1//===- SparsePropagation.cpp - Unit tests for the generic solver ----------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "llvm/Analysis/SparsePropagation.h"
10#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
11#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
12#include "gtest/gtest.h"
13using namespace llvm;
15namespace {
16/// To enable interprocedural analysis, we assign LLVM values to the following
17/// groups. The register group represents SSA registers, the return group
18/// represents the return values of functions, and the memory group represents
19/// in-memory values. An LLVM Value can technically be in more than one group.
20/// It's necessary to distinguish these groups so we can, for example, track a
21/// global variable separately from the value stored at its location.
22enum class IPOGrouping { Register, Return, Memory };
24/// Our LatticeKeys are PointerIntPairs composed of LLVM values and groupings.
25/// The PointerIntPair header provides a DenseMapInfo specialization, so using
26/// these as LatticeKeys is fine.
27using TestLatticeKey = PointerIntPair<Value *, 2, IPOGrouping>;
28} // namespace
30namespace llvm {
31/// A specialization of LatticeKeyInfo for TestLatticeKeys. The generic solver
32/// must translate between LatticeKeys and LLVM Values when adding Values to
33/// its work list and inspecting the state of control-flow related values.
34template <> struct LatticeKeyInfo<TestLatticeKey> {
35 static inline Value *getValueFromLatticeKey(TestLatticeKey Key) {
36 return Key.getPointer();
37 }
38 static inline TestLatticeKey getLatticeKeyFromValue(Value *V) {
39 return TestLatticeKey(V, IPOGrouping::Register);
40 }
42} // namespace llvm
44namespace {
45/// This class defines a simple test lattice value that could be used for
46/// solving problems similar to constant propagation. The value is maintained
47/// as a PointerIntPair.
48class TestLatticeVal {
50 /// The states of the lattices value. Only the ConstantVal state is
51 /// interesting; the rest are special states used by the generic solver. The
52 /// UntrackedVal state differs from the other three in that the generic
53 /// solver uses it to avoid doing unnecessary work. In particular, when a
54 /// value moves to the UntrackedVal state, it's users are not notified.
55 enum TestLatticeStateTy {
56 UndefinedVal,
57 ConstantVal,
58 OverdefinedVal,
59 UntrackedVal
60 };
62 TestLatticeVal() : LatticeVal(nullptr, UndefinedVal) {}
63 TestLatticeVal(Constant *C, TestLatticeStateTy State)
64 : LatticeVal(C, State) {}
66 /// Return true if this lattice value is in the Constant state. This is used
67 /// for checking the solver results.
68 bool isConstant() const { return LatticeVal.getInt() == ConstantVal; }
70 /// Return true if this lattice value is in the Overdefined state. This is
71 /// used for checking the solver results.
72 bool isOverdefined() const { return LatticeVal.getInt() == OverdefinedVal; }
74 bool operator==(const TestLatticeVal &RHS) const {
75 return LatticeVal == RHS.LatticeVal;
76 }
78 bool operator!=(const TestLatticeVal &RHS) const {
79 return LatticeVal != RHS.LatticeVal;
80 }
83 /// A simple lattice value type for problems similar to constant propagation.
84 /// It holds the constant value and the lattice state.
85 PointerIntPair<const Constant *, 2, TestLatticeStateTy> LatticeVal;
88/// This class defines a simple test lattice function that could be used for
89/// solving problems similar to constant propagation. The test lattice differs
90/// from a "real" lattice in a few ways. First, it initializes all return
91/// values, values stored in global variables, and arguments in the undefined
92/// state. This means that there are no limitations on what we can track
93/// interprocedurally. For simplicity, all global values in the tests will be
94/// given internal linkage, since this is not something this lattice function
95/// tracks. Second, it only handles the few instructions necessary for the
96/// tests.
97class TestLatticeFunc
98 : public AbstractLatticeFunction<TestLatticeKey, TestLatticeVal> {
100 /// Construct a new test lattice function with special values for the
101 /// Undefined, Overdefined, and Untracked states.
