1//===-- combined.h ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
12#include "allocator_config_wrapper.h"
13#include "atomic_helpers.h"
14#include "chunk.h"
15#include "common.h"
16#include "flags.h"
17#include "flags_parser.h"
18#include "local_cache.h"
19#include "mem_map.h"
20#include "memtag.h"
21#include "mutex.h"
22#include "options.h"
23#include "quarantine.h"
24#include "report.h"
25#include "secondary.h"
26#include "stack_depot.h"
27#include "string_utils.h"
28#include "tsd.h"
30#include "scudo/interface.h"
33#include "gwp_asan/guarded_pool_allocator.h"
34#include "gwp_asan/optional/backtrace.h"
35#include "gwp_asan/optional/segv_handler.h"
36#endif // GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
38extern "C" inline void EmptyCallback() {}
41// This function is not part of the NDK so it does not appear in any public
42// header files. We only declare/use it when targeting the platform.
43extern "C" size_t android_unsafe_frame_pointer_chase(scudo::uptr *buf,
44 size_t num_entries);
47namespace scudo {
49template <class Config, void (*PostInitCallback)(void) = EmptyCallback>
50class Allocator {
52 using AllocatorConfig = BaseConfig<Config>;
53 using PrimaryT =
54 typename AllocatorConfig::template PrimaryT<PrimaryConfig<Config>>;
55 using SecondaryT =
56 typename AllocatorConfig::template SecondaryT<SecondaryConfig<Config>>;
57 using CacheT = typename PrimaryT::CacheT;
58 typedef Allocator<Config, PostInitCallback> ThisT;
59 typedef typename AllocatorConfig::template TSDRegistryT<ThisT> TSDRegistryT;
61 void callPostInitCallback() {
62 pthread_once(once_control: &PostInitNonce, init_routine: PostInitCallback);
63 }
65 struct QuarantineCallback {
66 explicit QuarantineCallback(ThisT &Instance, CacheT &LocalCache)
67 : Allocator(Instance), Cache(LocalCache) {}
69 // Chunk recycling function, returns a quarantined chunk to the backend,
70 // first making sure it hasn't been tampered with.
71 void recycle(void *Ptr) {
72 Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header;
73 Chunk::loadHeader(Cookie: Allocator.Cookie, Ptr, NewUnpackedHeader: &Header);
74 if (UNLIKELY(Header.State != Chunk::State::Quarantined))
75 reportInvalidChunkState(Action: AllocatorAction::Recycling, Ptr);
77 Header.State = Chunk::State::Available;
78 Chunk::storeHeader(Cookie: Allocator.Cookie, Ptr, NewUnpackedHeader: &Header);
80 if (allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>())
81 Ptr = untagPointer(Ptr);
82 void *BlockBegin = Allocator::getBlockBegin(Ptr, Header: &Header);
83 Cache.deallocate(Header.ClassId, BlockBegin);
84 }
86 // We take a shortcut when allocating a quarantine batch by working with the
87 // appropriate class ID instead of using Size. The compiler should optimize
88 // the class ID computation and work with the associated cache directly.
89 void *allocate(UNUSED uptr Size) {
90 const uptr QuarantineClassId = SizeClassMap::getClassIdBySize(
91 sizeof(QuarantineBatch) + Chunk::getHeaderSize());
92 void *Ptr = Cache.allocate(QuarantineClassId);
93 // Quarantine batch allocation failure is fatal.
94 if (UNLIKELY(!Ptr))
95 reportOutOfMemory(SizeClassMap::getSizeByClassId(QuarantineClassId));
97 Ptr = reinterpret_cast<void *>(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr) +
98 Chunk::getHeaderSize());
99 Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header = {};
100 Header.ClassId = QuarantineClassId & Chunk::ClassIdMask;
101 Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes = sizeof(QuarantineBatch);
102 Header.State = Chunk::State::Allocated;
103 Chunk::storeHeader(Cookie: Allocator.Cookie, Ptr, NewUnpackedHeader: &Header);
105 // Reset tag to 0 as this chunk may have been previously used for a tagged
106 // user allocation.
107 if (UNLIKELY(useMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>(
108 Allocator.Primary.Options.load())))
109 storeTags(Begin: reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr),
110 End: reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr) + sizeof(QuarantineBatch));
112 return Ptr;
113 }
115 void deallocate(void *Ptr) {
116 const uptr QuarantineClassId = SizeClassMap::getClassIdBySize(
117 sizeof(QuarantineBatch) + Chunk::getHeaderSize());
118 Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header;
119 Chunk::loadHeader(Cookie: Allocator.Cookie, Ptr, NewUnpackedHeader: &Header);
121 if (UNLIKELY(Header.State != Chunk::State::Allocated))
122 reportInvalidChunkState(Action: AllocatorAction::Deallocating, Ptr);
123 DCHECK_EQ(Header.ClassId, QuarantineClassId);
124 DCHECK_EQ(Header.Offset, 0);
125 DCHECK_EQ(Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes, sizeof(QuarantineBatch));
127 Header.State = Chunk::State::Available;
128 Chunk::storeHeader(Cookie: Allocator.Cookie, Ptr, NewUnpackedHeader: &Header);
129 Cache.deallocate(QuarantineClassId,
130 reinterpret_cast<void *>(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr) -
131 Chunk::getHeaderSize()));
132 }
134 private:
135 ThisT &Allocator;
136 CacheT &Cache;
137 };
139 typedef GlobalQuarantine<QuarantineCallback, void> QuarantineT;
140 typedef typename QuarantineT::CacheT QuarantineCacheT;
142 void init() {
143 performSanityChecks();
145 // Check if hardware CRC32 is supported in the binary and by the platform,
146 // if so, opt for the CRC32 hardware version of the checksum.
147 if (&computeHardwareCRC32 && hasHardwareCRC32())
148 HashAlgorithm = Checksum::HardwareCRC32;
150 if (UNLIKELY(!getRandom(&Cookie, sizeof(Cookie))))
151 Cookie = static_cast<u32>(getMonotonicTime() ^
152 (reinterpret_cast<uptr>(this) >> 4));
154 initFlags();
155 reportUnrecognizedFlags();
157 // Store some flags locally.
158 if (getFlags()->may_return_null)
159 Primary.Options.set(OptionBit::MayReturnNull);
160 if (getFlags()->zero_contents)
161 Primary.Options.setFillContentsMode(ZeroFill);
162 else if (getFlags()->pattern_fill_contents)
163 Primary.Options.setFillContentsMode(PatternOrZeroFill);
164 if (getFlags()->dealloc_type_mismatch)
165 Primary.Options.set(OptionBit::DeallocTypeMismatch);
166 if (getFlags()->delete_size_mismatch)
167 Primary.Options.set(OptionBit::DeleteSizeMismatch);
168 if (allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>() &&
169 systemSupportsMemoryTagging())
170 Primary.Options.set(OptionBit::UseMemoryTagging);
172 QuarantineMaxChunkSize =
173 static_cast<u32>(getFlags()->quarantine_max_chunk_size);
175 Stats.init();
176 const s32 ReleaseToOsIntervalMs = getFlags()->release_to_os_interval_ms;
177 Primary.init(ReleaseToOsIntervalMs);
178 Secondary.init(&Stats, ReleaseToOsIntervalMs);
179 Quarantine.init(
180 static_cast<uptr>(getFlags()->quarantine_size_kb << 10),
181 static_cast<uptr>(getFlags()->thread_local_quarantine_size_kb << 10));
182 }
184 void enableRingBuffer() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
185 AllocationRingBuffer *RB = getRingBuffer();
186 if (RB)
187 RB->Depot->enable();
188 RingBufferInitLock.unlock();
189 }
191 void disableRingBuffer() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
192 RingBufferInitLock.lock();
193 AllocationRingBuffer *RB = getRingBuffer();
194 if (RB)
195 RB->Depot->disable();
196 }
198 // Initialize the embedded GWP-ASan instance. Requires the main allocator to
199 // be functional, best called from PostInitCallback.
200 void initGwpAsan() {
201#ifdef GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
202 gwp_asan::options::Options Opt;
203 Opt.Enabled = getFlags()->GWP_ASAN_Enabled;
204 Opt.MaxSimultaneousAllocations =
205 getFlags()->GWP_ASAN_MaxSimultaneousAllocations;
206 Opt.SampleRate = getFlags()->GWP_ASAN_SampleRate;
207 Opt.InstallSignalHandlers = getFlags()->GWP_ASAN_InstallSignalHandlers;
208 Opt.Recoverable = getFlags()->GWP_ASAN_Recoverable;
209 // Embedded GWP-ASan is locked through the Scudo atfork handler (via
210 // Allocator::disable calling GWPASan.disable). Disable GWP-ASan's atfork
211 // handler.
