1// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation.
2// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
3// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
7#include "qcborcommon_p.h"
9#include <QtCore/qdatastream.h>
15#include <cborerrorstrings.c>
18 \headerfile <QtCborCommon>
19 \inmodule QtCore
20 \ingroup qtserialization
21 \brief The <QtCborCommon> header contains definitions common to both the
22 streaming classes (QCborStreamReader and QCborStreamWriter) and to
23 QCborValue.
25 \sa QCborError
26 */
29 \enum QCborSimpleType
30 \relates <QtCborCommon>
32 This enum contains the possible "Simple Types" for CBOR. Simple Types range
33 from 0 to 255 and are types that carry no further value.
35 The following values are currently known:
37 \value False A "false" boolean.
38 \value True A "true" boolean.
39 \value Null Absence of value (null).
40 \value Undefined Missing or deleted value, usually an error.
42 Qt CBOR API supports encoding and decoding any Simple Type, whether one of
43 those above or any other value.
45 Applications should only use further values if a corresponding specification
46 has been published, otherwise interpretation and validation by the remote
47 may fail. Values 24 to 31 are reserved and must not be used.
49 The current authoritative list is maintained by IANA in the
50 \l{https://www.iana.org/assignments/cbor-simple-values/cbor-simple-values.xml}{Simple
51 Values registry}.
53 \sa QCborStreamWriter::append(QCborSimpleType), QCborStreamReader::isSimpleType(),
54 QCborStreamReader::toSimpleType(), QCborValue::isSimpleType(), QCborValue::toSimpleType()
55 */
57#if !defined(QT_NO_DATASTREAM)
58QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &ds, QCborSimpleType st)
60 return ds << quint8(st);
63QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &ds, QCborSimpleType &st)
65 quint8 v;
66 ds >> v;
67 st = QCborSimpleType(v);
68 return ds;
73 \enum QCborTag
74 \relates <QtCborCommon>
76 This enum contains no enumeration and is used only to provide type-safe
77 access to a CBOR tag.
79 CBOR tags are 64-bit numbers that are attached to generic CBOR types to
80 provide further semantic meaning. QCborTag may be constructed from an
81 enumeration found in QCborKnownTags or directly by providing the numeric
82 representation.
84 For example, the following creates a QCborValue containing a byte array
85 tagged with a tag 2.
87 \snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborstream.cpp 0
89 \sa QCborKnownTags, QCborStreamWriter::append(QCborTag),
90 QCborStreamReader::isTag(), QCborStreamReader::toTag(),
91 QCborValue::isTag(), QCborValue::tag()
92 */
95 \enum QCborKnownTags
96 \relates <QtCborCommon>
98 This enum contains a list of CBOR tags, known at the time of the Qt
99 implementation. This list is not meant to be complete and contains only
100 tags that are either backed by an RFC or specifically used by the Qt
101 implementation.
103 The authoritative list is maintained by IANA in the
104 \l{https://www.iana.org/assignments/cbor-tags/cbor-tags.xhtml}{CBOR tag
105 registry}.
107 \value DateTimeString A date and time string, formatted according to RFC 3339, as refined
108 by RFC 4287. It is the same format as Qt::ISODate and
109 Qt::ISODateWithMs.
110 \value UnixTime_t A numerical representation of seconds elapsed since
111 1970-01-01T00:00Z.
112 \value PositiveBignum A positive number of arbitrary length, encoded as a byte array in
113 network byte order. For example, the number 2\sup{64} is represented by
114 a byte array containing the byte value 0x01 followed by 8 zero bytes.
115 \value NegativeBignum A negative number of arbitrary length, encoded as the absolute value
116 of that number, minus one. For example, a byte array containing
117 byte value 0x02 followed by 8 zero bytes represents the number
118 -2\sup{65} - 1.
119 \value Decimal A decimal fraction, encoded as an array of two integers: the first
120 is the exponent of the power of 10, the second the integral
121 mantissa. The value 273.15 would be encoded as array \c{[-2, 27315]}.
122 \value Bigfloat Similar to Decimal, but the exponent is a power of 2 instead.
