2This module defines two bespoke reverse DFA searching routines. (One for the
3lazy DFA and one for the fully compiled DFA.) These routines differ from the
4usual ones by permitting the caller to specify a minimum starting position.
5That is, the search will begin at `input.end()` and will usually stop at
6`input.start()`, unless `min_start > input.start()`, in which case, the search
7will stop at `min_start`.
9In other words, this lets you say, "no, the search must not extend past this
10point, even if it's within the bounds of the given `Input`." And if the search
11*does* want to go past that point, it stops and returns a "may be quadratic"
12error, which indicates that the caller should retry using some other technique.
14These routines specifically exist to protect against quadratic behavior when
15employing the "reverse suffix" and "reverse inner" optimizations. Without the
16backstop these routines provide, it is possible for parts of the haystack to
17get re-scanned over and over again. The backstop not only prevents this, but
18*tells you when it is happening* so that you can change the strategy.
20Why can't we just use the normal search routines? We could use the normal
21search routines and just set the start bound on the provided `Input` to our
22`min_start` position. The problem here is that it's impossible to distinguish
23between "no match because we reached the end of input" and "determined there
24was no match well before the end of input." The former case is what we care
25about with respect to quadratic behavior. The latter case is totally fine.
27Why don't we modify the normal search routines to report the position at which
28the search stops? I considered this, and I still wonder if it is indeed the
29right thing to do. However, I think the straight-forward thing to do there
30would be to complicate the return type signature of almost every search routine
31in this crate, which I really do not want to do. It therefore might make more
32sense to provide a richer way for search routines to report meta data, but that
33was beyond my bandwidth to work on at the time of writing.
35See the 'opt/reverse-inner' and 'opt/reverse-suffix' benchmarks in rebar for a
36real demonstration of how quadratic behavior is mitigated.
39use crate::{
40 meta::error::{RetryError, RetryQuadraticError},
41 HalfMatch, Input, MatchError,
44#[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
45pub(crate) fn dfa_try_search_half_rev(
46 dfa: &crate::dfa::dense::DFA<alloc::vec::Vec<u32>>,
47 input: &Input<'_>,
48 min_start: usize,
49) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, RetryError> {
50 use crate::dfa::Automaton;
52 let mut mat = None;
53 let mut sid = dfa.start_state_reverse(input)?;
54 if input.start() == input.end() {
55 dfa_eoi_rev(dfa, input, &mut sid, &mut mat)?;
56 return Ok(mat);
57 }
58 let mut at = input.end() - 1;
59 loop {
60 sid = dfa.next_state(sid, input.haystack()[at]);
61 if dfa.is_special_state(sid) {
62 if dfa.is_match_state(sid) {
63 let pattern = dfa.match_pattern(sid, 0);
64 // Since reverse searches report the beginning of a
65 // match and the beginning is inclusive (not exclusive
66 // like the end of a match), we add 1 to make it
67 // inclusive.
68 mat = Some(HalfMatch::new(pattern, at + 1));
69 } else if dfa.is_dead_state(sid) {
70 return Ok(mat);
71 } else if dfa.is_quit_state(sid) {
72 return Err(MatchError::quit(input.haystack()[at], at).into());
73 }
74 }
75 if at == input.start() {
76 break;
77 }
78 at -= 1;
79 if at < min_start {
80 trace!(
81 "reached position {} which is before the previous literal \
82 match, quitting to avoid quadratic behavior",
83 at,
84 );
85 return Err(RetryError::Quadratic(RetryQuadraticError::new()));
86 }
87 }
88 let was_dead = dfa.is_dead_state(sid);
89 dfa_eoi_rev(dfa, input, &mut sid, &mut mat)?;
90 // If we reach the beginning of the search and we could otherwise still
91 // potentially keep matching if there was more to match, then we actually
92 // return an error to indicate giving up on this optimization. Why? Because
93 // we can't prove that the real match begins at where we would report it.
94 //
95 // This only happens when all of the following are true:
96 //
97 // 1) We reach the starting point of our search span.
98 // 2) The match we found is before the starting point.
99 // 3) The FSM reports we could possibly find a longer match.
100 //
101 // We need (1) because otherwise the search stopped before the starting
102 // point and there is no possible way to find a more leftmost position.
103 //
104 // We need (2) because if the match found has an offset equal to the minimum
105 // possible offset, then there is no possible more leftmost match.
106 //
107 // We need (3) because if the FSM couldn't continue anyway (i.e., it's in
108 // a dead state), then we know we couldn't find anything more leftmost
109 // than what we have. (We have to check the state we were in prior to the
110 // EOI transition since the EOI transition will usually bring us to a dead
111 // state by virtue of it represents the end-of-input.)
