1 | // Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. |
2 | // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only |
3 | |
4 | #include "qgenericunixthemes_p.h" |
5 | |
6 | #include <QPalette> |
7 | #include <QFont> |
8 | #include <QGuiApplication> |
9 | #include <QDir> |
10 | #include <QFileInfo> |
11 | #include <QFile> |
12 | #include <QDebug> |
13 | #include <QHash> |
14 | #include <QLoggingCategory> |
15 | #include <QVariant> |
16 | #include <QStandardPaths> |
17 | #include <QStringList> |
18 | #if QT_CONFIG(mimetype) |
19 | #include <QMimeDatabase> |
20 | #endif |
21 | #if QT_CONFIG(settings) |
22 | #include <QSettings> |
23 | #endif |
24 | |
25 | #include <qpa/qplatformfontdatabase.h> // lcQpaFonts |
26 | #include <qpa/qplatformintegration.h> |
27 | #include <qpa/qplatformservices.h> |
28 | #include <qpa/qplatformdialoghelper.h> |
29 | #include <qpa/qplatformtheme_p.h> |
30 | |
31 | #include <private/qguiapplication_p.h> |
32 | #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS |
33 | #include <QDBusConnectionInterface> |
34 | #include <private/qdbusplatformmenu_p.h> |
35 | #include <private/qdbusmenubar_p.h> |
36 | #include <private/qflatmap_p.h> |
37 | #include <QJsonDocument> |
38 | #include <QJsonArray> |
39 | #include <QJsonObject> |
40 | #include <QJsonValue> |
41 | #include <QJsonParseError> |
42 | #endif |
43 | #if !defined(QT_NO_DBUS) && !defined(QT_NO_SYSTEMTRAYICON) |
44 | #include <private/qdbustrayicon_p.h> |
45 | #endif |
46 | |
47 | #include <algorithm> |
48 | |
50 | #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS |
51 | Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcQpaThemeDBus, "qt.qpa.theme.dbus") |
52 | #endif |
53 | |
54 | using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; |
55 | |
57 | |
58 | ResourceHelper::ResourceHelper() |
59 | { |
60 | std::fill(palettes, palettes + QPlatformTheme::NPalettes, static_cast<QPalette *>(nullptr)); |
61 | std::fill(fonts, fonts + QPlatformTheme::NFonts, static_cast<QFont *>(nullptr)); |
62 | } |
63 | |
64 | void ResourceHelper::clear() |
65 | { |
66 | qDeleteAll(begin: palettes, end: palettes + QPlatformTheme::NPalettes); |
67 | qDeleteAll(begin: fonts, end: fonts + QPlatformTheme::NFonts); |
68 | std::fill(palettes, palettes + QPlatformTheme::NPalettes, static_cast<QPalette *>(nullptr)); |
69 | std::fill(fonts, fonts + QPlatformTheme::NFonts, static_cast<QFont *>(nullptr)); |
70 | } |
71 | |
72 | const char *QGenericUnixTheme::name = "generic"; |
73 | |
74 | // Default system font, corresponding to the value returned by 4.8 for |
75 | // XRender/FontConfig which we can now assume as default. |
76 | static const char defaultSystemFontNameC[] = "Sans Serif"; |
77 | static const char defaultFixedFontNameC[] = "monospace"; |
78 | enum { defaultSystemFontSize = 9 }; |
79 | |
80 | #if !defined(QT_NO_DBUS) && !defined(QT_NO_SYSTEMTRAYICON) |
81 | static bool shouldUseDBusTray() { |
82 | // There's no other tray implementation to fallback to on non-X11 |
83 | // and QDBusTrayIcon can register the icon on the fly after creation |
84 | if (QGuiApplication::platformName() != "xcb"_L1) |
85 | return true; |
86 | const bool result = QDBusMenuConnection().isWatcherRegistered(); |
87 | qCDebug(qLcTray) << "D-Bus tray available:"<< result; |
88 | return result; |
89 | } |
90 | #endif |
91 | |
92 | static QString mouseCursorTheme() |
93 | { |
94 | static QString themeName = qEnvironmentVariable(varName: "XCURSOR_THEME"); |
95 | return themeName; |
96 | } |
97 | |
98 | static QSize mouseCursorSize() |
99 | { |
100 | constexpr int defaultCursorSize = 24; |
101 | static const int xCursorSize = qEnvironmentVariableIntValue(varName: "XCURSOR_SIZE"); |
102 | static const int s = xCursorSize > 0 ? xCursorSize : defaultCursorSize; |
103 | return QSize(s, s); |
104 | } |
105 | |
106 | #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS |
107 | static bool checkDBusGlobalMenuAvailable() |
108 | { |
109 | const QDBusConnection connection = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); |
110 | static const QString registrarService = QStringLiteral("com.canonical.AppMenu.Registrar"); |
111 | if (const auto iface = connection.interface()) |
112 | return iface->isServiceRegistered(serviceName: registrarService); |
113 | return false; |
114 | } |
115 | |
116 | static bool isDBusGlobalMenuAvailable() |
117 | { |
118 | static bool dbusGlobalMenuAvailable = checkDBusGlobalMenuAvailable(); |
119 | return dbusGlobalMenuAvailable; |
120 | } |
121 | |
122 | /*! |
123 | * \internal |
124 | * The QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener class listens to the SettingChanged DBus signal |
125 | * and translates it into combinations of the enums \c Provider and \c Setting. |
126 | * Upon construction, it logs success/failure of the DBus connection. |
127 | * |
128 | * The signal settingChanged delivers the normalized setting type and the new value as a string. |
129 | * It is emitted on known setting types only. |
130 | */ |
131 | |
132 | class QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener : public QObject |
133 | { |
134 | Q_OBJECT |
135 | |
136 | public: |
137 | |
138 | enum class Provider { |
139 | Kde, |
140 | Gtk, |
141 | Gnome, |
142 | }; |
143 | Q_ENUM(Provider) |
144 | |
145 | enum class Setting { |
146 | Theme, |
147 | ApplicationStyle, |
148 | ColorScheme, |
149 | }; |
150 | Q_ENUM(Setting) |
151 | |
152 | QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener(); |
153 | QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener(const QString &service, const QString &path, |
154 | const QString &interface, const QString &signal); |
155 | |
156 | private Q_SLOTS: |
157 | void onSettingChanged(const QString &location, const QString &key, const QDBusVariant &value); |
158 | |
159 | Q_SIGNALS: |
160 | void settingChanged(QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Provider provider, |
161 | QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Setting setting, |
162 | const QString &value); |
163 | |
164 | private: |
165 | struct DBusKey |
166 | { |
167 | QString location; |
168 | QString key; |
169 | DBusKey(const QString &loc, const QString &k) : location(loc), key(k) {}; |
170 | bool operator<(const DBusKey &other) const |
171 | { |
172 | return location + key < other.location + other.key; |
173 | } |
174 | }; |
175 | |
176 | struct ChangeSignal |
177 | { |
178 | Provider provider; |
179 | Setting setting; |
180 | ChangeSignal(Provider p, Setting s) : provider(p), setting(s) {} |
181 | ChangeSignal() {} |
182 | }; |
183 | |
184 | // Json keys |
185 | static constexpr QLatin1StringView s_dbusLocation = QLatin1StringView("DBusLocation"); |
186 | static constexpr QLatin1StringView s_dbusKey = QLatin1StringView("DBusKey"); |
187 | static constexpr QLatin1StringView s_provider = QLatin1StringView("Provider"); |
188 | static constexpr QLatin1StringView s_setting = QLatin1StringView("Setting"); |
189 | static constexpr QLatin1StringView s_signals = QLatin1StringView("DbusSignals"); |
190 | static constexpr QLatin1StringView s_root = QLatin1StringView("Qt.qpa.DBusSignals"); |
191 | |
192 | QFlatMap <DBusKey, ChangeSignal> m_signalMap; |
193 | |
194 | void init(const QString &service, const QString &path, |
195 | const QString &interface, const QString &signal); |
196 | |
197 | std::optional<ChangeSignal> findSignal(const QString &location, const QString &key) const; |
198 | void populateSignalMap(); |
199 | void loadJson(const QString &fileName); |
200 | void saveJson(const QString &fileName) const; |
201 | }; |
202 | |
203 | QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener(const QString &service, |
204 | const QString &path, const QString &interface, const QString &signal) |
205 | { |
206 | init (service, path, interface, signal); |
207 | } |
208 | |
209 | QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener() |
210 | { |
211 | static constexpr QLatin1StringView service(""); |
212 | static constexpr QLatin1StringView path("/org/freedesktop/portal/desktop"); |
213 | static constexpr QLatin1StringView interface("org.freedesktop.portal.Settings"); |
214 | static constexpr QLatin1StringView signal("SettingChanged"); |
215 | |
216 | init (service, path, interface, signal); |
217 | } |
218 | |
219 | void QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::init(const QString &service, const QString &path, |
220 | const QString &interface, const QString &signal) |
221 | { |
222 | QDBusConnection dbus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); |
