1//===-- runtime/matmul.cpp ------------------------------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// Implements all forms of MATMUL (Fortran 2018 16.9.124)
11// There are two main entry points; one establishes a descriptor for the
12// result and allocates it, and the other expects a result descriptor that
13// points to existing storage.
15// This implementation must handle all combinations of numeric types and
16// kinds (100 - 165 cases depending on the target), plus all combinations
17// of logical kinds (16). A single template undergoes many instantiations
18// to cover all of the valid possibilities.
20// Places where BLAS routines could be called are marked as TODO items.
22#include "flang/Runtime/matmul.h"
23#include "terminator.h"
24#include "tools.h"
25#include "flang/Runtime/c-or-cpp.h"
26#include "flang/Runtime/cpp-type.h"
27#include "flang/Runtime/descriptor.h"
28#include <cstring>
30namespace Fortran::runtime {
32// Suppress the warnings about calling __host__-only std::complex operators,
33// defined in C++ STD header files, from __device__ code.
37// General accumulator for any type and stride; this is not used for
38// contiguous numeric cases.
39template <TypeCategory RCAT, int RKIND, typename XT, typename YT>
40class Accumulator {
42 using Result = AccumulationType<RCAT, RKIND>;
43 RT_API_ATTRS Accumulator(const Descriptor &x, const Descriptor &y)
44 : x_{x}, y_{y} {}
45 RT_API_ATTRS void Accumulate(
46 const SubscriptValue xAt[], const SubscriptValue yAt[]) {
47 if constexpr (RCAT == TypeCategory::Logical) {
48 sum_ = sum_ ||
49 (IsLogicalElementTrue(x_, xAt) && IsLogicalElementTrue(y_, yAt));
50 } else {
51 sum_ += static_cast<Result>(*x_.Element<XT>(xAt)) *
52 static_cast<Result>(*y_.Element<YT>(yAt));
53 }
54 }
55 RT_API_ATTRS Result GetResult() const { return sum_; }
58 const Descriptor &x_, &y_;
59 Result sum_{};
62// Contiguous numeric matrix*matrix multiplication
63// matrix(rows,n) * matrix(n,cols) -> matrix(rows,cols)
64// Straightforward algorithm:
65// DO 1 I = 1, NROWS
66// DO 1 J = 1, NCOLS
67// RES(I,J) = 0
68// DO 1 K = 1, N
69// 1 RES(I,J) = RES(I,J) + X(I,K)*Y(K,J)
70// With loop distribution and transposition to avoid the inner sum
71// reduction and to avoid non-unit strides:
72// DO 1 I = 1, NROWS
73// DO 1 J = 1, NCOLS
74// 1 RES(I,J) = 0
75// DO 2 K = 1, N
76// DO 2 J = 1, NCOLS
77// DO 2 I = 1, NROWS
78// 2 RES(I,J) = RES(I,J) + X(I,K)*Y(K,J) ! loop-invariant last term
79template <TypeCategory RCAT, int RKIND, typename XT, typename YT,
81inline RT_API_ATTRS void MatrixTimesMatrix(
82 CppTypeFor<RCAT, RKIND> *RESTRICT product, SubscriptValue rows,
83 SubscriptValue cols, const XT *RESTRICT x, const YT *RESTRICT y,
84 SubscriptValue n, std::size_t xColumnByteStride = 0,
85 std::size_t yColumnByteStride = 0) {
86 using ResultType = CppTypeFor<RCAT, RKIND>;
87 std::memset(product, 0, rows * cols * sizeof *product);
88 const XT *RESTRICT xp0{x};
89 for (SubscriptValue k{0}; k < n; ++k) {
90 ResultType *RESTRICT p{product};
91 for (SubscriptValue j{0}; j < cols; ++j) {
92 const XT *RESTRICT xp{xp0};
93 ResultType yv;
94 if constexpr (!Y_HAS_STRIDED_COLUMNS) {
95 yv = static_cast<ResultType>(y[k + j * n]);
96 } else {
97 yv = static_cast<ResultType>(reinterpret_cast<const YT *>(
98 reinterpret_cast<const char *>(y) + j * yColumnByteStride)[k]);
99 }
100 for (SubscriptValue i{0}; i < rows; ++i) {
101 *p++ += static_cast<ResultType>(*xp++) * yv;
102 }
103 }
104 if constexpr (!X_HAS_STRIDED_COLUMNS) {
105 xp0 += rows;
106 } else {
107 xp0 = reinterpret_cast<const XT *>(
108 reinterpret_cast<const char *>(xp0) + xColumnByteStride);
109 }
110 }