102 TestLatticeFunc()
103 : AbstractLatticeFunction(
104 TestLatticeVal(nullptr, TestLatticeVal::UndefinedVal),
105 TestLatticeVal(nullptr, TestLatticeVal::OverdefinedVal),
106 TestLatticeVal(nullptr, TestLatticeVal::UntrackedVal)) {}
108 /// Compute and return a TestLatticeVal for the given TestLatticeKey. For the
109 /// test analysis, a LatticeKey will begin in the undefined state, unless it
110 /// represents an LLVM Constant in the register grouping.
111 TestLatticeVal ComputeLatticeVal(TestLatticeKey Key) override {
112 if (Key.getInt() == IPOGrouping::Register)
113 if (auto *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(Val: Key.getPointer()))
114 return TestLatticeVal(C, TestLatticeVal::ConstantVal);
115 return getUndefVal();
116 }
118 /// Merge the two given lattice values. This merge should be equivalent to
119 /// what is done for constant propagation. That is, the resulting lattice
120 /// value is constant only if the two given lattice values are constant and
121 /// hold the same value.
122 TestLatticeVal MergeValues(TestLatticeVal X, TestLatticeVal Y) override {
123 if (X == getUntrackedVal() || Y == getUntrackedVal())
124 return getUntrackedVal();
125 if (X == getOverdefinedVal() || Y == getOverdefinedVal())
126 return getOverdefinedVal();
127 if (X == getUndefVal() && Y == getUndefVal())
128 return getUndefVal();
129 if (X == getUndefVal())
130 return Y;
131 if (Y == getUndefVal())
132 return X;
133 if (X == Y)
134 return X;
135 return getOverdefinedVal();
136 }
138 /// Compute the lattice values that change as a result of executing the given
139 /// instruction. We only handle the few instructions needed for the tests.
140 void ComputeInstructionState(
141 Instruction &I, DenseMap<TestLatticeKey, TestLatticeVal> &ChangedValues,
142 SparseSolver<TestLatticeKey, TestLatticeVal> &SS) override {
143 switch (I.getOpcode()) {
144 case Instruction::Call:
145 return visitCallBase(I&: cast<CallBase>(Val&: I), ChangedValues, SS);
146 case Instruction::Ret:
147 return visitReturn(I&: *cast<ReturnInst>(Val: &I), ChangedValues, SS);
148 case Instruction::Store:
149 return visitStore(I&: *cast<StoreInst>(Val: &I), ChangedValues, SS);
150 default:
151 return visitInst(I, ChangedValues, SS);
152 }
153 }
156 /// Handle call sites. The state of a called function's argument is the merge
157 /// of the current formal argument state with the call site's corresponding
158 /// actual argument state. The call site state is the merge of the call site
159 /// state with the returned value state of the called function.
160 void visitCallBase(CallBase &I,
161 DenseMap<TestLatticeKey, TestLatticeVal> &ChangedValues,
162 SparseSolver<TestLatticeKey, TestLatticeVal> &SS) {
163 Function *F = I.getCalledFunction();
164 auto RegI = TestLatticeKey(&I, IPOGrouping::Register);
165 if (!F) {
166 ChangedValues[RegI] = getOverdefinedVal();
167 return;
168 }
169 SS.MarkBlockExecutable(BB: &F->front());
170 for (Argument &A : F->args()) {
171 auto RegFormal = TestLatticeKey(&A, IPOGrouping::Register);
172 auto RegActual =
173 TestLatticeKey(I.getArgOperand(i: A.getArgNo()), IPOGrouping::Register);
174 ChangedValues[RegFormal] =
175 MergeValues(X: SS.getValueState(Key: RegFormal), Y: SS.getValueState(Key: RegActual));
176 }
177 auto RetF = TestLatticeKey(F, IPOGrouping::Return);
178 ChangedValues[RegI] =
179 MergeValues(X: SS.getValueState(Key: RegI), Y: SS.getValueState(Key: RetF));
180 }
182 /// Handle return instructions. The function's return state is the merge of
183 /// the returned value state and the function's current return state.