223 | const bool dBusRunning = dbus.isConnected(); |
224 | bool dBusSignalConnected = false; |
225 | #define LOG service << path << interface << signal; |
226 | |
227 | if (dBusRunning) { |
228 | populateSignalMap(); |
229 | qRegisterMetaType<QDBusVariant>(); |
230 | dBusSignalConnected = dbus.connect(service, path, interface, name: signal, receiver: this, |
231 | SLOT(onSettingChanged(QString,QString,QDBusVariant))); |
232 | } |
233 | |
234 | if (dBusSignalConnected) { |
235 | // Connection successful |
236 | qCDebug(lcQpaThemeDBus) << LOG; |
237 | } else { |
238 | if (dBusRunning) { |
239 | // DBus running, but connection failed |
240 | qCWarning(lcQpaThemeDBus) << "DBus connection failed:"<< LOG; |
241 | } else { |
242 | // DBus not running |
243 | qCWarning(lcQpaThemeDBus) << "Session DBus not running."; |
244 | } |
245 | qCWarning(lcQpaThemeDBus) << "Application will not react to setting changes.\n" |
246 | << "Check your DBus installation."; |
247 | } |
248 | #undef LOG |
249 | } |
250 | |
251 | void QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::loadJson(const QString &fileName) |
252 | { |
253 | Q_ASSERT(!fileName.isEmpty()); |
254 | #define CHECK(cond, warning)\ |
255 | if (!cond) {\ |
256 | qCWarning(lcQpaThemeDBus) << fileName << warning << "Falling back to default.";\ |
257 | return;\ |
258 | } |
259 | |
260 | #define PARSE(var, enumeration, string)\ |
261 | enumeration var;\ |
262 | {\ |
263 | bool success;\ |
264 | const int val = QMetaEnum::fromType<enumeration>().keyToValue(string.toLatin1(), &success);\ |
265 | CHECK(success, "Parse Error: Invalid value" << string << "for" << #var);\ |
266 | var = static_cast<enumeration>(val);\ |
267 | } |
268 | |
269 | QFile file(fileName); |
270 | CHECK(file.exists(), fileName << "doesn't exist."); |
271 | CHECK(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly), "could not be opened for reading."); |
272 | |
273 | QJsonParseError error; |
274 | QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(json: file.readAll(), error: &error); |
275 | CHECK((error.error == QJsonParseError::NoError), error.errorString()); |
276 | CHECK(doc.isObject(), "Parse Error: Expected root object"<< s_root); |
277 | |
278 | const QJsonObject &root = doc.object(); |
279 | CHECK(root.contains(s_root), "Parse Error: Expected root object"<< s_root); |
280 | CHECK(root[s_root][s_signals].isArray(), "Parse Error: Expected array"<< s_signals); |
281 | |
282 | const QJsonArray &sigs = root[s_root][s_signals].toArray(); |
283 | CHECK((sigs.count() > 0), "Parse Error: Found empty array"<< s_signals); |
284 | |
285 | for (auto sig = sigs.constBegin(); sig != sigs.constEnd(); ++sig) { |
286 | CHECK(sig->isObject(), "Parse Error: Expected object array"<< s_signals); |
287 | const QJsonObject &obj = sig->toObject(); |
288 | CHECK(obj.contains(s_dbusLocation), "Parse Error: Expected key"<< s_dbusLocation); |
289 | CHECK(obj.contains(s_dbusKey), "Parse Error: Expected key"<< s_dbusKey); |
290 | CHECK(obj.contains(s_provider), "Parse Error: Expected key"<< s_provider); |
291 | CHECK(obj.contains(s_setting), "Parse Error: Expected key"<< s_setting); |
292 | const QString &location = obj[s_dbusLocation].toString(); |
293 | const QString &key = obj[s_dbusKey].toString(); |
294 | const QString &providerString = obj[s_provider].toString(); |
295 | const QString &settingString = obj[s_setting].toString(); |
296 | PARSE(provider, Provider, providerString); |
297 | PARSE(setting, Setting, settingString); |
298 | const DBusKey dkey(location, key); |
299 | CHECK (!m_signalMap.contains(dkey), "Duplicate key"<< location << key); |
300 | m_signalMap.insert(key: dkey, value: ChangeSignal(provider, setting)); |
301 | } |
302 | #undef PARSE |
303 | #undef CHECK |
304 | |
305 | if (m_signalMap.count() > 0) |
306 | qCInfo(lcQpaThemeDBus) << "Successfully imported"<< fileName; |
307 | else |
308 | qCWarning(lcQpaThemeDBus) << "No data imported from"<< fileName << "falling back to default."; |
309 | |
310 | #ifdef QT_DEBUG |
311 | const int count = m_signalMap.count(); |
312 | if (count == 0) |
313 | return; |
314 | |
315 | qCDebug(lcQpaThemeDBus) << "Listening to"<< count << "signals:"; |
316 | for (auto it = m_signalMap.constBegin(); it != m_signalMap.constEnd(); ++it) { |
317 | qDebug() << it.key().key << it.key().location << "mapped to" |
318 | << it.value().provider << it.value().setting; |
319 | } |
320 | |
321 | #endif |
322 | } |
323 | |
324 | void QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::saveJson(const QString &fileName) const |
325 | { |
326 | Q_ASSERT(!m_signalMap.isEmpty()); |
327 | Q_ASSERT(!fileName.isEmpty()); |
328 | QFile file(fileName); |
329 | if (!file.open(flags: QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { |
330 | qCWarning(lcQpaThemeDBus) << fileName << "could not be opened for writing."; |
331 | return; |
332 | } |
333 | |
334 | QJsonArray sigs; |
335 | for (auto sig = m_signalMap.constBegin(); sig != m_signalMap.constEnd(); ++sig) { |
336 | const DBusKey &dkey = sig.key(); |
337 | const ChangeSignal &csig = sig.value(); |
338 | QJsonObject obj; |
339 | obj[s_dbusLocation] = dkey.location; |
340 | obj[s_dbusKey] = dkey.key; |
341 | obj[s_provider] = QLatin1StringView(QMetaEnum::fromType<Provider>() |
342 | .valueToKey(value: static_cast<int>(csig.provider))); |
343 | obj[s_setting] = QLatin1StringView(QMetaEnum::fromType<Setting>() |
344 | .valueToKey(value: static_cast<int>(csig.setting))); |
345 | sigs.append(value: obj); |
346 | } |
347 | QJsonObject obj; |
348 | obj[s_signals] = sigs; |
349 | QJsonObject root; |
350 | root[s_root] = obj; |
351 | QJsonDocument doc(root); |
352 | file.write(data: doc.toJson()); |
353 | file.close(); |
354 | } |
355 | |
356 | void QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::populateSignalMap() |
357 | { |
358 | m_signalMap.clear(); |
359 | const QString &loadJsonFile = qEnvironmentVariable(varName: "QT_QPA_DBUS_SIGNALS"); |
360 | if (!loadJsonFile.isEmpty()) |
361 | loadJson(fileName: loadJsonFile); |
362 | if (!m_signalMap.isEmpty()) |
363 | return; |
364 | |
365 | m_signalMap.insert(key: DBusKey("org.kde.kdeglobals.KDE"_L1, "widgetStyle"_L1), |
366 | value: ChangeSignal(Provider::Kde, Setting::ApplicationStyle)); |
367 | |
368 | m_signalMap.insert(key: DBusKey("org.kde.kdeglobals.General"_L1, "ColorScheme"_L1), |
369 | value: ChangeSignal(Provider::Kde, Setting::Theme)); |
370 | |
371 | m_signalMap.insert(key: DBusKey("org.gnome.desktop.interface"_L1, "gtk-theme"_L1), |
372 | value: ChangeSignal(Provider::Gtk, Setting::Theme)); |
373 | |
374 | m_signalMap.insert(key: DBusKey("org.freedesktop.appearance"_L1, "color-scheme"_L1), |
375 | value: ChangeSignal(Provider::Gnome, Setting::ColorScheme)); |
376 | |
377 | const QString &saveJsonFile = qEnvironmentVariable(varName: "QT_QPA_DBUS_SIGNALS_SAVE"); |
378 | if (!saveJsonFile.isEmpty()) |
379 | saveJson(fileName: saveJsonFile); |
380 | } |
381 | |
382 | std::optional<QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::ChangeSignal> |
383 | QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::findSignal(const QString &location, const QString &key) const |
384 | { |
385 | const DBusKey dkey(location, key); |
386 | std::optional<QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::ChangeSignal> ret; |
387 | if (m_signalMap.contains(key: dkey)) |
388 | ret.emplace(args: m_signalMap.value(key: dkey)); |
389 | |
390 | return ret; |
391 | } |
392 | |
393 | void QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::onSettingChanged(const QString &location, const QString &key, const QDBusVariant &value) |
394 | { |
395 | auto sig = findSignal(location, key); |
396 | if (!sig.has_value()) |
397 | return; |
398 | |
399 | emit settingChanged(provider: sig.value().provider, setting: sig.value().setting, value: value.variant().toString()); |
400 | } |
401 | |
402 | #endif //QT_NO_DBUS |
403 | |
404 | class QGenericUnixThemePrivate : public QPlatformThemePrivate |
405 | { |
406 | public: |
407 | QGenericUnixThemePrivate() |
408 | : QPlatformThemePrivate() |
409 | , systemFont(QLatin1StringView(defaultSystemFontNameC), defaultSystemFontSize) |
410 | , fixedFont(QLatin1StringView(defaultFixedFontNameC), systemFont.pointSize()) |
411 | { |
412 | fixedFont.setStyleHint(QFont::TypeWriter); |
413 | qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "default fonts: system"<< systemFont << "fixed"<< fixedFont; |
414 | } |
415 | |
416 | const QFont systemFont; |
417 | QFont fixedFont; |
418 | }; |
419 | |
420 | QGenericUnixTheme::QGenericUnixTheme() |