212 Opt.InstallForkHandlers = false;
213 Opt.Backtrace = gwp_asan::backtrace::getBacktraceFunction();
214 GuardedAlloc.init(Opts: Opt);
216 if (Opt.InstallSignalHandlers)
217 gwp_asan::segv_handler::installSignalHandlers(
218 GPA: &GuardedAlloc, Printf,
219 PrintBacktrace: gwp_asan::backtrace::getPrintBacktraceFunction(),
220 SegvBacktrace: gwp_asan::backtrace::getSegvBacktraceFunction(),
221 Recoverable: Opt.Recoverable);
223 GuardedAllocSlotSize =
224 GuardedAlloc.getAllocatorState()->maximumAllocationSize();
225 Stats.add(I: StatFree, V: static_cast<uptr>(Opt.MaxSimultaneousAllocations) *
226 GuardedAllocSlotSize);
227#endif // GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
228 }
230#ifdef GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
231 const gwp_asan::AllocationMetadata *getGwpAsanAllocationMetadata() {
232 return GuardedAlloc.getMetadataRegion();
233 }
235 const gwp_asan::AllocatorState *getGwpAsanAllocatorState() {
236 return GuardedAlloc.getAllocatorState();
237 }
238#endif // GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
240 ALWAYS_INLINE void initThreadMaybe(bool MinimalInit = false) {
241 TSDRegistry.initThreadMaybe(this, MinimalInit);
242 }
244 void unmapTestOnly() {
245 unmapRingBuffer();
246 TSDRegistry.unmapTestOnly(this);
247 Primary.unmapTestOnly();
248 Secondary.unmapTestOnly();
249#ifdef GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
250 if (getFlags()->GWP_ASAN_InstallSignalHandlers)
251 gwp_asan::segv_handler::uninstallSignalHandlers();
252 GuardedAlloc.uninitTestOnly();
253#endif // GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
254 }
256 TSDRegistryT *getTSDRegistry() { return &TSDRegistry; }
257 QuarantineT *getQuarantine() { return &Quarantine; }
259 // The Cache must be provided zero-initialized.
260 void initCache(CacheT *Cache) { Cache->init(&Stats, &Primary); }
262 // Release the resources used by a TSD, which involves:
263 // - draining the local quarantine cache to the global quarantine;
264 // - releasing the cached pointers back to the Primary;
265 // - unlinking the local stats from the global ones (destroying the cache does
266 // the last two items).
267 void commitBack(TSD<ThisT> *TSD) {
268 TSD->assertLocked(/*BypassCheck=*/true);
269 Quarantine.drain(&TSD->getQuarantineCache(),
270 QuarantineCallback(*this, TSD->getCache()));
271 TSD->getCache().destroy(&Stats);
272 }
274 void drainCache(TSD<ThisT> *TSD) {
275 TSD->assertLocked(/*BypassCheck=*/true);
276 Quarantine.drainAndRecycle(&TSD->getQuarantineCache(),
277 QuarantineCallback(*this, TSD->getCache()));
278 TSD->getCache().drain();
279 }
280 void drainCaches() { TSDRegistry.drainCaches(this); }
282 ALWAYS_INLINE void *getHeaderTaggedPointer(void *Ptr) {
283 if (!allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>())
284 return Ptr;
285 auto UntaggedPtr = untagPointer(Ptr);
286 if (UntaggedPtr != Ptr)
287 return UntaggedPtr;
288 // Secondary, or pointer allocated while memory tagging is unsupported or
289 // disabled. The tag mismatch is okay in the latter case because tags will
290 // not be checked.
291 return addHeaderTag(Ptr);
292 }
294 ALWAYS_INLINE uptr addHeaderTag(uptr Ptr) {
295 if (!allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>())
296 return Ptr;
297 return addFixedTag(Ptr, Tag: 2);
298 }
300 ALWAYS_INLINE void *addHeaderTag(void *Ptr) {
301 return reinterpret_cast<void *>(addHeaderTag(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr)));
302 }
304 NOINLINE u32 collectStackTrace(UNUSED StackDepot *Depot) {
306 // Discard collectStackTrace() frame and allocator function frame.
307 constexpr uptr DiscardFrames = 2;
308 uptr Stack[MaxTraceSize + DiscardFrames];
309 uptr Size =
310 android_unsafe_frame_pointer_chase(Stack, MaxTraceSize + DiscardFrames);
311 Size = Min<uptr>(Size, MaxTraceSize + DiscardFrames);
312 return Depot->insert(Stack + Min<uptr>(DiscardFrames, Size), Stack + Size);
314 return 0;
316 }
318 uptr computeOddEvenMaskForPointerMaybe(const Options &Options, uptr Ptr,
319 uptr ClassId) {
320 if (!Options.get(Opt: OptionBit::UseOddEvenTags))
321 return 0;
323 // If a chunk's tag is odd, we want the tags of the surrounding blocks to be
324 // even, and vice versa. Blocks are laid out Size bytes apart, and adding
325 // Size to Ptr will flip the least significant set bit of Size in Ptr, so
326 // that bit will have the pattern 010101... for consecutive blocks, which we
327 // can use to determine which tag mask to use.
328 return 0x5555U << ((Ptr >> SizeClassMap::getSizeLSBByClassId(ClassId)) & 1);
329 }
331 NOINLINE void *allocate(uptr Size, Chunk::Origin Origin,
332 uptr Alignment = MinAlignment,
333 bool ZeroContents = false) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
334 initThreadMaybe();
336 const Options Options = Primary.Options.load();
337 if (UNLIKELY(Alignment > MaxAlignment)) {
338 if (Options.get(Opt: OptionBit::MayReturnNull))
339 return nullptr;
340 reportAlignmentTooBig(Alignment, MaxAlignment);
341 }
342 if (Alignment < MinAlignment)
343 Alignment = MinAlignment;
345#ifdef GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
346 if (UNLIKELY(GuardedAlloc.shouldSample())) {
347 if (void *Ptr = GuardedAlloc.allocate(Size, Alignment)) {
348 Stats.lock();
349 Stats.add(I: StatAllocated, V: GuardedAllocSlotSize);
350 Stats.sub(I: StatFree, V: GuardedAllocSlotSize);
351 Stats.unlock();
352 return Ptr;
353 }
354 }
355#endif // GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
357 const FillContentsMode FillContents = ZeroContents ? ZeroFill
358 : TSDRegistry.getDisableMemInit()
359 ? NoFill
360 : Options.getFillContentsMode();
362 // If the requested size happens to be 0 (more common than you might think),
363 // allocate MinAlignment bytes on top of the header. Then add the extra
364 // bytes required to fulfill the alignment requirements: we allocate enough
365 // to be sure that there will be an address in the block that will satisfy
366 // the alignment.
367 const uptr NeededSize =
368 roundUp(X: Size, Boundary: MinAlignment) +
369 ((Alignment > MinAlignment) ? Alignment : Chunk::getHeaderSize());
371 // Takes care of extravagantly large sizes as well as integer overflows.
372 static_assert(MaxAllowedMallocSize < UINTPTR_MAX - MaxAlignment, "");
373 if (UNLIKELY(Size >= MaxAllowedMallocSize)) {
374 if (Options.get(Opt: OptionBit::MayReturnNull))
375 return nullptr;
376 reportAllocationSizeTooBig(UserSize: Size, TotalSize: NeededSize, MaxSize: MaxAllowedMallocSize);
377 }
378 DCHECK_LE(Size, NeededSize);
380 void *Block = nullptr;
381 uptr ClassId = 0;
382 uptr SecondaryBlockEnd = 0;
383 if (LIKELY(PrimaryT::canAllocate(NeededSize))) {
384 ClassId = SizeClassMap::getClassIdBySize(NeededSize);
385 DCHECK_NE(ClassId, 0U);
386 typename TSDRegistryT::ScopedTSD TSD(TSDRegistry);
387 Block = TSD->getCache().allocate(ClassId);
388 // If the allocation failed, retry in each successively larger class until
389 // it fits. If it fails to fit in the largest class, fallback to the
390 // Secondary.
391 if (UNLIKELY(!Block)) {
392 while (ClassId < SizeClassMap::LargestClassId && !Block)
393 Block = TSD->getCache().allocate(++ClassId);
394 if (!Block)
395 ClassId = 0;
396 }
397 }
398 if (UNLIKELY(ClassId == 0)) {
399 Block = Secondary.allocate(Options, Size, Alignment, &SecondaryBlockEnd,
400 FillContents);
401 }
403 if (UNLIKELY(!Block)) {
404 if (Options.get(Opt: OptionBit::MayReturnNull))
405 return nullptr;
406 printStats();
407 reportOutOfMemory(RequestedSize: NeededSize);
408 }
410 const uptr BlockUptr = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Block);
411 const uptr UnalignedUserPtr = BlockUptr + Chunk::getHeaderSize();
412 const uptr UserPtr = roundUp(X: UnalignedUserPtr, Boundary: Alignment);
414 void *Ptr = reinterpret_cast<void *>(UserPtr);
415 void *TaggedPtr = Ptr;
416 if (LIKELY(ClassId)) {
417 // We only need to zero or tag the contents for Primary backed
418 // allocations. We only set tags for primary allocations in order to avoid
419 // faulting potentially large numbers of pages for large secondary
420 // allocations. We assume that guard pages are enough to protect these
421 // allocations.
422 //
423 // FIXME: When the kernel provides a way to set the background tag of a
424 // mapping, we should be able to tag secondary allocations as well.
425 //
426 // When memory tagging is enabled, zeroing the contents is done as part of
427 // setting the tag.
428 if (UNLIKELY(useMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>(Options))) {
429 uptr PrevUserPtr;
430 Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header;
431 const uptr BlockSize = PrimaryT::getSizeByClassId(ClassId);
432 const uptr BlockEnd = BlockUptr + BlockSize;
433 // If possible, try to reuse the UAF tag that was set by deallocate().
434 // For simplicity, only reuse tags if we have the same start address as
435 // the previous allocation. This handles the majority of cases since
436 // most allocations will not be more aligned than the minimum alignment.
437 //
438 // We need to handle situations involving reclaimed chunks, and retag
439 // the reclaimed portions if necessary. In the case where the chunk is
440 // fully reclaimed, the chunk's header will be zero, which will trigger
441 // the code path for new mappings and invalid chunks that prepares the
442 // chunk from scratch. There are three possibilities for partial
443 // reclaiming:
444 //
445 // (1) Header was reclaimed, data was partially reclaimed.
