1//===-- lib/Parser/parsing.cpp --------------------------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "flang/Parser/parsing.h"
10#include "prescan.h"
11#include "type-parsers.h"
12#include "flang/Parser/message.h"
13#include "flang/Parser/preprocessor.h"
14#include "flang/Parser/provenance.h"
15#include "flang/Parser/source.h"
16#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
18namespace Fortran::parser {
20Parsing::Parsing(AllCookedSources &allCooked) : allCooked_{allCooked} {}
21Parsing::~Parsing() {}
23const SourceFile *Parsing::Prescan(const std::string &path, Options options) {
24 options_ = options;
25 AllSources &allSources{allCooked_.allSources()};
26 allSources.ClearSearchPath();
27 if (options.isModuleFile) {
28 for (const auto &path : options.searchDirectories) {
29 allSources.AppendSearchPathDirectory(path);
30 }
31 }
33 std::string buf;
34 llvm::raw_string_ostream fileError{buf};
35 const SourceFile *sourceFile{nullptr};
36 if (path == "-") {
37 sourceFile = allSources.ReadStandardInput(fileError);
38 } else if (options.isModuleFile) {
39 // Don't mess with intrinsic module search path
40 sourceFile = allSources.Open(path, fileError);
41 } else {
42 sourceFile =
43 allSources.Open(path, fileError, "."s /*prepend to search path*/);
44 }
45 if (!fileError.str().empty()) {
46 ProvenanceRange range{allSources.AddCompilerInsertion(path)};
47 messages_.Say(range, "%s"_err_en_US, fileError.str());
48 return sourceFile;
49 }
50 CHECK(sourceFile);
52 if (!options.isModuleFile) {
53 // For .mod files we always want to look in the search directories.
54 // For normal source files we don't add them until after the primary
55 // source file has been opened. If foo.f is missing from the current
56 // working directory, we don't want to accidentally read another foo.f
57 // from another directory that's on the search path.
58 for (const auto &path : options.searchDirectories) {
59 allSources.AppendSearchPathDirectory(path);
60 }
61 }
63 if (!options.predefinitions.empty()) {
64 preprocessor_.DefineStandardMacros();
65 for (const auto &predef : options.predefinitions) {
66 if (predef.second) {
67 preprocessor_.Define(predef.first, *predef.second);
68 } else {
69 preprocessor_.Undefine(predef.first);
70 }
71 }
72 }
73 currentCooked_ = &allCooked_.NewCookedSource();
74 Prescanner prescanner{
75 messages_, *currentCooked_, preprocessor_, options.features};
76 prescanner.set_fixedForm(options.isFixedForm)
77 .set_fixedFormColumnLimit(options.fixedFormColumns)
78 .AddCompilerDirectiveSentinel("dir$");
79 if (options.features.IsEnabled(LanguageFeature::OpenACC)) {
80 prescanner.AddCompilerDirectiveSentinel("$acc");
81 }
82 if (options.features.IsEnabled(LanguageFeature::OpenMP)) {
83 prescanner.AddCompilerDirectiveSentinel("$omp");
84 prescanner.AddCompilerDirectiveSentinel("$"); // OMP conditional line
85 }
86 if (options.features.IsEnabled(LanguageFeature::CUDA)) {
87 prescanner.AddCompilerDirectiveSentinel("$cuf");
88 prescanner.AddCompilerDirectiveSentinel("@cuf");
89 preprocessor_.Define("_CUDA", "1");
90 }
91 ProvenanceRange range{allSources.AddIncludedFile(
92 *sourceFile, ProvenanceRange{}, options.isModuleFile)};
93 prescanner.Prescan(range);
94 if (currentCooked_->BufferedBytes() == 0 && !options.isModuleFile) {
95 // Input is empty. Append a newline so that any warning
96 // message about nonstandard usage will have provenance.
97 currentCooked_->Put('\n', range.start());
98 }
99 currentCooked_->Marshal(allCooked_);
100 if (options.needProvenanceRangeToCharBlockMappings) {
101 currentCooked_->CompileProvenanceRangeToOffsetMappings(allSources);
102 }
103 if (options.showColors) {
104 allSources.setShowColors(/*showColors=*/true);
105 }
106 return sourceFile;
109void Parsing::EmitPreprocessorMacros(llvm::raw_ostream &out) const {
110 preprocessor_.PrintMacros(out);
113void Parsing::EmitPreprocessedSource(
114 llvm::raw_ostream &out, bool lineDirectives) const {
115 const std::string *sourcePath{nullptr};
116 int sourceLine{0};
117 int column{1};
118 bool inDirective{false};
119 bool inContinuation{false};
120 bool lineWasBlankBefore{true};
121 const AllSources &allSources{allCooked().allSources()};
122 // All directives that flang support are known to have a length of 3 chars
123 constexpr int directiveNameLength{3};
124 // We need to know the current directive in order to provide correct
125 // continuation for the directive
126 std::string directive;
127 for (const char &atChar : cooked().AsCharBlock()) {
128 char ch{atChar};
129 if (ch == '\n') {
130 out << '\n'; // TODO: DOS CR-LF line ending if necessary
131 column = 1;
132 inDirective = false;
133 inContinuation = false;
134 lineWasBlankBefore = true;
135 ++sourceLine;
136 directive.clear();
137 } else {
138 auto provenance{cooked().GetProvenanceRange(CharBlock{&atChar, 1})};
140 // Preserves original case of the character
141 const auto getOriginalChar{[&](char ch) {
142 if (IsLetter(ch) && provenance && provenance->size() == 1) {
143 if (const char *orig{allSources.GetSource(*provenance)}) {
144 const char upper{ToUpperCaseLetter(ch)};
145 if (*orig == upper) {
146 return upper;
147 }
148 }
149 }
150 return ch;
151 }};
153 if (ch == '!' && lineWasBlankBefore) {
154 // Other comment markers (C, *, D) in original fixed form source
155 // input card column 1 will have been deleted or normalized to !,
156 // which signifies a comment (directive) in both source forms.
