1 | // Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. |
2 | // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only |
3 | |
4 | #include "qhttpnetworkconnection_p.h" |
5 | #include <private/qabstractsocket_p.h> |
6 | #include "qhttpnetworkconnectionchannel_p.h" |
7 | #include "private/qnoncontiguousbytedevice_p.h" |
8 | #include <private/qnetworkrequest_p.h> |
9 | #include <private/qobject_p.h> |
10 | #include <private/qauthenticator_p.h> |
11 | #include "private/qhostinfo_p.h" |
12 | #include <qnetworkproxy.h> |
13 | #include <qauthenticator.h> |
14 | #include <qcoreapplication.h> |
15 | #include <private/qdecompresshelper_p.h> |
16 | #include <private/qsocketabstraction_p.h> |
17 | |
18 | #include <qbuffer.h> |
19 | #include <qpair.h> |
20 | #include <qdebug.h> |
21 | #include <qspan.h> |
22 | #include <qvarlengtharray.h> |
23 | |
24 | #ifndef QT_NO_SSL |
25 | # include <private/qsslsocket_p.h> |
26 | # include <QtNetwork/qsslkey.h> |
27 | # include <QtNetwork/qsslcipher.h> |
28 | # include <QtNetwork/qsslconfiguration.h> |
29 | # include <QtNetwork/qsslerror.h> |
30 | #endif |
31 | |
32 | |
33 | |
35 | |
36 | using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; |
37 | |
38 | // The pipeline length. So there will be 4 requests in flight. |
39 | const int QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::defaultPipelineLength = 3; |
40 | // Only re-fill the pipeline if there's defaultRePipelineLength slots free in the pipeline. |
41 | // This means that there are 2 requests in flight and 2 slots free that will be re-filled. |
42 | const int QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::defaultRePipelineLength = 2; |
43 | |
44 | static int getPreferredActiveChannelCount(QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionType type, |
45 | int defaultValue) |
46 | { |
47 | return (type == QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionTypeHTTP2 |
48 | || type == QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionTypeHTTP2Direct) |
49 | ? 1 |
50 | : defaultValue; |
51 | } |
52 | |
53 | QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate( |
54 | quint16 connectionCount, const QString &hostName, quint16 port, bool encrypt, |
55 | bool isLocalSocket, QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionType type) |
56 | : hostName(hostName), |
57 | port(port), |
58 | encrypt(encrypt), |
59 | isLocalSocket(isLocalSocket), |
60 | activeChannelCount(getPreferredActiveChannelCount(type, defaultValue: connectionCount)), |
61 | channelCount(connectionCount), |
62 | channels(new QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel[channelCount]), |
63 | #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY |
64 | networkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy), |
65 | #endif |
66 | connectionType(type) |
67 | { |
68 | if (isLocalSocket) // Don't try to do host lookup for local sockets |
69 | networkLayerState = IPv4; |
70 | // We allocate all 6 channels even if it's an HTTP/2-enabled |
71 | // connection: in case the protocol negotiation via NPN/ALPN fails, |
72 | // we will have normally working HTTP/1.1. |
73 | Q_ASSERT(channelCount >= activeChannelCount); |
74 | } |
75 | |
76 | |
77 | |
78 | QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::~QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate() |
79 | { |
80 | for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; ++i) { |
81 | if (channels[i].socket) { |
82 | QObject::disconnect(sender: channels[i].socket, signal: nullptr, receiver: &channels[i], member: nullptr); |
83 | channels[i].socket->close(); |
84 | delete channels[i].socket; |
85 | } |
86 | } |
87 | delete []channels; |
88 | } |
89 | |
90 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::init() |
91 | { |
92 | Q_Q(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
93 | for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { |
94 | channels[i].setConnection(this->q_func()); |
95 | channels[i].ssl = encrypt; |
96 | } |
97 | |
98 | delayedConnectionTimer.setSingleShot(true); |
