2 * Copyright 2015 WebAssembly Community Group participants
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
18// Parses WebAssembly code in S-Expression format, as in .wast files
19// such as are in the spec test suite.
22#ifndef wasm_wasm_s_parser_h
23#define wasm_wasm_s_parser_h
25#include "mixed_arena.h"
26#include "parsing.h" // for UniqueNameMapper. TODO: move dependency to cpp file?
27#include "wasm-builder.h"
28#include "wasm.h"
30namespace wasm {
32class SourceLocation {
34 IString filename;
35 uint32_t line;
36 uint32_t column;
37 SourceLocation(IString filename_, uint32_t line_, uint32_t column_ = 0)
38 : filename(filename_), line(line_), column(column_) {}
42// An element in an S-Expression: a list or a string
44class Element {
45 using List = ArenaVector<Element*>;
47 bool isList_ = true;
48 List list_;
49 IString str_;
50 bool dollared_;
51 bool quoted_;
54 Element(MixedArena& allocator) : list_(allocator) {}
56 bool isList() const { return isList_; }
57 bool isStr() const { return !isList_; }
58 bool dollared() const { return isStr() && dollared_; }
59 bool quoted() const { return isStr() && quoted_; }
61 size_t line = -1;
62 size_t col = -1;
63 // original locations at the start/end of the S-Expression list
64 SourceLocation* startLoc = nullptr;
65 SourceLocation* endLoc = nullptr;
67 // list methods
68 List& list();
69 Element* operator[](unsigned i);
70 size_t size() { return list().size(); }
71 List::Iterator begin() { return list().begin(); }
72 List::Iterator end() { return list().end(); }
74 // string methods
75 IString str() const;
76 std::string toString() const;
77 Element* setString(IString str__, bool dollared__, bool quoted__);
78 Element* setMetadata(size_t line_, size_t col_, SourceLocation* startLoc_);
80 // comparisons
81 bool operator==(Name name) { return isStr() && str() == name; }
83 template<typename T> bool operator!=(T t) { return !(*this == t); }
85 // printing
86 friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, Element& e);
87 void dump();
91// Generic S-Expression parsing into lists
93class SExpressionParser {
94 const char* input;
95 size_t line;
96 char const* lineStart;
97 SourceLocation* loc = nullptr;
99 MixedArena allocator;
102 // Assumes control of and modifies the input.
103 SExpressionParser(const char* input);
104 Element* root;
107 Element* parse();
108 void skipWhitespace();
109 void parseDebugLocation();
110 Element* parseString();
114// SExpressions => WebAssembly module
116class SExpressionWasmBuilder {
117 Module& wasm;
118 MixedArena& allocator;
119 IRProfile profile;
121 // The main list of types declared in the module
122 std::vector<HeapType> types;
123 std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> typeIndices;
125 std::vector<Name> functionNames;
126 std::vector<Name> tableNames;
127 std::vector<Name> elemSegmentNames;
128 std::vector<Name> memoryNames;
129 std::vector<Name> dataSegmentNames;
130 std::vector<Name> globalNames;
131 std::vector<Name> tagNames;
132 int functionCounter = 0;
133 int globalCounter = 0;
134 int tagCounter = 0;
135 int tableCounter = 0;
136 int elemCounter = 0;
137 int memoryCounter = 0;
138 int dataCounter = 0;
139 // we need to know function return types before we parse their contents
140 std::map<Name, HeapType> functionTypes;
141 std::unordered_map<IString, Index> debugInfoFileIndices;
143 // Maps type indexes to a mapping of field index => name. This is not the same
144 // as the field names stored on the wasm object, as that maps types after
145 // their canonicalization. Canonicalization loses information, which means
146 // that structurally identical types cannot have different names. However,
147 // while parsing the text format we keep this mapping of type indexes to names
148 // which does allow reading such content.
149 std::unordered_map<size_t, std::unordered_map<Index, Name>> fieldNames;
152 // Assumes control of and modifies the input.
153 SExpressionWasmBuilder(Module& wasm, Element& module, IRProfile profile);
156 void preParseHeapTypes(Element& module);
157 // pre-parse types and function definitions, so we know function return types
158 // before parsing their contents
159 void preParseFunctionType(Element& s);
160 bool isImport(Element& curr);
161 void preParseImports(Element& curr);
162 void preParseMemory(Element& curr);
163 void parseModuleElement(Element& curr);
165 // function parsing state
166 std::unique_ptr<Function> currFunction;
167 bool brokeToAutoBlock;
169 UniqueNameMapper nameMapper;
171 int parseIndex(Element& s);
173 Name getFunctionName(Element& s);
174 Name getTableName(Element& s);
175 Name getElemSegmentName(Element& s);
176 Name getMemoryName(Element& s);
177 Name getDataSegmentName(Element& s);
178 Name getGlobalName(Element& s);
179 Name getTagName(Element& s);
180 void parseStart(Element& s) { wasm.addStart(s: getFunctionName(s&: *s[1])); }
182 Name getMemoryNameAtIdx(Index i);
183 bool isMemory64(Name memoryName);
184 bool hasMemoryIdx(Element& s, Index defaultSize, Index i);
186 // returns the next index in s
187 size_t parseFunctionNames(Element& s, Name& name, Name& exportName);
188 void parseFunction(Element& s, bool preParseImport = false);
190 Type stringToType(IString str, bool allowError = false, bool prefix = false) {
191 return stringToType(str: str.str, allowError, prefix);
192 }
193 Type stringToType(std::string_view str,
194 bool allowError = false,
195 bool prefix = false);
196 HeapType stringToHeapType(IString str, bool prefix = false) {
197 return stringToHeapType(str: str.str, prefix);
198 }
199 HeapType stringToHeapType(std::string_view str, bool prefix = false);
200 Type elementToType(Element& s);
201 // TODO: Use std::string_view for this and similar functions.
