Warning: This file is not a C or C++ file. It does not have highlighting.

1//===-- include/flang/Common/enum-set.h -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
12// Implements a set of enums as a std::bitset<>. APIs from bitset<> and set<>
13// can be used on these sets, whichever might be more clear to the user.
14// This class template facilitates the use of the more type-safe C++ "enum
15// class" feature without loss of convenience.
17#include "constexpr-bitset.h"
18#include "idioms.h"
19#include <bitset>
20#include <cstddef>
21#include <initializer_list>
22#include <optional>
23#include <string>
24#include <type_traits>
26namespace Fortran::common {
28template <typename ENUM, std::size_t BITS> class EnumSet {
29 static_assert(BITS > 0);
32 // When the bitset fits in a word, use a custom local bitset class that is
33 // more amenable to constexpr evaluation than the current std::bitset<>.
34 using bitsetType =
35 std::conditional_t<(BITS <= 64), common::BitSet<BITS>, std::bitset<BITS>>;
36 using enumerationType = ENUM;
38 constexpr EnumSet() {}
39 constexpr EnumSet(const std::initializer_list<enumerationType> &enums) {
40 for (auto it{enums.begin()}; it != enums.end(); ++it) {
41 set(*it);
42 }
43 }
44 constexpr EnumSet(const EnumSet &) = default;
45 constexpr EnumSet(EnumSet &&) = default;
47 constexpr EnumSet &operator=(const EnumSet &) = default;
48 constexpr EnumSet &operator=(EnumSet &&) = default;
50 const bitsetType &bitset() const { return bitset_; }
52 constexpr EnumSet &operator&=(const EnumSet &that) {
53 bitset_ &= that.bitset_;
54 return *this;
55 }
56 constexpr EnumSet &operator&=(EnumSet &&that) {
57 bitset_ &= that.bitset_;
58 return *this;
59 }
60 constexpr EnumSet &operator|=(const EnumSet &that) {
61 bitset_ |= that.bitset_;
62 return *this;
63 }
64 constexpr EnumSet &operator|=(EnumSet &&that) {
65 bitset_ |= that.bitset_;
66 return *this;
67 }
68 constexpr EnumSet &operator^=(const EnumSet &that) {
69 bitset_ ^= that.bitset_;
70 return *this;
71 }
72 constexpr EnumSet &operator^=(EnumSet &&that) {
73 bitset_ ^= that.bitset_;
74 return *this;
75 }
77 constexpr EnumSet operator~() const {
78 EnumSet result;
79 result.bitset_ = ~bitset_;
80 return result;
81 }
82 constexpr EnumSet operator&(const EnumSet &that) const {
83 EnumSet result{*this};
84 result.bitset_ &= that.bitset_;
85 return result;
86 }
87 constexpr EnumSet operator&(EnumSet &&that) const {
88 EnumSet result{*this};
89 result.bitset_ &= that.bitset_;
90 return result;
91 }
92 constexpr EnumSet operator|(const EnumSet &that) const {
93 EnumSet result{*this};
94 result.bitset_ |= that.bitset_;
95 return result;
96 }
97 constexpr EnumSet operator|(EnumSet &&that) const {
98 EnumSet result{*this};
99 result.bitset_ |= that.bitset_;
100 return result;
101 }
102 constexpr EnumSet operator^(const EnumSet &that) const {
103 EnumSet result{*this};
104 result.bitset_ ^= that.bitset_;
105 return result;
106 }
107 constexpr EnumSet operator^(EnumSet &&that) const {
108 EnumSet result{*this};
109 result.bitset_ ^= that.bitset_;
110 return result;
111 }
113 constexpr EnumSet operator+(enumerationType v) const {
114 return {*this | EnumSet{v}};
115 }
116 constexpr EnumSet operator-(enumerationType v) const {
117 return {*this & ~EnumSet{v}};
118 }
120 constexpr bool operator==(const EnumSet &that) const {
121 return bitset_ == that.bitset_;
122 }
123 constexpr bool operator==(EnumSet &&that) const {
124 return bitset_ == that.bitset_;
125 }
126 constexpr bool operator!=(const EnumSet &that) const {
127 return bitset_ != that.bitset_;
128 }
129 constexpr bool operator!=(EnumSet &&that) const {
130 return bitset_ != that.bitset_;
131 }
133 // N.B. std::bitset<> has size() for max_size(), but that's not the same
134 // thing as std::set<>::size(), which is an element count.