184 void visitReturn(ReturnInst &I,
185 DenseMap<TestLatticeKey, TestLatticeVal> &ChangedValues,
186 SparseSolver<TestLatticeKey, TestLatticeVal> &SS) {
187 Function *F = I.getParent()->getParent();
188 if (F->getReturnType()->isVoidTy())
189 return;
190 auto RegR = TestLatticeKey(I.getReturnValue(), IPOGrouping::Register);
191 auto RetF = TestLatticeKey(F, IPOGrouping::Return);
192 ChangedValues[RetF] =
193 MergeValues(X: SS.getValueState(Key: RegR), Y: SS.getValueState(Key: RetF));
194 }
196 /// Handle store instructions. If the pointer operand of the store is a
197 /// global variable, we attempt to track the value. The global variable state
198 /// is the merge of the stored value state with the current global variable
199 /// state.
200 void visitStore(StoreInst &I,
201 DenseMap<TestLatticeKey, TestLatticeVal> &ChangedValues,
202 SparseSolver<TestLatticeKey, TestLatticeVal> &SS) {
203 auto *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(Val: I.getPointerOperand());
204 if (!GV)
205 return;
206 auto RegVal = TestLatticeKey(I.getValueOperand(), IPOGrouping::Register);
207 auto MemPtr = TestLatticeKey(GV, IPOGrouping::Memory);
208 ChangedValues[MemPtr] =
209 MergeValues(X: SS.getValueState(Key: RegVal), Y: SS.getValueState(Key: MemPtr));
210 }
212 /// Handle all other instructions. All other instructions are marked
213 /// overdefined.
214 void visitInst(Instruction &I,
215 DenseMap<TestLatticeKey, TestLatticeVal> &ChangedValues,
216 SparseSolver<TestLatticeKey, TestLatticeVal> &SS) {
217 auto RegI = TestLatticeKey(&I, IPOGrouping::Register);
218 ChangedValues[RegI] = getOverdefinedVal();
219 }
222/// This class defines the common data used for all of the tests. The tests
223/// should add code to the module and then run the solver.
224class SparsePropagationTest : public testing::Test {
226 LLVMContext Context;
227 Module M;
228 IRBuilder<> Builder;
229 TestLatticeFunc Lattice;
230 SparseSolver<TestLatticeKey, TestLatticeVal> Solver;
233 SparsePropagationTest()
234 : M("", Context), Builder(Context), Solver(&Lattice) {}
236} // namespace
238/// Test that we mark discovered functions executable.
240/// define internal void @f() {
241/// call void @g()
242/// ret void
243/// }
245/// define internal void @g() {
246/// call void @f()
247/// ret void
248/// }
250/// For this test, we initially mark "f" executable, and the solver discovers
251/// "g" because of the call in "f". The mutually recursive call in "g" also
252/// tests that we don't add a block to the basic block work list if it is
253/// already executable. Doing so would put the solver into an infinite loop.
254TEST_F(SparsePropagationTest, MarkBlockExecutable) {
255 Function *F = Function::Create(Ty: FunctionType::get(Result: Builder.getVoidTy(), isVarArg: false),
256 Linkage: GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, N: "f", M: &M);
257 Function *G = Function::Create(Ty: FunctionType::get(Result: Builder.getVoidTy(), isVarArg: false),
258 Linkage: GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, N: "g", M: &M);
259 BasicBlock *FEntry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "", Parent: F);
260 BasicBlock *GEntry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "", Parent: G);
261 Builder.SetInsertPoint(FEntry);
262 Builder.CreateCall(Callee: G);
263 Builder.CreateRetVoid();
264 Builder.SetInsertPoint(GEntry);
265 Builder.CreateCall(Callee: F);
266 Builder.CreateRetVoid();
268 Solver.MarkBlockExecutable(BB: FEntry);
269 Solver.Solve();
271 EXPECT_TRUE(Solver.isBlockExecutable(GEntry));
274/// Test that we propagate information through global variables.
