1//===-- lib/Semantics/expression.cpp --------------------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "flang/Semantics/expression.h"
10#include "check-call.h"
11#include "pointer-assignment.h"
12#include "resolve-names-utils.h"
13#include "resolve-names.h"
14#include "flang/Common/Fortran.h"
15#include "flang/Common/idioms.h"
16#include "flang/Evaluate/common.h"
17#include "flang/Evaluate/fold.h"
18#include "flang/Evaluate/tools.h"
19#include "flang/Parser/characters.h"
20#include "flang/Parser/dump-parse-tree.h"
21#include "flang/Parser/parse-tree-visitor.h"
22#include "flang/Parser/parse-tree.h"
23#include "flang/Semantics/scope.h"
24#include "flang/Semantics/semantics.h"
25#include "flang/Semantics/symbol.h"
26#include "flang/Semantics/tools.h"
27#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
28#include <algorithm>
29#include <functional>
30#include <optional>
31#include <set>
32#include <vector>
34// Typedef for optional generic expressions (ubiquitous in this file)
35using MaybeExpr =
36 std::optional<Fortran::evaluate::Expr<Fortran::evaluate::SomeType>>;
38// Much of the code that implements semantic analysis of expressions is
39// tightly coupled with their typed representations in lib/Evaluate,
40// and appears here in namespace Fortran::evaluate for convenience.
41namespace Fortran::evaluate {
43using common::LanguageFeature;
44using common::NumericOperator;
45using common::TypeCategory;
47static inline std::string ToUpperCase(std::string_view str) {
48 return parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(str);
51struct DynamicTypeWithLength : public DynamicType {
52 explicit DynamicTypeWithLength(const DynamicType &t) : DynamicType{t} {}
53 std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> LEN() const;
54 std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> length;
57std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> DynamicTypeWithLength::LEN() const {
58 if (length) {
59 return length;
60 } else {
61 return GetCharLength();
62 }
65static std::optional<DynamicTypeWithLength> AnalyzeTypeSpec(
66 const std::optional<parser::TypeSpec> &spec) {
67 if (spec) {
68 if (const semantics::DeclTypeSpec *typeSpec{spec->declTypeSpec}) {
69 // Name resolution sets TypeSpec::declTypeSpec only when it's valid
70 // (viz., an intrinsic type with valid known kind or a non-polymorphic
71 // & non-ABSTRACT derived type).
72 if (const semantics::IntrinsicTypeSpec *intrinsic{
73 typeSpec->AsIntrinsic()}) {
74 TypeCategory category{intrinsic->category()};
75 if (auto optKind{ToInt64(intrinsic->kind())}) {
76 int kind{static_cast<int>(*optKind)};
77 if (category == TypeCategory::Character) {
78 const semantics::CharacterTypeSpec &cts{
79 typeSpec->characterTypeSpec()};
80 const semantics::ParamValue &len{cts.length()};
81 // N.B. CHARACTER(LEN=*) is allowed in type-specs in ALLOCATE() &
82 // type guards, but not in array constructors.
83 return DynamicTypeWithLength{DynamicType{kind, len}};
84 } else {
85 return DynamicTypeWithLength{DynamicType{category, kind}};
86 }
87 }
88 } else if (const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec *derived{
89 typeSpec->AsDerived()}) {
90 return DynamicTypeWithLength{DynamicType{*derived}};
91 }
92 }
93 }
94 return std::nullopt;
97// Utilities to set a source location, if we have one, on an actual argument,
98// when it is statically present.
99static void SetArgSourceLocation(ActualArgument &x, parser::CharBlock at) {
100 x.set_sourceLocation(at);
102static void SetArgSourceLocation(
103 std::optional<ActualArgument> &x, parser::CharBlock at) {
104 if (x) {
105 x->set_sourceLocation(at);
106 }
108static void SetArgSourceLocation(
109 std::optional<ActualArgument> &x, std::optional<parser::CharBlock> at) {
110 if (x && at) {
111 x->set_sourceLocation(*at);
112 }
115class ArgumentAnalyzer {
117 explicit ArgumentAnalyzer(ExpressionAnalyzer &context)
118 : context_{context}, source_{context.GetContextualMessages().at()},
119 isProcedureCall_{false} {}
120 ArgumentAnalyzer(ExpressionAnalyzer &context, parser::CharBlock source,
121 bool isProcedureCall = false)
122 : context_{context}, source_{source}, isProcedureCall_{isProcedureCall} {}
123 bool fatalErrors() const { return fatalErrors_; }
124 ActualArguments &&GetActuals() {
125 CHECK(!fatalErrors_);
126 return std::move(actuals_);
127 }
128 const Expr<SomeType> &GetExpr(std::size_t i) const {
129 return DEREF(actuals_.at(i).value().UnwrapExpr());
130 }
131 Expr<SomeType> &&MoveExpr(std::size_t i) {
132 return std::move(DEREF(actuals_.at(i).value().UnwrapExpr()));
133 }
134 void Analyze(const common::Indirection<parser::Expr> &x) {
135 Analyze(x: x.value());
136 }
137 void Analyze(const parser::Expr &x) {
138 actuals_.emplace_back(AnalyzeExpr(x));
139 SetArgSourceLocation(actuals_.back(), x.source);
140 fatalErrors_ |= !actuals_.back();
141 }
142 void Analyze(const parser::Variable &);
143 void Analyze(const parser::ActualArgSpec &, bool isSubroutine);
144 void ConvertBOZ(std::optional<DynamicType> &thisType, std::size_t i,
145 std::optional<DynamicType> otherType);
147 bool IsIntrinsicRelational(
148 RelationalOperator, const DynamicType &, const DynamicType &) const;
149 bool IsIntrinsicLogical() const;
150 bool IsIntrinsicNumeric(NumericOperator) const;
151 bool IsIntrinsicConcat() const;
153 bool CheckConformance();
154 bool CheckAssignmentConformance();
155 bool CheckForNullPointer(const char *where = "as an operand here");
157 // Find and return a user-defined operator or report an error.
158 // The provided message is used if there is no such operator.
159 // If a definedOpSymbolPtr is provided, the caller must check
160 // for its accessibility.
161 MaybeExpr TryDefinedOp(
162 const char *, parser::MessageFixedText, bool isUserOp = false);
163 template <typename E>
164 MaybeExpr TryDefinedOp(E opr, parser::MessageFixedText msg) {
165 return TryDefinedOp(
166 context_.context().languageFeatures().GetNames(opr), msg);
167 }
168 // Find and return a user-defined assignment
169 std::optional<ProcedureRef> TryDefinedAssignment();
170 std::optional<ProcedureRef> GetDefinedAssignmentProc();
171 std::optional<DynamicType> GetType(std::size_t) const;
172 void Dump(llvm::raw_ostream &);
175 MaybeExpr TryDefinedOp(std::vector<const char *>, parser::MessageFixedText);
176 MaybeExpr TryBoundOp(const Symbol &, int passIndex);
177 std::optional<ActualArgument> AnalyzeExpr(const parser::Expr &);
178 std::optional<ActualArgument> AnalyzeVariable(const parser::Variable &);
179 MaybeExpr AnalyzeExprOrWholeAssumedSizeArray(const parser::Expr &);
180 bool AreConformable() const;
181 const Symbol *FindBoundOp(parser::CharBlock, int passIndex,
182 const Symbol *&generic, bool isSubroutine);
183 void AddAssignmentConversion(
184 const DynamicType &lhsType, const DynamicType &rhsType);
185 bool OkLogicalIntegerAssignment(TypeCategory lhs, TypeCategory rhs);
186 int GetRank(std::size_t) const;
187 bool IsBOZLiteral(std::size_t i) const {
188 return evaluate::IsBOZLiteral(GetExpr(i));
189 }
190 void SayNoMatch(const std::string &, bool isAssignment = false);
191 std::string TypeAsFortran(std::size_t);
192 bool AnyUntypedOrMissingOperand();
194 ExpressionAnalyzer &context_;
195 ActualArguments actuals_;
196 parser::CharBlock source_;
197 bool fatalErrors_{false};
198 const bool isProcedureCall_; // false for user-defined op or assignment
201// Wraps a data reference in a typed Designator<>, and a procedure
202// or procedure pointer reference in a ProcedureDesignator.
203MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Designate(DataRef &&ref) {
204 const Symbol &last{ref.GetLastSymbol()};
205 const Symbol &symbol{BypassGeneric(last).GetUltimate()};
206 if (semantics::IsProcedure(symbol)) {
207 if (symbol.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::ABSTRACT)) {
208 Say("Abstract procedure interface '%s' may not be used as a designator"_err_en_US,
209 last.name());
210 }
211 if (auto *component{std::get_if<Component>(&ref.u)}) {
212 if (!CheckDataRef(ref)) {
213 return std::nullopt;
214 }
215 return Expr<SomeType>{ProcedureDesignator{std::move(*component)}};
216 } else if (!std::holds_alternative<SymbolRef>(ref.u)) {
217 DIE("unexpected alternative in DataRef");
218 } else if (!symbol.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::INTRINSIC)) {
219 if (symbol.has<semantics::GenericDetails>()) {
220 Say("'%s' is not a specific procedure"_err_en_US, last.name());
221 } else {
222 return Expr<SomeType>{ProcedureDesignator{symbol}};
223 }
224 } else if (auto interface{context_.intrinsics().IsSpecificIntrinsicFunction(
225 symbol.name().ToString())};
226 interface && !interface->isRestrictedSpecific) {
227 SpecificIntrinsic intrinsic{
228 symbol.name().ToString(), std::move(*interface)};
229 intrinsic.isRestrictedSpecific = interface->isRestrictedSpecific;
230 return Expr<SomeType>{ProcedureDesignator{std::move(intrinsic)}};
231 } else {
232 Say("'%s' is not an unrestricted specific intrinsic procedure"_err_en_US,
233 last.name());
234 }
235 return std::nullopt;
236 } else if (MaybeExpr result{AsGenericExpr(std::move(ref))}) {
237 return result;
238 } else if (semantics::HadUseError(
239 context_, GetContextualMessages().at(), &symbol)) {
240 return std::nullopt;
241 } else {
242 if (!context_.HasError(last) && !context_.HasError(symbol)) {
243 AttachDeclaration(
244 Say("'%s' is not an object that can appear in an expression"_err_en_US,
245 last.name()),
246 symbol);
247 context_.SetError(last);
248 }
249 return std::nullopt;
250 }
253// Some subscript semantic checks must be deferred until all of the
254// subscripts are in hand.
255MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::CompleteSubscripts(ArrayRef &&ref) {
256 const Symbol &symbol{ref.GetLastSymbol().GetUltimate()};
257 int symbolRank{symbol.Rank()};
258 int subscripts{static_cast<int>(ref.size())};
259 if (subscripts == 0) {
260 return std::nullopt; // error recovery
261 } else if (subscripts != symbolRank) {
262 if (symbolRank != 0) {
263 Say("Reference to rank-%d object '%s' has %d subscripts"_err_en_US,
264 symbolRank, symbol.name(), subscripts);
265 }
266 return std::nullopt;
267 } else if (symbol.has<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>() ||
268 symbol.has<semantics::AssocEntityDetails>()) {
269 // C928 & C1002
270 if (Triplet *last{std::get_if<Triplet>(&ref.subscript().back().u)}) {
271 if (!last->upper() && IsAssumedSizeArray(symbol)) {
272 Say("Assumed-size array '%s' must have explicit final "
273 "subscript upper bound value"_err_en_US,
274 symbol.name());
275 return std::nullopt;
276 }
277 }
278 } else {
279 // Shouldn't get here from Analyze(ArrayElement) without a valid base,
280 // which, if not an object, must be a construct entity from
282 CHECK(symbol.has<semantics::AssocEntityDetails>());
283 }
284 if (!semantics::IsNamedConstant(symbol) && !inDataStmtObject_) {
285 // Subscripts of named constants are checked in folding.
286 // Subscripts of DATA statement objects are checked in data statement
287 // conversion to initializers.
288 CheckConstantSubscripts(ref);
289 }
290 return Designate(DataRef{std::move(ref)});
293// Applies subscripts to a data reference.
294MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::ApplySubscripts(
295 DataRef &&dataRef, std::vector<Subscript> &&subscripts) {
296 if (subscripts.empty()) {
297 return std::nullopt; // error recovery
298 }
299 return common::visit(
300 common::visitors{
301 [&](SymbolRef &&symbol) {
302 return CompleteSubscripts(ArrayRef{symbol, std::move(subscripts)});
303 },
304 [&](Component &&c) {
305 return CompleteSubscripts(
306 ArrayRef{std::move(c), std::move(subscripts)});
307 },
308 [&](auto &&) -> MaybeExpr {
309 DIE("bad base for ArrayRef");
310 return std::nullopt;
311 },
312 },
313 std::move(dataRef.u));
316void ExpressionAnalyzer::CheckConstantSubscripts(ArrayRef &ref) {
317 // Fold subscript expressions and check for an empty triplet.
318 const Symbol &arraySymbol{ref.base().GetLastSymbol()};
319 Shape lb{GetLBOUNDs(foldingContext_, NamedEntity{arraySymbol})};
320 CHECK(lb.size() >= ref.subscript().size());
321 Shape ub{GetUBOUNDs(foldingContext_, NamedEntity{arraySymbol})};
322 CHECK(ub.size() >= ref.subscript().size());
323 bool anyPossiblyEmptyDim{false};
324 int dim{0};
325 for (Subscript &ss : ref.subscript()) {
326 if (Triplet * triplet{std::get_if<Triplet>(&ss.u)}) {
327 auto expr{Fold(triplet->stride())};
328 auto stride{ToInt64(expr)};
329 triplet->set_stride(std::move(expr));
330 std::optional<ConstantSubscript> lower, upper;
331 if (auto expr{triplet->lower()}) {
332 *expr = Fold(std::move(*expr));
333 lower = ToInt64(*expr);
334 triplet->set_lower(std::move(*expr));
335 } else {
336 lower = ToInt64(lb[dim]);
337 }
338 if (auto expr{triplet->upper()}) {
339 *expr = Fold(std::move(*expr));
340 upper = ToInt64(*expr);
341 triplet->set_upper(std::move(*expr));
342 } else {
343 upper = ToInt64(ub[dim]);
344 }
345 if (stride) {
346 if (*stride == 0) {
347 Say("Stride of triplet must not be zero"_err_en_US);
348 return;
349 }
350 if (lower && upper) {
351 if (*stride > 0) {
352 anyPossiblyEmptyDim |= *lower > *upper;
353 } else {
354 anyPossiblyEmptyDim |= *lower < *upper;
355 }
356 } else {
357 anyPossiblyEmptyDim = true;
358 }
359 } else { // non-constant stride
360 if (lower && upper && *lower == *upper) {
361 // stride is not relevant
362 } else {
363 anyPossiblyEmptyDim = true;
364 }
365 }
366 } else { // not triplet
367 auto &expr{std::get<IndirectSubscriptIntegerExpr>(ss.u).value()};
368 expr = Fold(std::move(expr));
369 anyPossiblyEmptyDim |= expr.Rank() > 0; // vector subscript
370 }
371 ++dim;
372 }
373 if (anyPossiblyEmptyDim) {
374 return;
375 }
376 dim = 0;
377 for (Subscript &ss : ref.subscript()) {
378 auto dimLB{ToInt64(lb[dim])};
379 auto dimUB{ToInt64(ub[dim])};
380 std::optional<ConstantSubscript> val[2];
381 int vals{0};
382 if (auto *triplet{std::get_if<Triplet>(&ss.u)}) {
383 auto stride{ToInt64(triplet->stride())};
384 std::optional<ConstantSubscript> lower, upper;
385 if (const auto *lowerExpr{triplet->GetLower()}) {
386 lower = ToInt64(*lowerExpr);
387 } else if (lb[dim]) {
388 lower = ToInt64(*lb[dim]);
389 }
390 if (const auto *upperExpr{triplet->GetUpper()}) {
391 upper = ToInt64(*upperExpr);
392 } else if (ub[dim]) {
393 upper = ToInt64(*ub[dim]);
394 }
395 if (lower) {
396 val[vals++] = *lower;
397 if (upper && *upper != lower && (stride && *stride != 0)) {
398 // Normalize upper bound for non-unit stride
399 // 1:10:2 -> 1:9:2, 10:1:-2 -> 10:2:-2
400 val[vals++] = *lower + *stride * ((*upper - *lower) / *stride);
401 }
402 }
403 } else {
404 val[vals++] =
405 ToInt64(std::get<IndirectSubscriptIntegerExpr>(ss.u).value());
406 }
407 for (int j{0}; j < vals; ++j) {
408 if (val[j]) {
409 std::optional<parser::MessageFixedText> msg;
410 std::optional<ConstantSubscript> bound;
411 if (dimLB && *val[j] < *dimLB) {
412 msg =
413 "Subscript %jd is less than lower bound %jd for dimension %d of array"_err_en_US;
414 bound = *dimLB;
415 } else if (dimUB && *val[j] > *dimUB) {
416 msg =
417 "Subscript %jd is greater than upper bound %jd for dimension %d of array"_err_en_US;
418 bound = *dimUB;
419 if (dim + 1 == arraySymbol.Rank() && IsDummy(arraySymbol) &&
420 *bound == 1) {
421 // Old-school overindexing of a dummy array isn't fatal when
422 // it's on the last dimension and the extent is 1.
423 msg->set_severity(parser::Severity::Warning);
424 }
425 }
426 if (msg) {
427 AttachDeclaration(
428 Say(std::move(*msg), static_cast<std::intmax_t>(*val[j]),
429 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(bound.value()), dim + 1),
430 arraySymbol);
431 }
432 }
433 }
434 ++dim;
435 }
438// C919a - only one part-ref of a data-ref may have rank > 0
439bool ExpressionAnalyzer::CheckRanks(const DataRef &dataRef) {
440 return common::visit(
441 common::visitors{
442 [this](const Component &component) {
443 const Symbol &symbol{component.GetLastSymbol()};
444 if (int componentRank{symbol.Rank()}; componentRank > 0) {
445 if (int baseRank{component.base().Rank()}; baseRank > 0) {
446 Say("Reference to whole rank-%d component '%s' of rank-%d array of derived type is not allowed"_err_en_US,
447 componentRank, symbol.name(), baseRank);
448 return false;
449 }
450 } else {
451 return CheckRanks(component.base());
452 }
453 return true;
454 },
455 [this](const ArrayRef &arrayRef) {
456 if (const auto *component{arrayRef.base().UnwrapComponent()}) {
457 int subscriptRank{0};
458 for (const Subscript &subscript : arrayRef.subscript()) {
459 subscriptRank += subscript.Rank();
460 }
461 if (subscriptRank > 0) {
462 if (int componentBaseRank{component->base().Rank()};
463 componentBaseRank > 0) {
464 Say("Subscripts of component '%s' of rank-%d derived type array have rank %d but must all be scalar"_err_en_US,
465 component->GetLastSymbol().name(), componentBaseRank,
466 subscriptRank);
467 return false;
468 }
469 } else {
470 return CheckRanks(component->base());
471 }
472 }
473 return true;
474 },
475 [](const SymbolRef &) { return true; },
476 [](const CoarrayRef &) { return true; },
477 },
478 dataRef.u);
481// C911 - if the last name in a data-ref has an abstract derived type,
482// it must also be polymorphic.
483bool ExpressionAnalyzer::CheckPolymorphic(const DataRef &dataRef) {
484 if (auto type{DynamicType::From(dataRef.GetLastSymbol())}) {
485 if (type->category() == TypeCategory::Derived && !type->IsPolymorphic()) {
486 const Symbol &typeSymbol{
487 type->GetDerivedTypeSpec().typeSymbol().GetUltimate()};
488 if (typeSymbol.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::ABSTRACT)) {
489 AttachDeclaration(
490 Say("Reference to object with abstract derived type '%s' must be polymorphic"_err_en_US,
491 typeSymbol.name()),
492 typeSymbol);
493 return false;
494 }
495 }
496 }
497 return true;
500bool ExpressionAnalyzer::CheckDataRef(const DataRef &dataRef) {
501 // Always check both, don't short-circuit
502 bool ranksOk{CheckRanks(dataRef)};
503 bool polyOk{CheckPolymorphic(dataRef)};
504 return ranksOk && polyOk;
507// Parse tree correction after a substring S(j:k) was misparsed as an
508// array section. Fortran substrings must have a range, not a
509// single index.
510static std::optional<parser::Substring> FixMisparsedSubstringDataRef(
511 parser::DataRef &dataRef) {
512 if (auto *ae{
513 std::get_if<common::Indirection<parser::ArrayElement>>(&dataRef.u)}) {
514 // ...%a(j:k) and "a" is a character scalar
515 parser::ArrayElement &arrElement{ae->value()};
516 if (arrElement.subscripts.size() == 1) {
517 if (auto *triplet{std::get_if<parser::SubscriptTriplet>(
518 &arrElement.subscripts.front().u)}) {
519 if (!std::get<2 /*stride*/>(triplet->t).has_value()) {
520 if (const Symbol *symbol{
521 parser::GetLastName(arrElement.base).symbol}) {
522 const Symbol &ultimate{symbol->GetUltimate()};
523 if (const semantics::DeclTypeSpec *type{ultimate.GetType()}) {
524 if (!ultimate.IsObjectArray() &&
525 type->category() == semantics::DeclTypeSpec::Character) {
526 // The ambiguous S(j:k) was parsed as an array section
527 // reference, but it's now clear that it's a substring.
528 // Fix the parse tree in situ.
529 return arrElement.ConvertToSubstring();
530 }
531 }
532 }
533 }
534 }
535 }
536 }
537 return std::nullopt;
540// When a designator is a misparsed type-param-inquiry of a misparsed
541// substring -- it looks like a structure component reference of an array
542// slice -- fix the substring and then convert to an intrinsic function
543// call to KIND() or LEN(). And when the designator is a misparsed
544// substring, convert it into a substring reference in place.
545MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::FixMisparsedSubstring(
546 const parser::Designator &d) {
547 auto &mutate{const_cast<parser::Designator &>(d)};
548 if (auto *dataRef{std::get_if<parser::DataRef>(&mutate.u)}) {
549 if (auto *sc{std::get_if<common::Indirection<parser::StructureComponent>>(
550 &dataRef->u)}) {
551 parser::StructureComponent &structComponent{sc->value()};
552 parser::CharBlock which{structComponent.component.source};
553 if (which == "kind" || which == "len") {
554 if (auto substring{
555 FixMisparsedSubstringDataRef(structComponent.base)}) {
556 // ...%a(j:k)%kind or %len and "a" is a character scalar
557 mutate.u = std::move(*substring);
558 if (MaybeExpr substringExpr{Analyze(d)}) {
559 return MakeFunctionRef(which,
560 ActualArguments{ActualArgument{std::move(*substringExpr)}});
561 }
562 }
563 }
564 } else if (auto substring{FixMisparsedSubstringDataRef(*dataRef)}) {
565 mutate.u = std::move(*substring);
566 }
567 }
568 return std::nullopt;
571MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Designator &d) {
572 auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(d.source)};
573 if (auto substringInquiry{FixMisparsedSubstring(d)}) {
574 return substringInquiry;
575 }
576 // These checks have to be deferred to these "top level" data-refs where
577 // we can be sure that there are no following subscripts (yet).
578 MaybeExpr result{Analyze(d.u)};
579 if (result) {
580 std::optional<DataRef> dataRef{ExtractDataRef(std::move(result))};
581 if (!dataRef) {
582 dataRef = ExtractDataRef(std::move(result), /*intoSubstring=*/true);
583 }
584 if (!dataRef) {
585 dataRef = ExtractDataRef(std::move(result),
586 /*intoSubstring=*/false, /*intoComplexPart=*/true);
587 }
588 if (dataRef && !CheckDataRef(*dataRef)) {
589 result.reset();
590 }
591 }
592 return result;
595// A utility subroutine to repackage optional expressions of various levels
596// of type specificity as fully general MaybeExpr values.
597template <typename A> common::IfNoLvalue<MaybeExpr, A> AsMaybeExpr(A &&x) {
598 return AsGenericExpr(std::move(x));
600template <typename A> MaybeExpr AsMaybeExpr(std::optional<A> &&x) {
601 if (x) {
602 return AsMaybeExpr(std::move(*x));
603 }
604 return std::nullopt;
607// Type kind parameter values for literal constants.
