: &str = "preeditAttributes";
3384pub const XNStatusStartCallback: &str = "statusStartCallback";
3385pub const XNStatusDoneCallback: &str = "statusDoneCallback";
3386pub const XNStatusDrawCallback: &str = "statusDrawCallback";
3387pub const XNStatusAttributes: &str = "statusAttributes";
3388pub const XNArea: &str = "area";
3389pub const XNAreaNeeded: &str = "areaNeeded";
3390pub const XNSpotLocation: &str = "spotLocation";
3391pub const XNColormap: &str = "colorMap";
3392pub const XNStdColormap: &str = "stdColorMap";
3393pub const XNForeground: &str = "foreground";
3394pub const XNBackground: &str = "background";
3395pub const XNBackgroundPixmap: &str = "backgroundPixmap";
3396pub const XNFontSet: &str = "fontSet";
3397pub const XNLineSpace: &str = "lineSpace";
3398pub const XNCursor: &str = "cursor";
3400pub const XNVaNestedList_0: &[u8] = b"XNVaNestedList\0";
3401pub const XNQueryInputStyle_0: &[u8] = b"queryInputStyle\0";
3402pub const XNClientWindow_0: &[u8] = b"clientWindow\0";
3403pub const XNInputStyle_0: &[u8] = b"inputStyle\0";
3404pub const XNFocusWindow_0: &[u8] = b"focusWindow\0";
3405pub const XNResourceName_0: &[u8] = b"resourceName\0";
3406pub const XNResourceClass_0: &[u8] = b"resourceClass\0";
3407pub const XNGeometryCallback_0: &[u8] = b"geometryCallback\0";
3408pub const XNDestroyCallback_0: &[u8] = b"destroyCallback\0";
3409pub const XNFilterEvents_0: &[u8] = b"filterEvents\0";
3410pub const XNPreeditStartCallback_0: &[u8] = b"preeditStartCallback\0";
3411pub const XNPreeditDoneCallback_0: &[u8] = b"preeditDoneCallback\0";
3412pub const XNPreeditDrawCallback_0: &[u8] = b"preeditDrawCallback\0";
3413pub const XNPreeditCaretCallback_0: &[u8] = b"preeditCaretCallback\0";
3414pub const XNPreeditStateNotifyCallback_0: &[u8] = b"preeditStateNotifyCallback\0";
3415pub const XNPreeditAttributes_0: &[u8] = b"preeditAttributes\0";
3416pub const XNStatusStartCallback_0: &[u8] = b"statusStartCallback\0";
3417pub const XNStatusDoneCallback_0: &[u8] = b"statusDoneCallback\0";
3418pub const XNStatusDrawCallback_0: &[u8] = b"statusDrawCallback\0";
3419pub const XNStatusAttributes_0: &[u8] = b"statusAttributes\0";
3420pub const XNArea_0: &[u8] = b"area\0";
3421pub const XNAreaNeeded_0: &[u8] = b"areaNeeded\0";
3422pub const XNSpotLocation_0: &[u8] = b"spotLocation\0";
3423pub const XNColormap_0: &[u8] = b"colorMap\0";
3424pub const XNStdColormap_0: &[u8] = b"stdColorMap\0";
3425pub const XNForeground_0: &[u8] = b"foreground\0";
3426pub const XNBackground_0: &[u8] = b"background\0";
3427pub const XNBackgroundPixmap_0: &[u8] = b"backgroundPixmap\0";
3428pub const XNFontSet_0: &[u8] = b"fontSet\0";
3429pub const XNLineSpace_0: &[u8] = b"lineSpace\0";
3430pub const XNCursor_0: &[u8] = b"cursor\0";
3432pub const XNQueryIMValuesList: &str = "queryIMValuesList";
3433pub const XNQueryICValuesList: &str = "queryICValuesList";
3434pub const XNVisiblePosition: &str = "visiblePosition";
3435pub const XNR6PreeditCallback: &str = "r6PreeditCallback";
3436pub const XNStringConversionCallback: &str = "stringConversionCallback";
3437pub const XNStringConversion: &str = "stringConversion";
3438pub const XNResetState: &str = "resetState";
3439pub const XNHotKey: &str = "hotKey";
3440pub const XNHotKeyState: &str = "hotKeyState";
3441pub const XNPreeditState: &str = "preeditState";
3442pub const XNSeparatorofNestedList: &str = "separatorofNestedList";
3444pub const XNQueryIMValuesList_0: &[u8] = b"queryIMValuesList\0";
3445pub const XNQueryICValuesList_0: &[u8] = b"queryICValuesList\0";
3446pub const XNVisiblePosition_0: &[u8] = b"visiblePosition\0";
3447pub const XNR6PreeditCallback_0: &[u8] = b"r6PreeditCallback\0";
3448pub const XNStringConversionCallback_0: &[u8] = b"stringConversionCallback\0";
3449pub const XNStringConversion_0: &[u8] = b"stringConversion\0";
3450pub const XNResetState_0: &[u8] = b"resetState\0";
3451pub const XNHotKey_0: &[u8] = b"hotKey\0";
3452pub const XNHotKeyState_0: &[u8] = b"hotKeyState\0";
3453pub const XNPreeditState_0: &[u8] = b"preeditState\0";
3454pub const XNSeparatorofNestedList_0: &[u8] = b"separatorofNestedList\0";
3456pub const XBufferOverflow: i32 = -1;
3457pub const XLookupNone: i32 = 1;
3458pub const XLookupChars: i32 = 2;
3459pub const XLookupKeySym: i32 = 3;
3460pub const XLookupBoth: i32 = 4;