123 \value COSE_Encrypt0 An \c Encrypt0 map as specified by \l{RFC 8152}
124 (CBOR Object Signing and Encryption).
125 \value COSE_Mac0 A \c Mac0 map as specified by \l{RFC 8152}
126 (CBOR Object Signing and Encryption).
127 \value COSE_Sign1 A \c Sign1 map as specified by \l{RFC 8152}
128 (CBOR Object Signing and Encryption).
129 \value ExpectedBase64url Indicates that the byte array should be encoded using Base64url
130 if the stream is converted to JSON.
131 \value ExpectedBase64 Indicates that the byte array should be encoded using Base64
132 if the stream is converted to JSON.
133 \value ExpectedBase16 Indicates that the byte array should be encoded using Base16 (hex)
134 if the stream is converted to JSON.
135 \value EncodedCbor Indicates that the byte array contains a CBOR stream.
136 \value Url Indicates that the string contains a URL.
137 \value Base64url Indicates that the string contains data encoded using Base64url.
138 \value Base64 Indicates that the string contains data encoded using Base64.
139 \value RegularExpression Indicates that the string contains a Perl-Compatible Regular
140 Expression pattern.
141 \value MimeMessage Indicates that the string contains a MIME message (according to
142 \l{RFC 2045}).
143 \value Uuid Indicates that the byte array contains a UUID.
144 \value COSE_Encrypt An \c Encrypt map as specified by \l{RFC 8152}
145 (CBOR Object Signing and Encryption).
146 \value COSE_Mac A \c Mac map as specified by \l{RFC 8152}
147 (CBOR Object Signing and Encryption).
148 \value COSE_Sign A \c Sign map as specified by \l{RFC 8152}
149 (CBOR Object Signing and Encryption).
150 \value Signature No change in interpretation; this tag can be used as the outermost
151 tag in a CBOR stream as the file header.
153 The following tags are interpreted by QCborValue during decoding and will
154 produce objects with extended Qt types, and it will use those tags when
155 encoding the same extended types.
157 \value DateTimeString \l QDateTime
158 \value UnixTime_t \l QDateTime (only in decoding)
159 \value Url \l QUrl
160 \value Uuid \l QUuid
162 Additionally, if a QCborValue containing a QByteArray is tagged using one of
163 \c ExpectedBase64url, \c ExpectedBase64 or \c ExpectedBase16, QCborValue
164 will use the expected encoding when converting to JSON (see
165 QCborValue::toJsonValue).
167 \sa QCborTag, QCborStreamWriter::append(QCborTag),
168 QCborStreamReader::isTag(), QCborStreamReader::toTag(),
169 QCborValue::isTag(), QCborValue::tag()
170 */
173 \class QCborError
174 \inmodule QtCore
175 \inheaderfile QtCborCommon
176 \reentrant
177 \since 5.12
179 \brief The QCborError class holds the error condition found while parsing or
180 validating a CBOR stream.
182 \sa QCborStreamReader, QCborValue, QCborParserError,
183 {Parsing and displaying CBOR data}, {Serialization Converter},
184 {Saving and Loading a Game}
185 */
188 \enum QCborError::Code
190 This enum contains the possible error condition codes.
192 \value NoError No error was detected.
193 \value UnknownError An unknown error occurred and no further details are available.
194 \value AdvancePastEnd QCborStreamReader::next() was called but there are no more elements in
195 the current context.
196 \value InputOutputError An I/O error with the QIODevice occurred.
197 \value GarbageAtEnd Data was found in the input stream after the last element.
198 \value EndOfFile The end of the input stream was unexpectedly reached while processing an
199 element.
200 \value UnexpectedBreak The CBOR stream contains a Break where it is not allowed (data is
201 corrupt and the error is not recoverable).
202 \value UnknownType The CBOR stream contains an unknown/unparsable Type (data is corrupt
203 and the error is not recoverable).
204 \value IllegalType The CBOR stream contains a known type in a position it is not allowed
205 to exist (data is corrupt and the error is not recoverable).
206 \value IllegalNumber The CBOR stream appears to be encoding a number larger than 64-bit
207 (data is corrupt and the error is not recoverable).
