1// RUN: %clangxx_asan -fexceptions -O %s -o %t && %env_asan_opts=detect_stack_use_after_return=0 %run %t
3// Test __sanitizer_annotate_contiguous_container.
5#include <algorithm>
6#include <numeric>
7#include <vector>
9#include <assert.h>
10#include <sanitizer/asan_interface.h>
11#include <stdio.h>
12#include <stdlib.h>
13#include <string.h>
15static constexpr size_t kGranularity = 8;
17template <class T> static constexpr T RoundDown(T x) {
18 return reinterpret_cast<T>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(x) &
19 ~(kGranularity - 1));
22static std::vector<int> GetPoisonedState(char *begin, char *end) {
23 std::vector<int> result;
24 for (; begin != end;) {
25 int poisoned = 0;
26 for (; begin != end && __asan_address_is_poisoned(addr: begin); ++begin)
27 ++poisoned;
28 result.push_back(poisoned);
29 int unpoisoned = 0;
30 for (; begin != end && !__asan_address_is_poisoned(addr: begin); ++begin)
31 ++unpoisoned;
32 result.push_back(unpoisoned);
33 }
34 return result;
37static int GetFirstMismatch(const std::vector<int> &a,
38 const std::vector<int> &b) {
39 auto mismatch = std::mismatch(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
40 return std::accumulate(a.begin(), mismatch.first, 0) +
41 std::min(*mismatch.first, *mismatch.second);
44void TestContainer(size_t capacity, size_t off_begin, bool poison_buffer) {
45 size_t buffer_size = capacity + off_begin + kGranularity * 2;
46 char *buffer = new char[buffer_size];
47 if (poison_buffer)
48 __asan_poison_memory_region(addr: buffer, size: buffer_size);
49 char *st_beg = buffer + off_begin;
50 char *st_end = st_beg + capacity;
51 char *end = poison_buffer ? st_beg : st_end;
53 for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
54 size_t size = rand() % (capacity + 1);
55 assert(size <= capacity);
56 char *old_end = end;
57 end = st_beg + size;
58 __sanitizer_annotate_contiguous_container(beg: st_beg, end: st_end, old_mid: old_end, new_mid: end);
60 char *cur = buffer;
61 for (; cur < RoundDown(x: st_beg); ++cur)
62 assert(__asan_address_is_poisoned(cur) == poison_buffer);
63 // The prefix of the first incomplete granule can switch from poisoned to
64 // unpoisoned but not otherwise.
65 for (; cur < st_beg; ++cur)
66 assert(poison_buffer || !__asan_address_is_poisoned(cur));
67 for (; cur < end; ++cur)
68 assert(!__asan_address_is_poisoned(cur));
69 for (; cur < RoundDown(x: st_end); ++cur)
70 assert(__asan_address_is_poisoned(cur));
71 // The suffix of the last incomplete granule must be poisoned the same as
72 // bytes after the end.
73 for (; cur != st_end + kGranularity; ++cur)
74 assert(__asan_address_is_poisoned(cur) == poison_buffer);
75 }
77 // Precalculate masks.
78 std::vector<std::vector<int>> masks(capacity + 1);
79 for (int i = 0; i <= capacity; i++) {
80 char *old_end = end;
81 end = st_beg + i;
82 __sanitizer_annotate_contiguous_container(beg: st_beg, end: st_end, old_mid: old_end, new_mid: end);
83 masks[i] = GetPoisonedState(st_beg, st_end);
84 }
85 for (int i = 0; i <= capacity; i++) {
86 char *old_end = end;
87 end = st_beg + i;
88 __sanitizer_annotate_contiguous_container(beg: st_beg, end: st_end, old_mid: old_end, new_mid: end);
90 char *cur_first = std::max(end - 2 * kGranularity, st_beg);
91 char *cur_last = std::min(end + 2 * kGranularity, st_end);
92 for (char *cur = cur_first; cur <= cur_last; ++cur) {
93 bool is_valid =
94 __sanitizer_verify_contiguous_container(beg: st_beg, mid: cur, end: st_end);
95 const void *bad_address =
96 __sanitizer_contiguous_container_find_bad_address(beg: st_beg, mid: cur,
97 end: st_end);
98 if (cur == end ||
99 // The last unaligned granule of the storage followed by unpoisoned
100 // bytes looks the same.
