1// vim: tw=80
2use super::*;
4use quote::ToTokens;
5use std::collections::HashSet;
7use crate::{
8 mock_function::MockFunction,
9 mock_trait::MockTrait
12fn phantom_default_inits(generics: &Generics) -> Vec<TokenStream> {
13 generics.params
14 .iter()
15 .enumerate()
16 .map(|(count, _param)| {
17 let phident = format_ident!("_t{}", count);
18 quote!(#phident: ::std::marker::PhantomData)
19 }).collect()
22/// Generate any PhantomData field definitions
23fn phantom_fields(generics: &Generics) -> Vec<TokenStream> {
24 generics.params
25 .iter()
26 .enumerate()
27 .filter_map(|(count, param)| {
28 let phident = format_ident!("_t{}", count);
29 match param {
30 syn::GenericParam::Lifetime(l) => {
31 if !l.bounds.is_empty() {
32 compile_error(l.bounds.span(),
33 "#automock does not yet support lifetime bounds on structs");
34 }
35 let lifetime = &l.lifetime;
36 Some(
37 quote!(#phident: ::std::marker::PhantomData<&#lifetime ()>)
38 )
39 },
40 syn::GenericParam::Type(tp) => {
41 let ty = &tp.ident;
42 Some(
43 quote!(#phident: ::std::marker::PhantomData<#ty>)
44 )
45 },
46 syn::GenericParam::Const(_) => {
47 compile_error(param.span(),
48 "#automock does not yet support generic constants");
49 None
50 }
51 }
52 }).collect()
55/// Filter out multiple copies of the same trait, even if they're implemented on
56/// different types. But allow them if they have different attributes, which
57/// probably indicates that they aren't meant to be compiled together.
58fn unique_trait_iter<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a MockTrait>>(i: I)
59 -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a MockTrait>
61 let mut hs = HashSet::<(Path, Vec<Attribute>)>::default();
62 i.filter(move |mt| {
63 let impl_attrs = AttrFormatter::new(&mt.attrs)
64 .async_trait(false)
65 .doc(false)
66 .format();
67 let key = (mt.trait_path.clone(), impl_attrs);
68 if hs.contains(&key) {
69 false
70 } else {
71 hs.insert(key);
72 true
73 }
74 })
77/// A collection of methods defined in one spot
78struct Methods(Vec<MockFunction>);
80impl Methods {
81 /// Are all of these methods static?
82 fn all_static(&self) -> bool {
83 self.0.iter()
84 .all(|meth| meth.is_static())
85 }
87 fn checkpoints(&self) -> Vec<impl ToTokens> {
88 self.0.iter()
89 .filter(|meth| !meth.is_static())
90 .map(|meth| meth.checkpoint())
91 .collect::<Vec<_>>()
92 }
94 /// Return a fragment of code to initialize struct fields during default()
95 fn default_inits(&self) -> Vec<TokenStream> {
96 self.0.iter()
97 .filter(|meth| !meth.is_static())
98 .map(|meth| {
99 let name = meth.name();
100 let attrs = AttrFormatter::new(&meth.attrs)
101 .doc(false)
102 .format();
103 quote!(#(#attrs)* #name: Default::default())
104 }).collect::<Vec<_>>()
105 }
107 fn field_definitions(&self, modname: &Ident) -> Vec<TokenStream> {
108 self.0.iter()
109 .filter(|meth| !meth.is_static())
110 .map(|meth| meth.field_definition(Some(modname)))
111 .collect::<Vec<_>>()
112 }
114 fn priv_mods(&self) -> Vec<impl ToTokens> {
115 self.0.iter()
116 .map(|meth| meth.priv_module())
117 .collect::<Vec<_>>()
118 }
121pub(crate) struct MockItemStruct {
122 attrs: Vec<Attribute>,
123 consts: Vec<ImplItemConst>,
124 generics: Generics,
125 /// Should Mockall generate a Debug implementation?
126 auto_debug: bool,
127 /// Does the original struct have a `new` method?
128 has_new: bool,
129 /// Inherent methods of the mock struct
130 methods: Methods,
131 /// Name of the overall module that holds all of the mock stuff
132 modname: Ident,
133 name: Ident,
134 /// Is this a whole MockStruct or just a substructure for a trait impl?
135 traits: Vec<MockTrait>,
136 vis: Visibility,
139impl MockItemStruct {
140 fn debug_impl(&self) -> impl ToTokens {
141 if self.auto_debug {
142 let (ig, tg, wc) = self.generics.split_for_impl();
143 let struct_name = &self.name;
144 let struct_name_str = format!("{}", self.name);
145 quote!(
146 impl #ig ::std::fmt::Debug for #struct_name #tg #wc {
147 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>)
148 -> ::std::result::Result<(), std::fmt::Error>
149 {
150 f.debug_struct(#struct_name_str).finish()
151 }
152 }
153 )
154 } else {
155 quote!()
156 }
157 }
159 fn new_method(&self) -> impl ToTokens {
160 if self.has_new {
161 TokenStream::new()
162 } else {
163 quote!(
164 /// Create a new mock object with no expectations.
