3** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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6** This file is part of the QtXmlPatterns module of the Qt Toolkit.
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41// W A R N I N G
42// -------------
44// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
45// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
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48// We mean it.
50#ifndef Patternist_XsdSchemaHelper_H
51#define Patternist_XsdSchemaHelper_H
53#include <private/qcomparisonfactory_p.h>
54#include <private/qschematype_p.h>
55#include <private/qxsdattributegroup_p.h>
56#include <private/qxsdelement_p.h>
57#include <private/qxsdparticle_p.h>
58#include <private/qxsdschemacontext_p.h>
59#include <private/qxsdwildcard_p.h>
63namespace QPatternist
66 /**
67 * @short Contains helper methods that are used by XsdSchemaParser, XsdSchemaResolver and XsdSchemaChecker.
68 *
69 * @ingroup Patternist_schema
70 * @author Tobias Koenig <tobias.koenig@nokia.com>
71 */
72 class XsdSchemaHelper
73 {
74 public:
75 /**
76 * Checks whether the given @p particle is emptiable as defined by the
77 * algorithm in the schema spec.
78 */
79 static bool isParticleEmptiable(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle);
81 /**
82 * Checks whether the given @p nameSpace is allowed by the given namespace @p constraint.
83 */
84 static bool wildcardAllowsNamespaceName(const QString &nameSpace,
85 const XsdWildcard::NamespaceConstraint::Ptr &constraint);
87 /**
88 * Checks whether the given @p name is allowed by the namespace constraint of the given @p wildcard.
89 */
90 static bool wildcardAllowsExpandedName(const QXmlName &name,
91 const XsdWildcard::Ptr &wildcard,
92 const NamePool::Ptr &namePool);
94 /**
95 * Checks whether the @p wildcard is a subset of @p otherWildcard.
96 */
97 static bool isWildcardSubset(const XsdWildcard::Ptr &wildcard, const XsdWildcard::Ptr &otherWildcard);
99 /**
100 * Returns the union of the given @p wildcard and @p otherWildcard.
101 */
102 static XsdWildcard::Ptr wildcardUnion(const XsdWildcard::Ptr &wildcard, const XsdWildcard::Ptr &otherWildcard);
104 /**
105 * Returns the intersection of the given @p wildcard and @p otherWildcard.
106 */
107 static XsdWildcard::Ptr wildcardIntersection(const XsdWildcard::Ptr &wildcard,
108 const XsdWildcard::Ptr &otherWildcard);
110 /**
111 * Returns whether the given @p type is validly substitutable for an @p otherType
112 * under the given @p constraints.
113 */
114 static bool isValidlySubstitutable(const SchemaType::Ptr &type,
115 const SchemaType::Ptr &otherType,
116 const SchemaType::DerivationConstraints &constraints);
118 /**
119 * Returns whether the simple @p derivedType can be derived from the simple @p baseType
120 * under the given @p constraints.
121 */
122 static bool isSimpleDerivationOk(const SchemaType::Ptr &derivedType,
123 const SchemaType::Ptr &baseType,
124 const SchemaType::DerivationConstraints &constraints);
126 /**
127 * Returns whether the complex @p derivedType can be derived from the complex @p baseType
128 * under the given @p constraints.
129 */
130 static bool isComplexDerivationOk(const SchemaType::Ptr &derivedType,
131 const SchemaType::Ptr &baseType,
132 const SchemaType::DerivationConstraints &constraints);
134 /**
135 * This method takes the two string based operands @p operand1 and @p operand2 and converts them to instances of type @p type.
136 * If the conversion fails, @c false is returned, otherwise the instances are compared by the given operator @p op and the
137 * result of the comparison is returned.
138 */
139 static bool constructAndCompare(const DerivedString<TypeString>::Ptr &operand1,
140 const AtomicComparator::Operator op,
141 const DerivedString<TypeString>::Ptr &operand2,
142 const SchemaType::Ptr &type,
143 const ReportContext::Ptr &context,
144 const SourceLocationReflection *const sourceLocationReflection);
146 /**
147 * Returns whether the process content property of the @p derivedWildcard is valid
148 * according to the process content property of its @p baseWildcard.
149 */
150 static bool checkWildcardProcessContents(const XsdWildcard::Ptr &baseWildcard,
151 const XsdWildcard::Ptr &derivedWildcard);
153 /**
154 * Checks whether @[ member is a member of the substitution group with the given @p head.
155 */
156 static bool foundSubstitutionGroupTransitive(const XsdElement::Ptr &head,
157 const XsdElement::Ptr &member,
158 QSet<XsdElement::Ptr> &visitedElements);
160 /**
161 * A helper method that iterates over the type hierarchy from @p memberType up to @p headType and collects all
162 * @p derivationSet and @p blockSet constraints that exists on the way there.
163 */
164 static void foundSubstitutionGroupTypeInheritance(const SchemaType::Ptr &headType,
165 const SchemaType::Ptr &memberType,
166 QSet<SchemaType::DerivationMethod> &derivationSet,
167 NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints &blockSet);
169 /**
170 * Checks if the @p member is transitive to @p head.
171 */
172 static bool substitutionGroupOkTransitive(const XsdElement::Ptr &head,
173 const XsdElement::Ptr &member,
174 const NamePool::Ptr &namePool);
176 /**
177 * Checks if @p derivedAttributeGroup is a valid restriction for @p attributeGroup.
178 */
179 static bool isValidAttributeGroupRestriction(const XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr &derivedAttributeGroup,
180 const XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr &attributeGroup,
181 const XsdSchemaContext::Ptr &context,
182 QString &errorMsg);
184 /**
185 * Checks if @p derivedAttributeUses are a valid restriction for @p attributeUses.
186 */
187 static bool isValidAttributeUsesRestriction(const XsdAttributeUse::List &derivedAttributeUses,
188 const XsdAttributeUse::List &attributeUses,
189 const XsdWildcard::Ptr &derivedWildcard,
190 const XsdWildcard::Ptr &wildcard,
191 const XsdSchemaContext::Ptr &context,
192 QString &errorMsg);
194 /**
195 * Checks if @p derivedAttributeUses are a valid extension for @p attributeUses.
196 */
197 static bool isValidAttributeUsesExtension(const XsdAttributeUse::List &derivedAttributeUses,
198 const XsdAttributeUse::List &attributeUses,
199 const XsdWildcard::Ptr &derivedWildcard,
200 const XsdWildcard::Ptr &wildcard,
201 const XsdSchemaContext::Ptr &context,
202 QString &errorMsg);
204 private:
205 Q_DISABLE_COPY(XsdSchemaHelper)
206 };

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source code of qtxmlpatterns/src/xmlpatterns/schema/qxsdschemahelper_p.h