276/// @gv = internal global i64
278/// define internal void @f() {
279/// store i64 1, i64* @gv
280/// ret void
281/// }
283/// define internal void @g() {
284/// store i64 1, i64* @gv
285/// ret void
286/// }
288/// For this test, we initially mark both "f" and "g" executable, and the
289/// solver computes the lattice state of the global variable as constant.
290TEST_F(SparsePropagationTest, GlobalVariableConstant) {
291 Function *F = Function::Create(Ty: FunctionType::get(Result: Builder.getVoidTy(), isVarArg: false),
292 Linkage: GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, N: "f", M: &M);
293 Function *G = Function::Create(Ty: FunctionType::get(Result: Builder.getVoidTy(), isVarArg: false),
294 Linkage: GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, N: "g", M: &M);
295 GlobalVariable *GV =
296 new GlobalVariable(M, Builder.getInt64Ty(), false,
297 GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, nullptr, "gv");
298 BasicBlock *FEntry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "", Parent: F);
299 BasicBlock *GEntry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "", Parent: G);
300 Builder.SetInsertPoint(FEntry);
301 Builder.CreateStore(Val: Builder.getInt64(C: 1), Ptr: GV);
302 Builder.CreateRetVoid();
303 Builder.SetInsertPoint(GEntry);
304 Builder.CreateStore(Val: Builder.getInt64(C: 1), Ptr: GV);
305 Builder.CreateRetVoid();
307 Solver.MarkBlockExecutable(BB: FEntry);
308 Solver.MarkBlockExecutable(BB: GEntry);
309 Solver.Solve();
311 auto MemGV = TestLatticeKey(GV, IPOGrouping::Memory);
312 EXPECT_TRUE(Solver.getExistingValueState(MemGV).isConstant());
315/// Test that we propagate information through global variables.
317/// @gv = internal global i64
319/// define internal void @f() {
320/// store i64 0, i64* @gv
321/// ret void
322/// }
324/// define internal void @g() {
325/// store i64 1, i64* @gv
326/// ret void
327/// }
329/// For this test, we initially mark both "f" and "g" executable, and the
330/// solver computes the lattice state of the global variable as overdefined.
331TEST_F(SparsePropagationTest, GlobalVariableOverDefined) {
332 Function *F = Function::Create(Ty: FunctionType::get(Result: Builder.getVoidTy(), isVarArg: false),
333 Linkage: GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, N: "f", M: &M);
334 Function *G = Function::Create(Ty: FunctionType::get(Result: Builder.getVoidTy(), isVarArg: false),
335 Linkage: GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, N: "g", M: &M);
336 GlobalVariable *GV =
337 new GlobalVariable(M, Builder.getInt64Ty(), false,
338 GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, nullptr, "gv");
339 BasicBlock *FEntry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "", Parent: F);
340 BasicBlock *GEntry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "", Parent: G);
341 Builder.SetInsertPoint(FEntry);
342 Builder.CreateStore(Val: Builder.getInt64(C: 0), Ptr: GV);
343 Builder.CreateRetVoid();
344 Builder.SetInsertPoint(GEntry);
345 Builder.CreateStore(Val: Builder.getInt64(C: 1), Ptr: GV);
346 Builder.CreateRetVoid();
348 Solver.MarkBlockExecutable(BB: FEntry);
349 Solver.MarkBlockExecutable(BB: GEntry);
350 Solver.Solve();
352 auto MemGV = TestLatticeKey(GV, IPOGrouping::Memory);
353 EXPECT_TRUE(Solver.getExistingValueState(MemGV).isOverdefined());
356/// Test that we propagate information through function returns.
358/// define internal i64 @f(i1* %cond) {
359/// if:
360/// %0 = load i1, i1* %cond
361/// br i1 %0, label %then, label %else
363/// then:
364/// ret i64 1
366/// else:
367/// ret i64 1
368/// }
370/// For this test, we initially mark "f" executable, and the solver computes
371/// the return value of the function as constant.
