1 | /**************************************************************************** |
2 | ** |
3 | ** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. |
4 | ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ |
5 | ** |
6 | ** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit. |
7 | ** |
9 | ** Commercial License Usage |
10 | ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in |
11 | ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the |
12 | ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in |
13 | ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms |
14 | ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further |
15 | ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. |
16 | ** |
17 | ** GNU General Public License Usage |
18 | ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU |
19 | ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software |
20 | ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT |
21 | ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following |
22 | ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will |
23 | ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. |
24 | ** |
25 | ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ |
26 | ** |
27 | ****************************************************************************/ |
28 | |
29 | #include <QtTest/QtTest> |
30 | #include <QtQuickTest/quicktest.h> |
31 | |
32 | #include <QtQuick/qquickview.h> |
33 | #include <QtQuick/private/qquicktableview_p.h> |
34 | #include <QtQuick/private/qquicktableview_p_p.h> |
35 | #include <QtQuick/private/qquickloader_p.h> |
36 | |
37 | #include <QtQml/qqmlengine.h> |
38 | #include <QtQml/qqmlcontext.h> |
39 | #include <QtQml/qqmlexpression.h> |
40 | #include <QtQml/qqmlincubator.h> |
41 | #include <QtQmlModels/private/qqmlobjectmodel_p.h> |
42 | #include <QtQmlModels/private/qqmllistmodel_p.h> |
43 | |
44 | #include "testmodel.h" |
45 | |
46 | #include "../../shared/util.h" |
47 | #include "../shared/viewtestutil.h" |
48 | #include "../shared/visualtestutil.h" |
49 | |
50 | using namespace QQuickViewTestUtil; |
51 | using namespace QQuickVisualTestUtil; |
52 | |
53 | static const char* kDelegateObjectName = "tableViewDelegate"; |
54 | static const char *kDelegatesCreatedCountProp = "delegatesCreatedCount"; |
55 | static const char *kModelDataBindingProp = "modelDataBinding"; |
56 | |
58 | |
60 | auto PROPNAME = view->rootObject()->property(#PROPNAME).value<QQuickTableView *>(); \ |
62 | auto PROPNAME ## Private = QQuickTableViewPrivate::get(PROPNAME); \ |
63 | Q_UNUSED(PROPNAME ## Private) void() |
64 | |
65 | #define LOAD_TABLEVIEW(fileName) \ |
66 | view->setSource(testFileUrl(fileName)); \ |
67 | view->show(); \ |
68 | QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowActive(view)); \ |
69 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableView) |
70 | |
71 | #define LOAD_TABLEVIEW_ASYNC(fileName) \ |
72 | view->setSource(testFileUrl("asyncloader.qml")); \ |
73 | view->show(); \ |
74 | QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowActive(view)); \ |
75 | auto loader = view->rootObject()->property("loader").value<QQuickLoader *>(); \ |
76 | loader->setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile("data/" fileName)); \ |
77 | QTRY_VERIFY(loader->item()); \ |
78 | QCOMPARE(loader->status(), QQuickLoader::Status::Ready); \ |
79 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableView) |
80 | |
81 | #define WAIT_UNTIL_POLISHED_ARG(item) \ |
82 | QVERIFY(QQuickTest::qIsPolishScheduled(item)); \ |
83 | QVERIFY(QQuickTest::qWaitForItemPolished(item)) |
85 | |
86 | class tst_QQuickTableView : public QQmlDataTest |
87 | { |
88 | Q_OBJECT |
89 | public: |
90 | tst_QQuickTableView(); |
91 | |
92 | QQuickTableViewAttached *getAttachedObject(const QObject *object) const; |
93 | QPoint getContextRowAndColumn(const QQuickItem *item) const; |
94 | |
95 | private: |
96 | QQuickView *view = nullptr; |
97 | |
98 | private slots: |
99 | void initTestCase() override; |
100 | void cleanupTestCase(); |
101 | |
102 | void setAndGetModel_data(); |
103 | void setAndGetModel(); |
104 | void emptyModel_data(); |
105 | void emptyModel(); |
106 | void checkPreload_data(); |
107 | void checkPreload(); |
108 | void checkZeroSizedDelegate(); |
109 | void checkImplicitSizeDelegate(); |
110 | void checkColumnWidthWithoutProvider(); |
111 | void checkDelegateWithAnchors(); |
112 | void checkColumnWidthProvider(); |
113 | void checkColumnWidthProviderInvalidReturnValues(); |
114 | void checkColumnWidthProviderNegativeReturnValue(); |
115 | void checkColumnWidthProviderNotCallable(); |
116 | void checkRowHeightWithoutProvider(); |
117 | void checkRowHeightProvider(); |
118 | void checkRowHeightProviderInvalidReturnValues(); |
119 | void checkRowHeightProviderNegativeReturnValue(); |
120 | void checkRowHeightProviderNotCallable(); |
121 | void checkForceLayoutFunction(); |
122 | void checkForceLayoutEndUpDoingALayout(); |
123 | void checkForceLayoutDuringModelChange(); |
124 | void checkForceLayoutWhenAllItemsAreHidden(); |
125 | void checkContentWidthAndHeight(); |
126 | void checkContentWidthAndHeightForSmallTables(); |
127 | void checkPageFlicking(); |
128 | void checkExplicitContentWidthAndHeight(); |
129 | void checkExtents_origin(); |
130 | void checkExtents_endExtent(); |
131 | void checkExtents_moveTableToEdge(); |
132 | void checkContentXY(); |
133 | void noDelegate(); |
134 | void changeDelegateDuringUpdate(); |
135 | void changeModelDuringUpdate(); |
136 | void countDelegateItems_data(); |
137 | void countDelegateItems(); |
138 | void checkLayoutOfEqualSizedDelegateItems_data(); |
139 | void checkLayoutOfEqualSizedDelegateItems(); |
140 | void checkFocusRemoved_data(); |
141 | void checkFocusRemoved(); |
142 | void fillTableViewButNothingMore_data(); |
143 | void fillTableViewButNothingMore(); |
144 | void checkInitialAttachedProperties_data(); |
145 | void checkInitialAttachedProperties(); |
146 | void checkSpacingValues(); |
147 | void checkDelegateParent(); |
148 | void flick_data(); |
149 | void flick(); |
150 | void flickOvershoot_data(); |
151 | void flickOvershoot(); |
152 | void checkRowColumnCount(); |
153 | void modelSignals(); |
154 | void checkModelSignalsUpdateLayout(); |
155 | void dataChangedSignal(); |
156 | void checkThatPoolIsDrainedWhenReuseIsFalse(); |
157 | void checkIfDelegatesAreReused_data(); |
158 | void checkIfDelegatesAreReused(); |
159 | void checkIfDelegatesAreReusedAsymmetricTableSize(); |
160 | void checkContextProperties_data(); |
161 | void checkContextProperties(); |
162 | void checkContextPropertiesQQmlListProperyModel_data(); |
163 | void checkContextPropertiesQQmlListProperyModel(); |
164 | void checkRowAndColumnChangedButNotIndex(); |
165 | void checkThatWeAlwaysEmitChangedUponItemReused(); |
166 | void checkChangingModelFromDelegate(); |
167 | void checkRebuildViewportOnly(); |
168 | void useDelegateChooserWithoutDefault(); |
169 | void checkTableviewInsideAsyncLoader(); |
170 | void hideRowsAndColumns_data(); |
171 | void hideRowsAndColumns(); |
172 | void hideAndShowFirstColumn(); |
173 | void hideAndShowFirstRow(); |
174 | void checkThatRevisionedPropertiesCannotBeUsedInOldImports(); |
175 | void checkSyncView_rootView_data(); |
176 | void checkSyncView_rootView(); |
177 | void checkSyncView_childViews_data(); |
178 | void checkSyncView_childViews(); |
179 | void checkSyncView_differentSizedModels(); |
180 | void checkSyncView_connect_late_data(); |
181 | void checkSyncView_connect_late(); |
182 | void checkSyncView_pageFlicking(); |
183 | void checkSyncView_emptyModel(); |
184 | void delegateWithRequiredProperties(); |
185 | void checkThatFetchMoreIsCalledWhenScrolledToTheEndOfTable(); |
186 | void replaceModel(); |
187 | void checkContentSize_data(); |
188 | void checkContentSize(); |
189 | }; |
190 | |
191 | tst_QQuickTableView::tst_QQuickTableView() |
192 | { |
193 | } |
194 | |
195 | void tst_QQuickTableView::initTestCase() |
196 | { |
197 | QQmlDataTest::initTestCase(); |
198 | qmlRegisterType<TestModel>(uri: "TestModel", versionMajor: 0, versionMinor: 1, qmlName: "TestModel"); |
199 | view = createView(); |
200 | } |
201 | |
202 | void tst_QQuickTableView::cleanupTestCase() |
203 | { |
204 | delete view; |
205 | } |
206 | |
207 | QQuickTableViewAttached *tst_QQuickTableView::getAttachedObject(const QObject *object) const |
208 | { |
209 | QObject *attachedObject = qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickTableView>(obj: object); |
210 | return static_cast<QQuickTableViewAttached *>(attachedObject); |
211 | } |
212 | |
213 | QPoint tst_QQuickTableView::getContextRowAndColumn(const QQuickItem *item) const |
214 | { |
215 | const auto context = qmlContext(item); |
216 | const int row = context->contextProperty("row").toInt(); |
217 | const int column = context->contextProperty("column").toInt(); |
218 | return QPoint(column, row); |
219 | } |
220 | |
221 | void tst_QQuickTableView::setAndGetModel_data() |
222 | { |
223 | QTest::addColumn<QVariant>(name: "model"); |
224 | |
225 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM 1x1") << TestModelAsVariant(1, 1); |
226 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "Number model 1") << QVariant::fromValue(value: 1); |
227 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QStringList 1") << QVariant::fromValue(value: QStringList() << "one"); |
228 | } |
229 | |
230 | void tst_QQuickTableView::setAndGetModel() |
231 | { |
232 | // Test that we can set and get different kind of models |
233 | QFETCH(QVariant, model); |
234 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
235 | |
236 | tableView->setModel(model); |
237 | QCOMPARE(model, tableView->model()); |
238 | } |
239 | |
240 | void tst_QQuickTableView::emptyModel_data() |
241 | { |
242 | QTest::addColumn<QVariant>(name: "model"); |
243 | |
244 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM") << TestModelAsVariant(0, 0); |
245 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "Number model") << QVariant::fromValue(value: 0); |
246 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QStringList") << QVariant::fromValue(value: QStringList()); |
247 | } |
248 | |
249 | void tst_QQuickTableView::emptyModel() |
250 | { |
251 | // Check that if we assign an empty model to |
252 | // TableView, no delegate items will be created. |
253 | QFETCH(QVariant, model); |
254 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
255 | |
256 | tableView->setModel(model); |
258 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedItems.count(), 0); |
259 | } |
260 | |
261 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkPreload_data() |
262 | { |
263 | QTest::addColumn<bool>(name: "reuseItems"); |
264 | |
265 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "reuse") << true; |
266 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "not reuse") << false; |
267 | } |
268 | |
269 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkPreload() |
270 | { |
271 | // Check that the reuse pool is filled up with one extra row and |
272 | // column (pluss corner) after rebuilding the table, but only if we reuse items. |
273 | QFETCH(bool, reuseItems); |
274 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
275 | |
276 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
277 | tableView->setModel(model); |
278 | tableView->setReuseItems(reuseItems); |
279 | |
281 | |
282 | if (reuseItems) { |
283 | const int rowCount = tableViewPrivate->loadedRows.count(); |
284 | const int columnCount = tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns.count(); |
285 | const int expectedPoolSize = rowCount + columnCount + 1; |
286 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->tableModel->poolSize(), expectedPoolSize); |
287 | } else { |
288 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->tableModel->poolSize(), 0); |
289 | } |
290 | } |
291 | |
292 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkZeroSizedDelegate() |
293 | { |
294 | // Check that if we assign a delegate with empty width and height, we |
295 | // fall back to use kDefaultColumnWidth and kDefaultRowHeight as |
296 | // column/row sizes. |
297 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
298 | |
299 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
300 | tableView->setModel(model); |
301 | |
302 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "delegateWidth", value: 0); |
303 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "delegateHeight", value: 0); |
304 | |
305 | QTest::ignoreMessage(type: QtWarningMsg, messagePattern: QRegularExpression(".*implicit")); |
306 | |
308 | |
309 | auto items = tableViewPrivate->loadedItems; |
310 | QVERIFY(!items.isEmpty()); |
311 | |
312 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) { |
313 | auto item = fxItem->item; |
314 | QCOMPARE(item->width(), kDefaultColumnWidth); |
315 | QCOMPARE(item->height(), kDefaultRowHeight); |
316 | } |
317 | } |
318 | |
319 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkImplicitSizeDelegate() |
320 | { |
321 | // Check that we can set the size of delegate items using |
322 | // implicit width/height, instead of forcing the user to |
323 | // create an attached object by using implicitWidth/Height. |
324 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("tableviewimplicitsize.qml"); |
325 | |
326 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
327 | tableView->setModel(model); |
328 | |
330 | |
331 | auto items = tableViewPrivate->loadedItems; |
332 | QVERIFY(!items.isEmpty()); |
333 | |
334 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) { |
335 | auto item = fxItem->item; |
336 | QCOMPARE(item->width(), 90); |
337 | QCOMPARE(item->height(), 60); |
338 | } |
339 | } |
340 | |
341 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkColumnWidthWithoutProvider() |
342 | { |
343 | // Checks that a function isn't assigned to the columnWidthProvider property |
344 | // and that the column width is then equal to sizeHintForColumn. |
345 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("alternatingrowheightcolumnwidth.qml"); |
346 | |
347 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10, 10); |
348 | |
349 | tableView->setModel(model); |
350 | QVERIFY(tableView->columnWidthProvider().isUndefined()); |
351 | |
353 | |
354 | for (const int column : tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns.keys()) { |
355 | const qreal expectedColumnWidth = tableViewPrivate->sizeHintForColumn(column); |
356 | for (const int row : tableViewPrivate->loadedRows.keys()) { |
357 | const auto item = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: QPoint(column, row))->item; |
358 | QCOMPARE(item->width(), expectedColumnWidth); |
359 | } |
360 | } |
361 | } |
362 | |
363 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkDelegateWithAnchors() |
364 | { |
365 | // Checks that we issue a warning if the delegate has anchors |
366 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("delegatewithanchors.qml"); |
367 | |
368 | QTest::ignoreMessage(type: QtWarningMsg, messagePattern: QRegularExpression(".*anchors")); |
369 | |
370 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(1, 1); |
371 | tableView->setModel(model); |
373 | } |
374 | |
375 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkColumnWidthProvider() |
376 | { |
377 | // Check that you can assign a function to the columnWidthProvider property, and |
378 | // that it's used to control (and override) the width of the columns. |
379 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("userowcolumnprovider.qml"); |
380 | |
381 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10, 10); |
382 | |
383 | tableView->setModel(model); |
384 | QVERIFY(tableView->columnWidthProvider().isCallable()); |
385 | |
387 | |
388 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) { |
389 | // expectedWidth mirrors the expected return value of the assigned javascript function |
390 | qreal expectedWidth = fxItem->cell.x() + 10; |
391 | QCOMPARE(fxItem->item->width(), expectedWidth); |
392 | } |
393 | } |
394 | |
395 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkColumnWidthProviderInvalidReturnValues() |
396 | { |
397 | // Check that we fall back to use default columns widths, if you |
398 | // assign a function to columnWidthProvider that returns invalid values. |
399 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("usefaultyrowcolumnprovider.qml"); |
400 | |
401 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10, 10); |
402 | |
403 | tableView->setModel(model); |
404 | |
405 | QTest::ignoreMessage(type: QtWarningMsg, messagePattern: QRegularExpression(".*implicit.*zero")); |
406 | |
408 | |
409 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) |
410 | QCOMPARE(fxItem->item->width(), kDefaultColumnWidth); |
411 | } |
412 | |
413 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkColumnWidthProviderNegativeReturnValue() |
414 | { |
415 | // Check that we fall back to use the implicit width of the delegate |
416 | // items if the columnWidthProvider return a negative number. |
417 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("userowcolumnprovider.qml"); |
418 | |
419 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10, 10); |
420 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "returnNegativeColumnWidth", value: true); |
421 | |
422 | tableView->setModel(model); |
423 | |
425 | |
426 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) |
427 | QCOMPARE(fxItem->item->width(), 20); |
428 | } |
429 | |
430 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkColumnWidthProviderNotCallable() |
431 | { |
432 | // Check that we fall back to use default columns widths, if you |
433 | // assign something to columnWidthProvider that is not callable. |
434 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("usefaultyrowcolumnprovider.qml"); |
435 | |
436 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10, 10); |
437 | |
438 | tableView->setModel(model); |
439 | tableView->setRowHeightProvider(QJSValue()); |
440 | tableView->setColumnWidthProvider(QJSValue(10)); |
441 | |
442 | QTest::ignoreMessage(type: QtWarningMsg, messagePattern: QRegularExpression(".Provider.*function")); |
443 | |
445 | |
446 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) |
447 | QCOMPARE(fxItem->item->width(), kDefaultColumnWidth); |
448 | } |
449 | |
450 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkRowHeightWithoutProvider() |
451 | { |
452 | // Checks that a function isn't assigned to the rowHeightProvider property |
453 | // and that the row height is then equal to sizeHintForRow. |
454 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("alternatingrowheightcolumnwidth.qml"); |
455 | |
456 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10, 10); |
457 | QVERIFY(tableView->rowHeightProvider().isUndefined()); |
458 | |
459 | tableView->setModel(model); |
460 | |
462 | |
463 | for (const int row : tableViewPrivate->loadedRows.keys()) { |
464 | const qreal expectedRowHeight = tableViewPrivate->sizeHintForRow(row); |
465 | for (const int column : tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns.keys()) { |
466 | const auto item = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: QPoint(column, row))->item; |
467 | QCOMPARE(item->height(), expectedRowHeight); |
468 | } |
469 | } |
470 | } |
471 | |
472 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkRowHeightProvider() |
473 | { |
474 | // Check that you can assign a function to the columnWidthProvider property, and |