112 if at == input.start()
113 && mat.map_or(false, |m| m.offset() > input.start())
114 && !was_dead
115 {
116 trace!(
117 "reached beginning of search at offset {} without hitting \
118 a dead state, quitting to avoid potential false positive match",
119 at,
120 );
121 return Err(RetryError::Quadratic(RetryQuadraticError::new()));
122 }
123 Ok(mat)
126#[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
127pub(crate) fn hybrid_try_search_half_rev(
128 dfa: &crate::hybrid::dfa::DFA,
129 cache: &mut crate::hybrid::dfa::Cache,
130 input: &Input<'_>,
131 min_start: usize,
132) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, RetryError> {
133 let mut mat = None;
134 let mut sid = dfa.start_state_reverse(cache, input)?;
135 if input.start() == input.end() {
136 hybrid_eoi_rev(dfa, cache, input, &mut sid, &mut mat)?;
137 return Ok(mat);
138 }
139 let mut at = input.end() - 1;
140 loop {
141 sid = dfa
142 .next_state(cache, sid, input.haystack()[at])
143 .map_err(|_| MatchError::gave_up(at))?;
144 if sid.is_tagged() {
145 if sid.is_match() {
146 let pattern = dfa.match_pattern(cache, sid, 0);
147 // Since reverse searches report the beginning of a
148 // match and the beginning is inclusive (not exclusive
149 // like the end of a match), we add 1 to make it
150 // inclusive.
151 mat = Some(HalfMatch::new(pattern, at + 1));
152 } else if sid.is_dead() {
153 return Ok(mat);
154 } else if sid.is_quit() {
155 return Err(MatchError::quit(input.haystack()[at], at).into());
156 }
157 }
158 if at == input.start() {
159 break;
160 }
161 at -= 1;
162 if at < min_start {
163 trace!(
164 "reached position {} which is before the previous literal \
165 match, quitting to avoid quadratic behavior",
166 at,
167 );
168 return Err(RetryError::Quadratic(RetryQuadraticError::new()));
169 }
170 }
171 let was_dead = sid.is_dead();
172 hybrid_eoi_rev(dfa, cache, input, &mut sid, &mut mat)?;
173 // See the comments in the full DFA routine above for why we need this.
174 if at == input.start()
175 && mat.map_or(false, |m| m.offset() > input.start())
176 && !was_dead
177 {
178 trace!(
179 "reached beginning of search at offset {} without hitting \
180 a dead state, quitting to avoid potential false positive match",
181 at,
182 );
183 return Err(RetryError::Quadratic(RetryQuadraticError::new()));
184 }
185 Ok(mat)
188#[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
189#[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
190fn dfa_eoi_rev(
191 dfa: &crate::dfa::dense::DFA<alloc::vec::Vec<u32>>,
192 input: &Input<'_>,
193 sid: &mut crate::util::primitives::StateID,
194 mat: &mut Option<HalfMatch>,
195) -> Result<(), MatchError> {
196 use crate::dfa::Automaton;
198 let sp = input.get_span();
199 if sp.start > 0 {
200 let byte = input.haystack()[sp.start - 1];
201 *sid = dfa.next_state(*sid, byte);
202 if dfa.is_match_state(*sid) {
203 let pattern = dfa.match_pattern(*sid, 0);
204 *mat = Some(HalfMatch::new(pattern, sp.start));
205 } else if dfa.is_quit_state(*sid) {
206 return Err(MatchError::quit(byte, sp.start - 1));
207 }
208 } else {
209 *sid = dfa.next_eoi_state(*sid);
210 if dfa.is_match_state(*sid) {
211 let pattern = dfa.match_pattern(*sid, 0);
212 *mat = Some(HalfMatch::new(pattern, 0));
213 }
214 // N.B. We don't have to check 'is_quit' here because the EOI
215 // transition can never lead to a quit state.
216 debug_assert!(!dfa.is_quit_state(*sid));
217 }
218 Ok(())
221#[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
222#[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
223fn hybrid_eoi_rev(
224 dfa: &crate::hybrid::dfa::DFA,
225 cache: &mut crate::hybrid::dfa::Cache,
226 input: &Input<'_>,
227 sid: &mut crate::hybrid::LazyStateID,
228 mat: &mut Option<HalfMatch>,
229) -> Result<(), MatchError> {
230 let sp = input.get_span();
231 if sp.start > 0 {
232 let byte = input.haystack()[sp.start - 1];
233 *sid = dfa
234 .next_state(cache, *sid, byte)
235 .map_err(|_| MatchError::gave_up(sp.start))?;
236 if sid.is_match() {
237 let pattern = dfa.match_pattern(cache, *sid, 0);
238 *mat = Some(HalfMatch::new(pattern, sp.start));
239 } else if sid.is_quit() {
240 return Err(MatchError::quit(byte, sp.start - 1));
241 }
242 } else {
243 *sid = dfa
244 .next_eoi_state(cache, *sid)
245 .map_err(|_| MatchError::gave_up(sp.start))?;
246 if sid.is_match() {
247 let pattern = dfa.match_pattern(cache, *sid, 0);
248 *mat = Some(HalfMatch::new(pattern, 0));
249 }
250 // N.B. We don't have to check 'is_quit' here because the EOI
251 // transition can never lead to a quit state.
252 debug_assert!(!sid.is_quit());
253 }
254 Ok(())