608int ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeKindParam(
609 const std::optional<parser::KindParam> &kindParam, int defaultKind) {
610 if (!kindParam) {
611 return defaultKind;
612 }
613 std::int64_t kind{common::visit(
614 common::visitors{
615 [](std::uint64_t k) { return static_cast<std::int64_t>(k); },
616 [&](const parser::Scalar<
617 parser::Integer<parser::Constant<parser::Name>>> &n) {
618 if (MaybeExpr ie{Analyze(n)}) {
619 return ToInt64(*ie).value_or(defaultKind);
620 }
621 return static_cast<std::int64_t>(defaultKind);
622 },
623 },
624 kindParam->u)};
625 if (kind != static_cast<int>(kind)) {
626 Say("Unsupported type kind value (%jd)"_err_en_US,
627 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(kind));
628 kind = defaultKind;
629 }
630 return static_cast<int>(kind);
633// Common handling of parser::IntLiteralConstant and SignedIntLiteralConstant
634struct IntTypeVisitor {
635 using Result = MaybeExpr;
636 using Types = IntegerTypes;
637 template <typename T> Result Test() {
638 if (T::kind >= kind) {
639 const char *p{digits.begin()};
640 using Int = typename T::Scalar;
641 typename Int::ValueWithOverflow num{0, false};
642 if (isNegated) {
643 auto unsignedNum{Int::Read(p, 10, false /*unsigned*/)};
644 num.value = unsignedNum.value.Negate().value;
645 num.overflow = unsignedNum.overflow || num.value > Int{0};
646 if (!num.overflow && num.value.Negate().overflow &&
647 analyzer.context().ShouldWarn(LanguageFeature::BigIntLiterals) &&
648 !analyzer.context().IsInModuleFile(digits)) {
649 analyzer.Say(digits,
650 "negated maximum INTEGER(KIND=%d) literal"_port_en_US, T::kind);
651 }
652 } else {
653 num = Int::Read(p, 10, true /*signed*/);
654 }
655 if (!num.overflow) {
656 if (T::kind > kind) {
657 if (!isDefaultKind ||
658 !analyzer.context().IsEnabled(LanguageFeature::BigIntLiterals)) {
659 return std::nullopt;
660 } else if (analyzer.context().ShouldWarn(
661 LanguageFeature::BigIntLiterals)) {
662 analyzer.Say(digits,
663 "Integer literal is too large for default INTEGER(KIND=%d); "
664 "assuming INTEGER(KIND=%d)"_port_en_US,
665 kind, T::kind);
666 }
667 }
668 return Expr<SomeType>{
669 Expr<SomeInteger>{Expr<T>{Constant<T>{std::move(num.value)}}}};
670 }
671 }
672 return std::nullopt;
673 }
674 ExpressionAnalyzer &analyzer;
675 parser::CharBlock digits;
676 std::int64_t kind;
677 bool isDefaultKind;
678 bool isNegated;
681template <typename PARSED>
682MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::IntLiteralConstant(
683 const PARSED &x, bool isNegated) {
684 const auto &kindParam{std::get<std::optional<parser::KindParam>>(x.t)};
685 bool isDefaultKind{!kindParam};
686 int kind{AnalyzeKindParam(kindParam, GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Integer))};
687 if (CheckIntrinsicKind(TypeCategory::Integer, kind)) {
688 auto digits{std::get<parser::CharBlock>(x.t)};
689 if (MaybeExpr result{common::SearchTypes(
690 IntTypeVisitor{*this, digits, kind, isDefaultKind, isNegated})}) {
691 return result;
692 } else if (isDefaultKind) {
693 Say(digits,
694 "Integer literal is too large for any allowable "
695 "kind of INTEGER"_err_en_US);
696 } else {
697 Say(digits, "Integer literal is too large for INTEGER(KIND=%d)"_err_en_US,
698 kind);
699 }
700 }
701 return std::nullopt;
704MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
705 const parser::IntLiteralConstant &x, bool isNegated) {
706 auto restorer{
707 GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(std::get<parser::CharBlock>(x.t))};
708 return IntLiteralConstant(x, isNegated);
711MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
712 const parser::SignedIntLiteralConstant &x) {
713 auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(x.source)};
714 return IntLiteralConstant(x);
717template <typename TYPE>
718Constant<TYPE> ReadRealLiteral(
719 parser::CharBlock source, FoldingContext &context) {
720 const char *p{source.begin()};
721 auto valWithFlags{
722 Scalar<TYPE>::Read(p, context.targetCharacteristics().roundingMode())};
723 CHECK(p == source.end());
724 RealFlagWarnings(context, valWithFlags.flags, "conversion of REAL literal");
725 auto value{valWithFlags.value};
726 if (context.targetCharacteristics().areSubnormalsFlushedToZero()) {
727 value = value.FlushSubnormalToZero();
728 }
729 return {value};
732struct RealTypeVisitor {
733 using Result = std::optional<Expr<SomeReal>>;
734 using Types = RealTypes;
736 RealTypeVisitor(int k, parser::CharBlock lit, FoldingContext &ctx)
737 : kind{k}, literal{lit}, context{ctx} {}
739 template <typename T> Result Test() {
740 if (kind == T::kind) {
741 return {AsCategoryExpr(ReadRealLiteral<T>(literal, context))};
742 }
743 return std::nullopt;
744 }
746 int kind;
747 parser::CharBlock literal;
748 FoldingContext &context;
751// Reads a real literal constant and encodes it with the right kind.
752MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::RealLiteralConstant &x) {
753 // Use a local message context around the real literal for better
754 // provenance on any messages.
755 auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(x.real.source)};
756 // If a kind parameter appears, it defines the kind of the literal and the
757 // letter used in an exponent part must be 'E' (e.g., the 'E' in
758 // "6.02214E+23"). In the absence of an explicit kind parameter, any
759 // exponent letter determines the kind. Otherwise, defaults apply.
760 auto &defaults{context_.defaultKinds()};
761 int defaultKind{defaults.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Real)};
762 const char *end{x.real.source.end()};
763 char expoLetter{' '};
764 std::optional<int> letterKind;
765 for (const char *p{x.real.source.begin()}; p < end; ++p) {
766 if (parser::IsLetter(*p)) {
767 expoLetter = *p;
768 switch (expoLetter) {
769 case 'e':
770 letterKind = defaults.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Real);
771 break;
772 case 'd':
773 letterKind = defaults.doublePrecisionKind();
774 break;
775 case 'q':
776 letterKind = defaults.quadPrecisionKind();
777 break;
778 default:
779 Say("Unknown exponent letter '%c'"_err_en_US, expoLetter);
780 }
781 break;
782 }
783 }
784 if (letterKind) {
785 defaultKind = *letterKind;
786 }
787 // C716 requires 'E' as an exponent.
788 // Extension: allow exponent-letter matching the kind-param.
789 auto kind{AnalyzeKindParam(x.kind, defaultKind)};
790 if (letterKind && expoLetter != 'e') {
791 if (kind != *letterKind) {
792 Say("Explicit kind parameter on real constant disagrees with "
793 "exponent letter '%c'"_warn_en_US,
794 expoLetter);
795 } else if (x.kind &&
796 context_.ShouldWarn(
797 common::LanguageFeature::ExponentMatchingKindParam)) {
798 Say("Explicit kind parameter together with non-'E' exponent letter "
799 "is not standard"_port_en_US);
800 }
801 }
802 auto result{common::SearchTypes(
803 RealTypeVisitor{kind, x.real.source, GetFoldingContext()})};
804 if (!result) { // C717
805 Say("Unsupported REAL(KIND=%d)"_err_en_US, kind);
806 }
807 return AsMaybeExpr(std::move(result));
810MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
811 const parser::SignedRealLiteralConstant &x) {
812 if (auto result{Analyze(std::get<parser::RealLiteralConstant>(x.t))}) {
813 auto &realExpr{std::get<Expr<SomeReal>>(result->u)};
814 if (auto sign{std::get<std::optional<parser::Sign>>(x.t)}) {
815 if (sign == parser::Sign::Negative) {
816 return AsGenericExpr(-std::move(realExpr));
817 }
818 }
819 return result;
820 }
821 return std::nullopt;
824MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
825 const parser::SignedComplexLiteralConstant &x) {
826 auto result{Analyze(std::get<parser::ComplexLiteralConstant>(x.t))};
827 if (!result) {
828 return std::nullopt;
829 } else if (std::get<parser::Sign>(x.t) == parser::Sign::Negative) {
830 return AsGenericExpr(-std::move(std::get<Expr<SomeComplex>>(result->u)));
831 } else {
832 return result;
833 }
836MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::ComplexPart &x) {
837 return Analyze(x.u);
840MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::ComplexLiteralConstant &z) {
841 return AnalyzeComplex(Analyze(std::get<0>(z.t)), Analyze(std::get<1>(z.t)),
842 "complex literal constant");
845// CHARACTER literal processing.
846MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeString(std::string &&string, int kind) {
847 if (!CheckIntrinsicKind(TypeCategory::Character, kind)) {
848 return std::nullopt;
849 }
850 switch (kind) {
851 case 1:
852 return AsGenericExpr(Constant<Type<TypeCategory::Character, 1>>{
853 parser::DecodeString<std::string, parser::Encoding::LATIN_1>(
854 string, true)});
855 case 2:
856 return AsGenericExpr(Constant<Type<TypeCategory::Character, 2>>{
857 parser::DecodeString<std::u16string, parser::Encoding::UTF_8>(
858 string, true)});
859 case 4:
860 return AsGenericExpr(Constant<Type<TypeCategory::Character, 4>>{
861 parser::DecodeString<std::u32string, parser::Encoding::UTF_8>(
862 string, true)});
863 default:
865 }
868MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::CharLiteralConstant &x) {
869 int kind{
870 AnalyzeKindParam(std::get<std::optional<parser::KindParam>>(x.t), 1)};
871 auto value{std::get<std::string>(x.t)};
872 return AnalyzeString(std::move(value), kind);
875MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
876 const parser::HollerithLiteralConstant &x) {
877 int kind{GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Character)};
878 auto result{AnalyzeString(std::string{x.v}, kind)};
879 if (auto *constant{UnwrapConstantValue<Ascii>(result)}) {
880 constant->set_wasHollerith(true);
881 }
882 return result;
885// .TRUE. and .FALSE. of various kinds
886MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::LogicalLiteralConstant &x) {
887 auto kind{AnalyzeKindParam(std::get<std::optional<parser::KindParam>>(x.t),
888 GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Logical))};
889 bool value{std::get<bool>(x.t)};
890 auto result{common::SearchTypes(
891 TypeKindVisitor<TypeCategory::Logical, Constant, bool>{
892 kind, std::move(value)})};
893 if (!result) {
894 Say("unsupported LOGICAL(KIND=%d)"_err_en_US, kind); // C728
895 }
896 return result;
899// BOZ typeless literals
900MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::BOZLiteralConstant &x) {
901 const char *p{x.v.c_str()};
902 std::uint64_t base{16};
903 switch (*p++) {
904 case 'b':
905 base = 2;
906 break;
907 case 'o':
908 base = 8;
909 break;
910 case 'z':
911 break;
912 case 'x':
913 break;
914 default:
916 }
917 CHECK(*p == '"');
918 ++p;
919 auto value{BOZLiteralConstant::Read(p, base, false /*unsigned*/)};
920 if (*p != '"') {
921 Say("Invalid digit ('%c') in BOZ literal '%s'"_err_en_US, *p,
922 x.v); // C7107, C7108
923 return std::nullopt;
924 }
925 if (value.overflow) {
926 Say("BOZ literal '%s' too large"_err_en_US, x.v);
927 return std::nullopt;
928 }
929 return AsGenericExpr(std::move(value.value));
932// Names and named constants
933MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Name &n) {
934 auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(n.source)};
935 if (std::optional<int> kind{IsImpliedDo(n.source)}) {
936 return AsMaybeExpr(ConvertToKind<TypeCategory::Integer>(
937 *kind, AsExpr(ImpliedDoIndex{n.source})));
938 }
939 if (context_.HasError(n.symbol)) { // includes case of no symbol
940 return std::nullopt;
941 } else {
942 const Symbol &ultimate{n.symbol->GetUltimate()};
943 if (ultimate.has<semantics::TypeParamDetails>()) {
944 // A bare reference to a derived type parameter within a parameterized
945 // derived type definition.
946 auto dyType{DynamicType::From(ultimate)};
947 if (!dyType) {
948 // When the integer kind of this type parameter is not known now,
949 // it's either an error or because it depends on earlier-declared kind
950 // type parameters. So assume that it's a subscript integer for now
951 // while processing other specification expressions in the PDT
952 // definition; the right kind value will be used later in each of its
953 // instantiations.
954 int kind{SubscriptInteger::kind};
955 if (const auto *typeSpec{ultimate.GetType()}) {
956 if (const semantics::IntrinsicTypeSpec *
957 intrinType{typeSpec->AsIntrinsic()}) {
958 if (auto k{ToInt64(Fold(semantics::KindExpr{intrinType->kind()}))};
959 k && IsValidKindOfIntrinsicType(TypeCategory::Integer, *k)) {
960 kind = *k;
961 }
962 }
963 }
964 dyType = DynamicType{TypeCategory::Integer, kind};
965 }
966 return Fold(ConvertToType(
967 *dyType, AsGenericExpr(TypeParamInquiry{std::nullopt, ultimate})));
968 } else {
969 if (n.symbol->attrs().test(semantics::Attr::VOLATILE)) {
970 if (const semantics::Scope *pure{semantics::FindPureProcedureContaining(
971 context_.FindScope(n.source))}) {
972 SayAt(n,
973 "VOLATILE variable '%s' may not be referenced in pure subprogram '%s'"_err_en_US,
974 n.source, DEREF(pure->symbol()).name());
975 n.symbol->attrs().reset(semantics::Attr::VOLATILE);
976 }
977 }
978 if (!isWholeAssumedSizeArrayOk_ &&
979 semantics::IsAssumedSizeArray(
980 ResolveAssociations(*n.symbol))) { // C1002, C1014, C1231
981 AttachDeclaration(
982 SayAt(n,
983 "Whole assumed-size array '%s' may not appear here without subscripts"_err_en_US,
984 n.source),
985 *n.symbol);
986 }
987 return Designate(DataRef{*n.symbol});
988 }
989 }
992MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::NamedConstant &n) {
993 auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(n.v.source)};
994 if (MaybeExpr value{Analyze(n.v)}) {
995 Expr<SomeType> folded{Fold(std::move(*value))};
996 if (IsConstantExpr(folded)) {
997 return folded;
998 }
999 Say(n.v.source, "must be a constant"_err_en_US); // C718
1000 }
1001 return std::nullopt;
1004MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::NullInit &n) {
1005 auto restorer{AllowNullPointer()};
1006 if (MaybeExpr value{Analyze(n.v.value())}) {
1007 // Subtle: when the NullInit is a DataStmtConstant, it might
1008 // be a misparse of a structure constructor without parameters
1009 // or components (e.g., T()). Checking the result to ensure
1010 // that a "=>" data entity initializer actually resolved to
1011 // a null pointer has to be done by the caller.
1012 return Fold(std::move(*value));
1013 }
1014 return std::nullopt;
1017MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
1018 const parser::StmtFunctionStmt &stmtFunc) {
1019 inStmtFunctionDefinition_ = true;
1020 return Analyze(std::get<parser::Scalar<parser::Expr>>(stmtFunc.t));
1023MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::InitialDataTarget &x) {
1024 return Analyze(x.value());
1027MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::DataStmtValue &x) {
1028 if (const auto &repeat{
1029 std::get<std::optional<parser::DataStmtRepeat>>(x.t)}) {
1030 x.repetitions = -1;
1031 if (MaybeExpr expr{Analyze(repeat->u)}) {
1032 Expr<SomeType> folded{Fold(std::move(*expr))};
1033 if (auto value{ToInt64(folded)}) {
1034 if (*value >= 0) { // C882
1035 x.repetitions = *value;
1036 } else {
1037 Say(FindSourceLocation(repeat),
1038 "Repeat count (%jd) for data value must not be negative"_err_en_US,
1039 *value);
1040 }
1041 }
1042 }
1043 }
1044 return Analyze(std::get<parser::DataStmtConstant>(x.t));
1047// Substring references
1048std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> ExpressionAnalyzer::GetSubstringBound(
1049 const std::optional<parser::ScalarIntExpr> &bound) {
1050 if (bound) {
1051 if (MaybeExpr expr{Analyze(*bound)}) {
1052 if (expr->Rank() > 1) {
1053 Say("substring bound expression has rank %d"_err_en_US, expr->Rank());
1054 }
1055 if (auto *intExpr{std::get_if<Expr<SomeInteger>>(&expr->u)}) {
1056 if (auto *ssIntExpr{std::get_if<Expr<SubscriptInteger>>(&intExpr->u)}) {
1057 return {std::move(*ssIntExpr)};
1058 }
1059 return {Expr<SubscriptInteger>{
1060 Convert<SubscriptInteger, TypeCategory::Integer>{
1061 std::move(*intExpr)}}};
1062 } else {
1063 Say("substring bound expression is not INTEGER"_err_en_US);
1064 }
1065 }
1066 }
1067 return std::nullopt;
1070MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Substring &ss) {
1071 if (MaybeExpr baseExpr{Analyze(std::get<parser::DataRef>(ss.t))}) {
1072 if (std::optional<DataRef> dataRef{ExtractDataRef(std::move(*baseExpr))}) {
1073 if (MaybeExpr newBaseExpr{Designate(std::move(*dataRef))}) {
1074 if (std::optional<DataRef> checked{
1075 ExtractDataRef(std::move(*newBaseExpr))}) {
1076 const parser::SubstringRange &range{
1077 std::get<parser::SubstringRange>(ss.t)};
1078 std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> first{
1079 Fold(GetSubstringBound(std::get<0>(range.t)))};
1080 std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> last{
1081 Fold(GetSubstringBound(std::get<1>(range.t)))};
1082 const Symbol &symbol{checked->GetLastSymbol()};
1083 if (std::optional<DynamicType> dynamicType{
1084 DynamicType::From(symbol)}) {
1085 if (dynamicType->category() == TypeCategory::Character) {
1086 auto lbValue{ToInt64(first)};
1087 if (!lbValue) {
1088 lbValue = 1;
1089 }
1090 auto ubValue{ToInt64(last)};
1091 auto len{dynamicType->knownLength()};
1092 if (!ubValue) {
1093 ubValue = len;
1094 }
1095 if (lbValue && ubValue && *lbValue > *ubValue) {
1096 // valid, substring is empty
1097 } else if (lbValue && *lbValue < 1 && (ubValue || !last)) {
1098 Say("Substring must begin at 1 or later, not %jd"_err_en_US,
1099 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(*lbValue));
1100 return std::nullopt;
1101 } else if (ubValue && len && *ubValue > *len &&
1102 (lbValue || !first)) {
1103 Say("Substring must end at %zd or earlier, not %jd"_err_en_US,
1104 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(*len),
1105 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(*ubValue));
1106 return std::nullopt;
1107 }
1108 return WrapperHelper<TypeCategory::Character, Designator,
1109 Substring>(dynamicType->kind(),
1110 Substring{std::move(checked.value()), std::move(first),
1111 std::move(last)});
1112 }
1113 }
1114 Say("substring may apply only to CHARACTER"_err_en_US);
1115 }
1116 }
1117 }
1118 }
1119 return std::nullopt;
1122// CHARACTER literal substrings
1123MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
1124 const parser::CharLiteralConstantSubstring &x) {
1125 const parser::SubstringRange &range{std::get<parser::SubstringRange>(x.t)};
1126 std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> lower{
1127 GetSubstringBound(std::get<0>(range.t))};
1128 std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> upper{
1129 GetSubstringBound(std::get<1>(range.t))};
1130 if (MaybeExpr string{Analyze(std::get<parser::CharLiteralConstant>(x.t))}) {
1131 if (auto *charExpr{std::get_if<Expr<SomeCharacter>>(&string->u)}) {
1132 Expr<SubscriptInteger> length{
1133 common::visit([](const auto &ckExpr) { return ckExpr.LEN().value(); },
1134 charExpr->u)};
1135 if (!lower) {
1136 lower = Expr<SubscriptInteger>{1};
1137 }
1138 if (!upper) {
1139 upper = Expr<SubscriptInteger>{
1140 static_cast<std::int64_t>(ToInt64(length).value())};
1141 }
1142 return common::visit(
1143 [&](auto &&ckExpr) -> MaybeExpr {
1144 using Result = ResultType<decltype(ckExpr)>;
1145 auto *cp{std::get_if<Constant<Result>>(&ckExpr.u)};
1146 CHECK(DEREF(cp).size() == 1);
1147 StaticDataObject::Pointer staticData{StaticDataObject::Create()};
1148 staticData->set_alignment(Result::kind)
1149 .set_itemBytes(Result::kind)
1150 .Push(cp->GetScalarValue().value(),
1151 foldingContext_.targetCharacteristics().isBigEndian());
1152 Substring substring{std::move(staticData), std::move(lower.value()),
1153 std::move(upper.value())};
1154 return AsGenericExpr(
1155 Expr<Result>{Designator<Result>{std::move(substring)}});
1156 },
1157 std::move(charExpr->u));
1158 }
1159 }
1160 return std::nullopt;
1163// substring%KIND/LEN
1164MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::SubstringInquiry &x) {
1165 if (MaybeExpr substring{Analyze(x.v)}) {
1166 CHECK(x.source.size() >= 8);
1167 int nameLen{x.source.end()[-1] == 'n' ? 3 /*LEN*/ : 4 /*KIND*/};
1168 parser::CharBlock name{
1169 x.source.end() - nameLen, static_cast<std::size_t>(nameLen)};
1170 CHECK(name == "len" || name == "kind");
1171 return MakeFunctionRef(
1172 name, ActualArguments{ActualArgument{std::move(*substring)}});
1173 } else {
1174 return std::nullopt;
1175 }
1178// Subscripted array references
1179std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> ExpressionAnalyzer::AsSubscript(
1180 MaybeExpr &&expr) {
1181 if (expr) {
1182 if (expr->Rank() > 1) {
1183 Say("Subscript expression has rank %d greater than 1"_err_en_US,
1184 expr->Rank());
1185 }
1186 if (auto *intExpr{std::get_if<Expr<SomeInteger>>(&expr->u)}) {
1187 if (auto *ssIntExpr{std::get_if<Expr<SubscriptInteger>>(&intExpr->u)}) {
1188 return std::move(*ssIntExpr);
1189 } else {
1190 return Expr<SubscriptInteger>{
1191 Convert<SubscriptInteger, TypeCategory::Integer>{
1192 std::move(*intExpr)}};
1193 }
1194 } else {
1195 Say("Subscript expression is not INTEGER"_err_en_US);
1196 }
1197 }
1198 return std::nullopt;
1201std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> ExpressionAnalyzer::TripletPart(
1202 const std::optional<parser::Subscript> &s) {
1203 if (s) {
1204 return AsSubscript(Analyze(*s));
1205 } else {
1206 return std::nullopt;
1207 }
1210std::optional<Subscript> ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeSectionSubscript(
1211 const parser::SectionSubscript &ss) {
1212 return common::visit(
1213 common::visitors{
1214 [&](const parser::SubscriptTriplet &t) -> std::optional<Subscript> {
1215 const auto &lower{std::get<0>(t.t)};
1216 const auto &upper{std::get<1>(t.t)};
1217 const auto &stride{std::get<2>(t.t)};
1218 auto result{Triplet{
1219 TripletPart(lower), TripletPart(upper), TripletPart(stride)}};
1220 if ((lower && !result.lower()) || (upper && !result.upper())) {
1221 return std::nullopt;
1222 } else {
1223 return std::make_optional<Subscript>(result);
1224 }
1225 },
1226 [&](const auto &s) -> std::optional<Subscript> {
1227 if (auto subscriptExpr{AsSubscript(Analyze(s))}) {
1228 return Subscript{std::move(*subscriptExpr)};
1229 } else {
1230 return std::nullopt;
1231 }
1232 },
1233 },
1234 ss.u);
1237// Empty result means an error occurred
1238std::vector<Subscript> ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeSectionSubscripts(
1239 const std::list<parser::SectionSubscript> &sss) {
1240 bool error{false};
1241 std::vector<Subscript> subscripts;
1242 for (const auto &s : sss) {
1243 if (auto subscript{AnalyzeSectionSubscript(s)}) {
1244 subscripts.emplace_back(std::move(*subscript));
1245 } else {
1246 error = true;
1247 }
1248 }
1249 return !error ? subscripts : std::vector<Subscript>{};
1252MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::ArrayElement &ae) {
1253 MaybeExpr baseExpr;
1254 {
1255 auto restorer{AllowWholeAssumedSizeArray()};
1256 baseExpr = Analyze(ae.base);
1257 }
1258 if (baseExpr) {
1259 if (ae.subscripts.empty()) {
1260 // will be converted to function call later or error reported
1261 } else if (baseExpr->Rank() == 0) {
1262 if (const Symbol *symbol{GetLastSymbol(*baseExpr)}) {
1263 if (!context_.HasError(symbol)) {
1264 if (inDataStmtConstant_) {
1265 // Better error for NULL(X) with a MOLD= argument
1266 Say("'%s' must be an array or structure constructor if used with non-empty parentheses as a DATA statement constant"_err_en_US,
1267 symbol->name());
1268 } else {
1269 Say("'%s' is not an array"_err_en_US, symbol->name());
1270 }
1271 context_.SetError(*symbol);
1272 }
1273 }
1274 } else if (std::optional<DataRef> dataRef{
1275 ExtractDataRef(std::move(*baseExpr))}) {
1276 return ApplySubscripts(
1277 std::move(*dataRef), AnalyzeSectionSubscripts(ae.subscripts));
1278 } else {
1279 Say("Subscripts may be applied only to an object, component, or array constant"_err_en_US);
1280 }
1281 }
1282 // error was reported: analyze subscripts without reporting more errors
1283 auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().DiscardMessages()};
1284 AnalyzeSectionSubscripts(ae.subscripts);
1285 return std::nullopt;
1288// Type parameter inquiries apply to data references, but don't depend
1289// on any trailing (co)subscripts.
