1//===-- lib/Semantics/check-call.cpp --------------------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "check-call.h"
10#include "definable.h"
11#include "pointer-assignment.h"
12#include "flang/Evaluate/characteristics.h"
13#include "flang/Evaluate/check-expression.h"
14#include "flang/Evaluate/fold-designator.h"
15#include "flang/Evaluate/shape.h"
16#include "flang/Evaluate/tools.h"
17#include "flang/Parser/characters.h"
18#include "flang/Parser/message.h"
19#include "flang/Semantics/scope.h"
20#include "flang/Semantics/tools.h"
21#include <map>
22#include <string>
24using namespace Fortran::parser::literals;
25namespace characteristics = Fortran::evaluate::characteristics;
27namespace Fortran::semantics {
29static void CheckImplicitInterfaceArg(evaluate::ActualArgument &arg,
30 parser::ContextualMessages &messages, evaluate::FoldingContext &context) {
31 auto restorer{
32 messages.SetLocation(arg.sourceLocation().value_or(messages.at()))};
33 if (auto kw{arg.keyword()}) {
34 messages.Say(*kw,
35 "Keyword '%s=' may not appear in a reference to a procedure with an implicit interface"_err_en_US,
36 *kw);
37 }
38 if (auto type{arg.GetType()}) {
39 if (type->IsAssumedType()) {
40 messages.Say(
41 "Assumed type actual argument requires an explicit interface"_err_en_US);
42 } else if (type->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()) {
43 messages.Say(
44 "Unlimited polymorphic actual argument requires an explicit interface"_err_en_US);
45 } else if (const DerivedTypeSpec * derived{GetDerivedTypeSpec(type)}) {
46 if (!derived->parameters().empty()) {
47 messages.Say(
48 "Parameterized derived type actual argument requires an explicit interface"_err_en_US);
49 }
50 }
51 }
52 if (const auto *expr{arg.UnwrapExpr()}) {
53 if (IsBOZLiteral(*expr)) {
54 messages.Say("BOZ argument requires an explicit interface"_err_en_US);
55 } else if (evaluate::IsNullPointer(*expr)) {
56 messages.Say(
57 "Null pointer argument requires an explicit interface"_err_en_US);
58 } else if (auto named{evaluate::ExtractNamedEntity(*expr)}) {
59 const Symbol &symbol{named->GetLastSymbol()};
60 if (symbol.Corank() > 0) {
61 messages.Say(
62 "Coarray argument requires an explicit interface"_err_en_US);
63 }
64 if (const auto *details{symbol.detailsIf<ObjectEntityDetails>()}) {
65 if (details->IsAssumedRank()) {
66 messages.Say(
67 "Assumed rank argument requires an explicit interface"_err_en_US);
68 }
69 }
70 if (symbol.attrs().test(Attr::ASYNCHRONOUS)) {
71 messages.Say(
72 "ASYNCHRONOUS argument requires an explicit interface"_err_en_US);
73 }
74 if (symbol.attrs().test(Attr::VOLATILE)) {
75 messages.Say(
76 "VOLATILE argument requires an explicit interface"_err_en_US);
77 }
78 } else if (auto argChars{characteristics::DummyArgument::FromActual(
79 "actual argument", *expr, context,
80 /*forImplicitInterface=*/true)}) {
81 const auto *argProcDesignator{
82 std::get_if<evaluate::ProcedureDesignator>(&expr->u)};
83 if (const auto *argProcSymbol{
84 argProcDesignator ? argProcDesignator->GetSymbol() : nullptr}) {
85 if (!argChars->IsTypelessIntrinsicDummy() && argProcDesignator &&
86 argProcDesignator->IsElemental()) { // C1533
87 evaluate::SayWithDeclaration(messages, *argProcSymbol,
88 "Non-intrinsic ELEMENTAL procedure '%s' may not be passed as an actual argument"_err_en_US,
89 argProcSymbol->name());
90 } else if (const auto *subp{argProcSymbol->GetUltimate()
91 .detailsIf<SubprogramDetails>()}) {
92 if (subp->stmtFunction()) {
93 evaluate::SayWithDeclaration(messages, *argProcSymbol,
94 "Statement function '%s' may not be passed as an actual argument"_err_en_US,
95 argProcSymbol->name());
96 }
97 }
98 }
99 }
100 }
103// F'2023 "Sequence association only applies when the dummy
104// argument is an explicit-shape or assumed-size array."
105static bool CanAssociateWithStorageSequence(
106 const characteristics::DummyDataObject &dummy) {
107 return !dummy.type.attrs().test(
108 characteristics::TypeAndShape::Attr::AssumedRank) &&
109 !dummy.type.attrs().test(
110 characteristics::TypeAndShape::Attr::AssumedShape) &&
111 !dummy.type.attrs().test(characteristics::TypeAndShape::Attr::Coarray) &&
112 !dummy.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Allocatable) &&
113 !dummy.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Pointer);
116// When a CHARACTER actual argument is known to be short,
117// we extend it on the right with spaces and a warning if
118// possible. When it is long, and not required to be equal,
119// the usage conforms to the standard and no warning is needed.
120static void CheckCharacterActual(evaluate::Expr<evaluate::SomeType> &actual,
121 const characteristics::DummyDataObject &dummy,
122 characteristics::TypeAndShape &actualType, SemanticsContext &context,
123 parser::ContextualMessages &messages, bool extentErrors,
124 const std::string &dummyName) {
125 if (dummy.type.type().category() == TypeCategory::Character &&
126 actualType.type().category() == TypeCategory::Character &&
127 dummy.type.type().kind() == actualType.type().kind() &&
128 !dummy.attrs.test(
129 characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::DeducedFromActual)) {
130 if (dummy.type.LEN() && actualType.LEN()) {
131 evaluate::FoldingContext &foldingContext{context.foldingContext()};
132 auto dummyLength{
133 ToInt64(Fold(foldingContext, common::Clone(*dummy.type.LEN())))};
134 auto actualLength{
135 ToInt64(Fold(foldingContext, common::Clone(*actualType.LEN())))};
136 if (dummyLength && actualLength) {
137 bool canAssociate{CanAssociateWithStorageSequence(dummy)};
138 if (dummy.type.Rank() > 0 && canAssociate) {
139 // Character storage sequence association (F'2023
140 if (auto dummySize{evaluate::ToInt64(evaluate::Fold(foldingContext,
141 evaluate::GetSize(evaluate::Shape{dummy.type.shape()})))}) {
142 auto dummyChars{*dummySize * *dummyLength};
143 if (actualType.Rank() == 0) {
144 evaluate::DesignatorFolder folder{
145 context.foldingContext(), /*getLastComponent=*/true};
146 if (auto actualOffset{folder.FoldDesignator(actual)}) {
147 std::int64_t actualChars{*actualLength};
148 if (static_cast<std::size_t>(actualOffset->offset()) >=
149 actualOffset->symbol().size() ||
150 !evaluate::IsContiguous(
151 actualOffset->symbol(), foldingContext)) {
152 // If substring, take rest of substring
153 if (*actualLength > 0) {
154 actualChars -=
155 (actualOffset->offset() / actualType.type().kind()) %
156 *actualLength;
157 }
158 } else {
159 actualChars = (static_cast<std::int64_t>(
160 actualOffset->symbol().size()) -
161 actualOffset->offset()) /
162 actualType.type().kind();
163 }
164 if (actualChars < dummyChars) {
165 auto msg{
166 "Actual argument has fewer characters remaining in storage sequence (%jd) than %s (%jd)"_warn_en_US};
167 if (extentErrors) {
168 msg.set_severity(parser::Severity::Error);
169 }
170 messages.Say(std::move(msg),
171 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(actualChars), dummyName,
172 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(dummyChars));
173 }
174 }
175 } else { // actual.type.Rank() > 0
176 if (auto actualSize{evaluate::ToInt64(evaluate::Fold(
177 foldingContext,
178 evaluate::GetSize(evaluate::Shape(actualType.shape()))))};
179 actualSize &&
180 *actualSize * *actualLength < *dummySize * *dummyLength) {
181 auto msg{
182 "Actual argument array has fewer characters (%jd) than %s array (%jd)"_warn_en_US};
183 if (extentErrors) {
184 msg.set_severity(parser::Severity::Error);
185 }
186 messages.Say(std::move(msg),
187 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(*actualSize * *actualLength),
188 dummyName,
189 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(*dummySize * *dummyLength));
190 }
191 }
192 }
193 } else if (*actualLength != *dummyLength) {
194 // Not using storage sequence association, and the lengths don't
195 // match.
196 if (!canAssociate) {
197 // F'2023 paragraph 4
198 messages.Say(
199 "Actual argument variable length '%jd' does not match the expected length '%jd'"_err_en_US,
200 *actualLength, *dummyLength);
201 } else if (*actualLength < *dummyLength) {
202 CHECK(dummy.type.Rank() == 0);
203 bool isVariable{evaluate::IsVariable(actual)};
204 if (context.ShouldWarn(
205 common::UsageWarning::ShortCharacterActual)) {
206 if (isVariable) {
207 messages.Say(
208 "Actual argument variable length '%jd' is less than expected length '%jd'"_warn_en_US,
209 *actualLength, *dummyLength);
210 } else {
211 messages.Say(
212 "Actual argument expression length '%jd' is less than expected length '%jd'"_warn_en_US,
213 *actualLength, *dummyLength);
214 }
215 }
216 if (!isVariable) {
217 auto converted{
218 ConvertToType(dummy.type.type(), std::move(actual))};
219 CHECK(converted);
220 actual = std::move(*converted);
221 actualType.set_LEN(SubscriptIntExpr{*dummyLength});
222 }
223 }
224 }
225 }
226 }
227 }
230// Automatic conversion of different-kind INTEGER scalar actual
231// argument expressions (not variables) to INTEGER scalar dummies.
232// We return nonstandard INTEGER(8) results from intrinsic functions
233// like SIZE() by default in order to facilitate the use of large
234// arrays. Emit a warning when downconverting.
235static void ConvertIntegerActual(evaluate::Expr<evaluate::SomeType> &actual,
236 const characteristics::TypeAndShape &dummyType,
237 characteristics::TypeAndShape &actualType,
238 parser::ContextualMessages &messages, SemanticsContext &semanticsContext) {
239 if (dummyType.type().category() == TypeCategory::Integer &&
240 actualType.type().category() == TypeCategory::Integer &&
241 dummyType.type().kind() != actualType.type().kind() &&
242 GetRank(dummyType.shape()) == 0 && GetRank(actualType.shape()) == 0 &&
243 !evaluate::IsVariable(actual)) {
244 auto converted{
245 evaluate::ConvertToType(dummyType.type(), std::move(actual))};
246 CHECK(converted);
247 actual = std::move(*converted);
248 if (dummyType.type().kind() < actualType.type().kind()) {
249 if (!semanticsContext.IsEnabled(
250 common::LanguageFeature::ActualIntegerConvertedToSmallerKind) ||
251 semanticsContext.ShouldWarn(
252 common::LanguageFeature::ActualIntegerConvertedToSmallerKind)) {
253 std::optional<parser::MessageFixedText> msg;
254 if (!semanticsContext.IsEnabled(
255 common::LanguageFeature::ActualIntegerConvertedToSmallerKind)) {
256 msg =
257 "Actual argument scalar expression of type INTEGER(%d) cannot beimplicitly converted to smaller dummy argument type INTEGER(%d)"_err_en_US;
258 } else {
259 msg =
260 "Actual argument scalar expression of type INTEGER(%d) was converted to smaller dummy argument type INTEGER(%d)"_port_en_US;
261 }
262 messages.Say(std::move(msg.value()), actualType.type().kind(),
263 dummyType.type().kind());
264 }
265 }
266 actualType = dummyType;
267 }
270// Automatic conversion of different-kind LOGICAL scalar actual argument
271// expressions (not variables) to LOGICAL scalar dummies when the dummy is of
272// default logical kind. This allows expressions in dummy arguments to work when
273// the default logical kind is not the one used in LogicalResult. This will
274// always be safe even when downconverting so no warning is needed.