475 | // that it's used to control (and override) the width of the columns. |
476 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("userowcolumnprovider.qml"); |
477 | |
478 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10, 10); |
479 | |
480 | tableView->setModel(model); |
481 | QVERIFY(tableView->rowHeightProvider().isCallable()); |
482 | |
484 | |
485 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) { |
486 | // expectedWidth mirrors the expected return value of the assigned javascript function |
487 | qreal expectedHeight = fxItem->cell.y() + 10; |
488 | QCOMPARE(fxItem->item->height(), expectedHeight); |
489 | } |
490 | } |
491 | |
492 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkRowHeightProviderInvalidReturnValues() |
493 | { |
494 | // Check that we fall back to use default row heights, if you |
495 | // assign a function to rowHeightProvider that returns invalid values. |
496 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("usefaultyrowcolumnprovider.qml"); |
497 | |
498 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10, 10); |
499 | |
500 | tableView->setModel(model); |
501 | |
502 | QTest::ignoreMessage(type: QtWarningMsg, messagePattern: QRegularExpression(".*implicit.*zero")); |
503 | |
505 | |
506 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) |
507 | QCOMPARE(fxItem->item->height(), kDefaultRowHeight); |
508 | } |
509 | |
510 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkRowHeightProviderNegativeReturnValue() |
511 | { |
512 | // Check that we fall back to use the implicit height of the delegate |
513 | // items if the rowHeightProvider return a negative number. |
514 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("userowcolumnprovider.qml"); |
515 | |
516 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10, 10); |
517 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "returnNegativeRowHeight", value: true); |
518 | |
519 | tableView->setModel(model); |
520 | |
522 | |
523 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) |
524 | QCOMPARE(fxItem->item->height(), 20); |
525 | } |
526 | |
527 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkRowHeightProviderNotCallable() |
528 | { |
529 | // Check that we fall back to use default row heights, if you |
530 | // assign something to rowHeightProvider that is not callable. |
531 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("usefaultyrowcolumnprovider.qml"); |
532 | |
533 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10, 10); |
534 | |
535 | tableView->setModel(model); |
536 | |
537 | tableView->setColumnWidthProvider(QJSValue()); |
538 | tableView->setRowHeightProvider(QJSValue(10)); |
539 | |
540 | QTest::ignoreMessage(type: QtWarningMsg, messagePattern: QRegularExpression(".*Provider.*function")); |
541 | |
543 | |
544 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) |
545 | QCOMPARE(fxItem->item->height(), kDefaultRowHeight); |
546 | } |
547 | |
548 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkForceLayoutFunction() |
549 | { |
550 | // When we set the 'columnWidths' property in the test file, the |
551 | // columnWidthProvider should return other values than it did during |
552 | // start-up. Check that this takes effect after a call to the 'forceLayout()' function. |
553 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("forcelayout.qml"); |
554 | |
555 | const char *propertyName = "columnWidths"; |
556 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10, 10); |
557 | |
558 | tableView->setModel(model); |
559 | |
561 | |
562 | // Check that the initial column widths are as specified in the QML file |
563 | const qreal initialColumnWidth = view->rootObject()->property(name: propertyName).toReal(); |
564 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) |
565 | QCOMPARE(fxItem->item->width(), initialColumnWidth); |
566 | |
567 | // Change the return value from the columnWidthProvider to something else |
568 | const qreal newColumnWidth = 100; |
569 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: propertyName, value: newColumnWidth); |
570 | tableView->forceLayout(); |
571 | // We don't have to polish; The re-layout happens immediately |
572 | |
573 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) |
574 | QCOMPARE(fxItem->item->width(), newColumnWidth); |
575 | } |
576 | |
577 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkForceLayoutEndUpDoingALayout() |
578 | { |
579 | // QTBUG-77074 |
580 | // Check that we change the implicit size of the delegate after |
581 | // the initial loading, and at the same time hide some rows or |
582 | // columns, and then do a forceLayout(), we end up with a |
583 | // complete relayout that respects the new implicit size. |
584 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("tweakimplicitsize.qml"); |
585 | |
586 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10, 10); |
587 | |
588 | tableView->setModel(model); |
589 | |
591 | |
592 | const qreal newDelegateSize = 20; |
593 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "delegateSize", value: newDelegateSize); |
594 | // Hide a row, just to force the following relayout to |
595 | // do a complete reload (and not just a relayout) |
596 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "hideRow", value: 1); |
597 | tableView->forceLayout(); |
598 | |
599 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) |
600 | QCOMPARE(fxItem->item->height(), newDelegateSize); |
601 | |
602 | // Check that the content height has been updated as well |
603 | const qreal rowSpacing = tableView->rowSpacing(); |
604 | const qreal colSpacing = tableView->columnSpacing(); |
605 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), (10 * (newDelegateSize + colSpacing)) - colSpacing); |
606 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), (9 * (newDelegateSize + rowSpacing)) - rowSpacing); |
607 | } |
608 | |
609 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkForceLayoutDuringModelChange() |
610 | { |
611 | // Check that TableView doesn't assert if we call |
612 | // forceLayout() in the middle of a model change. |
613 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
614 | |
615 | const int initialRowCount = 10; |
616 | TestModel model(initialRowCount, 10); |
617 | tableView->setModel(QVariant::fromValue(value: &model)); |
618 | |
619 | connect(sender: &model, signal: &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted, slot: [=](){ |
620 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), initialRowCount); |
621 | tableView->forceLayout(); |
622 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), initialRowCount + 1); |
623 | }); |
624 | |
626 | |
627 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), initialRowCount); |
628 | model.addRow(row: 0); |
629 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), initialRowCount + 1); |
630 | } |
631 | |
632 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkForceLayoutWhenAllItemsAreHidden() |
633 | { |
634 | // Check that you can have a TableView where all columns are |
635 | // initially hidden, and then show some columns and call |
636 | // forceLayout(). This should make the columns become visible. |
637 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("forcelayout.qml"); |
638 | |
639 | // Tell all columns to be hidden |
640 | const char *propertyName = "columnWidths"; |
641 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: propertyName, value: 0); |
642 | |
643 | const int rows = 3; |
644 | const int columns = 3; |
645 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(rows, columns); |
646 | tableView->setModel(model); |
647 | |
649 | |
650 | // Check that the we have no items loaded |
651 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns.count(), 0); |
652 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedRows.count(), 0); |
653 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedItems.count(), 0); |
654 | |
655 | // Tell all columns to be visible |
656 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: propertyName, value: 10); |
657 | tableView->forceLayout(); |
658 | |
659 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedRows.count(), rows); |
660 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns.count(), columns); |
661 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedItems.count(), rows * columns); |
662 | } |
663 | |
664 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkContentWidthAndHeight() |
665 | { |
666 | // Check that contentWidth/Height reports the correct size of the |
667 | // table, based on knowledge of the rows and columns that has been loaded. |
668 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("contentwidthheight.qml"); |
669 | |
670 | // Vertical and horizontal properties should be mirrored, so we only have |
671 | // to do the calculations once, and use them for both axis, below. |
672 | QCOMPARE(tableView->width(), tableView->height()); |
673 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rowSpacing(), tableView->columnSpacing()); |
674 | |
675 | const int tableSize = 100; |
676 | const int cellSizeSmall = 100; |
677 | const int spacing = 1; |
678 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(tableSize, tableSize); |
679 | |
680 | tableView->setModel(model); |
681 | |
683 | |
684 | const qreal expectedSizeInit = (tableSize * cellSizeSmall) + ((tableSize - 1) * spacing); |
685 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), expectedSizeInit); |
686 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), expectedSizeInit); |
687 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->averageEdgeSize.width(), cellSizeSmall); |
688 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->averageEdgeSize.height(), cellSizeSmall); |
689 | |
690 | // Flick to the end, and check that content width/height stays unchanged |
691 | tableView->setContentX(tableView->contentWidth() - tableView->width()); |
692 | tableView->setContentY(tableView->contentHeight() - tableView->height()); |
693 | |
694 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), expectedSizeInit); |
695 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), expectedSizeInit); |
696 | |
697 | // Flick back to start |
698 | tableView->setContentX(0); |
699 | tableView->setContentY(0); |
700 | |
701 | // Since we move the viewport more than a page, tableview |
702 | // will jump to the new position and do a rebuild. |
703 | QVERIFY(tableViewPrivate->polishScheduled); |
704 | QVERIFY(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions); |
706 | |
707 | // We should still have the same content width/height as when we started |
708 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), expectedSizeInit); |
709 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), expectedSizeInit); |
710 | } |
711 | |
712 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkContentWidthAndHeightForSmallTables() |
713 | { |
714 | // For tables where all the columns in the model are loaded, we know |
715 | // the exact table width, and can therefore update the content width |
716 | // if e.g new rows are added or removed. The same is true for rows. |
717 | // This test will check that we do so. |
718 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("sizefromdelegate.qml"); |
719 | |
720 | TestModel model(3, 3); |
721 | tableView->setModel(QVariant::fromValue(value: &model)); |
723 | |
724 | const qreal initialContentWidth = tableView->contentWidth(); |
725 | const qreal initialContentHeight = tableView->contentHeight(); |
726 | const QString longText = QStringLiteral("Adding a row with a very long text"); |
727 | model.insertRow(arow: 0); |
728 | model.setModelData(cell: QPoint(0, 0), span: QSize(1, 1), string: longText); |
729 | |
731 | |
732 | QVERIFY(tableView->contentWidth() > initialContentWidth); |
733 | QVERIFY(tableView->contentHeight() > initialContentHeight); |
734 | } |
735 | |
736 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkPageFlicking() |
737 | { |
738 | // Check that we rebuild the table instead of refilling edges, if the viewport moves |
739 | // more than a page (the size of TableView). |
740 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
741 | |
742 | const int cellWidth = 100; |
743 | const int cellHeight = 50; |
744 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10000, 10000); |
745 | const auto &loadedRows = tableViewPrivate->loadedRows; |
746 | const auto &loadedColumns = tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns; |
747 | |
748 | tableView->setModel(model); |
749 | |
751 | |
752 | // Sanity check startup table |
753 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
754 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), 0); |
755 | QCOMPARE(loadedRows.count(), tableView->height() / cellHeight); |
756 | QCOMPARE(loadedColumns.count(), tableView->width() / cellWidth); |
757 | |
758 | // Since all cells have the same size, the average row/column |
759 | // size found by TableView should be exactly equal to this. |
760 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->averageEdgeSize.width(), cellWidth); |
761 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->averageEdgeSize.height(), cellHeight); |
762 | |
763 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions, QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::None); |
764 | |
765 | // Flick 5000 columns to the right, and check that this triggers a |
766 | // rebuild, and that we end up at the expected top-left. |
767 | const int flickToColumn = 5000; |
768 | const qreal columnSpacing = tableView->columnSpacing(); |
769 | const qreal flickToColumnInPixels = ((cellWidth + columnSpacing) * flickToColumn) - columnSpacing; |
770 | tableView->setContentX(flickToColumnInPixels); |
771 | |
772 | QVERIFY(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions & QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::ViewportOnly); |
773 | QVERIFY(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions & QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::CalculateNewTopLeftColumn); |
774 | QVERIFY(!(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions & QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::CalculateNewTopLeftRow)); |
775 | |
777 | |
778 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
779 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), flickToColumn); |
780 | QCOMPARE(loadedColumns.count(), tableView->width() / cellWidth); |
781 | QCOMPARE(loadedRows.count(), tableView->height() / cellHeight); |
782 | |
783 | // Flick 5000 rows down as well. Since flicking down should only calculate a new row (but |
784 | // keep the current column), we deliberatly change the average width to check that it's |
785 | // actually ignored by the rebuild, and that the column stays the same. |
786 | tableViewPrivate->averageEdgeSize.rwidth() /= 2; |
787 | |
788 | const int flickToRow = 5000; |
789 | const qreal rowSpacing = tableView->rowSpacing(); |
790 | const qreal flickToRowInPixels = ((cellHeight + rowSpacing) * flickToRow) - rowSpacing; |
791 | tableView->setContentY(flickToRowInPixels); |
792 | |
793 | QVERIFY(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions & QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::ViewportOnly); |
794 | QVERIFY(!(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions & QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::CalculateNewTopLeftColumn)); |
795 | QVERIFY(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions & QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::CalculateNewTopLeftRow); |
796 | |
798 | |
799 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), flickToColumn); |
800 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), flickToRow); |
801 | QCOMPARE(loadedRows.count(), tableView->height() / cellHeight); |
802 | QCOMPARE(loadedColumns.count(), tableView->width() / cellWidth); |
803 | } |
804 | |
805 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkExplicitContentWidthAndHeight() |
806 | { |
807 | // Check that you can set a custom contentWidth/Height, and that |
808 | // TableView doesn't override it while loading more rows and columns. |
809 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("contentwidthheight.qml"); |
810 | |
811 | tableView->setContentWidth(1000); |
812 | tableView->setContentHeight(1000); |
813 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), 1000); |
814 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), 1000); |
815 | |
816 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
817 | tableView->setModel(model); |
819 | |
820 | // Flick somewhere. It should not affect the contentWidth/Height |
821 | tableView->setContentX(500); |
822 | tableView->setContentY(500); |
823 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), 1000); |
824 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), 1000); |
825 | } |
826 | |
827 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkExtents_origin() |
828 | { |
829 | // Check that if the beginning of the content view doesn't match the |
830 | // actual size of the table, origin will be adjusted to make it fit. |
831 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("contentwidthheight.qml"); |
832 | |
833 | const int rows = 10; |
834 | const int columns = rows; |
835 | const qreal columnWidth = 100; |
836 | const qreal rowHeight = 100; |
837 | const qreal actualTableSize = columns * columnWidth; |
838 | |
839 | // Set a content size that is far too large |
840 | // compared to the size of the table. |
841 | tableView->setContentWidth(actualTableSize * 2); |
842 | tableView->setContentHeight(actualTableSize * 2); |
843 | tableView->setRowSpacing(0); |
844 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(0); |
845 | tableView->setLeftMargin(0); |
846 | tableView->setRightMargin(0); |
847 | tableView->setTopMargin(0); |
848 | tableView->setBottomMargin(0); |
849 | |
850 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(rows, columns); |
851 | tableView->setModel(model); |
852 | |
854 | |
855 | // Flick slowly to column 5 (to avoid rebuilds). Flick two columns at a |
856 | // time to ensure that we create a gap before TableView gets a chance to |
857 | // adjust endExtent first. This gap on the right side will make TableView |
858 | // move the table to move to the edge. Because of this, the table will not |
859 | // be aligned at the start of the content view when we next flick back again. |
860 | // And this will cause origin to move. |
861 | for (int x = 0; x <= 6; x += 2) { |
862 | tableView->setContentX(x * columnWidth); |
863 | tableView->setContentY(x * rowHeight); |
864 | } |
865 | |
866 | // Check that the table has now been moved one column to the right |
867 | // (One column because that's how far outside the table we ended up flicking above). |
868 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.right(), actualTableSize + columnWidth); |
869 | |
870 | // Flick back one column at a time so that TableView detects that the first |
871 | // column is not at the origin before the "table move" logic kicks in. This |
872 | // will make TableView adjust the origin. |
873 | for (int x = 6; x >= 0; x -= 1) { |
874 | tableView->setContentX(x * columnWidth); |
875 | tableView->setContentY(x * rowHeight); |
876 | } |
877 | |
878 | // The origin will be moved with the same offset that the table was |
879 | // moved on the right side earlier, which is one column length. |
880 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->origin.x(), columnWidth); |
881 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->origin.y(), rowHeight); |