165 ///
166 /// This method will not be generated if the real struct
167 /// already has a `new` method. However, it *will* be
168 /// generated if the struct implements a trait with a `new`
169 /// method. The trait's `new` method can still be called
170 /// like `<MockX as TraitY>::new`
171 pub fn new() -> Self {
172 Self::default()
173 }
174 )
175 }
176 }
178 fn phantom_default_inits(&self) -> Vec<TokenStream> {
179 phantom_default_inits(&self.generics)
180 }
182 fn phantom_fields(&self) -> Vec<TokenStream> {
183 phantom_fields(&self.generics)
184 }
187impl From<MockableStruct> for MockItemStruct {
188 fn from(mockable: MockableStruct) -> MockItemStruct {
189 let auto_debug = mockable.derives_debug();
190 let modname = gen_mod_ident(&mockable.name, None);
191 let generics = mockable.generics.clone();
192 let struct_name = &mockable.name;
193 let vis = mockable.vis;
194 let has_new = mockable.methods.iter()
195 .any(|meth| meth.sig.ident == "new") ||
196 mockable.impls.iter()
197 .any(|impl_|
198 impl_.items.iter()
199 .any(|ii| if let ImplItem::Method(iim) = ii {
200 iim.sig.ident == "new"
201 } else {
202 false
203 }
204 )
205 );
206 let methods = Methods(mockable.methods.into_iter()
207 .map(|meth|
208 mock_function::Builder::new(&meth.sig, &meth.vis)
209 .attrs(&meth.attrs)
210 .struct_(struct_name)
211 .struct_generics(&generics)
212 .levels(2)
213 .call_levels(0)
214 .build()
215 ).collect::<Vec<_>>());
216 let structname = &mockable.name;
217 let traits = mockable.impls.into_iter()
218 .map(|i| MockTrait::new(structname, &generics, i, &vis))
219 .collect();
221 MockItemStruct {
222 attrs: mockable.attrs,
223 auto_debug,
224 consts: mockable.consts,
225 generics,
226 has_new,
227 methods,
228 modname,
229 name: mockable.name,
230 traits,
231 vis
232 }
233 }
236impl ToTokens for MockItemStruct {
237 fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
238 let attrs = AttrFormatter::new(&self.attrs)
239 .async_trait(false)
240 .format();
241 let consts = &self.consts;
242 let debug_impl = self.debug_impl();
243 let struct_name = &self.name;
244 let (ig, tg, wc) = self.generics.split_for_impl();
245 let modname = &self.modname;
246 let calls = self.methods.0.iter()
247 .map(|meth| meth.call(Some(modname)))
248 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
249 let contexts = self.methods.0.iter()
250 .filter(|meth| meth.is_static())
251 .map(|meth| meth.context_fn(Some(modname)))
252 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
253 let expects = self.methods.0.iter()
254 .filter(|meth| !meth.is_static())
255 .map(|meth| meth.expect(modname, None))
256 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
257 let method_checkpoints = self.methods.checkpoints();
258 let new_method = self.new_method();
259 let priv_mods = self.methods.priv_mods();
260 let substructs = unique_trait_iter(self.traits.iter())
261 .map(|trait_| {
262 MockItemTraitImpl {
263 attrs: trait_.attrs.clone(),
264 generics: self.generics.clone(),
265 fieldname: format_ident!("{}_expectations",
266 trait_.ss_name()),
267 methods: Methods(trait_.methods.clone()),
268 modname: format_ident!("{}_{}", &self.modname,
269 trait_.ss_name()),
270 name: format_ident!("{}_{}", &self.name, trait_.ss_name()),
271 }
272 }).collect::<Vec<_>>();
273 let substruct_expectations = substructs.iter()
274 .filter(|ss| !ss.all_static())
275 .map(|ss| {
276 let attrs = AttrFormatter::new(&ss.attrs)
277 .async_trait(false)
278 .doc(false)
279 .format();
280 let fieldname = &ss.fieldname;
281 quote!(#(#attrs)* self.#fieldname.checkpoint();)
282 }).collect::<Vec<_>>();
283 let mut field_definitions = substructs.iter()
284 .filter(|ss| !ss.all_static())
285 .map(|ss| {
286 let attrs = AttrFormatter::new(&ss.attrs)
287 .async_trait(false)
288 .doc(false)
289 .format();
290 let fieldname = &ss.fieldname;
291 let tyname = &ss.name;
292 quote!(#(#attrs)* #fieldname: #tyname #tg)