275static void ConvertLogicalActual(evaluate::Expr<evaluate::SomeType> &actual,
276 const characteristics::TypeAndShape &dummyType,
277 characteristics::TypeAndShape &actualType) {
278 if (dummyType.type().category() == TypeCategory::Logical &&
279 actualType.type().category() == TypeCategory::Logical &&
280 dummyType.type().kind() != actualType.type().kind() &&
281 !evaluate::IsVariable(actual)) {
282 auto converted{
283 evaluate::ConvertToType(dummyType.type(), std::move(actual))};
284 CHECK(converted);
285 actual = std::move(*converted);
286 actualType = dummyType;
287 }
290static bool DefersSameTypeParameters(
291 const DerivedTypeSpec &actual, const DerivedTypeSpec &dummy) {
292 for (const auto &pair : actual.parameters()) {
293 const ParamValue &actualValue{pair.second};
294 const ParamValue *dummyValue{dummy.FindParameter(pair.first)};
295 if (!dummyValue || (actualValue.isDeferred() != dummyValue->isDeferred())) {
296 return false;
297 }
298 }
299 return true;
302static void CheckExplicitDataArg(const characteristics::DummyDataObject &dummy,
303 const std::string &dummyName, evaluate::Expr<evaluate::SomeType> &actual,
304 characteristics::TypeAndShape &actualType, bool isElemental,
305 SemanticsContext &context, evaluate::FoldingContext &foldingContext,
306 const Scope *scope, const evaluate::SpecificIntrinsic *intrinsic,
307 bool allowActualArgumentConversions, bool extentErrors,
308 const characteristics::Procedure &procedure) {
310 // Basic type & rank checking
311 parser::ContextualMessages &messages{foldingContext.messages()};
312 CheckCharacterActual(
313 actual, dummy, actualType, context, messages, extentErrors, dummyName);
314 bool dummyIsAllocatable{
315 dummy.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Allocatable)};
316 bool dummyIsPointer{
317 dummy.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Pointer)};
318 bool dummyIsAllocatableOrPointer{dummyIsAllocatable || dummyIsPointer};
319 allowActualArgumentConversions &= !dummyIsAllocatableOrPointer;
320 bool typesCompatibleWithIgnoreTKR{
321 (dummy.ignoreTKR.test(common::IgnoreTKR::Type) &&
322 (dummy.type.type().category() == TypeCategory::Derived ||
323 actualType.type().category() == TypeCategory::Derived ||
324 dummy.type.type().category() != actualType.type().category())) ||
325 (dummy.ignoreTKR.test(common::IgnoreTKR::Kind) &&
326 dummy.type.type().category() == actualType.type().category())};
327 allowActualArgumentConversions &= !typesCompatibleWithIgnoreTKR;
328 if (allowActualArgumentConversions) {
329 ConvertIntegerActual(actual, dummy.type, actualType, messages, context);
330 ConvertLogicalActual(actual, dummy.type, actualType);
331 }
332 bool typesCompatible{typesCompatibleWithIgnoreTKR ||
333 dummy.type.type().IsTkCompatibleWith(actualType.type())};
334 int dummyRank{dummy.type.Rank()};
335 if (typesCompatible) {
336 if (const auto *constantChar{
337 evaluate::UnwrapConstantValue<evaluate::Ascii>(actual)};
338 constantChar && constantChar->wasHollerith() &&
339 dummy.type.type().IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()) {
340 messages.Say(
341 "passing Hollerith to unlimited polymorphic as if it were CHARACTER"_port_en_US);
342 }
343 } else if (dummyRank == 0 && allowActualArgumentConversions) {
344 // Extension: pass Hollerith literal to scalar as if it had been BOZ
345 if (auto converted{evaluate::HollerithToBOZ(
346 foldingContext, actual, dummy.type.type())}) {
347 if (context.ShouldWarn(
348 common::LanguageFeature::HollerithOrCharacterAsBOZ)) {
349 messages.Say(
350 "passing Hollerith or character literal as if it were BOZ"_port_en_US);
351 }
352 actual = *converted;
353 actualType.type() = dummy.type.type();
354 typesCompatible = true;
355 }
356 }
357 bool dummyIsAssumedRank{dummy.type.attrs().test(
358 characteristics::TypeAndShape::Attr::AssumedRank)};
359 if (typesCompatible) {
360 if (isElemental) {
361 } else if (dummyIsAssumedRank) {
362 } else if (dummy.ignoreTKR.test(common::IgnoreTKR::Rank)) {
363 } else if (dummyRank > 0 && !dummyIsAllocatableOrPointer &&
364 !dummy.type.attrs().test(
365 characteristics::TypeAndShape::Attr::AssumedShape) &&
366 !dummy.type.attrs().test(
367 characteristics::TypeAndShape::Attr::DeferredShape) &&
368 (actualType.Rank() > 0 || IsArrayElement(actual))) {
369 // Sequence association ( applies -- rank need not match
370 // if the actual argument is an array or array element designator,
371 // and the dummy is an array, but not assumed-shape or an INTENT(IN)
372 // pointer that's standing in for an assumed-shape dummy.
373 } else {
374 // Let CheckConformance accept actual scalars; storage association
375 // cases are checked here below.
376 CheckConformance(messages, dummy.type.shape(), actualType.shape(),
377 dummyIsAllocatableOrPointer
378 ? evaluate::CheckConformanceFlags::None
379 : evaluate::CheckConformanceFlags::RightScalarExpandable,
380 "dummy argument", "actual argument");
381 }
382 } else {
383 const auto &len{actualType.LEN()};
384 messages.Say(
385 "Actual argument type '%s' is not compatible with dummy argument type '%s'"_err_en_US,
386 actualType.type().AsFortran(len ? len->AsFortran() : ""),
387 dummy.type.type().AsFortran());
388 }
390 bool actualIsPolymorphic{actualType.type().IsPolymorphic()};
391 bool dummyIsPolymorphic{dummy.type.type().IsPolymorphic()};
392 bool actualIsCoindexed{ExtractCoarrayRef(actual).has_value()};
393 bool actualIsAssumedSize{actualType.attrs().test(
394 characteristics::TypeAndShape::Attr::AssumedSize)};
395 bool dummyIsAssumedSize{dummy.type.attrs().test(
396 characteristics::TypeAndShape::Attr::AssumedSize)};
397 bool dummyIsAsynchronous{
398 dummy.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Asynchronous)};
399 bool dummyIsVolatile{
400 dummy.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Volatile)};
401 bool dummyIsValue{
402 dummy.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Value)};
404 if (actualIsPolymorphic && dummyIsPolymorphic &&
405 actualIsCoindexed) { //
406 messages.Say(
407 "Coindexed polymorphic object may not be associated with a polymorphic %s"_err_en_US,
408 dummyName);
409 }
410 if (actualIsPolymorphic && !dummyIsPolymorphic &&
411 actualIsAssumedSize) { //
412 messages.Say(
413 "Assumed-size polymorphic array may not be associated with a monomorphic %s"_err_en_US,
414 dummyName);
415 }
417 // Derived type actual argument checks
418 const Symbol *actualFirstSymbol{evaluate::GetFirstSymbol(actual)};
419 bool actualIsAsynchronous{
420 actualFirstSymbol && actualFirstSymbol->attrs().test(Attr::ASYNCHRONOUS)};
421 bool actualIsVolatile{
422 actualFirstSymbol && actualFirstSymbol->attrs().test(Attr::VOLATILE)};
423 const auto *derived{evaluate::GetDerivedTypeSpec(actualType.type())};
424 if (derived && !derived->IsVectorType()) {
425 if (dummy.type.type().IsAssumedType()) {
426 if (!derived->parameters().empty()) { //
427 messages.Say(
428 "Actual argument associated with TYPE(*) %s may not have a parameterized derived type"_err_en_US,
429 dummyName);
430 }
431 if (const Symbol *
432 tbp{FindImmediateComponent(*derived, [](const Symbol &symbol) {
433 return symbol.has<ProcBindingDetails>();
434 })}) { //
435 evaluate::SayWithDeclaration(messages, *tbp,
436 "Actual argument associated with TYPE(*) %s may not have type-bound procedure '%s'"_err_en_US,
437 dummyName, tbp->name());
438 }
439 auto finals{FinalsForDerivedTypeInstantiation(*derived)};
440 if (!finals.empty()) { //
441 SourceName name{finals.front()->name()};
442 if (auto *msg{messages.Say(
443 "Actual argument associated with TYPE(*) %s may not have derived type '%s' with FINAL subroutine '%s'"_err_en_US,
444 dummyName, derived->typeSymbol().name(), name)}) {
445 msg->Attach(name, "FINAL subroutine '%s' in derived type '%s'"_en_US,
446 name, derived->typeSymbol().name());
447 }
448 }
449 }
450 if (actualIsCoindexed) {
451 if (dummy.intent != common::Intent::In && !dummyIsValue) {
452 if (auto bad{
453 FindAllocatableUltimateComponent(*derived)}) { //
454 evaluate::SayWithDeclaration(messages, *bad,
455 "Coindexed actual argument with ALLOCATABLE ultimate component '%s' must be associated with a %s with VALUE or INTENT(IN) attributes"_err_en_US,
456 bad.BuildResultDesignatorName(), dummyName);
457 }
458 }
459 if (auto coarrayRef{evaluate::ExtractCoarrayRef(actual)}) { // C1537
460 const Symbol &coarray{coarrayRef->GetLastSymbol()};
461 if (const DeclTypeSpec * type{coarray.GetType()}) {
462 if (const DerivedTypeSpec * derived{type->AsDerived()}) {
463 if (auto bad{semantics::FindPointerUltimateComponent(*derived)}) {
464 evaluate::SayWithDeclaration(messages, coarray,
465 "Coindexed object '%s' with POINTER ultimate component '%s' cannot be associated with %s"_err_en_US,
466 coarray.name(), bad.BuildResultDesignatorName(), dummyName);
467 }
468 }
469 }
470 }
471 }
472 if (actualIsVolatile != dummyIsVolatile) { //
473 if (auto bad{semantics::FindCoarrayUltimateComponent(*derived)}) {
474 evaluate::SayWithDeclaration(messages, *bad,
475 "VOLATILE attribute must match for %s when actual argument has a coarray ultimate component '%s'"_err_en_US,
476 dummyName, bad.BuildResultDesignatorName());
477 }
478 }
479 }
481 // Rank and shape checks
482 const auto *actualLastSymbol{evaluate::GetLastSymbol(actual)};
483 if (actualLastSymbol) {
484 actualLastSymbol = &ResolveAssociations(*actualLastSymbol);
485 }
486 const ObjectEntityDetails *actualLastObject{actualLastSymbol
487 ? actualLastSymbol->detailsIf<ObjectEntityDetails>()
488 : nullptr};
489 int actualRank{actualType.Rank()};
490 bool actualIsPointer{evaluate::IsObjectPointer(actual)};
491 bool actualIsAssumedRank{evaluate::IsAssumedRank(actual)};
492 if (dummy.type.attrs().test(
493 characteristics::TypeAndShape::Attr::AssumedShape)) {
494 //
495 if (actualIsAssumedRank) {
496 messages.Say(
497 "Assumed-rank actual argument may not be associated with assumed-shape %s"_err_en_US,
498 dummyName);
499 } else if (actualRank == 0) {
500 messages.Say(
501 "Scalar actual argument may not be associated with assumed-shape %s"_err_en_US,
502 dummyName);
503 } else if (actualIsAssumedSize && actualLastSymbol) {
504 evaluate::SayWithDeclaration(messages, *actualLastSymbol,
505 "Assumed-size array may not be associated with assumed-shape %s"_err_en_US,
506 dummyName);
507 }
508 } else if (dummyRank > 0) {
509 bool basicError{false};
510 if (actualRank == 0 && !actualIsAssumedRank &&
511 !dummyIsAllocatableOrPointer) {
512 // Actual is scalar, dummy is an array. F'2023
513 if (actualIsCoindexed) {
514 basicError = true;
515 messages.Say(
516 "Coindexed scalar actual argument must be associated with a scalar %s"_err_en_US,
517 dummyName);
518 }
519 bool actualIsArrayElement{IsArrayElement(actual)};
520 bool actualIsCKindCharacter{
521 actualType.type().category() == TypeCategory::Character &&
522 actualType.type().kind() == 1};
523 if (!actualIsCKindCharacter) {
524 if (!actualIsArrayElement &&
525 !(dummy.type.type().IsAssumedType() && dummyIsAssumedSize) &&
526 !dummyIsAssumedRank &&
527 !dummy.ignoreTKR.test(common::IgnoreTKR::Rank)) {
528 basicError = true;
529 messages.Say(
530 "Whole scalar actual argument may not be associated with a %s array"_err_en_US,
531 dummyName);
532 }
533 if (actualIsPolymorphic) {
534 basicError = true;
535 messages.Say(
536 "Polymorphic scalar may not be associated with a %s array"_err_en_US,
537 dummyName);
538 }
539 if (actualIsArrayElement && actualLastSymbol &&
540 !evaluate::IsContiguous(*actualLastSymbol, foldingContext) &&
541 !dummy.ignoreTKR.test(common::IgnoreTKR::Contiguous)) {
542 if (IsPointer(*actualLastSymbol)) {
543 basicError = true;
544 messages.Say(
545 "Element of pointer array may not be associated with a %s array"_err_en_US,
546 dummyName);
547 } else if (IsAssumedShape(*actualLastSymbol) &&
548 !dummy.ignoreTKR.test(common::IgnoreTKR::Contiguous)) {
549 basicError = true;
550 messages.Say(
551 "Element of assumed-shape array may not be associated with a %s array"_err_en_US,
552 dummyName);
553 }
554 }
555 }
556 }
557 // Storage sequence association (F'2023 checks.