882 | } |
883 | |
884 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkExtents_endExtent() |
885 | { |
886 | // Check that if we the content view size doesn't match the actual size |
887 | // of the table, endExtent will be adjusted to make it fit (so that |
888 | // e.g the the flicking will bounce to a stop at the edge of the table). |
889 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("contentwidthheight.qml"); |
890 | |
891 | const int rows = 10; |
892 | const int columns = rows; |
893 | const qreal columnWidth = 100; |
894 | const qreal rowHeight = 100; |
895 | const qreal actualTableSize = columns * columnWidth; |
896 | |
897 | // Set a content size that is far too large |
898 | // compared to the size of the table. |
899 | tableView->setContentWidth(actualTableSize * 2); |
900 | tableView->setContentHeight(actualTableSize * 2); |
901 | tableView->setRowSpacing(0); |
902 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(0); |
903 | tableView->setLeftMargin(0); |
904 | tableView->setRightMargin(0); |
905 | tableView->setTopMargin(0); |
906 | tableView->setBottomMargin(0); |
907 | |
908 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(rows, columns); |
909 | tableView->setModel(model); |
910 | |
912 | |
913 | // Flick slowly to column 5 (to avoid rebuilds). This will flick the table to |
914 | // the last column in the model. But since there still is a lot space left in |
915 | // the content view, endExtent will be set accordingly to compensate. |
916 | for (int x = 1; x <= 5; x++) |
917 | tableView->setContentX(x * columnWidth); |
918 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->rightColumn(), columns - 1); |
919 | qreal expectedEndExtentWidth = actualTableSize - tableView->contentWidth(); |
920 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->endExtent.width(), expectedEndExtentWidth); |
921 | |
922 | for (int y = 1; y <= 5; y++) |
923 | tableView->setContentY(y * rowHeight); |
924 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->bottomRow(), rows - 1); |
925 | qreal expectedEndExtentHeight = actualTableSize - tableView->contentHeight(); |
926 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->endExtent.height(), expectedEndExtentHeight); |
927 | } |
928 | |
929 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkExtents_moveTableToEdge() |
930 | { |
931 | // Check that if we the content view size doesn't match the actual |
932 | // size of the table, and we fast-flick the viewport to outside |
933 | // the table, we end up moving the table back into the viewport to |
934 | // avoid any visual glitches. |
935 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("contentwidthheight.qml"); |
936 | |
937 | const int rows = 10; |
938 | const int columns = rows; |
939 | const qreal columnWidth = 100; |
940 | const qreal rowHeight = 100; |
941 | const qreal actualTableSize = columns * columnWidth; |
942 | |
943 | // Set a content size that is far to large |
944 | // compared to the size of the table. |
945 | tableView->setContentWidth(actualTableSize * 2); |
946 | tableView->setContentHeight(actualTableSize * 2); |
947 | tableView->setRowSpacing(0); |
948 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(0); |
949 | tableView->setLeftMargin(0); |
950 | tableView->setRightMargin(0); |
951 | tableView->setTopMargin(0); |
952 | tableView->setBottomMargin(0); |
953 | |
954 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(rows, columns); |
955 | tableView->setModel(model); |
956 | |
958 | |
959 | // Flick slowly to column 5 (to avoid rebuilds). Flick two columns at a |
960 | // time to ensure that we create a gap before TableView gets a chance to |
961 | // adjust endExtent first. This gap on the right side will make TableView |
962 | // move the table to the edge (in addition to adjusting the extents, but that |
963 | // will happen in a subsequent polish, and is not for this test verify). |
964 | for (int x = 0; x <= 6; x += 2) |
965 | tableView->setContentX(x * columnWidth); |
966 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->rightColumn(), columns - 1); |
967 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect, tableViewPrivate->viewportRect); |
968 | |
969 | for (int y = 0; y <= 6; y += 2) |
970 | tableView->setContentY(y * rowHeight); |
971 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->bottomRow(), rows - 1); |
972 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect, tableViewPrivate->viewportRect); |
973 | |
974 | for (int x = 6; x >= 0; x -= 2) |
975 | tableView->setContentX(x * columnWidth); |
976 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), 0); |
977 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect, tableViewPrivate->viewportRect); |
978 | |
979 | for (int y = 6; y >= 0; y -= 2) |
980 | tableView->setContentY(y * rowHeight); |
981 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
982 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect, tableViewPrivate->viewportRect); |
983 | } |
984 | |
985 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkContentXY() |
986 | { |
987 | // Check that you can bind contentX and contentY to |
988 | // e.g show the center of the table at start-up |
989 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("setcontentpos.qml"); |
990 | |
991 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(10, 10); |
992 | tableView->setModel(model); |
994 | |
995 | QCOMPARE(tableView->width(), 400); |
996 | QCOMPARE(tableView->height(), 400); |
997 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), 1000); |
998 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), 1000); |
999 | |
1000 | // Check that the content item is positioned according |
1001 | // to the binding in the QML file (which will set the |
1002 | // viewport to be at the center of the table). |
1003 | const qreal expectedXY = (tableView->contentWidth() - tableView->width()) / 2; |
1004 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentX(), expectedXY); |
1005 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentY(), expectedXY); |
1006 | |
1007 | // Check that we end up at the correct top-left cell: |
1008 | const qreal delegateWidth = tableViewPrivate->loadedItems.values().first()->item->width(); |
1009 | const int expectedCellXY = qCeil(v: expectedXY / delegateWidth); |
1010 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), expectedCellXY); |
1011 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), expectedCellXY); |
1012 | } |
1013 | |
1014 | void tst_QQuickTableView::noDelegate() |
1015 | { |
1016 | // Check that you can skip setting a delegate without |
1017 | // it causing any problems (like crashing or asserting). |
1018 | // And then set a delegate, and do a quick check that the |
1019 | // view gets populated as expected. |
1020 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
1021 | |
1022 | const int rows = 5; |
1023 | const int columns = 5; |
1024 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(columns, rows); |
1025 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1026 | |
1027 | // Start with no delegate, and check |
1028 | // that we end up with no items in the table. |
1029 | tableView->setDelegate(nullptr); |
1030 | |
1032 | |
1033 | auto items = tableViewPrivate->loadedItems; |
1034 | QVERIFY(items.isEmpty()); |
1035 | |
1036 | // Set a delegate, and check that we end |
1037 | // up with the expected number of items. |
1038 | auto delegate = view->rootObject()->property(name: "delegate").value<QQmlComponent *>(); |
1039 | QVERIFY(delegate); |
1040 | tableView->setDelegate(delegate); |
1041 | |
1043 | |
1044 | items = tableViewPrivate->loadedItems; |
1045 | QCOMPARE(items.count(), rows * columns); |
1046 | |
1047 | // And then unset the delegate again, and check |
1048 | // that we end up with no items. |
1049 | tableView->setDelegate(nullptr); |
1050 | |
1052 | |
1053 | items = tableViewPrivate->loadedItems; |
1054 | QVERIFY(items.isEmpty()); |
1055 | } |
1056 | |
1057 | void tst_QQuickTableView::changeDelegateDuringUpdate() |
1058 | { |
1059 | // Check that you can change the delegate (set it to null) |
1060 | // while the TableView is busy loading the table. |
1061 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("changemodelordelegateduringupdate.qml"); |
1062 | |
1063 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(1, 1); |
1064 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1065 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "changeDelegate", value: true); |
1066 | |
1068 | |
1069 | // We should no longer have a delegate, and no |
1070 | // items should therefore be loaded. |
1071 | QCOMPARE(tableView->delegate(), nullptr); |
1072 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedItems.size(), 0); |
1073 | |
1074 | // Even if the delegate is missing, we still report |
1075 | // the correct size of the model |
1076 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 1); |
1077 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 1); |
1078 | }; |
1079 | |
1080 | void tst_QQuickTableView::changeModelDuringUpdate() |
1081 | { |
1082 | // Check that you can change the model (set it to null) |
1083 | // while the TableView is buzy loading the table. |
1084 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("changemodelordelegateduringupdate.qml"); |
1085 | |
1086 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(1, 1); |
1087 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1088 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "changeModel", value: true); |
1089 | |
1091 | |
1092 | // We should no longer have a model, and the no |
1093 | // items should therefore be loaded. |
1094 | QVERIFY(tableView->model().isNull()); |
1095 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedItems.size(), 0); |
1096 | |
1097 | // The empty model has no rows or columns |
1098 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 0); |
1099 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 0); |
1100 | }; |
1101 | |
1102 | void tst_QQuickTableView::countDelegateItems_data() |
1103 | { |
1104 | QTest::addColumn<QVariant>(name: "model"); |
1105 | QTest::addColumn<int>(name: "count"); |
1106 | |
1107 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM 1x1") << TestModelAsVariant(1, 1) << 1; |
1108 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM 2x1") << TestModelAsVariant(2, 1) << 2; |
1109 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM 1x2") << TestModelAsVariant(1, 2) << 2; |
1110 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM 2x2") << TestModelAsVariant(2, 2) << 4; |
1111 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM 4x4") << TestModelAsVariant(4, 4) << 16; |
1112 | |
1113 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "Number model 1") << QVariant::fromValue(value: 1) << 1; |
1114 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "Number model 4") << QVariant::fromValue(value: 4) << 4; |
1115 | |
1116 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QStringList 1") << QVariant::fromValue(value: QStringList() << "one") << 1; |
1117 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QStringList 4") << QVariant::fromValue(value: QStringList() << "one"<< "two"<< "three"<< "four") << 4; |
1118 | } |
1119 | |
1120 | void tst_QQuickTableView::countDelegateItems() |
1121 | { |
1122 | // Assign different models of various sizes, and check that the number of |
1123 | // delegate items in the view matches the size of the model. Note that for |
1124 | // this test to be valid, all items must be within the visible area of the view. |
1125 | QFETCH(QVariant, model); |
1126 | QFETCH(int, count); |
1127 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
1128 | |
1129 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1131 | |
1132 | // Check that tableview internals contain the expected number of items |
1133 | auto const items = tableViewPrivate->loadedItems; |
1134 | QCOMPARE(items.count(), count); |
1135 | |
1136 | // Check that this also matches the items found in the view |
1137 | auto foundItems = findItems<QQuickItem>(parent: tableView, objectName: kDelegateObjectName); |
1138 | QCOMPARE(foundItems.count(), count); |
1139 | } |
1140 | |
1141 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkLayoutOfEqualSizedDelegateItems_data() |
1142 | { |
1143 | QTest::addColumn<QVariant>(name: "model"); |
1144 | QTest::addColumn<QSize>(name: "tableSize"); |
1145 | QTest::addColumn<QSizeF>(name: "spacing"); |
1146 | QTest::addColumn<QMarginsF>(name: "margins"); |
1147 | |
1148 | // Check spacing together with different table setups |
1149 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM 1x1 1,1") << TestModelAsVariant(1, 1) << QSize(1, 1) << QSizeF(1, 1) << QMarginsF(0, 0, 0, 0); |
1150 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM 5x5 0,0") << TestModelAsVariant(5, 5) << QSize(5, 5) << QSizeF(0, 0) << QMarginsF(0, 0, 0, 0); |
1151 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM 5x5 1,0") << TestModelAsVariant(5, 5) << QSize(5, 5) << QSizeF(1, 0) << QMarginsF(0, 0, 0, 0); |
1152 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM 5x5 0,1") << TestModelAsVariant(5, 5) << QSize(5, 5) << QSizeF(0, 1) << QMarginsF(0, 0, 0, 0); |
1153 | |
1154 | // Check spacing together with margins |
1155 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM 1x1 1,1 5555") << TestModelAsVariant(1, 1) << QSize(1, 1) << QSizeF(1, 1) << QMarginsF(5, 5, 5, 5); |
1156 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM 4x4 0,0 3333") << TestModelAsVariant(4, 4) << QSize(4, 4) << QSizeF(0, 0) << QMarginsF(3, 3, 3, 3); |
1157 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM 4x4 2,2 1234") << TestModelAsVariant(4, 4) << QSize(4, 4) << QSizeF(2, 2) << QMarginsF(1, 2, 3, 4); |
1158 | |
1159 | // Check "list" models |
1160 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "NumberModel 1x4, 0000") << QVariant::fromValue(value: 4) << QSize(1, 4) << QSizeF(1, 1) << QMarginsF(0, 0, 0, 0); |
1161 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QStringList 1x4, 0,0 1111") << QVariant::fromValue(value: QStringList() << "one"<< "two"<< "three"<< "four") |
1162 | << QSize(1, 4) << QSizeF(0, 0) << QMarginsF(1, 1, 1, 1); |
1163 | } |
1164 | |
1165 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkLayoutOfEqualSizedDelegateItems() |
1166 | { |
1167 | // Check that the geometry of the delegate items are correct |
1168 | QFETCH(QVariant, model); |
1169 | QFETCH(QSize, tableSize); |
1170 | QFETCH(QSizeF, spacing); |
1171 | QFETCH(QMarginsF, margins); |
1172 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
1173 | |
1174 | const qreal expectedItemWidth = 100; |
1175 | const qreal expectedItemHeight = 50; |
1176 | const int expectedItemCount = tableSize.width() * tableSize.height(); |
1177 | |
1178 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1179 | tableView->setRowSpacing(spacing.height()); |
1180 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(spacing.width()); |
1181 | |
1182 | // Setting margins on Flickable should not affect the layout of the |
1183 | // delegate items, since the margins is "transparent" to the TableView. |
1184 | tableView->setLeftMargin(margins.left()); |
1185 | tableView->setTopMargin(margins.top()); |
1186 | tableView->setRightMargin(margins.right()); |
1187 | tableView->setBottomMargin(margins.bottom()); |
1188 | |
1190 | |
1191 | auto const items = tableViewPrivate->loadedItems; |
1192 | QVERIFY(!items.isEmpty()); |
1193 | |
1194 | for (int i = 0; i < expectedItemCount; ++i) { |
1195 | const QQuickItem *item = items[i]->item; |
1196 | QVERIFY(item); |
1197 | QCOMPARE(item->parentItem(), tableView->contentItem()); |
1198 | |
1199 | const QPoint cell = getContextRowAndColumn(item); |
1200 | qreal expectedX = cell.x() * (expectedItemWidth + spacing.width()); |
1201 | qreal expectedY = cell.y() * (expectedItemHeight + spacing.height()); |
1202 | QCOMPARE(item->x(), expectedX); |
1203 | QCOMPARE(item->y(), expectedY); |
1204 | QCOMPARE(item->z(), 1); |
1205 | QCOMPARE(item->width(), expectedItemWidth); |
1206 | QCOMPARE(item->height(), expectedItemHeight); |
1207 | } |
1208 | } |
1209 | |
1210 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkFocusRemoved_data() |
1211 | { |
1212 | QTest::addColumn<QString>(name: "focusedItemProp"); |
1213 | |
1214 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "delegate root") << QStringLiteral( "delegateRoot"); |
1215 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "delegate child") << QStringLiteral( "delegateChild"); |
1216 | } |
1217 | |
1218 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkFocusRemoved() |
1219 | { |
1220 | // Check that we clear the focus of a delegate item when |
1221 | // a child of the delegate item has focus, and the cell is |
1222 | // flicked out of view. |
1223 | QFETCH(QString, focusedItemProp); |
1224 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("tableviewfocus.qml"); |
1225 | |
1226 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
1227 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1228 | |
1230 | |
1231 | auto const item = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: QPoint(0, 0))->item; |
1232 | auto const focusedItem = qvariant_cast<QQuickItem *>(v: item->property(name: focusedItemProp.toUtf8().data())); |
1233 | QVERIFY(focusedItem); |
1234 | QCOMPARE(tableView->hasActiveFocus(), false); |
1235 | QCOMPARE(focusedItem->hasActiveFocus(), false); |
1236 | |
1237 | focusedItem->forceActiveFocus(); |
1238 | QCOMPARE(tableView->hasActiveFocus(), true); |
1239 | QCOMPARE(focusedItem->hasActiveFocus(), true); |
1240 | |
1241 | // Flick the focused cell out, and check that none of the |
1242 | // items in the table has focus (which means that the reused |
1243 | // item lost focus when it was flicked out). But the tableview |
1244 | // itself will maintain active focus. |
1245 | tableView->setContentX(500); |
1246 | QCOMPARE(tableView->hasActiveFocus(), true); |
1247 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) { |
1248 | auto const focusedItem2 = qvariant_cast<QQuickItem *>(v: fxItem->item->property(name: focusedItemProp.toUtf8().data())); |
1249 | QCOMPARE(focusedItem2->hasActiveFocus(), false); |
1250 | } |
1251 | } |
1252 | |
1253 | void tst_QQuickTableView::fillTableViewButNothingMore_data() |
1254 | { |
1255 | QTest::addColumn<QSizeF>(name: "spacing"); |
1256 | |
1257 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "0 0,0 0") << QSizeF(0, 0); |
1258 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "0 10,10 0") << QSizeF(10, 10); |
1259 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "100 10,10 0") << QSizeF(10, 10); |
1260 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "0 0,0 100") << QSizeF(0, 0); |
1261 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "0 10,10 100") << QSizeF(10, 10); |
1262 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "100 10,10 100") << QSizeF(10, 10); |
1263 | } |
1264 | |
1265 | void tst_QQuickTableView::fillTableViewButNothingMore() |
1266 | { |
1267 | // Check that we end up filling the whole visible part of |
1268 | // the tableview with cells, but nothing more. |
1269 | QFETCH(QSizeF, spacing); |
1270 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
1271 | |
1272 | const int rows = 100; |
1273 | const int columns = 100; |
1274 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(rows, columns); |
1275 | |
1276 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1277 | tableView->setRowSpacing(spacing.height()); |
1278 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(spacing.width()); |