446 // (2) Header was not reclaimed, all data was reclaimed (e.g. because
447 // data started on a page boundary).
448 // (3) Header was not reclaimed, data was partially reclaimed.
449 //
450 // Case (1) will be handled in the same way as for full reclaiming,
451 // since the header will be zero.
452 //
453 // We can detect case (2) by loading the tag from the start
454 // of the chunk. If it is zero, it means that either all data was
455 // reclaimed (since we never use zero as the chunk tag), or that the
456 // previous allocation was of size zero. Either way, we need to prepare
457 // a new chunk from scratch.
458 //
459 // We can detect case (3) by moving to the next page (if covered by the
460 // chunk) and loading the tag of its first granule. If it is zero, it
461 // means that all following pages may need to be retagged. On the other
462 // hand, if it is nonzero, we can assume that all following pages are
463 // still tagged, according to the logic that if any of the pages
464 // following the next page were reclaimed, the next page would have been
465 // reclaimed as well.
466 uptr TaggedUserPtr;
467 if (getChunkFromBlock(Block: BlockUptr, Chunk: &PrevUserPtr, Header: &Header) &&
468 PrevUserPtr == UserPtr &&
469 (TaggedUserPtr = loadTag(Ptr: UserPtr)) != UserPtr) {
470 uptr PrevEnd = TaggedUserPtr + Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes;
471 const uptr NextPage = roundUp(X: TaggedUserPtr, Boundary: getPageSizeCached());
472 if (NextPage < PrevEnd && loadTag(Ptr: NextPage) != NextPage)
473 PrevEnd = NextPage;
474 TaggedPtr = reinterpret_cast<void *>(TaggedUserPtr);
475 resizeTaggedChunk(OldPtr: PrevEnd, NewPtr: TaggedUserPtr + Size, NewSize: Size, BlockEnd);
476 if (UNLIKELY(FillContents != NoFill && !Header.OriginOrWasZeroed)) {
477 // If an allocation needs to be zeroed (i.e. calloc) we can normally
478 // avoid zeroing the memory now since we can rely on memory having
479 // been zeroed on free, as this is normally done while setting the
480 // UAF tag. But if tagging was disabled per-thread when the memory
481 // was freed, it would not have been retagged and thus zeroed, and
482 // therefore it needs to be zeroed now.
483 memset(s: TaggedPtr, c: 0,
484 n: Min(A: Size, B: roundUp(X: PrevEnd - TaggedUserPtr,
485 Boundary: archMemoryTagGranuleSize())));
486 } else if (Size) {
487 // Clear any stack metadata that may have previously been stored in
488 // the chunk data.
489 memset(s: TaggedPtr, c: 0, n: archMemoryTagGranuleSize());
490 }
491 } else {
492 const uptr OddEvenMask =
493 computeOddEvenMaskForPointerMaybe(Options, Ptr: BlockUptr, ClassId);
494 TaggedPtr = prepareTaggedChunk(Ptr, Size, ExcludeMask: OddEvenMask, BlockEnd);
495 }
496 storePrimaryAllocationStackMaybe(Options, Ptr);
497 } else {
498 Block = addHeaderTag(Block);
499 Ptr = addHeaderTag(Ptr);
500 if (UNLIKELY(FillContents != NoFill)) {
501 // This condition is not necessarily unlikely, but since memset is
502 // costly, we might as well mark it as such.
503 memset(Block, FillContents == ZeroFill ? 0 : PatternFillByte,
504 PrimaryT::getSizeByClassId(ClassId));
505 }
506 }
507 } else {
508 Block = addHeaderTag(Block);
509 Ptr = addHeaderTag(Ptr);
510 if (UNLIKELY(useMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>(Options))) {
511 storeTags(Begin: reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Block), End: reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr));
512 storeSecondaryAllocationStackMaybe(Options, Ptr, Size);
513 }
514 }
516 Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header = {};
517 if (UNLIKELY(UnalignedUserPtr != UserPtr)) {
518 const uptr Offset = UserPtr - UnalignedUserPtr;
519 DCHECK_GE(Offset, 2 * sizeof(u32));
520 // The BlockMarker has no security purpose, but is specifically meant for
521 // the chunk iteration function that can be used in debugging situations.
522 // It is the only situation where we have to locate the start of a chunk
523 // based on its block address.
524 reinterpret_cast<u32 *>(Block)[0] = BlockMarker;
525 reinterpret_cast<u32 *>(Block)[1] = static_cast<u32>(Offset);
526 Header.Offset = (Offset >> MinAlignmentLog) & Chunk::OffsetMask;
527 }
528 Header.ClassId = ClassId & Chunk::ClassIdMask;
529 Header.State = Chunk::State::Allocated;
530 Header.OriginOrWasZeroed = Origin & Chunk::OriginMask;
531 Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes =
532 (ClassId ? Size : SecondaryBlockEnd - (UserPtr + Size)) &
533 Chunk::SizeOrUnusedBytesMask;
534 Chunk::storeHeader(Cookie, Ptr, NewUnpackedHeader: &Header);
536 return TaggedPtr;
537 }
539 NOINLINE void deallocate(void *Ptr, Chunk::Origin Origin, uptr DeleteSize = 0,
540 UNUSED uptr Alignment = MinAlignment) {
541 if (UNLIKELY(!Ptr))
542 return;
544 // For a deallocation, we only ensure minimal initialization, meaning thread
545 // local data will be left uninitialized for now (when using ELF TLS). The
546 // fallback cache will be used instead. This is a workaround for a situation
547 // where the only heap operation performed in a thread would be a free past
548 // the TLS destructors, ending up in initialized thread specific data never
549 // being destroyed properly. Any other heap operation will do a full init.
550 initThreadMaybe(/*MinimalInit=*/MinimalInit: true);
552#ifdef GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
553 if (UNLIKELY(GuardedAlloc.pointerIsMine(Ptr))) {
554 GuardedAlloc.deallocate(Ptr);
555 Stats.lock();
556 Stats.add(I: StatFree, V: GuardedAllocSlotSize);
557 Stats.sub(I: StatAllocated, V: GuardedAllocSlotSize);
558 Stats.unlock();
559 return;
560 }
561#endif // GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
563 if (UNLIKELY(!isAligned(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr), MinAlignment)))
564 reportMisalignedPointer(Action: AllocatorAction::Deallocating, Ptr);
566 void *TaggedPtr = Ptr;
567 Ptr = getHeaderTaggedPointer(Ptr);
569 Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header;
570 Chunk::loadHeader(Cookie, Ptr, NewUnpackedHeader: &Header);
572 if (UNLIKELY(Header.State != Chunk::State::Allocated))
573 reportInvalidChunkState(Action: AllocatorAction::Deallocating, Ptr);
575 const Options Options = Primary.Options.load();
576 if (Options.get(Opt: OptionBit::DeallocTypeMismatch)) {
577 if (UNLIKELY(Header.OriginOrWasZeroed != Origin)) {
578 // With the exception of memalign'd chunks, that can be still be free'd.
579 if (Header.OriginOrWasZeroed != Chunk::Origin::Memalign ||
580 Origin != Chunk::Origin::Malloc)
581 reportDeallocTypeMismatch(Action: AllocatorAction::Deallocating, Ptr,
582 TypeA: Header.OriginOrWasZeroed, TypeB: Origin);
583 }
584 }
586 const uptr Size = getSize(Ptr, Header: &Header);
587 if (DeleteSize && Options.get(Opt: OptionBit::DeleteSizeMismatch)) {
588 if (UNLIKELY(DeleteSize != Size))
589 reportDeleteSizeMismatch(Ptr, Size: DeleteSize, ExpectedSize: Size);
590 }
592 quarantineOrDeallocateChunk(Options, TaggedPtr, Header: &Header, Size);
593 }
595 void *reallocate(void *OldPtr, uptr NewSize, uptr Alignment = MinAlignment) {
596 initThreadMaybe();
598 const Options Options = Primary.Options.load();
599 if (UNLIKELY(NewSize >= MaxAllowedMallocSize)) {
600 if (Options.get(Opt: OptionBit::MayReturnNull))
601 return nullptr;
602 reportAllocationSizeTooBig(UserSize: NewSize, TotalSize: 0, MaxSize: MaxAllowedMallocSize);
603 }
605 // The following cases are handled by the C wrappers.
606 DCHECK_NE(OldPtr, nullptr);
607 DCHECK_NE(NewSize, 0);
609#ifdef GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
610 if (UNLIKELY(GuardedAlloc.pointerIsMine(OldPtr))) {
611 uptr OldSize = GuardedAlloc.getSize(Ptr: OldPtr);
612 void *NewPtr = allocate(Size: NewSize, Origin: Chunk::Origin::Malloc, Alignment);
613 if (NewPtr)
614 memcpy(dest: NewPtr, src: OldPtr, n: (NewSize < OldSize) ? NewSize : OldSize);
615 GuardedAlloc.deallocate(Ptr: OldPtr);
616 Stats.lock();
617 Stats.add(I: StatFree, V: GuardedAllocSlotSize);
618 Stats.sub(I: StatAllocated, V: GuardedAllocSlotSize);
619 Stats.unlock();
620 return NewPtr;
621 }
622#endif // GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
624 void *OldTaggedPtr = OldPtr;
625 OldPtr = getHeaderTaggedPointer(Ptr: OldPtr);
627 if (UNLIKELY(!isAligned(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(OldPtr), MinAlignment)))
628 reportMisalignedPointer(Action: AllocatorAction::Reallocating, Ptr: OldPtr);
630 Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header;
631 Chunk::loadHeader(Cookie, Ptr: OldPtr, NewUnpackedHeader: &Header);
633 if (UNLIKELY(Header.State != Chunk::State::Allocated))
634 reportInvalidChunkState(Action: AllocatorAction::Reallocating, Ptr: OldPtr);
636 // Pointer has to be allocated with a malloc-type function. Some
637 // applications think that it is OK to realloc a memalign'ed pointer, which
638 // will trigger this check. It really isn't.
