1//===- Matrix.h - MLIR Matrix Class -----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This is a simple 2D matrix class that supports reading, writing, resizing,
10// swapping rows, and swapping columns. It can hold integers (MPInt) or rational
11// numbers (Fraction).
18#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/Fraction.h"
19#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
20#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
21#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
23#include <bitset>
24#include <cassert>
26namespace mlir {
27namespace presburger {
29/// This is a class to represent a resizable matrix.
31/// More columns and rows can be reserved than are currently used. The data is
32/// stored as a single 1D array, viewed as a 2D matrix with nRows rows and
33/// nReservedColumns columns, stored in row major form. Thus the element at
34/// (i, j) is stored at data[i*nReservedColumns + j]. The reserved but unused
35/// columns always have all zero values. The reserved rows are just reserved
36/// space in the underlying SmallVector's capacity.
37/// This class only works for the types MPInt and Fraction, since the method
38/// implementations are in the Matrix.cpp file. Only these two types have
39/// been explicitly instantiated there.
40template <typename T>
41class Matrix {
42 static_assert(std::is_same_v<T, MPInt> || std::is_same_v<T, Fraction>,
43 "T must be MPInt or Fraction.");
46 Matrix() = delete;
48 /// Construct a matrix with the specified number of rows and columns.
49 /// The number of reserved rows and columns will be at least the number
50 /// specified, and will always be sufficient to accomodate the number of rows
51 /// and columns specified.
52 ///
53 /// Initially, the entries are initialized to ero.
54 Matrix(unsigned rows, unsigned columns, unsigned reservedRows = 0,
55 unsigned reservedColumns = 0);
57 /// Return the identity matrix of the specified dimension.
58 static Matrix identity(unsigned dimension);
60 /// Access the element at the specified row and column.
61 T &at(unsigned row, unsigned column) {
62 assert(row < nRows && "Row outside of range");
63 assert(column < nColumns && "Column outside of range");
64 return data[row * nReservedColumns + column];
65 }
67 T at(unsigned row, unsigned column) const {
68 assert(row < nRows && "Row outside of range");
69 assert(column < nColumns && "Column outside of range");
70 return data[row * nReservedColumns + column];
71 }
73 T &operator()(unsigned row, unsigned column) { return at(row, column); }
75 T operator()(unsigned row, unsigned column) const { return at(row, column); }
77 bool operator==(const Matrix<T> &m) const;
79 /// Swap the given columns.
80 void swapColumns(unsigned column, unsigned otherColumn);
82 /// Swap the given rows.
83 void swapRows(unsigned row, unsigned otherRow);
85 unsigned getNumRows() const { return nRows; }
87 unsigned getNumColumns() const { return nColumns; }
89 /// Return the maximum number of rows/columns that can be added without
90 /// incurring a reallocation.
91 unsigned getNumReservedRows() const;
92 unsigned getNumReservedColumns() const { return nReservedColumns; }
94 /// Reserve enough space to resize to the specified number of rows without
95 /// reallocations.
96 void reserveRows(unsigned rows);
98 /// Get a [Mutable]ArrayRef corresponding to the specified row.
99 MutableArrayRef<T> getRow(unsigned row);
100 ArrayRef<T> getRow(unsigned row) const;
102 /// Set the specified row to `elems`.
103 void setRow(unsigned row, ArrayRef<T> elems);
105 /// Insert columns having positions pos, pos + 1, ... pos + count - 1.
106 /// Columns that were at positions 0 to pos - 1 will stay where they are;
107 /// columns that were at positions pos to nColumns - 1 will be pushed to the
108 /// right. pos should be at most nColumns.
109 void insertColumns(unsigned pos, unsigned count);
110 void insertColumn(unsigned pos);
112 /// Insert rows having positions pos, pos + 1, ... pos + count - 1.
113 /// Rows that were at positions 0 to pos - 1 will stay where they are;
114 /// rows that were at positions pos to nColumns - 1 will be pushed to the
115 /// right. pos should be at most nRows.
116 void insertRows(unsigned pos, unsigned count);
117 void insertRow(unsigned pos);
119 /// Remove the columns having positions pos, pos + 1, ... pos + count - 1.
120 /// Rows that were at positions 0 to pos - 1 will stay where they are;
121 /// columns that were at positions pos + count - 1 or later will be pushed to
122 /// the right. The columns to be deleted must be valid rows: pos + count - 1
123 /// must be at most nColumns - 1.
124 void removeColumns(unsigned pos, unsigned count);
125 void removeColumn(unsigned pos);
127 /// Remove the rows having positions pos, pos + 1, ... pos + count - 1.