421 | : QPlatformTheme(new QGenericUnixThemePrivate()) |
422 | { |
423 | } |
424 | |
425 | const QFont *QGenericUnixTheme::font(Font type) const |
426 | { |
427 | Q_D(const QGenericUnixTheme); |
428 | switch (type) { |
429 | case QPlatformTheme::SystemFont: |
430 | return &d->systemFont; |
431 | case QPlatformTheme::FixedFont: |
432 | return &d->fixedFont; |
433 | default: |
434 | return nullptr; |
435 | } |
436 | } |
437 | |
438 | // Helper to return the icon theme paths from XDG. |
439 | QStringList QGenericUnixTheme::xdgIconThemePaths() |
440 | { |
441 | QStringList paths; |
442 | // Add home directory first in search path |
443 | const QFileInfo homeIconDir(QDir::homePath() + "/.icons"_L1); |
444 | if (homeIconDir.isDir()) |
445 | paths.prepend(t: homeIconDir.absoluteFilePath()); |
446 | |
447 | paths.append(l: QStandardPaths::locateAll(type: QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, |
448 | QStringLiteral("icons"), |
449 | options: QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory)); |
450 | |
451 | return paths; |
452 | } |
453 | |
454 | QStringList QGenericUnixTheme::iconFallbackPaths() |
455 | { |
456 | QStringList paths; |
457 | const QFileInfo pixmapsIconsDir(QStringLiteral("/usr/share/pixmaps")); |
458 | if (pixmapsIconsDir.isDir()) |
459 | paths.append(t: pixmapsIconsDir.absoluteFilePath()); |
460 | |
461 | return paths; |
462 | } |
463 | |
464 | #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS |
465 | QPlatformMenuBar *QGenericUnixTheme::createPlatformMenuBar() const |
466 | { |
467 | if (isDBusGlobalMenuAvailable()) |
468 | return new QDBusMenuBar(); |
469 | return nullptr; |
470 | } |
471 | #endif |
472 | |
473 | #if !defined(QT_NO_DBUS) && !defined(QT_NO_SYSTEMTRAYICON) |
474 | QPlatformSystemTrayIcon *QGenericUnixTheme::createPlatformSystemTrayIcon() const |
475 | { |
476 | if (shouldUseDBusTray()) |
477 | return new QDBusTrayIcon(); |
478 | return nullptr; |
479 | } |
480 | #endif |
481 | |
482 | QVariant QGenericUnixTheme::themeHint(ThemeHint hint) const |
483 | { |
484 | switch (hint) { |
485 | case QPlatformTheme::SystemIconFallbackThemeName: |
486 | return QVariant(QString(QStringLiteral("hicolor"))); |
487 | case QPlatformTheme::IconThemeSearchPaths: |
488 | return xdgIconThemePaths(); |
489 | case QPlatformTheme::IconFallbackSearchPaths: |
490 | return iconFallbackPaths(); |
491 | case QPlatformTheme::DialogButtonBoxButtonsHaveIcons: |
492 | return QVariant(true); |
493 | case QPlatformTheme::StyleNames: { |
494 | QStringList styleNames; |
495 | styleNames << QStringLiteral("Fusion") << QStringLiteral( "Windows"); |
496 | return QVariant(styleNames); |
497 | } |
498 | case QPlatformTheme::KeyboardScheme: |
499 | return QVariant(int(X11KeyboardScheme)); |
500 | case QPlatformTheme::UiEffects: |
501 | return QVariant(int(HoverEffect)); |
502 | case QPlatformTheme::MouseCursorTheme: |
503 | return QVariant(mouseCursorTheme()); |
504 | case QPlatformTheme::MouseCursorSize: |
505 | return QVariant(mouseCursorSize()); |
506 | case QPlatformTheme::PreferFileIconFromTheme: |
507 | return true; |
508 | default: |
509 | break; |
510 | } |
511 | return QPlatformTheme::themeHint(hint); |
512 | } |
513 | |
514 | // Helper functions for implementing QPlatformTheme::fileIcon() for XDG icon themes. |
515 | static QList<QSize> availableXdgFileIconSizes() |
516 | { |
517 | return QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("inode-directory")).availableSizes(); |
518 | } |
519 | |
520 | #if QT_CONFIG(mimetype) |
521 | static QIcon xdgFileIcon(const QFileInfo &fileInfo) |
522 | { |
523 | QMimeDatabase mimeDatabase; |
524 | QMimeType mimeType = mimeDatabase.mimeTypeForFile(fileInfo); |
525 | if (!mimeType.isValid()) |
526 | return QIcon(); |
527 | const QString &iconName = mimeType.iconName(); |
528 | if (!iconName.isEmpty()) { |
529 | const QIcon icon = QIcon::fromTheme(name: iconName); |
530 | if (!icon.isNull()) |
531 | return icon; |
532 | } |
533 | const QString &genericIconName = mimeType.genericIconName(); |
534 | return genericIconName.isEmpty() ? QIcon() : QIcon::fromTheme(name: genericIconName); |
535 | } |
536 | #endif |
537 | |
538 | #if QT_CONFIG(settings) |
539 | class QKdeThemePrivate : public QPlatformThemePrivate |
540 | { |
541 | |
542 | public: |
543 | enum class KdeSettingType { |
544 | Root, |
545 | KDE, |
546 | Icons, |
547 | ToolBarIcons, |
548 | ToolBarStyle, |
549 | Fonts, |
550 | Colors, |
551 | }; |
552 | |
553 | enum class KdeSetting { |
554 | WidgetStyle, |
555 | ColorScheme, |
556 | SingleClick, |
557 | ShowIconsOnPushButtons, |
558 | IconTheme, |
559 | ToolBarIconSize, |
560 | ToolButtonStyle, |
561 | WheelScrollLines, |
562 | DoubleClickInterval, |
563 | StartDragDistance, |
564 | StartDragTime, |
565 | CursorBlinkRate, |
566 | Font, |
567 | Fixed, |
568 | MenuFont, |
569 | ToolBarFont, |
570 | ButtonBackground, |
571 | WindowBackground, |
572 | ViewForeground, |
573 | WindowForeground, |
574 | ViewBackground, |
575 | SelectionBackground, |
576 | SelectionForeground, |
577 | ViewBackgroundAlternate, |
578 | ButtonForeground, |
579 | ViewForegroundLink, |
580 | ViewForegroundVisited, |
581 | TooltipBackground, |
582 | TooltipForeground, |
583 | }; |
584 | |
585 | QKdeThemePrivate(const QStringList &kdeDirs, int kdeVersion); |
586 | |
587 | static QString kdeGlobals(const QString &kdeDir, int kdeVersion) |
588 | { |
589 | if (kdeVersion > 4) |
590 | return kdeDir + "/kdeglobals"_L1; |
591 | return kdeDir + "/share/config/kdeglobals"_L1; |
592 | } |
593 | |
594 | void refresh(); |
595 | static QVariant readKdeSetting(KdeSetting s, const QStringList &kdeDirs, int kdeVersion, QHash<QString, QSettings*> &settings); |
596 | QVariant readKdeSetting(KdeSetting s) const; |
597 | void clearKdeSettings() const; |
598 | static void readKdeSystemPalette(const QStringList &kdeDirs, int kdeVersion, QHash<QString, QSettings*> &kdeSettings, QPalette *pal); |
599 | static QFont *kdeFont(const QVariant &fontValue); |
600 | static QStringList kdeIconThemeSearchPaths(const QStringList &kdeDirs); |
601 | |
602 | const QStringList kdeDirs; |
603 | const int kdeVersion; |
604 | |
605 | ResourceHelper resources; |
606 | QString iconThemeName; |
607 | QString iconFallbackThemeName; |
608 | QStringList styleNames; |
609 | int toolButtonStyle = Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon; |
610 | int toolBarIconSize = 0; |
611 | bool singleClick = true; |
612 | bool showIconsOnPushButtons = true; |
613 | int wheelScrollLines = 3; |
614 | int doubleClickInterval = 400; |
615 | int startDragDist = 10; |
616 | int startDragTime = 500; |
617 | int cursorBlinkRate = 1000; |
618 | Qt::ColorScheme m_colorScheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown; |
619 | void updateColorScheme(const QString &themeName); |
620 | |
621 | private: |
622 | mutable QHash<QString, QSettings *> kdeSettings; |
623 | #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS |
624 | std::unique_ptr<QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener> dbus; |
625 | bool initDbus(); |
626 | void settingChangedHandler(QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Provider provider, |
627 | QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Setting setting, |
628 | const QString &value); |
629 | #endif // QT_NO_DBUS |
630 | }; |
631 | |
632 | #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS |
633 | void QKdeThemePrivate::settingChangedHandler(QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Provider provider, |
634 | QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Setting setting, |
635 | const QString &value) |
636 | { |
637 | if (provider != QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Provider::Kde) |
638 | return; |
639 | |
640 | switch (setting) { |
641 | case QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Setting::ColorScheme: |
642 | qCDebug(lcQpaThemeDBus) << "KDE color theme changed to:"<< value; |
643 | break; |
644 | case QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Setting::Theme: |
645 | qCDebug(lcQpaThemeDBus) << "KDE global theme changed to:"<< value; |
646 | break; |
647 | case QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Setting::ApplicationStyle: |
648 | qCDebug(lcQpaThemeDBus) << "KDE application style changed to:"<< value; |
649 | break; |
650 | } |
651 | |
652 | refresh(); |
653 | } |
654 | |
655 | bool QKdeThemePrivate::initDbus() |
656 | { |
657 | dbus.reset(p: new QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener()); |
658 | Q_ASSERT(dbus); |
659 | |