372TEST_F(SparsePropagationTest, FunctionDefined) {
373 Function *F =
374 Function::Create(Ty: FunctionType::get(Result: Builder.getInt64Ty(),
375 Params: {PointerType::get(C&: Context, AddressSpace: 0)}, isVarArg: false),
376 Linkage: GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, N: "f", M: &M);
377 BasicBlock *If = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "if", Parent: F);
378 BasicBlock *Then = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "then", Parent: F);
379 BasicBlock *Else = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "else", Parent: F);
380 F->arg_begin()->setName("cond");
381 Builder.SetInsertPoint(If);
382 LoadInst *Cond = Builder.CreateLoad(Ty: Type::getInt1Ty(C&: Context), Ptr: F->arg_begin());
383 Builder.CreateCondBr(Cond, True: Then, False: Else);
384 Builder.SetInsertPoint(Then);
385 Builder.CreateRet(V: Builder.getInt64(C: 1));
386 Builder.SetInsertPoint(Else);
387 Builder.CreateRet(V: Builder.getInt64(C: 1));
389 Solver.MarkBlockExecutable(BB: If);
390 Solver.Solve();
392 auto RetF = TestLatticeKey(F, IPOGrouping::Return);
393 EXPECT_TRUE(Solver.getExistingValueState(RetF).isConstant());
396/// Test that we propagate information through function returns.
398/// define internal i64 @f(i1* %cond) {
399/// if:
400/// %0 = load i1, i1* %cond
401/// br i1 %0, label %then, label %else
403/// then:
404/// ret i64 0
406/// else:
407/// ret i64 1
408/// }
410/// For this test, we initially mark "f" executable, and the solver computes
411/// the return value of the function as overdefined.
412TEST_F(SparsePropagationTest, FunctionOverDefined) {
413 Function *F =
414 Function::Create(Ty: FunctionType::get(Result: Builder.getInt64Ty(),
415 Params: {PointerType::get(C&: Context, AddressSpace: 0)}, isVarArg: false),
416 Linkage: GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, N: "f", M: &M);
417 BasicBlock *If = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "if", Parent: F);
418 BasicBlock *Then = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "then", Parent: F);
419 BasicBlock *Else = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "else", Parent: F);
420 F->arg_begin()->setName("cond");
421 Builder.SetInsertPoint(If);
422 LoadInst *Cond = Builder.CreateLoad(Ty: Type::getInt1Ty(C&: Context), Ptr: F->arg_begin());
423 Builder.CreateCondBr(Cond, True: Then, False: Else);
424 Builder.SetInsertPoint(Then);
425 Builder.CreateRet(V: Builder.getInt64(C: 0));
426 Builder.SetInsertPoint(Else);
427 Builder.CreateRet(V: Builder.getInt64(C: 1));
429 Solver.MarkBlockExecutable(BB: If);
430 Solver.Solve();
432 auto RetF = TestLatticeKey(F, IPOGrouping::Return);
433 EXPECT_TRUE(Solver.getExistingValueState(RetF).isOverdefined());
436/// Test that we propagate information through arguments.
438/// define internal void @f() {
439/// call void @g(i64 0, i64 1)
440/// call void @g(i64 1, i64 1)
441/// ret void
442/// }
444/// define internal void @g(i64 %a, i64 %b) {
445/// ret void
446/// }
448/// For this test, we initially mark "f" executable, and the solver discovers
449/// "g" because of the calls in "f". The solver computes the state of argument
450/// "a" as overdefined and the state of "b" as constant.
452/// In addition, this test demonstrates that ComputeInstructionState can alter
453/// the state of multiple lattice values, in addition to the one associated
454/// with the instruction definition. Each call instruction in this test updates
455/// the state of arguments "a" and "b".