1290static NamedEntity IgnoreAnySubscripts(Designator<SomeDerived> &&designator) {
1291 return common::visit(
1292 common::visitors{
1293 [](SymbolRef &&symbol) { return NamedEntity{symbol}; },
1294 [](Component &&component) {
1295 return NamedEntity{std::move(component)};
1296 },
1297 [](ArrayRef &&arrayRef) { return std::move(arrayRef.base()); },
1298 [](CoarrayRef &&coarrayRef) {
1299 return NamedEntity{coarrayRef.GetLastSymbol()};
1300 },
1301 },
1302 std::move(designator.u));
1305// Components, but not bindings, of parent derived types are explicitly
1306// represented as such.
1307std::optional<Component> ExpressionAnalyzer::CreateComponent(DataRef &&base,
1308 const Symbol &component, const semantics::Scope &scope,
1309 bool C919bAlreadyEnforced) {
1310 if (!C919bAlreadyEnforced && IsAllocatableOrPointer(component) &&
1311 base.Rank() > 0) { // C919b
1312 Say("An allocatable or pointer component reference must be applied to a scalar base"_err_en_US);
1313 }
1314 if (&component.owner() == &scope ||
1315 component.has<semantics::ProcBindingDetails>()) {
1316 return Component{std::move(base), component};
1317 }
1318 if (const Symbol *typeSymbol{scope.GetSymbol()}) {
1319 if (const Symbol *parentComponent{typeSymbol->GetParentComponent(&scope)}) {
1320 if (const auto *object{
1321 parentComponent->detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()}) {
1322 if (const auto *parentType{object->type()}) {
1323 if (const semantics::Scope *parentScope{
1324 parentType->derivedTypeSpec().scope()}) {
1325 return CreateComponent(
1326 DataRef{Component{std::move(base), *parentComponent}},
1327 component, *parentScope, C919bAlreadyEnforced);
1328 }
1329 }
1330 }
1331 }
1332 }
1333 return std::nullopt;
1336// Derived type component references and type parameter inquiries
1337MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::StructureComponent &sc) {
1338 Symbol *sym{sc.component.symbol};
1339 if (context_.HasError(sym)) {
1340 return std::nullopt;
1341 }
1342 const auto *misc{sym->detailsIf<semantics::MiscDetails>()};
1343 bool isTypeParamInquiry{sym->has<semantics::TypeParamDetails>() ||
1344 (misc &&
1345 (misc->kind() == semantics::MiscDetails::Kind::KindParamInquiry ||
1346 misc->kind() == semantics::MiscDetails::Kind::LenParamInquiry))};
1347 MaybeExpr base;
1348 if (isTypeParamInquiry) {
1349 auto restorer{AllowWholeAssumedSizeArray()};
1350 base = Analyze(sc.base);
1351 } else {
1352 base = Analyze(sc.base);
1353 }
1354 if (!base) {
1355 return std::nullopt;
1356 }
1357 const auto &name{sc.component.source};
1358 if (auto *dtExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeDerived>>(*base)}) {
1359 const auto *dtSpec{GetDerivedTypeSpec(dtExpr->GetType())};
1360 if (isTypeParamInquiry) {
1361 if (auto *designator{UnwrapExpr<Designator<SomeDerived>>(*dtExpr)}) {
1362 if (std::optional<DynamicType> dyType{DynamicType::From(*sym)}) {
1363 if (dyType->category() == TypeCategory::Integer) {
1364 auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(name)};
1365 return Fold(ConvertToType(*dyType,
1366 AsGenericExpr(TypeParamInquiry{
1367 IgnoreAnySubscripts(std::move(*designator)), *sym})));
1368 }
1369 }
1370 Say(name, "Type parameter is not INTEGER"_err_en_US);
1371 } else {
1372 Say(name,
1373 "A type parameter inquiry must be applied to a designator"_err_en_US);
1374 }
1375 } else if (!dtSpec || !dtSpec->scope()) {
1376 CHECK(context_.AnyFatalError() || !foldingContext_.messages().empty());
1377 return std::nullopt;
1378 } else if (std::optional<DataRef> dataRef{
1379 ExtractDataRef(std::move(*dtExpr))}) {
1380 auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(name)};
1381 if (auto component{
1382 CreateComponent(std::move(*dataRef), *sym, *dtSpec->scope())}) {
1383 return Designate(DataRef{std::move(*component)});
1384 } else {
1385 Say(name, "Component is not in scope of derived TYPE(%s)"_err_en_US,
1386 dtSpec->typeSymbol().name());
1387 }
1388 } else {
1389 Say(name,
1390 "Base of component reference must be a data reference"_err_en_US);
1391 }
1392 } else if (auto *details{sym->detailsIf<semantics::MiscDetails>()}) {
1393 // special part-ref: %re, %im, %kind, %len
1394 // Type errors on the base of %re/%im/%len are detected and
1395 // reported in name resolution.
1396 using MiscKind = semantics::MiscDetails::Kind;
1397 MiscKind kind{details->kind()};
1398 if (kind == MiscKind::ComplexPartRe || kind == MiscKind::ComplexPartIm) {
1399 if (auto *zExpr{std::get_if<Expr<SomeComplex>>(&base->u)}) {
1400 if (std::optional<DataRef> dataRef{ExtractDataRef(*zExpr)}) {
1401 // Represent %RE/%IM as a designator
1402 Expr<SomeReal> realExpr{common::visit(
1403 [&](const auto &z) {
1404 using PartType = typename ResultType<decltype(z)>::Part;
1405 auto part{kind == MiscKind::ComplexPartRe
1406 ? ComplexPart::Part::RE
1407 : ComplexPart::Part::IM};
1408 return AsCategoryExpr(Designator<PartType>{
1409 ComplexPart{std::move(*dataRef), part}});
1410 },
1411 zExpr->u)};
1412 return AsGenericExpr(std::move(realExpr));
1413 }
1414 }
1415 } else if (isTypeParamInquiry) { // %kind or %len
1416 ActualArgument arg{std::move(*base)};
1417 SetArgSourceLocation(arg, name);
1418 return MakeFunctionRef(name, ActualArguments{std::move(arg)});
1419 } else {
1420 DIE("unexpected MiscDetails::Kind");
1421 }
1422 } else {
1423 Say(name, "derived type required before component reference"_err_en_US);
1424 }
1425 return std::nullopt;
1428MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::CoindexedNamedObject &x) {
1429 if (auto maybeDataRef{ExtractDataRef(Analyze(x.base))}) {
1430 DataRef *dataRef{&*maybeDataRef};
1431 std::vector<Subscript> subscripts;
1432 SymbolVector reversed;
1433 if (auto *aRef{std::get_if<ArrayRef>(&dataRef->u)}) {
1434 subscripts = std::move(aRef->subscript());
1435 reversed.push_back(aRef->GetLastSymbol());
1436 if (Component *component{aRef->base().UnwrapComponent()}) {
1437 dataRef = &component->base();
1438 } else {
1439 dataRef = nullptr;
1440 }
1441 }
1442 if (dataRef) {
1443 while (auto *component{std::get_if<Component>(&dataRef->u)}) {
1444 reversed.push_back(component->GetLastSymbol());
1445 dataRef = &component->base();
1446 }
1447 if (auto *baseSym{std::get_if<SymbolRef>(&dataRef->u)}) {
1448 reversed.push_back(*baseSym);
1449 } else {
1450 Say("Base of coindexed named object has subscripts or cosubscripts"_err_en_US);
1451 }
1452 }
1453 std::vector<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> cosubscripts;
1454 bool cosubsOk{true};
1455 for (const auto &cosub :
1456 std::get<std::list<parser::Cosubscript>>(x.imageSelector.t)) {
1457 MaybeExpr coex{Analyze(cosub)};
1458 if (auto *intExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeInteger>>(coex)}) {
1459 cosubscripts.push_back(
1460 ConvertToType<SubscriptInteger>(std::move(*intExpr)));
1461 } else {
1462 cosubsOk = false;
1463 }
1464 }
1465 if (cosubsOk && !reversed.empty()) {
1466 int numCosubscripts{static_cast<int>(cosubscripts.size())};
1467 const Symbol &symbol{reversed.front()};
1468 if (numCosubscripts != symbol.Corank()) {
1469 Say("'%s' has corank %d, but coindexed reference has %d cosubscripts"_err_en_US,
1470 symbol.name(), symbol.Corank(), numCosubscripts);
1471 }
1472 }
1473 for (const auto &imageSelSpec :
1474 std::get<std::list<parser::ImageSelectorSpec>>(x.imageSelector.t)) {
1475 common::visit(
1476 common::visitors{
1477 [&](const auto &x) { Analyze(x.v); },
1478 },
1479 imageSelSpec.u);
1480 }
1481 // Reverse the chain of symbols so that the base is first and coarray
1482 // ultimate component is last.
1483 if (cosubsOk) {
1484 return Designate(
1485 DataRef{CoarrayRef{SymbolVector{reversed.crbegin(), reversed.crend()},
1486 std::move(subscripts), std::move(cosubscripts)}});
1487 }
1488 }
1489 return std::nullopt;
1492int ExpressionAnalyzer::IntegerTypeSpecKind(
1493 const parser::IntegerTypeSpec &spec) {
1494 Expr<SubscriptInteger> value{
1495 AnalyzeKindSelector(TypeCategory::Integer, spec.v)};
1496 if (auto kind{ToInt64(value)}) {
1497 return static_cast<int>(*kind);
1498 }
1499 SayAt(spec, "Constant INTEGER kind value required here"_err_en_US);
1500 return GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Integer);
1503// Array constructors
1505// Inverts a collection of generic ArrayConstructorValues<SomeType> that
1506// all happen to have the same actual type T into one ArrayConstructor<T>.
1507template <typename T>
1508ArrayConstructorValues<T> MakeSpecific(
1509 ArrayConstructorValues<SomeType> &&from) {
1510 ArrayConstructorValues<T> to;
1511 for (ArrayConstructorValue<SomeType> &x : from) {
1512 common::visit(
1513 common::visitors{
1514 [&](common::CopyableIndirection<Expr<SomeType>> &&expr) {
1515 auto *typed{UnwrapExpr<Expr<T>>(expr.value())};
1516 to.Push(std::move(DEREF(typed)));
1517 },
1518 [&](ImpliedDo<SomeType> &&impliedDo) {
1519 to.Push(ImpliedDo<T>{impliedDo.name(),
1520 std::move(impliedDo.lower()), std::move(impliedDo.upper()),
1521 std::move(impliedDo.stride()),
1522 MakeSpecific<T>(std::move(impliedDo.values()))});
1523 },
1524 },
1525 std::move(x.u));
1526 }
1527 return to;
1530class ArrayConstructorContext {
1532 ArrayConstructorContext(
1533 ExpressionAnalyzer &c, std::optional<DynamicTypeWithLength> &&t)
1534 : exprAnalyzer_{c}, type_{std::move(t)} {}
1536 void Add(const parser::AcValue &);
1537 MaybeExpr ToExpr();
1539 // These interfaces allow *this to be used as a type visitor argument to
1540 // common::SearchTypes() to convert the array constructor to a typed
1541 // expression in ToExpr().
1542 using Result = MaybeExpr;
1543 using Types = AllTypes;
1544 template <typename T> Result Test() {
1545 if (type_ && type_->category() == T::category) {
1546 if constexpr (T::category == TypeCategory::Derived) {
1547 if (!type_->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()) {
1548 return AsMaybeExpr(ArrayConstructor<T>{type_->GetDerivedTypeSpec(),
1549 MakeSpecific<T>(std::move(values_))});
1550 }
1551 } else if (type_->kind() == T::kind) {
1552 ArrayConstructor<T> result{MakeSpecific<T>(std::move(values_))};
1553 if constexpr (T::category == TypeCategory::Character) {
1554 if (auto len{LengthIfGood()}) {
1555 // The ac-do-variables may be treated as constant expressions,
1556 // if some conditions on ac-implied-do-control hold (10.1.12 (12)).
1557 // At the same time, they may be treated as constant expressions
1558 // only in the context of the ac-implied-do, but setting
1559 // the character length here may result in complete elimination
1560 // of the ac-implied-do. For example:
1561 // character(10) :: c
1562 // ... len([(c(i:i), integer(8)::i = 1,4)])
1563 // would be evaulated into:
1564 // ... int(max(0_8,i-i+1_8),kind=4)
1565 // with a dangling reference to the ac-do-variable.
1566 // Prevent this by checking for the ac-do-variable references
1567 // in the 'len' expression.
1568 result.set_LEN(std::move(*len));
1569 }
1570 }
1571 return AsMaybeExpr(std::move(result));
1572 }
1573 }
1574 return std::nullopt;
1575 }
1578 using ImpliedDoIntType = ResultType<ImpliedDoIndex>;
1580 std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> LengthIfGood() const {
1581 if (type_) {
1582 auto len{type_->LEN()};
1583 if (len && IsConstantExpr(*len) && !ContainsAnyImpliedDoIndex(*len)) {
1584 return len;
1585 }
1586 }
1587 return std::nullopt;
1588 }
1589 bool NeedLength() const {
1590 return type_ && type_->category() == TypeCategory::Character &&
1591 !LengthIfGood();
1592 }
1593 void Push(MaybeExpr &&);
1594 void Add(const parser::AcValue::Triplet &);
1595 void Add(const parser::Expr &);
1596 void Add(const parser::AcImpliedDo &);
1597 void UnrollConstantImpliedDo(const parser::AcImpliedDo &,
1598 parser::CharBlock name, std::int64_t lower, std::int64_t upper,
1599 std::int64_t stride);
1601 template <int KIND, typename A>
1602 std::optional<Expr<Type<TypeCategory::Integer, KIND>>> GetSpecificIntExpr(
1603 const A &x) {
1604 if (MaybeExpr y{exprAnalyzer_.Analyze(x)}) {
1605 Expr<SomeInteger> *intExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeInteger>>(*y)};
1606 return Fold(exprAnalyzer_.GetFoldingContext(),
1607 ConvertToType<Type<TypeCategory::Integer, KIND>>(
1608 std::move(DEREF(intExpr))));
1609 }
1610 return std::nullopt;
1611 }
1613 // Nested array constructors all reference the same ExpressionAnalyzer,
1614 // which represents the nest of active implied DO loop indices.
1615 ExpressionAnalyzer &exprAnalyzer_;
1616 std::optional<DynamicTypeWithLength> type_;
1617 bool explicitType_{type_.has_value()};
1618 std::optional<std::int64_t> constantLength_;
1619 ArrayConstructorValues<SomeType> values_;
1620 std::uint64_t messageDisplayedSet_{0};
1623void ArrayConstructorContext::Push(MaybeExpr &&x) {
1624 if (!x) {
1625 return;
1626 }
1627 if (!type_) {
1628 if (auto *boz{std::get_if<BOZLiteralConstant>(&x->u)}) {
1629 // Treat an array constructor of BOZ as if default integer.
1630 if (exprAnalyzer_.context().ShouldWarn(
1631 common::LanguageFeature::BOZAsDefaultInteger)) {
1632 exprAnalyzer_.Say(
1633 "BOZ literal in array constructor without explicit type is assumed to be default INTEGER"_port_en_US);
1634 }
1635 x = AsGenericExpr(ConvertToKind<TypeCategory::Integer>(
1636 exprAnalyzer_.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Integer),
1637 std::move(*boz)));
1638 }
1639 }
1640 std::optional<DynamicType> dyType{x->GetType()};
1641 if (!dyType) {
1642 if (auto *boz{std::get_if<BOZLiteralConstant>(&x->u)}) {
1643 if (!type_) {
1644 // Treat an array constructor of BOZ as if default integer.
1645 if (exprAnalyzer_.context().ShouldWarn(
1646 common::LanguageFeature::BOZAsDefaultInteger)) {
1647 exprAnalyzer_.Say(
1648 "BOZ literal in array constructor without explicit type is assumed to be default INTEGER"_port_en_US);
1649 }
1650 x = AsGenericExpr(ConvertToKind<TypeCategory::Integer>(
1651 exprAnalyzer_.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Integer),
1652 std::move(*boz)));
1653 dyType = x.value().GetType();
1654 } else if (auto cast{ConvertToType(*type_, std::move(*x))}) {
1655 x = std::move(cast);
1656 dyType = *type_;
1657 } else {
1658 if (!(messageDisplayedSet_ & 0x80)) {
1659 exprAnalyzer_.Say(
1660 "BOZ literal is not suitable for use in this array constructor"_err_en_US);
1661 messageDisplayedSet_ |= 0x80;
1662 }
1663 return;
1664 }
1665 } else { // procedure name, &c.
1666 if (!(messageDisplayedSet_ & 0x40)) {
1667 exprAnalyzer_.Say(
1668 "Item is not suitable for use in an array constructor"_err_en_US);
1669 messageDisplayedSet_ |= 0x40;
1670 }
1671 return;
1672 }
1673 } else if (dyType->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()) {
1674 if (!(messageDisplayedSet_ & 8)) {
1675 exprAnalyzer_.Say("Cannot have an unlimited polymorphic value in an "
1676 "array constructor"_err_en_US); // C7113
1677 messageDisplayedSet_ |= 8;
1678 }
1679 return;
1680 } else if (dyType->category() == TypeCategory::Derived &&
1681 dyType->GetDerivedTypeSpec().typeSymbol().attrs().test(
1682 semantics::Attr::ABSTRACT)) { // F'2023 C7125
1683 if (!(messageDisplayedSet_ & 0x200)) {
1684 exprAnalyzer_.Say(
1685 "An item whose declared type is ABSTRACT may not appear in an array constructor"_err_en_US);
1686 messageDisplayedSet_ |= 0x200;
1687 }
1688 }
1689 DynamicTypeWithLength xType{dyType.value()};
1690 if (Expr<SomeCharacter> * charExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeCharacter>>(*x)}) {
1691 CHECK(xType.category() == TypeCategory::Character);
1692 xType.length =
1693 common::visit([](const auto &kc) { return kc.LEN(); }, charExpr->u);
1694 }
1695 if (!type_) {
1696 // If there is no explicit type-spec in an array constructor, the type
1697 // of the array is the declared type of all of the elements, which must
1698 // be well-defined and all match.
1699 // TODO: Possible language extension: use the most general type of
1700 // the values as the type of a numeric constructed array, convert all
1701 // of the other values to that type. Alternative: let the first value
1702 // determine the type, and convert the others to that type.
1703 CHECK(!explicitType_);
1704 type_ = std::move(xType);
1705 constantLength_ = ToInt64(type_->length);
1706 values_.Push(std::move(*x));
1707 } else if (!explicitType_) {
1708 if (type_->IsTkCompatibleWith(xType) && xType.IsTkCompatibleWith(*type_)) {
1709 values_.Push(std::move(*x));
1710 auto xLen{xType.LEN()};
1711 if (auto thisLen{ToInt64(xLen)}) {
1712 if (constantLength_) {
1713 if (exprAnalyzer_.context().ShouldWarn(
1714 common::LanguageFeature::DistinctArrayConstructorLengths) &&
1715 *thisLen != *constantLength_) {
1716 if (!(messageDisplayedSet_ & 1)) {
1717 exprAnalyzer_.Say(
1718 "Character literal in array constructor without explicit "
1719 "type has different length than earlier elements"_port_en_US);
1720 messageDisplayedSet_ |= 1;
1721 }
1722 }
1723 if (*thisLen > *constantLength_) {
1724 // Language extension: use the longest literal to determine the
1725 // length of the array constructor's character elements, not the
1726 // first, when there is no explicit type.
1727 *constantLength_ = *thisLen;
1728 type_->length = std::move(xLen);
1729 }
1730 } else {
1731 constantLength_ = *thisLen;
1732 type_->length = std::move(xLen);
1733 }
1734 } else if (xLen && NeedLength()) {
1735 type_->length = std::move(xLen);
1736 }
1737 } else {
1738 if (!(messageDisplayedSet_ & 2)) {
1739 exprAnalyzer_.Say(
1740 "Values in array constructor must have the same declared type "
1741 "when no explicit type appears"_err_en_US); // C7110
1742 messageDisplayedSet_ |= 2;
1743 }
1744 }
1745 } else {
1746 if (auto cast{ConvertToType(*type_, std::move(*x))}) {
1747 values_.Push(std::move(*cast));
1748 } else if (!(messageDisplayedSet_ & 4)) {
1749 exprAnalyzer_.Say("Value in array constructor of type '%s' could not "
1750 "be converted to the type of the array '%s'"_err_en_US,
1751 x->GetType()->AsFortran(), type_->AsFortran()); // C7111, C7112
1752 messageDisplayedSet_ |= 4;
1753 }
1754 }
1757void ArrayConstructorContext::Add(const parser::AcValue &x) {
1758 common::visit(
1759 common::visitors{
1760 [&](const parser::AcValue::Triplet &triplet) { Add(triplet); },
1761 [&](const common::Indirection<parser::Expr> &expr) {
1762 Add(expr.value());
1763 },
1764 [&](const common::Indirection<parser::AcImpliedDo> &impliedDo) {
1765 Add(impliedDo.value());
1766 },
1767 },
1768 x.u);
1771// Transforms l:u(:s) into (_,_=l,u(,s)) with an anonymous index '_'
1772void ArrayConstructorContext::Add(const parser::AcValue::Triplet &triplet) {
1773 std::optional<Expr<ImpliedDoIntType>> lower{
1774 GetSpecificIntExpr<ImpliedDoIntType::kind>(std::get<0>(triplet.t))};
1775 std::optional<Expr<ImpliedDoIntType>> upper{
1776 GetSpecificIntExpr<ImpliedDoIntType::kind>(std::get<1>(triplet.t))};
1777 std::optional<Expr<ImpliedDoIntType>> stride{
1778 GetSpecificIntExpr<ImpliedDoIntType::kind>(std::get<2>(triplet.t))};
1779 if (lower && upper) {
1780 if (!stride) {
1781 stride = Expr<ImpliedDoIntType>{1};
1782 }
1783 if (!type_) {
1784 type_ = DynamicTypeWithLength{ImpliedDoIntType::GetType()};
1785 }
1786 auto v{std::move(values_)};
1787 parser::CharBlock anonymous;
1788 Push(Expr<SomeType>{
1789 Expr<SomeInteger>{Expr<ImpliedDoIntType>{ImpliedDoIndex{anonymous}}}});
1790 std::swap(v, values_);
1791 values_.Push(ImpliedDo<SomeType>{anonymous, std::move(*lower),
1792 std::move(*upper), std::move(*stride), std::move(v)});
1793 }
1796void ArrayConstructorContext::Add(const parser::Expr &expr) {
1797 auto restorer{exprAnalyzer_.GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(expr.source)};
1798 Push(exprAnalyzer_.Analyze(expr));
1801void ArrayConstructorContext::Add(const parser::AcImpliedDo &impliedDo) {
1802 const auto &control{std::get<parser::AcImpliedDoControl>(impliedDo.t)};
1803 const auto &bounds{std::get<parser::AcImpliedDoControl::Bounds>(control.t)};
1804 exprAnalyzer_.Analyze(bounds.name);
1805 parser::CharBlock name{bounds.name.thing.thing.source};
1806 const Symbol *symbol{bounds.name.thing.thing.symbol};
1807 int kind{ImpliedDoIntType::kind};
1808 if (const auto dynamicType{DynamicType::From(symbol)}) {
1809 kind = dynamicType->kind();
1810 }
1811 std::optional<Expr<ImpliedDoIntType>> lower{
1812 GetSpecificIntExpr<ImpliedDoIntType::kind>(bounds.lower)};
1813 std::optional<Expr<ImpliedDoIntType>> upper{
1814 GetSpecificIntExpr<ImpliedDoIntType::kind>(bounds.upper)};
1815 if (lower && upper) {
1816 std::optional<Expr<ImpliedDoIntType>> stride{
1817 GetSpecificIntExpr<ImpliedDoIntType::kind>(bounds.step)};
1818 if (!stride) {
1819 stride = Expr<ImpliedDoIntType>{1};
1820 }
1821 if (exprAnalyzer_.AddImpliedDo(name, kind)) {
1822 // Check for constant bounds; the loop may require complete unrolling
1823 // of the parse tree if all bounds are constant in order to allow the
1824 // implied DO loop index to qualify as a constant expression.