115template <TypeCategory RCAT, int RKIND, typename XT, typename YT>
116inline RT_API_ATTRS void MatrixTimesMatrixHelper(
117 CppTypeFor<RCAT, RKIND> *RESTRICT product, SubscriptValue rows,
118 SubscriptValue cols, const XT *RESTRICT x, const YT *RESTRICT y,
119 SubscriptValue n, std::optional<std::size_t> xColumnByteStride,
120 std::optional<std::size_t> yColumnByteStride) {
121 if (!xColumnByteStride) {
122 if (!yColumnByteStride) {
123 MatrixTimesMatrix<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT, false, false>(
124 product, rows, cols, x, y, n);
125 } else {
126 MatrixTimesMatrix<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT, false, true>(
127 product, rows, cols, x, y, n, 0, *yColumnByteStride);
128 }
129 } else {
130 if (!yColumnByteStride) {
131 MatrixTimesMatrix<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT, true, false>(
132 product, rows, cols, x, y, n, *xColumnByteStride);
133 } else {
134 MatrixTimesMatrix<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT, true, true>(
135 product, rows, cols, x, y, n, *xColumnByteStride, *yColumnByteStride);
136 }
137 }
143// Contiguous numeric matrix*vector multiplication
144// matrix(rows,n) * column vector(n) -> column vector(rows)
145// Straightforward algorithm:
146// DO 1 J = 1, NROWS
147// RES(J) = 0
148// DO 1 K = 1, N
149// 1 RES(J) = RES(J) + X(J,K)*Y(K)
150// With loop distribution and transposition to avoid the inner
151// sum reduction and to avoid non-unit strides:
152// DO 1 J = 1, NROWS
153// 1 RES(J) = 0
154// DO 2 K = 1, N
155// DO 2 J = 1, NROWS
156// 2 RES(J) = RES(J) + X(J,K)*Y(K)
157template <TypeCategory RCAT, int RKIND, typename XT, typename YT,
159inline RT_API_ATTRS void MatrixTimesVector(
160 CppTypeFor<RCAT, RKIND> *RESTRICT product, SubscriptValue rows,
161 SubscriptValue n, const XT *RESTRICT x, const YT *RESTRICT y,
162 std::size_t xColumnByteStride = 0) {
163 using ResultType = CppTypeFor<RCAT, RKIND>;
164 std::memset(product, 0, rows * sizeof *product);
165 [[maybe_unused]] const XT *RESTRICT xp0{x};
166 for (SubscriptValue k{0}; k < n; ++k) {
167 ResultType *RESTRICT p{product};
168 auto yv{static_cast<ResultType>(*y++)};
169 for (SubscriptValue j{0}; j < rows; ++j) {
170 *p++ += static_cast<ResultType>(*x++) * yv;
171 }
172 if constexpr (X_HAS_STRIDED_COLUMNS) {
173 xp0 = reinterpret_cast<const XT *>(
174 reinterpret_cast<const char *>(xp0) + xColumnByteStride);
175 x = xp0;
176 }
177 }
182template <TypeCategory RCAT, int RKIND, typename XT, typename YT>
183inline RT_API_ATTRS void MatrixTimesVectorHelper(
184 CppTypeFor<RCAT, RKIND> *RESTRICT product, SubscriptValue rows,
185 SubscriptValue n, const XT *RESTRICT x, const YT *RESTRICT y,
186 std::optional<std::size_t> xColumnByteStride) {
187 if (!xColumnByteStride) {
188 MatrixTimesVector<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT, false>(product, rows, n, x, y);
189 } else {
190 MatrixTimesVector<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT, true>(
191 product, rows, n, x, y, *xColumnByteStride);
192 }
198// Contiguous numeric vector*matrix multiplication
199// row vector(n) * matrix(n,cols) -> row vector(cols)
200// Straightforward algorithm:
201// DO 1 J = 1, NCOLS
202// RES(J) = 0
203// DO 1 K = 1, N
204// 1 RES(J) = RES(J) + X(K)*Y(K,J)
205// With loop distribution and transposition to avoid the inner
206// sum reduction and one non-unit stride (the other remains):
207// DO 1 J = 1, NCOLS
208// 1 RES(J) = 0
209// DO 2 K = 1, N
210// DO 2 J = 1, NCOLS
211// 2 RES(J) = RES(J) + X(K)*Y(K,J)
212template <TypeCategory RCAT, int RKIND, typename XT, typename YT,
214inline RT_API_ATTRS void VectorTimesMatrix(