1279 | |
1281 | |
1282 | auto const topLeftFxItem = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: QPoint(0, 0)); |
1283 | auto const topLeftItem = topLeftFxItem->item; |
1284 | |
1285 | auto const bottomRightLoadedCell = QPoint(tableViewPrivate->rightColumn(), tableViewPrivate->bottomRow()); |
1286 | auto const bottomRightFxItem = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: bottomRightLoadedCell); |
1287 | auto const bottomRightItem = bottomRightFxItem->item; |
1288 | const QPoint bottomRightCell = getContextRowAndColumn(item: bottomRightItem.data()); |
1289 | |
1290 | // Check that the right-most item is overlapping the right edge of the view |
1291 | QVERIFY(bottomRightItem->x() < tableView->width()); |
1292 | QVERIFY(bottomRightItem->x() + bottomRightItem->width() >= tableView->width() - spacing.width()); |
1293 | |
1294 | // Check that the actual number of columns matches what we expect |
1295 | qreal cellWidth = bottomRightItem->width() + spacing.width(); |
1296 | int expectedColumns = qCeil(v: tableView->width() / cellWidth); |
1297 | int actualColumns = bottomRightCell.x() + 1; |
1298 | QCOMPARE(actualColumns, expectedColumns); |
1299 | |
1300 | // Check that the bottom-most item is overlapping the bottom edge of the view |
1301 | QVERIFY(bottomRightItem->y() < tableView->height()); |
1302 | QVERIFY(bottomRightItem->y() + bottomRightItem->height() >= tableView->height() - spacing.height()); |
1303 | |
1304 | // Check that the actual number of rows matches what we expect |
1305 | qreal cellHeight = bottomRightItem->height() + spacing.height(); |
1306 | int expectedRows = qCeil(v: tableView->height() / cellHeight); |
1307 | int actualRows = bottomRightCell.y() + 1; |
1308 | QCOMPARE(actualRows, expectedRows); |
1309 | } |
1310 | |
1311 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkInitialAttachedProperties_data() |
1312 | { |
1313 | QTest::addColumn<QVariant>(name: "model"); |
1314 | |
1315 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM") << TestModelAsVariant(4, 4); |
1316 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "Number model") << QVariant::fromValue(value: 4); |
1317 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QStringList") << QVariant::fromValue(value: QStringList() << "0"<< "1"<< "2"<< "3"); |
1318 | } |
1319 | |
1320 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkInitialAttachedProperties() |
1321 | { |
1322 | // Check that the context and attached properties inside |
1323 | // the delegate items are what we expect at start-up. |
1324 | QFETCH(QVariant, model); |
1325 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
1326 | |
1327 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1328 | |
1330 | |
1331 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) { |
1332 | const int index = fxItem->index; |
1333 | const auto item = fxItem->item; |
1334 | const auto context = qmlContext(item.data()); |
1335 | const QPoint cell = tableViewPrivate->cellAtModelIndex(modelIndex: index); |
1336 | const int contextIndex = context->contextProperty("index").toInt(); |
1337 | const QPoint contextCell = getContextRowAndColumn(item: item.data()); |
1338 | const QString contextModelData = context->contextProperty("modelData").toString(); |
1339 | |
1340 | QCOMPARE(contextCell.y(), cell.y()); |
1341 | QCOMPARE(contextCell.x(), cell.x()); |
1342 | QCOMPARE(contextIndex, index); |
1343 | QCOMPARE(contextModelData, QStringLiteral("%1").arg(cell.y())); |
1344 | QCOMPARE(getAttachedObject(item)->view(), tableView); |
1345 | } |
1346 | } |
1347 | |
1348 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkSpacingValues() |
1349 | { |
1350 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("tableviewdefaultspacing.qml"); |
1351 | |
1352 | int rowCount = 9; |
1353 | int columnCount = 9; |
1354 | int delegateWidth = 15; |
1355 | int delegateHeight = 10; |
1356 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(rowCount, columnCount); |
1357 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1358 | |
1360 | |
1361 | // Default spacing : 0 |
1362 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rowSpacing(), 0); |
1363 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columnSpacing(), 0); |
1364 | |
1365 | tableView->polish(); |
1367 | |
1368 | qreal expectedContentWidth = columnCount * (delegateWidth + tableView->columnSpacing()) - tableView->columnSpacing(); |
1369 | qreal expectedContentHeight = rowCount * (delegateHeight + tableView->rowSpacing()) - tableView->rowSpacing(); |
1370 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), expectedContentWidth); |
1371 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), expectedContentHeight); |
1372 | |
1373 | // Valid spacing assignment |
1374 | tableView->setRowSpacing(42); |
1375 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(12); |
1376 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rowSpacing(), 42); |
1377 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columnSpacing(), 12); |
1378 | |
1379 | tableView->polish(); |
1381 | |
1382 | expectedContentWidth = columnCount * (delegateWidth + tableView->columnSpacing()) - tableView->columnSpacing(); |
1383 | expectedContentHeight = rowCount * (delegateHeight + tableView->rowSpacing()) - tableView->rowSpacing(); |
1384 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), expectedContentWidth); |
1385 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), expectedContentHeight); |
1386 | |
1387 | // Negative spacing is allowed, and can be used to eliminate double edges |
1388 | // in the grid if the delegate is a rectangle with a border. |
1389 | tableView->setRowSpacing(-1); |
1390 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(-1); |
1391 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rowSpacing(), -1); |
1392 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columnSpacing(), -1); |
1393 | |
1394 | tableView->setRowSpacing(10); |
1395 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(10); |
1396 | // Invalid assignments (should ignore) |
1397 | tableView->setRowSpacing(INFINITY); |
1398 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(INFINITY); |
1399 | tableView->setRowSpacing(NAN); |
1400 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(NAN); |
1401 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rowSpacing(), 10); |
1402 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columnSpacing(), 10); |
1403 | } |
1404 | |
1405 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkDelegateParent() |
1406 | { |
1407 | // Check that TableView sets the delegate parent before |
1408 | // bindings are evaluated, so that the app can bind to it. |
1409 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
1410 | |
1411 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
1412 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1413 | |
1415 | |
1416 | QVERIFY(view->rootObject()->property("delegateParentSetBeforeCompleted").toBool()); |
1417 | } |
1418 | |
1419 | void tst_QQuickTableView::flick_data() |
1420 | { |
1421 | QTest::addColumn<QSizeF>(name: "spacing"); |
1422 | QTest::addColumn<QMarginsF>(name: "margins"); |
1423 | QTest::addColumn<bool>(name: "reuseItems"); |
1424 | |
1425 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:0 m:0 reuse") << QSizeF(0, 0) << QMarginsF(0, 0, 0, 0) << true; |
1426 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:5 m:0 reuse") << QSizeF(5, 5) << QMarginsF(0, 0, 0, 0) << true; |
1427 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:0 m:20 reuse") << QSizeF(0, 0) << QMarginsF(20, 20, 20, 20) << true; |
1428 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:5 m:20 reuse") << QSizeF(5, 5) << QMarginsF(20, 20, 20, 20) << true; |
1429 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:0 m:0") << QSizeF(0, 0) << QMarginsF(0, 0, 0, 0) << false; |
1430 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:5 m:0") << QSizeF(5, 5) << QMarginsF(0, 0, 0, 0) << false; |
1431 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:0 m:20") << QSizeF(0, 0) << QMarginsF(20, 20, 20, 20) << false; |
1432 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:5 m:20") << QSizeF(5, 5) << QMarginsF(20, 20, 20, 20) << false; |
1433 | } |
1434 | |
1435 | void tst_QQuickTableView::flick() |
1436 | { |
1437 | // Check that if we end up with the correct start and end column/row as we flick around |
1438 | // with different table configurations. |
1439 | QFETCH(QSizeF, spacing); |
1440 | QFETCH(QMarginsF, margins); |
1441 | QFETCH(bool, reuseItems); |
1442 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
1443 | |
1444 | const qreal delegateWidth = 100; |
1445 | const qreal delegateHeight = 50; |
1446 | const int visualColumnCount = 4; |
1447 | const int visualRowCount = 4; |
1448 | const qreal cellWidth = delegateWidth + spacing.width(); |
1449 | const qreal cellHeight = delegateHeight + spacing.height(); |
1450 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
1451 | |
1452 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1453 | tableView->setRowSpacing(spacing.height()); |
1454 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(spacing.width()); |
1455 | tableView->setLeftMargin(margins.left()); |
1456 | tableView->setTopMargin(margins.top()); |
1457 | tableView->setRightMargin(margins.right()); |
1458 | tableView->setBottomMargin(margins.bottom()); |
1459 | tableView->setReuseItems(reuseItems); |
1460 | tableView->setWidth(margins.left() + (visualColumnCount * cellWidth) - spacing.width()); |
1461 | tableView->setHeight(margins.top() + (visualRowCount * cellHeight) - spacing.height()); |
1462 | |
1464 | |
1465 | // Check the "simple" case if the cells never lands egde-to-edge with the viewport. For |
1466 | // that case we only accept that visible row/columns are loaded. |
1467 | qreal flickValues[] = {0.5, 1.5, 4.5, 20.5, 10.5, 3.5, 1.5, 0.5}; |
1468 | |
1469 | for (qreal cellsToFlick : flickValues) { |
1470 | // Flick to the beginning of the cell |
1471 | tableView->setContentX(cellsToFlick * cellWidth); |
1472 | tableView->setContentY(cellsToFlick * cellHeight); |
1473 | tableView->polish(); |
1474 | |
1476 | |
1477 | const int expectedTableLeft = int(cellsToFlick - int((margins.left() + spacing.width()) / cellWidth)); |
1478 | const int expectedTableTop = int(cellsToFlick - int((margins.top() + spacing.height()) / cellHeight)); |
1479 | |
1480 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), expectedTableLeft); |
1481 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->rightColumn(), expectedTableLeft + visualColumnCount); |
1482 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), expectedTableTop); |
1483 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->bottomRow(), expectedTableTop + visualRowCount); |
1484 | } |
1485 | } |
1486 | |
1487 | void tst_QQuickTableView::flickOvershoot_data() |
1488 | { |
1489 | QTest::addColumn<QSizeF>(name: "spacing"); |
1490 | QTest::addColumn<QMarginsF>(name: "margins"); |
1491 | QTest::addColumn<bool>(name: "reuseItems"); |
1492 | |
1493 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:0 m:0 reuse") << QSizeF(0, 0) << QMarginsF(0, 0, 0, 0) << true; |
1494 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:5 m:0 reuse") << QSizeF(5, 5) << QMarginsF(0, 0, 0, 0) << true; |
1495 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:0 m:20 reuse") << QSizeF(0, 0) << QMarginsF(20, 20, 20, 20) << true; |
1496 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:5 m:20 reuse") << QSizeF(5, 5) << QMarginsF(20, 20, 20, 20) << true; |
1497 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:0 m:0") << QSizeF(0, 0) << QMarginsF(0, 0, 0, 0) << false; |
1498 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:5 m:0") << QSizeF(5, 5) << QMarginsF(0, 0, 0, 0) << false; |
1499 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:0 m:20") << QSizeF(0, 0) << QMarginsF(20, 20, 20, 20) << false; |
1500 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "s:5 m:20") << QSizeF(5, 5) << QMarginsF(20, 20, 20, 20) << false; |
1501 | } |
1502 | |
1503 | void tst_QQuickTableView::flickOvershoot() |
1504 | { |
1505 | // Flick the table completely out and then in again, and see |
1506 | // that we still contains the expected rows/columns |
1507 | // Note that TableView always keeps top-left item loaded, even |
1508 | // when everything is flicked out of view. |
1509 | QFETCH(QSizeF, spacing); |
1510 | QFETCH(QMarginsF, margins); |
1511 | QFETCH(bool, reuseItems); |
1512 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
1513 | |
1514 | const int rowCount = 5; |
1515 | const int columnCount = 5; |
1516 | const qreal delegateWidth = 100; |
1517 | const qreal delegateHeight = 50; |
1518 | const qreal cellWidth = delegateWidth + spacing.width(); |
1519 | const qreal cellHeight = delegateHeight + spacing.height(); |
1520 | const qreal tableWidth = margins.left() + margins.right() + (cellWidth * columnCount) - spacing.width(); |
1521 | const qreal tableHeight = margins.top() + margins.bottom() + (cellHeight * rowCount) - spacing.height(); |
1522 | const int outsideMargin = 10; |
1523 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(rowCount, columnCount); |
1524 | |
1525 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1526 | tableView->setRowSpacing(spacing.height()); |
1527 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(spacing.width()); |
1528 | tableView->setLeftMargin(margins.left()); |
1529 | tableView->setTopMargin(margins.top()); |
1530 | tableView->setRightMargin(margins.right()); |
1531 | tableView->setBottomMargin(margins.bottom()); |
1532 | tableView->setReuseItems(reuseItems); |
1533 | tableView->setWidth(tableWidth - margins.right() - cellWidth / 2); |
1534 | tableView->setHeight(tableHeight - margins.bottom() - cellHeight / 2); |
1535 | |
1537 | |
1538 | // Flick table out of view left |
1539 | tableView->setContentX(-tableView->width() - outsideMargin); |
1540 | tableView->setContentY(0); |
1541 | tableView->polish(); |
1542 | |
1544 | |
1545 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), 0); |
1546 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->rightColumn(), 0); |
1547 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
1548 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->bottomRow(), rowCount - 1); |
1549 | |
1550 | // Flick table out of view right |
1551 | tableView->setContentX(tableWidth + outsideMargin); |
1552 | tableView->setContentY(0); |
1553 | tableView->polish(); |
1554 | |
1556 | |
1557 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), columnCount - 1); |
1558 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->rightColumn(), columnCount - 1); |
1559 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
1560 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->bottomRow(), rowCount - 1); |
1561 | |
1562 | // Flick table out of view on top |
1563 | tableView->setContentX(0); |
1564 | tableView->setContentY(-tableView->height() - outsideMargin); |
1565 | tableView->polish(); |
1566 | |
1568 | |
1569 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), 0); |
1570 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->rightColumn(), columnCount - 1); |
1571 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
1572 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->bottomRow(), 0); |
1573 | |
1574 | // Flick table out of view at the bottom |
1575 | tableView->setContentX(0); |
1576 | tableView->setContentY(tableHeight + outsideMargin); |
1577 | tableView->polish(); |
1578 | |
1580 | |
1581 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), 0); |
1582 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->rightColumn(), columnCount - 1); |
1583 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), rowCount - 1); |
1584 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->bottomRow(), rowCount - 1); |
1585 | |
1586 | // Flick table out of view left and top at the same time |
1587 | tableView->setContentX(-tableView->width() - outsideMargin); |
1588 | tableView->setContentY(-tableView->height() - outsideMargin); |
1589 | tableView->polish(); |
1590 | |
1592 | |
1593 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), 0); |
1594 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->rightColumn(), 0); |
1595 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
1596 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->bottomRow(), 0); |
1597 | |
1598 | // Flick table back to origo |
1599 | tableView->setContentX(0); |
1600 | tableView->setContentY(0); |
1601 | tableView->polish(); |
1602 | |
1604 | |
1605 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), 0); |
1606 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->rightColumn(), columnCount - 1); |
1607 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
1608 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->bottomRow(), rowCount - 1); |
1609 | |
1610 | // Flick table out of view right and bottom at the same time |
1611 | tableView->setContentX(tableWidth + outsideMargin); |
1612 | tableView->setContentY(tableHeight + outsideMargin); |
1613 | tableView->polish(); |
1614 | |
1616 | |
1617 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), columnCount - 1); |
1618 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->rightColumn(), columnCount - 1); |
1619 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), rowCount - 1); |
1620 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->bottomRow(), rowCount - 1); |
1621 | |
1622 | // Flick table back to origo |
1623 | tableView->setContentX(0); |
1624 | tableView->setContentY(0); |
1625 | tableView->polish(); |
1626 | |
1628 | |
1629 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), 0); |
1630 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->rightColumn(), columnCount - 1); |
1631 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
1632 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->bottomRow(), rowCount - 1); |
1633 | } |
1634 | |
1635 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkRowColumnCount() |
1636 | { |
1637 | // If we flick several columns (rows) at the same time, check that we don't |
1638 | // end up with loading more delegate items into memory than necessary. We |
1639 | // should free up columns as we go before loading new ones. |
1640 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("countingtableview.qml"); |
1641 | |
1642 | const char *maxDelegateCountProp = "maxDelegateCount"; |
1643 | const qreal delegateWidth = 100; |
1644 | const qreal delegateHeight = 50; |
1645 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
1646 | const auto &loadedRows = tableViewPrivate->loadedRows; |
1647 | const auto &loadedColumns = tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns; |
1648 | |
1649 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1650 | |
1652 | |
1653 | // We expect that the number of created items after start-up should match |
1654 | //the size of the visible table, pluss one extra preloaded row and column. |
1655 | const int qmlCountAfterInit = view->rootObject()->property(name: maxDelegateCountProp).toInt(); |
1656 | const int expectedCount = (loadedColumns.count() + 1) * (loadedRows.count() + 1); |
1657 | QCOMPARE(qmlCountAfterInit, expectedCount); |
1658 | |
1659 | // This test will keep track of the maximum number of delegate items TableView |
1660 | // had to show at any point while flicking (in countingtableview.qml). Because |
1661 | // of the geometries chosen for TableView and the delegate, only complete columns |
1662 | // will be shown at start-up. |