101 (!poison_buffer && RoundDown(st_end) <= std::min(cur, end))) {
102 assert(is_valid);
103 assert(!bad_address);
104 continue;
105 }
106 assert(!is_valid);
107 assert(bad_address == std::min(cur, end));
108 assert(bad_address ==
109 st_beg + GetFirstMismatch(masks[i], masks[cur - st_beg]));
110 }
111 }
113 __asan_unpoison_memory_region(addr: buffer, size: buffer_size);
114 delete[] buffer;
117void TestDoubleEndedContainer(size_t capacity, size_t off_begin,
118 bool poison_buffer) {
119 size_t buffer_size = capacity + off_begin + kGranularity * 2;
120 char *buffer = new char[buffer_size];
121 if (poison_buffer)
122 __asan_poison_memory_region(addr: buffer, size: buffer_size);
123 char *st_beg = buffer + off_begin;
124 char *st_end = st_beg + capacity;
125 char *beg = st_beg;
126 char *end = poison_buffer ? st_beg : st_end;
128 for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
129 size_t size = rand() % (capacity + 1);
130 size_t skipped = rand() % (capacity - size + 1);
131 assert(size <= capacity);
132 char *old_beg = beg;
133 char *old_end = end;
134 beg = st_beg + skipped;
135 end = beg + size;
137 __sanitizer_annotate_double_ended_contiguous_container(
138 storage_beg: st_beg, storage_end: st_end, old_container_beg: old_beg, old_container_end: old_end, new_container_beg: beg, new_container_end: end);
140 char *cur = buffer;
141 for (; cur < RoundDown(x: st_beg); ++cur)
142 assert(__asan_address_is_poisoned(cur) == poison_buffer);
143 // The prefix of the first incomplete granule can switch from poisoned to
144 // unpoisoned but not otherwise.
145 for (; cur < st_beg; ++cur)
146 assert(poison_buffer || !__asan_address_is_poisoned(cur));
147 if (beg != end) {
148 for (; cur < RoundDown(x: beg); ++cur)
149 assert(__asan_address_is_poisoned(cur));
151 for (; cur < end; ++cur)
152 assert(!__asan_address_is_poisoned(cur));
153 }
154 for (; cur < RoundDown(x: st_end); ++cur)
155 assert(__asan_address_is_poisoned(cur));
156 // The suffix of the last incomplete granule must be poisoned the same as
157 // bytes after the end.
158 for (; cur != st_end + kGranularity; ++cur)
159 assert(__asan_address_is_poisoned(cur) == poison_buffer);
160 }
162 if (capacity < 32) {
164 // Precalculate masks.
165 std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int>>> masks(
166 capacity + 1, std::vector<std::vector<int>>(capacity + 1));
167 for (int i = 0; i <= capacity; i++) {
168 for (int j = i; j <= capacity; j++) {
169 char *old_beg = beg;
170 char *old_end = end;
171 beg = st_beg + i;
172 end = st_beg + j;
173 __sanitizer_annotate_double_ended_contiguous_container(
174 storage_beg: st_beg, storage_end: st_end, old_container_beg: old_beg, old_container_end: old_end, new_container_beg: beg, new_container_end: end);
175 masks[i][j] = GetPoisonedState(st_beg, st_end);
176 }
177 }
179 for (int i = 0; i <= capacity; i++) {
180 for (int j = i; j <= capacity; j++) {
181 char *old_beg = beg;
182 char *old_end = end;
183 beg = st_beg + i;
184 end = st_beg + j;
185 __sanitizer_annotate_double_ended_contiguous_container(
186 storage_beg: st_beg, storage_end: st_end, old_container_beg: old_beg, old_container_end: old_end, new_container_beg: beg, new_container_end: end);
188 // Try to mismatch the end of the container.