215 CppTypeFor<RCAT, RKIND> *RESTRICT product, SubscriptValue n,
216 SubscriptValue cols, const XT *RESTRICT x, const YT *RESTRICT y,
217 std::size_t yColumnByteStride = 0) {
218 using ResultType = CppTypeFor<RCAT, RKIND>;
219 std::memset(product, 0, cols * sizeof *product);
220 for (SubscriptValue k{0}; k < n; ++k) {
221 ResultType *RESTRICT p{product};
222 auto xv{static_cast<ResultType>(*x++)};
223 const YT *RESTRICT yp{&y[k]};
224 for (SubscriptValue j{0}; j < cols; ++j) {
225 *p++ += xv * static_cast<ResultType>(*yp);
226 if constexpr (!Y_HAS_STRIDED_COLUMNS) {
227 yp += n;
228 } else {
229 yp = reinterpret_cast<const YT *>(
230 reinterpret_cast<const char *>(yp) + yColumnByteStride);
231 }
232 }
233 }
238template <TypeCategory RCAT, int RKIND, typename XT, typename YT,
239 bool SPARSE_COLUMNS = false>
240inline RT_API_ATTRS void VectorTimesMatrixHelper(
241 CppTypeFor<RCAT, RKIND> *RESTRICT product, SubscriptValue n,
242 SubscriptValue cols, const XT *RESTRICT x, const YT *RESTRICT y,
243 std::optional<std::size_t> yColumnByteStride) {
244 if (!yColumnByteStride) {
245 VectorTimesMatrix<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT, false>(product, n, cols, x, y);
246 } else {
247 VectorTimesMatrix<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT, true>(
248 product, n, cols, x, y, *yColumnByteStride);
249 }
255// Implements an instance of MATMUL for given argument types.
256template <bool IS_ALLOCATING, TypeCategory RCAT, int RKIND, typename XT,
257 typename YT>
258static inline RT_API_ATTRS void DoMatmul(
259 std::conditional_t<IS_ALLOCATING, Descriptor, const Descriptor> &result,
260 const Descriptor &x, const Descriptor &y, Terminator &terminator) {
261 int xRank{x.rank()};
262 int yRank{y.rank()};
263 int resRank{xRank + yRank - 2};
264 if (xRank * yRank != 2 * resRank) {
265 terminator.Crash("MATMUL: bad argument ranks (%d * %d)", xRank, yRank);
266 }
267 SubscriptValue extent[2]{
268 xRank == 2 ? x.GetDimension(0).Extent() : y.GetDimension(1).Extent(),
269 resRank == 2 ? y.GetDimension(1).Extent() : 0};
270 if constexpr (IS_ALLOCATING) {
271 result.Establish(
272 RCAT, RKIND, nullptr, resRank, extent, CFI_attribute_allocatable);
273 for (int j{0}; j < resRank; ++j) {
274 result.GetDimension(j).SetBounds(1, extent[j]);
275 }
276 if (int stat{result.Allocate()}) {
277 terminator.Crash(
278 "MATMUL: could not allocate memory for result; STAT=%d", stat);
279 }
280 } else {
281 RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, resRank == result.rank());
283 terminator, result.ElementBytes() == static_cast<std::size_t>(RKIND));
284 RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, result.GetDimension(0).Extent() == extent[0]);
285 RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator,
286 resRank == 1 || result.GetDimension(1).Extent() == extent[1]);
287 }
288 SubscriptValue n{x.GetDimension(xRank - 1).Extent()};
289 if (n != y.GetDimension(0).Extent()) {
290 terminator.Crash("MATMUL: unacceptable operand shapes (%jdx%jd, %jdx%jd)",
291 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(x.GetDimension(0).Extent()),
292 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(n),
293 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(y.GetDimension(0).Extent()),
294 static_cast<std::intmax_t>(y.GetDimension(1).Extent()));
295 }
296 using WriteResult =
297 CppTypeFor<RCAT == TypeCategory::Logical ? TypeCategory::Integer : RCAT,
298 RKIND>;
299 if constexpr (RCAT != TypeCategory::Logical) {
300 if (x.IsContiguous(1) && y.IsContiguous(1) &&
301 (IS_ALLOCATING || result.IsContiguous())) {
302 // Contiguous numeric matrices (maybe with columns
303 // separated by a stride).