128 /// Rows that were at positions 0 to pos - 1 will stay where they are;
129 /// rows that were at positions pos + count - 1 or later will be pushed to the
130 /// right. The rows to be deleted must be valid rows: pos + count - 1 must be
131 /// at most nRows - 1.
132 void removeRows(unsigned pos, unsigned count);
133 void removeRow(unsigned pos);
135 void copyRow(unsigned sourceRow, unsigned targetRow);
137 void fillRow(unsigned row, const T &value);
138 void fillRow(unsigned row, int64_t value) { fillRow(row, T(value)); }
140 /// Add `scale` multiples of the source row to the target row.
141 void addToRow(unsigned sourceRow, unsigned targetRow, const T &scale);
142 void addToRow(unsigned sourceRow, unsigned targetRow, int64_t scale) {
143 addToRow(sourceRow, targetRow, T(scale));
144 }
145 /// Add `scale` multiples of the rowVec row to the specified row.
146 void addToRow(unsigned row, ArrayRef<T> rowVec, const T &scale);
148 /// Multiply the specified row by a factor of `scale`.
149 void scaleRow(unsigned row, const T &scale);
151 /// Add `scale` multiples of the source column to the target column.
152 void addToColumn(unsigned sourceColumn, unsigned targetColumn,
153 const T &scale);
154 void addToColumn(unsigned sourceColumn, unsigned targetColumn,
155 int64_t scale) {
156 addToColumn(sourceColumn, targetColumn, T(scale));
157 }
159 /// Negate the specified column.
160 void negateColumn(unsigned column);
162 /// Negate the specified row.
163 void negateRow(unsigned row);
165 /// Negate the entire matrix.
166 void negateMatrix();
168 /// The given vector is interpreted as a row vector v. Post-multiply v with
169 /// this matrix, say M, and return vM.
170 SmallVector<T, 8> preMultiplyWithRow(ArrayRef<T> rowVec) const;
172 /// The given vector is interpreted as a column vector v. Pre-multiply v with
173 /// this matrix, say M, and return Mv.
174 SmallVector<T, 8> postMultiplyWithColumn(ArrayRef<T> colVec) const;
176 /// Resize the matrix to the specified dimensions. If a dimension is smaller,
177 /// the values are truncated; if it is bigger, the new values are initialized
178 /// to zero.
179 ///
180 /// Due to the representation of the matrix, resizing vertically (adding rows)
181 /// is less expensive than increasing the number of columns beyond
182 /// nReservedColumns.
183 void resize(unsigned newNRows, unsigned newNColumns);
184 void resizeHorizontally(unsigned newNColumns);
185 void resizeVertically(unsigned newNRows);
187 /// Add an extra row at the bottom of the matrix and return its position.
188 unsigned appendExtraRow();
189 /// Same as above, but copy the given elements into the row. The length of
190 /// `elems` must be equal to the number of columns.
191 unsigned appendExtraRow(ArrayRef<T> elems);
193 // Transpose the matrix without modifying it.
194 Matrix<T> transpose() const;
196 // Copy the cells in the intersection of
197 // the rows between `fromRows` and `toRows` and
198 // the columns between `fromColumns` and `toColumns`, both inclusive.
199 Matrix<T> getSubMatrix(unsigned fromRow, unsigned toRow, unsigned fromColumn,
200 unsigned toColumn) const;
202 /// Split the rows of a matrix into two matrices according to which bits are
203 /// 1 and which are 0 in a given bitset.
204 ///
205 /// The first matrix returned has the rows corresponding to 1 and the second
206 /// corresponding to 2.
207 std::pair<Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>> splitByBitset(ArrayRef<int> indicator);
209 /// Print the matrix.
210 void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
211 void dump() const;
213 /// Return whether the Matrix is in a consistent state with all its
214 /// invariants satisfied.
215 bool hasConsistentState() const;
217 /// Move the columns in the source range [srcPos, srcPos + num) to the
218 /// specified destination [dstPos, dstPos + num), while moving the columns
219 /// adjacent to the source range to the left/right of the shifted columns.
220 ///
221 /// When moving the source columns right (i.e. dstPos > srcPos), columns that
222 /// were at positions [0, srcPos) and [dstPos + num, nCols) will stay where
223 /// they are; columns that were at positions [srcPos, srcPos + num) will be
224 /// moved to [dstPos, dstPos + num); and columns that were at positions
225 /// [srcPos + num, dstPos + num) will be moved to [srcPos, dstPos).
226 /// Equivalently, the columns [srcPos + num, dstPos + num) are interchanged
227 /// with [srcPos, srcPos + num).
228 /// For example, if m = |0 1 2 3 4 5| then:
229 /// m.moveColumns(1, 3, 2) will result in m = |0 4 1 2 3 5|; or
230 /// m.moveColumns(1, 2, 4) will result in m = |0 3 4 5 1 2|.