558 // Character storage sequence association is checked in
559 // CheckCharacterActual().
560 if (!basicError &&
561 actualType.type().category() != TypeCategory::Character &&
562 CanAssociateWithStorageSequence(dummy) &&
563 !dummy.attrs.test(
564 characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::DeducedFromActual)) {
565 if (auto dummySize{evaluate::ToInt64(evaluate::Fold(foldingContext,
566 evaluate::GetSize(evaluate::Shape{dummy.type.shape()})))}) {
567 if (actualRank == 0 && !actualIsAssumedRank) {
568 if (evaluate::IsArrayElement(actual)) {
569 // Actual argument is a scalar array element
570 evaluate::DesignatorFolder folder{
571 context.foldingContext(), /*getLastComponent=*/true};
572 if (auto actualOffset{folder.FoldDesignator(actual)}) {
573 std::optional<std::int64_t> actualElements;
574 if (static_cast<std::size_t>(actualOffset->offset()) >=
575 actualOffset->symbol().size() ||
576 !evaluate::IsContiguous(
577 actualOffset->symbol(), foldingContext)) {
578 actualElements = 1;
579 } else if (auto actualSymType{evaluate::DynamicType::From(
580 actualOffset->symbol())}) {
581 if (auto actualSymTypeBytes{
582 evaluate::ToInt64(evaluate::Fold(foldingContext,
583 actualSymType->MeasureSizeInBytes(
584 foldingContext, false)))};
585 actualSymTypeBytes && *actualSymTypeBytes > 0) {
586 actualElements = (static_cast<std::int64_t>(
587 actualOffset->symbol().size()) -
588 actualOffset->offset()) /
589 *actualSymTypeBytes;
590 }
591 }
592 if (actualElements && *actualElements < *dummySize) {
593 auto msg{
594 "Actual argument has fewer elements remaining in storage sequence (%jd) than %s array (%jd)"_warn_en_US};
595 if (extentErrors) {
596 msg.set_severity(parser::Severity::Error);
597 }
598 messages.Say(std::move(msg),
599 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(*actualElements), dummyName,
600 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(*dummySize));
601 }
602 }
603 }
604 } else { // actualRank > 0 || actualIsAssumedRank
605 if (auto actualSize{evaluate::ToInt64(evaluate::Fold(foldingContext,
606 evaluate::GetSize(evaluate::Shape(actualType.shape()))))};
607 actualSize && *actualSize < *dummySize) {
608 auto msg{
609 "Actual argument array has fewer elements (%jd) than %s array (%jd)"_warn_en_US};
610 if (extentErrors) {
611 msg.set_severity(parser::Severity::Error);
612 }
613 messages.Say(std::move(msg),
614 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(*actualSize), dummyName,
615 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(*dummySize));
616 }
617 }
618 }
619 }
620 }
621 if (actualLastObject && actualLastObject->IsCoarray() &&
622 IsAllocatable(*actualLastSymbol) && dummy.intent == common::Intent::Out &&
623 !(intrinsic &&
624 evaluate::AcceptsIntentOutAllocatableCoarray(
625 intrinsic->name))) { // C846
626 messages.Say(
627 "ALLOCATABLE coarray '%s' may not be associated with INTENT(OUT) %s"_err_en_US,
628 actualLastSymbol->name(), dummyName);
629 }
631 // Definability
632 bool actualIsVariable{evaluate::IsVariable(actual)};
633 const char *reason{nullptr};
634 if (dummy.intent == common::Intent::Out) {
635 reason = "INTENT(OUT)";
636 } else if (dummy.intent == common::Intent::InOut) {
637 reason = "INTENT(IN OUT)";
638 }
639 if (reason && scope) {
640 // Problems with polymorphism are caught in the callee's definition.
641 DefinabilityFlags flags{DefinabilityFlag::PolymorphicOkInPure};
642 if (isElemental) { //
643 flags.set(DefinabilityFlag::VectorSubscriptIsOk);
644 }
645 if (actualIsPointer && dummyIsPointer) { // 19.6.8
646 flags.set(DefinabilityFlag::PointerDefinition);
647 }
648 if (auto whyNot{WhyNotDefinable(messages.at(), *scope, flags, actual)}) {
649 if (auto *msg{messages.Say(
650 "Actual argument associated with %s %s is not definable"_err_en_US,
651 reason, dummyName)}) {
652 msg->Attach(std::move(*whyNot));
653 }
654 }
655 }
657 // technically legal but worth emitting a warning
658 // llvm-project issue #58973: constant actual argument passed in where dummy
659 // argument is marked volatile
660 if (dummyIsVolatile && !actualIsVariable &&
661 context.ShouldWarn(common::UsageWarning::ExprPassedToVolatile)) {
662 messages.Say(
663 "actual argument associated with VOLATILE %s is not a variable"_warn_en_US,
664 dummyName);
665 }
667 // Cases when temporaries might be needed but must not be permitted.
668 bool actualIsContiguous{IsSimplyContiguous(actual, foldingContext)};
669 bool dummyIsAssumedShape{dummy.type.attrs().test(
670 characteristics::TypeAndShape::Attr::AssumedShape)};
671 bool dummyIsContiguous{
672 dummy.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Contiguous)};
673 if ((actualIsAsynchronous || actualIsVolatile) &&
674 (dummyIsAsynchronous || dummyIsVolatile) && !dummyIsValue) {
675 if (actualIsCoindexed) { // C1538
676 messages.Say(
677 "Coindexed ASYNCHRONOUS or VOLATILE actual argument may not be associated with %s with ASYNCHRONOUS or VOLATILE attributes unless VALUE"_err_en_US,
678 dummyName);
679 }
680 if ((actualRank > 0 || actualIsAssumedRank) && !actualIsContiguous) {
681 if (dummyIsContiguous ||
682 !(dummyIsAssumedShape || dummyIsAssumedRank ||
683 (actualIsPointer && dummyIsPointer))) { // C1539 & C1540
684 messages.Say(
685 "ASYNCHRONOUS or VOLATILE actual argument that is not simply contiguous may not be associated with a contiguous ASYNCHRONOUS or VOLATILE %s"_err_en_US,
686 dummyName);
687 }
688 }
689 }
691 // -- dummy is ALLOCATABLE
692 bool actualIsAllocatable{evaluate::IsAllocatableDesignator(actual)};
693 bool dummyIsOptional{
694 dummy.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Optional)};
695 bool actualIsNull{evaluate::IsNullPointer(actual)};
696 if (dummyIsAllocatable) {
697 if (actualIsAllocatable) {
698 if (actualIsCoindexed && dummy.intent != common::Intent::In) {
699 messages.Say(
700 "ALLOCATABLE %s must have INTENT(IN) to be associated with a coindexed actual argument"_err_en_US,
701 dummyName);
702 }
703 } else if (actualIsNull) {
704 if (dummyIsOptional) {
705 } else if (dummy.intent == common::Intent::In) {
706 // Extension (Intel, NAG, XLF): a NULL() pointer is an acceptable
707 // actual argument for an INTENT(IN) allocatable dummy, and it
708 // is treated as an unassociated allocatable.
709 if (context.languageFeatures().ShouldWarn(
710 common::LanguageFeature::NullActualForAllocatable)) {
711 messages.Say(
712 "Allocatable %s is associated with a null pointer"_port_en_US,
713 dummyName);
714 }
715 } else {
716 messages.Say(
717 "A null pointer may not be associated with allocatable %s without INTENT(IN)"_err_en_US,
718 dummyName);
719 }
720 } else {
721 messages.Say(
722 "ALLOCATABLE %s must be associated with an ALLOCATABLE actual argument"_err_en_US,
723 dummyName);
724 }
725 if (!actualIsCoindexed && actualLastSymbol &&
726 actualLastSymbol->Corank() != dummy.type.corank()) {
727 messages.Say(
728 "ALLOCATABLE %s has corank %d but actual argument has corank %d"_err_en_US,
729 dummyName, dummy.type.corank(), actualLastSymbol->Corank());
730 }
731 }
733 // -- dummy is POINTER
734 if (dummyIsPointer) {
735 if (actualIsPointer || dummy.intent == common::Intent::In) {
736 if (scope) {
737 semantics::CheckPointerAssignment(context, messages.at(), dummyName,
738 dummy, actual, *scope,
739 /*isAssumedRank=*/dummyIsAssumedRank);
740 }
741 } else if (!actualIsPointer) {
742 messages.Say(
743 "Actual argument associated with POINTER %s must also be POINTER unless INTENT(IN)"_err_en_US,
744 dummyName);
745 }
746 }
748 // -- actual & dummy are both POINTER or both ALLOCATABLE
749 // For INTENT(IN) we relax two checks that are in Fortran to
750 // prevent the callee from changing the type or to avoid having
751 // to use a descriptor.