639 if (Options.get(Opt: OptionBit::DeallocTypeMismatch)) {
640 if (UNLIKELY(Header.OriginOrWasZeroed != Chunk::Origin::Malloc))
641 reportDeallocTypeMismatch(Action: AllocatorAction::Reallocating, Ptr: OldPtr,
642 TypeA: Header.OriginOrWasZeroed,
643 TypeB: Chunk::Origin::Malloc);
644 }
646 void *BlockBegin = getBlockBegin(Ptr: OldTaggedPtr, Header: &Header);
647 uptr BlockEnd;
648 uptr OldSize;
649 const uptr ClassId = Header.ClassId;
650 if (LIKELY(ClassId)) {
651 BlockEnd = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(BlockBegin) +
652 SizeClassMap::getSizeByClassId(ClassId);
653 OldSize = Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes;
654 } else {
655 BlockEnd = SecondaryT::getBlockEnd(BlockBegin);
656 OldSize = BlockEnd - (reinterpret_cast<uptr>(OldTaggedPtr) +
657 Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes);
658 }
659 // If the new chunk still fits in the previously allocated block (with a
660 // reasonable delta), we just keep the old block, and update the chunk
661 // header to reflect the size change.
662 if (reinterpret_cast<uptr>(OldTaggedPtr) + NewSize <= BlockEnd) {
663 if (NewSize > OldSize || (OldSize - NewSize) < getPageSizeCached()) {
664 Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes =
665 (ClassId ? NewSize
666 : BlockEnd -
667 (reinterpret_cast<uptr>(OldTaggedPtr) + NewSize)) &
668 Chunk::SizeOrUnusedBytesMask;
669 Chunk::storeHeader(Cookie, Ptr: OldPtr, NewUnpackedHeader: &Header);
670 if (UNLIKELY(useMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>(Options))) {
671 if (ClassId) {
672 resizeTaggedChunk(OldPtr: reinterpret_cast<uptr>(OldTaggedPtr) + OldSize,
673 NewPtr: reinterpret_cast<uptr>(OldTaggedPtr) + NewSize,
674 NewSize, BlockEnd: untagPointer(Ptr: BlockEnd));
675 storePrimaryAllocationStackMaybe(Options, Ptr: OldPtr);
676 } else {
677 storeSecondaryAllocationStackMaybe(Options, Ptr: OldPtr, Size: NewSize);
678 }
679 }
680 return OldTaggedPtr;
681 }
682 }
684 // Otherwise we allocate a new one, and deallocate the old one. Some
685 // allocators will allocate an even larger chunk (by a fixed factor) to
686 // allow for potential further in-place realloc. The gains of such a trick
687 // are currently unclear.
688 void *NewPtr = allocate(Size: NewSize, Origin: Chunk::Origin::Malloc, Alignment);
689 if (LIKELY(NewPtr)) {
690 memcpy(dest: NewPtr, src: OldTaggedPtr, n: Min(A: NewSize, B: OldSize));
691 quarantineOrDeallocateChunk(Options, TaggedPtr: OldTaggedPtr, Header: &Header, Size: OldSize);
692 }
693 return NewPtr;
694 }
696 // TODO(kostyak): disable() is currently best-effort. There are some small
697 // windows of time when an allocation could still succeed after
698 // this function finishes. We will revisit that later.
699 void disable() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
700 initThreadMaybe();
701#ifdef GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
702 GuardedAlloc.disable();
704 TSDRegistry.disable();
705 Stats.disable();
706 Quarantine.disable();
707 Primary.disable();
708 Secondary.disable();
709 disableRingBuffer();
710 }
712 void enable() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
713 initThreadMaybe();
714 enableRingBuffer();
715 Secondary.enable();
716 Primary.enable();
717 Quarantine.enable();
718 Stats.enable();
719 TSDRegistry.enable();
720#ifdef GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
721 GuardedAlloc.enable();
723 }
725 // The function returns the amount of bytes required to store the statistics,
726 // which might be larger than the amount of bytes provided. Note that the
727 // statistics buffer is not necessarily constant between calls to this
728 // function. This can be called with a null buffer or zero size for buffer
729 // sizing purposes.
730 uptr getStats(char *Buffer, uptr Size) {
731 ScopedString Str;
732 const uptr Length = getStats(&Str) + 1;
733 if (Length < Size)
734 Size = Length;
735 if (Buffer && Size) {
736 memcpy(dest: Buffer, src: Str.data(), n: Size);
737 Buffer[Size - 1] = '\0';
738 }
739 return Length;
740 }
742 void printStats() {
743 ScopedString Str;
744 getStats(&Str);
745 Str.output();
746 }
748 void printFragmentationInfo() {
749 ScopedString Str;
750 Primary.getFragmentationInfo(&Str);
751 // Secondary allocator dumps the fragmentation data in getStats().
752 Str.output();
753 }
755 void releaseToOS(ReleaseToOS ReleaseType) {
756 initThreadMaybe();
757 if (ReleaseType == ReleaseToOS::ForceAll)
758 drainCaches();
759 Primary.releaseToOS(ReleaseType);
760 Secondary.releaseToOS();
761 }
763 // Iterate over all chunks and call a callback for all busy chunks located
764 // within the provided memory range. Said callback must not use this allocator
765 // or a deadlock can ensue. This fits Android's malloc_iterate() needs.
766 void iterateOverChunks(uptr Base, uptr Size, iterate_callback Callback,
767 void *Arg) {
768 initThreadMaybe();
769 if (archSupportsMemoryTagging())
770 Base = untagPointer(Ptr: Base);
771 const uptr From = Base;
772 const uptr To = Base + Size;
773 bool MayHaveTaggedPrimary =
774 allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>() &&
775 systemSupportsMemoryTagging();
776 auto Lambda = [this, From, To, MayHaveTaggedPrimary, Callback,
777 Arg](uptr Block) {
778 if (Block < From || Block >= To)
779 return;
780 uptr Chunk;
781 Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header;
782 if (MayHaveTaggedPrimary) {
783 // A chunk header can either have a zero tag (tagged primary) or the
784 // header tag (secondary, or untagged primary). We don't know which so
785 // try both.
786 ScopedDisableMemoryTagChecks x;
787 if (!getChunkFromBlock(Block, Chunk: &Chunk, Header: &Header) &&
788 !getChunkFromBlock(Block: addHeaderTag(Block), Chunk: &Chunk, Header: &Header))
789 return;
790 } else {
791 if (!getChunkFromBlock(Block: addHeaderTag(Block), Chunk: &Chunk, Header: &Header))
792 return;
793 }
794 if (Header.State == Chunk::State::Allocated) {
795 uptr TaggedChunk = Chunk;
796 if (allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>())
797 TaggedChunk = untagPointer(Ptr: TaggedChunk);
798 if (useMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>(Primary.Options.load()))
799 TaggedChunk = loadTag(Ptr: Chunk);
800 Callback(TaggedChunk, getSize(Ptr: reinterpret_cast<void *>(Chunk), Header: &Header),
801 Arg);
802 }
803 };
804 Primary.iterateOverBlocks(Lambda);
805 Secondary.iterateOverBlocks(Lambda);
806#ifdef GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
807 GuardedAlloc.iterate(Base: reinterpret_cast<void *>(Base), Size, Cb: Callback, Arg);
809 }
811 bool canReturnNull() {
812 initThreadMaybe();
813 return Primary.Options.load().get(OptionBit::MayReturnNull);
814 }
816 bool setOption(Option O, sptr Value) {
817 initThreadMaybe();
818 if (O == Option::MemtagTuning) {
819 // Enabling odd/even tags involves a tradeoff between use-after-free
820 // detection and buffer overflow detection. Odd/even tags make it more
821 // likely for buffer overflows to be detected by increasing the size of
822 // the guaranteed "red zone" around the allocation, but on the other hand
823 // use-after-free is less likely to be detected because the tag space for
824 // any particular chunk is cut in half. Therefore we use this tuning
825 // setting to control whether odd/even tags are enabled.
827 Primary.Options.set(OptionBit::UseOddEvenTags);
828 else if (Value == M_MEMTAG_TUNING_UAF)
829 Primary.Options.clear(OptionBit::UseOddEvenTags);
830 return true;
831 } else {
832 // We leave it to the various sub-components to decide whether or not they
833 // want to handle the option, but we do not want to short-circuit
834 // execution if one of the setOption was to return false.
835 const bool PrimaryResult = Primary.setOption(O, Value);
836 const bool SecondaryResult = Secondary.setOption(O, Value);
837 const bool RegistryResult = TSDRegistry.setOption(O, Value);
838 return PrimaryResult && SecondaryResult && RegistryResult;
839 }
840 return false;
841 }
843 // Return the usable size for a given chunk. Technically we lie, as we just
844 // report the actual size of a chunk. This is done to counteract code actively
845 // writing past the end of a chunk (like sqlite3) when the usable size allows
846 // for it, which then forces realloc to copy the usable size of a chunk as
847 // opposed to its actual size.