1663 | QVERIFY(loadedRows.count() > loadedColumns.count()); |
1664 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.width(), tableView->width()); |
1665 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.height(), tableView->height()); |
1666 | |
1667 | // Flick half an item to the left+up, to force one extra column and row to load before we |
1668 | // start. By doing so, we end up showing the maximum number of rows and columns that will |
1669 | // ever be shown in the view. This will make things less complicated below, when checking |
1670 | // how many items that end up visible while flicking. |
1671 | tableView->setContentX(delegateWidth / 2); |
1672 | tableView->setContentY(delegateHeight / 2); |
1673 | const int qmlCountAfterFirstFlick = view->rootObject()->property(name: maxDelegateCountProp).toInt(); |
1674 | |
1675 | // Flick a long distance right |
1676 | tableView->setContentX(tableView->width() * 2); |
1677 | |
1678 | const int qmlCountAfterLongFlick = view->rootObject()->property(name: maxDelegateCountProp).toInt(); |
1679 | QCOMPARE(qmlCountAfterLongFlick, qmlCountAfterFirstFlick); |
1680 | |
1681 | // Flick a long distance down |
1682 | tableView->setContentX(tableView->height() * 2); |
1683 | |
1684 | const int qmlCountAfterDownFlick = view->rootObject()->property(name: maxDelegateCountProp).toInt(); |
1685 | QCOMPARE(qmlCountAfterDownFlick, qmlCountAfterFirstFlick); |
1686 | |
1687 | // Flick a long distance left |
1688 | tableView->setContentX(0); |
1689 | |
1690 | const int qmlCountAfterLeftFlick = view->rootObject()->property(name: maxDelegateCountProp).toInt(); |
1691 | QCOMPARE(qmlCountAfterLeftFlick, qmlCountAfterFirstFlick); |
1692 | |
1693 | // Flick a long distance up |
1694 | tableView->setContentY(0); |
1695 | |
1696 | const int qmlCountAfterUpFlick = view->rootObject()->property(name: maxDelegateCountProp).toInt(); |
1697 | QCOMPARE(qmlCountAfterUpFlick, qmlCountAfterFirstFlick); |
1698 | } |
1699 | |
1700 | void tst_QQuickTableView::modelSignals() |
1701 | { |
1702 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
1703 | |
1704 | TestModel model(1, 1); |
1705 | tableView->setModel(QVariant::fromValue(value: &model)); |
1707 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 1); |
1708 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 1); |
1709 | |
1710 | QVERIFY(model.insertRows(0, 1)); |
1712 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 2); |
1713 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 1); |
1714 | |
1715 | QVERIFY(model.removeRows(1, 1)); |
1717 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 1); |
1718 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 1); |
1719 | |
1720 | model.insertColumns(column: 1, count: 1); |
1722 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 1); |
1723 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 2); |
1724 | |
1725 | model.removeColumns(column: 1, count: 1); |
1727 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 1); |
1728 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 1); |
1729 | |
1730 | model.setRowCount(10); |
1732 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 10); |
1733 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 1); |
1734 | |
1735 | model.setColumnCount(10); |
1737 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 10); |
1738 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 10); |
1739 | |
1740 | model.setRowCount(0); |
1742 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 0); |
1743 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 10); |
1744 | |
1745 | model.setColumnCount(1); |
1747 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 0); |
1748 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 1); |
1749 | |
1750 | model.setRowCount(10); |
1752 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 10); |
1753 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 1); |
1754 | |
1755 | model.setColumnCount(10); |
1757 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 10); |
1758 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 10); |
1759 | |
1760 | model.clear(); |
1761 | model.setColumnCount(1); |
1763 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 0); |
1764 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 1); |
1765 | } |
1766 | |
1767 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkModelSignalsUpdateLayout() |
1768 | { |
1769 | // Check that if the model rearranges rows and emit the |
1770 | // 'layoutChanged' signal, TableView will be updated correctly. |
1771 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
1772 | |
1773 | TestModel model(0, 1); |
1774 | tableView->setModel(QVariant::fromValue(value: &model)); |
1776 | |
1777 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 0); |
1778 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 1); |
1779 | |
1780 | QString modelRow1Text = QStringLiteral("firstRow"); |
1781 | QString modelRow2Text = QStringLiteral("secondRow"); |
1782 | model.insertRow(arow: 0); |
1783 | model.insertRow(arow: 0); |
1784 | model.setModelData(cell: QPoint(0, 0), span: QSize(1, 1), string: modelRow1Text); |
1785 | model.setModelData(cell: QPoint(0, 1), span: QSize(1, 1), string: modelRow2Text); |
1787 | |
1788 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 2); |
1789 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 1); |
1790 | |
1791 | QString delegate1text = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: QPoint(0, 0))->item->property(name: "modelDataBinding").toString(); |
1792 | QString delegate2text = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: QPoint(0, 1))->item->property(name: "modelDataBinding").toString(); |
1793 | QCOMPARE(delegate1text, modelRow1Text); |
1794 | QCOMPARE(delegate2text, modelRow2Text); |
1795 | |
1796 | model.swapRows(row1: 0, row2: 1); |
1798 | |
1799 | delegate1text = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: QPoint(0, 0))->item->property(name: "modelDataBinding").toString(); |
1800 | delegate2text = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: QPoint(0, 1))->item->property(name: "modelDataBinding").toString(); |
1801 | QCOMPARE(delegate1text, modelRow2Text); |
1802 | QCOMPARE(delegate2text, modelRow1Text); |
1803 | } |
1804 | |
1805 | void tst_QQuickTableView::dataChangedSignal() |
1806 | { |
1807 | // Check that bindings to the model inside a delegate gets updated |
1808 | // when the model item they bind to changes. |
1809 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
1810 | |
1811 | const QString prefix(QStringLiteral("changed")); |
1812 | |
1813 | TestModel model(10, 10); |
1814 | tableView->setModel(QVariant::fromValue(value: &model)); |
1815 | |
1817 | |
1818 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) { |
1819 | const auto item = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: fxItem->cell)->item; |
1820 | const QString modelDataBindingProperty = item->property(name: kModelDataBindingProp).toString(); |
1821 | QString expectedModelData = QString::number(fxItem->cell.y()); |
1822 | QCOMPARE(modelDataBindingProperty, expectedModelData); |
1823 | } |
1824 | |
1825 | // Change one cell in the model |
1826 | model.setModelData(cell: QPoint(0, 0), span: QSize(1, 1), string: prefix); |
1827 | |
1828 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) { |
1829 | const QPoint cell = fxItem->cell; |
1830 | const auto modelIndex = model.index(row: cell.y(), column: cell.x()); |
1831 | QString expectedModelData = model.data(index: modelIndex, role: Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); |
1832 | |
1833 | const auto item = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: fxItem->cell)->item; |
1834 | const QString modelDataBindingProperty = item->property(name: kModelDataBindingProp).toString(); |
1835 | |
1836 | QCOMPARE(modelDataBindingProperty, expectedModelData); |
1837 | } |
1838 | |
1839 | // Change four cells in one go |
1840 | model.setModelData(cell: QPoint(1, 0), span: QSize(2, 2), string: prefix); |
1841 | |
1842 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) { |
1843 | const QPoint cell = fxItem->cell; |
1844 | const auto modelIndex = model.index(row: cell.y(), column: cell.x()); |
1845 | QString expectedModelData = model.data(index: modelIndex, role: Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); |
1846 | |
1847 | const auto item = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: fxItem->cell)->item; |
1848 | const QString modelDataBindingProperty = item->property(name: kModelDataBindingProp).toString(); |
1849 | |
1850 | QCOMPARE(modelDataBindingProperty, expectedModelData); |
1851 | } |
1852 | } |
1853 | |
1854 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkThatPoolIsDrainedWhenReuseIsFalse() |
1855 | { |
1856 | // Check that the reuse pool is drained |
1857 | // immediately when setting reuseItems to false. |
1858 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("countingtableview.qml"); |
1859 | |
1860 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
1861 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1862 | |
1864 | |
1865 | // The pool should now contain preloaded items |
1866 | QVERIFY(tableViewPrivate->tableModel->poolSize() > 0); |
1867 | tableView->setReuseItems(false); |
1868 | // The pool should now be empty |
1869 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->tableModel->poolSize(), 0); |
1870 | } |
1871 | |
1872 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkIfDelegatesAreReused_data() |
1873 | { |
1874 | QTest::addColumn<bool>(name: "reuseItems"); |
1875 | |
1876 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "reuse = true") << true; |
1877 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "reuse = false") << false; |
1878 | } |
1879 | |
1880 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkIfDelegatesAreReused() |
1881 | { |
1882 | // Check that we end up reusing delegate items while flicking if |
1883 | // TableView has reuseItems set to true, but otherwise not. |
1884 | QFETCH(bool, reuseItems); |
1885 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("countingtableview.qml"); |
1886 | |
1887 | const qreal delegateWidth = 100; |
1888 | const qreal delegateHeight = 50; |
1889 | const int pageFlickCount = 4; |
1890 | |
1891 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
1892 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1893 | tableView->setReuseItems(reuseItems); |
1894 | |
1896 | |
1897 | // Flick half an item to the side, to force one extra row and column to load before we start. |
1898 | // This will make things less complicated below, when checking how many times the items |
1899 | // have been reused (all items will then report the same number). |
1900 | tableView->setContentX(delegateWidth / 2); |
1901 | tableView->setContentY(delegateHeight / 2); |
1902 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->tableModel->poolSize(), 0); |
1903 | |
1904 | // Some items have already been pooled and reused after we moved the content view, because |
1905 | // we preload one extra row and column at start-up. So reset the count-properties back to 0 |
1906 | // before we continue. |
1907 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) { |
1908 | fxItem->item->setProperty(name: "pooledCount", value: 0); |
1909 | fxItem->item->setProperty(name: "reusedCount", value: 0); |
1910 | } |
1911 | |
1912 | const int visibleColumnCount = tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns.count(); |
1913 | const int visibleRowCount = tableViewPrivate->loadedRows.count(); |
1914 | const int delegateCountAfterInit = view->rootObject()->property(name: kDelegatesCreatedCountProp).toInt(); |
1915 | |
1916 | for (int column = 1; column <= (visibleColumnCount * pageFlickCount); ++column) { |
1917 | // Flick columns to the left (and add one pixel to ensure the left column is completely out) |
1918 | tableView->setContentX((delegateWidth * column) + 1); |
1919 | // Check that the number of delegate items created so far is what we expect. |
1920 | const int delegatesCreatedCount = view->rootObject()->property(name: kDelegatesCreatedCountProp).toInt(); |
1921 | int expectedCount = delegateCountAfterInit + (reuseItems ? 0 : visibleRowCount * column); |
1922 | QCOMPARE(delegatesCreatedCount, expectedCount); |
1923 | } |
1924 | |
1925 | // Check that each delegate item has been reused as many times |
1926 | // as we have flicked pages (if reuse is enabled). |
1927 | for (auto fxItem : tableViewPrivate->loadedItems) { |
1928 | int pooledCount = fxItem->item->property(name: "pooledCount").toInt(); |
1929 | int reusedCount = fxItem->item->property(name: "reusedCount").toInt(); |
1930 | if (reuseItems) { |
1931 | QCOMPARE(pooledCount, pageFlickCount); |
1932 | QCOMPARE(reusedCount, pageFlickCount); |
1933 | } else { |
1934 | QCOMPARE(pooledCount, 0); |
1935 | QCOMPARE(reusedCount, 0); |
1936 | } |
1937 | } |
1938 | } |
1939 | |
1940 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkIfDelegatesAreReusedAsymmetricTableSize() |
1941 | { |
1942 | // Check that we end up reusing all delegate items while flicking, also if the table contain |
1943 | // more columns than rows. In that case, if we flick out a whole row, we'll move a lot of |
1944 | // items into the pool. And if we then start flicking in columns, we'll only reuse a few of |
1945 | // them for each column. Still, we don't want the pool to release the superfluous items after |
1946 | // each load, since they are still in circulation and will be needed once we flick in a new |
1947 | // row at the end of the test. |
1948 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("countingtableview.qml"); |
1949 | |
1950 | const int columnCount = 20; |
1951 | const int rowCount = 2; |
1952 | const qreal delegateWidth = tableView->width() / columnCount; |
1953 | const qreal delegateHeight = (tableView->height() / rowCount) + 10; |
1954 | |
1955 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
1956 | tableView->setModel(model); |
1957 | |
1958 | // Let the height of each row be much bigger than the width of each column. |
1959 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "delegateWidth", value: delegateWidth); |
1960 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "delegateHeight", value: delegateHeight); |
1961 | |
1963 | |
1964 | auto initialTopLeftItem = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: QPoint(0, 0))->item; |
1965 | QVERIFY(initialTopLeftItem); |
1966 | int pooledCount = initialTopLeftItem->property(name: "pooledCount").toInt(); |
1967 | int reusedCount = initialTopLeftItem->property(name: "reusedCount").toInt(); |
1968 | QCOMPARE(pooledCount, 0); |
1969 | QCOMPARE(reusedCount, 0); |
1970 | |
1971 | // Flick half an item left+down, to force one extra row and column to load. By doing |
1972 | // so, we force the maximum number of rows and columns to show before we start the test. |
1973 | // This will make things less complicated below, when checking how many |
1974 | // times the items have been reused (all items will then report the same number). |
1975 | tableView->setContentX(delegateWidth * 0.5); |
1976 | tableView->setContentY(delegateHeight * 0.5); |
1977 | |
1978 | // Since we have flicked half a delegate to the left, the number of visible |
1979 | // columns is now one more than the column count were when we started the test. |
1980 | const int visibleColumnCount = tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns.count(); |
1981 | QCOMPARE(visibleColumnCount, columnCount + 1); |
1982 | |
1983 | // We expect no items to have been pooled so far |
1984 | pooledCount = initialTopLeftItem->property(name: "pooledCount").toInt(); |
1985 | reusedCount = initialTopLeftItem->property(name: "reusedCount").toInt(); |
1986 | QCOMPARE(pooledCount, 0); |
1987 | QCOMPARE(reusedCount, 0); |
1988 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->tableModel->poolSize(), 0); |
1989 | |
1990 | // Flick one row out of view. This will move one whole row of items into the |
1991 | // pool without reusing them, since no new row is exposed at the bottom. |
1992 | tableView->setContentY(delegateHeight + 1); |
1993 | pooledCount = initialTopLeftItem->property(name: "pooledCount").toInt(); |
1994 | reusedCount = initialTopLeftItem->property(name: "reusedCount").toInt(); |
1995 | QCOMPARE(pooledCount, 1); |
1996 | QCOMPARE(reusedCount, 0); |
1997 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->tableModel->poolSize(), visibleColumnCount); |
1998 | |
1999 | const int delegateCountAfterInit = view->rootObject()->property(name: kDelegatesCreatedCountProp).toInt(); |
2000 | |
2001 | // Start flicking in a lot of columns, and check that the created count stays the same |
2002 | for (int column = 1; column <= 10; ++column) { |
2003 | tableView->setContentX((delegateWidth * column) + 10); |
2004 | const int delegatesCreatedCount = view->rootObject()->property(name: kDelegatesCreatedCountProp).toInt(); |
2005 | // Since we reuse items while flicking, the created count should stay the same |
2006 | QCOMPARE(delegatesCreatedCount, delegateCountAfterInit); |
2007 | // Since we flick out just as many columns as we flick in, the pool size should stay the same |
2008 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->tableModel->poolSize(), visibleColumnCount); |
2009 | } |
2010 | |
2011 | // Finally, flick one row back into view (but without flicking so far that we push the third |
2012 | // row out and into the pool). The pool should still contain the exact amount of items that |
2013 | // we had after we flicked the first row out. And this should be exactly the amount of items |
2014 | // needed to load the row back again. And this also means that the pool count should then return |
2015 | // back to 0. |
2016 | tableView->setContentY(delegateHeight - 1); |
2017 | const int delegatesCreatedCount = view->rootObject()->property(name: kDelegatesCreatedCountProp).toInt(); |
2018 | QCOMPARE(delegatesCreatedCount, delegateCountAfterInit); |
2019 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->tableModel->poolSize(), 0); |
2020 | } |
2021 | |
2022 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkContextProperties_data() |
2023 | { |
2024 | QTest::addColumn<QVariant>(name: "model"); |
2025 | QTest::addColumn<bool>(name: "reuseItems"); |
2026 | |
2027 | auto stringList = QStringList(); |
2028 | for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) |
2029 | stringList.append(t: QString::number(i)); |
2030 | |
2031 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM, reuse=false") << TestModelAsVariant(100, 100) << false; |
2032 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QAIM, reuse=true") << TestModelAsVariant(100, 100) << true; |
2033 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "Number model, reuse=false") << QVariant::fromValue(value: 100) << false; |
2034 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "Number model, reuse=true") << QVariant::fromValue(value: 100) << true; |
2035 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QStringList, reuse=false") << QVariant::fromValue(value: stringList) << false; |
2036 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "QStringList, reuse=true") << QVariant::fromValue(value: stringList) << true; |
2037 | } |
2038 | |
2039 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkContextProperties() |
2040 | { |
2041 | // Check that the context properties of the delegate items |
2042 | // are what we expect while flicking, with or without item recycling. |
2043 | QFETCH(QVariant, model); |
2044 | QFETCH(bool, reuseItems); |