752 if (!typesCompatible) {
753 // Don't pile on the errors emitted above
754 } else if ((actualIsPointer && dummyIsPointer) ||
755 (actualIsAllocatable && dummyIsAllocatable)) {
756 bool actualIsUnlimited{actualType.type().IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()};
757 bool dummyIsUnlimited{dummy.type.type().IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()};
758 if (actualIsUnlimited != dummyIsUnlimited) {
759 if (dummyIsUnlimited && dummy.intent == common::Intent::In &&
760 context.IsEnabled(common::LanguageFeature::RelaxedIntentInChecking)) {
761 if (context.ShouldWarn(
762 common::LanguageFeature::RelaxedIntentInChecking)) {
763 messages.Say(
764 "If a POINTER or ALLOCATABLE dummy or actual argument is unlimited polymorphic, both should be so"_port_en_US);
765 }
766 } else {
767 messages.Say(
768 "If a POINTER or ALLOCATABLE dummy or actual argument is unlimited polymorphic, both must be so"_err_en_US);
769 }
770 } else if (dummyIsPolymorphic != actualIsPolymorphic) {
771 if (dummyIsPolymorphic && dummy.intent == common::Intent::In &&
772 context.IsEnabled(common::LanguageFeature::RelaxedIntentInChecking)) {
773 if (context.ShouldWarn(
774 common::LanguageFeature::RelaxedIntentInChecking)) {
775 messages.Say(
776 "If a POINTER or ALLOCATABLE dummy or actual argument is polymorphic, both should be so"_port_en_US);
777 }
778 } else {
779 messages.Say(
780 "If a POINTER or ALLOCATABLE dummy or actual argument is polymorphic, both must be so"_err_en_US);
781 }
782 } else if (!actualIsUnlimited) {
783 if (!actualType.type().IsTkCompatibleWith(dummy.type.type())) {
784 if (dummy.intent == common::Intent::In &&
785 context.IsEnabled(
786 common::LanguageFeature::RelaxedIntentInChecking)) {
787 if (context.ShouldWarn(
788 common::LanguageFeature::RelaxedIntentInChecking)) {
789 messages.Say(
790 "POINTER or ALLOCATABLE dummy and actual arguments should have the same declared type and kind"_port_en_US);
791 }
792 } else {
793 messages.Say(
794 "POINTER or ALLOCATABLE dummy and actual arguments must have the same declared type and kind"_err_en_US);
795 }
796 }
797 //
798 const auto *derived{evaluate::GetDerivedTypeSpec(actualType.type())};
799 if ((derived &&
800 !DefersSameTypeParameters(*derived,
801 *evaluate::GetDerivedTypeSpec(dummy.type.type()))) ||
802 dummy.type.type().HasDeferredTypeParameter() !=
803 actualType.type().HasDeferredTypeParameter()) {
804 messages.Say(
805 "Dummy and actual arguments must defer the same type parameters when POINTER or ALLOCATABLE"_err_en_US);
806 }
807 }
808 }
810 // -- coarray dummy arguments
811 if (dummy.type.corank() > 0) {
812 if (actualType.corank() == 0) {
813 messages.Say(
814 "Actual argument associated with coarray %s must be a coarray"_err_en_US,
815 dummyName);
816 }
817 if (dummyIsVolatile) {
818 if (!actualIsVolatile) {
819 messages.Say(
820 "non-VOLATILE coarray may not be associated with VOLATILE coarray %s"_err_en_US,
821 dummyName);
822 }
823 } else {
824 if (actualIsVolatile) {
825 messages.Say(
826 "VOLATILE coarray may not be associated with non-VOLATILE coarray %s"_err_en_US,
827 dummyName);
828 }
829 }
830 if (actualRank == dummyRank && !actualIsContiguous) {
831 if (dummyIsContiguous) {
832 messages.Say(
833 "Actual argument associated with a CONTIGUOUS coarray %s must be simply contiguous"_err_en_US,
834 dummyName);
835 } else if (!dummyIsAssumedShape && !dummyIsAssumedRank) {
836 messages.Say(
837 "Actual argument associated with coarray %s (not assumed shape or rank) must be simply contiguous"_err_en_US,
838 dummyName);
839 }
840 }
841 }
843 // NULL(MOLD=) checking for non-intrinsic procedures
844 if (!intrinsic && !dummyIsAllocatableOrPointer && !dummyIsOptional &&
845 actualIsNull) {
846 messages.Say(
847 "Actual argument associated with %s may not be null pointer %s"_err_en_US,
848 dummyName, actual.AsFortran());
849 }
851 // Warn about dubious actual argument association with a TARGET dummy argument
852 if (dummy.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Target) &&
853 context.ShouldWarn(common::UsageWarning::NonTargetPassedToTarget)) {
854 bool actualIsTemp{!actualIsVariable || HasVectorSubscript(actual) ||
855 evaluate::ExtractCoarrayRef(actual)};
856 if (actualIsTemp) {
857 messages.Say(
858 "Any pointer associated with TARGET %s during this call will not be associated with the value of '%s' afterwards"_warn_en_US,
859 dummyName, actual.AsFortran());
860 } else {
861 auto actualSymbolVector{GetSymbolVector(actual)};
862 if (!evaluate::GetLastTarget(actualSymbolVector)) {
863 messages.Say(
864 "Any pointer associated with TARGET %s during this call must not be used afterwards, as '%s' is not a target"_warn_en_US,
865 dummyName, actual.AsFortran());
866 }
867 }
868 }
870 // CUDA specific checks
871 // TODO: These are disabled in OpenACC constructs, which may not be
872 // correct when the target is not a GPU.
873 if (!intrinsic &&
874 !dummy.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Value) &&
875 !FindOpenACCConstructContaining(scope)) {
876 std::optional<common::CUDADataAttr> actualDataAttr, dummyDataAttr;
877 if (const auto *actualObject{actualLastSymbol
878 ? actualLastSymbol->detailsIf<ObjectEntityDetails>()
879 : nullptr}) {
880 actualDataAttr = actualObject->cudaDataAttr();
881 }
882 dummyDataAttr = dummy.cudaDataAttr;
883 // Treat MANAGED like DEVICE for nonallocatable nonpointer arguments to
884 // device subprograms
885 if (procedure.cudaSubprogramAttrs.value_or(
886 common::CUDASubprogramAttrs::Host) !=
887 common::CUDASubprogramAttrs::Host &&
888 !dummy.attrs.test(
889 characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Allocatable) &&
890 !dummy.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Pointer)) {
891 if (!dummyDataAttr || *dummyDataAttr == common::CUDADataAttr::Managed) {
892 dummyDataAttr = common::CUDADataAttr::Device;
893 }
894 if ((!actualDataAttr && FindCUDADeviceContext(scope)) ||
895 (actualDataAttr &&
896 *actualDataAttr == common::CUDADataAttr::Managed)) {
897 actualDataAttr = common::CUDADataAttr::Device;
898 }
899 }
900 if (!common::AreCompatibleCUDADataAttrs(
901 dummyDataAttr, actualDataAttr, dummy.ignoreTKR)) {
902 auto toStr{[](std::optional<common::CUDADataAttr> x) {
903 return x ? "ATTRIBUTES("s +
904 parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(common::EnumToString(*x)) + ")"s
905 : "no CUDA data attribute"s;
906 }};
907 messages.Say(
908 "%s has %s but its associated actual argument has %s"_err_en_US,
909 dummyName, toStr(dummyDataAttr), toStr(actualDataAttr));
910 }
911 }
913 // Breaking change warnings
914 if (intrinsic && dummy.intent != common::Intent::In) {
915 WarnOnDeferredLengthCharacterScalar(
916 context, &actual, messages.at(), dummyName.c_str());
917 }
920static void CheckProcedureArg(evaluate::ActualArgument &arg,
921 const characteristics::Procedure &proc,
922 const characteristics::DummyProcedure &dummy, const std::string &dummyName,
923 SemanticsContext &context, bool ignoreImplicitVsExplicit) {
924 evaluate::FoldingContext &foldingContext{context.foldingContext()};
925 parser::ContextualMessages &messages{foldingContext.messages()};
926 auto restorer{
927 messages.SetLocation(arg.sourceLocation().value_or(messages.at()))};
928 const characteristics::Procedure &interface { dummy.procedure.value() };
929 if (const auto *expr{arg.UnwrapExpr()}) {
930 bool dummyIsPointer{
931 dummy.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyProcedure::Attr::Pointer)};
932 const auto *argProcDesignator{
933 std::get_if<evaluate::ProcedureDesignator>(&expr->u)};
934 const auto *argProcSymbol{
935 argProcDesignator ? argProcDesignator->GetSymbol() : nullptr};
936 if (argProcSymbol) {
937 if (const auto *subp{
938 argProcSymbol->GetUltimate().detailsIf<SubprogramDetails>()}) {
939 if (subp->stmtFunction()) {
940 evaluate::SayWithDeclaration(messages, *argProcSymbol,
941 "Statement function '%s' may not be passed as an actual argument"_err_en_US,
942 argProcSymbol->name());
943 return;
944 }
945 } else if (argProcSymbol->has<ProcBindingDetails>()) {
946 if (!context.IsEnabled(common::LanguageFeature::BindingAsProcedure) ||
947 context.ShouldWarn(common::LanguageFeature::BindingAsProcedure)) {
948 parser::MessageFixedText msg{
949 "Procedure binding '%s' passed as an actual argument"_port_en_US};
950 if (!context.IsEnabled(common::LanguageFeature::BindingAsProcedure)) {
951 msg.set_severity(parser::Severity::Error);
952 }
953 evaluate::SayWithDeclaration(
954 messages, *argProcSymbol, std::move(msg), argProcSymbol->name());
955 }
956 }
957 }
958 if (auto argChars{characteristics::DummyArgument::FromActual(
959 "actual argument", *expr, foldingContext,
960 /*forImplicitInterface=*/true)}) {
961 if (!argChars->IsTypelessIntrinsicDummy()) {
962 if (auto *argProc{
963 std::get_if<characteristics::DummyProcedure>(&argChars->u)}) {
964 characteristics::Procedure &argInterface{argProc->procedure.value()};
965 argInterface.attrs.reset(
966 characteristics::Procedure::Attr::NullPointer);
967 if (!argProcSymbol || argProcSymbol->attrs().test(Attr::INTRINSIC)) {
968 // It's ok to pass ELEMENTAL unrestricted intrinsic functions.