293 }).collect::<Vec<_>>();
294 field_definitions.extend(self.methods.field_definitions(modname));
295 field_definitions.extend(self.phantom_fields());
296 let mut default_inits = substructs.iter()
297 .filter(|ss| !ss.all_static())
298 .map(|ss| {
299 let attrs = AttrFormatter::new(&ss.attrs)
300 .async_trait(false)
301 .doc(false)
302 .format();
303 let fieldname = &ss.fieldname;
304 quote!(#(#attrs)* #fieldname: Default::default())
305 }).collect::<Vec<_>>();
306 default_inits.extend(self.methods.default_inits());
307 default_inits.extend(self.phantom_default_inits());
308 let trait_impls = self.traits.iter()
309 .map(|trait_| {
310 let modname = format_ident!("{}_{}", &self.modname,
311 trait_.ss_name());
312 trait_.trait_impl(&modname)
313 }).collect::<Vec<_>>();
314 let vis = &self.vis;
315 quote!(
316 #[allow(non_snake_case)]
317 #[allow(missing_docs)]
318 pub mod #modname {
319 use super::*;
320 #(#priv_mods)*
321 }
322 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
323 #[allow(non_snake_case)]
324 #[allow(missing_docs)]
325 #(#attrs)*
326 #vis struct #struct_name #ig #wc
327 {
328 #(#field_definitions),*
329 }
330 #debug_impl
331 impl #ig ::std::default::Default for #struct_name #tg #wc {
332 #[allow(clippy::default_trait_access)]
333 fn default() -> Self {
334 Self {
335 #(#default_inits),*
336 }
337 }
338 }
339 #(#substructs)*
340 impl #ig #struct_name #tg #wc {
341 #(#consts)*
342 #(#calls)*
343 #(#contexts)*
344 #(#expects)*
345 /// Validate that all current expectations for all methods have
346 /// been satisfied, and discard them.
347 pub fn checkpoint(&mut self) {
348 #(#substruct_expectations)*
349 #(#method_checkpoints)*
350 }
351 #new_method
352 }
353 #(#trait_impls)*
354 ).to_tokens(tokens);
355 }
358pub(crate) struct MockItemTraitImpl {
359 attrs: Vec<Attribute>,
360 generics: Generics,
361 /// Inherent methods of the mock struct
362 methods: Methods,
363 /// Name of the overall module that holds all of the mock stuff
364 modname: Ident,
365 name: Ident,
366 /// Name of the field of this type in the parent's structure
367 fieldname: Ident,
370impl MockItemTraitImpl {
371 /// Are all of this traits's methods static?
372 fn all_static(&self) -> bool {
373 self.methods.all_static()
374 }
376 fn phantom_default_inits(&self) -> Vec<TokenStream> {
377 phantom_default_inits(&self.generics)
378 }
380 fn phantom_fields(&self) -> Vec<TokenStream> {
381 phantom_fields(&self.generics)
382 }
385impl ToTokens for MockItemTraitImpl {
386 fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
387 let attrs = AttrFormatter::new(&self.attrs)
388 .async_trait(false)
389 .doc(false)
390 .format();
391 let struct_name = &self.name;
392 let (ig, tg, wc) = self.generics.split_for_impl();
393 let modname = &self.modname;
394 let method_checkpoints = self.methods.checkpoints();
395 let mut default_inits = self.methods.default_inits();
396 default_inits.extend(self.phantom_default_inits());
397 let mut field_definitions = self.methods.field_definitions(modname);
398 field_definitions.extend(self.phantom_fields());
399 let priv_mods = self.methods.priv_mods();
400 quote!(
401 #[allow(non_snake_case)]
402 #[allow(missing_docs)]
403 #(#attrs)*
404 pub mod #modname {
405 use super::*;
406 #(#priv_mods)*
407 }
408 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
409 #[allow(non_snake_case)]
410 #[allow(missing_docs)]
411 #(#attrs)*
412 struct #struct_name #ig #wc
413 {
414 #(#field_definitions),*
415 }
416 #(#attrs)*
417 impl #ig ::std::default::Default for #struct_name #tg #wc {
418 fn default() -> Self {
419 Self {
420 #(#default_inits),*
421 }
422 }
423 }
424 #(#attrs)*
425 impl #ig #struct_name #tg #wc {
426 /// Validate that all current expectations for all methods have
427 /// been satisfied, and discard them.
428 pub fn checkpoint(&mut self) {
429 #(#method_checkpoints)*
430 }
431 }
432 ).to_tokens(tokens);
433 }