1825 auto cLower{ToInt64(lower)};
1826 auto cUpper{ToInt64(upper)};
1827 auto cStride{ToInt64(stride)};
1828 if (!(messageDisplayedSet_ & 0x10) && cStride && *cStride == 0) {
1829 exprAnalyzer_.SayAt(bounds.step.value().thing.thing.value().source,
1830 "The stride of an implied DO loop must not be zero"_err_en_US);
1831 messageDisplayedSet_ |= 0x10;
1832 }
1833 bool isConstant{cLower && cUpper && cStride && *cStride != 0};
1834 bool isNonemptyConstant{isConstant &&
1835 ((*cStride > 0 && *cLower <= *cUpper) ||
1836 (*cStride < 0 && *cLower >= *cUpper))};
1837 bool isEmpty{isConstant && !isNonemptyConstant};
1838 bool unrollConstantLoop{false};
1839 parser::Messages buffer;
1840 auto saveMessagesDisplayed{messageDisplayedSet_};
1841 {
1842 auto messageRestorer{
1843 exprAnalyzer_.GetContextualMessages().SetMessages(buffer)};
1844 auto v{std::move(values_)};
1845 for (const auto &value :
1846 std::get<std::list<parser::AcValue>>(impliedDo.t)) {
1847 Add(value);
1848 }
1849 std::swap(v, values_);
1850 if (isNonemptyConstant && buffer.AnyFatalError()) {
1851 unrollConstantLoop = true;
1852 } else {
1853 values_.Push(ImpliedDo<SomeType>{name, std::move(*lower),
1854 std::move(*upper), std::move(*stride), std::move(v)});
1855 }
1856 }
1857 // F'2023 7.8 p5
1858 if (!(messageDisplayedSet_ & 0x100) && isEmpty && NeedLength()) {
1859 exprAnalyzer_.SayAt(name,
1860 "Array constructor implied DO loop has no iterations and indeterminate character length"_err_en_US);
1861 messageDisplayedSet_ |= 0x100;
1862 }
1863 if (unrollConstantLoop) {
1864 messageDisplayedSet_ = saveMessagesDisplayed;
1865 UnrollConstantImpliedDo(impliedDo, name, *cLower, *cUpper, *cStride);
1866 } else if (auto *messages{
1867 exprAnalyzer_.GetContextualMessages().messages()}) {
1868 messages->Annex(std::move(buffer));
1869 }
1870 exprAnalyzer_.RemoveImpliedDo(name);
1871 } else if (!(messageDisplayedSet_ & 0x20)) {
1872 exprAnalyzer_.SayAt(name,
1873 "Implied DO index '%s' is active in a surrounding implied DO loop "
1874 "and may not have the same name"_err_en_US,
1875 name); // C7115
1876 messageDisplayedSet_ |= 0x20;
1877 }
1878 }
1881// Fortran considers an implied DO index of an array constructor to be
1882// a constant expression if the bounds of the implied DO loop are constant.
1883// Usually this doesn't matter, but if we emitted spurious messages as a
1884// result of not using constant values for the index while analyzing the
1885// items, we need to do it again the "hard" way with multiple iterations over
1886// the parse tree.
1887void ArrayConstructorContext::UnrollConstantImpliedDo(
1888 const parser::AcImpliedDo &impliedDo, parser::CharBlock name,
1889 std::int64_t lower, std::int64_t upper, std::int64_t stride) {
1890 auto &foldingContext{exprAnalyzer_.GetFoldingContext()};
1891 auto restorer{exprAnalyzer_.DoNotUseSavedTypedExprs()};
1892 for (auto &at{foldingContext.StartImpliedDo(name, lower)};
1893 (stride > 0 && at <= upper) || (stride < 0 && at >= upper);
1894 at += stride) {
1895 for (const auto &value :
1896 std::get<std::list<parser::AcValue>>(impliedDo.t)) {
1897 Add(value);
1898 }
1899 }
1900 foldingContext.EndImpliedDo(name);
1903MaybeExpr ArrayConstructorContext::ToExpr() {
1904 return common::SearchTypes(std::move(*this));
1907MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::ArrayConstructor &array) {
1908 const parser::AcSpec &acSpec{array.v};
1909 ArrayConstructorContext acContext{*this, AnalyzeTypeSpec(acSpec.type)};
1910 for (const parser::AcValue &value : acSpec.values) {
1911 acContext.Add(value);
1912 }
1913 return acContext.ToExpr();
1916// Check if implicit conversion of expr to the symbol type is legal (if needed),
1917// and make it explicit if requested.
1918static MaybeExpr implicitConvertTo(const semantics::Symbol &sym,
1919 Expr<SomeType> &&expr, bool keepConvertImplicit) {
1920 if (!keepConvertImplicit) {
1921 return ConvertToType(sym, std::move(expr));
1922 } else {
1923 // Test if a convert could be inserted, but do not make it explicit to
1924 // preserve the information that expr is a variable.
1925 if (ConvertToType(sym, common::Clone(expr))) {
1926 return MaybeExpr{std::move(expr)};
1927 }
1928 }
1929 // Illegal implicit convert.
1930 return std::nullopt;
1933MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
1934 const parser::StructureConstructor &structure) {
1935 auto &parsedType{std::get<parser::DerivedTypeSpec>(structure.t)};
1936 parser::Name structureType{std::get<parser::Name>(parsedType.t)};
1937 parser::CharBlock &typeName{structureType.source};
1938 if (semantics::Symbol *typeSymbol{structureType.symbol}) {
1939 if (typeSymbol->has<semantics::DerivedTypeDetails>()) {
1940 semantics::DerivedTypeSpec dtSpec{typeName, typeSymbol->GetUltimate()};
1941 if (!CheckIsValidForwardReference(dtSpec)) {
1942 return std::nullopt;
1943 }
1944 }
1945 }
1946 if (!parsedType.derivedTypeSpec) {
1947 return std::nullopt;
1948 }
1949 const auto &spec{*parsedType.derivedTypeSpec};
1950 const Symbol &typeSymbol{spec.typeSymbol()};
1951 if (!spec.scope() || !typeSymbol.has<semantics::DerivedTypeDetails>()) {
1952 return std::nullopt; // error recovery
1953 }
1954 const semantics::Scope &scope{context_.FindScope(typeName)};
1955 const semantics::Scope *pureContext{FindPureProcedureContaining(scope)};
1956 const auto &typeDetails{typeSymbol.get<semantics::DerivedTypeDetails>()};
1957 const Symbol *parentComponent{typeDetails.GetParentComponent(*spec.scope())};
1959 if (typeSymbol.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::ABSTRACT)) { // C796
1960 AttachDeclaration(Say(typeName,
1961 "ABSTRACT derived type '%s' may not be used in a "
1962 "structure constructor"_err_en_US,
1963 typeName),
1964 typeSymbol); // C7114
1965 }
1967 // This iterator traverses all of the components in the derived type and its
1968 // parents. The symbols for whole parent components appear after their
1969 // own components and before the components of the types that extend them.
1970 // E.g., TYPE :: A; REAL X; END TYPE
1972 // produces the component list X, A, Y.
1973 // The order is important below because a structure constructor can
1974 // initialize X or A by name, but not both.
1975 auto components{semantics::OrderedComponentIterator{spec}};
1976 auto nextAnonymous{components.begin()};
1978 std::set<parser::CharBlock> unavailable;
1979 bool anyKeyword{false};
1980 StructureConstructor result{spec};
1981 bool checkConflicts{true}; // until we hit one
1982 auto &messages{GetContextualMessages()};
1984 // NULL() can be a valid component
1985 auto restorer{AllowNullPointer()};
1987 for (const auto &component :
1988 std::get<std::list<parser::ComponentSpec>>(structure.t)) {
1989 const parser::Expr &expr{
1990 std::get<parser::ComponentDataSource>(component.t).v.value()};
1991 parser::CharBlock source{expr.source};
1992 auto restorer{messages.SetLocation(source)};
1993 const Symbol *symbol{nullptr};
1994 MaybeExpr value{Analyze(expr)};
1995 std::optional<DynamicType> valueType{DynamicType::From(value)};
1996 if (const auto &kw{std::get<std::optional<parser::Keyword>>(component.t)}) {
1997 anyKeyword = true;
1998 source = kw->v.source;
1999 symbol = kw->v.symbol;
2000 if (!symbol) {
2001 // Skip overridden inaccessible parent components in favor of
2002 // their later overrides.
2003 for (const Symbol &sym : components) {
2004 if (sym.name() == source) {
2005 symbol = &sym;
2006 }
2007 }
2008 }
2009 if (!symbol) { // C7101
2010 Say(source,
2011 "Keyword '%s=' does not name a component of derived type '%s'"_err_en_US,
2012 source, typeName);
2013 }
2014 } else {
2015 if (anyKeyword) { // C7100
2016 Say(source,
2017 "Value in structure constructor lacks a component name"_err_en_US);
2018 checkConflicts = false; // stem cascade
2019 }
2020 // Here's a regrettably common extension of the standard: anonymous
2021 // initialization of parent components, e.g., T(PT(1)) rather than
2022 // T(1) or T(PT=PT(1)).
2023 if (nextAnonymous == components.begin() && parentComponent &&
2024 valueType == DynamicType::From(*parentComponent) &&
2025 context().IsEnabled(LanguageFeature::AnonymousParents)) {
2026 auto iter{
2027 std::find(components.begin(), components.end(), *parentComponent)};
2028 if (iter != components.end()) {
2029 symbol = parentComponent;
2030 nextAnonymous = ++iter;
2031 if (context().ShouldWarn(LanguageFeature::AnonymousParents)) {
2032 Say(source,
2033 "Whole parent component '%s' in structure "
2034 "constructor should not be anonymous"_port_en_US,
2035 symbol->name());
2036 }
2037 }
2038 }
2039 while (!symbol && nextAnonymous != components.end()) {
2040 const Symbol &next{*nextAnonymous};
2041 ++nextAnonymous;
2042 if (!next.test(Symbol::Flag::ParentComp)) {
2043 symbol = &next;
2044 }
2045 }
2046 if (!symbol) {
2047 Say(source, "Unexpected value in structure constructor"_err_en_US);
2048 }
2049 }
2050 if (symbol) {
2051 const semantics::Scope &innermost{context_.FindScope(expr.source)};
2052 if (auto msg{CheckAccessibleSymbol(innermost, *symbol)}) {
2053 Say(expr.source, std::move(*msg));
2054 }
2055 if (checkConflicts) {
2056 auto componentIter{
2057 std::find(components.begin(), components.end(), *symbol)};
2058 if (unavailable.find(symbol->name()) != unavailable.cend()) {
2059 // C797, C798
2060 Say(source,
2061 "Component '%s' conflicts with another component earlier in "
2062 "this structure constructor"_err_en_US,
2063 symbol->name());
2064 } else if (symbol->test(Symbol::Flag::ParentComp)) {
2065 // Make earlier components unavailable once a whole parent appears.
2066 for (auto it{components.begin()}; it != componentIter; ++it) {
2067 unavailable.insert(it->name());
2068 }
2069 } else {
2070 // Make whole parent components unavailable after any of their
2071 // constituents appear.
2072 for (auto it{componentIter}; it != components.end(); ++it) {
2073 if (it->test(Symbol::Flag::ParentComp)) {
2074 unavailable.insert(it->name());
2075 }
2076 }
2077 }
2078 }
2079 unavailable.insert(symbol->name());
2080 if (value) {
2081 if (symbol->has<semantics::TypeParamDetails>()) {
2082 Say(expr.source,
2083 "Type parameter '%s' may not appear as a component of a structure constructor"_err_en_US,
2084 symbol->name());
2085 }
2086 if (!(symbol->has<semantics::ProcEntityDetails>() ||
2087 symbol->has<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>())) {
2088 continue; // recovery
2089 }
2090 if (IsPointer(*symbol)) { // C7104, C7105, C1594(4)
2091 semantics::CheckStructConstructorPointerComponent(
2092 context_, *symbol, *value, innermost);
2093 result.Add(*symbol, Fold(std::move(*value)));
2094 continue;
2095 }
2096 if (IsNullPointer(*value)) {
2097 if (IsAllocatable(*symbol)) {
2098 if (IsBareNullPointer(&*value)) {
2099 // NULL() with no arguments allowed by 7.5.10 para 6 for
2101 result.Add(*symbol, Expr<SomeType>{NullPointer{}});
2102 continue;
2103 }
2104 if (IsNullObjectPointer(*value)) {
2105 if (context().ShouldWarn(common::LanguageFeature::
2106 NullMoldAllocatableComponentValue)) {
2107 AttachDeclaration(
2108 Say(expr.source,
2109 "NULL() with arguments is not standard conforming as the value for allocatable component '%s'"_port_en_US,
2110 symbol->name()),
2111 *symbol);
2112 }
2113 // proceed to check type & shape
2114 } else {
2115 AttachDeclaration(
2116 Say(expr.source,
2117 "A NULL procedure pointer may not be used as the value for component '%s'"_err_en_US,
2118 symbol->name()),
2119 *symbol);
2120 continue;
2121 }
2122 } else {
2123 AttachDeclaration(
2124 Say(expr.source,
2125 "A NULL pointer may not be used as the value for component '%s'"_err_en_US,
2126 symbol->name()),
2127 *symbol);
2128 continue;
2129 }
2130 } else if (const Symbol * pointer{FindPointerComponent(*symbol)};
2131 pointer && pureContext) { // C1594(4)
2132 if (const Symbol *
2133 visible{semantics::FindExternallyVisibleObject(
2134 *value, *pureContext)}) {
2135 Say(expr.source,
2136 "The externally visible object '%s' may not be used in a pure procedure as the value for component '%s' which has the pointer component '%s'"_err_en_US,
2137 visible->name(), symbol->name(), pointer->name());
2138 }
2139 }
2140 // Make implicit conversion explicit to allow folding of the structure
2141 // constructors and help semantic checking, unless the component is
2142 // allocatable, in which case the value could be an unallocated
2143 // allocatable (see Fortran 2018 7.5.10 point 7). The explicit
2144 // convert would cause a segfault. Lowering will deal with
2145 // conditionally converting and preserving the lower bounds in this
2146 // case.
2147 if (MaybeExpr converted{implicitConvertTo(
2148 *symbol, std::move(*value), IsAllocatable(*symbol))}) {
2149 if (auto componentShape{GetShape(GetFoldingContext(), *symbol)}) {
2150 if (auto valueShape{GetShape(GetFoldingContext(), *converted)}) {
2151 if (GetRank(*componentShape) == 0 && GetRank(*valueShape) > 0) {
2152 AttachDeclaration(
2153 Say(expr.source,
2154 "Rank-%d array value is not compatible with scalar component '%s'"_err_en_US,
2155 GetRank(*valueShape), symbol->name()),
2156 *symbol);
2157 } else {
2158 auto checked{
2159 CheckConformance(messages, *componentShape, *valueShape,
2160 CheckConformanceFlags::RightIsExpandableDeferred,
2161 "component", "value")};
2162 if (checked && *checked && GetRank(*componentShape) > 0 &&
2163 GetRank(*valueShape) == 0 &&
2164 (IsDeferredShape(*symbol) ||
2165 !IsExpandableScalar(*converted, GetFoldingContext(),
2166 *componentShape, true /*admit PURE call*/))) {
2167 AttachDeclaration(
2168 Say(expr.source,
2169 "Scalar value cannot be expanded to shape of array component '%s'"_err_en_US,
2170 symbol->name()),
2171 *symbol);
2172 }
2173 if (checked.value_or(true)) {
2174 result.Add(*symbol, std::move(*converted));
2175 }
2176 }
2177 } else {
2178 Say(expr.source, "Shape of value cannot be determined"_err_en_US);
2179 }
2180 } else {
2181 AttachDeclaration(
2182 Say(expr.source,
2183 "Shape of component '%s' cannot be determined"_err_en_US,
2184 symbol->name()),
2185 *symbol);
2186 }
2187 } else if (auto symType{DynamicType::From(symbol)}) {
2188 if (IsAllocatable(*symbol) && symType->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic() &&
2189 valueType) {
2190 // ok
2191 } else if (valueType) {
2192 AttachDeclaration(
2193 Say(expr.source,
2194 "Value in structure constructor of type '%s' is "
2195 "incompatible with component '%s' of type '%s'"_err_en_US,
2196 valueType->AsFortran(), symbol->name(),
2197 symType->AsFortran()),
2198 *symbol);
2199 } else {
2200 AttachDeclaration(
2201 Say(expr.source,
2202 "Value in structure constructor is incompatible with "
2203 "component '%s' of type %s"_err_en_US,
2204 symbol->name(), symType->AsFortran()),
2205 *symbol);
2206 }
2207 }
2208 }
2209 }
2210 }
2212 // Ensure that unmentioned component objects have default initializers.
2213 for (const Symbol &symbol : components) {
2214 if (!symbol.test(Symbol::Flag::ParentComp) &&
2215 unavailable.find(symbol.name()) == unavailable.cend()) {
2216 if (IsAllocatable(symbol)) {
2217 // Set all remaining allocatables to explicit NULL().
2218 result.Add(symbol, Expr<SomeType>{NullPointer{}});
2219 } else {
2220 const auto *object{symbol.detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()};
2221 if (object && object->init()) {
2222 result.Add(symbol, common::Clone(*object->init()));
2223 } else if (IsPointer(symbol)) {
2224 result.Add(symbol, Expr<SomeType>{NullPointer{}});
2225 } else if (object) { // C799
2226 AttachDeclaration(Say(typeName,
2227 "Structure constructor lacks a value for "
2228 "component '%s'"_err_en_US,
2229 symbol.name()),
2230 symbol);
2231 }
2232 }
2233 }
2234 }
2236 return AsMaybeExpr(Expr<SomeDerived>{std::move(result)});
2239static std::optional<parser::CharBlock> GetPassName(
2240 const semantics::Symbol &proc) {
2241 return common::visit(
2242 [](const auto &details) {
2243 if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<semantics::WithPassArg,
2244 std::decay_t<decltype(details)>>) {
2245 return details.passName();
2246 } else {
2247 return std::optional<parser::CharBlock>{};
2248 }
2249 },
2250 proc.details());
2253static std::optional<int> GetPassIndex(const Symbol &proc) {
2254 CHECK(!proc.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::NOPASS));
2255 std::optional<parser::CharBlock> passName{GetPassName(proc)};
2256 const auto *interface {
2257 semantics::FindInterface(proc)
2258 };
2259 if (!passName || !interface) {
2260 return 0; // first argument is passed-object
2261 }
2262 const auto &subp{interface->get<semantics::SubprogramDetails>()};
2263 int index{0};
2264 for (const auto *arg : subp.dummyArgs()) {
2265 if (arg && arg->name() == passName) {
2266 return index;
2267 }
2268 ++index;
2269 }
2270 return std::nullopt;
2273// Injects an expression into an actual argument list as the "passed object"
2274// for a type-bound procedure reference that is not NOPASS. Adds an
2275// argument keyword if possible, but not when the passed object goes
2276// before a positional argument.
2277// e.g., obj%tbp(x) -> tbp(obj,x).
2278static void AddPassArg(ActualArguments &actuals, const Expr<SomeDerived> &expr,
2279 const Symbol &component, bool isPassedObject = true) {
2280 if (component.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::NOPASS)) {
2281 return;
2282 }
2283 std::optional<int> passIndex{GetPassIndex(component)};
2284 if (!passIndex) {
2285 return; // error recovery
2286 }
2287 auto iter{actuals.begin()};
2288 int at{0};
2289 while (iter < actuals.end() && at < *passIndex) {
2290 if (*iter && (*iter)->keyword()) {
2291 iter = actuals.end();
2292 break;
2293 }
2294 ++iter;
2295 ++at;
2296 }
2297 ActualArgument passed{AsGenericExpr(common::Clone(expr))};
2298 passed.set_isPassedObject(isPassedObject);
2299 if (iter == actuals.end()) {
2300 if (auto passName{GetPassName(component)}) {
2301 passed.set_keyword(*passName);
2302 }
2303 }
2304 actuals.emplace(iter, std::move(passed));
2307// Return the compile-time resolution of a procedure binding, if possible.
2308static const Symbol *GetBindingResolution(
2309 const std::optional<DynamicType> &baseType, const Symbol &component) {
2310 const auto *binding{component.detailsIf<semantics::ProcBindingDetails>()};
2311 if (!binding) {
2312 return nullptr;
2313 }
2314 if (!component.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::NON_OVERRIDABLE) &&
2315 (!baseType || baseType->IsPolymorphic())) {
2316 return nullptr;
2317 }
2318 return &binding->symbol();
2321auto ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeProcedureComponentRef(
2322 const parser::ProcComponentRef &pcr, ActualArguments &&arguments,
2323 bool isSubroutine) -> std::optional<CalleeAndArguments> {
2324 const parser::StructureComponent &sc{pcr.v.thing};
2325 if (MaybeExpr base{Analyze(sc.base)}) {
2326 if (const Symbol *sym{sc.component.symbol}) {
2327 if (context_.HasError(sym)) {
2328 return std::nullopt;
2329 }
2330 if (!IsProcedure(*sym)) {
2331 AttachDeclaration(
2332 Say(sc.component.source, "'%s' is not a procedure"_err_en_US,
2333 sc.component.source),
2334 *sym);
2335 return std::nullopt;
2336 }
2337 if (auto *dtExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeDerived>>(*base)}) {
2338 if (sym->has<semantics::GenericDetails>()) {
2339 const Symbol &generic{*sym};
2340 auto dyType{dtExpr->GetType()};
2341 AdjustActuals adjustment{
2342 [&](const Symbol &proc, ActualArguments &actuals) {
2343 if (!proc.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::NOPASS)) {
2344 AddPassArg(actuals, std::move(*dtExpr), proc);
2345 }
2346 return true;
2347 }};
2348 auto pair{
2349 ResolveGeneric(generic, arguments, adjustment, isSubroutine)};
2350 sym = pair.first;
2351 if (!sym) {
2352 EmitGenericResolutionError(generic, pair.second, isSubroutine);
2353 return std::nullopt;
2354 }
2355 // re-resolve the name to the specific binding
2356 CHECK(sym->has<semantics::ProcBindingDetails>());
2357 // Use the most recent override of a binding, respecting
2358 // the rule that inaccessible bindings may not be overridden
2359 // outside their module. Fortran doesn't allow a PUBLIC
2360 // binding to be overridden by a PRIVATE one.
2361 CHECK(dyType && dyType->category() == TypeCategory::Derived &&
2362 !dyType->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic());
2363 if (const Symbol *
2364 latest{DEREF(dyType->GetDerivedTypeSpec().typeSymbol().scope())
2365 .FindComponent(sym->name())}) {
2366 if (sym->attrs().test(semantics::Attr::PRIVATE)) {
2367 const auto *bindingModule{FindModuleContaining(generic.owner())};
2368 const Symbol *s{latest};
2369 while (s && FindModuleContaining(s->owner()) != bindingModule) {
2370 if (const auto *parent{s->owner().GetDerivedTypeParent()}) {
2371 s = parent->FindComponent(sym->name());
2372 } else {
2373 s = nullptr;
2374 }
2375 }
2376 if (s && !s->attrs().test(semantics::Attr::PRIVATE)) {
2377 // The latest override in the same module as the binding
2378 // is public, so it can be overridden.
2379 } else {
2380 latest = s;
2381 }
2382 }
2383 if (latest) {
2384 sym = latest;
2385 }
2386 }
2387 sc.component.symbol = const_cast<Symbol *>(sym);
2388 }
2389 std::optional<DataRef> dataRef{ExtractDataRef(std::move(*dtExpr))};
2390 if (dataRef && !CheckDataRef(*dataRef)) {
2391 return std::nullopt;
2392 }
2393 if (dataRef && dataRef->Rank() > 0) {
2394 if (sym->has<semantics::ProcBindingDetails>() &&
2395 sym->attrs().test(semantics::Attr::NOPASS)) {
2396 // F'2023 C1529 seems unnecessary and most compilers don't
2397 // enforce it.
