1//===- Replacement.cpp - Framework for clang refactoring tools ------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// Implements classes to support/store refactorings.
13#include "clang/Tooling/Core/Replacement.h"
14#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
15#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticIDs.h"
16#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h"
17#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
18#include "clang/Basic/FileSystemOptions.h"
19#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
20#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
21#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
22#include "clang/Rewrite/Core/RewriteBuffer.h"
23#include "clang/Rewrite/Core/Rewriter.h"
24#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
25#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
26#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
27#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
28#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
29#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
30#include "llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h"
31#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
32#include <algorithm>
33#include <cassert>
34#include <limits>
35#include <map>
36#include <string>
37#include <utility>
38#include <vector>
40using namespace clang;
41using namespace tooling;
43static const char * const InvalidLocation = "";
45Replacement::Replacement() : FilePath(InvalidLocation) {}
47Replacement::Replacement(StringRef FilePath, unsigned Offset, unsigned Length,
48 StringRef ReplacementText)
49 : FilePath(std::string(FilePath)), ReplacementRange(Offset, Length),
50 ReplacementText(std::string(ReplacementText)) {}
52Replacement::Replacement(const SourceManager &Sources, SourceLocation Start,
53 unsigned Length, StringRef ReplacementText) {
54 setFromSourceLocation(Sources, Start, Length, ReplacementText);
57Replacement::Replacement(const SourceManager &Sources,
58 const CharSourceRange &Range,
59 StringRef ReplacementText,
60 const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
61 setFromSourceRange(Sources, Range, ReplacementText, LangOpts);
64bool Replacement::isApplicable() const {
65 return FilePath != InvalidLocation;
68bool Replacement::apply(Rewriter &Rewrite) const {
69 SourceManager &SM = Rewrite.getSourceMgr();
70 auto Entry = SM.getFileManager().getOptionalFileRef(Filename: FilePath);
71 if (!Entry)
72 return false;
74 FileID ID = SM.getOrCreateFileID(SourceFile: *Entry, FileCharacter: SrcMgr::C_User);
75 const SourceLocation Start =
76 SM.getLocForStartOfFile(FID: ID).
77 getLocWithOffset(Offset: ReplacementRange.getOffset());
78 // ReplaceText returns false on success.
79 // ReplaceText only fails if the source location is not a file location, in
80 // which case we already returned false earlier.
81 bool RewriteSucceeded = !Rewrite.ReplaceText(
82 Start, OrigLength: ReplacementRange.getLength(), NewStr: ReplacementText);
83 assert(RewriteSucceeded);
84 return RewriteSucceeded;
87std::string Replacement::toString() const {
88 std::string Result;
89 llvm::raw_string_ostream Stream(Result);
90 Stream << FilePath << ": " << ReplacementRange.getOffset() << ":+"
91 << ReplacementRange.getLength() << ":\"" << ReplacementText << "\"";
92 return Stream.str();
95namespace clang {
96namespace tooling {
98bool operator<(const Replacement &LHS, const Replacement &RHS) {
99 if (LHS.getOffset() != RHS.getOffset())
100 return LHS.getOffset() < RHS.getOffset();
102 if (LHS.getLength() != RHS.getLength())
103 return LHS.getLength() < RHS.getLength();
105 if (LHS.getFilePath() != RHS.getFilePath())
106 return LHS.getFilePath() < RHS.getFilePath();
107 return LHS.getReplacementText() < RHS.getReplacementText();
110bool operator==(const Replacement &LHS, const Replacement &RHS) {
111 return LHS.getOffset() == RHS.getOffset() &&
112 LHS.getLength() == RHS.getLength() &&
113 LHS.getFilePath() == RHS.getFilePath() &&
114 LHS.getReplacementText() == RHS.getReplacementText();
117} // namespace tooling
118} // namespace clang
120void Replacement::setFromSourceLocation(const SourceManager &Sources,
121 SourceLocation Start, unsigned Length,
122 StringRef ReplacementText) {
123 const std::pair<FileID, unsigned> DecomposedLocation =
124 Sources.getDecomposedLoc(Loc: Start);
125 OptionalFileEntryRef Entry =
126 Sources.getFileEntryRefForID(FID: DecomposedLocation.first);
127 this->FilePath = std::string(Entry ? Entry->getName() : InvalidLocation);
128 this->ReplacementRange = Range(DecomposedLocation.second, Length);
129 this->ReplacementText = std::string(ReplacementText);
132// FIXME: This should go into the Lexer, but we need to figure out how
133// to handle ranges for refactoring in general first - there is no obvious
134// good way how to integrate this into the Lexer yet.