660 | // Wrap slot in a lambda to avoid inheriting QKdeThemePrivate from QObject |
661 | auto wrapper = [this](QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Provider provider, |
662 | QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Setting setting, |
663 | const QString &value) { |
664 | settingChangedHandler(provider, setting, value); |
665 | }; |
666 | |
667 | return QObject::connect(sender: dbus.get(), signal: &QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::settingChanged, context: dbus.get(), slot&: wrapper); |
668 | } |
669 | #endif // QT_NO_DBUS |
670 | |
671 | QKdeThemePrivate::QKdeThemePrivate(const QStringList &kdeDirs, int kdeVersion) |
672 | : kdeDirs(kdeDirs), kdeVersion(kdeVersion) |
673 | { |
674 | #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS |
675 | initDbus(); |
676 | #endif // QT_NO_DBUS |
677 | } |
678 | |
679 | static constexpr QLatin1StringView settingsPrefix(QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSettingType type) |
680 | { |
681 | switch (type) { |
682 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSettingType::Root: |
683 | return QLatin1StringView(); |
684 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSettingType::KDE: |
685 | return QLatin1StringView("KDE/"); |
686 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSettingType::Fonts: |
687 | return QLatin1StringView(); |
688 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSettingType::Colors: |
689 | return QLatin1StringView("Colors:"); |
690 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSettingType::Icons: |
691 | return QLatin1StringView("Icons/"); |
692 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSettingType::ToolBarIcons: |
693 | return QLatin1StringView("ToolbarIcons/"); |
694 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSettingType::ToolBarStyle: |
695 | return QLatin1StringView("Toolbar style/"); |
696 | } |
697 | Q_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(QLatin1StringView()); |
698 | } |
699 | |
700 | static constexpr QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSettingType settingsType(QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting setting) |
701 | { |
702 | #define CASE(s, type) case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::s:\ |
703 | return QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSettingType::type |
704 | |
705 | switch (setting) { |
706 | CASE(WidgetStyle, Root); |
707 | CASE(ColorScheme, Root); |
708 | CASE(SingleClick, KDE); |
709 | CASE(ShowIconsOnPushButtons, KDE); |
710 | CASE(IconTheme, Icons); |
711 | CASE(ToolBarIconSize, ToolBarIcons); |
712 | CASE(ToolButtonStyle, ToolBarStyle); |
713 | CASE(WheelScrollLines, KDE); |
714 | CASE(DoubleClickInterval, KDE); |
715 | CASE(StartDragDistance, KDE); |
716 | CASE(StartDragTime, KDE); |
717 | CASE(CursorBlinkRate, KDE); |
718 | CASE(Font, Root); |
719 | CASE(Fixed, Root); |
720 | CASE(MenuFont, Root); |
721 | CASE(ToolBarFont, Root); |
722 | CASE(ButtonBackground, Colors); |
723 | CASE(WindowBackground, Colors); |
724 | CASE(ViewForeground, Colors); |
725 | CASE(WindowForeground, Colors); |
726 | CASE(ViewBackground, Colors); |
727 | CASE(SelectionBackground, Colors); |
728 | CASE(SelectionForeground, Colors); |
729 | CASE(ViewBackgroundAlternate, Colors); |
730 | CASE(ButtonForeground, Colors); |
731 | CASE(ViewForegroundLink, Colors); |
732 | CASE(ViewForegroundVisited, Colors); |
733 | CASE(TooltipBackground, Colors); |
734 | CASE(TooltipForeground, Colors); |
735 | }; |
736 | Q_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSettingType::Root); |
737 | } |
738 | #undef CASE |
739 | |
740 | static constexpr QLatin1StringView settingsKey(QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting setting) |
741 | { |
742 | switch (setting) { |
743 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::WidgetStyle: |
744 | return QLatin1StringView("widgetStyle"); |
745 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::ColorScheme: |
746 | return QLatin1StringView("ColorScheme"); |
747 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::SingleClick: |
748 | return QLatin1StringView("SingleClick"); |
749 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::ShowIconsOnPushButtons: |
750 | return QLatin1StringView("ShowIconsOnPushButtons"); |
751 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::IconTheme: |
752 | return QLatin1StringView("Theme"); |
753 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::ToolBarIconSize: |
754 | return QLatin1StringView("Size"); |
755 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::ToolButtonStyle: |
756 | return QLatin1StringView("ToolButtonStyle"); |
757 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::WheelScrollLines: |
758 | return QLatin1StringView("WheelScrollLines"); |
759 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::DoubleClickInterval: |
760 | return QLatin1StringView("DoubleClickInterval"); |
761 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::StartDragDistance: |
762 | return QLatin1StringView("StartDragDist"); |
763 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::StartDragTime: |
764 | return QLatin1StringView("StartDragTime"); |
765 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::CursorBlinkRate: |
766 | return QLatin1StringView("CursorBlinkRate"); |
767 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::Font: |
768 | return QLatin1StringView("font"); |
769 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::Fixed: |
770 | return QLatin1StringView("fixed"); |
771 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::MenuFont: |
772 | return QLatin1StringView("menuFont"); |
773 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::ToolBarFont: |
774 | return QLatin1StringView("toolBarFont"); |
775 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::ButtonBackground: |
776 | return QLatin1StringView("Button/BackgroundNormal"); |
777 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::WindowBackground: |
778 | return QLatin1StringView("Window/BackgroundNormal"); |
779 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::ViewForeground: |
780 | return QLatin1StringView("View/ForegroundNormal"); |
781 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::WindowForeground: |
782 | return QLatin1StringView("Window/ForegroundNormal"); |
783 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::ViewBackground: |
784 | return QLatin1StringView("View/BackgroundNormal"); |
785 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::SelectionBackground: |
786 | return QLatin1StringView("Selection/BackgroundNormal"); |
787 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::SelectionForeground: |
788 | return QLatin1StringView("Selection/ForegroundNormal"); |
789 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::ViewBackgroundAlternate: |
790 | return QLatin1StringView("View/BackgroundAlternate"); |
791 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::ButtonForeground: |
792 | return QLatin1StringView("Button/ForegroundNormal"); |
793 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::ViewForegroundLink: |
794 | return QLatin1StringView("View/ForegroundLink"); |
795 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::ViewForegroundVisited: |
796 | return QLatin1StringView("View/ForegroundVisited"); |
797 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::TooltipBackground: |
798 | return QLatin1StringView("Tooltip/BackgroundNormal"); |
799 | case QKdeThemePrivate::KdeSetting::TooltipForeground: |
800 | return QLatin1StringView("Tooltip/ForegroundNormal"); |
801 | }; |
802 | Q_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(QLatin1StringView()); |
803 | } |
804 | |
805 | void QKdeThemePrivate::refresh() |
806 | { |
807 | resources.clear(); |
808 | clearKdeSettings(); |
809 | |
810 | toolButtonStyle = Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon; |
811 | toolBarIconSize = 0; |
812 | styleNames.clear(); |
813 | if (kdeVersion >= 5) |
814 | styleNames << QStringLiteral("breeze"); |
815 | styleNames << QStringLiteral("Oxygen") << QStringLiteral( "Fusion") << QStringLiteral( "windows"); |
816 | if (kdeVersion >= 5) |
817 | iconFallbackThemeName = iconThemeName = QStringLiteral("breeze"); |
818 | else |
819 | iconFallbackThemeName = iconThemeName = QStringLiteral("oxygen"); |
820 | |
821 | QPalette systemPalette = QPalette(); |
822 | readKdeSystemPalette(kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings, pal: &systemPalette); |