3462// Xkb constants
3463pub const XkbActionMessageLength: usize = 6;
3465pub const XkbOD_Success: c_int = 0;
3466pub const XkbOD_BadLibraryVersion: c_int = 1;
3467pub const XkbOD_ConnectionRefused: c_int = 2;
3468pub const XkbOD_NonXkbServer: c_int = 3;
3469pub const XkbOD_BadServerVersion: c_int = 4;
3471pub const XkbLC_ForceLatinLookup: c_uint = 1 << 0;
3472pub const XkbLC_ConsumeLookupMods: c_uint = 1 << 1;
3473pub const XkbLC_AlwaysConsumeShiftAndLock: c_uint = 1 << 2;
3474pub const XkbLC_IgnoreNewKeyboards: c_uint = 1 << 3;
3475pub const XkbLC_ControlFallback: c_uint = 1 << 4;
3476pub const XkbLC_ConsumeKeysOnComposeFail: c_uint = 1 << 29;
3477pub const XkbLC_ComposeLED: c_uint = 1 << 30;
3478pub const XkbLC_BeepOnComposeFail: c_uint = 1 << 31;
3480pub const XkbLC_AllComposeControls: c_uint = 0xc000_0000;
3481pub const XkbLC_AllControls: c_uint = 0xc000_001f;
3483pub const XkbNewKeyboardNotify: c_int = 0;
3484pub const XkbMapNotify: c_int = 1;
3485pub const XkbStateNotify: c_int = 2;
3486pub const XkbControlsNotify: c_int = 3;
3487pub const XkbIndicatorStateNotify: c_int = 4;
3488pub const XkbIndicatorMapNotify: c_int = 5;
3489pub const XkbNamesNotify: c_int = 6;
3490pub const XkbCompatMapNotify: c_int = 7;
3491pub const XkbBellNotify: c_int = 8;
3492pub const XkbActionMessage: c_int = 9;
3493pub const XkbAccessXNotify: c_int = 10;
3494pub const XkbExtensionDeviceNotify: c_int = 11;
3496pub const XkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask: c_ulong = 1 << 0;
3497pub const XkbMapNotifyMask: c_ulong = 1 << 1;
3498pub const XkbStateNotifyMask: c_ulong = 1 << 2;
3499pub const XkbControlsNotifyMask: c_ulong = 1 << 3;
3500pub const XkbIndicatorStateNotifyMask: c_ulong = 1 << 4;
3501pub const XkbIndicatorMapNotifyMask: c_ulong = 1 << 5;
3502pub const XkbNamesNotifyMask: c_ulong = 1 << 6;
3503pub const XkbCompatMapNotifyMask: c_ulong = 1 << 7;
3504pub const XkbBellNotifyMask: c_ulong = 1 << 8;
3505pub const XkbActionMessageMask: c_ulong = 1 << 9;
3506pub const XkbAccessXNotifyMask: c_ulong = 1 << 10;
3507pub const XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyMask: c_ulong = 1 << 11;
3508pub const XkbAllEventsMask: c_ulong = 0xfff;
3510pub const XkbModifierStateMask: c_ulong = 1 << 0;
3511pub const XkbModifierBaseMask: c_ulong = 1 << 1;
3512pub const XkbModifierLatchMask: c_ulong = 1 << 2;
3513pub const XkbModifierLockMask: c_ulong = 1 << 3;
3514pub const XkbGroupStateMask: c_ulong = 1 << 4;
3515pub const XkbGroupBaseMask: c_ulong = 1 << 5;
3516pub const XkbGroupLatchMask: c_ulong = 1 << 6;
3517pub const XkbGroupLockMask: c_ulong = 1 << 7;
3518pub const XkbCompatStateMask: c_ulong = 1 << 8;
3519pub const XkbGrabModsMask: c_ulong = 1 << 9;
3520pub const XkbCompatGrabModsMask: c_ulong = 1 << 10;
3521pub const XkbLookupModsMask: c_ulong = 1 << 11;
3522pub const XkbCompatLookupModsMask: c_ulong = 1 << 12;
3523pub const XkbPointerButtonMask: c_ulong = 1 << 13;
3524pub const XkbAllStateComponentsMask: c_ulong = 0x3fff;
3526// Bitmask returned by XParseGeometry
3527pub const NoValue: c_int = 0x0000;
3528pub const XValue: c_int = 0x0001;
3529pub const YValue: c_int = 0x0002;
3530pub const WidthValue: c_int = 0x0004;
3531pub const HeightValue: c_int = 0x0008;
3532pub const AllValues: c_int = 0x000f;
3533pub const XNegative: c_int = 0x0010;
3534pub const YNegative: c_int = 0x0020;
3536// Definition for flags of XWMHints
3537pub const InputHint: c_long = 1 << 0;
3538pub const StateHint: c_long = 1 << 1;
3539pub const IconPixmapHint: c_long = 1 << 2;
3540pub const IconWindowHint: c_long = 1 << 3;
3541pub const IconPositionHint: c_long = 1 << 4;
3542pub const IconMaskHint: c_long = 1 << 5;
3543pub const WindowGroupHint: c_long = 1 << 6;
3544pub const AllHints: c_long = InputHint
3545 | StateHint
3546 | IconPixmapHint
3547 | IconWindowHint
3548 | IconPositionHint
3549 | IconMaskHint
3550 | WindowGroupHint;
3551pub const XUrgencyHint: c_long = 1 << 8;
3553// XICCEncodingStyle
3554pub const XStringStyle: c_int = 0;
3555pub const XCompoundTextStyle: c_int = 1;
3556pub const XTextStyle: c_int = 2;
3557pub const XStdICCTextStyle: c_int = 3;
3558pub const XUTF8StringStyle: c_int = 4;
3561// inline functions
3564#[cfg(feature = "xlib")]
3566pub unsafe fn XUniqueContext() -> XContext {
3567 XrmUniqueQuark()