2398 if (context().ShouldWarn(
2399 common::LanguageFeature::NopassScalarBase)) {
2400 AttachDeclaration(
2401 Say(sc.component.source,
2402 "Base of NOPASS type-bound procedure reference should be scalar"_port_en_US),
2403 *sym);
2404 }
2405 } else if (IsProcedurePointer(*sym)) { // C919
2406 Say(sc.component.source,
2407 "Base of procedure component reference must be scalar"_err_en_US);
2408 }
2409 }
2410 if (const Symbol *resolution{
2411 GetBindingResolution(dtExpr->GetType(), *sym)}) {
2412 AddPassArg(arguments, std::move(*dtExpr), *sym, false);
2413 return CalleeAndArguments{
2414 ProcedureDesignator{*resolution}, std::move(arguments)};
2415 } else if (dataRef.has_value()) {
2416 if (sym->attrs().test(semantics::Attr::NOPASS)) {
2417 const auto *dtSpec{GetDerivedTypeSpec(dtExpr->GetType())};
2418 if (dtSpec && dtSpec->scope()) {
2419 if (auto component{CreateComponent(std::move(*dataRef), *sym,
2420 *dtSpec->scope(), /*C919bAlreadyEnforced=*/true)}) {
2421 return CalleeAndArguments{
2422 ProcedureDesignator{std::move(*component)},
2423 std::move(arguments)};
2424 }
2425 }
2426 Say(sc.component.source,
2427 "Component is not in scope of base derived type"_err_en_US);
2428 return std::nullopt;
2429 } else {
2430 AddPassArg(arguments,
2431 Expr<SomeDerived>{Designator<SomeDerived>{std::move(*dataRef)}},
2432 *sym);
2433 return CalleeAndArguments{
2434 ProcedureDesignator{*sym}, std::move(arguments)};
2435 }
2436 }
2437 }
2438 Say(sc.component.source,
2439 "Base of procedure component reference is not a derived-type object"_err_en_US);
2440 }
2441 }
2442 CHECK(context_.AnyFatalError());
2443 return std::nullopt;
2446// Can actual be argument associated with dummy?
2447static bool CheckCompatibleArgument(bool isElemental,
2448 const ActualArgument &actual, const characteristics::DummyArgument &dummy) {
2449 const auto *expr{actual.UnwrapExpr()};
2450 return common::visit(
2451 common::visitors{
2452 [&](const characteristics::DummyDataObject &x) {
2453 if (x.attrs.test(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Pointer) &&
2454 IsBareNullPointer(expr)) {
2455 // NULL() without MOLD= is compatible with any dummy data pointer
2456 // but cannot be allowed to lead to ambiguity.
2457 return true;
2458 } else if (!isElemental && actual.Rank() != x.type.Rank() &&
2459 !x.type.attrs().test(
2460 characteristics::TypeAndShape::Attr::AssumedRank) &&
2461 !x.ignoreTKR.test(common::IgnoreTKR::Rank)) {
2462 return false;
2463 } else if (auto actualType{actual.GetType()}) {
2464 return x.type.type().IsTkCompatibleWith(*actualType, x.ignoreTKR);
2465 }
2466 return false;
2467 },
2468 [&](const characteristics::DummyProcedure &) {
2469 return expr && IsProcedurePointerTarget(*expr);
2470 },
2471 [&](const characteristics::AlternateReturn &) {
2472 return actual.isAlternateReturn();
2473 },
2474 },
2475 dummy.u);
2478// Are the actual arguments compatible with the dummy arguments of procedure?
2479static bool CheckCompatibleArguments(
2480 const characteristics::Procedure &procedure,
2481 const ActualArguments &actuals) {
2482 bool isElemental{procedure.IsElemental()};
2483 const auto &dummies{procedure.dummyArguments};
2484 CHECK(dummies.size() == actuals.size());
2485 for (std::size_t i{0}; i < dummies.size(); ++i) {
2486 const characteristics::DummyArgument &dummy{dummies[i]};
2487 const std::optional<ActualArgument> &actual{actuals[i]};
2488 if (actual && !CheckCompatibleArgument(isElemental, *actual, dummy)) {
2489 return false;
2490 }
2491 }
2492 return true;
2495// Handles a forward reference to a module function from what must
2496// be a specification expression. Return false if the symbol is
2497// an invalid forward reference.
2498bool ExpressionAnalyzer::ResolveForward(const Symbol &symbol) {
2499 if (context_.HasError(symbol)) {
2500 return false;
2501 }
2502 if (const auto *details{
2503 symbol.detailsIf<semantics::SubprogramNameDetails>()}) {
2504 if (details->kind() == semantics::SubprogramKind::Module) {
2505 // If this symbol is still a SubprogramNameDetails, we must be
2506 // checking a specification expression in a sibling module
2507 // procedure. Resolve its names now so that its interface
2508 // is known.
2509 semantics::ResolveSpecificationParts(context_, symbol);
2510 if (symbol.has<semantics::SubprogramNameDetails>()) {
2511 // When the symbol hasn't had its details updated, we must have
2512 // already been in the process of resolving the function's
2513 // specification part; but recursive function calls are not
2514 // allowed in specification parts (10.1.11 para 5).
2515 Say("The module function '%s' may not be referenced recursively in a specification expression"_err_en_US,
2516 symbol.name());
2517 context_.SetError(symbol);
2518 return false;
2519 }
2520 } else if (inStmtFunctionDefinition_) {
2521 semantics::ResolveSpecificationParts(context_, symbol);
2522 CHECK(symbol.has<semantics::SubprogramDetails>());
2523 } else { // 10.1.11 para 4
2524 Say("The internal function '%s' may not be referenced in a specification expression"_err_en_US,
2525 symbol.name());
2526 context_.SetError(symbol);
2527 return false;
2528 }
2529 }
2530 return true;
2533// Resolve a call to a generic procedure with given actual arguments.
2534// adjustActuals is called on procedure bindings to handle pass arg.
2535std::pair<const Symbol *, bool> ExpressionAnalyzer::ResolveGeneric(
2536 const Symbol &symbol, const ActualArguments &actuals,
2537 const AdjustActuals &adjustActuals, bool isSubroutine,
2538 bool mightBeStructureConstructor) {
2539 const Symbol *elemental{nullptr}; // matching elemental specific proc
2540 const Symbol *nonElemental{nullptr}; // matching non-elemental specific
2541 const Symbol &ultimate{symbol.GetUltimate()};
2542 // Check for a match with an explicit INTRINSIC
2543 if (ultimate.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::INTRINSIC)) {
2544 parser::Messages buffer;
2545 auto restorer{foldingContext_.messages().SetMessages(buffer)};
2546 ActualArguments localActuals{actuals};
2547 if (context_.intrinsics().Probe(
2548 CallCharacteristics{ultimate.name().ToString(), isSubroutine},
2549 localActuals, foldingContext_) &&
2550 !buffer.AnyFatalError()) {
2551 return {&ultimate, false};
2552 }
2553 }
2554 if (const auto *details{ultimate.detailsIf<semantics::GenericDetails>()}) {
2555 for (const Symbol &specific0 : details->specificProcs()) {
2556 const Symbol &specific{BypassGeneric(specific0)};
2557 if (isSubroutine != !IsFunction(specific)) {
2558 continue;
2559 }
2560 if (!ResolveForward(specific)) {
2561 continue;
2562 }
2563 if (std::optional<characteristics::Procedure> procedure{
2564 characteristics::Procedure::Characterize(
2565 ProcedureDesignator{specific}, context_.foldingContext(),
2566 /*emitError=*/false)}) {
2567 ActualArguments localActuals{actuals};
2568 if (specific.has<semantics::ProcBindingDetails>()) {
2569 if (!adjustActuals.value()(specific, localActuals)) {
2570 continue;
2571 }
2572 }
2573 if (semantics::CheckInterfaceForGeneric(*procedure, localActuals,
2574 context_, false /* no integer conversions */) &&
2575 CheckCompatibleArguments(*procedure, localActuals)) {
2576 if ((procedure->IsElemental() && elemental) ||
2577 (!procedure->IsElemental() && nonElemental)) {
2578 // 16.9.144(6): a bare NULL() is not allowed as an actual
2579 // argument to a generic procedure if the specific procedure
2580 // cannot be unambiguously distinguished
2581 // Underspecified external procedure actual arguments can
2582 // also lead to ambiguity.
2583 return {nullptr, true /* due to ambiguity */};
2584 }
2585 if (!procedure->IsElemental()) {
2586 // takes priority over elemental match
2587 nonElemental = &specific;
2588 } else {
2589 elemental = &specific;
2590 }
2591 }
2592 }
2593 }
2594 if (nonElemental) {
2595 return {&AccessSpecific(symbol, *nonElemental), false};
2596 } else if (elemental) {
2597 return {&AccessSpecific(symbol, *elemental), false};
2598 }
2599 // Check parent derived type
2600 if (const auto *parentScope{symbol.owner().GetDerivedTypeParent()}) {
2601 if (const Symbol *extended{parentScope->FindComponent(symbol.name())}) {
2602 auto pair{ResolveGeneric(
2603 *extended, actuals, adjustActuals, isSubroutine, false)};
2604 if (pair.first) {
2605 return pair;
2606 }
2607 }
2608 }
2609 if (mightBeStructureConstructor && details->derivedType()) {
2610 return {details->derivedType(), false};
2611 }
2612 }
2613 // Check for generic or explicit INTRINSIC of the same name in outer scopes.
2614 // See for details.
2615 if (!symbol.owner().IsGlobal() && !symbol.owner().IsDerivedType()) {
2616 for (const std::string &n : GetAllNames(context_, symbol.name())) {
2617 if (const Symbol *outer{symbol.owner().parent().FindSymbol(n)}) {
2618 auto pair{ResolveGeneric(*outer, actuals, adjustActuals, isSubroutine,
2619 mightBeStructureConstructor)};
2620 if (pair.first) {
2621 return pair;
2622 }
2623 }
2624 }
2625 }
2626 return {nullptr, false};
2629const Symbol &ExpressionAnalyzer::AccessSpecific(
2630 const Symbol &originalGeneric, const Symbol &specific) {
2631 if (const auto *hosted{
2632 originalGeneric.detailsIf<semantics::HostAssocDetails>()}) {
2633 return AccessSpecific(hosted->symbol(), specific);
2634 } else if (const auto *used{
2635 originalGeneric.detailsIf<semantics::UseDetails>()}) {
2636 const auto &scope{originalGeneric.owner()};
2637 if (auto iter{scope.find(specific.name())}; iter != scope.end()) {
2638 if (const auto *useDetails{
2639 iter->second->detailsIf<semantics::UseDetails>()}) {
2640 const Symbol &usedSymbol{useDetails->symbol()};
2641 const auto *usedGeneric{
2642 usedSymbol.detailsIf<semantics::GenericDetails>()};
2643 if (&usedSymbol == &specific ||
2644 (usedGeneric && usedGeneric->specific() == &specific)) {
2645 return specific;
2646 }
2647 }
2648 }
2649 // Create a renaming USE of the specific procedure.
2650 auto rename{context_.SaveTempName(
2651 used->symbol().owner().GetName().value().ToString() + "$" +
2652 specific.owner().GetName().value().ToString() + "$" +
2653 specific.name().ToString())};
2654 return *const_cast<semantics::Scope &>(scope)
2655 .try_emplace(rename, specific.attrs(),
2656 semantics::UseDetails{rename, specific})
2657 .first->second;
2658 } else {
2659 return specific;
2660 }
2663void ExpressionAnalyzer::EmitGenericResolutionError(
2664 const Symbol &symbol, bool dueToAmbiguity, bool isSubroutine) {
2665 Say(dueToAmbiguity
2666 ? "The actual arguments to the generic procedure '%s' matched multiple specific procedures, perhaps due to use of NULL() without MOLD= or an actual procedure with an implicit interface"_err_en_US
2667 : semantics::IsGenericDefinedOp(symbol)
2668 ? "No specific procedure of generic operator '%s' matches the actual arguments"_err_en_US
2669 : isSubroutine
2670 ? "No specific subroutine of generic '%s' matches the actual arguments"_err_en_US
2671 : "No specific function of generic '%s' matches the actual arguments"_err_en_US,
2672 symbol.name());
2675auto ExpressionAnalyzer::GetCalleeAndArguments(
2676 const parser::ProcedureDesignator &pd, ActualArguments &&arguments,
2677 bool isSubroutine, bool mightBeStructureConstructor)
2678 -> std::optional<CalleeAndArguments> {
2679 return common::visit(common::visitors{
2680 [&](const parser::Name &name) {
2681 return GetCalleeAndArguments(name,
2682 std::move(arguments), isSubroutine,
2683 mightBeStructureConstructor);
2684 },
2685 [&](const parser::ProcComponentRef &pcr) {
2686 return AnalyzeProcedureComponentRef(
2687 pcr, std::move(arguments), isSubroutine);
2688 },
2689 },
2690 pd.u);
2693auto ExpressionAnalyzer::GetCalleeAndArguments(const parser::Name &name,
2694 ActualArguments &&arguments, bool isSubroutine,
2695 bool mightBeStructureConstructor) -> std::optional<CalleeAndArguments> {
2696 const Symbol *symbol{name.symbol};
2697 if (context_.HasError(symbol)) {
2698 return std::nullopt; // also handles null symbol
2699 }
2700 const Symbol &ultimate{DEREF(symbol).GetUltimate()};
2701 CheckForBadRecursion(name.source, ultimate);
2702 bool dueToAmbiguity{false};
2703 bool isGenericInterface{ultimate.has<semantics::GenericDetails>()};
2704 bool isExplicitIntrinsic{ultimate.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::INTRINSIC)};
2705 const Symbol *resolution{nullptr};
2706 if (isGenericInterface || isExplicitIntrinsic) {
2707 ExpressionAnalyzer::AdjustActuals noAdjustment;
2708 auto pair{ResolveGeneric(*symbol, arguments, noAdjustment, isSubroutine,
2709 mightBeStructureConstructor)};
2710 resolution = pair.first;
2711 dueToAmbiguity = pair.second;
2712 if (resolution) {
2713 if (context_.GetPPCBuiltinsScope() &&
2714 resolution->name().ToString().rfind("__ppc_", 0) == 0) {
2715 semantics::CheckPPCIntrinsic(
2716 *symbol, *resolution, arguments, GetFoldingContext());
2717 }
2718 // re-resolve name to the specific procedure
2719 name.symbol = const_cast<Symbol *>(resolution);
2720 }
2721 } else if (IsProcedure(ultimate) &&
2722 ultimate.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::ABSTRACT)) {
2723 Say("Abstract procedure interface '%s' may not be referenced"_err_en_US,
2724 name.source);
2725 } else {
2726 resolution = symbol;
2727 }
2728 if (!resolution || resolution->attrs().test(semantics::Attr::INTRINSIC)) {
2729 auto name{resolution ? resolution->name() : ultimate.name()};
2730 if (std::optional<SpecificCall> specificCall{context_.intrinsics().Probe(
2731 CallCharacteristics{name.ToString(), isSubroutine}, arguments,
2732 GetFoldingContext())}) {
2733 CheckBadExplicitType(*specificCall, *symbol);
2734 return CalleeAndArguments{
2735 ProcedureDesignator{std::move(specificCall->specificIntrinsic)},
2736 std::move(specificCall->arguments)};
2737 } else {
2738 if (isGenericInterface) {
2739 EmitGenericResolutionError(*symbol, dueToAmbiguity, isSubroutine);
2740 }
2741 return std::nullopt;
2742 }
2743 }
2744 if (resolution->GetUltimate().has<semantics::DerivedTypeDetails>()) {
2745 if (mightBeStructureConstructor) {
2746 return CalleeAndArguments{
2747 semantics::SymbolRef{*resolution}, std::move(arguments)};
2748 }
2749 } else if (IsProcedure(*resolution)) {
2750 return CalleeAndArguments{
2751 ProcedureDesignator{*resolution}, std::move(arguments)};
2752 }
2753 if (!context_.HasError(*resolution)) {
2754 AttachDeclaration(
2755 Say(name.source, "'%s' is not a callable procedure"_err_en_US,
2756 name.source),
2757 *resolution);
2758 }
2759 return std::nullopt;
2762// Fortran 2018 expressly states (8.2 p3) that any declared type for a
2763// generic intrinsic function "has no effect" on the result type of a
2764// call to that intrinsic. So one can declare "character*8 cos" and
2765// still get a real result from "cos(1.)". This is a dangerous feature,
2766// especially since implementations are free to extend their sets of
2767// intrinsics, and in doing so might clash with a name in a program.
2768// So we emit a warning in this situation, and perhaps it should be an
2769// error -- any correctly working program can silence the message by
2770// simply deleting the pointless type declaration.
2771void ExpressionAnalyzer::CheckBadExplicitType(
2772 const SpecificCall &call, const Symbol &intrinsic) {
2773 if (intrinsic.GetUltimate().GetType()) {
2774 const auto &procedure{call.specificIntrinsic.characteristics.value()};
2775 if (const auto &result{procedure.functionResult}) {
2776 if (const auto *typeAndShape{result->GetTypeAndShape()}) {
2777 if (auto declared{
2778 typeAndShape->Characterize(intrinsic, GetFoldingContext())}) {
2779 if (!declared->type().IsTkCompatibleWith(typeAndShape->type())) {
2780 if (auto *msg{Say(
2781 "The result type '%s' of the intrinsic function '%s' is not the explicit declared type '%s'"_warn_en_US,
2782 typeAndShape->AsFortran(), intrinsic.name(),
2783 declared->AsFortran())}) {
2784 msg->Attach(intrinsic.name(),
2785 "Ignored declaration of intrinsic function '%s'"_en_US,
2786 intrinsic.name());
2787 }
2788 }
2789 }
2790 }
2791 }
2792 }
2795void ExpressionAnalyzer::CheckForBadRecursion(
2796 parser::CharBlock callSite, const semantics::Symbol &proc) {
2797 if (const auto *scope{proc.scope()}) {
2798 if (scope->sourceRange().Contains(callSite)) {
2799 parser::Message *msg{nullptr};
2800 if (proc.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::NON_RECURSIVE)) { //
2801 msg = Say("NON_RECURSIVE procedure '%s' cannot call itself"_err_en_US,
2802 callSite);
2803 } else if (IsAssumedLengthCharacter(proc) && IsExternal(proc)) {
2804 // TODO: Also catch assumed PDT type parameters
2805 msg = Say( //
2806 "Assumed-length CHARACTER(*) function '%s' cannot call itself"_err_en_US,
2807 callSite);
2808 } else if (FindCUDADeviceContext(scope)) {
2809 msg = Say(
2810 "Device subprogram '%s' cannot call itself"_err_en_US, callSite);
2811 }
2812 AttachDeclaration(msg, proc);
2813 }
2814 }
2817template <typename A> static const Symbol *AssumedTypeDummy(const A &x) {
2818 if (const auto *designator{
2819 std::get_if<common::Indirection<parser::Designator>>(&x.u)}) {
2820 if (const auto *dataRef{
2821 std::get_if<parser::DataRef>(&designator->value().u)}) {
2822 if (const auto *name{std::get_if<parser::Name>(&dataRef->u)}) {
2823 return AssumedTypeDummy(*name);
2824 }
2825 }
2826 }
2827 return nullptr;
2829template <>
2830const Symbol *AssumedTypeDummy<parser::Name>(const parser::Name &name) {
2831 if (const Symbol *symbol{name.symbol}) {
2832 if (const auto *type{symbol->GetType()}) {
2833 if (type->category() == semantics::DeclTypeSpec::TypeStar) {
2834 return symbol;
2835 }
2836 }
2837 }
2838 return nullptr;
2840template <typename A>
2841static const Symbol *AssumedTypePointerOrAllocatableDummy(const A &object) {
2842 // It is illegal for allocatable of pointer objects to be TYPE(*), but at that
2843 // point it is not guaranteed that it has been checked the object has
2844 // POINTER or ALLOCATABLE attribute, so do not assume nullptr can be directly
2845 // returned.
2846 return common::visit(
2847 common::visitors{
2848 [&](const parser::StructureComponent &x) {
2849 return AssumedTypeDummy(x.component);
2850 },
2851 [&](const parser::Name &x) { return AssumedTypeDummy(x); },
2852 },
2853 object.u);
2855template <>
2856const Symbol *AssumedTypeDummy<parser::AllocateObject>(
2857 const parser::AllocateObject &x) {
2858 return AssumedTypePointerOrAllocatableDummy(x);
2860template <>
2861const Symbol *AssumedTypeDummy<parser::PointerObject>(
2862 const parser::PointerObject &x) {
2863 return AssumedTypePointerOrAllocatableDummy(x);
2866bool ExpressionAnalyzer::CheckIsValidForwardReference(
2867 const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec &dtSpec) {
2868 if (dtSpec.IsForwardReferenced()) {
2869 Say("Cannot construct value for derived type '%s' "
2870 "before it is defined"_err_en_US,
2871 dtSpec.name());
2872 return false;
2873 }
2874 return true;
2877std::optional<Chevrons> ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeChevrons(
2878 const parser::CallStmt &call) {
2879 Chevrons result;
2880 auto checkLaunchArg{[&](const Expr<SomeType> &expr, const char *which) {
2881 if (auto dyType{expr.GetType()}) {
2882 if (dyType->category() == TypeCategory::Integer) {
2883 return true;
2884 }
2885 if (dyType->category() == TypeCategory::Derived &&
2886 !dyType->IsPolymorphic() &&
2887 IsBuiltinDerivedType(&dyType->GetDerivedTypeSpec(), "dim3")) {
2888 return true;
2889 }
2890 }
2891 Say("Kernel launch %s parameter must be either integer or TYPE(dim3)"_err_en_US,
2892 which);
2893 return false;
2894 }};
2895 if (const auto &chevrons{call.chevrons}) {
2896 if (auto expr{Analyze(std::get<0>(chevrons->t))};
2897 expr && checkLaunchArg(*expr, "grid")) {
2898 result.emplace_back(*expr);
2899 } else {
2900 return std::nullopt;
2901 }
2902 if (auto expr{Analyze(std::get<1>(chevrons->t))};
2903 expr && checkLaunchArg(*expr, "block")) {
2904 result.emplace_back(*expr);
2905 } else {
2906 return std::nullopt;
2907 }
2908 if (const auto &maybeExpr{std::get<2>(chevrons->t)}) {
2909 if (auto expr{Analyze(*maybeExpr)}) {
2910 result.emplace_back(*expr);
2911 } else {
2912 return std::nullopt;
2913 }
2914 }
2915 if (const auto &maybeExpr{std::get<3>(chevrons->t)}) {
2916 if (auto expr{Analyze(*maybeExpr)}) {
2917 result.emplace_back(*expr);
2918 } else {
2919 return std::nullopt;
2920 }
2921 }
2922 }
2923 return std::move(result);
2926MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::FunctionReference &funcRef,
2927 std::optional<parser::StructureConstructor> *structureConstructor) {
2928 const parser::Call &call{funcRef.v};
2929 auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(funcRef.source)};
2930 ArgumentAnalyzer analyzer{*this, funcRef.source, true /* isProcedureCall */};
2931 for (const auto &arg : std::get<std::list<parser::ActualArgSpec>>(call.t)) {
2932 analyzer.Analyze(arg, false /* not subroutine call */);
2933 }
2934 if (analyzer.fatalErrors()) {
2935 return std::nullopt;
2936 }
2937 bool mightBeStructureConstructor{structureConstructor != nullptr};
2938 if (std::optional<CalleeAndArguments> callee{GetCalleeAndArguments(
2939 std::get<parser::ProcedureDesignator>(call.t), analyzer.GetActuals(),
2940 false /* not subroutine */, mightBeStructureConstructor)}) {
2941 if (auto *proc{std::get_if<ProcedureDesignator>(&callee->u)}) {
2942 return MakeFunctionRef(
2943 funcRef.source, std::move(*proc), std::move(callee->arguments));
2944 }
2945 CHECK(std::holds_alternative<semantics::SymbolRef>(callee->u));
2946 const Symbol &symbol{*std::get<semantics::SymbolRef>(callee->u)};
2947 if (mightBeStructureConstructor) {
2948 // Structure constructor misparsed as function reference?