231 ///
232 /// The left shift operation (i.e. dstPos < srcPos) works in a similar way.
233 void moveColumns(unsigned srcPos, unsigned num, unsigned dstPos);
236 /// The current number of rows, columns, and reserved columns. The underlying
237 /// data vector is viewed as an nRows x nReservedColumns matrix, of which the
238 /// first nColumns columns are currently in use, and the remaining are
239 /// reserved columns filled with zeros.
240 unsigned nRows, nColumns, nReservedColumns;
242 /// Stores the data. data.size() is equal to nRows * nReservedColumns.
243 /// data.capacity() / nReservedColumns is the number of reserved rows.
244 SmallVector<T, 16> data;
247extern template class Matrix<MPInt>;
248extern template class Matrix<Fraction>;
250// An inherited class for integer matrices, with no new data attributes.
251// This is only used for the matrix-related methods which apply only
252// to integers (hermite normal form computation and row normalisation).
253class IntMatrix : public Matrix<MPInt> {
255 IntMatrix(unsigned rows, unsigned columns, unsigned reservedRows = 0,
256 unsigned reservedColumns = 0)
257 : Matrix<MPInt>(rows, columns, reservedRows, reservedColumns){};
259 IntMatrix(Matrix<MPInt> m) : Matrix<MPInt>(std::move(m)){};
261 /// Return the identity matrix of the specified dimension.
262 static IntMatrix identity(unsigned dimension);
264 /// Given the current matrix M, returns the matrices H, U such that H is the
265 /// column hermite normal form of M, i.e. H = M * U, where U is unimodular and
266 /// the matrix H has the following restrictions:
267 /// - H is lower triangular.
268 /// - The leading coefficient (the first non-zero entry from the top, called
269 /// the pivot) of a non-zero column is always strictly below of the leading
270 /// coefficient of the column before it; moreover, it is positive.
271 /// - The elements to the right of the pivots are zero and the elements to
272 /// the left of the pivots are nonnegative and strictly smaller than the
273 /// pivot.
274 std::pair<IntMatrix, IntMatrix> computeHermiteNormalForm() const;
276 /// Divide the first `nCols` of the specified row by their GCD.
277 /// Returns the GCD of the first `nCols` of the specified row.
278 MPInt normalizeRow(unsigned row, unsigned nCols);
279 /// Divide the columns of the specified row by their GCD.
280 /// Returns the GCD of the columns of the specified row.
281 MPInt normalizeRow(unsigned row);
283 // Compute the determinant of the matrix (cubic time).
284 // Stores the integer inverse of the matrix in the pointer
285 // passed (if any). The pointer is unchanged if the inverse
286 // does not exist, which happens iff det = 0.
287 // For a matrix M, the integer inverse is the matrix M' such that
288 // M x M' = M'  M = det(M) x I.
289 // Assert-fails if the matrix is not square.
290 MPInt determinant(IntMatrix *inverse = nullptr) const;
293// An inherited class for rational matrices, with no new data attributes.
294// This class is for functionality that only applies to matrices of fractions.
295class FracMatrix : public Matrix<Fraction> {
297 FracMatrix(unsigned rows, unsigned columns, unsigned reservedRows = 0,
298 unsigned reservedColumns = 0)
299 : Matrix<Fraction>(rows, columns, reservedRows, reservedColumns){};
301 FracMatrix(Matrix<Fraction> m) : Matrix<Fraction>(std::move(m)){};
303 explicit FracMatrix(IntMatrix m);
305 /// Return the identity matrix of the specified dimension.
306 static FracMatrix identity(unsigned dimension);
308 // Compute the determinant of the matrix (cubic time).
309 // Stores the inverse of the matrix in the pointer
310 // passed (if any). The pointer is unchanged if the inverse
311 // does not exist, which happens iff det = 0.
312 // Assert-fails if the matrix is not square.
313 Fraction determinant(FracMatrix *inverse = nullptr) const;
315 // Computes the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation
316 // of the rows of matrix (cubic time).
317 // The rows of the matrix must be linearly independent.
318 FracMatrix gramSchmidt() const;
320 // Run LLL basis reduction on the matrix, modifying it in-place.
321 // The parameter is what [the original
322 // paper](https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~avrim/451f11/lectures/lect1129_LLL.pdf)
323 // calls `y`, usually 3/4.
324 void LLL(Fraction delta);
326 // Multiply each row of the matrix by the LCM of the denominators, thereby
327 // converting it to an integer matrix.
328 IntMatrix normalizeRows() const;
331} // namespace presburger
332} // namespace mlir

source code of mlir/include/mlir/Analysis/Presburger/Matrix.h