1//===- File.cpp - Reading/writing sparse tensors from/to files ------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This file implements reading and writing sparse tensor files.
13#include "mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/File.h"
15#include <cctype>
16#include <cstring>
18using namespace mlir::sparse_tensor;
20/// Opens the file for reading.
21void SparseTensorReader::openFile() {
22 if (file) {
23 fprintf(stderr, format: "Already opened file %s\n", filename);
24 exit(status: 1);
25 }
26 file = fopen(filename: filename, modes: "r");
27 if (!file) {
28 fprintf(stderr, format: "Cannot find file %s\n", filename);
29 exit(status: 1);
30 }
33/// Closes the file.
34void SparseTensorReader::closeFile() {
35 if (file) {
36 fclose(stream: file);
37 file = nullptr;
38 }
41/// Attempts to read a line from the file.
42void SparseTensorReader::readLine() {
43 if (!fgets(s: line, n: kColWidth, stream: file)) {
44 fprintf(stderr, format: "Cannot read next line of %s\n", filename);
45 exit(status: 1);
46 }
49/// Reads and parses the file's header.
50void SparseTensorReader::readHeader() {
51 assert(file && "Attempt to readHeader() before openFile()");
52 if (strstr(haystack: filename, needle: ".mtx")) {
53 readMMEHeader();
54 } else if (strstr(haystack: filename, needle: ".tns")) {
55 readExtFROSTTHeader();
56 } else {
57 fprintf(stderr, format: "Unknown format %s\n", filename);
58 exit(status: 1);
59 }
60 assert(isValid() && "Failed to read the header");
63/// Asserts the shape subsumes the actual dimension sizes. Is only
64/// valid after parsing the header.
65void SparseTensorReader::assertMatchesShape(uint64_t rank,
66 const uint64_t *shape) const {
67 assert(rank == getRank() && "Rank mismatch");
68 for (uint64_t r = 0; r < rank; r++)
69 assert((shape[r] == 0 || shape[r] == idata[2 + r]) &&
70 "Dimension size mismatch");
73bool SparseTensorReader::canReadAs(PrimaryType valTy) const {
74 switch (valueKind_) {
75 case ValueKind::kInvalid:
76 assert(false && "Must readHeader() before calling canReadAs()");
77 return false; // In case assertions are disabled.
78 case ValueKind::kPattern:
79 return true;
80 case ValueKind::kInteger:
81 // When the file is specified to store integer values, we still
82 // allow implicitly converting those to floating primary-types.
83 return isRealPrimaryType(valTy);
84 case ValueKind::kReal:
85 // When the file is specified to store real/floating values, then
86 // we disallow implicit conversion to integer primary-types.
87 return isFloatingPrimaryType(valTy);
88 case ValueKind::kComplex:
89 // When the file is specified to store complex values, then we
90 // require a complex primary-type.
91 return isComplexPrimaryType(valTy);
92 case ValueKind::kUndefined:
93 // The "extended" FROSTT format doesn't specify a ValueKind.
94 // So we allow implicitly converting the stored values to both
95 // integer and floating primary-types.
96 return isRealPrimaryType(valTy);
97 }
98 fprintf(stderr, format: "Unknown ValueKind: %d\n", static_cast<uint8_t>(valueKind_));
99 return false;
102/// Helper to convert C-style strings (i.e., '\0' terminated) to lower case.
103static inline void toLower(char *token) {
104 for (char *c = token; *c; c++)
105 *c = tolower(c: *c);
108/// Idiomatic name for checking string equality.
109static inline bool streq(const char *lhs, const char *rhs) {
110 return strcmp(s1: lhs, s2: rhs) == 0;
113/// Idiomatic name for checking string inequality.
114static inline bool strne(const char *lhs, const char *rhs) {
115 return strcmp(s1: lhs, s2: rhs); // aka `!= 0`
118/// Read the MME header of a general sparse matrix of type real.
119void SparseTensorReader::readMMEHeader() {
120 char header[64];
121 char object[64];
122 char format[64];
123 char field[64];
124 char symmetry[64];
125 // Read header line.
126 if (fscanf(stream: file, format: "%63s %63s %63s %63s %63s\n", header, object, format, field,
127 symmetry) != 5) {
128 fprintf(stderr, format: "Corrupt header in %s\n", filename);
129 exit(status: 1);
130 }
131 // Convert all to lowercase up front (to avoid accidental redundancy).
132 toLower(token: header);
133 toLower(token: object);
134 toLower(token: format);
135 toLower(token: field);
136 toLower(token: symmetry);
137 // Process `field`, which specify pattern or the data type of the values.
138 if (streq(lhs: field, rhs: "pattern")) {
139 valueKind_ = ValueKind::kPattern;
140 } else if (streq(lhs: field, rhs: "real")) {
141 valueKind_ = ValueKind::kReal;
142 } else if (streq(lhs: field, rhs: "integer")) {
143 valueKind_ = ValueKind::kInteger;
144 } else if (streq(lhs: field, rhs: "complex")) {
145 valueKind_ = ValueKind::kComplex;
146 } else {
147 fprintf(stderr, format: "Unexpected header field value in %s\n", filename);
148 exit(status: 1);
149 }
150 // Set properties.
151 isSymmetric_ = streq(lhs: symmetry, rhs: "symmetric");
152 // Make sure this is a general sparse matrix.
153 if (strne(lhs: header, rhs: "%%matrixmarket") || strne(lhs: object, rhs: "matrix") ||
154 strne(lhs: format, rhs: "coordinate") ||
155 (strne(lhs: symmetry, rhs: "general") && !isSymmetric_)) {
156 fprintf(stderr, format: "Cannot find a general sparse matrix in %s\n", filename);
157 exit(status: 1);
158 }
159 // Skip comments.
160 while (true) {
161 readLine();
162 if (line[0] != '%')
163 break;
164 }
165 // Next line contains M N NNZ.
166 idata[0] = 2; // rank
167 if (sscanf(s: line, format: "%" PRIu64 "%" PRIu64 "%" PRIu64 "\n", idata + 2, idata + 3,
168 idata + 1) != 3) {
169 fprintf(stderr, format: "Cannot find size in %s\n", filename);
170 exit(status: 1);
171 }
174/// Read the "extended" FROSTT header. Although not part of the documented
175/// format, we assume that the file starts with optional comments followed
176/// by two lines that define the rank, the number of nonzeros, and the
177/// dimensions sizes (one per rank) of the sparse tensor.
178void SparseTensorReader::readExtFROSTTHeader() {
179 // Skip comments.
180 while (true) {
181 readLine();
182 if (line[0] != '#')
183 break;
184 }
185 // Next line contains RANK and NNZ.
186 if (sscanf(s: line, format: "%" PRIu64 "%" PRIu64 "\n", idata, idata + 1) != 2) {
187 fprintf(stderr, format: "Cannot find metadata in %s\n", filename);
188 exit(status: 1);
189 }
190 // Followed by a line with the dimension sizes (one per rank).
191 for (uint64_t r = 0; r < idata[0]; r++) {
192 if (fscanf(stream: file, format: "%" PRIu64, idata + 2 + r) != 1) {
193 fprintf(stderr, format: "Cannot find dimension size %s\n", filename);
194 exit(status: 1);
195 }
196 }
197 readLine(); // end of line
198 // The FROSTT format does not define the data type of the nonzero elements.
199 valueKind_ = ValueKind::kUndefined;

source code of mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/File.cpp