2949 const auto &designator{std::get<parser::ProcedureDesignator>(call.t)};
2950 if (const auto *name{std::get_if<parser::Name>(&designator.u)}) {
2951 semantics::Scope &scope{context_.FindScope(name->source)};
2952 semantics::DerivedTypeSpec dtSpec{name->source, symbol.GetUltimate()};
2953 if (!CheckIsValidForwardReference(dtSpec)) {
2954 return std::nullopt;
2955 }
2956 const semantics::DeclTypeSpec &type{
2957 semantics::FindOrInstantiateDerivedType(scope, std::move(dtSpec))};
2958 auto &mutableRef{const_cast<parser::FunctionReference &>(funcRef)};
2959 *structureConstructor =
2960 mutableRef.ConvertToStructureConstructor(type.derivedTypeSpec());
2961 return Analyze(structureConstructor->value());
2962 }
2963 }
2964 if (!context_.HasError(symbol)) {
2965 AttachDeclaration(
2966 Say("'%s' is called like a function but is not a procedure"_err_en_US,
2967 symbol.name()),
2968 symbol);
2969 context_.SetError(symbol);
2970 }
2971 }
2972 return std::nullopt;
2975static bool HasAlternateReturns(const evaluate::ActualArguments &args) {
2976 for (const auto &arg : args) {
2977 if (arg && arg->isAlternateReturn()) {
2978 return true;
2979 }
2980 }
2981 return false;
2984void ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::CallStmt &callStmt) {
2985 const parser::Call &call{callStmt.call};
2986 auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(callStmt.source)};
2987 ArgumentAnalyzer analyzer{*this, callStmt.source, true /* isProcedureCall */};
2988 const auto &actualArgList{std::get<std::list<parser::ActualArgSpec>>(call.t)};
2989 for (const auto &arg : actualArgList) {
2990 analyzer.Analyze(arg, true /* is subroutine call */);
2991 }
2992 auto chevrons{AnalyzeChevrons(callStmt)};
2993 if (!analyzer.fatalErrors() && chevrons) {
2994 if (std::optional<CalleeAndArguments> callee{
2995 GetCalleeAndArguments(std::get<parser::ProcedureDesignator>(call.t),
2996 analyzer.GetActuals(), true /* subroutine */)}) {
2997 ProcedureDesignator *proc{std::get_if<ProcedureDesignator>(&callee->u)};
2998 CHECK(proc);
2999 bool isKernel{false};
3000 if (const Symbol * procSym{proc->GetSymbol()}) {
3001 const Symbol &ultimate{procSym->GetUltimate()};
3002 if (const auto *subpDetails{
3003 ultimate.detailsIf<semantics::SubprogramDetails>()}) {
3004 if (auto attrs{subpDetails->cudaSubprogramAttrs()}) {
3005 isKernel = *attrs == common::CUDASubprogramAttrs::Global ||
3006 *attrs == common::CUDASubprogramAttrs::Grid_Global;
3007 }
3008 } else if (const auto *procDetails{
3009 ultimate.detailsIf<semantics::ProcEntityDetails>()}) {
3010 isKernel = procDetails->isCUDAKernel();
3011 }
3012 if (isKernel && chevrons->empty()) {
3013 Say("'%s' is a kernel subroutine and must be called with kernel launch parameters in chevrons"_err_en_US,
3014 procSym->name());
3015 }
3016 }
3017 if (!isKernel && !chevrons->empty()) {
3018 Say("Kernel launch parameters in chevrons may not be used unless calling a kernel subroutine"_err_en_US);
3019 }
3020 if (CheckCall(callStmt.source, *proc, callee->arguments)) {
3021 callStmt.typedCall.Reset(
3022 new ProcedureRef{std::move(*proc), std::move(callee->arguments),
3023 HasAlternateReturns(callee->arguments)},
3024 ProcedureRef::Deleter);
3025 DEREF(callStmt.typedCall.get()).set_chevrons(std::move(*chevrons));
3026 return;
3027 }
3028 }
3029 if (!context_.AnyFatalError()) {
3030 std::string buf;
3031 llvm::raw_string_ostream dump{buf};
3032 parser::DumpTree(dump, callStmt);
3033 Say("Internal error: Expression analysis failed on CALL statement: %s"_err_en_US,
3034 dump.str());
3035 }
3036 }
3039const Assignment *ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::AssignmentStmt &x) {
3040 if (!x.typedAssignment) {
3041 ArgumentAnalyzer analyzer{*this};
3042 const auto &variable{std::get<parser::Variable>(x.t)};
3043 analyzer.Analyze(variable);
3044 analyzer.Analyze(std::get<parser::Expr>(x.t));
3045 std::optional<Assignment> assignment;
3046 if (!analyzer.fatalErrors()) {
3047 auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(variable.GetSource())};
3048 std::optional<ProcedureRef> procRef{analyzer.TryDefinedAssignment()};
3049 if (!procRef) {
3050 analyzer.CheckForNullPointer(
3051 "in a non-pointer intrinsic assignment statement");
3052 const Expr<SomeType> &lhs{analyzer.GetExpr(0)};
3053 if (auto dyType{lhs.GetType()};
3054 dyType && dyType->IsPolymorphic()) { //
3055 const Symbol *lastWhole0{UnwrapWholeSymbolOrComponentDataRef(lhs)};
3056 const Symbol *lastWhole{
3057 lastWhole0 ? &lastWhole0->GetUltimate() : nullptr};
3058 if (!lastWhole || !IsAllocatable(*lastWhole)) {
3059 Say("Left-hand side of assignment may not be polymorphic unless assignment is to an entire allocatable"_err_en_US);
3060 } else if (evaluate::IsCoarray(*lastWhole)) {
3061 Say("Left-hand side of assignment may not be polymorphic if it is a coarray"_err_en_US);
3062 }
3063 }
3064 }
3065 assignment.emplace(analyzer.MoveExpr(0), analyzer.MoveExpr(1));
3066 if (procRef) {
3067 assignment->u = std::move(*procRef);
3068 }
3069 }
3070 x.typedAssignment.Reset(new GenericAssignmentWrapper{std::move(assignment)},
3071 GenericAssignmentWrapper::Deleter);
3072 }
3073 return common::GetPtrFromOptional(x.typedAssignment->v);
3076const Assignment *ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
3077 const parser::PointerAssignmentStmt &x) {
3078 if (!x.typedAssignment) {
3079 MaybeExpr lhs{Analyze(std::get<parser::DataRef>(x.t))};
3080 MaybeExpr rhs;
3081 {
3082 auto restorer{AllowNullPointer()};
3083 rhs = Analyze(std::get<parser::Expr>(x.t));
3084 }
3085 if (!lhs || !rhs) {
3086 x.typedAssignment.Reset(
3087 new GenericAssignmentWrapper{}, GenericAssignmentWrapper::Deleter);
3088 } else {
3089 Assignment assignment{std::move(*lhs), std::move(*rhs)};
3090 common::visit(
3091 common::visitors{
3092 [&](const std::list<parser::BoundsRemapping> &list) {
3093 Assignment::BoundsRemapping bounds;
3094 for (const auto &elem : list) {
3095 auto lower{AsSubscript(Analyze(std::get<0>(elem.t)))};
3096 auto upper{AsSubscript(Analyze(std::get<1>(elem.t)))};
3097 if (lower && upper) {
3098 bounds.emplace_back(
3099 Fold(std::move(*lower)), Fold(std::move(*upper)));
3100 }
3101 }
3102 assignment.u = std::move(bounds);
3103 },
3104 [&](const std::list<parser::BoundsSpec> &list) {
3105 Assignment::BoundsSpec bounds;
3106 for (const auto &bound : list) {
3107 if (auto lower{AsSubscript(Analyze(bound.v))}) {
3108 bounds.emplace_back(Fold(std::move(*lower)));
3109 }
3110 }
3111 assignment.u = std::move(bounds);
3112 },
3113 },
3114 std::get<parser::PointerAssignmentStmt::Bounds>(x.t).u);
3115 x.typedAssignment.Reset(
3116 new GenericAssignmentWrapper{std::move(assignment)},
3117 GenericAssignmentWrapper::Deleter);
3118 }
3119 }
3120 return common::GetPtrFromOptional(x.typedAssignment->v);
3123static bool IsExternalCalledImplicitly(
3124 parser::CharBlock callSite, const Symbol *symbol) {
3125 return symbol && symbol->owner().IsGlobal() &&
3126 symbol->has<semantics::SubprogramDetails>() &&
3127 (!symbol->scope() /*ENTRY*/ ||
3128 !symbol->scope()->sourceRange().Contains(callSite));
3131std::optional<characteristics::Procedure> ExpressionAnalyzer::CheckCall(
3132 parser::CharBlock callSite, const ProcedureDesignator &proc,
3133 ActualArguments &arguments) {
3134 bool treatExternalAsImplicit{
3135 IsExternalCalledImplicitly(callSite, proc.GetSymbol())};
3136 const Symbol *procSymbol{proc.GetSymbol()};
3137 std::optional<characteristics::Procedure> chars;
3138 if (procSymbol && procSymbol->has<semantics::ProcEntityDetails>() &&
3139 procSymbol->owner().IsGlobal()) {
3140 // Unknown global external, implicit interface; assume
3141 // characteristics from the actual arguments, and check
3142 // for consistency with other references.
3143 chars = characteristics::Procedure::FromActuals(
3144 proc, arguments, context_.foldingContext());
3145 if (chars && procSymbol) {
3146 // Ensure calls over implicit interfaces are consistent
3147 auto name{procSymbol->name()};
3148 if (auto iter{implicitInterfaces_.find(name)};
3149 iter != implicitInterfaces_.end()) {
3150 std::string whyNot;
3151 if (!chars->IsCompatibleWith(iter->second.second,
3152 /*ignoreImplicitVsExplicit=*/false, &whyNot)) {
3153 if (auto *msg{Say(callSite,
3154 "Reference to the procedure '%s' has an implicit interface that is distinct from another reference: %s"_warn_en_US,
3155 name, whyNot)}) {
3156 msg->Attach(
3157 iter->second.first, "previous reference to '%s'"_en_US, name);
3158 }
3159 }
3160 } else {
3161 implicitInterfaces_.insert(
3162 std::make_pair(name, std::make_pair(callSite, *chars)));
3163 }
3164 }
3165 }
3166 if (!chars) {
3167 chars = characteristics::Procedure::Characterize(
3168 proc, context_.foldingContext(), /*emitError=*/true);
3169 }
3170 bool ok{true};
3171 if (chars) {
3172 std::string whyNot;
3173 if (treatExternalAsImplicit &&
3174 !chars->CanBeCalledViaImplicitInterface(&whyNot)) {
3175 if (auto *msg{Say(callSite,
3176 "References to the procedure '%s' require an explicit interface"_err_en_US,
3177 DEREF(procSymbol).name())};
3178 msg && !whyNot.empty()) {
3179 msg->Attach(callSite, "%s"_because_en_US, whyNot);
3180 }
3181 }
3182 const SpecificIntrinsic *specificIntrinsic{proc.GetSpecificIntrinsic()};
3183 bool procIsDummy{procSymbol && IsDummy(*procSymbol)};
3184 if (chars->functionResult &&
3185 chars->functionResult->IsAssumedLengthCharacter() &&
3186 !specificIntrinsic && !procIsDummy) {
3187 Say(callSite,
3188 "Assumed-length character function must be defined with a length to be called"_err_en_US);
3189 }
3190 ok &= semantics::CheckArguments(*chars, arguments, context_,
3191 context_.FindScope(callSite), treatExternalAsImplicit,
3192 /*ignoreImplicitVsExplicit=*/false, specificIntrinsic);
3193 }
3194 if (procSymbol && !IsPureProcedure(*procSymbol)) {
3195 if (const semantics::Scope *
3196 pure{semantics::FindPureProcedureContaining(
3197 context_.FindScope(callSite))}) {
3198 Say(callSite,
3199 "Procedure '%s' referenced in pure subprogram '%s' must be pure too"_err_en_US,
3200 procSymbol->name(), DEREF(pure->symbol()).name());
3201 }
3202 }
3203 if (ok && !treatExternalAsImplicit && procSymbol &&
3204 !(chars && chars->HasExplicitInterface())) {
3205 if (const Symbol *global{FindGlobal(*procSymbol)};
3206 global && global != procSymbol && IsProcedure(*global)) {
3207 // Check a known global definition behind a local interface
3208 if (auto globalChars{characteristics::Procedure::Characterize(
3209 *global, context_.foldingContext())}) {
3210 semantics::CheckArguments(*globalChars, arguments, context_,
3211 context_.FindScope(callSite), /*treatExternalAsImplicit=*/true,
3212 /*ignoreImplicitVsExplicit=*/false,
3213 nullptr /*not specific intrinsic*/);
3214 }
3215 }
3216 }
3217 return chars;
3220// Unary operations
3222MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Parentheses &x) {
3223 if (MaybeExpr operand{Analyze(x.v.value())}) {
3224 if (const semantics::Symbol *symbol{GetLastSymbol(*operand)}) {
3225 if (const semantics::Symbol *result{FindFunctionResult(*symbol)}) {
3226 if (semantics::IsProcedurePointer(*result)) {
3227 Say("A function reference that returns a procedure "
3228 "pointer may not be parenthesized"_err_en_US); // C1003
3229 }
3230 }
3231 }
3232 return Parenthesize(std::move(*operand));
3233 }
3234 return std::nullopt;
3237static MaybeExpr NumericUnaryHelper(ExpressionAnalyzer &context,
3238 NumericOperator opr, const parser::Expr::IntrinsicUnary &x) {
3239 ArgumentAnalyzer analyzer{context};
3240 analyzer.Analyze(x: x.v);
3241 if (!analyzer.fatalErrors()) {
3242 if (analyzer.IsIntrinsicNumeric(opr)) {
3243 analyzer.CheckForNullPointer();
3244 if (opr == NumericOperator::Add) {
3245 return analyzer.MoveExpr(0);
3246 } else {
3247 return Negation(context.GetContextualMessages(), analyzer.MoveExpr(0));
3248 }
3249 } else {
3250 return analyzer.TryDefinedOp(AsFortran(opr),
3251 "Operand of unary %s must be numeric; have %s"_err_en_US);
3252 }
3253 }
3254 return std::nullopt;
3257MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::UnaryPlus &x) {
3258 return NumericUnaryHelper(*this, NumericOperator::Add, x);
3261MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Negate &x) {
3262 if (const auto *litConst{
3263 std::get_if<parser::LiteralConstant>(&x.v.value().u)}) {
3264 if (const auto *intConst{
3265 std::get_if<parser::IntLiteralConstant>(&litConst->u)}) {
3266 return Analyze(*intConst, true);
3267 }
3268 }
3269 return NumericUnaryHelper(*this, NumericOperator::Subtract, x);
3272MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::NOT &x) {
3273 ArgumentAnalyzer analyzer{*this};
3274 analyzer.Analyze(x.v);
3275 if (!analyzer.fatalErrors()) {
3276 if (analyzer.IsIntrinsicLogical()) {
3277 analyzer.CheckForNullPointer();
3278 return AsGenericExpr(
3279 LogicalNegation(std::get<Expr<SomeLogical>>(analyzer.MoveExpr(0).u)));
3280 } else {
3281 return analyzer.TryDefinedOp(LogicalOperator::Not,
3282 "Operand of %s must be LOGICAL; have %s"_err_en_US);
3283 }
3284 }
3285 return std::nullopt;
3288MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::PercentLoc &x) {
3289 // Represent %LOC() exactly as if it had been a call to the LOC() extension
3290 // intrinsic function.
3291 // Use the actual source for the name of the call for error reporting.
3292 std::optional<ActualArgument> arg;
3293 if (const Symbol *assumedTypeDummy{AssumedTypeDummy(x.v.value())}) {
3294 arg = ActualArgument{ActualArgument::AssumedType{*assumedTypeDummy}};
3295 } else if (MaybeExpr argExpr{Analyze(x.v.value())}) {
3296 arg = ActualArgument{std::move(*argExpr)};
3297 } else {
3298 return std::nullopt;
3299 }
3300 parser::CharBlock at{GetContextualMessages().at()};
3301 CHECK(at.size() >= 4);
3302 parser::CharBlock loc{at.begin() + 1, 3};
3303 CHECK(loc == "loc");
3304 return MakeFunctionRef(loc, ActualArguments{std::move(*arg)});
3307MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::DefinedUnary &x) {
3308 const auto &name{std::get<parser::DefinedOpName>(x.t).v};
3309 ArgumentAnalyzer analyzer{*this, name.source};
3310 analyzer.Analyze(std::get<1>(x.t));
3311 return analyzer.TryDefinedOp(name.source.ToString().c_str(),
3312 "No operator %s defined for %s"_err_en_US, true);
3315// Binary (dyadic) operations
3317template <template <typename> class OPR>
3318MaybeExpr NumericBinaryHelper(ExpressionAnalyzer &context, NumericOperator opr,
3319 const parser::Expr::IntrinsicBinary &x) {
3320 ArgumentAnalyzer analyzer{context};
3321 analyzer.Analyze(x: std::get<0>(x.t));
3322 analyzer.Analyze(x: std::get<1>(x.t));
3323 if (!analyzer.fatalErrors()) {
3324 if (analyzer.IsIntrinsicNumeric(opr)) {
3325 analyzer.CheckForNullPointer();
3326 analyzer.CheckConformance();
3327 return NumericOperation<OPR>(context.GetContextualMessages(),
3328 analyzer.MoveExpr(0), analyzer.MoveExpr(1),
3329 context.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Real));
3330 } else {
3331 return analyzer.TryDefinedOp(AsFortran(opr),
3332 "Operands of %s must be numeric; have %s and %s"_err_en_US);
3333 }
3334 }
3335 return std::nullopt;
3338MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Power &x) {
3339 return NumericBinaryHelper<Power>(*this, NumericOperator::Power, x);
3342MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Multiply &x) {
3343 return NumericBinaryHelper<Multiply>(*this, NumericOperator::Multiply, x);
3346MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Divide &x) {
3347 return NumericBinaryHelper<Divide>(*this, NumericOperator::Divide, x);
3350MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Add &x) {
3351 return NumericBinaryHelper<Add>(*this, NumericOperator::Add, x);
3354MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Subtract &x) {
3355 return NumericBinaryHelper<Subtract>(*this, NumericOperator::Subtract, x);
3358MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
3359 const parser::Expr::ComplexConstructor &z) {
3360 if (context_.ShouldWarn(common::LanguageFeature::ComplexConstructor)) {
3361 context_.Say(
3362 "nonstandard usage: generalized COMPLEX constructor"_port_en_US);
3363 }
3364 return AnalyzeComplex(Analyze(std::get<0>(z.t).value()),
3365 Analyze(std::get<1>(z.t).value()), "complex constructor");
3368MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Concat &x) {
3369 ArgumentAnalyzer analyzer{*this};
3370 analyzer.Analyze(std::get<0>(x.t));
3371 analyzer.Analyze(std::get<1>(x.t));
3372 if (!analyzer.fatalErrors()) {
3373 if (analyzer.IsIntrinsicConcat()) {
3374 analyzer.CheckForNullPointer();
3375 return common::visit(
3376 [&](auto &&x, auto &&y) -> MaybeExpr {
3377 using T = ResultType<decltype(x)>;
3378 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, ResultType<decltype(y)>>) {
3379 return AsGenericExpr(Concat<T::kind>{std::move(x), std::move(y)});
3380 } else {
3381 DIE("different types for intrinsic concat");
3382 }
3383 },
3384 std::move(std::get<Expr<SomeCharacter>>(analyzer.MoveExpr(0).u).u),
3385 std::move(std::get<Expr<SomeCharacter>>(analyzer.MoveExpr(1).u).u));
3386 } else {
3387 return analyzer.TryDefinedOp("//",
3388 "Operands of %s must be CHARACTER with the same kind; have %s and %s"_err_en_US);
3389 }
3390 }
3391 return std::nullopt;
3394// The Name represents a user-defined intrinsic operator.
3395// If the actuals match one of the specific procedures, return a function ref.
3396// Otherwise report the error in messages.
3397MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeDefinedOp(
3398 const parser::Name &name, ActualArguments &&actuals) {
3399 if (auto callee{GetCalleeAndArguments(name, std::move(actuals))}) {
3400 CHECK(std::holds_alternative<ProcedureDesignator>(callee->u));
3401 return MakeFunctionRef(name.source,
3402 std::move(std::get<ProcedureDesignator>(callee->u)),
3403 std::move(callee->arguments));
3404 } else {
3405 return std::nullopt;
3406 }
3409MaybeExpr RelationHelper(ExpressionAnalyzer &context, RelationalOperator opr,
3410 const parser::Expr::IntrinsicBinary &x) {
3411 ArgumentAnalyzer analyzer{context};
3412 analyzer.Analyze(x: std::get<0>(x.t));
3413 analyzer.Analyze(x: std::get<1>(x.t));
3414 if (!analyzer.fatalErrors()) {
3415 std::optional<DynamicType> leftType{analyzer.GetType(0)};
3416 std::optional<DynamicType> rightType{analyzer.GetType(1)};
3417 analyzer.ConvertBOZ(leftType, 0, rightType);
3418 analyzer.ConvertBOZ(rightType, 1, leftType);
3419 if (leftType && rightType &&
3420 analyzer.IsIntrinsicRelational(opr, *leftType, *rightType)) {
3421 analyzer.CheckForNullPointer(where: "as a relational operand");
3422 return AsMaybeExpr(Relate(context.GetContextualMessages(), opr,
3423 analyzer.MoveExpr(0), analyzer.MoveExpr(1)));
3424 } else {
3425 return analyzer.TryDefinedOp(opr,
3426 leftType && leftType->category() == TypeCategory::Logical &&
3427 rightType && rightType->category() == TypeCategory::Logical
3428 ? "LOGICAL operands must be compared using .EQV. or .NEQV."_err_en_US
3429 : "Operands of %s must have comparable types; have %s and %s"_err_en_US);
3430 }
3431 }
3432 return std::nullopt;
3435MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::LT &x) {
3436 return RelationHelper(*this, RelationalOperator::LT, x);
3439MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::LE &x) {
3440 return RelationHelper(*this, RelationalOperator::LE, x);
3443MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::EQ &x) {
3444 return RelationHelper(*this, RelationalOperator::EQ, x);
3447MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::NE &x) {
3448 return RelationHelper(*this, RelationalOperator::NE, x);
3451MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::GE &x) {
3452 return RelationHelper(*this, RelationalOperator::GE, x);
3455MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::GT &x) {
3456 return RelationHelper(*this, RelationalOperator::GT, x);
3459MaybeExpr LogicalBinaryHelper(ExpressionAnalyzer &context, LogicalOperator opr,
3460 const parser::Expr::IntrinsicBinary &x) {
3461 ArgumentAnalyzer analyzer{context};
3462 analyzer.Analyze(x: std::get<0>(x.t));
3463 analyzer.Analyze(x: std::get<1>(x.t));
3464 if (!analyzer.fatalErrors()) {
3465 if (analyzer.IsIntrinsicLogical()) {
3466 analyzer.CheckForNullPointer(where: "as a logical operand");
3467 return AsGenericExpr(BinaryLogicalOperation(opr,
3468 std::get<Expr<SomeLogical>>(analyzer.MoveExpr(0).u),
3469 std::get<Expr<SomeLogical>>(analyzer.MoveExpr(1).u)));
3470 } else {
3471 return analyzer.TryDefinedOp(
3472 opr, "Operands of %s must be LOGICAL; have %s and %s"_err_en_US);
3473 }
3474 }
3475 return std::nullopt;
3478MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::AND &x) {
3479 return LogicalBinaryHelper(*this, LogicalOperator::And, x);
3482MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::OR &x) {
3483 return LogicalBinaryHelper(*this, LogicalOperator::Or, x);
3486MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::EQV &x) {
3487 return LogicalBinaryHelper(*this, LogicalOperator::Eqv, x);
3490MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::NEQV &x) {
3491 return LogicalBinaryHelper(*this, LogicalOperator::Neqv, x);
3494MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::DefinedBinary &x) {
3495 const auto &name{std::get<parser::DefinedOpName>(x.t).v};
3496 ArgumentAnalyzer analyzer{*this, name.source};
3497 analyzer.Analyze(std::get<1>(x.t));
3498 analyzer.Analyze(std::get<2>(x.t));
3499 return analyzer.TryDefinedOp(name.source.ToString().c_str(),
3500 "No operator %s defined for %s and %s"_err_en_US, true);
3503// Returns true if a parsed function reference should be converted
3504// into an array element reference.
3505static bool CheckFuncRefToArrayElement(semantics::SemanticsContext &context,
3506 const parser::FunctionReference &funcRef) {
3507 // Emit message if the function reference fix will end up an array element
3508 // reference with no subscripts, or subscripts on a scalar, because it will
3509 // not be possible to later distinguish in expressions between an empty
3510 // subscript list due to bad subscripts error recovery or because the
3511 // user did not put any.