823 | resources.palettes[QPlatformTheme::SystemPalette] = new QPalette(systemPalette); |
824 | //## TODO tooltip color |
825 | |
826 | const QVariant styleValue = readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::WidgetStyle); |
827 | if (styleValue.isValid()) { |
828 | const QString style = styleValue.toString(); |
829 | if (style != styleNames.front()) |
830 | styleNames.push_front(t: style); |
831 | } |
832 | |
833 | const QVariant colorScheme = readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::ColorScheme); |
834 | |
835 | updateColorScheme(themeName: colorScheme.toString()); |
836 | |
837 | const QVariant singleClickValue = readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::SingleClick); |
838 | if (singleClickValue.isValid()) |
839 | singleClick = singleClickValue.toBool(); |
840 | else if (kdeVersion >= 6) // Plasma 6 defaults to double-click |
841 | singleClick = false; |
842 | else // earlier version to single-click |
843 | singleClick = true; |
844 | |
845 | const QVariant showIconsOnPushButtonsValue = readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::ShowIconsOnPushButtons); |
846 | if (showIconsOnPushButtonsValue.isValid()) |
847 | showIconsOnPushButtons = showIconsOnPushButtonsValue.toBool(); |
848 | |
849 | const QVariant themeValue = readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::IconTheme); |
850 | if (themeValue.isValid()) |
851 | iconThemeName = themeValue.toString(); |
852 | |
853 | const QVariant toolBarIconSizeValue = readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::ToolBarIconSize); |
854 | if (toolBarIconSizeValue.isValid()) |
855 | toolBarIconSize = toolBarIconSizeValue.toInt(); |
856 | |
857 | const QVariant toolbarStyleValue = readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::ToolButtonStyle); |
858 | if (toolbarStyleValue.isValid()) { |
859 | const QString toolBarStyle = toolbarStyleValue.toString(); |
860 | if (toolBarStyle == "TextBesideIcon"_L1) |
861 | toolButtonStyle = Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon; |
862 | else if (toolBarStyle == "TextOnly"_L1) |
863 | toolButtonStyle = Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly; |
864 | else if (toolBarStyle == "TextUnderIcon"_L1) |
865 | toolButtonStyle = Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon; |
866 | } |
867 | |
868 | const QVariant wheelScrollLinesValue = readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::WheelScrollLines); |
869 | if (wheelScrollLinesValue.isValid()) |
870 | wheelScrollLines = wheelScrollLinesValue.toInt(); |
871 | |
872 | const QVariant doubleClickIntervalValue = readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::DoubleClickInterval); |
873 | if (doubleClickIntervalValue.isValid()) |
874 | doubleClickInterval = doubleClickIntervalValue.toInt(); |
875 | |
876 | const QVariant startDragDistValue = readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::StartDragDistance); |
877 | if (startDragDistValue.isValid()) |
878 | startDragDist = startDragDistValue.toInt(); |
879 | |
880 | const QVariant startDragTimeValue = readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::StartDragTime); |
881 | if (startDragTimeValue.isValid()) |
882 | startDragTime = startDragTimeValue.toInt(); |
883 | |
884 | const QVariant cursorBlinkRateValue = readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::CursorBlinkRate); |
885 | if (cursorBlinkRateValue.isValid()) { |
886 | cursorBlinkRate = cursorBlinkRateValue.toInt(); |
887 | cursorBlinkRate = cursorBlinkRate > 0 ? qBound(min: 200, val: cursorBlinkRate, max: 2000) : 0; |
888 | } |
889 | |
890 | // Read system font, ignore 'smallestReadableFont' |
891 | if (QFont *systemFont = kdeFont(fontValue: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::Font))) |
892 | resources.fonts[QPlatformTheme::SystemFont] = systemFont; |
893 | else |
894 | resources.fonts[QPlatformTheme::SystemFont] = new QFont(QLatin1StringView(defaultSystemFontNameC), defaultSystemFontSize); |
895 | |
896 | if (QFont *fixedFont = kdeFont(fontValue: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::Fixed))) { |
897 | resources.fonts[QPlatformTheme::FixedFont] = fixedFont; |
898 | } else { |
899 | fixedFont = new QFont(QLatin1StringView(defaultFixedFontNameC), defaultSystemFontSize); |
900 | fixedFont->setStyleHint(QFont::TypeWriter); |
901 | resources.fonts[QPlatformTheme::FixedFont] = fixedFont; |
902 | } |
903 | |
904 | if (QFont *menuFont = kdeFont(fontValue: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::MenuFont))) { |
905 | resources.fonts[QPlatformTheme::MenuFont] = menuFont; |
906 | resources.fonts[QPlatformTheme::MenuBarFont] = new QFont(*menuFont); |
907 | } |
908 | |
909 | if (QFont *toolBarFont = kdeFont(fontValue: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::ToolBarFont))) |
910 | resources.fonts[QPlatformTheme::ToolButtonFont] = toolBarFont; |
911 | |
912 | QWindowSystemInterface::handleThemeChange(); |
913 | |
914 | qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "default fonts: system"<< resources.fonts[QPlatformTheme::SystemFont] |
915 | << "fixed"<< resources.fonts[QPlatformTheme::FixedFont]; |
916 | qDeleteAll(c: kdeSettings); |
917 | } |
918 | |
919 | QVariant QKdeThemePrivate::readKdeSetting(KdeSetting s, const QStringList &kdeDirs, int kdeVersion, QHash<QString, QSettings*> &kdeSettings) |
920 | { |
921 | for (const QString &kdeDir : kdeDirs) { |
922 | QSettings *settings = kdeSettings.value(key: kdeDir); |
923 | if (!settings) { |
924 | const QString kdeGlobalsPath = kdeGlobals(kdeDir, kdeVersion); |
925 | if (QFileInfo(kdeGlobalsPath).isReadable()) { |
926 | settings = new QSettings(kdeGlobalsPath, QSettings::IniFormat); |
927 | kdeSettings.insert(key: kdeDir, value: settings); |
928 | } |
929 | } |
930 | if (settings) { |
931 | const QString key = settingsPrefix(settingsType(s)) + settingsKey(s); |
932 | const QVariant value = settings->value(key); |
933 | if (value.isValid()) |
934 | return value; |
935 | } |
936 | } |
937 | return QVariant(); |
938 | } |
939 | |
940 | QVariant QKdeThemePrivate::readKdeSetting(KdeSetting s) const |
941 | { |
942 | return readKdeSetting(s, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings); |
943 | } |
944 | |
945 | void QKdeThemePrivate::clearKdeSettings() const |
946 | { |
947 | kdeSettings.clear(); |
948 | } |
949 | |
950 | // Reads the color from the KDE configuration, and store it in the |
951 | // palette with the given color role if found. |
952 | static inline bool kdeColor(QPalette *pal, QPalette::ColorRole role, const QVariant &value) |
953 | { |
954 | if (!value.isValid()) |
955 | return false; |
956 | const QStringList values = value.toStringList(); |
957 | if (values.size() != 3) |
958 | return false; |
959 | pal->setBrush(acr: role, abrush: QColor(values.at(i: 0).toInt(), values.at(i: 1).toInt(), values.at(i: 2).toInt())); |
960 | return true; |
961 | } |
962 | |
963 | void QKdeThemePrivate::readKdeSystemPalette(const QStringList &kdeDirs, int kdeVersion, QHash<QString, QSettings*> &kdeSettings, QPalette *pal) |
964 | { |
965 | if (!kdeColor(pal, role: QPalette::Button, value: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::ButtonBackground, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings))) { |
966 | // kcolorscheme.cpp: SetDefaultColors |
967 | const QColor defaultWindowBackground(214, 210, 208); |
968 | const QColor defaultButtonBackground(223, 220, 217); |
969 | *pal = QPalette(defaultButtonBackground, defaultWindowBackground); |
970 | return; |
971 | } |
972 | |
973 | kdeColor(pal, role: QPalette::Window, value: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::WindowBackground, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings)); |
974 | kdeColor(pal, role: QPalette::Text, value: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::ViewForeground, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings)); |
975 | kdeColor(pal, role: QPalette::WindowText, value: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::WindowForeground, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings)); |
976 | kdeColor(pal, role: QPalette::Base, value: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::ViewBackground, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings)); |
977 | kdeColor(pal, role: QPalette::Highlight, value: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::SelectionBackground, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings)); |
