1//===- Passes.h - Sparse tensor pipeline entry points -----------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This header file defines prototypes of all sparse tensor pipelines.
16#include "mlir/Conversion/VectorToLLVM/ConvertVectorToLLVMPass.h"
17#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/Passes.h"
18#include "mlir/Pass/PassOptions.h"
20using namespace mlir::detail;
21using namespace llvm::cl;
23namespace mlir {
24namespace sparse_tensor {
26/// Options for the "sparsifier" pipeline. So far this only contains
27/// a subset of the options that can be set for the underlying passes,
28/// because it must be manually kept in sync with the tablegen files
29/// for those passes.
30struct SparsifierOptions : public PassPipelineOptions<SparsifierOptions> {
31 // These options must be kept in sync with `SparsificationBase`.
32 // TODO(57514): These options are duplicated in Passes.td.
33 PassOptions::Option<mlir::SparseParallelizationStrategy> parallelization{
34 *this, "parallelization-strategy",
35 ::llvm::cl::desc("Set the parallelization strategy"),
36 ::llvm::cl::init(Val: mlir::SparseParallelizationStrategy::kNone),
37 llvm::cl::values(
38 clEnumValN(mlir::SparseParallelizationStrategy::kNone, "none",
39 "Turn off sparse parallelization."),
40 clEnumValN(mlir::SparseParallelizationStrategy::kDenseOuterLoop,
41 "dense-outer-loop",
42 "Enable dense outer loop sparse parallelization."),
43 clEnumValN(mlir::SparseParallelizationStrategy::kAnyStorageOuterLoop,
44 "any-storage-outer-loop",
45 "Enable sparse parallelization regardless of storage for "
46 "the outer loop."),
47 clEnumValN(mlir::SparseParallelizationStrategy::kDenseAnyLoop,
48 "dense-any-loop",
49 "Enable dense parallelization for any loop."),
50 clEnumValN(
51 mlir::SparseParallelizationStrategy::kAnyStorageAnyLoop,
52 "any-storage-any-loop",
53 "Enable sparse parallelization for any storage and loop."))};
55 PassOptions::Option<bool> enableRuntimeLibrary{
56 *this, "enable-runtime-library",
57 desc("Enable runtime library for manipulating sparse tensors"),
58 init(Val: true)};
60 PassOptions::Option<bool> testBufferizationAnalysisOnly{
61 *this, "test-bufferization-analysis-only",
62 desc("Run only the inplacability analysis"), init(Val: false)};
64 PassOptions::Option<bool> enableBufferInitialization{
65 *this, "enable-buffer-initialization",
66 desc("Enable zero-initialization of memory buffers"), init(Val: false)};
68 // TODO: Delete the option, it should also be false after switching to
69 // buffer-deallocation-pass
70 PassOptions::Option<bool> createSparseDeallocs{
71 *this, "create-sparse-deallocs",
72 desc("Specify if the temporary buffers created by the sparse "
73 "compiler should be deallocated. For compatibility with core "
74 "bufferization passes. "
75 "This option is only used when enable-runtime-library=false."),
76 init(Val: true)};
78 PassOptions::Option<int32_t> vectorLength{
79 *this, "vl", desc("Set the vector length (0 disables vectorization)"),
80 init(Val: 0)};
82 // These options must be kept in sync with the `ConvertVectorToLLVM`
83 // (defined in include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/Pipelines/Passes.h).