99 | QObject::connect(sender: &delayedConnectionTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), receiver: q, SLOT(_q_connectDelayedChannel())); |
100 | } |
101 | |
102 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::pauseConnection() |
103 | { |
104 | state = PausedState; |
105 | |
106 | // Disable all socket notifiers |
107 | for (int i = 0; i < activeChannelCount; i++) { |
108 | if (auto *absSocket = qobject_cast<QAbstractSocket *>(object: channels[i].socket)) { |
109 | #ifndef QT_NO_SSL |
110 | if (encrypt) |
111 | QSslSocketPrivate::pauseSocketNotifiers(static_cast<QSslSocket*>(absSocket)); |
112 | else |
113 | #endif |
114 | QAbstractSocketPrivate::pauseSocketNotifiers(absSocket); |
115 | #if QT_CONFIG(localserver) |
116 | } else if (qobject_cast<QLocalSocket *>(object: channels[i].socket)) { |
117 | // @todo how would we do this? |
118 | #if 0 // @todo Enable this when there is a debug category for this |
119 | qDebug() << "Should pause socket but there is no way to do it for local sockets"; |
120 | #endif |
121 | #endif |
122 | } |
123 | } |
124 | } |
125 | |
126 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::resumeConnection() |
127 | { |
128 | state = RunningState; |
129 | // Enable all socket notifiers |
130 | for (int i = 0; i < activeChannelCount; i++) { |
131 | if (auto *absSocket = qobject_cast<QAbstractSocket *>(object: channels[i].socket)) { |
132 | #ifndef QT_NO_SSL |
133 | if (encrypt) |
134 | QSslSocketPrivate::resumeSocketNotifiers(static_cast<QSslSocket*>(absSocket)); |
135 | else |
136 | #endif |
137 | QAbstractSocketPrivate::resumeSocketNotifiers(absSocket); |
138 | |
139 | // Resume pending upload if needed |
140 | if (channels[i].state == QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WritingState) |
141 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: &channels[i], member: "_q_uploadDataReadyRead", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
142 | #if QT_CONFIG(localserver) |
143 | } else if (qobject_cast<QLocalSocket *>(object: channels[i].socket)) { |
144 | #if 0 // @todo Enable this when there is a debug category for this |
145 | qDebug() << "Should resume socket but there is no way to do it for local sockets"; |
146 | #endif |
147 | #endif |
148 | } |
149 | } |
150 | |
151 | // queue _q_startNextRequest |
152 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: this->q_func(), member: "_q_startNextRequest", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
153 | } |
154 | |
155 | int QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::indexOf(QIODevice *socket) const |
156 | { |
157 | for (int i = 0; i < activeChannelCount; ++i) |
158 | if (channels[i].socket == socket) |
159 | return i; |
160 | |
161 | qFatal(msg: "Called with unknown socket object."); |
162 | return 0; |
163 | } |
164 | |
165 | // If the connection is in the HostLookupPendening state channel errors should not always be |
166 | // emitted. This function will check the status of the connection channels if we |
167 | // have not decided the networkLayerState and will return true if the channel error |
168 | // should be emitted by the channel. |
169 | bool QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::shouldEmitChannelError(QIODevice *socket) |
170 | { |
171 | Q_Q(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
172 | |
173 | bool emitError = true; |
174 | int i = indexOf(socket); |
175 | int otherSocket = (i == 0 ? 1 : 0); |
176 | |
177 | // If the IPv4 connection still isn't started we need to start it now. |
178 | if (delayedConnectionTimer.isActive()) { |
179 | delayedConnectionTimer.stop(); |
180 | channels[otherSocket].ensureConnection(); |
181 | } |
182 | |
183 | if (activeChannelCount < channelCount) { |
184 | if (networkLayerState == HostLookupPending || networkLayerState == IPv4or6) |
185 | networkLayerState = QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::Unknown; |
186 | channels[0].close(); |
187 | emitError = true; |
188 | } else { |