135static int getRangeSize(const SourceManager &Sources,
136 const CharSourceRange &Range,
137 const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
138 SourceLocation SpellingBegin = Sources.getSpellingLoc(Loc: Range.getBegin());
139 SourceLocation SpellingEnd = Sources.getSpellingLoc(Loc: Range.getEnd());
140 std::pair<FileID, unsigned> Start = Sources.getDecomposedLoc(Loc: SpellingBegin);
141 std::pair<FileID, unsigned> End = Sources.getDecomposedLoc(Loc: SpellingEnd);
142 if (Start.first != End.first) return -1;
143 if (Range.isTokenRange())
144 End.second += Lexer::MeasureTokenLength(Loc: SpellingEnd, SM: Sources, LangOpts);
145 return End.second - Start.second;
148void Replacement::setFromSourceRange(const SourceManager &Sources,
149 const CharSourceRange &Range,
150 StringRef ReplacementText,
151 const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
152 setFromSourceLocation(Sources, Start: Sources.getSpellingLoc(Loc: Range.getBegin()),
153 Length: getRangeSize(Sources, Range, LangOpts),
154 ReplacementText);
158Replacements::getReplacementInChangedCode(const Replacement &R) const {
159 unsigned NewStart = getShiftedCodePosition(Position: R.getOffset());
160 unsigned NewEnd = getShiftedCodePosition(Position: R.getOffset() + R.getLength());
161 return Replacement(R.getFilePath(), NewStart, NewEnd - NewStart,
162 R.getReplacementText());
165static std::string getReplacementErrString(replacement_error Err) {
166 switch (Err) {
167 case replacement_error::fail_to_apply:
168 return "Failed to apply a replacement.";
169 case replacement_error::wrong_file_path:
170 return "The new replacement's file path is different from the file path of "
171 "existing replacements";
172 case replacement_error::overlap_conflict:
173 return "The new replacement overlaps with an existing replacement.";
174 case replacement_error::insert_conflict:
175 return "The new insertion has the same insert location as an existing "
176 "replacement.";
177 }
178 llvm_unreachable("A value of replacement_error has no message.");
181std::string ReplacementError::message() const {
182 std::string Message = getReplacementErrString(Err);
183 if (NewReplacement)
184 Message += "\nNew replacement: " + NewReplacement->toString();
185 if (ExistingReplacement)
186 Message += "\nExisting replacement: " + ExistingReplacement->toString();
187 return Message;
190char ReplacementError::ID = 0;
192Replacements Replacements::getCanonicalReplacements() const {
193 std::vector<Replacement> NewReplaces;
194 // Merge adjacent replacements.
195 for (const auto &R : Replaces) {
196 if (NewReplaces.empty()) {
197 NewReplaces.push_back(x: R);
198 continue;
199 }
200 auto &Prev = NewReplaces.back();
201 unsigned PrevEnd = Prev.getOffset() + Prev.getLength();
202 if (PrevEnd < R.getOffset()) {
203 NewReplaces.push_back(x: R);
204 } else {
205 assert(PrevEnd == R.getOffset() &&
206 "Existing replacements must not overlap.");
207 Replacement NewR(
208 R.getFilePath(), Prev.getOffset(), Prev.getLength() + R.getLength(),
209 (Prev.getReplacementText() + R.getReplacementText()).str());
210 Prev = NewR;
211 }
212 }
213 ReplacementsImpl NewReplacesImpl(NewReplaces.begin(), NewReplaces.end());
214 return Replacements(NewReplacesImpl.begin(), NewReplacesImpl.end());
217// `R` and `Replaces` are order-independent if applying them in either order
218// has the same effect, so we need to compare replacements associated to
219// applying them in either order.
221Replacements::mergeIfOrderIndependent(const Replacement &R) const {
222 Replacements Rs(R);
223 // A Replacements set containing a single replacement that is `R` referring to
224 // the code after the existing replacements `Replaces` are applied.
225 Replacements RsShiftedByReplaces(getReplacementInChangedCode(R));
226 // A Replacements set that is `Replaces` referring to the code after `R` is
227 // applied.