202 Type stringToLaneType(const char* str);
203 bool isType(IString str) { return stringToType(str, allowError: true) != Type::none; }
204 HeapType getFunctionType(Name name, Element& s);
207 Expression* parseExpression(Element* s) { return parseExpression(s&: *s); }
208 Expression* parseExpression(Element& s);
210 Module& getModule() { return wasm; }
213 Expression* makeExpression(Element& s);
214 Expression* makeUnreachable();
215 Expression* makeNop();
216 Expression* makeBinary(Element& s, BinaryOp op);
217 Expression* makeUnary(Element& s, UnaryOp op);
218 Expression* makeSelect(Element& s);
219 Expression* makeDrop(Element& s);
220 Expression* makeMemorySize(Element& s);
221 Expression* makeMemoryGrow(Element& s);
222 Index getLocalIndex(Element& s);
223 Expression* makeLocalGet(Element& s);
224 Expression* makeLocalTee(Element& s);
225 Expression* makeLocalSet(Element& s);
226 Expression* makeGlobalGet(Element& s);
227 Expression* makeGlobalSet(Element& s);
228 Expression* makeBlock(Element& s);
229 Expression* makeThenOrElse(Element& s);
230 Expression* makeConst(Element& s, Type type);
231 Expression*
232 makeLoad(Element& s, Type type, bool signed_, int bytes, bool isAtomic);
233 Expression* makeStore(Element& s, Type type, int bytes, bool isAtomic);
234 Expression*
235 makeAtomicRMW(Element& s, AtomicRMWOp op, Type type, uint8_t bytes);
236 Expression* makeAtomicCmpxchg(Element& s, Type type, uint8_t bytes);
237 Expression* makeAtomicWait(Element& s, Type type);
238 Expression* makeAtomicNotify(Element& s);
239 Expression* makeAtomicFence(Element& s);
240 Expression* makeSIMDExtract(Element& s, SIMDExtractOp op, size_t lanes);
241 Expression* makeSIMDReplace(Element& s, SIMDReplaceOp op, size_t lanes);
242 Expression* makeSIMDShuffle(Element& s);
243 Expression* makeSIMDTernary(Element& s, SIMDTernaryOp op);
244 Expression* makeSIMDShift(Element& s, SIMDShiftOp op);
245 Expression* makeSIMDLoad(Element& s, SIMDLoadOp op, int bytes);
246 Expression*
247 makeSIMDLoadStoreLane(Element& s, SIMDLoadStoreLaneOp op, int bytes);
248 Expression* makeMemoryInit(Element& s);
249 Expression* makeDataDrop(Element& s);
250 Expression* makeMemoryCopy(Element& s);
251 Expression* makeMemoryFill(Element& s);
252 Expression* makePop(Element& s);
253 Expression* makeIf(Element& s);
254 Expression* makeMaybeBlock(Element& s, size_t i, Type type);
255 Expression* makeLoop(Element& s);
256 Expression* makeCall(Element& s, bool isReturn);
257 Expression* makeCallIndirect(Element& s, bool isReturn);
258 template<class T> void parseOperands(Element& s, Index i, Index j, T& list) {
259 while (i < j) {
260 list.push_back(parseExpression(s: s[i]));
261 i++;
262 }
263 }
264 template<class T>
265 void parseCallOperands(Element& s, Index i, Index j, T* call) {
266 parseOperands(s, i, j, call->operands);
267 }
268 enum class LabelType { Break, Exception };
269 Name getLabel(Element& s, LabelType labelType = LabelType::Break);
270 Expression* makeBreak(Element& s);
271 Expression* makeBreakTable(Element& s);
272 Expression* makeReturn(Element& s);
273 Expression* makeRefNull(Element& s);
274 Expression* makeRefIsNull(Element& s);
275 Expression* makeRefFunc(Element& s);
276 Expression* makeRefEq(Element& s);
277 Expression* makeTableGet(Element& s);
278 Expression* makeTableSet(Element& s);
279 Expression* makeTableSize(Element& s);
280 Expression* makeTableGrow(Element& s);
281 Expression* makeTry(Element& s);
282 Expression* makeTryOrCatchBody(Element& s, Type type, bool isTry);
283 Expression* makeThrow(Element& s);
284 Expression* makeRethrow(Element& s);
285 Expression* makeTupleMake(Element& s);
286 Expression* makeTupleExtract(Element& s);
287 Expression* makeCallRef(Element& s, bool isReturn);
288 Expression* makeI31New(Element& s);
289 Expression* makeI31Get(Element& s, bool signed_);
290 Expression* makeRefTest(Element& s,
291 std::optional<Type> castType = std::nullopt);
292 Expression* makeRefCast(Element& s,
293 std::optional<Type> castType = std::nullopt);