189 | if (networkLayerState == HostLookupPending || networkLayerState == IPv4or6) { |
190 | if (channels[otherSocket].isSocketBusy() && (channels[otherSocket].state != QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::ClosingState)) { |
191 | // this was the first socket to fail. |
192 | channels[i].close(); |
193 | emitError = false; |
194 | } |
195 | else { |
196 | // Both connection attempts has failed. |
197 | networkLayerState = QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::Unknown; |
198 | channels[i].close(); |
199 | emitError = true; |
200 | } |
201 | } else { |
202 | if (((networkLayerState == QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::IPv4) && (channels[i].networkLayerPreference != QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol)) |
203 | || ((networkLayerState == QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::IPv6) && (channels[i].networkLayerPreference != QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol))) { |
204 | // First connection worked so this is the second one to complete and it failed. |
205 | channels[i].close(); |
206 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: q, member: "_q_startNextRequest", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
207 | emitError = false; |
208 | } |
209 | if (networkLayerState == QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::Unknown) |
210 | qWarning(msg: "We got a connection error when networkLayerState is Unknown"); |
211 | } |
212 | } |
213 | return emitError; |
214 | } |
215 | |
216 | |
217 | qint64 QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::uncompressedBytesAvailable(const QHttpNetworkReply &reply) const |
218 | { |
219 | return reply.d_func()->responseData.byteAmount(); |
220 | } |
221 | |
222 | qint64 QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::uncompressedBytesAvailableNextBlock(const QHttpNetworkReply &reply) const |
223 | { |
224 | return reply.d_func()->responseData.sizeNextBlock(); |
225 | } |
226 | |
227 | static QByteArray makeAcceptLanguage() |
228 | { |
229 | QString systemLocale = QLocale::system().name(); |
230 | if (systemLocale == "C"_L1) |
231 | return "en,*"_ba; |
232 | systemLocale.replace(before: '_'_L1, after: '-'_L1); |
233 | if (systemLocale.startsWith(s: "en-"_L1)) |
234 | return (systemLocale + ",*"_L1).toLatin1(); |
235 | return (systemLocale + ",en,*"_L1).toLatin1(); |
236 | } |
237 | |
238 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::prepareRequest(HttpMessagePair &messagePair) |
239 | { |
240 | QHttpNetworkRequest &request = messagePair.first; |
241 | QHttpNetworkReply *reply = messagePair.second; |
242 | |
243 | // add missing fields for the request |
244 | QByteArray value; |
245 | #ifndef Q_OS_WASM |
246 | // check if Content-Length is provided |
247 | QNonContiguousByteDevice* uploadByteDevice = request.uploadByteDevice(); |
248 | if (uploadByteDevice) { |
249 | const qint64 contentLength = request.contentLength(); |
250 | const qint64 uploadDeviceSize = uploadByteDevice->size(); |
251 | if (contentLength != -1 && uploadDeviceSize != -1) { |
252 | // Both values known: use the smaller one. |
253 | if (uploadDeviceSize < contentLength) |
254 | request.setContentLength(uploadDeviceSize); |
255 | } else if (contentLength == -1 && uploadDeviceSize != -1) { |
256 | // content length not supplied by user, but the upload device knows it |
257 | request.setContentLength(uploadDeviceSize); |
258 | } else if (contentLength != -1 && uploadDeviceSize == -1) { |
259 | // everything OK, the user supplied us the contentLength |
260 | } else if (Q_UNLIKELY(contentLength == -1 && uploadDeviceSize == -1)) { |
261 | qFatal(msg: "QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate: Neither content-length nor upload device size were given"); |
262 | } |
263 | } |
264 | #endif |
265 | // set the Connection/Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive headers |
266 | #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY |
267 | if (networkProxy.type() == QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy) { |
