1use {
2 anyhow::Result,
3 regex::bytes::{Regex, RegexBuilder},
4 regex_test::{
5 CompiledRegex, Match, RegexTest, Span, TestResult, TestRunner,
6 },
9/// Tests the default configuration of the hybrid NFA/DFA.
11fn default() -> Result<()> {
12 let mut runner = TestRunner::new()?;
13 runner
14 .expand(&["is_match", "find", "captures"], |test| test.compiles())
15 .blacklist_iter(super::BLACKLIST)
16 .test_iter(crate::suite()?.iter(), compiler)
17 .assert();
18 Ok(())
21fn run_test(re: &Regex, test: &RegexTest) -> TestResult {
22 match test.additional_name() {
23 "is_match" => TestResult::matched(re.is_match(test.haystack())),
24 "find" => TestResult::matches(
25 re.find_iter(test.haystack())
26 .take(test.match_limit().unwrap_or(std::usize::MAX))
27 .map(|m| Match {
28 id: 0,
29 span: Span { start: m.start(), end: m.end() },
30 }),
31 ),
32 "captures" => {
33 let it = re
34 .captures_iter(test.haystack())
35 .take(test.match_limit().unwrap_or(std::usize::MAX))
36 .map(|caps| testify_captures(&caps));
37 TestResult::captures(it)
38 }
39 name => TestResult::fail(&format!("unrecognized test name: {}", name)),
40 }
43/// Converts the given regex test to a closure that searches with a
44/// `bytes::Regex`. If the test configuration is unsupported, then a
45/// `CompiledRegex` that skips the test is returned.
46fn compiler(
47 test: &RegexTest,
48 _patterns: &[String],
49) -> anyhow::Result<CompiledRegex> {
50 let skip = Ok(CompiledRegex::skip());
52 // We're only testing bytes::Regex here, which supports one pattern only.
53 let pattern = match test.regexes().len() {
54 1 => &test.regexes()[0],
55 _ => return skip,
56 };
57 // We only test is_match, find_iter and captures_iter. All of those are
58 // leftmost searches.
59 if !matches!(test.search_kind(), regex_test::SearchKind::Leftmost) {
60 return skip;
61 }
62 // The top-level single-pattern regex API always uses leftmost-first.
63 if !matches!(test.match_kind(), regex_test::MatchKind::LeftmostFirst) {
64 return skip;
65 }
66 // The top-level regex API always runs unanchored searches. ... But we can
67 // handle tests that are anchored but have only one match.
68 if test.anchored() && test.match_limit() != Some(1) {
69 return skip;
70 }
71 // We don't support tests with explicit search bounds. We could probably
72 // support this by using the 'find_at' (and such) APIs.
73 let bounds = test.bounds();
74 if !(bounds.start == 0 && bounds.end == test.haystack().len()) {
75 return skip;
76 }
77 // The bytes::Regex API specifically does not support enabling UTF-8 mode.
78 // It could I suppose, but currently it does not. That is, it permits
79 // matches to have offsets that split codepoints.
80 if test.utf8() {
81 return skip;
82 }
83 // If the test requires Unicode but the Unicode feature isn't enabled,
84 // skip it. This is a little aggressive, but the test suite doesn't
85 // have any easy way of communicating which Unicode features are needed.
86 if test.unicode() && !cfg!(feature = "unicode") {
87 return skip;
88 }
89 let re = RegexBuilder::new(pattern)
90 .case_insensitive(test.case_insensitive())
91 .unicode(test.unicode())
92 .line_terminator(test.line_terminator())
93 .build()?;
94 Ok(CompiledRegex::compiled(move |test| run_test(&re, test)))
97/// Convert `Captures` into the test suite's capture values.
98fn testify_captures(
99 caps: &regex::bytes::Captures<'_>,
100) -> regex_test::Captures {
101 let spans = caps.iter().map(|group| {
102 group.map(|m| regex_test::Span { start: m.start(), end: m.end() })
103 });
104 // This unwrap is OK because we assume our 'caps' represents a match, and
105 // a match always gives a non-zero number of groups with the first group
106 // being non-None.
107 regex_test::Captures::new(0, spans).unwrap()