189 char *cur_first = std::max(end - 2 * kGranularity, beg);
190 char *cur_last = std::min(end + 2 * kGranularity, st_end);
191 for (char *cur = cur_first; cur <= cur_last; ++cur) {
192 bool is_valid = __sanitizer_verify_double_ended_contiguous_container(
193 storage_beg: st_beg, container_beg: beg, container_end: cur, storage_end: st_end);
194 const void *bad_address =
195 __sanitizer_double_ended_contiguous_container_find_bad_address(
196 storage_beg: st_beg, container_beg: beg, container_end: cur, storage_end: st_end);
198 if (cur == end ||
199 // The last unaligned granule of the storage followed by unpoisoned
200 // bytes looks the same.
201 (!poison_buffer && RoundDown(st_end) <= std::min(cur, end))) {
202 assert(is_valid);
203 assert(!bad_address);
204 continue;
205 }
207 assert(!is_valid);
208 assert(bad_address);
209 assert(bad_address ==
210 st_beg +
211 GetFirstMismatch(masks[i][j], masks[i][cur - st_beg]));
212 }
214 // Try to mismatch the begin of the container.
215 cur_first = std::max(beg - 2 * kGranularity, st_beg);
216 cur_last = std::min(beg + 2 * kGranularity, end);
217 for (char *cur = cur_first; cur <= cur_last; ++cur) {
218 bool is_valid = __sanitizer_verify_double_ended_contiguous_container(
219 storage_beg: st_beg, container_beg: cur, container_end: end, storage_end: st_end);
220 const void *bad_address =
221 __sanitizer_double_ended_contiguous_container_find_bad_address(
222 storage_beg: st_beg, container_beg: cur, container_end: end, storage_end: st_end);
224 if (cur == beg ||
225 // The last unaligned granule of the storage followed by unpoisoned
226 // bytes looks the same.
227 (!poison_buffer && RoundDown(st_end) <= std::min(cur, beg) ||
228 // The first unaligned granule of non-empty container looks the
229 // same.
230 (std::max(beg, cur) < end &&
231 RoundDown(beg) == RoundDown(cur)))) {
232 assert(is_valid);
233 assert(!bad_address);
234 continue;
235 }
236 assert(!is_valid);
237 assert(bad_address);
238 assert(bad_address ==
239 st_beg +
240 GetFirstMismatch(masks[i][j], masks[cur - st_beg][j]));
241 }
242 }
243 }
244 }
246 __asan_unpoison_memory_region(addr: buffer, size: buffer_size);
247 delete[] buffer;
250__attribute__((noinline)) void Throw() { throw 1; }
252__attribute__((noinline)) void ThrowAndCatch() {
253 try {
254 Throw();
255 } catch (...) {
256 }
259void TestThrow() {
260 char x[32];
261 __sanitizer_annotate_contiguous_container(beg: x, end: x + 32, old_mid: x + 32, new_mid: x + 14);
262 assert(!__asan_address_is_poisoned(x + 13));
263 assert(__asan_address_is_poisoned(x + 14));
264 ThrowAndCatch();
265 assert(!__asan_address_is_poisoned(x + 13));
266 assert(!__asan_address_is_poisoned(x + 14));
267 __sanitizer_annotate_contiguous_container(beg: x, end: x + 32, old_mid: x + 14, new_mid: x + 32);
268 assert(!__asan_address_is_poisoned(x + 13));
269 assert(!__asan_address_is_poisoned(x + 14));
272int main(int argc, char **argv) {
273 int n = argc == 1 ? 64 : atoi(nptr: argv[1]);
274 for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
275 for (int j = 0; j < kGranularity * 2; j++) {
276 for (int poison = 0; poison < 2; ++poison) {
277 TestContainer(capacity: i, off_begin: j, poison_buffer: poison);
278 TestDoubleEndedContainer(capacity: i, off_begin: j, poison_buffer: poison);
279 }
280 }
281 }
282 TestThrow();

source code of compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/contiguous_container.cpp