84 PassOptions::Option<bool> reassociateFPReductions{
85 *this, "reassociate-fp-reductions",
86 desc("Allows llvm to reassociate floating-point reductions for speed"),
87 init(Val: false)};
88 PassOptions::Option<bool> force32BitVectorIndices{
89 *this, "enable-index-optimizations",
90 desc("Allows compiler to assume indices fit in 32-bit if that yields "
91 "faster code"),
92 init(Val: true)};
93 PassOptions::Option<bool> amx{
94 *this, "enable-amx",
95 desc("Enables the use of AMX dialect while lowering the vector dialect"),
96 init(Val: false)};
97 PassOptions::Option<bool> armNeon{
98 *this, "enable-arm-neon",
99 desc("Enables the use of ArmNeon dialect while lowering the vector "
100 "dialect"),
101 init(Val: false)};
102 PassOptions::Option<bool> armSVE{
103 *this, "enable-arm-sve",
104 desc("Enables the use of ArmSVE dialect while lowering the vector "
105 "dialect"),
106 init(Val: false)};
107 PassOptions::Option<bool> x86Vector{
108 *this, "enable-x86vector",
109 desc("Enables the use of X86Vector dialect while lowering the vector "
110 "dialect"),
111 init(Val: false)};
113 /// These options are used to enable GPU code generation.
114 PassOptions::Option<std::string> gpuTriple{*this, "gpu-triple",
115 desc("GPU target triple")};
116 PassOptions::Option<std::string> gpuChip{*this, "gpu-chip",
117 desc("GPU target architecture")};
118 PassOptions::Option<std::string> gpuFeatures{*this, "gpu-features",
119 desc("GPU target features")};
120 /// For NVIDIA GPUs there are 3 compilation format options:
121 /// 1. `isa`: the compiler generates PTX and the driver JITs the PTX.
122 /// 2. `bin`: generates a CUBIN object for `chip=gpuChip`.
123 /// 3. `fatbin`: generates a fat binary with a CUBIN object for `gpuChip` and
124 /// also embeds the PTX in the fat binary.
125 /// Notes:
126 /// Option 1 adds a significant runtime performance hit, however, tests are
127 /// more likely to pass with this option.
128 /// Option 2 is better for execution time as there is no JIT; however, the
129 /// program will fail if there's an architecture mismatch between `gpuChip`
130 /// and the GPU running the program.
131 /// Option 3 is the best compromise between options 1 and 2 as it can JIT in
132 /// case of an architecture mismatch between `gpuChip` and the running
133 /// architecture. However, it's only possible to JIT to a higher CC than
134 /// `gpuChip`.
135 PassOptions::Option<std::string> gpuFormat{
136 *this, "gpu-format", desc("GPU compilation format"), init(Val: "fatbin")};
138 /// This option is used to enable GPU library generation.
139 PassOptions::Option<bool> enableGPULibgen{
140 *this, "enable-gpu-libgen",
141 desc("Enables GPU acceleration by means of direct library calls (like "
142 "cuSPARSE)")};
144 /// Projects out the options for `createSparsificationPass`.
145 SparsificationOptions sparsificationOptions() const {
146 return SparsificationOptions(parallelization, enableRuntimeLibrary);
147 }
149 /// Projects out the options for `createConvertVectorToLLVMPass`.
150 ConvertVectorToLLVMPassOptions lowerVectorToLLVMOptions() const {
151 ConvertVectorToLLVMPassOptions opts{};
152 opts.reassociateFPReductions = reassociateFPReductions;
153 opts.force32BitVectorIndices = force32BitVectorIndices;
154 opts.armNeon = armNeon;
155 opts.armSVE = armSVE;
156 opts.amx = amx;
157 opts.x86Vector = x86Vector;
158 return opts;
159 }
163// Building and Registering.
166/// Adds the "sparsifier" pipeline to the `OpPassManager`. This
167/// is the standard pipeline for taking sparsity-agnostic IR using
168/// the sparse-tensor type and lowering it to LLVM IR with concrete
169/// representations and algorithms for sparse tensors.
170void buildSparsifier(OpPassManager &pm, const SparsifierOptions &options);
172/// Registers all pipelines for the `sparse_tensor` dialect. At present,
173/// this includes only "sparsifier".
174void registerSparseTensorPipelines();
176} // namespace sparse_tensor
177} // namespace mlir

source code of mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/Pipelines/Passes.h