2045 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("countingtableview.qml"); |
2046 | |
2047 | const qreal delegateWidth = 100; |
2048 | const qreal delegateHeight = 50; |
2049 | const int rowCount = 100; |
2050 | const int pageFlickCount = 3; |
2051 | |
2052 | tableView->setModel(model); |
2053 | tableView->setReuseItems(reuseItems); |
2054 | |
2056 | |
2057 | const int visibleRowCount = qMin(a: tableView->rows(), b: qCeil(v: tableView->height() / delegateHeight)); |
2058 | const int visibleColumnCount = qMin(a: tableView->columns(), b: qCeil(v: tableView->width() / delegateWidth)); |
2059 | |
2060 | for (int row = 1; row <= (visibleRowCount * pageFlickCount); ++row) { |
2061 | // Flick rows up |
2062 | tableView->setContentY((delegateHeight * row) + (delegateHeight / 2)); |
2063 | tableView->polish(); |
2064 | |
2066 | |
2067 | for (int col = 0; col < visibleColumnCount; ++col) { |
2068 | const auto item = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: QPoint(col, row))->item; |
2069 | const auto context = qmlContext(item.data()); |
2070 | const int contextIndex = context->contextProperty("index").toInt(); |
2071 | const int contextRow = context->contextProperty("row").toInt(); |
2072 | const int contextColumn = context->contextProperty("column").toInt(); |
2073 | const QString contextModelData = context->contextProperty("modelData").toString(); |
2074 | |
2075 | QCOMPARE(contextIndex, row + (col * rowCount)); |
2076 | QCOMPARE(contextRow, row); |
2077 | QCOMPARE(contextColumn, col); |
2078 | QCOMPARE(contextModelData, QStringLiteral("%1").arg(row)); |
2079 | } |
2080 | } |
2081 | } |
2082 | |
2083 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkContextPropertiesQQmlListProperyModel_data() |
2084 | { |
2085 | QTest::addColumn<bool>(name: "reuseItems"); |
2086 | |
2087 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "reuse=false") << false; |
2088 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "reuse=true") << true; |
2089 | } |
2090 | |
2091 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkContextPropertiesQQmlListProperyModel() |
2092 | { |
2093 | // Check that the context properties of the delegate items |
2094 | // are what we expect while flicking, with or without item recycling. |
2095 | // This test hard-codes the model to be a QQmlListPropertyModel from |
2096 | // within the qml file. |
2097 | QFETCH(bool, reuseItems); |
2098 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("qqmllistpropertymodel.qml"); |
2099 | |
2100 | const qreal delegateWidth = 100; |
2101 | const qreal delegateHeight = 50; |
2102 | const int rowCount = 100; |
2103 | const int pageFlickCount = 3; |
2104 | |
2105 | tableView->setReuseItems(reuseItems); |
2106 | tableView->polish(); |
2107 | |
2109 | |
2110 | const int visibleRowCount = qMin(a: tableView->rows(), b: qCeil(v: tableView->height() / delegateHeight)); |
2111 | const int visibleColumnCount = qMin(a: tableView->columns(), b: qCeil(v: tableView->width() / delegateWidth)); |
2112 | |
2113 | for (int row = 1; row <= (visibleRowCount * pageFlickCount); ++row) { |
2114 | // Flick rows up |
2115 | tableView->setContentY((delegateHeight * row) + (delegateHeight / 2)); |
2116 | tableView->polish(); |
2117 | |
2119 | |
2120 | for (int col = 0; col < visibleColumnCount; ++col) { |
2121 | const auto item = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: QPoint(col, row))->item; |
2122 | const auto context = qmlContext(item.data()); |
2123 | const int contextIndex = context->contextProperty("index").toInt(); |
2124 | const int contextRow = context->contextProperty("row").toInt(); |
2125 | const int contextColumn = context->contextProperty("column").toInt(); |
2126 | const QObject *contextModelData = qvariant_cast<QObject *>(v: context->contextProperty("modelData")); |
2127 | const QString modelDataProperty = contextModelData->property(name: "someCustomProperty").toString(); |
2128 | |
2129 | QCOMPARE(contextIndex, row + (col * rowCount)); |
2130 | QCOMPARE(contextRow, row); |
2131 | QCOMPARE(contextColumn, col); |
2132 | QCOMPARE(modelDataProperty, QStringLiteral("%1").arg(row)); |
2133 | } |
2134 | } |
2135 | } |
2136 | |
2137 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkRowAndColumnChangedButNotIndex() |
2138 | { |
2139 | // Check that context row and column changes even if the index stays the |
2140 | // same when the item is reused. This can happen in rare cases if the item |
2141 | // is first used at e.g (row 1, col 0), but then reused at (row 0, col 1) |
2142 | // while the model has changed row count in-between. |
2143 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("checkrowandcolumnnotchanged.qml"); |
2144 | |
2145 | TestModel model(2, 1); |
2146 | tableView->setModel(QVariant::fromValue(value: &model)); |
2147 | |
2149 | |
2150 | model.removeRow(arow: 1); |
2151 | model.insertColumn(acolumn: 1); |
2152 | tableView->forceLayout(); |
2153 | |
2154 | const auto item = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: QPoint(1, 0))->item; |
2155 | const auto context = qmlContext(item.data()); |
2156 | const int contextIndex = context->contextProperty("index").toInt(); |
2157 | const int contextRow = context->contextProperty("row").toInt(); |
2158 | const int contextColumn = context->contextProperty("column").toInt(); |
2159 | |
2160 | QCOMPARE(contextIndex, 1); |
2161 | QCOMPARE(contextRow, 0); |
2162 | QCOMPARE(contextColumn, 1); |
2163 | } |
2164 | |
2165 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkThatWeAlwaysEmitChangedUponItemReused() |
2166 | { |
2167 | // Check that we always emit changes to index when we reuse an item, even |
2168 | // if it doesn't change. This is needed since the model can have changed |
2169 | // row or column count while the item was in the pool, which means that |
2170 | // any data referred to by the index property inside the delegate |
2171 | // will change too. So we need to refresh any bindings to index. |
2172 | // QTBUG-79209 |
2173 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("checkalwaysemit.qml"); |
2174 | |
2175 | TestModel model(1, 1); |
2176 | tableView->setModel(QVariant::fromValue(value: &model)); |
2177 | model.setModelData(cell: QPoint(0, 0), span: QSize(1, 1), string: "old value"); |
2178 | |
2180 | |
2181 | const auto reuseItem = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableItem(cell: QPoint(0, 0))->item; |
2182 | const auto context = qmlContext(reuseItem.data()); |
2183 | |
2184 | // Remove the cell/row that has "old value" as model data, and |
2185 | // add a new one right after. The new cell will have the same |
2186 | // index, but with no model data assigned. |
2187 | // This change will not be detected by items in the pool. But since |
2188 | // we emit indexChanged when the item is reused, it will be updated then. |
2189 | model.removeRow(arow: 0); |
2190 | model.insertRow(arow: 0); |
2191 | |
2193 | |
2194 | QCOMPARE(context->contextProperty("index").toInt(), 0); |
2195 | QCOMPARE(context->contextProperty("row").toInt(), 0); |
2196 | QCOMPARE(context->contextProperty("column").toInt(), 0); |
2197 | QCOMPARE(context->contextProperty("modelDataFromIndex").toString(), ""); |
2198 | } |
2199 | |
2200 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkChangingModelFromDelegate() |
2201 | { |
2202 | // Check that we don't restart a rebuild of the table |
2203 | // while we're in the middle of rebuilding it from before |
2204 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("changemodelfromdelegate.qml"); |
2205 | |
2206 | // Set addRowFromDelegate. This will trigger the QML code to add a new |
2207 | // row and call forceLayout(). When TableView instantiates the first |
2208 | // delegate in the new row, the Component.onCompleted handler will try to |
2209 | // add a new row. But since we're currently rebuilding, this should be |
2210 | // scheduled for later. |
2211 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "addRowFromDelegate", value: true); |
2212 | |
2213 | // We now expect two rows in the table, one more than initially |
2214 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->tableSize.height(), 2); |
2215 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedRows.count(), 2); |
2216 | |
2217 | // And since the QML code tried to add another row as well, we |
2218 | // expect rebuildScheduled to be true, and a polish event to be pending. |
2219 | QVERIFY(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions); |
2220 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->polishScheduled, true); |
2222 | |
2223 | // After handling the polish event, we expect also the third row to now be added |
2224 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->tableSize.height(), 3); |
2225 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedRows.count(), 3); |
2226 | } |
2227 | |
2228 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkRebuildViewportOnly() |
2229 | { |
2230 | // Check that we only rebuild from the current top-left cell |
2231 | // when you add or remove rows and columns. There should be |
2232 | // no need to do a rebuild from scratch in such cases. |
2233 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("countingtableview.qml"); |
2234 | |
2235 | const char *propName = "delegatesCreatedCount"; |
2236 | const qreal delegateWidth = 100; |
2237 | const qreal delegateHeight = 50; |
2238 | |
2239 | TestModel model(100, 100); |
2240 | tableView->setModel(QVariant::fromValue(value: &model)); |
2241 | |
2243 | |
2244 | // Flick to row/column 50, 50 |
2245 | tableView->setContentX(delegateWidth * 50); |
2246 | tableView->setContentY(delegateHeight * 50); |
2247 | |
2248 | // Set reuse items to false, just to make it easier to |
2249 | // check the number of items created during a rebuild. |
2250 | tableView->setReuseItems(false); |
2251 | const int itemCountBeforeRebuild = tableViewPrivate->loadedItems.count(); |
2252 | |
2253 | // Since all cells have the same size, we expect that we end up creating |
2254 | // the same amount of items that were already showing before, even after |
2255 | // adding or removing rows and columns. |
2256 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: propName, value: 0); |
2257 | model.insertRow(arow: 51); |
2259 | int countAfterRebuild = view->rootObject()->property(name: propName).toInt(); |
2260 | QCOMPARE(countAfterRebuild, itemCountBeforeRebuild); |
2261 | |
2262 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: propName, value: 0); |
2263 | model.removeRow(arow: 51); |
2265 | countAfterRebuild = view->rootObject()->property(name: propName).toInt(); |
2266 | QCOMPARE(countAfterRebuild, itemCountBeforeRebuild); |
2267 | |
2268 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: propName, value: 0); |
2269 | model.insertColumn(acolumn: 51); |
2271 | countAfterRebuild = view->rootObject()->property(name: propName).toInt(); |
2272 | QCOMPARE(countAfterRebuild, itemCountBeforeRebuild); |
2273 | |
2274 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: propName, value: 0); |
2275 | model.removeColumn(acolumn: 51); |
2277 | countAfterRebuild = view->rootObject()->property(name: propName).toInt(); |
2278 | QCOMPARE(countAfterRebuild, itemCountBeforeRebuild); |
2279 | } |
2280 | |
2281 | void tst_QQuickTableView::useDelegateChooserWithoutDefault() |
2282 | { |
2283 | // Check that the application issues a warning (but doesn't e.g |
2284 | // crash) if the delegate chooser doesn't cover all cells |
2285 | QTest::ignoreMessage(type: QtWarningMsg, messagePattern: QRegularExpression(".*failed")); |
2286 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("usechooserwithoutdefault.qml"); |
2287 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(2, 1); |
2288 | tableView->setModel(model); |
2290 | }; |
2291 | |
2292 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkTableviewInsideAsyncLoader() |
2293 | { |
2294 | // Check that you can put a TableView inside an async Loader, and |
2295 | // that the delegate items are created before the loader is ready. |
2296 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW_ASYNC("asyncplain.qml"); |
2297 | |
2298 | // At this point the Loader has finished |
2299 | QCOMPARE(loader->status(), QQuickLoader::Ready); |
2300 | |
2301 | // Check that TableView has finished building |
2302 | QVERIFY(!tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions); |
2303 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->rebuildState, QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildState::Done); |
2304 | |
2305 | // Check that all expected delegate items have been loaded |
2306 | const qreal delegateWidth = 100; |
2307 | const qreal delegateHeight = 50; |
2308 | int expectedColumns = qCeil(v: tableView->width() / delegateWidth); |
2309 | int expectedRows = qCeil(v: tableView->height() / delegateHeight); |
2310 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns.count(), expectedColumns); |
2311 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedRows.count(), expectedRows); |
2312 | |
2313 | // Check that the loader was still in a loading state while TableView was creating |
2314 | // delegate items. If we delayed creating delegate items until we got the first |
2315 | // updatePolish() callback in QQuickTableView, this would not be the case. |
2316 | auto statusWhenDelegate0_0Completed = qvariant_cast<QQuickLoader::Status>( |
2317 | v: loader->item()->property(name: "statusWhenDelegate0_0Created")); |
2318 | auto statusWhenDelegate5_5Completed = qvariant_cast<QQuickLoader::Status>( |
2319 | v: loader->item()->property(name: "statusWhenDelegate5_5Created")); |
2320 | QCOMPARE(statusWhenDelegate0_0Completed, QQuickLoader::Loading); |
2321 | QCOMPARE(statusWhenDelegate5_5Completed, QQuickLoader::Loading); |
2322 | |
2323 | // Check that TableView had a valid geometry when we started to build. If the build |
2324 | // was started too early (e.g upon QQuickTableView::componentComplete), width and |
2325 | // height would still be 0 since the bindings would not have been evaluated yet. |
2326 | qreal width = loader->item()->property(name: "tableViewWidthWhileBuilding").toReal(); |
2327 | qreal height = loader->item()->property(name: "tableViewHeightWhileBuilding").toReal(); |
2328 | QVERIFY(width > 0); |
2329 | QVERIFY(height > 0); |
2330 | }; |
2331 | |
2332 | #define INT_LIST(indices) QVariant::fromValue(QList<int>() << indices) |
2333 | |
2334 | void tst_QQuickTableView::hideRowsAndColumns_data() |
2335 | { |
2336 | QTest::addColumn<QVariant>(name: "rowsToHide"); |
2337 | QTest::addColumn<QVariant>(name: "columnsToHide"); |
2338 | |
2339 | const auto emptyList = QVariant::fromValue(value: QList<int>()); |
2340 | |
2341 | // Hide rows |
2342 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "first") << INT_LIST(0) << emptyList; |
2343 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "middle 1") << INT_LIST(1) << emptyList; |
2344 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "middle 3") << INT_LIST(3) << emptyList; |
2345 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "last") << INT_LIST(4) << emptyList; |
2346 | |
2347 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "subsequent 0,1") << INT_LIST(0 << 1) << emptyList; |
2348 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "subsequent 1,2") << INT_LIST(1 << 2) << emptyList; |
2349 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "subsequent 3,4") << INT_LIST(3 << 4) << emptyList; |
2350 | |
2351 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "all but first") << INT_LIST(1 << 2 << 3 << 4) << emptyList; |
2352 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "all but last") << INT_LIST(0 << 1 << 2 << 3) << emptyList; |
2353 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "all but middle") << INT_LIST(0 << 1 << 3 << 4) << emptyList; |
2354 | |
2355 | // Hide columns |
2356 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "first") << emptyList << INT_LIST(0); |
2357 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "middle 1") << emptyList << INT_LIST(1); |
2358 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "middle 3") << emptyList << INT_LIST(3); |
2359 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "last") << emptyList << INT_LIST(4); |
2360 | |
2361 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "subsequent 0,1") << emptyList << INT_LIST(0 << 1); |
2362 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "subsequent 1,2") << emptyList << INT_LIST(1 << 2); |
2363 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "subsequent 3,4") << emptyList << INT_LIST(3 << 4); |
2364 | |
2365 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "all but first") << emptyList << INT_LIST(1 << 2 << 3 << 4); |
2366 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "all but last") << emptyList << INT_LIST(0 << 1 << 2 << 3); |
2367 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "all but middle") << emptyList << INT_LIST(0 << 1 << 3 << 4); |
2368 | |
2369 | // Hide both rows and columns at the same time |
2370 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "first") << INT_LIST(0) << INT_LIST(0); |
2371 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "middle 1") << INT_LIST(1) << INT_LIST(1); |
2372 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "middle 3") << INT_LIST(3) << INT_LIST(3); |
2373 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "last") << INT_LIST(4) << INT_LIST(4); |
2374 | |
2375 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "subsequent 0,1") << INT_LIST(0 << 1) << INT_LIST(0 << 1); |
2376 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "subsequent 1,2") << INT_LIST(1 << 2) << INT_LIST(1 << 2); |
2377 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "subsequent 3,4") << INT_LIST(3 << 4) << INT_LIST(3 << 4); |
2378 | |
2379 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "all but first") << INT_LIST(1 << 2 << 3 << 4) << INT_LIST(1 << 2 << 3 << 4); |
2380 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "all but last") << INT_LIST(0 << 1 << 2 << 3) << INT_LIST(0 << 1 << 2 << 3); |
2381 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "all but middle") << INT_LIST(0 << 1 << 3 << 4) << INT_LIST(0 << 1 << 3 << 4); |
2382 | |
2383 | // Hide all rows and columns |
2384 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "all") << INT_LIST(0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4) << INT_LIST(0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4); |
2385 | } |
2386 | |
2387 | void tst_QQuickTableView::hideRowsAndColumns() |
2388 | { |
2389 | // Check that you can hide the first row (corner case) |
2390 | // and that we load the other columns as expected. |
2391 | QFETCH(QVariant, rowsToHide); |
2392 | QFETCH(QVariant, columnsToHide); |
2393 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("hiderowsandcolumns.qml"); |
2394 | |
2395 | const QList<int> rowsToHideList = qvariant_cast<QList<int>>(v: rowsToHide); |
2396 | const QList<int> columnsToHideList = qvariant_cast<QList<int>>(v: columnsToHide); |
2397 | const int modelSize = 5; |
2398 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(modelSize, modelSize); |
2399 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "rowsToHide", value: rowsToHide); |
2400 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "columnsToHide", value: columnsToHide); |
2401 | |
2402 | tableView->setModel(model); |
2403 | |
2405 | |
2406 | const int expectedRowCount = modelSize - rowsToHideList.count(); |
2407 | const int expectedColumnCount = modelSize - columnsToHideList.count(); |