848 uptr getUsableSize(const void *Ptr) {
849 if (UNLIKELY(!Ptr))
850 return 0;
852 return getAllocSize(Ptr);
853 }
855 uptr getAllocSize(const void *Ptr) {
856 initThreadMaybe();
858#ifdef GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
859 if (UNLIKELY(GuardedAlloc.pointerIsMine(Ptr)))
860 return GuardedAlloc.getSize(Ptr);
861#endif // GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
863 Ptr = getHeaderTaggedPointer(Ptr: const_cast<void *>(Ptr));
864 Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header;
865 Chunk::loadHeader(Cookie, Ptr, NewUnpackedHeader: &Header);
867 // Getting the alloc size of a chunk only makes sense if it's allocated.
868 if (UNLIKELY(Header.State != Chunk::State::Allocated))
869 reportInvalidChunkState(Action: AllocatorAction::Sizing, Ptr: const_cast<void *>(Ptr));
871 return getSize(Ptr, Header: &Header);
872 }
874 void getStats(StatCounters S) {
875 initThreadMaybe();
876 Stats.get(S);
877 }
879 // Returns true if the pointer provided was allocated by the current
880 // allocator instance, which is compliant with tcmalloc's ownership concept.
881 // A corrupted chunk will not be reported as owned, which is WAI.
882 bool isOwned(const void *Ptr) {
883 initThreadMaybe();
884#ifdef GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
885 if (GuardedAlloc.pointerIsMine(Ptr))
886 return true;
887#endif // GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
888 if (!Ptr || !isAligned(X: reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr), Alignment: MinAlignment))
889 return false;
890 Ptr = getHeaderTaggedPointer(Ptr: const_cast<void *>(Ptr));
891 Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header;
892 return Chunk::isValid(Cookie, Ptr, NewUnpackedHeader: &Header) &&
893 Header.State == Chunk::State::Allocated;
894 }
896 bool useMemoryTaggingTestOnly() const {
897 return useMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>(Primary.Options.load());
898 }
899 void disableMemoryTagging() {
900 // If we haven't been initialized yet, we need to initialize now in order to
901 // prevent a future call to initThreadMaybe() from enabling memory tagging
902 // based on feature detection. But don't call initThreadMaybe() because it
903 // may end up calling the allocator (via pthread_atfork, via the post-init
904 // callback), which may cause mappings to be created with memory tagging
905 // enabled.
906 TSDRegistry.initOnceMaybe(this);
907 if (allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>()) {
908 Secondary.disableMemoryTagging();
909 Primary.Options.clear(OptionBit::UseMemoryTagging);
910 }
911 }
913 void setTrackAllocationStacks(bool Track) {
914 initThreadMaybe();
915 if (getFlags()->allocation_ring_buffer_size <= 0) {
916 DCHECK(!Primary.Options.load().get(OptionBit::TrackAllocationStacks));
917 return;
918 }
920 if (Track) {
921 initRingBufferMaybe();
922 Primary.Options.set(OptionBit::TrackAllocationStacks);
923 } else
924 Primary.Options.clear(OptionBit::TrackAllocationStacks);
925 }
927 void setFillContents(FillContentsMode FillContents) {
928 initThreadMaybe();
929 Primary.Options.setFillContentsMode(FillContents);
930 }
932 void setAddLargeAllocationSlack(bool AddSlack) {
933 initThreadMaybe();
934 if (AddSlack)
935 Primary.Options.set(OptionBit::AddLargeAllocationSlack);
936 else
937 Primary.Options.clear(OptionBit::AddLargeAllocationSlack);
938 }
940 const char *getStackDepotAddress() {
941 initThreadMaybe();
942 AllocationRingBuffer *RB = getRingBuffer();
943 return RB ? reinterpret_cast<char *>(RB->Depot) : nullptr;
944 }
946 uptr getStackDepotSize() {
947 initThreadMaybe();
948 AllocationRingBuffer *RB = getRingBuffer();
949 return RB ? RB->StackDepotSize : 0;
950 }
952 const char *getRegionInfoArrayAddress() const {
953 return Primary.getRegionInfoArrayAddress();
954 }
956 static uptr getRegionInfoArraySize() {
957 return PrimaryT::getRegionInfoArraySize();
958 }
960 const char *getRingBufferAddress() {
961 initThreadMaybe();
962 return reinterpret_cast<char *>(getRingBuffer());
963 }
965 uptr getRingBufferSize() {
966 initThreadMaybe();
967 AllocationRingBuffer *RB = getRingBuffer();
968 return RB && RB->RingBufferElements
969 ? ringBufferSizeInBytes(RingBufferElements: RB->RingBufferElements)
970 : 0;
971 }
973 static const uptr MaxTraceSize = 64;
975 static void collectTraceMaybe(const StackDepot *Depot,
976 uintptr_t (&Trace)[MaxTraceSize], u32 Hash) {
977 uptr RingPos, Size;
978 if (!Depot->find(Hash, RingPosPtr: &RingPos, SizePtr: &Size))
979 return;
980 for (unsigned I = 0; I != Size && I != MaxTraceSize; ++I)
981 Trace[I] = static_cast<uintptr_t>(Depot->at(RingPos: RingPos + I));
982 }
984 static void getErrorInfo(struct scudo_error_info *ErrorInfo,
985 uintptr_t FaultAddr, const char *DepotPtr,
986 size_t DepotSize, const char *RegionInfoPtr,
987 const char *RingBufferPtr, size_t RingBufferSize,
988 const char *Memory, const char *MemoryTags,
989 uintptr_t MemoryAddr, size_t MemorySize) {
990 // N.B. we need to support corrupted data in any of the buffers here. We get
991 // this information from an external process (the crashing process) that
992 // should not be able to crash the crash dumper (crash_dump on Android).
993 // See also the get_error_info_fuzzer.
994 *ErrorInfo = {};
995 if (!allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>() ||
996 MemoryAddr + MemorySize < MemoryAddr)
997 return;
999 const StackDepot *Depot = nullptr;
1000 if (DepotPtr) {
1001 // check for corrupted StackDepot. First we need to check whether we can
1002 // read the metadata, then whether the metadata matches the size.
1003 if (DepotSize < sizeof(*Depot))
1004 return;
1005 Depot = reinterpret_cast<const StackDepot *>(DepotPtr);
1006 if (!Depot->isValid(BufSize: DepotSize))
1007 return;
1008 }
1010 size_t NextErrorReport = 0;
1012 // Check for OOB in the current block and the two surrounding blocks. Beyond
1013 // that, UAF is more likely.
1014 if (extractTag(Ptr: FaultAddr) != 0)
1015 getInlineErrorInfo(ErrorInfo, NextErrorReport, FaultAddr, Depot,
1016 RegionInfoPtr, Memory, MemoryTags, MemoryAddr,
1017 MemorySize, MinDistance: 0, MaxDistance: 2);
1019 // Check the ring buffer. For primary allocations this will only find UAF;
1020 // for secondary allocations we can find either UAF or OOB.
1021 getRingBufferErrorInfo(ErrorInfo, NextErrorReport, FaultAddr, Depot,
1022 RingBufferPtr, RingBufferSize);
1024 // Check for OOB in the 28 blocks surrounding the 3 we checked earlier.
1025 // Beyond that we are likely to hit false positives.
1026 if (extractTag(Ptr: FaultAddr) != 0)
1027 getInlineErrorInfo(ErrorInfo, NextErrorReport, FaultAddr, Depot,
1028 RegionInfoPtr, Memory, MemoryTags, MemoryAddr,
1029 MemorySize, MinDistance: 2, MaxDistance: 16);
1030 }
1033 typedef typename PrimaryT::SizeClassMap SizeClassMap;
1035 static const uptr MinAlignmentLog = SCUDO_MIN_ALIGNMENT_LOG;
1036 static const uptr MaxAlignmentLog = 24U; // 16 MB seems reasonable.
1037 static const uptr MinAlignment = 1UL << MinAlignmentLog;
1038 static const uptr MaxAlignment = 1UL << MaxAlignmentLog;
1039 static const uptr MaxAllowedMallocSize =
1040 FIRST_32_SECOND_64(1UL << 31, 1ULL << 40);
1042 static_assert(MinAlignment >= sizeof(Chunk::PackedHeader),
1043 "Minimal alignment must at least cover a chunk header.");
1044 static_assert(!allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>() ||
1045 MinAlignment >= archMemoryTagGranuleSize(),
1046 "");
1048 static const u32 BlockMarker = 0x44554353U;
1050 // These are indexes into an "array" of 32-bit values that store information
1051 // inline with a chunk that is relevant to diagnosing memory tag faults, where
1052 // 0 corresponds to the address of the user memory. This means that only
1053 // negative indexes may be used. The smallest index that may be used is -2,
1054 // which corresponds to 8 bytes before the user memory, because the chunk
1055 // header size is 8 bytes and in allocators that support memory tagging the
1056 // minimum alignment is at least the tag granule size (16 on aarch64).
1057 static const sptr MemTagAllocationTraceIndex = -2;
1058 static const sptr MemTagAllocationTidIndex = -1;
1060 u32 Cookie = 0;
1061 u32 QuarantineMaxChunkSize = 0;
1063 GlobalStats Stats;
1064 PrimaryT Primary;
1065 SecondaryT Secondary;
1066 QuarantineT Quarantine;
1067 TSDRegistryT TSDRegistry;
1068 pthread_once_t PostInitNonce = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
1070#ifdef GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
1071 gwp_asan::GuardedPoolAllocator GuardedAlloc;
1072 uptr GuardedAllocSlotSize = 0;
1073#endif // GWP_ASAN_HOOKS
1075 struct AllocationRingBuffer {
1076 struct Entry {
1077 atomic_uptr Ptr;
1078 atomic_uptr AllocationSize;
1079 atomic_u32 AllocationTrace;
1080 atomic_u32 AllocationTid;
1081 atomic_u32 DeallocationTrace;
1082 atomic_u32 DeallocationTid;
1083 };
1084 StackDepot *Depot = nullptr;
1085 uptr StackDepotSize = 0;
1086 MemMapT RawRingBufferMap;
1087 MemMapT RawStackDepotMap;
1088 u32 RingBufferElements = 0;
1089 atomic_uptr Pos;
1090 // An array of Size (at least one) elements of type Entry is immediately
1091 // following to this struct.