294 Expression* makeRefCastNop(Element& s);
295 Expression* makeBrOnNull(Element& s, bool onFail = false);
296 Expression*
297 makeBrOnCast(Element& s, std::optional<Type> castType, bool onFail = false);
298 Expression* makeStructNew(Element& s, bool default_);
299 Index getStructIndex(Element& type, Element& field);
300 Expression* makeStructGet(Element& s, bool signed_ = false);
301 Expression* makeStructSet(Element& s);
302 Expression* makeArrayNew(Element& s, bool default_);
303 Expression* makeArrayNewData(Element& s);
304 Expression* makeArrayNewElem(Element& s);
305 Expression* makeArrayNewFixed(Element& s);
306 Expression* makeArrayGet(Element& s, bool signed_ = false);
307 Expression* makeArraySet(Element& s);
308 Expression* makeArrayLen(Element& s);
309 Expression* makeArrayCopy(Element& s);
310 Expression* makeArrayFill(Element& s);
311 Expression* makeArrayInitData(Element& s);
312 Expression* makeArrayInitElem(Element& s);
313 Expression* makeRefAs(Element& s, RefAsOp op);
314 Expression* makeRefAsNonNull(Element& s);
315 Expression* makeStringNew(Element& s, StringNewOp op, bool try_);
316 Expression* makeStringConst(Element& s);
317 Expression* makeStringMeasure(Element& s, StringMeasureOp op);
318 Expression* makeStringEncode(Element& s, StringEncodeOp op);
319 Expression* makeStringConcat(Element& s);
320 Expression* makeStringEq(Element& s, StringEqOp op);
321 Expression* makeStringAs(Element& s, StringAsOp op);
322 Expression* makeStringWTF8Advance(Element& s);
323 Expression* makeStringWTF16Get(Element& s);
324 Expression* makeStringIterNext(Element& s);
325 Expression* makeStringIterMove(Element& s, StringIterMoveOp op);
326 Expression* makeStringSliceWTF(Element& s, StringSliceWTFOp op);
327 Expression* makeStringSliceIter(Element& s);
329 // Helper functions
330 Type parseOptionalResultType(Element& s, Index& i);
331 Index parseMemoryLimits(Element& s, Index i, std::unique_ptr<Memory>& memory);
332 Index parseMemoryIndex(Element& s, Index i, std::unique_ptr<Memory>& memory);
333 Index parseMemoryForInstruction(const std::string& instrName,
334 Memory& memory,
335 Element& s,
336 Index i);
337 std::vector<Type> parseParamOrLocal(Element& s);
338 std::vector<NameType> parseParamOrLocal(Element& s, size_t& localIndex);
339 std::vector<Type> parseResults(Element& s);
340 HeapType parseTypeRef(Element& s);
341 size_t parseTypeUse(Element& s,
342 size_t startPos,
343 HeapType& functionType,
344 std::vector<NameType>& namedParams);
345 size_t parseTypeUse(Element& s, size_t startPos, HeapType& functionType);
347 void
348 stringToBinary(Element& s, std::string_view str, std::vector<char>& data);
349 void parseMemory(Element& s, bool preParseImport = false);
350 void parseData(Element& s);
351 void parseInnerData(Element& s, Index i, std::unique_ptr<DataSegment>& seg);
352 void parseExport(Element& s);
353 void parseImport(Element& s);
354 void parseGlobal(Element& s, bool preParseImport = false);
355 void parseTable(Element& s, bool preParseImport = false);
356 void parseElem(Element& s, Table* table = nullptr);
357 ElementSegment* parseElemFinish(Element& s,
358 std::unique_ptr<ElementSegment>& segment,
359 Index i = 1,
360 bool usesExpressions = false);
362 // Parses something like (func ..), (array ..), (struct)
363 HeapType parseHeapType(Element& s);
365 void parseTag(Element& s, bool preParseImport = false);
367 Function::DebugLocation getDebugLocation(const SourceLocation& loc);
369 // Struct/Array instructions have an unnecessary heap type that is just for
370 // validation (except for the case of unreachability, but that's not a problem
371 // anyhow, we can ignore it there). That is, we also have a reference typed
372 // child from which we can infer the type anyhow, and we just need to check
373 // that type is the same.
374 void
375 validateHeapTypeUsingChild(Expression* child, HeapType heapType, Element& s);
378} // namespace wasm
380#endif // wasm_wasm_s_parser_h

source code of dart_sdk/third_party/binaryen/src/src/wasm-s-parser.h