456TEST_F(SparsePropagationTest, ComputeInstructionState) {
457 Function *F = Function::Create(Ty: FunctionType::get(Result: Builder.getVoidTy(), isVarArg: false),
458 Linkage: GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, N: "f", M: &M);
459 Function *G = Function::Create(
460 Ty: FunctionType::get(Result: Builder.getVoidTy(),
461 Params: {Builder.getInt64Ty(), Builder.getInt64Ty()}, isVarArg: false),
462 Linkage: GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, N: "g", M: &M);
463 Argument *A = G->arg_begin();
464 Argument *B = std::next(x: G->arg_begin());
465 A->setName("a");
466 B->setName("b");
467 BasicBlock *FEntry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "", Parent: F);
468 BasicBlock *GEntry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "", Parent: G);
469 Builder.SetInsertPoint(FEntry);
470 Builder.CreateCall(Callee: G, Args: {Builder.getInt64(C: 0), Builder.getInt64(C: 1)});
471 Builder.CreateCall(Callee: G, Args: {Builder.getInt64(C: 1), Builder.getInt64(C: 1)});
472 Builder.CreateRetVoid();
473 Builder.SetInsertPoint(GEntry);
474 Builder.CreateRetVoid();
476 Solver.MarkBlockExecutable(BB: FEntry);
477 Solver.Solve();
479 auto RegA = TestLatticeKey(A, IPOGrouping::Register);
480 auto RegB = TestLatticeKey(B, IPOGrouping::Register);
481 EXPECT_TRUE(Solver.getExistingValueState(RegA).isOverdefined());
482 EXPECT_TRUE(Solver.getExistingValueState(RegB).isConstant());
485/// Test that we can handle exceptional terminator instructions.
487/// declare internal void @p()
489/// declare internal void @g()
491/// define internal void @f() personality ptr @p {
492/// entry:
493/// invoke void @g()
494/// to label %exit unwind label %catch.pad
496/// catch.pad:
497/// %0 = catchswitch within none [label %catch.body] unwind to caller
499/// catch.body:
500/// %1 = catchpad within %0 []
501/// catchret from %1 to label %exit
503/// exit:
504/// ret void
505/// }
507/// For this test, we initially mark the entry block executable. The solver
508/// then discovers the rest of the blocks in the function are executable.
509TEST_F(SparsePropagationTest, ExceptionalTerminatorInsts) {
510 Function *P = Function::Create(Ty: FunctionType::get(Result: Builder.getVoidTy(), isVarArg: false),
511 Linkage: GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, N: "p", M: &M);
512 Function *G = Function::Create(Ty: FunctionType::get(Result: Builder.getVoidTy(), isVarArg: false),
513 Linkage: GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, N: "g", M: &M);
514 Function *F = Function::Create(Ty: FunctionType::get(Result: Builder.getVoidTy(), isVarArg: false),
515 Linkage: GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, N: "f", M: &M);
516 F->setPersonalityFn(P);
517 BasicBlock *Entry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "entry", Parent: F);
518 BasicBlock *Pad = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "catch.pad", Parent: F);
519 BasicBlock *Body = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "catch.body", Parent: F);
520 BasicBlock *Exit = BasicBlock::Create(Context, Name: "exit", Parent: F);
521 Builder.SetInsertPoint(Entry);
522 Builder.CreateInvoke(Callee: G, NormalDest: Exit, UnwindDest: Pad);
523 Builder.SetInsertPoint(Pad);
524 CatchSwitchInst *CatchSwitch =
525 Builder.CreateCatchSwitch(ParentPad: ConstantTokenNone::get(Context), UnwindBB: nullptr, NumHandlers: 1);
526 CatchSwitch->addHandler(Dest: Body);
527 Builder.SetInsertPoint(Body);
528 CatchPadInst *CatchPad = Builder.CreateCatchPad(ParentPad: CatchSwitch, Args: {});
529 Builder.CreateCatchRet(CatchPad, BB: Exit);
530 Builder.SetInsertPoint(Exit);
531 Builder.CreateRetVoid();
533 Solver.MarkBlockExecutable(BB: Entry);
534 Solver.Solve();
536 EXPECT_TRUE(Solver.isBlockExecutable(Pad));
537 EXPECT_TRUE(Solver.isBlockExecutable(Body));
538 EXPECT_TRUE(Solver.isBlockExecutable(Exit));

source code of llvm/unittests/Analysis/SparsePropagation.cpp