2408 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedRows.count(), expectedRowCount); |
2409 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns.count(), expectedColumnCount); |
2410 | |
2411 | for (const int row : tableViewPrivate->loadedRows.keys()) |
2412 | QVERIFY(!rowsToHideList.contains(row)); |
2413 | |
2414 | for (const int column : tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns.keys()) |
2415 | QVERIFY(!columnsToHideList.contains(column)); |
2416 | } |
2417 | |
2418 | void tst_QQuickTableView::hideAndShowFirstColumn() |
2419 | { |
2420 | // Check that if we hide the first column, it will move |
2421 | // the second column to the origin of the viewport. Then check |
2422 | // that if we show the first column again, it will reappear at |
2423 | // the origin of the viewport, and as such, pushing the second |
2424 | // column to the right of it. |
2425 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("hiderowsandcolumns.qml"); |
2426 | |
2427 | const int modelSize = 5; |
2428 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(modelSize, modelSize); |
2429 | tableView->setModel(model); |
2430 | |
2431 | // Start by making the first column hidden |
2432 | const auto columnsToHideList = QList<int>() << 0; |
2433 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "columnsToHide", value: QVariant::fromValue(value: columnsToHideList)); |
2434 | |
2436 | |
2437 | const int expectedColumnCount = modelSize - columnsToHideList.count(); |
2438 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns.count(), expectedColumnCount); |
2439 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), 1); |
2440 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentX(), 0); |
2441 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.x(), 0); |
2442 | |
2443 | // Make the first column in the model visible again |
2444 | const auto emptyList = QList<int>(); |
2445 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "columnsToHide", value: QVariant::fromValue(value: emptyList)); |
2446 | tableView->forceLayout(); |
2447 | |
2449 | |
2450 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedColumns.count(), modelSize); |
2451 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), 0); |
2452 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentX(), 0); |
2453 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.x(), 0); |
2454 | } |
2455 | |
2456 | void tst_QQuickTableView::hideAndShowFirstRow() |
2457 | { |
2458 | // Check that if we hide the first row, it will move |
2459 | // the second row to the origin of the viewport. Then check |
2460 | // that if we show the first row again, it will reappear at |
2461 | // the origin of the viewport, and as such, pushing the second |
2462 | // row below it. |
2463 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("hiderowsandcolumns.qml"); |
2464 | |
2465 | const int modelSize = 5; |
2466 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(modelSize, modelSize); |
2467 | tableView->setModel(model); |
2468 | |
2469 | // Start by making the first row hidden |
2470 | const auto rowsToHideList = QList<int>() << 0; |
2471 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "rowsToHide", value: QVariant::fromValue(value: rowsToHideList)); |
2472 | |
2474 | |
2475 | const int expectedRowsCount = modelSize - rowsToHideList.count(); |
2476 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedRows.count(), expectedRowsCount); |
2477 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), 1); |
2478 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentY(), 0); |
2479 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.y(), 0); |
2480 | |
2481 | // Make the first row in the model visible again |
2482 | const auto emptyList = QList<int>(); |
2483 | view->rootObject()->setProperty(name: "rowsToHide", value: QVariant::fromValue(value: emptyList)); |
2484 | tableView->forceLayout(); |
2485 | |
2487 | |
2488 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedRows.count(), modelSize); |
2489 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
2490 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentY(), 0); |
2491 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.y(), 0); |
2492 | } |
2493 | |
2494 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkThatRevisionedPropertiesCannotBeUsedInOldImports() |
2495 | { |
2496 | // Check that if you use a QQmlAdaptorModel together with a Repeater, the |
2497 | // revisioned context properties 'row' and 'column' are not accessible. |
2498 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("checkmodelpropertyrevision.qml"); |
2499 | const int resolvedRow = view->rootObject()->property(name: "resolvedDelegateRow").toInt(); |
2500 | const int resolvedColumn = view->rootObject()->property(name: "resolvedDelegateColumn").toInt(); |
2501 | QCOMPARE(resolvedRow, 42); |
2502 | QCOMPARE(resolvedColumn, 42); |
2503 | } |
2504 | |
2505 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkSyncView_rootView_data() |
2506 | { |
2507 | QTest::addColumn<qreal>(name: "flickToPos"); |
2508 | |
2509 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "pos:110") << 110.; |
2510 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "pos:2010") << 2010.; |
2511 | } |
2512 | |
2513 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkSyncView_rootView() |
2514 | { |
2515 | // Check that if you flick on the root tableview (the view that has |
2516 | // no other view as syncView), all the other tableviews will sync |
2517 | // their content view position according to their syncDirection flag. |
2518 | QFETCH(qreal, flickToPos); |
2519 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("syncviewsimple.qml"); |
2520 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewH); |
2521 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewV); |
2522 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewHV); |
2523 | QQuickTableView *views[] = {tableViewH, tableViewV, tableViewHV}; |
2524 | |
2525 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
2526 | |
2527 | tableView->setModel(model); |
2528 | for (auto view : views) |
2529 | view->setModel(model); |
2530 | |
2531 | tableView->setContentX(flickToPos); |
2532 | tableView->setContentY(flickToPos); |
2533 | |
2535 | |
2536 | // Check that geometry properties are mirrored |
2537 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->columnSpacing(), tableView->columnSpacing()); |
2538 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->rowSpacing(), 0); |
2539 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->contentWidth(), tableView->contentWidth()); |
2540 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->columnSpacing(), 0); |
2541 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->rowSpacing(), tableView->rowSpacing()); |
2542 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->contentHeight(), tableView->contentHeight()); |
2543 | |
2544 | // Check that viewport is in sync after the flick |
2545 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentX(), flickToPos); |
2546 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentY(), flickToPos); |
2547 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->contentX(), tableView->contentX()); |
2548 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->contentY(), 0); |
2549 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->contentX(), 0); |
2550 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->contentY(), tableView->contentY()); |
2551 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHV->contentX(), tableView->contentX()); |
2552 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHV->contentY(), tableView->contentY()); |
2553 | |
2554 | // Check that topLeft cell is in sync after the flick |
2555 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->leftColumn(), tableViewPrivate->leftColumn()); |
2556 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->rightColumn(), tableViewPrivate->rightColumn()); |
2557 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
2558 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->leftColumn(), 0); |
2559 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->topRow(), tableViewPrivate->topRow()); |
2560 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHVPrivate->leftColumn(), tableViewPrivate->leftColumn()); |
2561 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHVPrivate->topRow(), tableViewPrivate->topRow()); |
2562 | |
2563 | // Check that the geometry of the tables are in sync after the flick |
2564 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left()); |
2565 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.right(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.right()); |
2566 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top(), 0); |
2567 | |
2568 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top()); |
2569 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.bottom(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.bottom()); |
2570 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left(), 0); |
2571 | |
2572 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect, tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect); |
2573 | } |
2574 | |
2575 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkSyncView_childViews_data() |
2576 | { |
2577 | QTest::addColumn<int>(name: "viewIndexToFlick"); |
2578 | QTest::addColumn<qreal>(name: "flickToPos"); |
2579 | |
2580 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "tableViewH, pos:100") << 0 << 100.; |
2581 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "tableViewV, pos:100") << 1 << 100.; |
2582 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "tableViewHV, pos:100") << 2 << 100.; |
2583 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "tableViewH, pos:2000") << 0 << 2000.; |
2584 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "tableViewV, pos:2000") << 1 << 2000.; |
2585 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "tableViewHV, pos:2000") << 2 << 2000.; |
2586 | } |
2587 | |
2588 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkSyncView_childViews() |
2589 | { |
2590 | // Check that if you flick on a tableview that has a syncView, the |
2591 | // syncView will move to the new position as well, which will also |
2592 | // recursivly move all other connected child views of the syncView. |
2593 | QFETCH(int, viewIndexToFlick); |
2594 | QFETCH(qreal, flickToPos); |
2595 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("syncviewsimple.qml"); |
2596 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewH); |
2597 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewV); |
2598 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewHV); |
2599 | QQuickTableView *views[] = {tableViewH, tableViewV, tableViewHV}; |
2600 | QQuickTableView *viewToFlick = views[viewIndexToFlick]; |
2601 | QQuickTableViewPrivate *viewToFlickPrivate = QQuickTableViewPrivate::get(q: viewToFlick); |
2602 | |
2603 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
2604 | |
2605 | tableView->setModel(model); |
2606 | for (auto view : views) |
2607 | view->setModel(model); |
2608 | |
2609 | viewToFlick->setContentX(flickToPos); |
2610 | viewToFlick->setContentY(flickToPos); |
2611 | |
2613 | |
2614 | // The view the user flicks on can always be flicked in both directions |
2615 | // (unless is has a flickingDirection set, which is not the case here). |
2616 | QCOMPARE(viewToFlick->contentX(), flickToPos); |
2617 | QCOMPARE(viewToFlick->contentY(), flickToPos); |
2618 | |
2619 | // The root view (tableView) will move in sync according |
2620 | // to the syncDirection of the view being flicked. |
2621 | if (viewToFlick->syncDirection() & Qt::Horizontal) { |
2622 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentX(), flickToPos); |
2623 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), viewToFlickPrivate->leftColumn()); |
2624 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->rightColumn(), viewToFlickPrivate->rightColumn()); |
2625 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left(), viewToFlickPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left()); |
2626 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.right(), viewToFlickPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.right()); |
2627 | } else { |
2628 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentX(), 0); |
2629 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(), 0); |
2630 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left(), 0); |
2631 | } |
2632 | |
2633 | if (viewToFlick->syncDirection() & Qt::Vertical) { |
2634 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentY(), flickToPos); |
2635 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), viewToFlickPrivate->topRow()); |
2636 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->bottomRow(), viewToFlickPrivate->bottomRow()); |
2637 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top(), viewToFlickPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top()); |
2638 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.bottom(), viewToFlickPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.bottom()); |
2639 | } else { |
2640 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentY(), 0); |
2641 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
2642 | QCOMPARE(tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top(), 0); |
2643 | } |
2644 | |
2645 | // The other views should continue to stay in sync with |
2646 | // the root view, unless it was the view being flicked. |
2647 | if (viewToFlick != tableViewH) { |
2648 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->contentX(), tableView->contentX()); |
2649 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->contentY(), 0); |
2650 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->leftColumn(), tableViewPrivate->leftColumn()); |
2651 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->rightColumn(), tableViewPrivate->rightColumn()); |
2652 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left()); |
2653 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.right(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.right()); |
2654 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
2655 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top(), 0); |
2656 | } |
2657 | |
2658 | if (viewToFlick != tableViewV) { |
2659 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->contentX(), 0); |
2660 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->contentY(), tableView->contentY()); |
2661 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->topRow(), tableViewPrivate->topRow()); |
2662 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->bottomRow(), tableViewPrivate->bottomRow()); |
2663 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top()); |
2664 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.bottom(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.bottom()); |
2665 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->leftColumn(), 0); |
2666 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left(), 0); |
2667 | } |
2668 | |
2669 | if (viewToFlick != tableViewHV) { |
2670 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHV->contentX(), tableView->contentX()); |
2671 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHV->contentY(), tableView->contentY()); |
2672 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHVPrivate->leftColumn(), tableViewPrivate->leftColumn()); |
2673 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHVPrivate->rightColumn(), tableViewPrivate->rightColumn()); |
2674 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHVPrivate->topRow(), tableViewPrivate->topRow()); |
2675 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHVPrivate->bottomRow(), tableViewPrivate->bottomRow()); |
2676 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect, tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect); |
2677 | } |
2678 | } |
2679 | |
2680 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkSyncView_differentSizedModels() |
2681 | { |
2682 | // Check that you can have two tables in a syncView relation, where |
2683 | // the sync "child" has fewer rows/columns than the syncView. In that |
2684 | // case, it will be possible to flick the syncView further out than |
2685 | // the child have rows/columns to follow. This causes some extra |
2686 | // challenges for TableView to ensure that they are still kept in |
2687 | // sync once you later flick the syncView back to a point where both |
2688 | // tables ends up visible. This test will check this sitiation. |
2689 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("syncviewsimple.qml"); |
2690 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewH); |
2691 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewV); |
2692 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewHV); |
2693 | |
2694 | auto tableViewModel = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
2695 | auto tableViewHModel = TestModelAsVariant(100, 50); |
2696 | auto tableViewVModel = TestModelAsVariant(50, 100); |
2697 | auto tableViewHVModel = TestModelAsVariant(5, 5); |
2698 | |
2699 | tableView->setModel(tableViewModel); |
2700 | tableViewH->setModel(tableViewHModel); |
2701 | tableViewV->setModel(tableViewVModel); |
2702 | tableViewHV->setModel(tableViewHVModel); |
2703 | |
2705 | |
2706 | // Flick far out, beyond the smaller tables, which will |
2707 | // also force a rebuild (and as such, cause layout properties |
2708 | // like average cell width to be temporarily out of sync). |
2709 | tableView->setContentX(5000); |
2710 | QVERIFY(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions); |
2711 | |
2713 | |
2714 | // Check that the smaller tables are now flicked out of view |
2715 | qreal leftEdge = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left(); |
2716 | QVERIFY(tableViewHPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.right() < leftEdge); |
2717 | QVERIFY(tableViewHVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.right() < leftEdge); |
2718 | |
2719 | // Flick slowly back so that we don't trigger a rebuild (since |
2720 | // we want to check that we stay in sync also when not rebuilding). |
2721 | while (tableView->contentX() > 200) { |
2722 | tableView->setContentX(tableView->contentX() - 200); |
2723 | QVERIFY(!tableViewPrivate->rebuildOptions); |
2724 | QVERIFY(!tableViewPrivate->polishScheduled); |
2725 | } |
2726 | |
2727 | leftEdge = tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left(); |
2728 | const int leftColumn = tableViewPrivate->leftColumn(); |
2729 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left(), leftEdge); |
2730 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->leftColumn(), leftColumn); |
2731 | |
2732 | // Because the tableView was fast flicked and then slowly flicked back, the |
2733 | // left column is now 49, which is actually far too high, since we're almost |
2734 | // at the beginning of the content view. But this "miscalculation" is expected |
2735 | // when the column widths are increasing for each column, like they do in this |
2736 | // test. In that case, the algorithm that predicts where each column should end |
2737 | // up gets slightly confused. Anyway, check that tableViewHV, that has only |
2738 | // 5 columns, is not showing any columns, since it should always stay in sync with |
2739 | // syncView regardless of the content view position. |
2740 | QVERIFY(tableViewHVPrivate->loadedColumns.isEmpty()); |
2741 | } |
2742 | |
