3** Copyright (C) 2017 Ford Motor Company
4** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
6** This file is part of the QtRemoteObjects module of the Qt Toolkit.
9** Commercial License Usage
10** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
11** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
12** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
13** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
14** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
15** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
17** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
18** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
19** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
20** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
21** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
22** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
23** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
25** GNU General Public License Usage
26** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
27** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
28** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
29** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
30** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
31** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
32** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
33** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html and
34** https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
44// W A R N I N G
45// -------------
47// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
48// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
49// version without notice, or even be removed.
51// We mean it.
54#include "qremoteobjectabstractitemmodeltypes.h"
55#include "qremoteobjectsource.h"
57#include <QtCore/qsize.h>
61class QAbstractItemModel;
62class QItemSelectionModel;
64class QAbstractItemModelSourceAdapter : public QObject
68 Q_INVOKABLE explicit QAbstractItemModelSourceAdapter(QAbstractItemModel *object, QItemSelectionModel *sel, const QVector<int> &roles = QVector<int>());
69 Q_PROPERTY(QVector<int> availableRoles READ availableRoles WRITE setAvailableRoles NOTIFY availableRolesChanged)
70 Q_PROPERTY(QIntHash roleNames READ roleNames)
71 static void registerTypes();
72 QItemSelectionModel* selectionModel() const;
74public Q_SLOTS:
75 QVector<int> availableRoles() const { return m_availableRoles; }
76 void setAvailableRoles(QVector<int> availableRoles)
77 {
78 if (availableRoles != m_availableRoles)
79 {
80 m_availableRoles = availableRoles;
81 Q_EMIT availableRolesChanged();
82 }
83 }
85 QIntHash roleNames() const {return m_model->roleNames();}
87 QSize replicaSizeRequest(IndexList parentList);
88 DataEntries replicaRowRequest(IndexList start, IndexList end, QVector<int> roles);
89 QVariantList replicaHeaderRequest(QVector<Qt::Orientation> orientations, QVector<int> sections, QVector<int> roles);
90 void replicaSetCurrentIndex(IndexList index, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command);
91 void replicaSetData(const IndexList &index, const QVariant &value, int role);
92 MetaAndDataEntries replicaCacheRequest(size_t size, const QVector<int> &roles);
94 void sourceDataChanged(const QModelIndex & topLeft, const QModelIndex & bottomRight, const QVector<int> & roles = QVector<int> ()) const;
95 void sourceRowsInserted(const QModelIndex & parent, int start, int end);
96 void sourceColumnsInserted(const QModelIndex & parent, int start, int end);
97 void sourceRowsRemoved(const QModelIndex & parent, int start, int end);
98 void sourceRowsMoved(const QModelIndex & sourceParent, int sourceRow, int count, const QModelIndex & destinationParent, int destinationChild) const;
99 void sourceCurrentChanged(const QModelIndex & current, const QModelIndex & previous);
100 void sourceLayoutChanged(const QList<QPersistentModelIndex> &parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint);
102 void availableRolesChanged();
103 void dataChanged(IndexList topLeft, IndexList bottomRight, QVector<int> roles) const;
104 void rowsInserted(IndexList parent, int start, int end) const;
105 void rowsRemoved(IndexList parent, int start, int end) const;
106 void rowsMoved(IndexList sourceParent, int sourceRow, int count, IndexList destinationParent, int destinationChild) const;
107 void currentChanged(IndexList current, IndexList previous);
108 void columnsInserted(IndexList parent, int start, int end) const;
109 void layoutChanged(IndexList parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint);
112 QAbstractItemModelSourceAdapter();
113 QVector<IndexValuePair> fetchTree(const QModelIndex &parent, size_t &size, const QVector<int> &roles);
115 QAbstractItemModel *m_model;
116 QItemSelectionModel *m_selectionModel;
117 QVector<int> m_availableRoles;
120template <class ObjectType, class AdapterType>
121struct QAbstractItemAdapterSourceAPI : public SourceApiMap