978 | kdeColor(pal, role: QPalette::HighlightedText, value: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::SelectionForeground, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings)); |
979 | kdeColor(pal, role: QPalette::AlternateBase, value: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::ViewBackgroundAlternate, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings)); |
980 | kdeColor(pal, role: QPalette::ButtonText, value: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::ButtonForeground, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings)); |
981 | kdeColor(pal, role: QPalette::Link, value: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::ViewForegroundLink, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings)); |
982 | kdeColor(pal, role: QPalette::LinkVisited, value: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::ViewForegroundVisited, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings)); |
983 | kdeColor(pal, role: QPalette::ToolTipBase, value: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::TooltipBackground, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings)); |
984 | kdeColor(pal, role: QPalette::ToolTipText, value: readKdeSetting(s: KdeSetting::TooltipForeground, kdeDirs, kdeVersion, kdeSettings)); |
985 | |
986 | // The above code sets _all_ color roles to "normal" colors. In KDE, the disabled |
987 | // color roles are calculated by applying various effects described in kdeglobals. |
988 | // We use a bit simpler approach here, similar logic than in qt_palette_from_color(). |
989 | const QColor button = pal->color(cr: QPalette::Button); |
990 | int h, s, v; |
991 | button.getHsv(h: &h, s: &s, v: &v); |
992 | |
993 | const QBrush whiteBrush = QBrush(Qt::white); |
994 | const QBrush buttonBrush = QBrush(button); |
995 | const QBrush buttonBrushDark = QBrush(button.darker(f: v > 128 ? 200 : 50)); |
996 | const QBrush buttonBrushDark150 = QBrush(button.darker(f: v > 128 ? 150 : 75)); |
997 | const QBrush buttonBrushLight150 = QBrush(button.lighter(f: v > 128 ? 150 : 75)); |
998 | const QBrush buttonBrushLight = QBrush(button.lighter(f: v > 128 ? 200 : 50)); |
999 | |
1000 | pal->setBrush(cg: QPalette::Disabled, cr: QPalette::WindowText, brush: buttonBrushDark); |
1001 | pal->setBrush(cg: QPalette::Disabled, cr: QPalette::ButtonText, brush: buttonBrushDark); |
1002 | pal->setBrush(cg: QPalette::Disabled, cr: QPalette::Button, brush: buttonBrush); |
1003 | pal->setBrush(cg: QPalette::Disabled, cr: QPalette::Text, brush: buttonBrushDark); |
1004 | pal->setBrush(cg: QPalette::Disabled, cr: QPalette::BrightText, brush: whiteBrush); |
1005 | pal->setBrush(cg: QPalette::Disabled, cr: QPalette::Base, brush: buttonBrush); |
1006 | pal->setBrush(cg: QPalette::Disabled, cr: QPalette::Window, brush: buttonBrush); |
1007 | pal->setBrush(cg: QPalette::Disabled, cr: QPalette::Highlight, brush: buttonBrushDark150); |
1008 | pal->setBrush(cg: QPalette::Disabled, cr: QPalette::HighlightedText, brush: buttonBrushLight150); |
1009 | |
1010 | // set calculated colors for all groups |
1011 | pal->setBrush(acr: QPalette::Light, abrush: buttonBrushLight); |
1012 | pal->setBrush(acr: QPalette::Midlight, abrush: buttonBrushLight150); |
1013 | pal->setBrush(acr: QPalette::Mid, abrush: buttonBrushDark150); |
1014 | pal->setBrush(acr: QPalette::Dark, abrush: buttonBrushDark); |
1015 | } |
1016 | |
1017 | /*! |
1018 | \class QKdeTheme |
1019 | \brief QKdeTheme is a theme implementation for the KDE desktop (version 4 or higher). |
1020 | \since 5.0 |
1021 | \internal |
1022 | \ingroup qpa |
1023 | */ |
1024 | |
1025 | const char *QKdeTheme::name = "kde"; |
1026 | |
1027 | QKdeTheme::QKdeTheme(const QStringList& kdeDirs, int kdeVersion) |
1028 | : QPlatformTheme(new QKdeThemePrivate(kdeDirs,kdeVersion)) |
1029 | { |
1030 | d_func()->refresh(); |
1031 | } |
1032 | |
1033 | QFont *QKdeThemePrivate::kdeFont(const QVariant &fontValue) |
1034 | { |
1035 | if (fontValue.isValid()) { |
1036 | // Read font value: Might be a QStringList as KDE stores fonts without quotes. |
1037 | // Also retrieve the family for the constructor since we cannot use the |
1038 | // default constructor of QFont, which accesses QGuiApplication::systemFont() |
1039 | // causing recursion. |
1040 | QString fontDescription; |
1041 | QString fontFamily; |
1042 | if (fontValue.userType() == QMetaType::QStringList) { |
1043 | const QStringList list = fontValue.toStringList(); |
1044 | if (!list.isEmpty()) { |
1045 | fontFamily = list.first(); |
1046 | fontDescription = list.join(sep: u','); |
1047 | } |
1048 | } else { |
1049 | fontDescription = fontFamily = fontValue.toString(); |
1050 | } |
1051 | if (!fontDescription.isEmpty()) { |
1052 | QFont font(fontFamily); |
1053 | if (font.fromString(fontDescription)) |
1054 | return new QFont(font); |
1055 | } |
1056 | } |
1057 | return nullptr; |
1058 | } |
1059 | |
1060 | |
1061 | QStringList QKdeThemePrivate::kdeIconThemeSearchPaths(const QStringList &kdeDirs) |
1062 | { |
1063 | QStringList paths = QGenericUnixTheme::xdgIconThemePaths(); |
1064 | const QString iconPath = QStringLiteral("/share/icons"); |
1065 | for (const QString &candidate : kdeDirs) { |
1066 | const QFileInfo fi(candidate + iconPath); |
1067 | if (fi.isDir()) |
1068 | paths.append(t: fi.absoluteFilePath()); |
1069 | } |
1070 | return paths; |
1071 | } |
1072 | |
1073 | QVariant QKdeTheme::themeHint(QPlatformTheme::ThemeHint hint) const |
1074 | { |
1075 | Q_D(const QKdeTheme); |
1076 | switch (hint) { |
1077 | case QPlatformTheme::UseFullScreenForPopupMenu: |
1078 | return QVariant(true); |
1079 | case QPlatformTheme::DialogButtonBoxButtonsHaveIcons: |
1080 | return QVariant(d->showIconsOnPushButtons); |
1081 | case QPlatformTheme::DialogButtonBoxLayout: |
1082 | return QVariant(QPlatformDialogHelper::KdeLayout); |
1083 | case QPlatformTheme::ToolButtonStyle: |
1084 | return QVariant(d->toolButtonStyle); |
1085 | case QPlatformTheme::ToolBarIconSize: |
1086 | return QVariant(d->toolBarIconSize); |
1087 | case QPlatformTheme::SystemIconThemeName: |
1088 | return QVariant(d->iconThemeName); |
1089 | case QPlatformTheme::SystemIconFallbackThemeName: |
1090 | return QVariant(d->iconFallbackThemeName); |
1091 | case QPlatformTheme::IconThemeSearchPaths: |
1092 | return QVariant(d->kdeIconThemeSearchPaths(kdeDirs: d->kdeDirs)); |
1093 | case QPlatformTheme::IconPixmapSizes: |
1094 | return QVariant::fromValue(value: availableXdgFileIconSizes()); |
1095 | case QPlatformTheme::StyleNames: |
1096 | return QVariant(d->styleNames); |
1097 | case QPlatformTheme::KeyboardScheme: |
1098 | return QVariant(int(KdeKeyboardScheme)); |
1099 | case QPlatformTheme::ItemViewActivateItemOnSingleClick: |
1100 | return QVariant(d->singleClick); |
1101 | case QPlatformTheme::WheelScrollLines: |
1102 | return QVariant(d->wheelScrollLines); |
1103 | case QPlatformTheme::MouseDoubleClickInterval: |
1104 | return QVariant(d->doubleClickInterval); |
1105 | case QPlatformTheme::StartDragTime: |
1106 | return QVariant(d->startDragTime); |
1107 | case QPlatformTheme::StartDragDistance: |
1108 | return QVariant(d->startDragDist); |
1109 | case QPlatformTheme::CursorFlashTime: |
1110 | return QVariant(d->cursorBlinkRate); |
1111 | case QPlatformTheme::UiEffects: |
1112 | return QVariant(int(HoverEffect)); |
1113 | case QPlatformTheme::MouseCursorTheme: |
1114 | return QVariant(mouseCursorTheme()); |
1115 | case QPlatformTheme::MouseCursorSize: |
1116 | return QVariant(mouseCursorSize()); |
1117 | case QPlatformTheme::PreferFileIconFromTheme: |
1118 | return true; |
1119 | default: |
1120 | break; |
1121 | } |
1122 | return QPlatformTheme::themeHint(hint); |
1123 | } |
1124 | |
1125 | QIcon QKdeTheme::fileIcon(const QFileInfo &fileInfo, QPlatformTheme::IconOptions) const |
1126 | { |
1127 | #if QT_CONFIG(mimetype) |
1128 | return xdgFileIcon(fileInfo); |
1129 | #else |
1130 | Q_UNUSED(fileInfo); |
1131 | return QIcon(); |
1132 | #endif |
1133 | } |
1134 | |
1135 | Qt::ColorScheme QKdeTheme::colorScheme() const |
1136 | { |
1137 | return d_func()->m_colorScheme; |
1138 | } |
1139 | |
1140 | /*! |
1141 | \internal |
1142 | \brief QKdeTheme::updateColorScheme - guess and set a color scheme for unix themes. |
1143 | KDE themes do not have a color scheme property. |
1144 | The key words "dark" or "light" are usually part of the theme name. |
1145 | This is, however, not a mandatory convention. |
1146 | |
1147 | If \param themeName contains a valid key word, the respective color scheme is set. |
1148 | If it doesn't, the color scheme is heuristically determined by comparing text and base color |