2743 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkSyncView_connect_late_data() |
2744 | { |
2745 | QTest::addColumn<qreal>(name: "flickToPos"); |
2746 | |
2747 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "pos:110") << 110.; |
2748 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "pos:2010") << 2010.; |
2749 | } |
2750 | |
2751 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkSyncView_connect_late() |
2752 | { |
2753 | // Check that if you assign a syncView to a TableView late, and |
2754 | // after the views have been flicked around, they will still end up in sync. |
2755 | QFETCH(qreal, flickToPos); |
2756 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("syncviewsimple.qml"); |
2757 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewH); |
2758 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewV); |
2759 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewHV); |
2760 | QQuickTableView *views[] = {tableViewH, tableViewV, tableViewHV}; |
2761 | |
2762 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
2763 | |
2764 | tableView->setModel(model); |
2765 | |
2766 | // Start with no syncView connections |
2767 | for (auto view : views) { |
2768 | view->setSyncView(nullptr); |
2769 | view->setModel(model); |
2770 | } |
2771 | |
2773 | |
2774 | tableView->setContentX(flickToPos); |
2775 | tableView->setContentY(flickToPos); |
2776 | |
2778 | |
2779 | // Check that viewport is not in sync after the flick |
2780 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentX(), flickToPos); |
2781 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentY(), flickToPos); |
2782 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->contentX(), 0); |
2783 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->contentY(), 0); |
2784 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->contentX(), 0); |
2785 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->contentY(), 0); |
2786 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHV->contentX(), 0); |
2787 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHV->contentY(), 0); |
2788 | |
2789 | // Assign the syncView late. This should make |
2790 | // all the views end up in sync. |
2791 | for (auto view : views) { |
2792 | view->setSyncView(tableView); |
2794 | } |
2795 | |
2796 | // Check that geometry properties are mirrored |
2797 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->columnSpacing(), tableView->columnSpacing()); |
2798 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->rowSpacing(), 0); |
2799 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->contentWidth(), tableView->contentWidth()); |
2800 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->columnSpacing(), 0); |
2801 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->rowSpacing(), tableView->rowSpacing()); |
2802 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->contentHeight(), tableView->contentHeight()); |
2803 | |
2804 | // Check that viewport is in sync after the flick |
2805 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentX(), flickToPos); |
2806 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentY(), flickToPos); |
2807 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->contentX(), tableView->contentX()); |
2808 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->contentY(), 0); |
2809 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->contentX(), 0); |
2810 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->contentY(), tableView->contentY()); |
2811 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHV->contentX(), tableView->contentX()); |
2812 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHV->contentY(), tableView->contentY()); |
2813 | |
2814 | // Check that topLeft cell is in sync after the flick |
2815 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->leftColumn(), tableViewPrivate->leftColumn()); |
2816 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->rightColumn(), tableViewPrivate->rightColumn()); |
2817 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->topRow(), 0); |
2818 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->leftColumn(), 0); |
2819 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->topRow(), tableViewPrivate->topRow()); |
2820 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHVPrivate->leftColumn(), tableViewPrivate->leftColumn()); |
2821 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHVPrivate->topRow(), tableViewPrivate->topRow()); |
2822 | |
2823 | // Check that the geometry of the tables are in sync after the flick |
2824 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left()); |
2825 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.right(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.right()); |
2826 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top(), 0); |
2827 | |
2828 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top()); |
2829 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.bottom(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.bottom()); |
2830 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left(), 0); |
2831 | |
2832 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect, tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect); |
2833 | } |
2834 | |
2835 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkSyncView_pageFlicking() |
2836 | { |
2837 | // Check that we rebuild the syncView (instead of refilling |
2838 | // edges), if the sync child moves more than a page (the size of TableView). |
2839 | // The point is that it shouldn't matter if you fast-flick the |
2840 | // sync view itself, or a sync child. Either way, the sync view |
2841 | // needs to rebuild. This, in turn, will eventually rebuild the |
2842 | // sync children as well when they sync up later. |
2843 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("syncviewsimple.qml"); |
2844 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewH); |
2845 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewV); |
2846 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewHV); |
2847 | QQuickTableView *views[] = {tableViewH, tableViewV, tableViewHV}; |
2848 | |
2849 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
2850 | |
2851 | tableView->setModel(model); |
2852 | |
2854 | |
2855 | // Move the viewport more than a "page" |
2856 | tableViewHV->setContentX(tableViewHV->width() * 2); |
2857 | |
2858 | QVERIFY(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions & QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::ViewportOnly); |
2859 | QVERIFY(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions & QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::CalculateNewTopLeftColumn); |
2860 | QVERIFY(!(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions & QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::CalculateNewTopLeftRow)); |
2861 | |
2863 | |
2864 | tableViewHV->setContentY(tableViewHV->height() * 2); |
2865 | |
2866 | QVERIFY(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions & QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::ViewportOnly); |
2867 | QVERIFY(!(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions & QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::CalculateNewTopLeftColumn)); |
2868 | QVERIFY(tableViewPrivate->scheduledRebuildOptions & QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::CalculateNewTopLeftRow); |
2869 | } |
2870 | |
2871 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkSyncView_emptyModel() |
2872 | { |
2873 | // When a tableview has a syncview with an empty model then it should still be |
2874 | // showing the tableview without depending on the syncview. This is particularly |
2875 | // important for headerviews for example |
2876 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("syncviewsimple.qml"); |
2877 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewH); |
2878 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewV); |
2879 | GET_QML_TABLEVIEW(tableViewHV); |
2880 | QQuickTableView *views[] = {tableViewH, tableViewV, tableViewHV}; |
2881 | |
2882 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(100, 100); |
2883 | |
2884 | for (auto view : views) |
2885 | view->setModel(model); |
2886 | |
2887 | WAIT_UNTIL_POLISHED_ARG(tableViewHV); |
2888 | |
2889 | // Check that geometry properties are mirrored |
2890 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->columnSpacing(), tableView->columnSpacing()); |
2891 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->rowSpacing(), 0); |
2892 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->contentWidth(), tableView->contentWidth()); |
2893 | QVERIFY(tableViewH->contentHeight() > 0); |
2894 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->columnSpacing(), 0); |
2895 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->rowSpacing(), tableView->rowSpacing()); |
2896 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->contentHeight(), tableView->contentHeight()); |
2897 | QVERIFY(tableViewV->contentWidth() > 0); |
2898 | |
2899 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->contentX(), tableView->contentX()); |
2900 | QCOMPARE(tableViewH->contentY(), 0); |
2901 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->contentX(), 0); |
2902 | QCOMPARE(tableViewV->contentY(), tableView->contentY()); |
2903 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHV->contentX(), tableView->contentX()); |
2904 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHV->contentY(), tableView->contentY()); |
2905 | |
2906 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left()); |
2907 | QCOMPARE(tableViewHPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top(), 0); |
2908 | |
2909 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top(), tableViewPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.top()); |
2910 | QCOMPARE(tableViewVPrivate->loadedTableOuterRect.left(), 0); |
2911 | } |
2912 | |
2913 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkThatFetchMoreIsCalledWhenScrolledToTheEndOfTable() |
2914 | { |
2915 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
2916 | |
2917 | auto model = TestModelAsVariant(5, 5, true); |
2918 | tableView->setModel(model); |
2920 | |
2921 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 5); |
2922 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 5); |
2923 | |
2924 | // Flick table out of view on top |
2925 | tableView->setContentX(0); |
2926 | tableView->setContentY(-tableView->height() - 10); |
2927 | tableView->polish(); |
2929 | |
2930 | QCOMPARE(tableView->rows(), 6); |
2931 | QCOMPARE(tableView->columns(), 5); |
2932 | } |
2933 | |
2934 | void tst_QQuickTableView::delegateWithRequiredProperties() |
2935 | { |
2936 | constexpr static int PositionRole = Qt::UserRole+1; |
2937 | struct MyTable : QAbstractTableModel { |
2938 | |
2939 | |
2940 | using QAbstractTableModel::QAbstractTableModel; |
2941 | |
2942 | int rowCount(const QModelIndex& = QModelIndex()) const override { |
2943 | return 3; |
2944 | } |
2945 | |
2946 | int columnCount(const QModelIndex& = QModelIndex()) const override { |
2947 | return 3; |
2948 | } |
2949 | |
2950 | QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int = Qt::DisplayRole) const override { |
2951 | return QVariant::fromValue(value: QString::asprintf(format: "R%d:C%d", index.row(), index.column())); |
2952 | } |
2953 | |
2954 | QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override { |
2955 | return QHash<int, QByteArray> { {PositionRole, "position"} }; |
2956 | } |
2957 | }; |
2958 | |
2959 | auto model = QVariant::fromValue(value: QSharedPointer<MyTable>(new MyTable)); |
2960 | { |
2961 | QTest::ignoreMessage(type: QtMsgType::QtInfoMsg, message: "success"); |
2962 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("delegateWithRequired.qml"); |
2963 | QVERIFY(tableView); |
2964 | tableView->setModel(model); |
2966 | QVERIFY(view->errors().empty()); |
2967 | } |
2968 | { |
2969 | QTest::ignoreMessage(type: QtMsgType::QtWarningMsg, messagePattern: QRegularExpression(R"|(TableView: failed loading index: \d)|")); |
2970 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("delegatewithRequiredUnset.qml"); |
2971 | QVERIFY(tableView); |
2972 | tableView->setModel(model); |
2974 | QTRY_VERIFY(view->errors().empty()); |
2975 | } |
2976 | } |
2977 | |
2978 | void tst_QQuickTableView::replaceModel() |
2979 | { |
2980 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("replaceModelTableView.qml"); |
2981 | |
2982 | const auto objectModel = view->rootObject()->property(name: "objectModel"); |
2983 | const auto listModel = view->rootObject()->property(name: "listModel"); |
2984 | const auto delegateModel = view->rootObject()->property(name: "delegateModel"); |
2985 | |
2986 | tableView->setModel(listModel); |
2987 | QTRY_COMPARE(tableView->rows(), 2); |
2988 | tableView->setModel(objectModel); |
2989 | QTRY_COMPARE(tableView->rows(), 3); |
2990 | tableView->setModel(delegateModel); |
2991 | QTRY_COMPARE(tableView->rows(), 2); |
2992 | tableView->setModel(listModel); |
2993 | QTRY_COMPARE(tableView->rows(), 2); |
2994 | tableView->setModel(QVariant()); |
2995 | QTRY_COMPARE(tableView->rows(), 0); |
2996 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), 0); |
2997 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), 0); |
2998 | } |
2999 | |
3000 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkContentSize_data() |
3001 | { |
3002 | QTest::addColumn<int>(name: "rowCount"); |
3003 | QTest::addColumn<int>(name: "colCount"); |
3004 | |
3005 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "4x4") << 4 << 4; |
3006 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "100x100") << 100 << 100; |
3007 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "0x0") << 0 << 0; |
3008 | } |
3009 | |
3010 | void tst_QQuickTableView::checkContentSize() |
3011 | { |
3012 | QFETCH(int, rowCount); |
3013 | QFETCH(int, colCount); |
3014 | |
3015 | // Check that the content size is initially correct, and that |
3016 | // it updates when we change e.g the model or spacing (QTBUG-87680) |
3017 | LOAD_TABLEVIEW("plaintableview.qml"); |
3018 | |
3019 | TestModel model(rowCount, colCount); |
3020 | tableView->setModel(QVariant::fromValue(value: &model)); |
3021 | tableView->setRowSpacing(1); |
3022 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(2); |
3023 | |
3025 | |
3026 | const qreal delegateWidth = 100; |
3027 | const qreal delegateHeight = 50; |
3028 | qreal colSpacing = tableView->columnSpacing(); |
3029 | qreal rowSpacing = tableView->rowSpacing(); |
3030 | |
3031 | // Check that content size has the exepected initial values |
3032 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), colCount == 0 ? 0 : (colCount * (delegateWidth + colSpacing)) - colSpacing); |
3033 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), rowCount == 0 ? 0 : (rowCount * (delegateHeight + rowSpacing)) - rowSpacing); |
3034 | |
3035 | // Set no spacing |
3036 | rowSpacing = 0; |
3037 | colSpacing = 0; |
3038 | tableView->setRowSpacing(rowSpacing); |
3039 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(colSpacing); |
3041 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), colCount * delegateWidth); |
3042 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), rowCount * delegateHeight); |
3043 | |
3044 | // Set typical spacing values |
3045 | rowSpacing = 2; |
3046 | colSpacing = 3; |
3047 | tableView->setRowSpacing(rowSpacing); |
3048 | tableView->setColumnSpacing(colSpacing); |
3050 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), colCount == 0 ? 0 : (colCount * (delegateWidth + colSpacing)) - colSpacing); |
3051 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), rowCount == 0 ? 0 : (rowCount * (delegateHeight + rowSpacing)) - rowSpacing); |
3052 | |
3053 | // Add a row and a column |
3054 | model.insertRow(arow: 0); |
3055 | model.insertColumn(acolumn: 0); |
3056 | rowCount = model.rowCount(); |
3057 | colCount = model.columnCount(); |
3059 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), (colCount * (delegateWidth + colSpacing)) - colSpacing); |
3060 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), (rowCount * (delegateHeight + rowSpacing)) - rowSpacing); |
3061 | |
3062 | // Remove a row (this should also make affect contentWidth if rowCount becomes 0) |
3063 | model.removeRow(arow: 0); |
3064 | rowCount = model.rowCount(); |
3066 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentWidth(), rowCount == 0 ? 0 : (colCount * (delegateWidth + colSpacing)) - colSpacing); |
3067 | QCOMPARE(tableView->contentHeight(), rowCount == 0 ? 0 : (rowCount * (delegateHeight + rowSpacing)) - rowSpacing); |
3068 | } |
3069 | |
3070 | QTEST_MAIN(tst_QQuickTableView) |
3071 | |
3072 | #include "tst_qquicktableview.moc" |
3073 |
- kDelegateObjectName
- kDelegatesCreatedCountProp
- kModelDataBindingProp
- tst_QQuickTableView
- tst_QQuickTableView
- initTestCase
- cleanupTestCase
- getAttachedObject
- getContextRowAndColumn
- setAndGetModel_data
- setAndGetModel
- emptyModel_data
- emptyModel
- checkPreload_data
- checkPreload
- checkZeroSizedDelegate
- checkImplicitSizeDelegate
- checkColumnWidthWithoutProvider
- checkDelegateWithAnchors
- checkColumnWidthProvider
- checkColumnWidthProviderInvalidReturnValues
- checkColumnWidthProviderNegativeReturnValue
- checkColumnWidthProviderNotCallable
- checkRowHeightWithoutProvider
- checkRowHeightProvider
- checkRowHeightProviderInvalidReturnValues
- checkRowHeightProviderNegativeReturnValue
- checkRowHeightProviderNotCallable
- checkForceLayoutFunction
- checkForceLayoutEndUpDoingALayout
- checkForceLayoutDuringModelChange
- checkForceLayoutWhenAllItemsAreHidden
- checkContentWidthAndHeight
- checkContentWidthAndHeightForSmallTables
- checkPageFlicking
- checkExplicitContentWidthAndHeight
- checkExtents_origin
- checkExtents_endExtent
- checkExtents_moveTableToEdge
- checkContentXY
- noDelegate
- changeDelegateDuringUpdate
- changeModelDuringUpdate
- countDelegateItems_data
- countDelegateItems
- checkLayoutOfEqualSizedDelegateItems_data
- checkLayoutOfEqualSizedDelegateItems
- checkFocusRemoved_data
- checkFocusRemoved
- fillTableViewButNothingMore_data
- fillTableViewButNothingMore
- checkInitialAttachedProperties_data
- checkInitialAttachedProperties
- checkSpacingValues
- checkDelegateParent
- flick_data
- flick
- flickOvershoot_data
- flickOvershoot
- checkRowColumnCount
- modelSignals
- checkModelSignalsUpdateLayout
- dataChangedSignal
- checkThatPoolIsDrainedWhenReuseIsFalse
- checkIfDelegatesAreReused_data
- checkIfDelegatesAreReused
- checkIfDelegatesAreReusedAsymmetricTableSize
- checkContextProperties_data
- checkContextProperties
- checkContextPropertiesQQmlListProperyModel_data
- checkContextPropertiesQQmlListProperyModel
- checkRowAndColumnChangedButNotIndex
- checkThatWeAlwaysEmitChangedUponItemReused
- checkChangingModelFromDelegate
- checkRebuildViewportOnly
- useDelegateChooserWithoutDefault
- checkTableviewInsideAsyncLoader
- hideRowsAndColumns_data
- hideRowsAndColumns
- hideAndShowFirstColumn
- hideAndShowFirstRow
- checkThatRevisionedPropertiesCannotBeUsedInOldImports
- checkSyncView_rootView_data
- checkSyncView_rootView
- checkSyncView_childViews_data
- checkSyncView_childViews
- checkSyncView_differentSizedModels
- checkSyncView_connect_late_data
- checkSyncView_connect_late
- checkSyncView_pageFlicking
- checkSyncView_emptyModel
- checkThatFetchMoreIsCalledWhenScrolledToTheEndOfTable
- delegateWithRequiredProperties
- replaceModel
- checkContentSize_data
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