135 static constexpr std::size_t max_size() { return BITS; }
136 constexpr bool test(enumerationType x) const {
137 return bitset_.test(static_cast<std::size_t>(x));
138 }
139 constexpr bool all() const { return bitset_.all(); }
140 constexpr bool any() const { return bitset_.any(); }
141 constexpr bool none() const { return bitset_.none(); }
143 // N.B. std::bitset<> has count() as an element count, while
144 // std::set<>::count(x) returns 0 or 1 to indicate presence.
145 constexpr std::size_t count() const { return bitset_.count(); }
146 constexpr std::size_t count(enumerationType x) const {
147 return test(x) ? 1 : 0;
148 }
150 constexpr EnumSet &set() {
151 bitset_.set();
152 return *this;
153 }
154 constexpr EnumSet &set(enumerationType x, bool value = true) {
155 bitset_.set(static_cast<std::size_t>(x), value);
156 return *this;
157 }
158 constexpr EnumSet &reset() {
159 bitset_.reset();
160 return *this;
161 }
162 constexpr EnumSet &reset(enumerationType x) {
163 bitset_.reset(static_cast<std::size_t>(x));
164 return *this;
165 }
166 constexpr EnumSet &flip() {
167 bitset_.flip();
168 return *this;
169 }
170 constexpr EnumSet &flip(enumerationType x) {
171 bitset_.flip(static_cast<std::size_t>(x));
172 return *this;
173 }
175 constexpr bool empty() const { return none(); }
176 void clear() { reset(); }
177 void insert(enumerationType x) { set(x); }
178 void insert(enumerationType &&x) { set(x); }
179 void emplace(enumerationType &&x) { set(x); }
180 void erase(enumerationType x) { reset(x); }
181 void erase(enumerationType &&x) { reset(x); }
183 constexpr std::optional<enumerationType> LeastElement() const {
184 if (empty()) {
185 return std::nullopt;
186 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<bitsetType, common::BitSet<BITS>>) {
187 return {static_cast<enumerationType>(bitset_.LeastElement().value())};
188 } else {
189 // std::bitset: just iterate
190 for (std::size_t j{0}; j < BITS; ++j) {
191 auto enumerator{static_cast<enumerationType>(j)};
192 if (bitset_.test(j)) {
193 return {enumerator};
194 }
195 }
196 die("EnumSet::LeastElement(): no bit found in non-empty std::bitset");
197 }
198 }
200 template <typename FUNC> void IterateOverMembers(const FUNC &f) const {
201 EnumSet copy{*this};
202 while (auto least{copy.LeastElement()}) {
203 f(*least);
204 copy.erase(*least);
205 }
206 }
208 template <typename STREAM>
209 STREAM &Dump(
210 STREAM &o, std::string_view EnumToString(enumerationType)) const {
211 char sep{'{'};
212 IterateOverMembers([&](auto e) {
213 o << sep << EnumToString(e);
214 sep = ',';
215 });
216 return o << (sep == '{' ? "{}" : "}");
217 }
220 bitsetType bitset_{};
222} // namespace Fortran::common
224template <typename ENUM, std::size_t values>
225struct std::hash<Fortran::common::EnumSet<ENUM, values>> {
226 std::size_t operator()(
227 const Fortran::common::EnumSet<ENUM, values> &x) const {
228 return std::hash(x.bitset());
229 }

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source code of flang/include/flang/Common/enum-set.h