1149 | of the system palette. |
1150 | */ |
1151 | void QKdeThemePrivate::updateColorScheme(const QString &themeName) |
1152 | { |
1153 | if (themeName.contains(s: QLatin1StringView("light"), cs: Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { |
1154 | m_colorScheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Light; |
1155 | return; |
1156 | } |
1157 | if (themeName.contains(s: QLatin1StringView("dark"), cs: Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { |
1158 | m_colorScheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Dark; |
1159 | return; |
1160 | } |
1161 | |
1162 | if (systemPalette) { |
1163 | if (systemPalette->text().color().lightness() < systemPalette->base().color().lightness()) { |
1164 | m_colorScheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Light; |
1165 | return; |
1166 | } |
1167 | if (systemPalette->text().color().lightness() > systemPalette->base().color().lightness()) { |
1168 | m_colorScheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Dark; |
1169 | return; |
1170 | } |
1171 | } |
1172 | |
1173 | m_colorScheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown; |
1174 | } |
1175 | |
1176 | const QPalette *QKdeTheme::palette(Palette type) const |
1177 | { |
1178 | Q_D(const QKdeTheme); |
1179 | return d->resources.palettes[type]; |
1180 | } |
1181 | |
1182 | const QFont *QKdeTheme::font(Font type) const |
1183 | { |
1184 | Q_D(const QKdeTheme); |
1185 | return d->resources.fonts[type]; |
1186 | } |
1187 | |
1188 | QPlatformTheme *QKdeTheme::createKdeTheme() |
1189 | { |
1190 | const QByteArray kdeVersionBA = qgetenv(varName: "KDE_SESSION_VERSION"); |
1191 | const int kdeVersion = kdeVersionBA.toInt(); |
1192 | if (kdeVersion < 4) |
1193 | return nullptr; |
1194 | |
1195 | if (kdeVersion > 4) |
1196 | // Plasma 5 follows XDG spec |
1197 | // but uses the same config file format: |
1198 | return new QKdeTheme(QStandardPaths::standardLocations(type: QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation), kdeVersion); |
1199 | |
1200 | // Determine KDE prefixes in the following priority order: |
1201 | // - KDEHOME and KDEDIRS environment variables |
1202 | // - ~/.kde(<version>) |
1203 | // - read prefixes from /etc/kde<version>rc |
1204 | // - fallback to /etc/kde<version> |
1205 | |
1206 | QStringList kdeDirs; |
1207 | const QString kdeHomePathVar = QFile::decodeName(localFileName: qgetenv(varName: "KDEHOME")); |
1208 | if (!kdeHomePathVar.isEmpty()) |
1209 | kdeDirs += kdeHomePathVar; |
1210 | |
1211 | const QString kdeDirsVar = QFile::decodeName(localFileName: qgetenv(varName: "KDEDIRS")); |
1212 | if (!kdeDirsVar.isEmpty()) |
1213 | kdeDirs += kdeDirsVar.split(sep: u':', behavior: Qt::SkipEmptyParts); |
1214 | |
1215 | const QString kdeVersionHomePath = QDir::homePath() + "/.kde"_L1+ QLatin1StringView(kdeVersionBA); |
1216 | if (QFileInfo(kdeVersionHomePath).isDir()) |
1217 | kdeDirs += kdeVersionHomePath; |
1218 | |
1219 | const QString kdeHomePath = QDir::homePath() + "/.kde"_L1; |
1220 | if (QFileInfo(kdeHomePath).isDir()) |
1221 | kdeDirs += kdeHomePath; |
1222 | |
1223 | const QString kdeRcPath = "/etc/kde"_L1+ QLatin1StringView(kdeVersionBA) + "rc"_L1; |
1224 | if (QFileInfo(kdeRcPath).isReadable()) { |
1225 | QSettings kdeSettings(kdeRcPath, QSettings::IniFormat); |
1226 | kdeSettings.beginGroup(QStringLiteral("Directories-default")); |
1227 | kdeDirs += kdeSettings.value(QStringLiteral("prefixes")).toStringList(); |
1228 | } |
1229 | |
1230 | const QString kdeVersionPrefix = "/etc/kde"_L1+ QLatin1StringView(kdeVersionBA); |
1231 | if (QFileInfo(kdeVersionPrefix).isDir()) |
1232 | kdeDirs += kdeVersionPrefix; |
1233 | |
1234 | kdeDirs.removeDuplicates(); |
1235 | if (kdeDirs.isEmpty()) { |
1236 | qWarning(msg: "Unable to determine KDE dirs"); |
1237 | return nullptr; |
1238 | } |
1239 | |
1240 | return new QKdeTheme(kdeDirs, kdeVersion); |
1241 | } |
1242 | |
1243 | #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS |
1244 | QPlatformMenuBar *QKdeTheme::createPlatformMenuBar() const |
1245 | { |
1246 | if (isDBusGlobalMenuAvailable()) |
1247 | return new QDBusMenuBar(); |
1248 | return nullptr; |
1249 | } |
1250 | #endif |
1251 | |
1252 | #if !defined(QT_NO_DBUS) && !defined(QT_NO_SYSTEMTRAYICON) |
1253 | QPlatformSystemTrayIcon *QKdeTheme::createPlatformSystemTrayIcon() const |
1254 | { |
1255 | if (shouldUseDBusTray()) |
1256 | return new QDBusTrayIcon(); |
1257 | return nullptr; |
1258 | } |
1259 | #endif |
1260 | |
1261 | #endif // settings |
1262 | |
1263 | /*! |
1264 | \class QGnomeTheme |
1265 | \brief QGnomeTheme is a theme implementation for the Gnome desktop. |
1266 | \since 5.0 |
1267 | \internal |
1268 | \ingroup qpa |
1269 | */ |
1270 | |
1271 | const char *QGnomeTheme::name = "gnome"; |
1272 | |
1273 | class QGnomeThemePrivate : public QPlatformThemePrivate |
1274 | { |
1275 | public: |
1276 | QGnomeThemePrivate(); |
1277 | ~QGnomeThemePrivate(); |
1278 | |
1279 | void configureFonts(const QString >kFontName) const |
1280 | { |
1281 | Q_ASSERT(!systemFont); |
1282 | const int split = gtkFontName.lastIndexOf(c: QChar::Space); |
1283 | float size = QStringView{gtkFontName}.mid(pos: split + 1).toFloat(); |
1284 | QString fontName = gtkFontName.left(n: split); |
1285 | |
1286 | systemFont = new QFont(fontName, size); |
1287 | fixedFont = new QFont(QLatin1StringView(defaultFixedFontNameC), systemFont->pointSize()); |
1288 | fixedFont->setStyleHint(QFont::TypeWriter); |
1289 | qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "default fonts: system"<< systemFont << "fixed"<< fixedFont; |
1290 | } |
1291 | |
1292 | mutable QFont *systemFont = nullptr; |
1293 | mutable QFont *fixedFont = nullptr; |
1294 | |
1295 | #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS |
1296 | Qt::ColorScheme m_colorScheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown; |
1297 | private: |
1298 | std::unique_ptr<QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener> dbus; |
1299 | bool initDbus(); |
1300 | void updateColorScheme(const QString &themeName); |
1301 | #endif // QT_NO_DBUS |
1302 | }; |
1303 | |
1304 | QGnomeThemePrivate::QGnomeThemePrivate() |
1305 | { |
1306 | #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS |
1307 | initDbus(); |
1308 | #endif // QT_NO_DBUS |
1309 | } |
1310 | QGnomeThemePrivate::~QGnomeThemePrivate() |
1311 | { |
1312 | if (systemFont) |
1313 | delete systemFont; |
1314 | if (fixedFont) |
1315 | delete fixedFont; |
1316 | } |
1317 | |
1318 | #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS |
1319 | bool QGnomeThemePrivate::initDbus() |
1320 | { |
1321 | dbus.reset(p: new QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener()); |
1322 | Q_ASSERT(dbus); |
1323 | |
1324 | // Wrap slot in a lambda to avoid inheriting QGnomeThemePrivate from QObject |
1325 | auto wrapper = [this](QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Provider provider, |
1326 | QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Setting setting, |
1327 | const QString &value) { |
1328 | if (provider != QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Provider::Gnome |
1329 | && provider != QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Provider::Gtk) { |
1330 | return; |
1331 | } |
1332 | |
1333 | if (setting == QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::Setting::Theme) |
1334 | updateColorScheme(themeName: value); |
1335 | }; |
1336 | |
1337 | return QObject::connect(sender: dbus.get(), signal: &QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener::settingChanged, context: dbus.get(), slot&: wrapper); |
1338 | } |
1339 | |
1340 | void QGnomeThemePrivate::updateColorScheme(const QString &themeName) |
1341 | { |
1342 | const auto oldColorScheme = m_colorScheme; |
1343 | if (themeName.contains(s: QLatin1StringView("light"), cs: Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { |
1344 | m_colorScheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Light; |
1345 | } else if (themeName.contains(s: QLatin1StringView("dark"), cs: Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { |
1346 | m_colorScheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Dark; |
1347 | } else { |
1348 | m_colorScheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown; |
1349 | } |
1350 | |
1351 | if (oldColorScheme != m_colorScheme) |
1352 | QWindowSystemInterface::handleThemeChange(); |
1353 | } |
1354 | #endif // QT_NO_DBUS |
1355 | |
1356 | QGnomeTheme::QGnomeTheme() |
1357 | : QPlatformTheme(new QGnomeThemePrivate()) |
1358 | { |
1359 | } |
1360 | |