268 | value = request.headerField(name: "proxy-connection"); |
269 | if (value.isEmpty()) |
270 | request.setHeaderField(name: "Proxy-Connection", data: "Keep-Alive"); |
271 | } else { |
272 | #endif |
273 | value = request.headerField(name: "connection"); |
274 | if (value.isEmpty()) |
275 | request.setHeaderField(name: "Connection", data: "Keep-Alive"); |
276 | #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY |
277 | } |
278 | #endif |
279 | |
280 | // If the request had a accept-encoding set, we better not mess |
281 | // with it. If it was not set, we announce that we understand gzip |
282 | // and remember this fact in request.d->autoDecompress so that |
283 | // we can later decompress the HTTP reply if it has such an |
284 | // encoding. |
285 | value = request.headerField(name: "accept-encoding"); |
286 | if (value.isEmpty()) { |
287 | #ifndef QT_NO_COMPRESS |
288 | const static QByteArray acceptedEncoding = QDecompressHelper::acceptedEncoding().join(sep: ", "); |
289 | request.setHeaderField(name: "Accept-Encoding", data: acceptedEncoding); |
290 | request.d->autoDecompress = true; |
291 | #else |
292 | // if zlib is not available set this to false always |
293 | request.d->autoDecompress = false; |
294 | #endif |
295 | } |
296 | |
297 | // some websites mandate an accept-language header and fail |
298 | // if it is not sent. This is a problem with the website and |
299 | // not with us, but we work around this by setting |
300 | // one always. |
301 | value = request.headerField(name: "accept-language"); |
302 | if (value.isEmpty()) |
303 | request.setHeaderField(name: "Accept-Language", data: makeAcceptLanguage()); |
304 | |
305 | // set the User Agent |
306 | value = request.headerField(name: "user-agent"); |
307 | if (value.isEmpty()) |
308 | request.setHeaderField(name: "User-Agent", data: "Mozilla/5.0"); |
309 | // set the host |
310 | value = request.headerField(name: "host"); |
311 | if (isLocalSocket && value.isEmpty()) { |
312 | // The local socket connections might have a full file path, and that |
313 | // may not be suitable for the Host header. But we can use whatever the |
314 | // user has set in the URL. |
315 | request.prependHeaderField(name: "Host", data: request.url().host().toLocal8Bit()); |
316 | } else if (value.isEmpty()) { |
317 | QHostAddress add; |
318 | QByteArray host; |
319 | if (add.setAddress(hostName)) { |
320 | if (add.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) |
321 | host = (u'[' + hostName + u']').toLatin1(); //format the ipv6 in the standard way |
322 | else |
323 | host = hostName.toLatin1(); |
324 | |
325 | } else { |
326 | host = QUrl::toAce(domain: hostName); |
327 | } |
328 | |
329 | int port = request.url().port(); |
330 | if (port != -1) { |
331 | host += ':'; |
332 | host += QByteArray::number(port); |
333 | } |
334 | |
335 | request.prependHeaderField(name: "Host", data: host); |
336 | } |
337 | |
338 | reply->d_func()->requestIsPrepared = true; |
339 | } |
340 | |
341 | |
342 | |
343 | |
344 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::emitReplyError(QIODevice *socket, |
345 | QHttpNetworkReply *reply, |
346 | QNetworkReply::NetworkError errorCode) |
347 | { |
348 | Q_Q(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
349 | |
350 | int i = 0; |
351 | if (socket) |
352 | i = indexOf(socket); |
353 | |
354 | if (reply) { |
355 | // this error matters only to this reply |
356 | reply->d_func()->errorString = errorDetail(errorCode, socket); |
357 | emit reply->finishedWithError(errorCode, detail: reply->d_func()->errorString); |
358 | // remove the corrupt data if any |
359 | reply->d_func()->eraseData(); |
360 | |
361 | // Clean the channel |
362 | channels[i].close(); |
363 | channels[i].reply = nullptr; |
364 | if (channels[i].protocolHandler) |
365 | channels[i].protocolHandler->setReply(nullptr); |
366 | channels[i].request = QHttpNetworkRequest(); |
367 | if (socket) |
368 | channels[i].requeueCurrentlyPipelinedRequests(); |
369 | |