123 QAbstractItemAdapterSourceAPI(const QString &name)
124 : SourceApiMap()
125 , m_signalArgTypes {}
126 , m_methodArgTypes {}
127 , m_name(name)
128 {
129 m_properties[0] = 2;
130 m_properties[1] = QtPrivate::qtro_property_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::availableRoles, static_cast<QVector<int> (QObject::*)()>(0),"availableRoles");
131 m_properties[2] = QtPrivate::qtro_property_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::roleNames, static_cast<QIntHash (QObject::*)()>(0),"roleNames");
132 m_signals[0] = 10;
133 m_signals[1] = QtPrivate::qtro_signal_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::availableRolesChanged, static_cast<void (QObject::*)()>(0),m_signalArgCount+0,&m_signalArgTypes[0]);
134 m_signals[2] = QtPrivate::qtro_signal_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::dataChanged, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(IndexList,IndexList,QVector<int>)>(0),m_signalArgCount+1,&m_signalArgTypes[1]);
135 m_signals[3] = QtPrivate::qtro_signal_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::rowsInserted, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(IndexList,int,int)>(0),m_signalArgCount+2,&m_signalArgTypes[2]);
136 m_signals[4] = QtPrivate::qtro_signal_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::rowsRemoved, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(IndexList,int,int)>(0),m_signalArgCount+3,&m_signalArgTypes[3]);
137 m_signals[5] = QtPrivate::qtro_signal_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::rowsMoved, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(IndexList,int,int,IndexList,int)>(0),m_signalArgCount+4,&m_signalArgTypes[4]);
138 m_signals[6] = QtPrivate::qtro_signal_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::currentChanged, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(IndexList,IndexList)>(0),m_signalArgCount+5,&m_signalArgTypes[5]);
139 m_signals[7] = QtPrivate::qtro_signal_index<ObjectType>(&ObjectType::modelReset, static_cast<void (QObject::*)()>(0),m_signalArgCount+6,&m_signalArgTypes[6]);
140 m_signals[8] = QtPrivate::qtro_signal_index<ObjectType>(&ObjectType::headerDataChanged, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(Qt::Orientation,int,int)>(0),m_signalArgCount+7,&m_signalArgTypes[7]);
141 m_signals[9] = QtPrivate::qtro_signal_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::columnsInserted, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(IndexList,int,int)>(0),m_signalArgCount+8,&m_signalArgTypes[8]);
142 m_signals[10] = QtPrivate::qtro_signal_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::layoutChanged, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(IndexList,QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint)>(nullptr),m_signalArgCount+9,&m_signalArgTypes[9]);
143 m_methods[0] = 6;
144 m_methods[1] = QtPrivate::qtro_method_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::replicaSizeRequest, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(IndexList)>(0),"replicaSizeRequest(IndexList)",m_methodArgCount+0,&m_methodArgTypes[0]);
145 m_methods[2] = QtPrivate::qtro_method_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::replicaRowRequest, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(IndexList,IndexList,QVector<int>)>(0),"replicaRowRequest(IndexList,IndexList,QVector<int>)",m_methodArgCount+1,&m_methodArgTypes[1]);
146 m_methods[3] = QtPrivate::qtro_method_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::replicaHeaderRequest, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(QVector<Qt::Orientation>,QVector<int>,QVector<int>)>(0),"replicaHeaderRequest(QVector<Qt::Orientation>,QVector<int>,QVector<int>)",m_methodArgCount+2,&m_methodArgTypes[2]);
147 m_methods[4] = QtPrivate::qtro_method_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::replicaSetCurrentIndex, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(IndexList,QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags)>(0),"replicaSetCurrentIndex(IndexList,QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags)",m_methodArgCount+3,&m_methodArgTypes[3]);
148 m_methods[5] = QtPrivate::qtro_method_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::replicaSetData, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(IndexList,QVariant,int)>(0),"replicaSetData(IndexList,QVariant,int)",m_methodArgCount+4,&m_methodArgTypes[4]);
149 m_methods[6] = QtPrivate::qtro_method_index<AdapterType>(&AdapterType::replicaCacheRequest, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(size_t,QVector<int>)>(0),"replicaCacheRequest(size_t,QVector<int>)",m_methodArgCount+5,&m_methodArgTypes[5]);
150 }
152 QString name() const override { return m_name; }
153 QString typeName() const override { return QStringLiteral("QAbstractItemModelAdapter"); }
154 int enumCount() const override { return 0; }
155 int propertyCount() const override { return m_properties[0]; }