969 argInterface.attrs.reset(
970 characteristics::Procedure::Attr::Elemental);
971 } else if (argInterface.attrs.test(
972 characteristics::Procedure::Attr::Elemental)) {
973 if (argProcSymbol) { // C1533
974 evaluate::SayWithDeclaration(messages, *argProcSymbol,
975 "Non-intrinsic ELEMENTAL procedure '%s' may not be passed as an actual argument"_err_en_US,
976 argProcSymbol->name());
977 return; // avoid piling on with checks below
978 } else {
979 argInterface.attrs.reset(
980 characteristics::Procedure::Attr::NullPointer);
981 }
982 }
983 if (interface.HasExplicitInterface()) {
984 std::string whyNot;
985 std::optional<std::string> warning;
986 if (!interface.IsCompatibleWith(argInterface,
987 ignoreImplicitVsExplicit, &whyNot,
988 /*specificIntrinsic=*/nullptr, &warning)) {
989 // Explicit interfaces must match
990 if (argInterface.HasExplicitInterface()) {
991 messages.Say(
992 "Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with %s: %s"_err_en_US,
993 dummyName, whyNot);
994 return;
995 } else if (proc.IsPure()) {
996 messages.Say(
997 "Actual procedure argument for %s of a PURE procedure must have an explicit interface"_err_en_US,
998 dummyName);
999 } else if (context.ShouldWarn(
1000 common::UsageWarning::ImplicitInterfaceActual)) {
1001 messages.Say(
1002 "Actual procedure argument has an implicit interface which is not known to be compatible with %s which has an explicit interface"_warn_en_US,
1003 dummyName);
1004 }
1005 } else if (warning &&
1006 context.ShouldWarn(common::UsageWarning::ProcDummyArgShapes)) {
1007 messages.Say(
1008 "Actual procedure argument has possible interface incompatibility with %s: %s"_warn_en_US,
1009 dummyName, std::move(*warning));
1010 }
1011 } else { //,3)
1012 if (interface.IsSubroutine() && argInterface.IsFunction()) {
1013 messages.Say(
1014 "Actual argument associated with procedure %s is a function but must be a subroutine"_err_en_US,
1015 dummyName);
1016 } else if (interface.IsFunction()) {
1017 if (argInterface.IsFunction()) {
1018 std::string whyNot;
1019 if (!interface.functionResult->IsCompatibleWith(
1020 *argInterface.functionResult, &whyNot)) {
1021 messages.Say(
1022 "Actual argument function associated with procedure %s is not compatible: %s"_err_en_US,
1023 dummyName, whyNot);
1024 }
1025 } else if (argInterface.IsSubroutine()) {
1026 messages.Say(
1027 "Actual argument associated with procedure %s is a subroutine but must be a function"_err_en_US,
1028 dummyName);
1029 }
1030 }
1031 }
1032 } else {
1033 messages.Say(
1034 "Actual argument associated with procedure %s is not a procedure"_err_en_US,
1035 dummyName);
1036 }
1037 } else if (IsNullPointer(*expr)) {
1038 if (!dummyIsPointer &&
1039 !dummy.attrs.test(
1040 characteristics::DummyProcedure::Attr::Optional)) {
1041 messages.Say(
1042 "Actual argument associated with procedure %s is a null pointer"_err_en_US,
1043 dummyName);
1044 }
1045 } else {
1046 messages.Say(
1047 "Actual argument associated with procedure %s is typeless"_err_en_US,
1048 dummyName);
1049 }
1050 }
1051 if (dummyIsPointer && dummy.intent != common::Intent::In) {
1052 const Symbol *last{GetLastSymbol(*expr)};
1053 if (last && IsProcedurePointer(*last)) {
1054 if (dummy.intent != common::Intent::Default &&
1055 IsIntentIn(last->GetUltimate())) { // 19.6.8
1056 messages.Say(
1057 "Actual argument associated with procedure pointer %s may not be INTENT(IN)"_err_en_US,
1058 dummyName);
1059 }
1060 } else if (!(dummy.intent == common::Intent::Default &&
1061 IsNullProcedurePointer(*expr))) {
1062 // -- dummy procedure POINTER
1063 // Interface compatibility has already been checked above
1064 messages.Say(
1065 "Actual argument associated with procedure pointer %s must be a pointer unless INTENT(IN)"_err_en_US,
1066 dummyName);
1067 }
1068 }
1069 } else {
1070 messages.Say(
1071 "Assumed-type argument may not be forwarded as procedure %s"_err_en_US,
1072 dummyName);
1073 }
1076// Allow BOZ literal actual arguments when they can be converted to a known
1077// dummy argument type
1078static void ConvertBOZLiteralArg(
1079 evaluate::ActualArgument &arg, const evaluate::DynamicType &type) {
1080 if (auto *expr{arg.UnwrapExpr()}) {
1081 if (IsBOZLiteral(*expr)) {
1082 if (auto converted{evaluate::ConvertToType(type, SomeExpr{*expr})}) {
1083 arg = std::move(*converted);
1084 }
1085 }
1086 }
1089static void CheckExplicitInterfaceArg(evaluate::ActualArgument &arg,
1090 const characteristics::DummyArgument &dummy,
1091 const characteristics::Procedure &proc, SemanticsContext &context,
1092 const Scope *scope, const evaluate::SpecificIntrinsic *intrinsic,
1093 bool allowActualArgumentConversions, bool extentErrors,
1094 bool ignoreImplicitVsExplicit) {
1095 evaluate::FoldingContext &foldingContext{context.foldingContext()};
1096 auto &messages{foldingContext.messages()};
1097 std::string dummyName{"dummy argument"};
1098 if (!dummy.name.empty()) {
1099 dummyName += " '"s + parser::ToLowerCaseLetters(dummy.name) + "='";
1100 }
1101 auto restorer{
1102 messages.SetLocation(arg.sourceLocation().value_or(messages.at()))};
1103 auto checkActualArgForLabel = [&](evaluate::ActualArgument &arg) {
1104 if (arg.isAlternateReturn()) {
1105 messages.Say(
1106 "Alternate return label '%d' cannot be associated with %s"_err_en_US,
1107 arg.GetLabel(), dummyName);
1108 return true;
1109 } else {
1110 return false;
1111 }
1112 };
1113 common::visit(
1114 common::visitors{
1115 [&](const characteristics::DummyDataObject &object) {
1116 if (!checkActualArgForLabel(arg)) {
1117 ConvertBOZLiteralArg(arg, object.type.type());
1118 if (auto *expr{arg.UnwrapExpr()}) {
1119 if (auto type{characteristics::TypeAndShape::Characterize(
1120 *expr, foldingContext)}) {
1121 arg.set_dummyIntent(object.intent);
1122 bool isElemental{
1123 object.type.Rank() == 0 && proc.IsElemental()};
1124 CheckExplicitDataArg(object, dummyName, *expr, *type,
1125 isElemental, context, foldingContext, scope, intrinsic,
1126 allowActualArgumentConversions, extentErrors, proc);
1127 } else if (object.type.type().IsTypelessIntrinsicArgument() &&
1128 IsBOZLiteral(*expr)) {
1129 // ok
1130 } else if (object.type.type().IsTypelessIntrinsicArgument() &&
1131 evaluate::IsNullObjectPointer(*expr)) {
1132 // ok, ASSOCIATED(NULL(without MOLD=))
1133 } else if (object.type.attrs().test(characteristics::
1134 TypeAndShape::Attr::AssumedRank)) {
1135 messages.Say(
1136 "NULL() without MOLD= must not be associated with an assumed-rank dummy argument"_err_en_US);
1137 } else if ((object.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::
1138 Attr::Pointer) ||
1139 object.attrs.test(characteristics::
1140 DummyDataObject::Attr::Optional)) &&
1141 evaluate::IsNullObjectPointer(*expr)) {
1142 // FOO(NULL(without MOLD=))
1143 if (object.type.type().IsAssumedLengthCharacter()) {
1144 messages.Say(
1145 "Actual argument associated with %s is a NULL() pointer without a MOLD= to provide a character length"_err_en_US,
1146 dummyName);
1147 } else if (const DerivedTypeSpec *
1148 derived{GetDerivedTypeSpec(object.type.type())}) {
1149 for (const auto &[pName, pValue] : derived->parameters()) {
1150 if (pValue.isAssumed()) {
1151 messages.Say(
1152 "Actual argument associated with %s is a NULL() pointer without a MOLD= to provide a value for the assumed type parameter '%s'"_err_en_US,
1153 dummyName, pName.ToString());
1154 break;
1155 }
1156 }
1157 }
1158 } else if (object.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::
1159 Attr::Allocatable) &&
1160 evaluate::IsNullPointer(*expr)) {
1161 if (object.intent == common::Intent::In) {
1162 // Extension (Intel, NAG, XLF); see CheckExplicitDataArg.
1163 if (context.languageFeatures().ShouldWarn(common::
1164 LanguageFeature::NullActualForAllocatable)) {
1165 messages.Say(
1166 "Allocatable %s is associated with NULL()"_port_en_US,
1167 dummyName);
1168 }
1169 } else {
1170 messages.Say(
1171 "NULL() actual argument '%s' may not be associated with allocatable %s without INTENT(IN)"_err_en_US,
1172 expr->AsFortran(), dummyName);
1173 }
1174 } else {
1175 messages.Say(
1176 "Actual argument '%s' associated with %s is not a variable or typed expression"_err_en_US,
1177 expr->AsFortran(), dummyName);
1178 }
1179 } else {
1180 const Symbol &assumed{DEREF(arg.GetAssumedTypeDummy())};
1181 if (!object.type.type().IsAssumedType()) {
1182 messages.Say(
1183 "Assumed-type '%s' may be associated only with an assumed-type %s"_err_en_US,
1184 assumed.name(), dummyName);
1185 } else if (object.type.attrs().test(characteristics::
1186 TypeAndShape::Attr::AssumedRank) &&
1187 !IsAssumedShape(assumed) &&
1188 !evaluate::IsAssumedRank(assumed)) {
1189 messages.Say( // C711
1190 "Assumed-type '%s' must be either assumed shape or assumed rank to be associated with assumed rank %s"_err_en_US,
1191 assumed.name(), dummyName);
1192 }
1193 }
1194 }
1195 },
1196 [&](const characteristics::DummyProcedure &dummy) {
1197 if (!checkActualArgForLabel(arg)) {
1198 CheckProcedureArg(arg, proc, dummy, dummyName, context,
1199 ignoreImplicitVsExplicit);
1200 }
1201 },
1202 [&](const characteristics::AlternateReturn &) {
1203 // All semantic checking is done elsewhere
1204 },
1205 },
1206 dummy.u);
1209static void RearrangeArguments(const characteristics::Procedure &proc,
1210 evaluate::ActualArguments &actuals, parser::ContextualMessages &messages) {
1211 CHECK(proc.HasExplicitInterface());
1212 if (actuals.size() < proc.dummyArguments.size()) {
1213 actuals.resize(proc.dummyArguments.size());
1214 } else if (actuals.size() > proc.dummyArguments.size()) {
1215 messages.Say(
1216 "Too many actual arguments (%zd) passed to procedure that expects only %zd"_err_en_US,
1217 actuals.size(), proc.dummyArguments.size());
1218 }
1219 std::map<std::string, evaluate::ActualArgument> kwArgs;
1220 bool anyKeyword{false};
1221 int which{1};
1222 for (auto &x : actuals) {
1223 if (!x) {
1224 } else if (x->keyword()) {
1225 auto emplaced{
1226 kwArgs.try_emplace(x->keyword()->ToString(), std::move(*x))};
1227 if (!emplaced.second) {
1228 messages.Say(*x->keyword(),
1229 "Argument keyword '%s=' appears on more than one effective argument in this procedure reference"_err_en_US,
1230 *x->keyword());
1231 }
1232 x.reset();
1233 anyKeyword = true;
1234 } else if (anyKeyword) {
1235 messages.Say(x ? x->sourceLocation() : std::nullopt,
1236 "Actual argument #%d without a keyword may not follow any actual argument with a keyword"_err_en_US,
1237 which);
1238 }
1239 ++which;
1240 }
1241 if (!kwArgs.empty()) {
1242 int index{0};
1243 for (const auto &dummy : proc.dummyArguments) {
1244 if (!dummy.name.empty()) {
1245 auto iter{kwArgs.find(dummy.name)};
1246 if (iter != kwArgs.end()) {
1247 evaluate::ActualArgument &x{iter->second};
1248 if (actuals[index]) {
1249 messages.Say(*x.keyword(),
1250 "Keyword argument '%s=' has already been specified positionally (#%d) in this procedure reference"_err_en_US,
1251 *x.keyword(), index + 1);
1252 } else {
1253 actuals[index] = std::move(x);
1254 }
1255 kwArgs.erase(iter);
1256 }
1257 }
1258 ++index;
1259 }
1260 for (auto &bad : kwArgs) {
1261 evaluate::ActualArgument &x{bad.second};
1262 messages.Say(*x.keyword(),
1263 "Argument keyword '%s=' is not recognized for this procedure reference"_err_en_US,
1264 *x.keyword());
1265 }
1266 }
1269// 15.8.1(3) -- In a reference to an elemental procedure, if any argument is an
1270// array, each actual argument that corresponds to an INTENT(OUT) or
1271// INTENT(INOUT) dummy argument shall be an array. The actual argument to an
1272// ELEMENTAL procedure must conform.