370 | // send the next request |
371 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: q, member: "_q_startNextRequest", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
372 | } |
373 | } |
374 | |
375 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::copyCredentials(int fromChannel, QAuthenticator *auth, bool isProxy) |
376 | { |
377 | Q_ASSERT(auth); |
378 | |
379 | // NTLM and Negotiate do multi-phase authentication. |
380 | // Copying credentialsbetween authenticators would mess things up. |
381 | if (fromChannel >= 0) { |
382 | QAuthenticatorPrivate *priv = QAuthenticatorPrivate::getPrivate(auth&: *auth); |
383 | if (priv |
384 | && (priv->method == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Ntlm |
385 | || priv->method == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Negotiate)) { |
386 | return; |
387 | } |
388 | } |
389 | |
390 | // select another channel |
391 | QAuthenticator* otherAuth = nullptr; |
392 | for (int i = 0; i < activeChannelCount; ++i) { |
393 | if (i == fromChannel) |
394 | continue; |
395 | if (isProxy) |
396 | otherAuth = &channels[i].proxyAuthenticator; |
397 | else |
398 | otherAuth = &channels[i].authenticator; |
399 | // if the credentials are different, copy them |
400 | if (otherAuth->user().compare(s: auth->user())) |
401 | otherAuth->setUser(auth->user()); |
402 | if (otherAuth->password().compare(s: auth->password())) |
403 | otherAuth->setPassword(auth->password()); |
404 | } |
405 | } |
406 | |
407 | |
408 | // handles the authentication for one channel and eventually re-starts the other channels |
409 | bool QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::handleAuthenticateChallenge(QIODevice *socket, QHttpNetworkReply *reply, |
410 | bool isProxy, bool &resend) |
411 | { |
412 | Q_ASSERT(socket); |
413 | Q_ASSERT(reply); |
414 | |
415 | resend = false; |
416 | //create the response header to be used with QAuthenticatorPrivate. |
417 | const auto headers = reply->header(); |
418 | |
419 | // Check that any of the proposed authenticate methods are supported |
420 | const QByteArray header = isProxy ? "proxy-authenticate": "www-authenticate"; |
421 | const QByteArrayList &authenticationMethods = reply->d_func()->headerFieldValues(name: header); |
422 | const bool isSupported = std::any_of(first: authenticationMethods.begin(), last: authenticationMethods.end(), |
423 | pred: QAuthenticatorPrivate::isMethodSupported); |
424 | if (isSupported) { |
425 | int i = indexOf(socket); |
426 | //Use a single authenticator for all domains. ### change later to use domain/realm |
427 | QAuthenticator *auth = isProxy ? &channels[i].proxyAuthenticator |
428 | : &channels[i].authenticator; |
429 | //proceed with the authentication. |
430 | if (auth->isNull()) |
431 | auth->detach(); |
432 | QAuthenticatorPrivate *priv = QAuthenticatorPrivate::getPrivate(auth&: *auth); |
433 | priv->parseHttpResponse(headers, isProxy, host: reply->url().host()); |
434 | // Update method in case it changed |
435 | if (priv->method == QAuthenticatorPrivate::None) |
436 | return false; |
437 | |
438 | if (priv->phase == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Done || |
439 | (priv->phase == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Start |
440 | && (priv->method == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Ntlm |
441 | || priv->method == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Negotiate))) { |
442 | if (priv->phase == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Start) |
443 | priv->phase = QAuthenticatorPrivate::Phase1; |
444 | |
445 | pauseConnection(); |
446 | if (!isProxy) { |
447 | if (channels[i].authenticationCredentialsSent) { |
448 | auth->detach(); |
449 | priv = QAuthenticatorPrivate::getPrivate(auth&: *auth); |
450 | priv->hasFailed = true; |
451 | priv->phase = QAuthenticatorPrivate::Done; |
452 | channels[i].authenticationCredentialsSent = false; |
453 | } |
454 | emit reply->authenticationRequired(request: reply->request(), authenticator: auth); |