3512 auto &proc{std::get<parser::ProcedureDesignator>(funcRef.v.t)};
3513 const auto *name{std::get_if<parser::Name>(&proc.u)};
3514 if (!name) {
3515 name = &std::get<parser::ProcComponentRef>(proc.u).v.thing.component;
3516 }
3517 if (!name->symbol) {
3518 return false;
3519 } else if (name->symbol->Rank() == 0) {
3520 if (const Symbol *function{
3521 semantics::IsFunctionResultWithSameNameAsFunction(*name->symbol)}) {
3522 auto &msg{context.Say(funcRef.source,
3523 function->flags().test(Symbol::Flag::StmtFunction)
3524 ? "Recursive call to statement function '%s' is not allowed"_err_en_US
3525 : "Recursive call to '%s' requires a distinct RESULT in its declaration"_err_en_US,
3526 name->source)};
3527 AttachDeclaration(&msg, *function);
3528 name->symbol = const_cast<Symbol *>(function);
3529 }
3530 return false;
3531 } else {
3532 if (std::get<std::list<parser::ActualArgSpec>>(funcRef.v.t).empty()) {
3533 auto &msg{context.Say(funcRef.source,
3534 "Reference to array '%s' with empty subscript list"_err_en_US,
3535 name->source)};
3536 if (name->symbol) {
3537 AttachDeclaration(&msg, *name->symbol);
3538 }
3539 }
3540 return true;
3541 }
3544// Converts, if appropriate, an original misparse of ambiguous syntax like
3545// A(1) as a function reference into an array reference.
3546// Misparsed structure constructors are detected elsewhere after generic
3547// function call resolution fails.
3548template <typename... A>
3549static void FixMisparsedFunctionReference(
3550 semantics::SemanticsContext &context, const std::variant<A...> &constU) {
3551 // The parse tree is updated in situ when resolving an ambiguous parse.
3552 using uType = std::decay_t<decltype(constU)>;
3553 auto &u{const_cast<uType &>(constU)};
3554 if (auto *func{
3555 std::get_if<common::Indirection<parser::FunctionReference>>(&u)}) {
3556 parser::FunctionReference &funcRef{func->value()};
3557 // Ensure that there are no argument keywords
3558 for (const auto &arg :
3559 std::get<std::list<parser::ActualArgSpec>>(funcRef.v.t)) {
3560 if (std::get<std::optional<parser::Keyword>>(arg.t)) {
3561 return;
3562 }
3563 }
3564 auto &proc{std::get<parser::ProcedureDesignator>(funcRef.v.t)};
3565 if (Symbol *origSymbol{
3566 common::visit(common::visitors{
3567 [&](parser::Name &name) { return name.symbol; },
3568 [&](parser::ProcComponentRef &pcr) {
3569 return pcr.v.thing.component.symbol;
3570 },
3571 },
3572 proc.u)}) {
3573 Symbol &symbol{origSymbol->GetUltimate()};
3574 if (symbol.has<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>() ||
3575 symbol.has<semantics::AssocEntityDetails>()) {
3576 // Note that expression in AssocEntityDetails cannot be a procedure
3577 // pointer as per C1105 so this cannot be a function reference.
3578 if constexpr (common::HasMember<common::Indirection<parser::Designator>,
3579 uType>) {
3580 if (CheckFuncRefToArrayElement(context, funcRef)) {
3581 u = common::Indirection{funcRef.ConvertToArrayElementRef()};
3582 }
3583 } else {
3584 DIE("can't fix misparsed function as array reference");
3585 }
3586 }
3587 }
3588 }
3591// Common handling of parse tree node types that retain the
3592// representation of the analyzed expression.
3593template <typename PARSED>
3594MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::ExprOrVariable(
3595 const PARSED &x, parser::CharBlock source) {
3596 auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(source)};
3597 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<PARSED, parser::Expr> ||
3598 std::is_same_v<PARSED, parser::Variable>) {
3599 FixMisparsedFunctionReference(context_, x.u);
3600 }
3601 if (AssumedTypeDummy(x)) { // C710
3602 Say("TYPE(*) dummy argument may only be used as an actual argument"_err_en_US);
3603 ResetExpr(x);
3604 return std::nullopt;
3605 }
3606 MaybeExpr result;
3607 if constexpr (common::HasMember<parser::StructureConstructor,
3608 std::decay_t<decltype(x.u)>> &&
3609 common::HasMember<common::Indirection<parser::FunctionReference>,
3610 std::decay_t<decltype(x.u)>>) {
3611 if (const auto *funcRef{
3612 std::get_if<common::Indirection<parser::FunctionReference>>(
3613 &x.u)}) {
3614 // Function references in Exprs might turn out to be misparsed structure
3615 // constructors; we have to try generic procedure resolution
3616 // first to be sure.
3617 std::optional<parser::StructureConstructor> ctor;
3618 result = Analyze(funcRef->value(), &ctor);
3619 if (result && ctor) {
3620 // A misparsed function reference is really a structure
3621 // constructor. Repair the parse tree in situ.
3622 const_cast<PARSED &>(x).u = std::move(*ctor);
3623 }
3624 } else {
3625 result = Analyze(x.u);
3626 }
3627 } else {
3628 result = Analyze(x.u);
3629 }
3630 if (result) {
3631 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<PARSED, parser::Expr>) {
3632 if (!isNullPointerOk_ && IsNullPointer(*result)) {
3633 Say(source,
3634 "NULL() may not be used as an expression in this context"_err_en_US);
3635 }
3636 }
3637 SetExpr(x, Fold(std::move(*result)));
3638 return x.typedExpr->v;
3639 } else {
3640 ResetExpr(x);
3641 if (!context_.AnyFatalError()) {
3642 std::string buf;
3643 llvm::raw_string_ostream dump{buf};
3644 parser::DumpTree(dump, x);
3645 Say("Internal error: Expression analysis failed on: %s"_err_en_US,
3646 dump.str());
3647 }
3648 return std::nullopt;
3649 }
3652// This is an optional preliminary pass over parser::Expr subtrees.
3653// Given an expression tree, iteratively traverse it in a bottom-up order
3654// to analyze all of its subexpressions. A later normal top-down analysis
3655// will then be able to use the results that will have been saved in the
3656// parse tree without having to recurse deeply. This technique keeps
3657// absurdly deep expression parse trees from causing the analyzer to overflow
3658// its stack.
3659MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::IterativelyAnalyzeSubexpressions(
3660 const parser::Expr &top) {
3661 std::vector<const parser::Expr *> queue, finish;
3662 queue.push_back(&top);
3663 do {
3664 const parser::Expr &expr{*queue.back()};
3665 queue.pop_back();
3666 if (!expr.typedExpr) {
3667 const parser::Expr::IntrinsicUnary *unary{nullptr};
3668 const parser::Expr::IntrinsicBinary *binary{nullptr};
3669 common::visit(
3670 [&unary, &binary](auto &y) {
3671 if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<decltype(&y),
3672 decltype(unary)>) {
3673 // Don't evaluate a constant operand to Negate
3674 if (!std::holds_alternative<parser::LiteralConstant>(
3675 y.v.value().u)) {
3676 unary = &y;
3677 }
3678 } else if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<decltype(&y),
3679 decltype(binary)>) {
3680 binary = &y;
3681 }
3682 },
3683 expr.u);
3684 if (unary) {
3685 queue.push_back(&unary->v.value());
3686 } else if (binary) {
3687 queue.push_back(&std::get<0>(binary->t).value());
3688 queue.push_back(&std::get<1>(binary->t).value());
3689 }
3690 finish.push_back(&expr);
3691 }
3692 } while (!queue.empty());
3693 // Analyze the collected subexpressions in bottom-up order.
3694 // On an error, bail out and leave partial results in place.
3695 MaybeExpr result;
3696 for (auto riter{finish.rbegin()}; riter != finish.rend(); ++riter) {
3697 const parser::Expr &expr{**riter};
3698 result = ExprOrVariable(expr, expr.source);
3699 if (!result) {
3700 return result;
3701 }
3702 }
3703 return result; // last value was from analysis of "top"
3706MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr &expr) {
3707 bool wasIterativelyAnalyzing{iterativelyAnalyzingSubexpressions_};
3708 MaybeExpr result;
3709 if (useSavedTypedExprs_) {
3710 if (expr.typedExpr) {
3711 return expr.typedExpr->v;
3712 }
3713 if (!wasIterativelyAnalyzing) {
3714 iterativelyAnalyzingSubexpressions_ = true;
3715 result = IterativelyAnalyzeSubexpressions(expr);
3716 }
3717 }
3718 if (!result) {
3719 result = ExprOrVariable(expr, expr.source);
3720 }
3721 iterativelyAnalyzingSubexpressions_ = wasIterativelyAnalyzing;
3722 return result;
3725MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Variable &variable) {
3726 if (useSavedTypedExprs_ && variable.typedExpr) {
3727 return variable.typedExpr->v;
3728 }
3729 return ExprOrVariable(variable, variable.GetSource());
3732MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Selector &selector) {
3733 if (const auto *var{std::get_if<parser::Variable>(&selector.u)}) {
3734 if (!useSavedTypedExprs_ || !var->typedExpr) {
3735 parser::CharBlock source{var->GetSource()};
3736 auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(source)};
3737 FixMisparsedFunctionReference(context_, var->u);
3738 if (const auto *funcRef{
3739 std::get_if<common::Indirection<parser::FunctionReference>>(
3740 &var->u)}) {
3741 // A Selector that parsed as a Variable might turn out during analysis
3742 // to actually be a structure constructor. In that case, repair the
3743 // Variable parse tree node into an Expr
3744 std::optional<parser::StructureConstructor> ctor;
3745 if (MaybeExpr result{Analyze(funcRef->value(), &ctor)}) {
3746 if (ctor) {
3747 auto &writable{const_cast<parser::Selector &>(selector)};
3748 writable.u = parser::Expr{std::move(*ctor)};
3749 auto &expr{std::get<parser::Expr>(writable.u)};
3750 expr.source = source;
3751 SetExpr(expr, Fold(std::move(*result)));
3752 return expr.typedExpr->v;
3753 } else {
3754 SetExpr(*var, Fold(std::move(*result)));
3755 return var->typedExpr->v;
3756 }
3757 } else {
3758 ResetExpr(*var);
3759 if (context_.AnyFatalError()) {
3760 return std::nullopt;
3761 }
3762 }
3763 }
3764 }
3765 // Not a Variable -> FunctionReference
3766 auto restorer{AllowWholeAssumedSizeArray()};
3767 return Analyze(selector.u);
3768 } else { // Expr
3769 return Analyze(selector.u);
3770 }
3773MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::DataStmtConstant &x) {
3774 auto restorer{common::ScopedSet(inDataStmtConstant_, true)};
3775 return ExprOrVariable(x, x.source);
3778MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::AllocateObject &x) {
3779 return ExprOrVariable(x, parser::FindSourceLocation(x));
3782MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::PointerObject &x) {
3783 return ExprOrVariable(x, parser::FindSourceLocation(x));
3786Expr<SubscriptInteger> ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeKindSelector(
3787 TypeCategory category,
3788 const std::optional<parser::KindSelector> &selector) {
3789 int defaultKind{GetDefaultKind(category)};
3790 if (!selector) {
3791 return Expr<SubscriptInteger>{defaultKind};
3792 }
3793 return common::visit(
3794 common::visitors{
3795 [&](const parser::ScalarIntConstantExpr &x) {
3796 if (MaybeExpr kind{Analyze(x)}) {
3797 if (std::optional<std::int64_t> code{ToInt64(*kind)}) {
3798 if (CheckIntrinsicKind(category, *code)) {
3799 return Expr<SubscriptInteger>{*code};
3800 }
3801 } else if (auto *intExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeInteger>>(*kind)}) {
3802 return ConvertToType<SubscriptInteger>(std::move(*intExpr));
3803 }
3804 }
3805 return Expr<SubscriptInteger>{defaultKind};
3806 },
3807 [&](const parser::KindSelector::StarSize &x) {
3808 std::intmax_t size = x.v;
3809 if (!CheckIntrinsicSize(category, size)) {
3810 size = defaultKind;
3811 } else if (category == TypeCategory::Complex) {
3812 size /= 2;
3813 }
3814 return Expr<SubscriptInteger>{size};
3815 },
3816 },
3817 selector->u);
3820int ExpressionAnalyzer::GetDefaultKind(common::TypeCategory category) {
3821 return context_.GetDefaultKind(category);
3824DynamicType ExpressionAnalyzer::GetDefaultKindOfType(
3825 common::TypeCategory category) {
3826 return {category, GetDefaultKind(category)};
3829bool ExpressionAnalyzer::CheckIntrinsicKind(
3830 TypeCategory category, std::int64_t kind) {
3831 if (foldingContext_.targetCharacteristics().IsTypeEnabled(
3832 category, kind)) { // C712, C714, C715, C727
3833 return true;
3834 } else if (foldingContext_.targetCharacteristics().CanSupportType(
3835 category, kind)) {
3836 Say("%s(KIND=%jd) is not an enabled type for this target"_warn_en_US,
3837 ToUpperCase(EnumToString(category)), kind);
3838 return true;
3839 } else {
3840 Say("%s(KIND=%jd) is not a supported type"_err_en_US,
3841 ToUpperCase(EnumToString(category)), kind);
3842 return false;
3843 }
3846bool ExpressionAnalyzer::CheckIntrinsicSize(
3847 TypeCategory category, std::int64_t size) {
3848 std::int64_t kind{size};
3849 if (category == TypeCategory::Complex) {
3850 // COMPLEX*16 == COMPLEX(KIND=8)
3851 if (size % 2 == 0) {
3852 kind = size / 2;
3853 } else {
3854 Say("COMPLEX*%jd is not a supported type"_err_en_US, size);
3855 return false;
3856 }
3857 }
3858 if (foldingContext_.targetCharacteristics().IsTypeEnabled(
3859 category, kind)) { // C712, C714, C715, C727
3860 return true;
3861 } else if (foldingContext_.targetCharacteristics().CanSupportType(
3862 category, kind)) {
3863 Say("%s*%jd is not an enabled type for this target"_warn_en_US,
3864 ToUpperCase(EnumToString(category)), size);
3865 return true;
3866 } else {
3867 Say("%s*%jd is not a supported type"_err_en_US,
3868 ToUpperCase(EnumToString(category)), size);
3869 return false;
3870 }
3873bool ExpressionAnalyzer::AddImpliedDo(parser::CharBlock name, int kind) {
3874 return impliedDos_.insert(std::make_pair(name, kind)).second;
3877void ExpressionAnalyzer::RemoveImpliedDo(parser::CharBlock name) {
3878 auto iter{impliedDos_.find(name)};
3879 if (iter != impliedDos_.end()) {
3880 impliedDos_.erase(iter);
3881 }
3884std::optional<int> ExpressionAnalyzer::IsImpliedDo(
3885 parser::CharBlock name) const {
3886 auto iter{impliedDos_.find(name)};
3887 if (iter != impliedDos_.cend()) {
3888 return {iter->second};
3889 } else {
3890 return std::nullopt;
3891 }
3894bool ExpressionAnalyzer::EnforceTypeConstraint(parser::CharBlock at,
3895 const MaybeExpr &result, TypeCategory category, bool defaultKind) {
3896 if (result) {
3897 if (auto type{result->GetType()}) {
3898 if (type->category() != category) { // C885
3899 Say(at, "Must have %s type, but is %s"_err_en_US,
3900 ToUpperCase(EnumToString(category)),
3901 ToUpperCase(type->AsFortran()));
3902 return false;
3903 } else if (defaultKind) {
3904 int kind{context_.GetDefaultKind(category)};
3905 if (type->kind() != kind) {
3906 Say(at, "Must have default kind(%d) of %s type, but is %s"_err_en_US,
3907 kind, ToUpperCase(EnumToString(category)),
3908 ToUpperCase(type->AsFortran()));
3909 return false;
3910 }
3911 }
3912 } else {
3913 Say(at, "Must have %s type, but is typeless"_err_en_US,
3914 ToUpperCase(EnumToString(category)));
3915 return false;
3916 }
3917 }
3918 return true;
3921MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::MakeFunctionRef(parser::CharBlock callSite,
3922 ProcedureDesignator &&proc, ActualArguments &&arguments) {
3923 if (const auto *intrinsic{std::get_if<SpecificIntrinsic>(&proc.u)}) {
3924 if (intrinsic->characteristics.value().attrs.test(
3925 characteristics::Procedure::Attr::NullPointer) &&
3926 arguments.empty()) {
3927 return Expr<SomeType>{NullPointer{}};
3928 }
3929 }
3930 if (const Symbol *symbol{proc.GetSymbol()}) {
3931 if (!ResolveForward(*symbol)) {
3932 return std::nullopt;
3933 }
3934 }
3935 if (auto chars{CheckCall(callSite, proc, arguments)}) {
3936 if (chars->functionResult) {
3937 const auto &result{*chars->functionResult};
3938 ProcedureRef procRef{std::move(proc), std::move(arguments)};
3939 if (result.IsProcedurePointer()) {
3940 return Expr<SomeType>{std::move(procRef)};
3941 } else {
3942 // Not a procedure pointer, so type and shape are known.
3943 return TypedWrapper<FunctionRef, ProcedureRef>(
3944 DEREF(result.GetTypeAndShape()).type(), std::move(procRef));
3945 }
3946 } else {
3947 Say("Function result characteristics are not known"_err_en_US);
3948 }
3949 }
3950 return std::nullopt;
3953MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::MakeFunctionRef(
3954 parser::CharBlock intrinsic, ActualArguments &&arguments) {
3955 if (std::optional<SpecificCall> specificCall{
3956 context_.intrinsics().Probe(CallCharacteristics{intrinsic.ToString()},
3957 arguments, GetFoldingContext())}) {
3958 return MakeFunctionRef(intrinsic,
3959 ProcedureDesignator{std::move(specificCall->specificIntrinsic)},
3960 std::move(specificCall->arguments));
3961 } else {
3962 return std::nullopt;
3963 }
3966MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeComplex(
3967 MaybeExpr &&re, MaybeExpr &&im, const char *what) {
3968 if (context().ShouldWarn(common::LanguageFeature::ComplexConstructor)) {
3969 if (re && re->Rank() > 0) {
3970 Say("Real part of %s is not scalar"_port_en_US, what);
3971 }
3972 if (im && im->Rank() > 0) {
3973 Say("Imaginary part of %s is not scalar"_port_en_US, what);
3974 }
3975 }
3976 if (re && im) {
3977 ConformabilityCheck(GetContextualMessages(), *re, *im);
3978 }
3979 return AsMaybeExpr(ConstructComplex(GetContextualMessages(), std::move(re),
3980 std::move(im), GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Real)));
3983std::optional<ActualArgument> ArgumentAnalyzer::AnalyzeVariable(
3984 const parser::Variable &x) {
3985 source_.ExtendToCover(x.GetSource());
3986 if (MaybeExpr expr{context_.Analyze(x)}) {
3987 if (!IsConstantExpr(*expr)) {
3988 ActualArgument actual{std::move(*expr)};
3989 SetArgSourceLocation(actual, x.GetSource());
3990 return actual;
3991 }
3992 const Symbol *symbol{GetLastSymbol(*expr)};
3993 if (!symbol) {
3994 context_.SayAt(x, "Assignment to constant '%s' is not allowed"_err_en_US,
3995 x.GetSource());
3996 } else if (IsProcedure(*symbol)) {
3997 if (auto *msg{context_.SayAt(x,
3998 "Assignment to procedure '%s' is not allowed"_err_en_US,
3999 symbol->name())}) {
4000 if (auto *subp{symbol->detailsIf<semantics::SubprogramDetails>()}) {
4001 if (subp->isFunction()) {
4002 const auto &result{subp->result().name()};
4003 msg->Attach(result, "Function result is '%s'"_en_US, result);
4004 }
4005 }
4006 }
4007 } else {
4008 context_.SayAt(
4009 x, "Assignment to '%s' is not allowed"_err_en_US, symbol->name());
4010 }
4011 }
4012 fatalErrors_ = true;
4013 return std::nullopt;
4016void ArgumentAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Variable &x) {
4017 if (auto actual = AnalyzeVariable(x)) {
4018 actuals_.emplace_back(std::move(actual));
4019 }
4022void ArgumentAnalyzer::Analyze(
4023 const parser::ActualArgSpec &arg, bool isSubroutine) {
4024 // TODO: C1534: Don't allow a "restricted" specific intrinsic to be passed.