1273static bool CheckElementalConformance(parser::ContextualMessages &messages,
1274 const characteristics::Procedure &proc, evaluate::ActualArguments &actuals,
1275 evaluate::FoldingContext &context) {
1276 std::optional<evaluate::Shape> shape;
1277 std::string shapeName;
1278 int index{0};
1279 bool hasArrayArg{false};
1280 for (const auto &arg : actuals) {
1281 if (arg && !arg->isAlternateReturn() && arg->Rank() > 0) {
1282 hasArrayArg = true;
1283 break;
1284 }
1285 }
1286 for (const auto &arg : actuals) {
1287 const auto &dummy{proc.dummyArguments.at(index++)};
1288 if (arg) {
1289 if (const auto *expr{arg->UnwrapExpr()}) {
1290 if (auto argShape{evaluate::GetShape(context, *expr)}) {
1291 if (GetRank(*argShape) > 0) {
1292 std::string argName{"actual argument ("s + expr->AsFortran() +
1293 ") corresponding to dummy argument #" + std::to_string(index) +
1294 " ('" + dummy.name + "')"};
1295 if (shape) {
1296 auto tristate{evaluate::CheckConformance(messages, *shape,
1297 *argShape, evaluate::CheckConformanceFlags::None,
1298 shapeName.c_str(), argName.c_str())};
1299 if (tristate && !*tristate) {
1300 return false;
1301 }
1302 } else {
1303 shape = std::move(argShape);
1304 shapeName = argName;
1305 }
1306 } else if ((dummy.GetIntent() == common::Intent::Out ||
1307 dummy.GetIntent() == common::Intent::InOut) &&
1308 hasArrayArg) {
1309 messages.Say(
1310 "In an elemental procedure reference with at least one array argument, actual argument %s that corresponds to an INTENT(OUT) or INTENT(INOUT) dummy argument must be an array"_err_en_US,
1311 expr->AsFortran());
1312 }
1313 }
1314 }
1315 }
1316 }
1317 return true;
1320// ASSOCIATED (16.9.16)
1321static void CheckAssociated(evaluate::ActualArguments &arguments,
1322 SemanticsContext &semanticsContext, const Scope *scope) {
1323 evaluate::FoldingContext &foldingContext{semanticsContext.foldingContext()};
1324 parser::ContextualMessages &messages{foldingContext.messages()};
1325 bool ok{true};
1326 if (arguments.size() < 2) {
1327 return;
1328 }
1329 if (const auto &pointerArg{arguments[0]}) {
1330 if (const auto *pointerExpr{pointerArg->UnwrapExpr()}) {
1331 if (!IsPointer(*pointerExpr)) {
1332 messages.Say(pointerArg->sourceLocation(),
1333 "POINTER= argument of ASSOCIATED() must be a pointer"_err_en_US);
1334 return;
1335 }
1336 if (const auto &targetArg{arguments[1]}) {
1337 // The standard requires that the TARGET= argument, when present,
1338 // be a valid RHS for a pointer assignment that has the POINTER=
1339 // argument as its LHS. Some popular compilers misinterpret this
1340 // requirement more strongly than necessary, and actually validate
1341 // the POINTER= argument as if it were serving as the LHS of a pointer
1342 // assignment. This, perhaps unintentionally, excludes function
1343 // results, including NULL(), from being used there, as well as
1344 // INTENT(IN) dummy pointers. Detect these conditions and emit
1345 // portability warnings.
1346 if (semanticsContext.ShouldWarn(common::UsageWarning::Portability)) {
1347 if (!evaluate::ExtractDataRef(*pointerExpr) &&
1348 !evaluate::IsProcedurePointer(*pointerExpr)) {
1349 messages.Say(pointerArg->sourceLocation(),
1350 "POINTER= argument of ASSOCIATED() is required by some other compilers to be a pointer"_port_en_US);
1351 } else if (scope && !evaluate::UnwrapProcedureRef(*pointerExpr)) {
1352 if (auto whyNot{WhyNotDefinable(
1353 pointerArg->sourceLocation().value_or(messages.at()),
1354 *scope,
1355 DefinabilityFlags{DefinabilityFlag::PointerDefinition},
1356 *pointerExpr)}) {
1357 if (auto *msg{messages.Say(pointerArg->sourceLocation(),
1358 "POINTER= argument of ASSOCIATED() is required by some other compilers to be a valid left-hand side of a pointer assignment statement"_port_en_US)}) {
1359 msg->Attach(std::move(*whyNot));
1360 }
1361 }
1362 }
1363 }
1364 if (const auto *targetExpr{targetArg->UnwrapExpr()}) {
1365 if (IsProcedurePointer(*pointerExpr) &&
1366 !IsBareNullPointer(pointerExpr)) { // POINTER= is a procedure
1367 if (auto pointerProc{characteristics::Procedure::Characterize(
1368 *pointerExpr, foldingContext)}) {
1369 if (IsBareNullPointer(targetExpr)) {
1370 } else if (IsProcedurePointerTarget(*targetExpr)) {
1371 if (auto targetProc{characteristics::Procedure::Characterize(
1372 *targetExpr, foldingContext)}) {
1373 bool isCall{!!UnwrapProcedureRef(*targetExpr)};
1374 std::string whyNot;
1375 std::optional<std::string> warning;
1376 const auto *targetProcDesignator{
1377 evaluate::UnwrapExpr<evaluate::ProcedureDesignator>(
1378 *targetExpr)};
1379 const evaluate::SpecificIntrinsic *specificIntrinsic{
1380 targetProcDesignator
1381 ? targetProcDesignator->GetSpecificIntrinsic()
1382 : nullptr};
1383 std::optional<parser::MessageFixedText> msg{
1384 CheckProcCompatibility(isCall, pointerProc, &*targetProc,
1385 specificIntrinsic, whyNot, warning,
1386 /*ignoreImplicitVsExplicit=*/false)};
1387 if (!msg && warning &&
1388 semanticsContext.ShouldWarn(
1389 common::UsageWarning::ProcDummyArgShapes)) {
1390 msg =
1391 "Procedures '%s' and '%s' may not be completely compatible: %s"_warn_en_US;
1392 whyNot = std::move(*warning);
1393 }
1394 if (msg) {
1395 msg->set_severity(parser::Severity::Warning);
1396 messages.Say(std::move(*msg),
1397 "pointer '" + pointerExpr->AsFortran() + "'",
1398 targetExpr->AsFortran(), whyNot);
1399 }
1400 }
1401 } else if (!IsNullProcedurePointer(*targetExpr)) {
1402 messages.Say(
1403 "POINTER= argument '%s' is a procedure pointer but the TARGET= argument '%s' is not a procedure or procedure pointer"_err_en_US,
1404 pointerExpr->AsFortran(), targetExpr->AsFortran());
1405 }
1406 }
1407 } else if (IsVariable(*targetExpr) || IsNullPointer(*targetExpr)) {
1408 // Object pointer and target
1409 if (ExtractDataRef(*targetExpr)) {
1410 if (SymbolVector symbols{GetSymbolVector(*targetExpr)};
1411 !evaluate::GetLastTarget(symbols)) {
1412 parser::Message *msg{messages.Say(targetArg->sourceLocation(),
1413 "TARGET= argument '%s' must have either the POINTER or the TARGET attribute"_err_en_US,
1414 targetExpr->AsFortran())};
1415 for (SymbolRef ref : symbols) {
1416 msg = evaluate::AttachDeclaration(msg, *ref);
1417 }
1418 } else if (HasVectorSubscript(*targetExpr) ||
1419 ExtractCoarrayRef(*targetExpr)) {
1420 messages.Say(targetArg->sourceLocation(),
1421 "TARGET= argument '%s' may not have a vector subscript or coindexing"_err_en_US,
1422 targetExpr->AsFortran());
1423 }
1424 }
1425 if (const auto pointerType{pointerArg->GetType()}) {
1426 if (const auto targetType{targetArg->GetType()}) {
1427 ok = pointerType->IsTkCompatibleWith(*targetType);
1428 }
1429 }
1430 } else {
1431 messages.Say(
1432 "POINTER= argument '%s' is an object pointer but the TARGET= argument '%s' is not a variable"_err_en_US,
1433 pointerExpr->AsFortran(), targetExpr->AsFortran());
1434 }
1435 }
1436 }
1437 }
1438 } else {
1439 // No arguments to ASSOCIATED()
1440 ok = false;
1441 }
1442 if (!ok) {
1443 messages.Say(
1444 "Arguments of ASSOCIATED() must be a pointer and an optional valid target"_err_en_US);
1445 }
1448// IMAGE_INDEX (F'2023 16.9.107)
1449static void CheckImage_Index(evaluate::ActualArguments &arguments,
1450 parser::ContextualMessages &messages) {
1451 if (arguments[1] && arguments[0]) {
1452 if (const auto subArrShape{
1453 evaluate::GetShape(arguments[1]->UnwrapExpr())}) {
1454 if (const auto *coarrayArgSymbol{UnwrapWholeSymbolOrComponentDataRef(
1455 arguments[0]->UnwrapExpr())}) {
1456 const auto coarrayArgCorank = coarrayArgSymbol->Corank();
1457 if (const auto subArrSize = evaluate::ToInt64(*subArrShape->front())) {
1458 if (subArrSize != coarrayArgCorank) {
1459 messages.Say(arguments[1]->sourceLocation(),
1460 "The size of 'SUB=' (%jd) for intrinsic 'image_index' must be equal to the corank of 'COARRAY=' (%d)"_err_en_US,
1461 static_cast<std::int64_t>(*subArrSize), coarrayArgCorank);
1462 }
1463 }
1464 }
1465 }
1466 }
1469// Ensure that any optional argument that might be absent at run time
1470// does not require data conversion.