1092 };
1093 static_assert(sizeof(AllocationRingBuffer) %
1094 alignof(typename AllocationRingBuffer::Entry) ==
1095 0,
1096 "invalid alignment");
1098 // Lock to initialize the RingBuffer
1099 HybridMutex RingBufferInitLock;
1101 // Pointer to memory mapped area starting with AllocationRingBuffer struct,
1102 // and immediately followed by Size elements of type Entry.
1103 atomic_uptr RingBufferAddress = {};
1105 AllocationRingBuffer *getRingBuffer() {
1106 return reinterpret_cast<AllocationRingBuffer *>(
1107 atomic_load(A: &RingBufferAddress, MO: memory_order_acquire));
1108 }
1110 // The following might get optimized out by the compiler.
1111 NOINLINE void performSanityChecks() {
1112 // Verify that the header offset field can hold the maximum offset. In the
1113 // case of the Secondary allocator, it takes care of alignment and the
1114 // offset will always be small. In the case of the Primary, the worst case
1115 // scenario happens in the last size class, when the backend allocation
1116 // would already be aligned on the requested alignment, which would happen
1117 // to be the maximum alignment that would fit in that size class. As a
1118 // result, the maximum offset will be at most the maximum alignment for the
1119 // last size class minus the header size, in multiples of MinAlignment.
1120 Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header = {};
1121 const uptr MaxPrimaryAlignment = 1UL << getMostSignificantSetBitIndex(
1122 SizeClassMap::MaxSize - MinAlignment);
1123 const uptr MaxOffset =
1124 (MaxPrimaryAlignment - Chunk::getHeaderSize()) >> MinAlignmentLog;
1125 Header.Offset = MaxOffset & Chunk::OffsetMask;
1126 if (UNLIKELY(Header.Offset != MaxOffset))
1127 reportSanityCheckError(Field: "offset");
1129 // Verify that we can fit the maximum size or amount of unused bytes in the
1130 // header. Given that the Secondary fits the allocation to a page, the worst
1131 // case scenario happens in the Primary. It will depend on the second to
1132 // last and last class sizes, as well as the dynamic base for the Primary.
1133 // The following is an over-approximation that works for our needs.
1134 const uptr MaxSizeOrUnusedBytes = SizeClassMap::MaxSize - 1;
1135 Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes = MaxSizeOrUnusedBytes;
1136 if (UNLIKELY(Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes != MaxSizeOrUnusedBytes))
1137 reportSanityCheckError(Field: "size (or unused bytes)");
1139 const uptr LargestClassId = SizeClassMap::LargestClassId;
1140 Header.ClassId = LargestClassId;
1141 if (UNLIKELY(Header.ClassId != LargestClassId))
1142 reportSanityCheckError(Field: "class ID");
1143 }
1145 static inline void *getBlockBegin(const void *Ptr,
1146 Chunk::UnpackedHeader *Header) {
1147 return reinterpret_cast<void *>(
1148 reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr) - Chunk::getHeaderSize() -
1149 (static_cast<uptr>(Header->Offset) << MinAlignmentLog));
1150 }
1152 // Return the size of a chunk as requested during its allocation.
1153 inline uptr getSize(const void *Ptr, Chunk::UnpackedHeader *Header) {
1154 const uptr SizeOrUnusedBytes = Header->SizeOrUnusedBytes;
1155 if (LIKELY(Header->ClassId))
1156 return SizeOrUnusedBytes;
1157 if (allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>())
1158 Ptr = untagPointer(Ptr: const_cast<void *>(Ptr));
1159 return SecondaryT::getBlockEnd(getBlockBegin(Ptr, Header)) -
1160 reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr) - SizeOrUnusedBytes;
1161 }
1163 void quarantineOrDeallocateChunk(const Options &Options, void *TaggedPtr,
1164 Chunk::UnpackedHeader *Header,
1166 void *Ptr = getHeaderTaggedPointer(Ptr: TaggedPtr);
1167 // If the quarantine is disabled, the actual size of a chunk is 0 or larger
1168 // than the maximum allowed, we return a chunk directly to the backend.
1169 // This purposefully underflows for Size == 0.
1170 const bool BypassQuarantine = !Quarantine.getCacheSize() ||
1171 ((Size - 1) >= QuarantineMaxChunkSize) ||
1172 !Header->ClassId;
1173 if (BypassQuarantine)
1174 Header->State = Chunk::State::Available;
1175 else
1176 Header->State = Chunk::State::Quarantined;
1177 Header->OriginOrWasZeroed = useMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>(Options) &&
1178 Header->ClassId &&
1179 !TSDRegistry.getDisableMemInit();
1180 Chunk::storeHeader(Cookie, Ptr, NewUnpackedHeader: Header);
1182 if (UNLIKELY(useMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>(Options))) {
1183 u8 PrevTag = extractTag(Ptr: reinterpret_cast<uptr>(TaggedPtr));
1184 storeDeallocationStackMaybe(Options, Ptr, PrevTag, Size);
1185 if (Header->ClassId) {
1186 if (!TSDRegistry.getDisableMemInit()) {
1187 uptr TaggedBegin, TaggedEnd;
1188 const uptr OddEvenMask = computeOddEvenMaskForPointerMaybe(
1189 Options, Ptr: reinterpret_cast<uptr>(getBlockBegin(Ptr, Header)),
1190 ClassId: Header->ClassId);
1191 // Exclude the previous tag so that immediate use after free is
1192 // detected 100% of the time.
1193 setRandomTag(Ptr, Size, ExcludeMask: OddEvenMask | (1UL << PrevTag), TaggedBegin: &TaggedBegin,
1194 TaggedEnd: &TaggedEnd);
1195 }
1196 }
1197 }
1198 if (BypassQuarantine) {
1199 if (allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>())
1200 Ptr = untagPointer(Ptr);
1201 void *BlockBegin = getBlockBegin(Ptr, Header);
1202 const uptr ClassId = Header->ClassId;
1203 if (LIKELY(ClassId)) {
1204 bool CacheDrained;
1205 {
1206 typename TSDRegistryT::ScopedTSD TSD(TSDRegistry);
1207 CacheDrained = TSD->getCache().deallocate(ClassId, BlockBegin);
1208 }
1209 // When we have drained some blocks back to the Primary from TSD, that
1210 // implies that we may have the chance to release some pages as well.
1211 // Note that in order not to block other thread's accessing the TSD,
1212 // release the TSD first then try the page release.
1213 if (CacheDrained)
1214 Primary.tryReleaseToOS(ClassId, ReleaseToOS::Normal);
1215 } else {
1216 if (UNLIKELY(useMemoryTagging<AllocatorConfig>(Options)))
1217 storeTags(Begin: reinterpret_cast<uptr>(BlockBegin),
1218 End: reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr));
1219 Secondary.deallocate(Options, BlockBegin);
1220 }
1221 } else {
1222 typename TSDRegistryT::ScopedTSD TSD(TSDRegistry);
1223 Quarantine.put(&TSD->getQuarantineCache(),
1224 QuarantineCallback(*this, TSD->getCache()), Ptr, Size);
1225 }
1226 }
1228 bool getChunkFromBlock(uptr Block, uptr *Chunk,
1229 Chunk::UnpackedHeader *Header) {
1230 *Chunk =
1231 Block + getChunkOffsetFromBlock(Block: reinterpret_cast<const char *>(Block));
1232 return Chunk::isValid(Cookie, Ptr: reinterpret_cast<void *>(*Chunk), NewUnpackedHeader: Header);
1233 }
1235 static uptr getChunkOffsetFromBlock(const char *Block) {
1236 u32 Offset = 0;
1237 if (reinterpret_cast<const u32 *>(Block)[0] == BlockMarker)
1238 Offset = reinterpret_cast<const u32 *>(Block)[1];
1239 return Offset + Chunk::getHeaderSize();
1240 }
1242 // Set the tag of the granule past the end of the allocation to 0, to catch
1243 // linear overflows even if a previous larger allocation used the same block
1244 // and tag. Only do this if the granule past the end is in our block, because
1245 // this would otherwise lead to a SEGV if the allocation covers the entire
1246 // block and our block is at the end of a mapping. The tag of the next block's
1247 // header granule will be set to 0, so it will serve the purpose of catching
1248 // linear overflows in this case.
1249 //
1250 // For allocations of size 0 we do not end up storing the address tag to the
1251 // memory tag space, which getInlineErrorInfo() normally relies on to match
1252 // address tags against chunks. To allow matching in this case we store the
1253 // address tag in the first byte of the chunk.
1254 void storeEndMarker(uptr End, uptr Size, uptr BlockEnd) {
1255 DCHECK_EQ(BlockEnd, untagPointer(BlockEnd));
1256 uptr UntaggedEnd = untagPointer(Ptr: End);
1257 if (UntaggedEnd != BlockEnd) {
1258 storeTag(Ptr: UntaggedEnd);
1259 if (Size == 0)
1260 *reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(UntaggedEnd) = extractTag(Ptr: End);
1261 }
1262 }
1264 void *prepareTaggedChunk(void *Ptr, uptr Size, uptr ExcludeMask,
1265 uptr BlockEnd) {
1266 // Prepare the granule before the chunk to store the chunk header by setting
1267 // its tag to 0. Normally its tag will already be 0, but in the case where a
1268 // chunk holding a low alignment allocation is reused for a higher alignment
1269 // allocation, the chunk may already have a non-zero tag from the previous
1270 // allocation.