4025 std::optional<ActualArgument> actual;
4026 auto restorer{context_.AllowWholeAssumedSizeArray()};
4027 common::visit(
4028 common::visitors{
4029 [&](const common::Indirection<parser::Expr> &x) {
4030 actual = AnalyzeExpr(x.value());
4031 },
4032 [&](const parser::AltReturnSpec &label) {
4033 if (!isSubroutine) {
4034 context_.Say("alternate return specification may not appear on"
4035 " function reference"_err_en_US);
4036 }
4037 actual = ActualArgument(label.v);
4038 },
4039 [&](const parser::ActualArg::PercentRef &percentRef) {
4040 actual = AnalyzeVariable(percentRef.v);
4041 if (actual.has_value()) {
4042 actual->set_isPercentRef();
4043 }
4044 },
4045 [&](const parser::ActualArg::PercentVal &percentVal) {
4046 actual = AnalyzeExpr(percentVal.v);
4047 if (actual.has_value()) {
4048 actual->set_isPercentVal();
4049 std::optional<DynamicType> type{actual->GetType()};
4050 if (!type || !type->IsLengthlessIntrinsicType() ||
4051 actual->Rank() != 0) {
4052 context_.SayAt(percentVal.v,
4053 "%VAL argument must be a scalar numerical or logical expression"_err_en_US);
4054 }
4055 }
4056 },
4057 },
4058 std::get<parser::ActualArg>(arg.t).u);
4059 if (actual) {
4060 if (const auto &argKW{std::get<std::optional<parser::Keyword>>(arg.t)}) {
4061 actual->set_keyword(argKW->v.source);
4062 }
4063 actuals_.emplace_back(std::move(*actual));
4064 } else {
4065 fatalErrors_ = true;
4066 }
4069bool ArgumentAnalyzer::IsIntrinsicRelational(RelationalOperator opr,
4070 const DynamicType &leftType, const DynamicType &rightType) const {
4071 CHECK(actuals_.size() == 2);
4072 return semantics::IsIntrinsicRelational(
4073 opr, leftType, GetRank(0), rightType, GetRank(1));
4076bool ArgumentAnalyzer::IsIntrinsicNumeric(NumericOperator opr) const {
4077 std::optional<DynamicType> leftType{GetType(0)};
4078 if (actuals_.size() == 1) {
4079 if (IsBOZLiteral(i: 0)) {
4080 return opr == NumericOperator::Add; // unary '+'
4081 } else {
4082 return leftType && semantics::IsIntrinsicNumeric(*leftType);
4083 }
4084 } else {
4085 std::optional<DynamicType> rightType{GetType(1)};
4086 if (IsBOZLiteral(i: 0) && rightType) { // BOZ opr Integer/Real
4087 auto cat1{rightType->category()};
4088 return cat1 == TypeCategory::Integer || cat1 == TypeCategory::Real;
4089 } else if (IsBOZLiteral(i: 1) && leftType) { // Integer/Real opr BOZ
4090 auto cat0{leftType->category()};
4091 return cat0 == TypeCategory::Integer || cat0 == TypeCategory::Real;
4092 } else {
4093 return leftType && rightType &&
4094 semantics::IsIntrinsicNumeric(
4095 *leftType, GetRank(0), *rightType, GetRank(1));
4096 }
4097 }
4100bool ArgumentAnalyzer::IsIntrinsicLogical() const {
4101 if (std::optional<DynamicType> leftType{GetType(0)}) {
4102 if (actuals_.size() == 1) {
4103 return semantics::IsIntrinsicLogical(*leftType);
4104 } else if (std::optional<DynamicType> rightType{GetType(1)}) {
4105 return semantics::IsIntrinsicLogical(
4106 *leftType, GetRank(0), *rightType, GetRank(1));
4107 }
4108 }
4109 return false;
4112bool ArgumentAnalyzer::IsIntrinsicConcat() const {
4113 if (std::optional<DynamicType> leftType{GetType(0)}) {
4114 if (std::optional<DynamicType> rightType{GetType(1)}) {
4115 return semantics::IsIntrinsicConcat(
4116 *leftType, GetRank(0), *rightType, GetRank(1));
4117 }
4118 }
4119 return false;
4122bool ArgumentAnalyzer::CheckConformance() {
4123 if (actuals_.size() == 2) {
4124 const auto *lhs{actuals_.at(0).value().UnwrapExpr()};
4125 const auto *rhs{actuals_.at(1).value().UnwrapExpr()};
4126 if (lhs && rhs) {
4127 auto &foldingContext{context_.GetFoldingContext()};
4128 auto lhShape{GetShape(foldingContext, *lhs)};
4129 auto rhShape{GetShape(foldingContext, *rhs)};
4130 if (lhShape && rhShape) {
4131 if (!evaluate::CheckConformance(foldingContext.messages(), *lhShape,
4132 *rhShape, CheckConformanceFlags::EitherScalarExpandable,
4133 "left operand", "right operand")
4134 .value_or(false /*fail when conformance is not known now*/)) {
4135 fatalErrors_ = true;
4136 return false;
4137 }
4138 }
4139 }
4140 }
4141 return true; // no proven problem
4144bool ArgumentAnalyzer::CheckAssignmentConformance() {
4145 if (actuals_.size() == 2) {
4146 const auto *lhs{actuals_.at(0).value().UnwrapExpr()};
4147 const auto *rhs{actuals_.at(1).value().UnwrapExpr()};
4148 if (lhs && rhs) {
4149 auto &foldingContext{context_.GetFoldingContext()};
4150 auto lhShape{GetShape(foldingContext, *lhs)};
4151 auto rhShape{GetShape(foldingContext, *rhs)};
4152 if (lhShape && rhShape) {
4153 if (!evaluate::CheckConformance(foldingContext.messages(), *lhShape,
4154 *rhShape, CheckConformanceFlags::RightScalarExpandable,
4155 "left-hand side", "right-hand side")
4156 .value_or(true /*ok when conformance is not known now*/)) {
4157 fatalErrors_ = true;
4158 return false;
4159 }
4160 }
4161 }
4162 }
4163 return true; // no proven problem
4166bool ArgumentAnalyzer::CheckForNullPointer(const char *where) {
4167 for (const std::optional<ActualArgument> &arg : actuals_) {
4168 if (arg) {
4169 if (const Expr<SomeType> *expr{arg->UnwrapExpr()}) {
4170 if (IsNullPointer(*expr)) {
4171 context_.Say(
4172 source_, "A NULL() pointer is not allowed %s"_err_en_US, where);
4173 fatalErrors_ = true;
4174 return false;
4175 }
4176 }
4177 }
4178 }
4179 return true;
4182MaybeExpr ArgumentAnalyzer::TryDefinedOp(
4183 const char *opr, parser::MessageFixedText error, bool isUserOp) {
4184 if (AnyUntypedOrMissingOperand()) {
4185 context_.Say(error, ToUpperCase(opr), TypeAsFortran(0), TypeAsFortran(1));
4186 return std::nullopt;
4187 }
4188 MaybeExpr result;
4189 bool anyPossibilities{false};
4190 std::optional<parser::MessageFormattedText> inaccessible;
4191 std::vector<const Symbol *> hit;
4192 std::string oprNameString{
4193 isUserOp ? std::string{opr} : "operator("s + opr + ')'};
4194 parser::CharBlock oprName{oprNameString};
4195 parser::Messages hitBuffer;
4196 {
4197 parser::Messages buffer;
4198 auto restorer{context_.GetContextualMessages().SetMessages(buffer)};
4199 const auto &scope{context_.context().FindScope(source_)};
4200 if (Symbol *symbol{scope.FindSymbol(oprName)}) {
4201 anyPossibilities = true;
4202 parser::Name name{symbol->name(), symbol};
4203 result = context_.AnalyzeDefinedOp(name, GetActuals());
4204 if (result) {
4205 inaccessible = CheckAccessibleSymbol(scope, *symbol);
4206 if (inaccessible) {
4207 result.reset();
4208 } else {
4209 hit.push_back(symbol);
4210 hitBuffer = std::move(buffer);
4211 }
4212 }
4213 }
4214 for (std::size_t passIndex{0}; passIndex < actuals_.size(); ++passIndex) {
4215 buffer.clear();
4216 const Symbol *generic{nullptr};
4217 if (const Symbol *binding{
4218 FindBoundOp(oprName, passIndex, generic, false)}) {
4219 anyPossibilities = true;
4220 if (MaybeExpr thisResult{TryBoundOp(*binding, passIndex)}) {
4221 if (auto thisInaccessible{
4222 CheckAccessibleSymbol(scope, DEREF(generic))}) {
4223 inaccessible = thisInaccessible;
4224 } else {
4225 result = std::move(thisResult);
4226 hit.push_back(binding);
4227 hitBuffer = std::move(buffer);
4228 }
4229 }
4230 }
4231 }
4232 }
4233 if (result) {
4234 if (hit.size() > 1) {
4235 if (auto *msg{context_.Say(
4236 "%zd matching accessible generic interfaces for %s were found"_err_en_US,
4237 hit.size(), ToUpperCase(opr))}) {
4238 for (const Symbol *symbol : hit) {
4239 AttachDeclaration(*msg, *symbol);
4240 }
4241 }
4242 }
4243 if (auto *msgs{context_.GetContextualMessages().messages()}) {
4244 msgs->Annex(std::move(hitBuffer));
4245 }
4246 } else if (inaccessible) {
4247 context_.Say(source_, std::move(*inaccessible));
4248 } else if (anyPossibilities) {
4249 SayNoMatch(ToUpperCase(str: oprNameString), isAssignment: false);
4250 } else if (actuals_.size() == 2 && !AreConformable()) {
4251 context_.Say(
4252 "Operands of %s are not conformable; have rank %d and rank %d"_err_en_US,
4253 ToUpperCase(opr), actuals_[0]->Rank(), actuals_[1]->Rank());
4254 } else if (CheckForNullPointer()) {
4255 context_.Say(error, ToUpperCase(opr), TypeAsFortran(0), TypeAsFortran(1));
4256 }
4257 return result;
4260MaybeExpr ArgumentAnalyzer::TryDefinedOp(
4261 std::vector<const char *> oprs, parser::MessageFixedText error) {
4262 if (oprs.size() == 1) {
4263 return TryDefinedOp(oprs[0], error);
4264 }
4265 MaybeExpr result;
4266 std::vector<const char *> hit;
4267 parser::Messages hitBuffer;
4268 {
4269 for (std::size_t i{0}; i < oprs.size(); ++i) {
4270 parser::Messages buffer;
4271 auto restorer{context_.GetContextualMessages().SetMessages(buffer)};
4272 if (MaybeExpr thisResult{TryDefinedOp(oprs[i], error)}) {
4273 result = std::move(thisResult);
4274 hit.push_back(x: oprs[i]);
4275 hitBuffer = std::move(buffer);
4276 }
4277 }
4278 }
4279 if (hit.empty()) { // for the error
4280 result = TryDefinedOp(oprs[0], error);
4281 } else if (hit.size() > 1) {
4282 context_.Say(
4283 "Matching accessible definitions were found with %zd variant spellings of the generic operator ('%s', '%s')"_err_en_US,
4284 hit.size(), ToUpperCase(hit[0]), ToUpperCase(hit[1]));
4285 } else { // one hit; preserve errors
4286 context_.context().messages().Annex(std::move(hitBuffer));
4287 }
4288 return result;
4291MaybeExpr ArgumentAnalyzer::TryBoundOp(const Symbol &symbol, int passIndex) {
4292 ActualArguments localActuals{actuals_};
4293 const Symbol *proc{GetBindingResolution(GetType(passIndex), symbol)};
4294 if (!proc) {
4295 proc = &symbol;
4296 localActuals.at(passIndex).value().set_isPassedObject();
4297 }
4298 CheckConformance();
4299 return context_.MakeFunctionRef(
4300 source_, ProcedureDesignator{*proc}, std::move(localActuals));
4303std::optional<ProcedureRef> ArgumentAnalyzer::TryDefinedAssignment() {
4304 using semantics::Tristate;
4305 const Expr<SomeType> &lhs{GetExpr(0)};
4306 const Expr<SomeType> &rhs{GetExpr(1)};
4307 std::optional<DynamicType> lhsType{lhs.GetType()};
4308 std::optional<DynamicType> rhsType{rhs.GetType()};
4309 int lhsRank{lhs.Rank()};
4310 int rhsRank{rhs.Rank()};
4311 Tristate isDefined{
4312 semantics::IsDefinedAssignment(lhsType, lhsRank, rhsType, rhsRank)};
4313 if (isDefined == Tristate::No) {
4314 // Make implicit conversion explicit, unless it is an assignment to a whole
4315 // allocatable (the explicit conversion would prevent the propagation of the
4316 // right hand side if it is a variable). Lowering will deal with the
4317 // conversion in this case.
4318 if (lhsType && rhsType &&
4319 (!IsAllocatableDesignator(lhs) || context_.inWhereBody())) {
4320 AddAssignmentConversion(*lhsType, *rhsType);
4321 }
4322 if (!fatalErrors_) {
4323 CheckAssignmentConformance();
4324 }
4325 return std::nullopt; // user-defined assignment not allowed for these args
4326 }
4327 auto restorer{context_.GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(source_)};
4328 if (std::optional<ProcedureRef> procRef{GetDefinedAssignmentProc()}) {
4329 if (context_.inWhereBody() && !procRef->proc().IsElemental()) { // C1032
4330 context_.Say(
4331 "Defined assignment in WHERE must be elemental, but '%s' is not"_err_en_US,
4332 DEREF(procRef->proc().GetSymbol()).name());
4333 }
4334 context_.CheckCall(source_, procRef->proc(), procRef->arguments());
4335 return std::move(*procRef);
4336 }
4337 if (isDefined == Tristate::Yes) {
4338 if (!lhsType || !rhsType || (lhsRank != rhsRank && rhsRank != 0) ||
4339 !OkLogicalIntegerAssignment(lhsType->category(), rhsType->category())) {
4340 SayNoMatch("ASSIGNMENT(=)", isAssignment: true);
4341 }
4342 }
4343 return std::nullopt;
4346bool ArgumentAnalyzer::OkLogicalIntegerAssignment(
4347 TypeCategory lhs, TypeCategory rhs) {
4348 if (!context_.context().languageFeatures().IsEnabled(
4349 common::LanguageFeature::LogicalIntegerAssignment)) {
4350 return false;
4351 }
4352 std::optional<parser::MessageFixedText> msg;
4353 if (lhs == TypeCategory::Integer && rhs == TypeCategory::Logical) {
4354 // allow assignment to LOGICAL from INTEGER as a legacy extension
4355 msg = "assignment of LOGICAL to INTEGER"_port_en_US;
4356 } else if (lhs == TypeCategory::Logical && rhs == TypeCategory::Integer) {
4357 // ... and assignment to LOGICAL from INTEGER
4358 msg = "assignment of INTEGER to LOGICAL"_port_en_US;
4359 } else {
4360 return false;
4361 }
4362 if (context_.context().ShouldWarn(
4363 common::LanguageFeature::LogicalIntegerAssignment)) {
4364 context_.Say(std::move(*msg));
4365 }
4366 return true;
4369std::optional<ProcedureRef> ArgumentAnalyzer::GetDefinedAssignmentProc() {
4370 const Symbol *proc{nullptr};
4371 std::optional<int> passedObjectIndex;
4372 std::string oprNameString{"assignment(=)"};
4373 parser::CharBlock oprName{oprNameString};
4374 const auto &scope{context_.context().FindScope(source_)};
4375 // If multiple resolutions were possible, they will have been already
4376 // diagnosed.
4377 {
4378 auto restorer{context_.GetContextualMessages().DiscardMessages()};
4379 if (const Symbol *symbol{scope.FindSymbol(oprName)}) {
4380 ExpressionAnalyzer::AdjustActuals noAdjustment;
4381 proc =
4382 context_.ResolveGeneric(*symbol, actuals_, noAdjustment, true).first;
4383 }
4384 for (std::size_t i{0}; !proc && i < actuals_.size(); ++i) {
4385 const Symbol *generic{nullptr};
4386 if (const Symbol *binding{FindBoundOp(oprName, i, generic, true)}) {
4387 if (CheckAccessibleSymbol(scope, DEREF(generic))) {
4388 // ignore inaccessible type-bound ASSIGNMENT(=) generic
4389 } else if (const Symbol *
4390 resolution{GetBindingResolution(GetType(i), *binding)}) {
4391 proc = resolution;
4392 } else {
4393 proc = binding;
4394 passedObjectIndex = i;
4395 }
4396 }
4397 }
4398 }
4399 if (!proc) {
4400 return std::nullopt;
4401 }
4402 ActualArguments actualsCopy{actuals_};
4403 // Ensure that the RHS argument is not passed as a variable unless
4404 // the dummy argument has the VALUE attribute.
4405 if (evaluate::IsVariable(actualsCopy.at(1).value().UnwrapExpr())) {
4406 auto chars{evaluate::characteristics::Procedure::Characterize(
4407 *proc, context_.GetFoldingContext())};
4408 const auto *rhsDummy{chars && chars->dummyArguments.size() == 2
4409 ? std::get_if<evaluate::characteristics::DummyDataObject>(
4410 &chars->dummyArguments.at(1).u)
4411 : nullptr};
4412 if (!rhsDummy ||
4413 !rhsDummy->attrs.test(
4414 evaluate::characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Value)) {
4415 actualsCopy.at(1).value().Parenthesize();
4416 }
4417 }
4418 if (passedObjectIndex) {
4419 actualsCopy[*passedObjectIndex]->set_isPassedObject();
4420 }
4421 return ProcedureRef{ProcedureDesignator{*proc}, std::move(actualsCopy)};
4424void ArgumentAnalyzer::Dump(llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
4425 os << "source_: " << source_.ToString() << " fatalErrors_ = " << fatalErrors_
4426 << '\n';
4427 for (const auto &actual : actuals_) {
4428 if (!actual.has_value()) {
4429 os << "- error\n";
4430 } else if (const Symbol *symbol{actual->GetAssumedTypeDummy()}) {
4431 os << "- assumed type: " << symbol->name().ToString() << '\n';
4432 } else if (const Expr<SomeType> *expr{actual->UnwrapExpr()}) {
4433 expr->AsFortran(os << "- expr: ") << '\n';
4434 } else {
4435 DIE("bad ActualArgument");
4436 }
4437 }
4440std::optional<ActualArgument> ArgumentAnalyzer::AnalyzeExpr(
4441 const parser::Expr &expr) {
4442 source_.ExtendToCover(expr.source);
4443 if (const Symbol *assumedTypeDummy{AssumedTypeDummy(expr)}) {
4444 ResetExpr(expr);
4445 if (isProcedureCall_) {
4446 ActualArgument arg{ActualArgument::AssumedType{*assumedTypeDummy}};
4447 SetArgSourceLocation(arg, expr.source);
4448 return std::move(arg);
4449 }
4450 context_.SayAt(expr.source,
4451 "TYPE(*) dummy argument may only be used as an actual argument"_err_en_US);
4452 } else if (MaybeExpr argExpr{AnalyzeExprOrWholeAssumedSizeArray(expr)}) {
4453 if (isProcedureCall_ || !IsProcedure(*argExpr)) {
4454 ActualArgument arg{std::move(*argExpr)};
4455 SetArgSourceLocation(arg, expr.source);
4456 return std::move(arg);
4457 }
4458 context_.SayAt(expr.source,
4459 IsFunction(*argExpr) ? "Function call must have argument list"_err_en_US
4460 : "Subroutine name is not allowed here"_err_en_US);
4461 }
4462 return std::nullopt;
4465MaybeExpr ArgumentAnalyzer::AnalyzeExprOrWholeAssumedSizeArray(
4466 const parser::Expr &expr) {
4467 // If an expression's parse tree is a whole assumed-size array:
4468 // Expr -> Designator -> DataRef -> Name
4469 // treat it as a special case for argument passing and bypass
4470 // the C1002/C1014 constraint checking in expression semantics.
4471 if (const auto *name{parser::Unwrap<parser::Name>(expr)}) {
4472 if (name->symbol && semantics::IsAssumedSizeArray(*name->symbol)) {
4473 auto restorer{context_.AllowWholeAssumedSizeArray()};
4474 return context_.Analyze(expr);
4475 }
4476 }
4477 auto restorer{context_.AllowNullPointer()};
4478 return context_.Analyze(expr);
4481bool ArgumentAnalyzer::AreConformable() const {
4482 CHECK(actuals_.size() == 2);
4483 return actuals_[0] && actuals_[1] &&
4484 evaluate::AreConformable(*actuals_[0], *actuals_[1]);
4487// Look for a type-bound operator in the type of arg number passIndex.
4488const Symbol *ArgumentAnalyzer::FindBoundOp(parser::CharBlock oprName,
4489 int passIndex, const Symbol *&generic, bool isSubroutine) {
4490 const auto *type{GetDerivedTypeSpec(GetType(passIndex))};
4491 const semantics::Scope *scope{type ? type->scope() : nullptr};
4492 if (scope) {
4493 // Use the original type definition's scope, since PDT
4494 // instantiations don't have redundant copies of bindings or
4495 // generics.
4496 scope = DEREF(scope->derivedTypeSpec()).typeSymbol().scope();
4497 }
4498 generic = scope ? scope->FindComponent(oprName) : nullptr;
4499 if (generic) {
4500 ExpressionAnalyzer::AdjustActuals adjustment{
4501 [&](const Symbol &proc, ActualArguments &) {
4502 return passIndex == GetPassIndex(proc).value_or(-1);
4503 }};
4504 auto pair{
4505 context_.ResolveGeneric(*generic, actuals_, adjustment, isSubroutine)};
4506 if (const Symbol *binding{pair.first}) {
4507 CHECK(binding->has<semantics::ProcBindingDetails>());
4508 // Use the most recent override of the binding, if any
4509 return scope->FindComponent(binding->name());
4510 } else {
4511 context_.EmitGenericResolutionError(*generic, pair.second, isSubroutine);
4512 }
4513 }
4514 return nullptr;
4517// If there is an implicit conversion between intrinsic types, make it explicit
4518void ArgumentAnalyzer::AddAssignmentConversion(
4519 const DynamicType &lhsType, const DynamicType &rhsType) {
4520 if (lhsType.category() == rhsType.category() &&
4521 (lhsType.category() == TypeCategory::Derived ||
4522 lhsType.kind() == rhsType.kind())) {
4523 // no conversion necessary
4524 } else if (auto rhsExpr{evaluate::Fold(context_.GetFoldingContext(),
4525 evaluate::ConvertToType(lhsType, MoveExpr(1)))}) {
4526 std::optional<parser::CharBlock> source;
4527 if (actuals_[1]) {
4528 source = actuals_[1]->sourceLocation();
4529 }
4530 actuals_[1] = ActualArgument{*rhsExpr};
4531 SetArgSourceLocation(actuals_[1], source);
4532 } else {
4533 actuals_[1] = std::nullopt;
4534 }
4537std::optional<DynamicType> ArgumentAnalyzer::GetType(std::size_t i) const {
4538 return i < actuals_.size() ? actuals_[i].value().GetType() : std::nullopt;
4540int ArgumentAnalyzer::GetRank(std::size_t i) const {
4541 return i < actuals_.size() ? actuals_[i].value().Rank() : 0;
4544// If the argument at index i is a BOZ literal, convert its type to match the
4545// otherType. If it's REAL convert to REAL, otherwise convert to INTEGER.
4546// Note that IBM supports comparing BOZ literals to CHARACTER operands. That
4547// is not currently supported.
4548void ArgumentAnalyzer::ConvertBOZ(std::optional<DynamicType> &thisType,
4549 std::size_t i, std::optional<DynamicType> otherType) {
4550 if (IsBOZLiteral(i)) {
4551 Expr<SomeType> &&argExpr{MoveExpr(i)};
4552 auto *boz{std::get_if<BOZLiteralConstant>(&argExpr.u)};
4553 if (otherType && otherType->category() == TypeCategory::Real) {
4554 int kind{context_.context().GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Real)};
4555 MaybeExpr realExpr{
4556 ConvertToKind<TypeCategory::Real>(kind, std::move(*boz))};
4557 actuals_[i] = std::move(*realExpr);
4558 thisType.emplace(TypeCategory::Real, kind);
4559 } else {
4560 int kind{context_.context().GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Integer)};
4561 MaybeExpr intExpr{
4562 ConvertToKind<TypeCategory::Integer>(kind, std::move(*boz))};
4563 actuals_[i] = std::move(*intExpr);
4564 thisType.emplace(TypeCategory::Integer, kind);
4565 }
4566 }
4569// Report error resolving opr when there is a user-defined one available
4570void ArgumentAnalyzer::SayNoMatch(const std::string &opr, bool isAssignment) {
4571 std::string type0{TypeAsFortran(0)};
4572 auto rank0{actuals_[0]->Rank()};
4573 if (actuals_.size() == 1) {
4574 if (rank0 > 0) {
4575 context_.Say("No intrinsic or user-defined %s matches "
4576 "rank %d array of %s"_err_en_US,
4577 opr, rank0, type0);
4578 } else {
4579 context_.Say("No intrinsic or user-defined %s matches "
4580 "operand type %s"_err_en_US,
4581 opr, type0);
4582 }
4583 } else {
4584 std::string type1{TypeAsFortran(1)};
4585 auto rank1{actuals_[1]->Rank()};
4586 if (rank0 > 0 && rank1 > 0 && rank0 != rank1) {
4587 context_.Say("No intrinsic or user-defined %s matches "
4588 "rank %d array of %s and rank %d array of %s"_err_en_US,
4589 opr, rank0, type0, rank1, type1);
4590 } else if (isAssignment && rank0 != rank1) {
4591 if (rank0 == 0) {
4592 context_.Say("No intrinsic or user-defined %s matches "
4593 "scalar %s and rank %d array of %s"_err_en_US,
4594 opr, type0, rank1, type1);
4595 } else {
4596 context_.Say("No intrinsic or user-defined %s matches "
4597 "rank %d array of %s and scalar %s"_err_en_US,
4598 opr, rank0, type0, type1);
4599 }
4600 } else {
4601 context_.Say("No intrinsic or user-defined %s matches "
4602 "operand types %s and %s"_err_en_US,
4603 opr, type0, type1);
4604 }
4605 }
4608std::string ArgumentAnalyzer::TypeAsFortran(std::size_t i) {
4609 if (i >= actuals_.size() || !actuals_[i]) {
4610 return "missing argument";
4611 } else if (std::optional<DynamicType> type{GetType(i)}) {
4612 return type->IsAssumedType() ? "TYPE(*)"s
4613 : type->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic() ? "CLASS(*)"s
4614 : type->IsPolymorphic() ? type->AsFortran()
4615 : type->category() == TypeCategory::Derived
4616 ? "TYPE("s + type->AsFortran() + ')'
4617 : type->category() == TypeCategory::Character
4618 ? "CHARACTER(KIND="s + std::to_string(type->kind()) + ')'
4619 : ToUpperCase(type->AsFortran());
4620 } else {
4621 return "untyped";
4622 }
4625bool ArgumentAnalyzer::AnyUntypedOrMissingOperand() {
4626 for (const auto &actual : actuals_) {
4627 if (!actual ||
4628 (!actual->GetType() && !IsBareNullPointer(actual->UnwrapExpr()))) {
4629 return true;
4630 }
4631 }
4632 return false;
4634} // namespace Fortran::evaluate
4636namespace Fortran::semantics {
4637evaluate::Expr<evaluate::SubscriptInteger> AnalyzeKindSelector(
4638 SemanticsContext &context, common::TypeCategory category,
4639 const std::optional<parser::KindSelector> &selector) {
4640 evaluate::ExpressionAnalyzer analyzer{context};
4641 CHECK(context.location().has_value());
4642 auto restorer{
4643 analyzer.GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(*context.location())};
4644 return analyzer.AnalyzeKindSelector(category, selector);
4647ExprChecker::ExprChecker(SemanticsContext &context) : context_{context} {}
4649bool ExprChecker::Pre(const parser::DataStmtObject &obj) {
4650 exprAnalyzer_.set_inDataStmtObject(true);
4651 return true;
4654void ExprChecker::Post(const parser::DataStmtObject &obj) {
4655 exprAnalyzer_.set_inDataStmtObject(false);
4658bool ExprChecker::Pre(const parser::DataImpliedDo &ido) {
4659 parser::Walk(std::get<parser::DataImpliedDo::Bounds>(ido.t), *this);
4660 const auto &bounds{std::get<parser::DataImpliedDo::Bounds>(ido.t)};
4661 auto name{bounds.name.thing.thing};
4662 int kind{evaluate::ResultType<evaluate::ImpliedDoIndex>::kind};
4663 if (const auto dynamicType{evaluate::DynamicType::From(*name.symbol)}) {
4664 if (dynamicType->category() == TypeCategory::Integer) {
4665 kind = dynamicType->kind();
4666 }
4667 }
4668 exprAnalyzer_.AddImpliedDo(name.source, kind);
4669 parser::Walk(std::get<std::list<parser::DataIDoObject>>(ido.t), *this);
4670 exprAnalyzer_.RemoveImpliedDo(name.source);
4671 return false;
4674bool ExprChecker::Walk(const parser::Program &program) {
4675 parser::Walk(program, *this);
4676 return !context_.AnyFatalError();
4678} // namespace Fortran::semantics

source code of flang/lib/Semantics/expression.cpp