1471static void CheckMaxMin(const characteristics::Procedure &proc,
1472 evaluate::ActualArguments &arguments,
1473 parser::ContextualMessages &messages) {
1474 if (proc.functionResult) {
1475 if (const auto *typeAndShape{proc.functionResult->GetTypeAndShape()}) {
1476 for (std::size_t j{2}; j < arguments.size(); ++j) {
1477 if (arguments[j]) {
1478 if (const auto *expr{arguments[j]->UnwrapExpr()};
1479 expr && evaluate::MayBePassedAsAbsentOptional(*expr)) {
1480 if (auto thisType{expr->GetType()}) {
1481 if (thisType->category() == TypeCategory::Character &&
1482 typeAndShape->type().category() == TypeCategory::Character &&
1483 thisType->kind() == typeAndShape->type().kind()) {
1484 // don't care about lengths
1485 } else if (*thisType != typeAndShape->type()) {
1486 messages.Say(arguments[j]->sourceLocation(),
1487 "An actual argument to MAX/MIN requiring data conversion may not be OPTIONAL, POINTER, or ALLOCATABLE"_err_en_US);
1488 }
1489 }
1490 }
1491 }
1492 }
1493 }
1494 }
1497// MOVE_ALLOC (F'2023 16.9.147)
1498static void CheckMove_Alloc(evaluate::ActualArguments &arguments,
1499 parser::ContextualMessages &messages) {
1500 if (arguments.size() >= 1) {
1501 evaluate::CheckForCoindexedObject(
1502 messages, arguments[0], "move_alloc", "from");
1503 }
1504 if (arguments.size() >= 2) {
1505 evaluate::CheckForCoindexedObject(
1506 messages, arguments[1], "move_alloc", "to");
1507 }
1508 if (arguments.size() >= 3) {
1509 evaluate::CheckForCoindexedObject(
1510 messages, arguments[2], "move_alloc", "stat");
1511 }
1512 if (arguments.size() >= 4) {
1513 evaluate::CheckForCoindexedObject(
1514 messages, arguments[3], "move_alloc", "errmsg");
1515 }
1516 if (arguments.size() >= 2 && arguments[0] && arguments[1]) {
1517 for (int j{0}; j < 2; ++j) {
1518 if (const Symbol *
1519 whole{UnwrapWholeSymbolOrComponentDataRef(arguments[j])};
1520 !whole || !IsAllocatable(whole->GetUltimate())) {
1521 messages.Say(*arguments[j]->sourceLocation(),
1522 "Argument #%d to MOVE_ALLOC must be allocatable"_err_en_US, j + 1);
1523 }
1524 }
1525 auto type0{arguments[0]->GetType()};
1526 auto type1{arguments[1]->GetType()};
1527 if (type0 && type1 && type0->IsPolymorphic() && !type1->IsPolymorphic()) {
1528 messages.Say(arguments[1]->sourceLocation(),
1529 "When MOVE_ALLOC(FROM=) is polymorphic, TO= must also be polymorphic"_err_en_US);
1530 }
1531 }
1534// PRESENT (F'2023 16.9.163)
1535static void CheckPresent(evaluate::ActualArguments &arguments,
1536 parser::ContextualMessages &messages) {
1537 if (arguments.size() == 1) {
1538 if (const auto &arg{arguments[0]}; arg) {
1539 const Symbol *symbol{nullptr};
1540 if (const auto *expr{arg->UnwrapExpr()}) {
1541 if (const auto *proc{
1542 std::get_if<evaluate::ProcedureDesignator>(&expr->u)}) {
1543 symbol = proc->GetSymbol();
1544 } else {
1545 symbol = evaluate::UnwrapWholeSymbolDataRef(*expr);
1546 }
1547 } else {
1548 symbol = arg->GetAssumedTypeDummy();
1549 }
1550 if (!symbol || !symbol->attrs().test(semantics::Attr::OPTIONAL)) {
1551 messages.Say(arg ? arg->sourceLocation() : messages.at(),
1552 "Argument of PRESENT() must be the name of a whole OPTIONAL dummy argument"_err_en_US);
1553 }
1554 }
1555 }
1558// REDUCE (F'2023 16.9.173)
1559static void CheckReduce(
1560 evaluate::ActualArguments &arguments, evaluate::FoldingContext &context) {
1561 std::optional<evaluate::DynamicType> arrayType;
1562 parser::ContextualMessages &messages{context.messages()};
1563 if (const auto &array{arguments[0]}) {
1564 arrayType = array->GetType();
1565 if (!arguments[/*identity=*/4]) {
1566 if (const auto *expr{array->UnwrapExpr()}) {
1567 if (auto shape{
1568 evaluate::GetShape(context, *expr, /*invariantOnly=*/false)}) {
1569 if (const auto &dim{arguments[2]}; dim && array->Rank() > 1) {
1570 // Partial reduction
1571 auto dimVal{evaluate::ToInt64(dim->UnwrapExpr())};
1572 std::int64_t j{0};
1573 int zeroDims{0};
1574 bool isSelectedDimEmpty{false};
1575 for (const auto &extent : *shape) {
1576 ++j;
1577 if (evaluate::ToInt64(extent) == 0) {
1578 ++zeroDims;
1579 isSelectedDimEmpty |= dimVal && j == *dimVal;
1580 }
1581 }
1582 if (isSelectedDimEmpty && zeroDims == 1) {
1583 messages.Say(
1584 "IDENTITY= must be present when DIM=%d and the array has zero extent on that dimension"_err_en_US,
1585 static_cast<int>(dimVal.value()));
1586 }
1587 } else { // no DIM= or DIM=1 on a vector: total reduction
1588 for (const auto &extent : *shape) {
1589 if (evaluate::ToInt64(extent) == 0) {
1590 messages.Say(
1591 "IDENTITY= must be present when the array is empty and the result is scalar"_err_en_US);
1592 break;
1593 }
1594 }
1595 }
1596 }
1597 }
1598 }
1599 }
1600 std::optional<characteristics::Procedure> procChars;
1601 if (const auto &operation{arguments[1]}) {
1602 if (const auto *expr{operation->UnwrapExpr()}) {
1603 if (const auto *designator{
1604 std::get_if<evaluate::ProcedureDesignator>(&expr->u)}) {
1605 procChars = characteristics::Procedure::Characterize(
1606 *designator, context, /*emitError=*/true);
1607 } else if (const auto *ref{
1608 std::get_if<evaluate::ProcedureRef>(&expr->u)}) {
1609 procChars = characteristics::Procedure::Characterize(*ref, context);
1610 }
1611 }
1612 }
1613 const auto *result{
1614 procChars ? procChars->functionResult->GetTypeAndShape() : nullptr};
1615 if (!procChars || !procChars->IsPure() ||
1616 procChars->dummyArguments.size() != 2 || !procChars->functionResult) {
1617 messages.Say(
1618 "OPERATION= argument of REDUCE() must be a pure function of two data arguments"_err_en_US);
1619 } else if (procChars->attrs.test(characteristics::Procedure::Attr::BindC)) {
1620 messages.Say(
1621 "A BIND(C) OPERATION= argument of REDUCE() is not supported"_err_en_US);
1622 } else if (!result || result->Rank() != 0) {
1623 messages.Say(
1624 "OPERATION= argument of REDUCE() must be a scalar function"_err_en_US);
1625 } else if (result->type().IsPolymorphic() ||
1626 (arrayType && !arrayType->IsTkLenCompatibleWith(result->type()))) {
1627 messages.Say(
1628 "OPERATION= argument of REDUCE() must have the same type as ARRAY="_err_en_US);
1629 } else {
1630 const characteristics::DummyDataObject *data[2]{};
1631 for (int j{0}; j < 2; ++j) {
1632 const auto &dummy{procChars->dummyArguments.at(j)};
1633 data[j] = std::get_if<characteristics::DummyDataObject>(&dummy.u);
1634 }
1635 if (!data[0] || !data[1]) {
1636 messages.Say(
1637 "OPERATION= argument of REDUCE() may not have dummy procedure arguments"_err_en_US);
1638 } else {
1639 for (int j{0}; j < 2; ++j) {
1640 if (data[j]->attrs.test(
1641 characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Optional) ||
1642 data[j]->attrs.test(
1643 characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Allocatable) ||
1644 data[j]->attrs.test(
1645 characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Pointer) ||
1646 data[j]->type.Rank() != 0 || data[j]->type.type().IsPolymorphic() ||
1647 (arrayType &&
1648 !data[j]->type.type().IsTkCompatibleWith(*arrayType))) {
1649 messages.Say(
1650 "Arguments of OPERATION= procedure of REDUCE() must be both scalar of the same type as ARRAY=, and neither allocatable, pointer, polymorphic, nor optional"_err_en_US);
1651 }
1652 }
1653 static constexpr characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr attrs[]{
1654 characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Asynchronous,
1655 characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Target,
1656 characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Value,
1657 };
1658 for (std::size_t j{0}; j < sizeof attrs / sizeof *attrs; ++j) {
1659 if (data[0]->attrs.test(attrs[j]) != data[1]->attrs.test(attrs[j])) {
1660 messages.Say(
1661 "If either argument of the OPERATION= procedure of REDUCE() has the ASYNCHRONOUS, TARGET, or VALUE attribute, both must have that attribute"_err_en_US);
1662 break;
1663 }
1664 }
1665 }
1666 }
1667 // When the MASK= is present and has no .TRUE. element, and there is
1668 // no IDENTITY=, it's an error.