228 Replacements ReplacesShiftedByRs;
229 for (const auto &Replace : Replaces)
230 ReplacesShiftedByRs.Replaces.insert(
231 x: Rs.getReplacementInChangedCode(R: Replace));
232 // This is equivalent to applying `Replaces` first and then `R`.
233 auto MergeShiftedRs = merge(Replaces: RsShiftedByReplaces);
234 // This is equivalent to applying `R` first and then `Replaces`.
235 auto MergeShiftedReplaces = Rs.merge(Replaces: ReplacesShiftedByRs);
237 // Since empty or segmented replacements around existing replacements might be
238 // produced above, we need to compare replacements in canonical forms.
239 if (MergeShiftedRs.getCanonicalReplacements() ==
240 MergeShiftedReplaces.getCanonicalReplacements())
241 return MergeShiftedRs;
242 return llvm::make_error<ReplacementError>(Args: replacement_error::overlap_conflict,
243 Args: R, Args: *Replaces.begin());
246llvm::Error Replacements::add(const Replacement &R) {
247 // Check the file path.
248 if (!Replaces.empty() && R.getFilePath() != Replaces.begin()->getFilePath())
249 return llvm::make_error<ReplacementError>(
250 Args: replacement_error::wrong_file_path, Args: R, Args: *Replaces.begin());
252 // Special-case header insertions.
253 if (R.getOffset() == std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()) {
254 Replaces.insert(x: R);
255 return llvm::Error::success();
256 }
258 // This replacement cannot conflict with replacements that end before
259 // this replacement starts or start after this replacement ends.
260 // We also know that there currently are no overlapping replacements.
261 // Thus, we know that all replacements that start after the end of the current
262 // replacement cannot overlap.
263 Replacement AtEnd(R.getFilePath(), R.getOffset() + R.getLength(), 0, "");
265 // Find the first entry that starts after or at the end of R. Note that
266 // entries that start at the end can still be conflicting if R is an
267 // insertion.
268 auto I = Replaces.lower_bound(x: AtEnd);
269 // If `I` starts at the same offset as `R`, `R` must be an insertion.
270 if (I != Replaces.end() && R.getOffset() == I->getOffset()) {
271 assert(R.getLength() == 0);
272 // `I` is also an insertion, `R` and `I` conflict.
273 if (I->getLength() == 0) {
274 // Check if two insertions are order-independent: if inserting them in
275 // either order produces the same text, they are order-independent.
276 if ((R.getReplacementText() + I->getReplacementText()).str() !=
277 (I->getReplacementText() + R.getReplacementText()).str())
278 return llvm::make_error<ReplacementError>(
279 Args: replacement_error::insert_conflict, Args: R, Args: *I);
280 // If insertions are order-independent, we can merge them.
281 Replacement NewR(
282 R.getFilePath(), R.getOffset(), 0,
283 (R.getReplacementText() + I->getReplacementText()).str());
284 Replaces.erase(position: I);
285 Replaces.insert(x: std::move(NewR));
286 return llvm::Error::success();
287 }
288 // Insertion `R` is adjacent to a non-insertion replacement `I`, so they
289 // are order-independent. It is safe to assume that `R` will not conflict
290 // with any replacement before `I` since all replacements before `I` must
291 // either end before `R` or end at `R` but has length > 0 (if the
292 // replacement before `I` is an insertion at `R`, it would have been `I`
293 // since it is a lower bound of `AtEnd` and ordered before the current `I`
294 // in the set).
295 Replaces.insert(x: R);
296 return llvm::Error::success();
297 }
299 // `I` is the smallest iterator (after `R`) whose entry cannot overlap.
300 // If that is begin(), there are no overlaps.
301 if (I == Replaces.begin()) {
302 Replaces.insert(x: R);
303 return llvm::Error::success();
304 }
305 --I;
306 auto Overlap = [](const Replacement &R1, const Replacement &R2) -> bool {
307 return Range(R1.getOffset(), R1.getLength())
308 .overlapsWith(RHS: Range(R2.getOffset(), R2.getLength()));
309 };
310 // If the previous entry does not overlap, we know that entries before it
311 // can also not overlap.