1271 storeTag(Ptr: reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr) - archMemoryTagGranuleSize());
1273 uptr TaggedBegin, TaggedEnd;
1274 setRandomTag(Ptr, Size, ExcludeMask, TaggedBegin: &TaggedBegin, TaggedEnd: &TaggedEnd);
1276 storeEndMarker(End: TaggedEnd, Size, BlockEnd);
1277 return reinterpret_cast<void *>(TaggedBegin);
1278 }
1280 void resizeTaggedChunk(uptr OldPtr, uptr NewPtr, uptr NewSize,
1281 uptr BlockEnd) {
1282 uptr RoundOldPtr = roundUp(X: OldPtr, Boundary: archMemoryTagGranuleSize());
1283 uptr RoundNewPtr;
1284 if (RoundOldPtr >= NewPtr) {
1285 // If the allocation is shrinking we just need to set the tag past the end
1286 // of the allocation to 0. See explanation in storeEndMarker() above.
1287 RoundNewPtr = roundUp(X: NewPtr, Boundary: archMemoryTagGranuleSize());
1288 } else {
1289 // Set the memory tag of the region
1290 // [RoundOldPtr, roundUp(NewPtr, archMemoryTagGranuleSize()))
1291 // to the pointer tag stored in OldPtr.
1292 RoundNewPtr = storeTags(Begin: RoundOldPtr, End: NewPtr);
1293 }
1294 storeEndMarker(End: RoundNewPtr, Size: NewSize, BlockEnd);
1295 }
1297 void storePrimaryAllocationStackMaybe(const Options &Options, void *Ptr) {
1298 if (!UNLIKELY(Options.get(OptionBit::TrackAllocationStacks)))
1299 return;
1300 AllocationRingBuffer *RB = getRingBuffer();
1301 if (!RB)
1302 return;
1303 auto *Ptr32 = reinterpret_cast<u32 *>(Ptr);
1304 Ptr32[MemTagAllocationTraceIndex] = collectStackTrace(Depot: RB->Depot);
1305 Ptr32[MemTagAllocationTidIndex] = getThreadID();
1306 }
1308 void storeRingBufferEntry(AllocationRingBuffer *RB, void *Ptr,
1309 u32 AllocationTrace, u32 AllocationTid,
1310 uptr AllocationSize, u32 DeallocationTrace,
1311 u32 DeallocationTid) {
1312 uptr Pos = atomic_fetch_add(&RB->Pos, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
1313 typename AllocationRingBuffer::Entry *Entry =
1314 getRingBufferEntry(RB, Pos % RB->RingBufferElements);
1316 // First invalidate our entry so that we don't attempt to interpret a
1317 // partially written state in getSecondaryErrorInfo(). The fences below
1318 // ensure that the compiler does not move the stores to Ptr in between the
1319 // stores to the other fields.
1320 atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->Ptr, 0);
1322 __atomic_signal_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
1323 atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->AllocationTrace, AllocationTrace);
1324 atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->AllocationTid, AllocationTid);
1325 atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->AllocationSize, AllocationSize);
1326 atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->DeallocationTrace, DeallocationTrace);
1327 atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->DeallocationTid, DeallocationTid);
1328 __atomic_signal_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
1330 atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->Ptr, reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr));
1331 }
1333 void storeSecondaryAllocationStackMaybe(const Options &Options, void *Ptr,
1334 uptr Size) {
1335 if (!UNLIKELY(Options.get(OptionBit::TrackAllocationStacks)))
1336 return;
1337 AllocationRingBuffer *RB = getRingBuffer();
1338 if (!RB)
1339 return;
1340 u32 Trace = collectStackTrace(Depot: RB->Depot);
1341 u32 Tid = getThreadID();
1343 auto *Ptr32 = reinterpret_cast<u32 *>(Ptr);
1344 Ptr32[MemTagAllocationTraceIndex] = Trace;
1345 Ptr32[MemTagAllocationTidIndex] = Tid;
1347 storeRingBufferEntry(RB, Ptr: untagPointer(Ptr), AllocationTrace: Trace, AllocationTid: Tid, AllocationSize: Size, DeallocationTrace: 0, DeallocationTid: 0);
1348 }
1350 void storeDeallocationStackMaybe(const Options &Options, void *Ptr,
1351 u8 PrevTag, uptr Size) {
1352 if (!UNLIKELY(Options.get(OptionBit::TrackAllocationStacks)))
1353 return;
1354 AllocationRingBuffer *RB = getRingBuffer();
1355 if (!RB)
1356 return;
1357 auto *Ptr32 = reinterpret_cast<u32 *>(Ptr);
1358 u32 AllocationTrace = Ptr32[MemTagAllocationTraceIndex];
1359 u32 AllocationTid = Ptr32[MemTagAllocationTidIndex];
1361 u32 DeallocationTrace = collectStackTrace(Depot: RB->Depot);
1362 u32 DeallocationTid = getThreadID();
1364 storeRingBufferEntry(RB, Ptr: addFixedTag(Ptr: untagPointer(Ptr), Tag: PrevTag),
1365 AllocationTrace, AllocationTid, AllocationSize: Size,
1366 DeallocationTrace, DeallocationTid);
1367 }
1369 static const size_t NumErrorReports =
1370 sizeof(((scudo_error_info *)nullptr)->reports) /
1371 sizeof(((scudo_error_info *)nullptr)->reports[0]);
1373 static void getInlineErrorInfo(struct scudo_error_info *ErrorInfo,
1374 size_t &NextErrorReport, uintptr_t FaultAddr,
1375 const StackDepot *Depot,
1376 const char *RegionInfoPtr, const char *Memory,
1377 const char *MemoryTags, uintptr_t MemoryAddr,
1378 size_t MemorySize, size_t MinDistance,
1379 size_t MaxDistance) {
1380 uptr UntaggedFaultAddr = untagPointer(Ptr: FaultAddr);
1381 u8 FaultAddrTag = extractTag(Ptr: FaultAddr);
1382 BlockInfo Info =
1383 PrimaryT::findNearestBlock(RegionInfoPtr, UntaggedFaultAddr);
1385 auto GetGranule = [&](uptr Addr, const char **Data, uint8_t *Tag) -> bool {
1386 if (Addr < MemoryAddr || Addr + archMemoryTagGranuleSize() < Addr ||
1387 Addr + archMemoryTagGranuleSize() > MemoryAddr + MemorySize)
1388 return false;
1389 *Data = &Memory[Addr - MemoryAddr];
1390 *Tag = static_cast<u8>(
1391 MemoryTags[(Addr - MemoryAddr) / archMemoryTagGranuleSize()]);
1392 return true;
1393 };
1395 auto ReadBlock = [&](uptr Addr, uptr *ChunkAddr,
1396 Chunk::UnpackedHeader *Header, const u32 **Data,
1397 u8 *Tag) {
1398 const char *BlockBegin;
1399 u8 BlockBeginTag;
1400 if (!GetGranule(Addr, &BlockBegin, &BlockBeginTag))
1401 return false;
1402 uptr ChunkOffset = getChunkOffsetFromBlock(Block: BlockBegin);
1403 *ChunkAddr = Addr + ChunkOffset;
1405 const char *ChunkBegin;
1406 if (!GetGranule(*ChunkAddr, &ChunkBegin, Tag))
1407 return false;
1408 *Header = *reinterpret_cast<const Chunk::UnpackedHeader *>(
1409 ChunkBegin - Chunk::getHeaderSize());
1410 *Data = reinterpret_cast<const u32 *>(ChunkBegin);
1412 // Allocations of size 0 will have stashed the tag in the first byte of
1413 // the chunk, see storeEndMarker().