1669 if (const auto &mask{arguments[3]}; mask && !arguments[/*identity*/ 4]) {
1670 if (const auto *expr{mask->UnwrapExpr()}) {
1671 if (const auto *logical{
1672 std::get_if<evaluate::Expr<evaluate::SomeLogical>>(&expr->u)}) {
1673 if (common::visit(
1674 [](const auto &kindExpr) {
1675 using KindExprType = std::decay_t<decltype(kindExpr)>;
1676 using KindLogical = typename KindExprType::Result;
1677 if (const auto *c{evaluate::UnwrapConstantValue<KindLogical>(
1678 kindExpr)}) {
1679 for (const auto &element : c->values()) {
1680 if (element.IsTrue()) {
1681 return false;
1682 }
1683 }
1684 return true;
1685 }
1686 return false;
1687 },
1688 logical->u)) {
1689 messages.Say(
1690 "MASK= has no .TRUE. element, so IDENTITY= must be present"_err_en_US);
1691 }
1692 }
1693 }
1694 }
1697// TRANSFER (16.9.193)
1698static void CheckTransferOperandType(SemanticsContext &context,
1699 const evaluate::DynamicType &type, const char *which) {
1700 if (type.IsPolymorphic() &&
1701 context.ShouldWarn(common::UsageWarning::PolymorphicTransferArg)) {
1702 context.foldingContext().messages().Say(
1703 "%s of TRANSFER is polymorphic"_warn_en_US, which);
1704 } else if (!type.IsUnlimitedPolymorphic() &&
1705 type.category() == TypeCategory::Derived &&
1706 context.ShouldWarn(common::UsageWarning::PointerComponentTransferArg)) {
1707 DirectComponentIterator directs{type.GetDerivedTypeSpec()};
1708 if (auto bad{std::find_if(directs.begin(), directs.end(), IsDescriptor)};
1709 bad != directs.end()) {
1710 evaluate::SayWithDeclaration(context.foldingContext().messages(), *bad,
1711 "%s of TRANSFER contains allocatable or pointer component %s"_warn_en_US,
1712 which, bad.BuildResultDesignatorName());
1713 }
1714 }
1717static void CheckTransfer(evaluate::ActualArguments &arguments,
1718 SemanticsContext &context, const Scope *scope) {
1719 evaluate::FoldingContext &foldingContext{context.foldingContext()};
1720 parser::ContextualMessages &messages{foldingContext.messages()};
1721 if (arguments.size() >= 2) {
1722 if (auto source{characteristics::TypeAndShape::Characterize(
1723 arguments[0], foldingContext)}) {
1724 CheckTransferOperandType(context, source->type(), "Source");
1725 if (auto mold{characteristics::TypeAndShape::Characterize(
1726 arguments[1], foldingContext)}) {
1727 CheckTransferOperandType(context, mold->type(), "Mold");
1728 if (mold->Rank() > 0 &&
1729 evaluate::ToInt64(
1730 evaluate::Fold(foldingContext,
1731 mold->MeasureElementSizeInBytes(foldingContext, false)))
1732 .value_or(1) == 0) {
1733 if (auto sourceSize{evaluate::ToInt64(evaluate::Fold(foldingContext,
1734 source->MeasureSizeInBytes(foldingContext)))}) {
1735 if (*sourceSize > 0) {
1736 messages.Say(
1737 "Element size of MOLD= array may not be zero when SOURCE= is not empty"_err_en_US);
1738 }
1739 } else {
1740 messages.Say(
1741 "Element size of MOLD= array may not be zero unless SOURCE= is empty"_warn_en_US);
1742 }
1743 }
1744 }
1745 }
1746 if (arguments.size() > 2) { // SIZE=
1747 if (const Symbol *
1748 whole{UnwrapWholeSymbolOrComponentDataRef(arguments[2])}) {
1749 if (IsOptional(*whole)) {
1750 messages.Say(
1751 "SIZE= argument may not be the optional dummy argument '%s'"_err_en_US,
1752 whole->name());
1753 } else if (context.ShouldWarn(
1754 common::UsageWarning::TransferSizePresence) &&
1755 IsAllocatableOrObjectPointer(whole)) {
1756 messages.Say(
1757 "SIZE= argument that is allocatable or pointer must be present at execution; parenthesize to silence this warning"_warn_en_US);
1758 }
1759 }
1760 }
1761 }
1764static void CheckSpecificIntrinsic(const characteristics::Procedure &proc,
1765 evaluate::ActualArguments &arguments, SemanticsContext &context,
1766 const Scope *scope, const evaluate::SpecificIntrinsic &intrinsic) {
1767 if (intrinsic.name == "associated") {
1768 CheckAssociated(arguments, context, scope);
1769 } else if (intrinsic.name == "image_index") {
1770 CheckImage_Index(arguments, context.foldingContext().messages());
1771 } else if (intrinsic.name == "max" || intrinsic.name == "min") {
1772 CheckMaxMin(proc, arguments, context.foldingContext().messages());
1773 } else if (intrinsic.name == "move_alloc") {
1774 CheckMove_Alloc(arguments, context.foldingContext().messages());
1775 } else if (intrinsic.name == "present") {
1776 CheckPresent(arguments, context.foldingContext().messages());
1777 } else if (intrinsic.name == "reduce") {
1778 CheckReduce(arguments, context.foldingContext());
1779 } else if (intrinsic.name == "transfer") {
1780 CheckTransfer(arguments, context, scope);
1781 }
1784static parser::Messages CheckExplicitInterface(
1785 const characteristics::Procedure &proc, evaluate::ActualArguments &actuals,
1786 SemanticsContext &context, const Scope *scope,
1787 const evaluate::SpecificIntrinsic *intrinsic,
1788 bool allowActualArgumentConversions, bool extentErrors,
1789 bool ignoreImplicitVsExplicit) {
1790 evaluate::FoldingContext &foldingContext{context.foldingContext()};
1791 parser::ContextualMessages &messages{foldingContext.messages()};
1792 parser::Messages buffer;
1793 auto restorer{messages.SetMessages(buffer)};
1794 RearrangeArguments(proc, actuals, messages);
1795 if (!buffer.empty()) {
1796 return buffer;
1797 }
1798 int index{0};
1799 for (auto &actual : actuals) {
1800 const auto &dummy{proc.dummyArguments.at(index++)};
1801 if (actual) {
1802 CheckExplicitInterfaceArg(*actual, dummy, proc, context, scope, intrinsic,
1803 allowActualArgumentConversions, extentErrors,
1804 ignoreImplicitVsExplicit);
1805 } else if (!dummy.IsOptional()) {
1806 if (dummy.name.empty()) {
1807 messages.Say(
1808 "Dummy argument #%d is not OPTIONAL and is not associated with "
1809 "an actual argument in this procedure reference"_err_en_US,
1810 index);
1811 } else {
1812 messages.Say("Dummy argument '%s=' (#%d) is not OPTIONAL and is not "
1813 "associated with an actual argument in this procedure "
1814 "reference"_err_en_US,
1815 dummy.name, index);
1816 }
1817 }
1818 }
1819 if (proc.IsElemental() && !buffer.AnyFatalError()) {
1820 CheckElementalConformance(messages, proc, actuals, foldingContext);
1821 }
1822 if (intrinsic) {
1823 CheckSpecificIntrinsic(proc, actuals, context, scope, *intrinsic);
1824 }
1825 return buffer;
1828bool CheckInterfaceForGeneric(const characteristics::Procedure &proc,
1829 evaluate::ActualArguments &actuals, SemanticsContext &context,
1830 bool allowActualArgumentConversions) {
1831 return proc.HasExplicitInterface() &&
1832 !CheckExplicitInterface(proc, actuals, context, nullptr, nullptr,
1833 allowActualArgumentConversions, /*extentErrors=*/false,
1834 /*ignoreImplicitVsExplicit=*/false)
1835 .AnyFatalError();
1838bool CheckArgumentIsConstantExprInRange(
1839 const evaluate::ActualArguments &actuals, int index, int lowerBound,
1840 int upperBound, parser::ContextualMessages &messages) {
1841 CHECK(index >= 0 && static_cast<unsigned>(index) < actuals.size());
1843 const std::optional<evaluate::ActualArgument> &argOptional{actuals[index]};
1844 if (!argOptional) {
1845 DIE("Actual argument should have value");
1846 return false;
1847 }
1849 const evaluate::ActualArgument &arg{argOptional.value()};
1850 const evaluate::Expr<evaluate::SomeType> *argExpr{arg.UnwrapExpr()};
1851 CHECK(argExpr != nullptr);
1853 if (!IsConstantExpr(*argExpr)) {
1854 messages.Say("Actual argument #%d must be a constant expression"_err_en_US,
1855 index + 1);
1856 return false;
1857 }
1859 // This does not imply that the kind of the argument is 8. The kind
1860 // for the intrinsic's argument should have been check prior. This is just
1861 // a conversion so that we can read the constant value.
1862 auto scalarValue{evaluate::ToInt64(argExpr)};
1863 CHECK(scalarValue.has_value());
1865 if (*scalarValue < lowerBound || *scalarValue > upperBound) {
1866 messages.Say(
1867 "Argument #%d must be a constant expression in range %d to %d"_err_en_US,
1868 index + 1, lowerBound, upperBound);
1869 return false;
1870 }
1871 return true;
1874bool CheckPPCIntrinsic(const Symbol &generic, const Symbol &specific,
1875 const evaluate::ActualArguments &actuals,
1876 evaluate::FoldingContext &context) {
1877 parser::ContextualMessages &messages{context.messages()};
1879 if (specific.name() == "__ppc_mtfsf") {
1880 return CheckArgumentIsConstantExprInRange(actuals, 0, 0, 7, messages);
1881 }
1882 if (specific.name() == "__ppc_mtfsfi") {
1883 return CheckArgumentIsConstantExprInRange(actuals, 0, 0, 7, messages) &&
1884 CheckArgumentIsConstantExprInRange(actuals, 1, 0, 15, messages);
1885 }
1886 if (specific.name().ToString().compare(0, 14, "__ppc_vec_sld_") == 0) {
1887 return CheckArgumentIsConstantExprInRange(actuals, 2, 0, 15, messages);
1888 }
1889 if (specific.name().ToString().compare(0, 15, "__ppc_vec_sldw_") == 0) {
1890 return CheckArgumentIsConstantExprInRange(actuals, 2, 0, 3, messages);
1891 }
1892 if (specific.name().ToString().compare(0, 14, "__ppc_vec_ctf_") == 0) {
1893 return CheckArgumentIsConstantExprInRange(actuals, 1, 0, 31, messages);
1894 }
1895 if (specific.name().ToString().compare(0, 16, "__ppc_vec_permi_") == 0) {
1896 return CheckArgumentIsConstantExprInRange(actuals, 2, 0, 3, messages);
1897 }
1898 if (specific.name().ToString().compare(0, 21, "__ppc_vec_splat_s32__") == 0) {
1899 return CheckArgumentIsConstantExprInRange(actuals, 0, -16, 15, messages);
1900 }
1901 if (specific.name().ToString().compare(0, 16, "__ppc_vec_splat_") == 0) {
1902 // The value of arg2 in vec_splat must be a constant expression that is
1903 // greater than or equal to 0, and less than the number of elements in arg1.
1904 auto *expr{actuals[0].value().UnwrapExpr()};
1905 auto type{characteristics::TypeAndShape::Characterize(*expr, context)};
1906 assert(type && "unknown type");
1907 const auto *derived{evaluate::GetDerivedTypeSpec(type.value().type())};
1908 if (derived && derived->IsVectorType()) {
1909 for (const auto &pair : derived->parameters()) {
1910 if (pair.first == "element_kind") {
1911 auto vecElemKind{Fortran::evaluate::ToInt64(pair.second.GetExplicit())
1912 .value_or(0)};
1913 auto numElem{vecElemKind == 0 ? 0 : (16 / vecElemKind)};
1914 return CheckArgumentIsConstantExprInRange(
1915 actuals, 1, 0, numElem - 1, messages);
1916 }
1917 }
1918 } else
1919 assert(false && "vector type is expected");
1920 }
1921 return false;
1924bool CheckArguments(const characteristics::Procedure &proc,
1925 evaluate::ActualArguments &actuals, SemanticsContext &context,
1926 const Scope &scope, bool treatingExternalAsImplicit,
1927 bool ignoreImplicitVsExplicit,
1928 const evaluate::SpecificIntrinsic *intrinsic) {
1929 bool explicitInterface{proc.HasExplicitInterface()};
1930 evaluate::FoldingContext foldingContext{context.foldingContext()};
1931 parser::ContextualMessages &messages{foldingContext.messages()};
1932 if (!explicitInterface || treatingExternalAsImplicit) {
1933 parser::Messages buffer;
1934 {
1935 auto restorer{messages.SetMessages(buffer)};
1936 for (auto &actual : actuals) {
1937 if (actual) {
1938 CheckImplicitInterfaceArg(*actual, messages, foldingContext);
1939 }
1940 }
1941 }
1942 if (!buffer.empty()) {
1943 if (auto *msgs{messages.messages()}) {
1944 msgs->Annex(std::move(buffer));
1945 }
1946 return false; // don't pile on
1947 }
1948 }
1949 if (explicitInterface) {
1950 auto buffer{CheckExplicitInterface(proc, actuals, context, &scope,
1951 intrinsic, /*allowArgumentConversions=*/true, /*extentErrors=*/true,
1952 ignoreImplicitVsExplicit)};
1953 if (!buffer.empty()) {
1954 if (treatingExternalAsImplicit) {
1955 if (auto *msg{messages.Say(
1956 "If the procedure's interface were explicit, this reference would be in error"_warn_en_US)}) {
1957 buffer.AttachTo(*msg, parser::Severity::Because);
1958 }
1959 }
1960 if (auto *msgs{messages.messages()}) {
1961 msgs->Annex(std::move(buffer));
1962 }
1963 return false;
1964 }
1965 }
1966 return true;
1968} // namespace Fortran::semantics

source code of flang/lib/Semantics/check-call.cpp