312 if (!Overlap(R, *I)) {
313 // If `R` and `I` do not have the same offset, it is safe to add `R` since
314 // it must come after `I`. Otherwise:
315 // - If `R` is an insertion, `I` must not be an insertion since it would
316 // have come after `AtEnd`.
317 // - If `R` is not an insertion, `I` must be an insertion; otherwise, `R`
318 // and `I` would have overlapped.
319 // In either case, we can safely insert `R`.
320 Replaces.insert(x: R);
321 } else {
322 // `I` overlaps with `R`. We need to check `R` against all overlapping
323 // replacements to see if they are order-independent. If they are, merge `R`
324 // with them and replace them with the merged replacements.
325 auto MergeBegin = I;
326 auto MergeEnd = std::next(x: I);
327 while (I != Replaces.begin()) {
328 --I;
329 // If `I` doesn't overlap with `R`, don't merge it.
330 if (!Overlap(R, *I))
331 break;
332 MergeBegin = I;
333 }
334 Replacements OverlapReplaces(MergeBegin, MergeEnd);
335 llvm::Expected<Replacements> Merged =
336 OverlapReplaces.mergeIfOrderIndependent(R);
337 if (!Merged)
338 return Merged.takeError();
339 Replaces.erase(first: MergeBegin, last: MergeEnd);
340 Replaces.insert(first: Merged->begin(), last: Merged->end());
341 }
342 return llvm::Error::success();
345namespace {
347// Represents a merged replacement, i.e. a replacement consisting of multiple
348// overlapping replacements from 'First' and 'Second' in mergeReplacements.
350// Position projection:
351// Offsets and lengths of the replacements can generally refer to two different
352// coordinate spaces. Replacements from 'First' refer to the original text
353// whereas replacements from 'Second' refer to the text after applying 'First'.
355// MergedReplacement always operates in the coordinate space of the original
356// text, i.e. transforms elements from 'Second' to take into account what was
357// changed based on the elements from 'First'.
359// We can correctly calculate this projection as we look at the replacements in
360// order of strictly increasing offsets.
362// Invariants:
363// * We always merge elements from 'First' into elements from 'Second' and vice
364// versa. Within each set, the replacements are non-overlapping.
365// * We only extend to the right, i.e. merge elements with strictly increasing
366// offsets.
367class MergedReplacement {
369 MergedReplacement(const Replacement &R, bool MergeSecond, int D)
370 : MergeSecond(MergeSecond), Delta(D), FilePath(R.getFilePath()),
371 Offset(R.getOffset() + (MergeSecond ? 0 : Delta)),
372 Length(R.getLength()), Text(std::string(R.getReplacementText())) {
373 Delta += MergeSecond ? 0 : Text.size() - Length;
374 DeltaFirst = MergeSecond ? Text.size() - Length : 0;
375 }
377 // Merges the next element 'R' into this merged element. As we always merge
378 // from 'First' into 'Second' or vice versa, the MergedReplacement knows what
379 // set the next element is coming from.
380 void merge(const Replacement &R) {
381 if (MergeSecond) {
382 unsigned REnd = R.getOffset() + Delta + R.getLength();
383 unsigned End = Offset + Text.size();
384 if (REnd > End) {
385 Length += REnd - End;
386 MergeSecond = false;
387 }
388 StringRef TextRef = Text;
389 StringRef Head = TextRef.substr(Start: 0, N: R.getOffset() + Delta - Offset);
390 StringRef Tail = TextRef.substr(Start: REnd - Offset);
391 Text = (Head + R.getReplacementText() + Tail).str();
392 Delta += R.getReplacementText().size() - R.getLength();
393 } else {
394 unsigned End = Offset + Length;
395 StringRef RText = R.getReplacementText();
396 StringRef Tail = RText.substr(Start: End - R.getOffset());
397 Text = (Text + Tail).str();
398 if (R.getOffset() + RText.size() > End) {
399 Length = R.getOffset() + R.getLength() - Offset;
400 MergeSecond = true;
401 } else {
402 Length += R.getLength() - RText.size();
403 }
404 DeltaFirst += RText.size() - R.getLength();
405 }
406 }
408 // Returns 'true' if 'R' starts strictly after the MergedReplacement and thus
409 // doesn't need to be merged.
410 bool endsBefore(const Replacement &R) const {
411 if (MergeSecond)
412 return Offset + Text.size() < R.getOffset() + Delta;
413 return Offset + Length < R.getOffset();
414 }
416 // Returns 'true' if an element from the second set should be merged next.
