1// clang-format off
2// REQUIRES: lld, x86
4// Test various interesting cases for AST reconstruction.
5// RUN: %clang_cl --target=x86_64-windows-msvc -Od -Z7 \
6// RUN: -Xclang -fkeep-static-consts -c /Fo%t.obj -- %s
7// RUN: lld-link -debug:full -nodefaultlib -entry:main %t.obj -out:%t.exe -pdb:%t.pdb
8// RUN: env LLDB_USE_NATIVE_PDB_READER=1 %lldb -f %t.exe -s \
9// RUN: %p/Inputs/nested-types.lldbinit 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
11struct S {
12 struct NestedStruct {
13 int A = 0;
14 int B = 1;
15 };
17 enum class NestedEnum {
18 EnumValue1 = 0,
19 EnumValue2 = 1,
20 };
21 int C = 2;
22 int D = 3;
23 using VoidPtrT = void *;
24 VoidPtrT DD = nullptr;
26struct T {
27 using NestedTypedef = int;
28 using NestedTypedef2 = S;
30 struct NestedStruct {
31 int E = 4;
32 int F = 5;
33 };
35 using NestedStructAlias = NestedStruct;
36 using NST = S::NestedStruct;
38 NestedTypedef NT = 4;
40 using U = struct {
41 int G = 6;
42 int H = 7;
43 };
46template<typename Param>
47class U {
49 // See llvm.org/pr39607. clang-cl currently doesn't emit an important debug
50 // info record for nested template instantiations, so we can't reconstruct
51 // a proper DeclContext hierarchy for these. As such, U<X>::V<Y> will show up
52 // in the global namespace.
53 template<typename Param>
54 struct V {
55 Param I = 8;
56 Param J = 9;
58 using W = T::NestedTypedef;
59 using X = U<int>;
60 };
62 struct W {
63 Param M = 12;
64 Param N = 13;
65 };
66 Param K = 10;
67 Param L = 11;
68 using Y = V<int>;
69 using Z = V<T>;
72constexpr S GlobalA;
73constexpr S::NestedStruct GlobalB;
74constexpr T GlobalC;
75constexpr T::NestedStruct GlobalD;
76constexpr T::U GlobalE;
77constexpr U<int> GlobalF;
78constexpr U<int>::V<int> GlobalG;
79constexpr U<int>::W GlobalH;
80constexpr S::NestedEnum GlobalEnum = S::NestedEnum::EnumValue1;
83int main(int argc, char **argv) {
84 return 0;
89// CHECK: (lldb) target variable -T GlobalA
90// CHECK: (const S) GlobalA = {
91// CHECK: (int) C = 2
92// CHECK: (int) D = 3
93// CHECK: (void *) DD = 0x00000000
94// CHECK: }
95// CHECK: (lldb) target variable -T GlobalB
96// CHECK: (const S::NestedStruct) GlobalB = {
97// CHECK: (int) A = 0
98// CHECK: (int) B = 1
99// CHECK: }
100// CHECK: (lldb) target variable -T GlobalC
101// CHECK: (const T) GlobalC = {
102// CHECK: (int) NT = 4
103// CHECK: }
104// CHECK: (lldb) target variable -T GlobalD
105// CHECK: (const T::NestedStruct) GlobalD = {
106// CHECK: (int) E = 4
107// CHECK: (int) F = 5
108// CHECK: }
109// CHECK: (lldb) target variable -T GlobalE
110// CHECK: (const T::U) GlobalE = {
111// CHECK: (int) G = 6
112// CHECK: (int) H = 7
113// CHECK: }
114// CHECK: (lldb) target variable -T GlobalF
115// CHECK: (const U<int>) GlobalF = {
116// CHECK: (int) K = 10
117// CHECK: (int) L = 11
118// CHECK: }
119// CHECK: (lldb) target variable -T GlobalG
120// CHECK: (const U<int>::V<int>) GlobalG = {
121// CHECK: (int) I = 8
122// CHECK: (int) J = 9
123// CHECK: }
124// CHECK: (lldb) target variable -T GlobalEnum
125// CHECK: (const S::NestedEnum) GlobalEnum = EnumValue1
126// CHECK: (lldb) target modules dump ast
127// CHECK: Dumping clang ast for 1 modules.
128// CHECK: TranslationUnitDecl {{.*}}
129// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct S definition
130// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} C 'int'
131// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} D 'int'
132// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} DD 'void *'
133// CHECK: | |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct NestedStruct definition
134// CHECK: | | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} A 'int'
135// CHECK: | | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} B 'int'
136// CHECK: | `-EnumDecl {{.*}} NestedEnum
137// CHECK: | |-EnumConstantDecl {{.*}} EnumValue1 'S::NestedEnum'
138// CHECK: | `-EnumConstantDecl {{.*}} EnumValue2 'S::NestedEnum'
139// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct T definition
140// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} NT 'int'
141// CHECK: | |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct NestedStruct definition
142// CHECK: | | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} E 'int'
143// CHECK: | | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} F 'int'
144// CHECK: | `-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct U definition
145// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} G 'int'
146// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} H 'int'
147// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} class U<int> definition
148// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} K 'int'
149// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} L 'int'
150// CHECK: | `-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct W definition
151// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} M 'int'
152// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} N 'int'
153// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct U<int>::V<int> definition
154// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} I 'int'
155// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} J 'int'

source code of lldb/test/Shell/SymbolFile/NativePDB/nested-types.cpp