208 \value IllegalSimpleType The CBOR stream contains a Simple Type encoded incorrectly (data is
209 corrupt and the error is not recoverable).
210 \value InvalidUtf8String The CBOR stream contains a text string that does not decode properly
211 as UTF-8 (data is corrupt and the error is not recoverable).
212 \value DataTooLarge CBOR string, map or array is too big and cannot be parsed by Qt
213 (internal limitation, but the error is not recoverable).
214 \value NestingTooDeep Too many levels of arrays or maps encountered while processing the
215 input (internal limitation, but the error is not recoverable).
216 \value UnsupportedType The CBOR stream contains a known type that the implementation does not
217 support (internal limitation, but the error is not recoverable).
218 */
221 \variable QCborError::c
222 \internal
223 */
226 \fn QCborError::operator Code() const
228 Returns the error code that this QCborError object stores.
229 */
232 Returns a text string that matches the error code in this QCborError object.
234 Note: the string is not translated. Applications whose interface allow users
235 to parse CBOR streams need to provide their own, translated strings.
237 \sa QCborError::Code
238 */
239QString QCborError::toString() const
241 switch (c) {
242 case NoError:
243 static_assert(int(NoError) == int(CborNoError));
244 return QString();
246 case UnknownError:
247 static_assert(int(UnknownError) == int(CborUnknownError));
248 return QStringLiteral("Unknown error");
249 case AdvancePastEnd:
250 static_assert(int(AdvancePastEnd) == int(CborErrorAdvancePastEOF));
251 return QStringLiteral("Read past end of buffer (more bytes needed)");
252 case InputOutputError:
253 static_assert(int(InputOutputError) == int(CborErrorIO));
254 return QStringLiteral("Input/Output error");
255 case GarbageAtEnd:
256 static_assert(int(GarbageAtEnd) == int(CborErrorGarbageAtEnd));
257 return QStringLiteral("Data found after the end of the stream");
258 case EndOfFile:
259 static_assert(int(EndOfFile) == int(CborErrorUnexpectedEOF));
260 return QStringLiteral("Unexpected end of input data (more bytes needed)");
261 case UnexpectedBreak:
262 static_assert(int(UnexpectedBreak) == int(CborErrorUnexpectedBreak));
263 return QStringLiteral("Invalid CBOR stream: unexpected 'break' byte");
264 case UnknownType:
265 static_assert(int(UnknownType) == int(CborErrorUnknownType));
266 return QStringLiteral("Invalid CBOR stream: unknown type");
267 case IllegalType:
268 static_assert(int(IllegalType) == int(CborErrorIllegalType));
269 return QStringLiteral("Invalid CBOR stream: illegal type found");
270 case IllegalNumber:
271 static_assert(int(IllegalNumber) == int(CborErrorIllegalNumber));
272 return QStringLiteral("Invalid CBOR stream: illegal number encoding (future extension)");
273 case IllegalSimpleType:
274 static_assert(int(IllegalSimpleType) == int(CborErrorIllegalSimpleType));
275 return QStringLiteral("Invalid CBOR stream: illegal simple type");
276 case InvalidUtf8String:
277 static_assert(int(InvalidUtf8String) == int(CborErrorInvalidUtf8TextString));
278 return QStringLiteral("Invalid CBOR stream: invalid UTF-8 text string");
279 case DataTooLarge:
280 static_assert(int(DataTooLarge) == int(CborErrorDataTooLarge));
281 return QStringLiteral("Internal limitation: data set too large");
282 case NestingTooDeep:
283 static_assert(int(NestingTooDeep) == int(CborErrorNestingTooDeep));
284 return QStringLiteral("Internal limitation: data nesting too deep");
285 case UnsupportedType:
286 static_assert(int(UnsupportedType) == int(CborErrorUnsupportedType));
287 return QStringLiteral("Internal limitation: unsupported type");
288 }
290 // get the error string from TinyCBOR
291 CborError err = CborError(int(c));
292 return QString::fromLatin1(ba: cbor_error_string(error: err));
298#include "moc_qcborcommon.cpp"

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