417 bool mergeSecond() const { return MergeSecond; }
419 int deltaFirst() const { return DeltaFirst; }
420 Replacement asReplacement() const { return {FilePath, Offset, Length, Text}; }
423 bool MergeSecond;
425 // Amount of characters that elements from 'Second' need to be shifted by in
426 // order to refer to the original text.
427 int Delta;
429 // Sum of all deltas (text-length - length) of elements from 'First' merged
430 // into this element. This is used to update 'Delta' once the
431 // MergedReplacement is completed.
432 int DeltaFirst;
434 // Data of the actually merged replacement. FilePath and Offset aren't changed
435 // as the element is only extended to the right.
436 const StringRef FilePath;
437 const unsigned Offset;
438 unsigned Length;
439 std::string Text;
442} // namespace
444Replacements Replacements::merge(const Replacements &ReplacesToMerge) const {
445 if (empty() || ReplacesToMerge.empty())
446 return empty() ? ReplacesToMerge : *this;
448 auto &First = Replaces;
449 auto &Second = ReplacesToMerge.Replaces;
450 // Delta is the amount of characters that replacements from 'Second' need to
451 // be shifted so that their offsets refer to the original text.
452 int Delta = 0;
453 ReplacementsImpl Result;
455 // Iterate over both sets and always add the next element (smallest total
456 // Offset) from either 'First' or 'Second'. Merge that element with
457 // subsequent replacements as long as they overlap. See more details in the
458 // comment on MergedReplacement.
459 for (auto FirstI = First.begin(), SecondI = Second.begin();
460 FirstI != First.end() || SecondI != Second.end();) {
461 bool NextIsFirst = SecondI == Second.end() ||
462 (FirstI != First.end() &&
463 FirstI->getOffset() < SecondI->getOffset() + Delta);
464 MergedReplacement Merged(NextIsFirst ? *FirstI : *SecondI, NextIsFirst,
465 Delta);
466 ++(NextIsFirst ? FirstI : SecondI);
468 while ((Merged.mergeSecond() && SecondI != Second.end()) ||
469 (!Merged.mergeSecond() && FirstI != First.end())) {
470 auto &I = Merged.mergeSecond() ? SecondI : FirstI;
471 if (Merged.endsBefore(R: *I))
472 break;
473 Merged.merge(R: *I);
474 ++I;
475 }
476 Delta -= Merged.deltaFirst();
477 Result.insert(x: Merged.asReplacement());
478 }
479 return Replacements(Result.begin(), Result.end());
482// Combines overlapping ranges in \p Ranges and sorts the combined ranges.
483// Returns a set of non-overlapping and sorted ranges that is equivalent to
484// \p Ranges.
485static std::vector<Range> combineAndSortRanges(std::vector<Range> Ranges) {
486 llvm::sort(C&: Ranges, Comp: [](const Range &LHS, const Range &RHS) {
487 if (LHS.getOffset() != RHS.getOffset())
488 return LHS.getOffset() < RHS.getOffset();
489 return LHS.getLength() < RHS.getLength();
490 });
491 std::vector<Range> Result;
492 for (const auto &R : Ranges) {
493 if (Result.empty() ||
494 Result.back().getOffset() + Result.back().getLength() < R.getOffset()) {
495 Result.push_back(x: R);
496 } else {
497 unsigned NewEnd =
498 std::max(a: Result.back().getOffset() + Result.back().getLength(),
499 b: R.getOffset() + R.getLength());
500 Result[Result.size() - 1] =
501 Range(Result.back().getOffset(), NewEnd - Result.back().getOffset());
502 }
503 }
504 return Result;
507namespace clang {
508namespace tooling {
511calculateRangesAfterReplacements(const Replacements &Replaces,
512 const std::vector<Range> &Ranges) {
513 // To calculate the new ranges,
514 // - Turn \p Ranges into Replacements at (offset, length) with an empty
515 // (unimportant) replacement text of length "length".
516 // - Merge with \p Replaces.
517 // - The new ranges will be the affected ranges of the merged replacements.