304 std::optional<std::size_t> xColumnByteStride;
305 if (!x.IsContiguous()) {
306 // X's columns are strided.
307 SubscriptValue xAt[2]{};
308 x.GetLowerBounds(xAt);
309 xAt[1]++;
310 xColumnByteStride = x.SubscriptsToByteOffset(xAt);
311 }
312 std::optional<std::size_t> yColumnByteStride;
313 if (!y.IsContiguous()) {
314 // Y's columns are strided.
315 SubscriptValue yAt[2]{};
316 y.GetLowerBounds(yAt);
317 yAt[1]++;
318 yColumnByteStride = y.SubscriptsToByteOffset(yAt);
319 }
320 // Note that BLAS GEMM can be used for the strided
321 // columns by setting proper leading dimension size.
322 // This implies that the column stride is divisible
323 // by the element size, which is usually true.
324 if (resRank == 2) { // M*M -> M
325 if (std::is_same_v<XT, YT>) {
326 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<XT, float>) {
327 // TODO: call BLAS-3 SGEMM
328 // TODO: try using CUTLASS for device.
329 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<XT, double>) {
330 // TODO: call BLAS-3 DGEMM
331 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<XT, std::complex<float>>) {
332 // TODO: call BLAS-3 CGEMM
333 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<XT, std::complex<double>>) {
334 // TODO: call BLAS-3 ZGEMM
335 }
336 }
337 MatrixTimesMatrixHelper<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT>(
338 result.template OffsetElement<WriteResult>(), extent[0], extent[1],
339 x.OffsetElement<XT>(), y.OffsetElement<YT>(), n, xColumnByteStride,
340 yColumnByteStride);
341 return;
342 } else if (xRank == 2) { // M*V -> V
343 if (std::is_same_v<XT, YT>) {
344 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<XT, float>) {
345 // TODO: call BLAS-2 SGEMV(x,y)
346 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<XT, double>) {
347 // TODO: call BLAS-2 DGEMV(x,y)
348 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<XT, std::complex<float>>) {
349 // TODO: call BLAS-2 CGEMV(x,y)
350 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<XT, std::complex<double>>) {
351 // TODO: call BLAS-2 ZGEMV(x,y)
352 }
353 }
354 MatrixTimesVectorHelper<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT>(
355 result.template OffsetElement<WriteResult>(), extent[0], n,
356 x.OffsetElement<XT>(), y.OffsetElement<YT>(), xColumnByteStride);
357 return;
358 } else { // V*M -> V
359 if (std::is_same_v<XT, YT>) {
360 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<XT, float>) {
361 // TODO: call BLAS-2 SGEMV(y,x)
362 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<XT, double>) {
363 // TODO: call BLAS-2 DGEMV(y,x)
364 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<XT, std::complex<float>>) {
365 // TODO: call BLAS-2 CGEMV(y,x)
366 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<XT, std::complex<double>>) {
367 // TODO: call BLAS-2 ZGEMV(y,x)
368 }
369 }
370 VectorTimesMatrixHelper<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT>(
371 result.template OffsetElement<WriteResult>(), n, extent[0],
372 x.OffsetElement<XT>(), y.OffsetElement<YT>(), yColumnByteStride);
373 return;
374 }
375 }
376 }
377 // General algorithms for LOGICAL and noncontiguity
378 SubscriptValue xAt[2], yAt[2], resAt[2];
379 x.GetLowerBounds(xAt);
380 y.GetLowerBounds(yAt);
381 result.GetLowerBounds(resAt);
382 if (resRank == 2) { // M*M -> M
383 SubscriptValue x1{xAt[1]}, y0{yAt[0]}, y1{yAt[1]}, res1{resAt[1]};
384 for (SubscriptValue i{0}; i < extent[0]; ++i) {
385 for (SubscriptValue j{0}; j < extent[1]; ++j) {
386 Accumulator<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT> accumulator{x, y};