1361 | QVariant QGnomeTheme::themeHint(QPlatformTheme::ThemeHint hint) const |
1362 | { |
1363 | switch (hint) { |
1364 | case QPlatformTheme::DialogButtonBoxButtonsHaveIcons: |
1365 | return QVariant(true); |
1366 | case QPlatformTheme::DialogButtonBoxLayout: |
1367 | return QVariant(QPlatformDialogHelper::GnomeLayout); |
1368 | case QPlatformTheme::SystemIconThemeName: |
1369 | return QVariant(QStringLiteral("Adwaita")); |
1370 | case QPlatformTheme::SystemIconFallbackThemeName: |
1371 | return QVariant(QStringLiteral("gnome")); |
1372 | case QPlatformTheme::IconThemeSearchPaths: |
1373 | return QVariant(QGenericUnixTheme::xdgIconThemePaths()); |
1374 | case QPlatformTheme::IconPixmapSizes: |
1375 | return QVariant::fromValue(value: availableXdgFileIconSizes()); |
1376 | case QPlatformTheme::StyleNames: { |
1377 | QStringList styleNames; |
1378 | styleNames << QStringLiteral("Fusion") << QStringLiteral( "windows"); |
1379 | return QVariant(styleNames); |
1380 | } |
1381 | case QPlatformTheme::KeyboardScheme: |
1382 | return QVariant(int(GnomeKeyboardScheme)); |
1383 | case QPlatformTheme::PasswordMaskCharacter: |
1384 | return QVariant(QChar(0x2022)); |
1385 | case QPlatformTheme::UiEffects: |
1386 | return QVariant(int(HoverEffect)); |
1387 | case QPlatformTheme::ButtonPressKeys: |
1388 | return QVariant::fromValue( |
1389 | value: QList<Qt::Key>({ Qt::Key_Space, Qt::Key_Return, Qt::Key_Enter, Qt::Key_Select })); |
1390 | case QPlatformTheme::PreselectFirstFileInDirectory: |
1391 | return true; |
1392 | case QPlatformTheme::MouseCursorTheme: |
1393 | return QVariant(mouseCursorTheme()); |
1394 | case QPlatformTheme::MouseCursorSize: |
1395 | return QVariant(mouseCursorSize()); |
1396 | case QPlatformTheme::PreferFileIconFromTheme: |
1397 | return true; |
1398 | default: |
1399 | break; |
1400 | } |
1401 | return QPlatformTheme::themeHint(hint); |
1402 | } |
1403 | |
1404 | QIcon QGnomeTheme::fileIcon(const QFileInfo &fileInfo, QPlatformTheme::IconOptions) const |
1405 | { |
1406 | #if QT_CONFIG(mimetype) |
1407 | return xdgFileIcon(fileInfo); |
1408 | #else |
1409 | Q_UNUSED(fileInfo); |
1410 | return QIcon(); |
1411 | #endif |
1412 | } |
1413 | |
1414 | const QFont *QGnomeTheme::font(Font type) const |
1415 | { |
1416 | Q_D(const QGnomeTheme); |
1417 | if (!d->systemFont) |
1418 | d->configureFonts(gtkFontName: gtkFontName()); |
1419 | switch (type) { |
1420 | case QPlatformTheme::SystemFont: |
1421 | return d->systemFont; |
1422 | case QPlatformTheme::FixedFont: |
1423 | return d->fixedFont; |
1424 | default: |
1425 | return nullptr; |
1426 | } |
1427 | } |
1428 | |
1429 | QString QGnomeTheme::gtkFontName() const |
1430 | { |
1431 | return QStringLiteral("%1 %2").arg(a: QLatin1StringView(defaultSystemFontNameC)).arg(a: defaultSystemFontSize); |
1432 | } |
1433 | |
1434 | #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS |
1435 | QPlatformMenuBar *QGnomeTheme::createPlatformMenuBar() const |
1436 | { |
1437 | if (isDBusGlobalMenuAvailable()) |
1438 | return new QDBusMenuBar(); |
1439 | return nullptr; |
1440 | } |
1441 | |
1442 | Qt::ColorScheme QGnomeTheme::colorScheme() const |
1443 | { |
1444 | return d_func()->m_colorScheme; |
1445 | } |
1446 | |
1447 | #endif |
1448 | |
1449 | #if !defined(QT_NO_DBUS) && !defined(QT_NO_SYSTEMTRAYICON) |
1450 | QPlatformSystemTrayIcon *QGnomeTheme::createPlatformSystemTrayIcon() const |
1451 | { |
1452 | if (shouldUseDBusTray()) |
1453 | return new QDBusTrayIcon(); |
1454 | return nullptr; |
1455 | } |
1456 | #endif |
1457 | |
1458 | QString QGnomeTheme::standardButtonText(int button) const |
1459 | { |
1460 | switch (button) { |
1461 | case QPlatformDialogHelper::Ok: |
1462 | return QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QGnomeTheme", key: "&OK"); |
1463 | case QPlatformDialogHelper::Save: |
1464 | return QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QGnomeTheme", key: "&Save"); |
1465 | case QPlatformDialogHelper::Cancel: |
1466 | return QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QGnomeTheme", key: "&Cancel"); |
1467 | case QPlatformDialogHelper::Close: |
1468 | return QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QGnomeTheme", key: "&Close"); |
1469 | case QPlatformDialogHelper::Discard: |
1470 | return QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QGnomeTheme", key: "Close without Saving"); |
1471 | default: |
1472 | break; |
1473 | } |
1474 | return QPlatformTheme::standardButtonText(button); |
1475 | } |
1476 | |
1477 | /*! |
1478 | \brief Creates a UNIX theme according to the detected desktop environment. |
1479 | */ |
1480 | |
1481 | QPlatformTheme *QGenericUnixTheme::createUnixTheme(const QString &name) |
1482 | { |
1483 | if (name == QLatin1StringView(QGenericUnixTheme::name)) |
1484 | return new QGenericUnixTheme; |
1485 | #if QT_CONFIG(settings) |
1486 | if (name == QLatin1StringView(QKdeTheme::name)) |
1487 | if (QPlatformTheme *kdeTheme = QKdeTheme::createKdeTheme()) |
1488 | return kdeTheme; |
1489 | #endif |
1490 | if (name == QLatin1StringView(QGnomeTheme::name)) |
1491 | return new QGnomeTheme; |
1492 | return nullptr; |
1493 | } |
1494 | |
1495 | QStringList QGenericUnixTheme::themeNames() |
1496 | { |
1497 | QStringList result; |
1498 | if (QGuiApplication::desktopSettingsAware()) { |
1499 | const QByteArray desktopEnvironment = QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->services()->desktopEnvironment(); |
1500 | QList<QByteArray> gtkBasedEnvironments; |
1501 | gtkBasedEnvironments << "GNOME" |
1502 | << "X-CINNAMON" |
1503 | << "PANTHEON" |
1504 | << "UNITY" |
1505 | << "MATE" |
1506 | << "XFCE" |
1507 | << "LXDE"; |
1508 | const QList<QByteArray> desktopNames = desktopEnvironment.split(sep: ':'); |
1509 | for (const QByteArray &desktopName : desktopNames) { |
1510 | if (desktopEnvironment == "KDE") { |
1511 | #if QT_CONFIG(settings) |
1512 | result.push_back(t: QLatin1StringView(QKdeTheme::name)); |
1513 | #endif |
1514 | } else if (gtkBasedEnvironments.contains(t: desktopName)) { |
1515 | // prefer the GTK3 theme implementation with native dialogs etc. |
1516 | result.push_back(QStringLiteral("gtk3")); |
1517 | // fallback to the generic Gnome theme if loading the GTK3 theme fails |
1518 | result.push_back(t: QLatin1StringView(QGnomeTheme::name)); |
1519 | } else { |
1520 | // unknown, but lowercase the name (our standard practice) and |
1521 | // remove any "x-" prefix |
1522 | QString s = QString::fromLatin1(ba: desktopName.toLower()); |
1523 | result.push_back(t: s.startsWith(s: "x-"_L1) ? s.mid(position: 2) : s); |
1524 | } |
1525 | } |
1526 | } // desktopSettingsAware |
1527 | result.append(t: QLatin1StringView(QGenericUnixTheme::name)); |
1528 | return result; |
1529 | } |
1530 | |
1532 | |
1533 | #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS |
1534 | #include "qgenericunixthemes.moc" |
1535 | #endif // QT_NO_DBUS |
1536 |
- lcQpaThemeDBus
- ResourceHelper
- clear
- name
- defaultSystemFontNameC
- defaultFixedFontNameC
- shouldUseDBusTray
- mouseCursorTheme
- mouseCursorSize
- checkDBusGlobalMenuAvailable
- isDBusGlobalMenuAvailable
- QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener
- Provider
- Setting
- DBusKey
- DBusKey
- operator<
- ChangeSignal
- ChangeSignal
- ChangeSignal
- s_dbusLocation
- s_dbusKey
- s_provider
- s_setting
- s_signals
- s_root
- QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener
- QGenericUnixThemeDBusListener
- init
- loadJson
- saveJson
- populateSignalMap
- findSignal
- onSettingChanged
- QGenericUnixThemePrivate
- QGenericUnixThemePrivate
- QGenericUnixTheme
- font
- xdgIconThemePaths
- iconFallbackPaths
- createPlatformMenuBar
- createPlatformSystemTrayIcon
- themeHint
- availableXdgFileIconSizes
- xdgFileIcon
- QKdeThemePrivate
- KdeSettingType
- KdeSetting
- kdeGlobals
- settingChangedHandler
- initDbus
- QKdeThemePrivate
- settingsPrefix
- settingsType
- settingsKey
- refresh
- readKdeSetting
- readKdeSetting
- clearKdeSettings
- kdeColor
- readKdeSystemPalette
- name
- QKdeTheme
- kdeFont
- kdeIconThemeSearchPaths
- themeHint
- fileIcon
- colorScheme
- updateColorScheme
- palette
- font
- createKdeTheme
- createPlatformMenuBar
- createPlatformSystemTrayIcon
- name
- QGnomeThemePrivate
- configureFonts
- QGnomeThemePrivate
- ~QGnomeThemePrivate
- initDbus
- updateColorScheme
- QGnomeTheme
- themeHint
- fileIcon
- font
- gtkFontName
- createPlatformMenuBar
- colorScheme
- createPlatformSystemTrayIcon
- standardButtonText
- createUnixTheme
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