157 inDirective = true;
158 }
159 if (inDirective && directive.size() < directiveNameLength &&
160 IsLetter(ch)) {
161 directive += getOriginalChar(ch);
162 }
164 std::optional<SourcePosition> position{provenance
165 ? allSources.GetSourcePosition(provenance->start())
166 : std::nullopt};
167 if (lineDirectives && column == 1 && position) {
168 if (&*position->path != sourcePath) {
169 out << "#line \"" << *position->path << "\" " << position->line
170 << '\n';
171 } else if (position->line != sourceLine) {
172 if (sourceLine < position->line &&
173 sourceLine + 10 >= position->line) {
174 // Emit a few newlines to catch up when they'll likely
175 // require fewer bytes than a #line directive would have
176 // occupied.
177 while (sourceLine++ < position->line) {
178 out << '\n';
179 }
180 } else {
181 out << "#line " << position->line << '\n';
182 }
183 }
184 sourcePath = &*position->path;
185 sourceLine = position->line;
186 }
187 if (column > 72) {
188 // Wrap long lines in a portable fashion that works in both
189 // of the Fortran source forms. The first free-form continuation
190 // marker ("&") lands in column 73, which begins the card commentary
191 // field of fixed form, and the second one is put in column 6,
192 // where it signifies fixed form line continuation.
193 // The standard Fortran fixed form column limit (72) is used
194 // for output, even if the input was parsed with a nonstandard
195 // column limit override option.
196 // OpenMP and OpenACC directives' continuations should have the
197 // corresponding sentinel at the next line.
198 const auto continuation{
199 inDirective ? "&\n!$" + directive + "&" : "&\n &"s};
200 out << continuation;
201 column = 7; // start of fixed form source field
202 ++sourceLine;
203 inContinuation = true;
204 } else if (!inDirective && ch != ' ' && (ch < '0' || ch > '9')) {
205 // Put anything other than a label or directive into the
206 // Fortran fixed form source field (columns [7:72]).
207 for (; column < 7; ++column) {
208 out << ' ';
209 }
210 }
211 if (!inContinuation && position && position->column <= 72 && ch != ' ') {
212 // Preserve original indentation
213 for (; column < position->column; ++column) {
214 out << ' ';
215 }
216 }
217 out << getOriginalChar(ch);
218 lineWasBlankBefore = ch == ' ' && lineWasBlankBefore;
219 ++column;
220 }
221 }
224void Parsing::DumpCookedChars(llvm::raw_ostream &out) const {
225 UserState userState{allCooked_, common::LanguageFeatureControl{}};
226 ParseState parseState{cooked()};
227 parseState.set_inFixedForm(options_.isFixedForm).set_userState(&userState);
228 while (std::optional<const char *> p{parseState.GetNextChar()}) {
229 out << **p;
230 }
233void Parsing::DumpProvenance(llvm::raw_ostream &out) const {
234 allCooked_.Dump(out);
237void Parsing::DumpParsingLog(llvm::raw_ostream &out) const {
238 log_.Dump(out, allCooked_);
241void Parsing::Parse(llvm::raw_ostream &out) {
242 UserState userState{allCooked_, options_.features};
243 userState.set_debugOutput(out)
244 .set_instrumentedParse(options_.instrumentedParse)
245 .set_log(&log_);
246 ParseState parseState{cooked()};
247 parseState.set_inFixedForm(options_.isFixedForm).set_userState(&userState);
248 parseTree_ = program.Parse(parseState);
249 CHECK(
250 !parseState.anyErrorRecovery() || parseState.messages().AnyFatalError());
251 consumedWholeFile_ = parseState.IsAtEnd();
252 messages_.Annex(std::move(parseState.messages()));
253 finalRestingPlace_ = parseState.GetLocation();
256void Parsing::ClearLog() { log_.clear(); }
258} // namespace Fortran::parser

source code of flang/lib/Parser/parsing.cpp