518 auto MergedRanges = combineAndSortRanges(Ranges);
519 if (Replaces.empty())
520 return MergedRanges;
521 tooling::Replacements FakeReplaces;
522 for (const auto &R : MergedRanges) {
523 llvm::cantFail(
524 Err: FakeReplaces.add(R: Replacement(Replaces.begin()->getFilePath(),
525 R.getOffset(), R.getLength(),
526 std::string(R.getLength(), ' '))),
527 Msg: "Replacements must not conflict since ranges have been merged.");
528 }
529 return FakeReplaces.merge(ReplacesToMerge: Replaces).getAffectedRanges();
532} // namespace tooling
533} // namespace clang
535std::vector<Range> Replacements::getAffectedRanges() const {
536 std::vector<Range> ChangedRanges;
537 int Shift = 0;
538 for (const auto &R : Replaces) {
539 unsigned Offset = R.getOffset() + Shift;
540 unsigned Length = R.getReplacementText().size();
541 Shift += Length - R.getLength();
542 ChangedRanges.push_back(x: Range(Offset, Length));
543 }
544 return combineAndSortRanges(Ranges: ChangedRanges);
547unsigned Replacements::getShiftedCodePosition(unsigned Position) const {
548 unsigned Offset = 0;
549 for (const auto &R : Replaces) {
550 if (R.getOffset() + R.getLength() <= Position) {
551 Offset += R.getReplacementText().size() - R.getLength();
552 continue;
553 }
554 if (R.getOffset() < Position &&
555 R.getOffset() + R.getReplacementText().size() <= Position) {
556 Position = R.getOffset() + R.getReplacementText().size();
557 if (!R.getReplacementText().empty())
558 Position--;
559 }
560 break;
561 }
562 return Position + Offset;
565namespace clang {
566namespace tooling {
568bool applyAllReplacements(const Replacements &Replaces, Rewriter &Rewrite) {
569 bool Result = true;
570 for (auto I = Replaces.rbegin(), E = Replaces.rend(); I != E; ++I) {
571 if (I->isApplicable()) {
572 Result = I->apply(Rewrite) && Result;
573 } else {
574 Result = false;
575 }
576 }
577 return Result;
580llvm::Expected<std::string> applyAllReplacements(StringRef Code,
581 const Replacements &Replaces) {
582 if (Replaces.empty())
583 return Code.str();
585 IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem> InMemoryFileSystem(
586 new llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem);
587 FileManager Files(FileSystemOptions(), InMemoryFileSystem);
588 DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics(
589 IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs>(new DiagnosticIDs),
590 new DiagnosticOptions);
591 SourceManager SourceMgr(Diagnostics, Files);
592 Rewriter Rewrite(SourceMgr, LangOptions());
593 InMemoryFileSystem->addFile(
594 Path: "<stdin>", ModificationTime: 0, Buffer: llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(InputData: Code, BufferName: "<stdin>"));
595 FileID ID = SourceMgr.createFileID(SourceFile: *Files.getOptionalFileRef(Filename: "<stdin>"),
596 IncludePos: SourceLocation(),
597 FileCharacter: clang::SrcMgr::C_User);
598 for (auto I = Replaces.rbegin(), E = Replaces.rend(); I != E; ++I) {
599 Replacement Replace("<stdin>", I->getOffset(), I->getLength(),
600 I->getReplacementText());
601 if (!Replace.apply(Rewrite))
602 return llvm::make_error<ReplacementError>(
603 Args: replacement_error::fail_to_apply, Args&: Replace);
604 }
605 std::string Result;
606 llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Result);
607 Rewrite.getEditBuffer(FID: ID).write(Stream&: OS);
608 OS.flush();
609 return Result;
612std::map<std::string, Replacements> groupReplacementsByFile(
613 FileManager &FileMgr,
614 const std::map<std::string, Replacements> &FileToReplaces) {
615 std::map<std::string, Replacements> Result;
616 llvm::SmallPtrSet<const FileEntry *, 16> ProcessedFileEntries;
617 for (const auto &Entry : FileToReplaces) {
618 auto FE = FileMgr.getFile(Filename: Entry.first);
619 if (!FE)
620 llvm::errs() << "File path " << Entry.first << " is invalid.\n";
621 else if (ProcessedFileEntries.insert(Ptr: *FE).second)
622 Result[Entry.first] = std::move(Entry.second);
623 }
624 return Result;
627} // namespace tooling
628} // namespace clang

source code of clang/lib/Tooling/Core/Replacement.cpp