1414 if (Header->SizeOrUnusedBytes == 0)
1415 *Tag = static_cast<u8>(*ChunkBegin);
1417 return true;
1418 };
1420 if (NextErrorReport == NumErrorReports)
1421 return;
1423 auto CheckOOB = [&](uptr BlockAddr) {
1424 if (BlockAddr < Info.RegionBegin || BlockAddr >= Info.RegionEnd)
1425 return false;
1427 uptr ChunkAddr;
1428 Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header;
1429 const u32 *Data;
1430 uint8_t Tag;
1431 if (!ReadBlock(BlockAddr, &ChunkAddr, &Header, &Data, &Tag) ||
1432 Header.State != Chunk::State::Allocated || Tag != FaultAddrTag)
1433 return false;
1435 auto *R = &ErrorInfo->reports[NextErrorReport++];
1436 R->error_type =
1437 UntaggedFaultAddr < ChunkAddr ? BUFFER_UNDERFLOW : BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
1438 R->allocation_address = ChunkAddr;
1439 R->allocation_size = Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes;
1440 if (Depot) {
1441 collectTraceMaybe(Depot, Trace&: R->allocation_trace,
1442 Hash: Data[MemTagAllocationTraceIndex]);
1443 }
1444 R->allocation_tid = Data[MemTagAllocationTidIndex];
1445 return NextErrorReport == NumErrorReports;
1446 };
1448 if (MinDistance == 0 && CheckOOB(Info.BlockBegin))
1449 return;
1451 for (size_t I = Max<size_t>(A: MinDistance, B: 1); I != MaxDistance; ++I)
1452 if (CheckOOB(Info.BlockBegin + I * Info.BlockSize) ||
1453 CheckOOB(Info.BlockBegin - I * Info.BlockSize))
1454 return;
1455 }
1457 static void getRingBufferErrorInfo(struct scudo_error_info *ErrorInfo,
1458 size_t &NextErrorReport,
1459 uintptr_t FaultAddr,
1460 const StackDepot *Depot,
1461 const char *RingBufferPtr,
1462 size_t RingBufferSize) {
1463 auto *RingBuffer =
1464 reinterpret_cast<const AllocationRingBuffer *>(RingBufferPtr);
1465 size_t RingBufferElements = ringBufferElementsFromBytes(Bytes: RingBufferSize);
1466 if (!RingBuffer || RingBufferElements == 0 || !Depot)
1467 return;
1468 uptr Pos = atomic_load_relaxed(&RingBuffer->Pos);
1470 for (uptr I = Pos - 1; I != Pos - 1 - RingBufferElements &&
1471 NextErrorReport != NumErrorReports;
1472 --I) {
1473 auto *Entry = getRingBufferEntry(RingBuffer, I % RingBufferElements);
1474 uptr EntryPtr = atomic_load_relaxed(&Entry->Ptr);
1475 if (!EntryPtr)
1476 continue;
1478 uptr UntaggedEntryPtr = untagPointer(Ptr: EntryPtr);
1479 uptr EntrySize = atomic_load_relaxed(&Entry->AllocationSize);
1480 u32 AllocationTrace = atomic_load_relaxed(&Entry->AllocationTrace);
1481 u32 AllocationTid = atomic_load_relaxed(&Entry->AllocationTid);
1482 u32 DeallocationTrace = atomic_load_relaxed(&Entry->DeallocationTrace);
1483 u32 DeallocationTid = atomic_load_relaxed(&Entry->DeallocationTid);
1485 if (DeallocationTid) {
1486 // For UAF we only consider in-bounds fault addresses because
1487 // out-of-bounds UAF is rare and attempting to detect it is very likely
1488 // to result in false positives.
1489 if (FaultAddr < EntryPtr || FaultAddr >= EntryPtr + EntrySize)
1490 continue;
1491 } else {
1492 // Ring buffer OOB is only possible with secondary allocations. In this
1493 // case we are guaranteed a guard region of at least a page on either
1494 // side of the allocation (guard page on the right, guard page + tagged
1495 // region on the left), so ignore any faults outside of that range.
1496 if (FaultAddr < EntryPtr - getPageSizeCached() ||
1497 FaultAddr >= EntryPtr + EntrySize + getPageSizeCached())
1498 continue;
1500 // For UAF the ring buffer will contain two entries, one for the
1501 // allocation and another for the deallocation. Don't report buffer
1502 // overflow/underflow using the allocation entry if we have already
1503 // collected a report from the deallocation entry.
1504 bool Found = false;
1505 for (uptr J = 0; J != NextErrorReport; ++J) {
1506 if (ErrorInfo->reports[J].allocation_address == UntaggedEntryPtr) {
1507 Found = true;
1508 break;
1509 }
1510 }
1511 if (Found)
1512 continue;
1513 }
1515 auto *R = &ErrorInfo->reports[NextErrorReport++];
1516 if (DeallocationTid)
1517 R->error_type = USE_AFTER_FREE;
1518 else if (FaultAddr < EntryPtr)
1519 R->error_type = BUFFER_UNDERFLOW;
1520 else
1521 R->error_type = BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
1523 R->allocation_address = UntaggedEntryPtr;
1524 R->allocation_size = EntrySize;
1525 collectTraceMaybe(Depot, Trace&: R->allocation_trace, Hash: AllocationTrace);
1526 R->allocation_tid = AllocationTid;
1527 collectTraceMaybe(Depot, Trace&: R->deallocation_trace, Hash: DeallocationTrace);
1528 R->deallocation_tid = DeallocationTid;
1529 }
1530 }
1532 uptr getStats(ScopedString *Str) {
1533 Primary.getStats(Str);
1534 Secondary.getStats(Str);
1535 Quarantine.getStats(Str);
1536 TSDRegistry.getStats(Str);
1537 return Str->length();
1538 }
1540 static typename AllocationRingBuffer::Entry *
1541 getRingBufferEntry(AllocationRingBuffer *RB, uptr N) {
1542 char *RBEntryStart =
1543 &reinterpret_cast<char *>(RB)[sizeof(AllocationRingBuffer)];
1544 return &reinterpret_cast<typename AllocationRingBuffer::Entry *>(
1545 RBEntryStart)[N];
1546 }
1547 static const typename AllocationRingBuffer::Entry *
1548 getRingBufferEntry(const AllocationRingBuffer *RB, uptr N) {
1549 const char *RBEntryStart =
1550 &reinterpret_cast<const char *>(RB)[sizeof(AllocationRingBuffer)];
1551 return &reinterpret_cast<const typename AllocationRingBuffer::Entry *>(
1552 RBEntryStart)[N];
1553 }
1555 void initRingBufferMaybe() {
1556 ScopedLock L(RingBufferInitLock);
1557 if (getRingBuffer() != nullptr)
1558 return;
1560 int ring_buffer_size = getFlags()->allocation_ring_buffer_size;
1561 if (ring_buffer_size <= 0)
1562 return;
1564 u32 AllocationRingBufferSize = static_cast<u32>(ring_buffer_size);
1566 // We store alloc and free stacks for each entry.
1567 constexpr u32 kStacksPerRingBufferEntry = 2;
1568 constexpr u32 kMaxU32Pow2 = ~(UINT32_MAX >> 1);
1569 static_assert(isPowerOfTwo(X: kMaxU32Pow2));
1570 // On Android we always have 3 frames at the bottom: __start_main,
1571 // __libc_init, main, and 3 at the top: malloc, scudo_malloc and
1572 // Allocator::allocate. This leaves 10 frames for the user app. The next
1573 // smallest power of two (8) would only leave 2, which is clearly too
1574 // little.
1575 constexpr u32 kFramesPerStack = 16;
1576 static_assert(isPowerOfTwo(X: kFramesPerStack));
1578 if (AllocationRingBufferSize > kMaxU32Pow2 / kStacksPerRingBufferEntry)
1579 return;
1580 u32 TabSize = static_cast<u32>(roundUpPowerOfTwo(Size: kStacksPerRingBufferEntry *
1581 AllocationRingBufferSize));
1582 if (TabSize > UINT32_MAX / kFramesPerStack)
1583 return;
1584 u32 RingSize = static_cast<u32>(TabSize * kFramesPerStack);
1586 uptr StackDepotSize = sizeof(StackDepot) + sizeof(atomic_u64) * RingSize +
1587 sizeof(atomic_u32) * TabSize;
1588 MemMapT DepotMap;
1589 DepotMap.map(
1590 /*Addr=*/Addr: 0U, Size: roundUp(X: StackDepotSize, Boundary: getPageSizeCached()),
1591 Name: "scudo:stack_depot");
1592 auto *Depot = reinterpret_cast<StackDepot *>(DepotMap.getBase());
1593 Depot->init(RingSz: RingSize, TabSz: TabSize);
1595 MemMapT MemMap;
1596 MemMap.map(
1597 /*Addr=*/Addr: 0U,
1598 Size: roundUp(X: ringBufferSizeInBytes(RingBufferElements: AllocationRingBufferSize),
1599 Boundary: getPageSizeCached()),
1600 Name: "scudo:ring_buffer");
1601 auto *RB = reinterpret_cast<AllocationRingBuffer *>(MemMap.getBase());
1602 RB->RawRingBufferMap = MemMap;
1603 RB->RingBufferElements = AllocationRingBufferSize;
1604 RB->Depot = Depot;
1605 RB->StackDepotSize = StackDepotSize;
1606 RB->RawStackDepotMap = DepotMap;
1608 atomic_store(A: &RingBufferAddress, V: reinterpret_cast<uptr>(RB),
1609 MO: memory_order_release);
1610 }
1612 void unmapRingBuffer() {
1613 AllocationRingBuffer *RB = getRingBuffer();
1614 if (RB == nullptr)
1615 return;
1616 // N.B. because RawStackDepotMap is part of RawRingBufferMap, the order
1617 // is very important.
1618 RB->RawStackDepotMap.unmap(RB->RawStackDepotMap.getBase(),
1619 RB->RawStackDepotMap.getCapacity());
1620 // Note that the `RB->RawRingBufferMap` is stored on the pages managed by
1621 // itself. Take over the ownership before calling unmap() so that any
1622 // operation along with unmap() won't touch inaccessible pages.
1623 MemMapT RawRingBufferMap = RB->RawRingBufferMap;
1624 RawRingBufferMap.unmap(Addr: RawRingBufferMap.getBase(),
1625 Size: RawRingBufferMap.getCapacity());
1626 atomic_store(A: &RingBufferAddress, V: 0, MO: memory_order_release);
1627 }
1629 static constexpr size_t ringBufferSizeInBytes(u32 RingBufferElements) {
1630 return sizeof(AllocationRingBuffer) +
1631 RingBufferElements * sizeof(typename AllocationRingBuffer::Entry);
1632 }
1634 static constexpr size_t ringBufferElementsFromBytes(size_t Bytes) {
1635 if (Bytes < sizeof(AllocationRingBuffer)) {
1636 return 0;
1637 }
1638 return (Bytes - sizeof(AllocationRingBuffer)) /
1639 sizeof(typename AllocationRingBuffer::Entry);
1640 }
1643} // namespace scudo
1645#endif // SCUDO_COMBINED_H_

source code of compiler-rt/lib/scudo/standalone/combined.h