387 yAt[1] = y1 + j;
388 for (SubscriptValue k{0}; k < n; ++k) {
389 xAt[1] = x1 + k;
390 yAt[0] = y0 + k;
391 accumulator.Accumulate(xAt, yAt);
392 }
393 resAt[1] = res1 + j;
394 *result.template Element<WriteResult>(resAt) = accumulator.GetResult();
395 }
396 ++resAt[0];
397 ++xAt[0];
398 }
399 } else if (xRank == 2) { // M*V -> V
400 SubscriptValue x1{xAt[1]}, y0{yAt[0]};
401 for (SubscriptValue j{0}; j < extent[0]; ++j) {
402 Accumulator<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT> accumulator{x, y};
403 for (SubscriptValue k{0}; k < n; ++k) {
404 xAt[1] = x1 + k;
405 yAt[0] = y0 + k;
406 accumulator.Accumulate(xAt, yAt);
407 }
408 *result.template Element<WriteResult>(resAt) = accumulator.GetResult();
409 ++resAt[0];
410 ++xAt[0];
411 }
412 } else { // V*M -> V
413 SubscriptValue x0{xAt[0]}, y0{yAt[0]};
414 for (SubscriptValue j{0}; j < extent[0]; ++j) {
415 Accumulator<RCAT, RKIND, XT, YT> accumulator{x, y};
416 for (SubscriptValue k{0}; k < n; ++k) {
417 xAt[0] = x0 + k;
418 yAt[0] = y0 + k;
419 accumulator.Accumulate(xAt, yAt);
420 }
421 *result.template Element<WriteResult>(resAt) = accumulator.GetResult();
422 ++resAt[0];
423 ++yAt[1];
424 }
425 }
430// Maps the dynamic type information from the arguments' descriptors
431// to the right instantiation of DoMatmul() for valid combinations of
432// types.
433template <bool IS_ALLOCATING> struct Matmul {
434 using ResultDescriptor =
435 std::conditional_t<IS_ALLOCATING, Descriptor, const Descriptor>;
436 template <TypeCategory XCAT, int XKIND> struct MM1 {
437 template <TypeCategory YCAT, int YKIND> struct MM2 {
438 RT_API_ATTRS void operator()(ResultDescriptor &result,
439 const Descriptor &x, const Descriptor &y,
440 Terminator &terminator) const {
441 if constexpr (constexpr auto resultType{
442 GetResultType(XCAT, XKIND, YCAT, YKIND)}) {
443 if constexpr (common::IsNumericTypeCategory(resultType->first) ||
444 resultType->first == TypeCategory::Logical) {
445 return DoMatmul<IS_ALLOCATING, resultType->first,
446 resultType->second, CppTypeFor<XCAT, XKIND>,
447 CppTypeFor<YCAT, YKIND>>(result, x, y, terminator);
448 }
449 }
450 terminator.Crash("MATMUL: bad operand types (%d(%d), %d(%d))",
451 static_cast<int>(XCAT), XKIND, static_cast<int>(YCAT), YKIND);
452 }
453 };
454 RT_API_ATTRS void operator()(ResultDescriptor &result, const Descriptor &x,
455 const Descriptor &y, Terminator &terminator, TypeCategory yCat,
456 int yKind) const {
457 ApplyType<MM2, void>(yCat, yKind, terminator, result, x, y, terminator);
458 }
459 };
460 RT_API_ATTRS void operator()(ResultDescriptor &result, const Descriptor &x,
461 const Descriptor &y, const char *sourceFile, int line) const {
462 Terminator terminator{sourceFile, line};
463 auto xCatKind{x.type().GetCategoryAndKind()};
464 auto yCatKind{y.type().GetCategoryAndKind()};
465 RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, xCatKind.has_value() && yCatKind.has_value());
466 ApplyType<MM1, void>(xCatKind->first, xCatKind->second, terminator, result,
467 x, y, terminator, yCatKind->first, yCatKind->second);
468 }
471extern "C" {
474void RTDEF(Matmul)(Descriptor &result, const Descriptor &x, const Descriptor &y,
475 const char *sourceFile, int line) {
476 Matmul<true>{}(result, x, y, sourceFile, line);
478void RTDEF(MatmulDirect)(const Descriptor &result, const Descriptor &x,
479 const Descriptor &y, const char *sourceFile, int line) {
480 Matmul<false>{}(result, x, y, sourceFile, line);
484} // extern "C"
485} // namespace Fortran::runtime

source code of flang/runtime/matmul.cpp