156 int signalCount() const override { return m_signals[0]; }
157 int methodCount() const override { return m_methods[0]; }
158 int sourceEnumIndex(int /*index*/) const override
159 {
160 return -1;
161 }
162 int sourcePropertyIndex(int index) const override
163 {
164 if (index < 0 || index >= m_properties[0])
165 return -1;
166 return m_properties[index+1];
167 }
168 int sourceSignalIndex(int index) const override
169 {
170 if (index < 0 || index >= m_signals[0])
171 return -1;
172 return m_signals[index+1];
173 }
174 int sourceMethodIndex(int index) const override
175 {
176 if (index < 0 || index >= m_methods[0])
177 return -1;
178 return m_methods[index+1];
179 }
180 int signalParameterCount(int index) const override { return m_signalArgCount[index]; }
181 int signalParameterType(int sigIndex, int paramIndex) const override { return m_signalArgTypes[sigIndex][paramIndex]; }
182 int methodParameterCount(int index) const override { return m_methodArgCount[index]; }
183 int methodParameterType(int methodIndex, int paramIndex) const override { return m_methodArgTypes[methodIndex][paramIndex]; }
184 QList<QByteArray> signalParameterNames(int index) const override
185 {
186 QList<QByteArray> res;
187 int count = signalParameterCount(index);
188 while (count--)
189 res << QByteArray{};
190 return res;
191 }
192 int propertyIndexFromSignal(int index) const override
193 {
194 switch (index) {
195 case 0: return m_properties[1];
196 }
197 return -1;
198 }
199 int propertyRawIndexFromSignal(int index) const override
200 {
201 switch (index) {
202 case 0: return 0;
203 }
204 return -1;
205 }
206 const QByteArray signalSignature(int index) const override
207 {
208 switch (index) {
209 case 0: return QByteArrayLiteral("availableRolesChanged()");
210 case 1: return QByteArrayLiteral("dataChanged(IndexList,IndexList,QVector<int>)");
211 case 2: return QByteArrayLiteral("rowsInserted(IndexList,int,int)");
212 case 3: return QByteArrayLiteral("rowsRemoved(IndexList,int,int)");
213 case 4: return QByteArrayLiteral("rowsMoved(IndexList,int,int,IndexList,int)");
214 case 5: return QByteArrayLiteral("currentChanged(IndexList,IndexList)");
215 case 6: return QByteArrayLiteral("resetModel()");
216 case 7: return QByteArrayLiteral("headerDataChanged(Qt::Orientation,int,int)");
217 case 8: return QByteArrayLiteral("columnsInserted(IndexList,int,int)");
218 case 9: return QByteArrayLiteral("layoutChanged(IndexList,QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint)");
219 }
220 return QByteArrayLiteral("");
221 }
222 const QByteArray methodSignature(int index) const override
223 {
224 switch (index) {
225 case 0: return QByteArrayLiteral("replicaSizeRequest(IndexList)");
226 case 1: return QByteArrayLiteral("replicaRowRequest(IndexList,IndexList,QVector<int>)");
227 case 2: return QByteArrayLiteral("replicaHeaderRequest(QVector<Qt::Orientation>,QVector<int>,QVector<int>)");
228 case 3: return QByteArrayLiteral("replicaSetCurrentIndex(IndexList,QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags)");
229 case 4: return QByteArrayLiteral("replicaSetData(IndexList,QVariant,int)");
230 case 5: return QByteArrayLiteral("replicaCacheRequest(size_t,QVector<int>)");
231 }
232 return QByteArrayLiteral("");
233 }
234 QMetaMethod::MethodType methodType(int) const override
235 {
236 return QMetaMethod::Slot;
237 }
238 const QByteArray typeName(int index) const override
239 {
240 switch (index) {
241 case 0: return QByteArrayLiteral("QSize");
242 case 1: return QByteArrayLiteral("DataEntries");
243 case 2: return QByteArrayLiteral("QVariantList");
244 case 3: return QByteArrayLiteral("");
245 case 5: return QByteArrayLiteral("MetaAndDataEntries");
246 }
247 return QByteArrayLiteral("");
248 }
250 QList<QByteArray> methodParameterNames(int index) const override
251 {
252 QList<QByteArray> res;
253 int count = methodParameterCount(index);
254 while (count--)
255 res << QByteArray{};
256 return res;
257 }
259 QByteArray objectSignature() const override { return QByteArray{}; }
260 bool isAdapterSignal(int index) const override
261 {
262 switch (index) {
263 case 0:
264 case 1:
265 case 2:
266 case 3:
267 case 4:
268 case 5:
269 case 8:
270 case 9:
271 return true;
272 }
273 return false;
274 }
275 bool isAdapterMethod(int index) const override
276 {
277 switch (index) {
278 case 0:
279 case 1:
280 case 2:
281 case 3:
282 case 4:
283 case 5:
284 return true;
285 }
286 return false;
287 }
288 bool isAdapterProperty(int index) const override
289 {
290 switch (index) {
291 case 0:
292 case 1:
293 return true;
294 }
295 return false;
296 }
298 int m_properties[3];
299 int m_signals[11];
300 int m_methods[7];
301 int m_signalArgCount[10];
302 const int* m_signalArgTypes[10];
303 int m_methodArgCount[6];
304 const int* m_methodArgTypes[6];
305 QString m_name;

source code of qtremoteobjects/src/remoteobjects/qremoteobjectabstractitemmodeladapter_p.h