455 | #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY |
456 | } else { |
457 | if (channels[i].proxyCredentialsSent) { |
458 | auth->detach(); |
459 | priv = QAuthenticatorPrivate::getPrivate(auth&: *auth); |
460 | priv->hasFailed = true; |
461 | priv->phase = QAuthenticatorPrivate::Done; |
462 | channels[i].proxyCredentialsSent = false; |
463 | } |
464 | emit reply->proxyAuthenticationRequired(proxy: networkProxy, authenticator: auth); |
465 | #endif |
466 | } |
467 | resumeConnection(); |
468 | |
469 | if (priv->phase != QAuthenticatorPrivate::Done) { |
470 | // send any pending requests |
471 | copyCredentials(fromChannel: i, auth, isProxy); |
472 | } |
473 | } else if (priv->phase == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Start) { |
474 | // If the url's authenticator has a 'user' set we will end up here (phase is only set to 'Done' by |
475 | // parseHttpResponse above if 'user' is empty). So if credentials were supplied with the request, |
476 | // such as in the case of an XMLHttpRequest, this is our only opportunity to cache them. |
477 | emit reply->cacheCredentials(request: reply->request(), authenticator: auth); |
478 | } |
479 | // - Changing values in QAuthenticator will reset the 'phase'. Therefore if it is still "Done" |
480 | // then nothing was filled in by the user or the cache |
481 | // - If withCredentials has been set to false (e.g. by Qt WebKit for a cross-origin XMLHttpRequest) then |
482 | // we need to bail out if authentication is required. |
483 | if (priv->phase == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Done || !reply->request().withCredentials()) { |
484 | // Reset authenticator so the next request on that channel does not get messed up |
485 | auth = nullptr; |
486 | if (isProxy) |
487 | channels[i].proxyAuthenticator = QAuthenticator(); |
488 | else |
489 | channels[i].authenticator = QAuthenticator(); |
490 | |
491 | // authentication is cancelled, send the current contents to the user. |
492 | emit reply->headerChanged(); |
493 | emit reply->readyRead(); |
494 | QNetworkReply::NetworkError errorCode = |
495 | isProxy |
496 | ? QNetworkReply::ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError |
497 | : QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError; |
498 | reply->d_func()->errorString = errorDetail(errorCode, socket); |
499 | emit reply->finishedWithError(errorCode, detail: reply->d_func()->errorString); |
500 | // ### at this point the reply could be deleted |
501 | return true; |
502 | } |
503 | //resend the request |
504 | resend = true; |
505 | return true; |
506 | } |
507 | return false; |
508 | } |
509 | |
510 | // Used by the HTTP1 code-path |
511 | QUrl QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::parseRedirectResponse(QIODevice *socket, |
512 | QHttpNetworkReply *reply) |
513 | { |
514 | ParseRedirectResult result = parseRedirectResponse(reply); |
515 | if (result.errorCode != QNetworkReply::NoError) { |
516 | emitReplyError(socket, reply, errorCode: result.errorCode); |
517 | return {}; |
518 | } |
519 | return std::move(result.redirectUrl); |
520 | } |
521 | |
522 | QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::ParseRedirectResult |
523 | QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::parseRedirectResponse(QHttpNetworkReply *reply) |
524 | { |
525 | if (!reply->request().isFollowRedirects()) |
526 | return {.redirectUrl: {}, .errorCode: QNetworkReply::NoError}; |
527 | |
528 | QUrl redirectUrl; |
529 | const QHttpHeaders fields = reply->header(); |
530 | if (const auto h = fields.values(name: QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Location); !h.empty()) { |
531 | redirectUrl = QUrl::fromEncoded(input: h.first()); |
532 | } |
533 | |
534 | // If the location url is invalid/empty, we return ProtocolUnknownError |
535 | if (!redirectUrl.isValid()) |
536 | return {.redirectUrl: {}, .errorCode: QNetworkReply::ProtocolUnknownError}; |
537 | |
538 | // Check if we have exceeded max redirects allowed |
539 | if (reply->request().redirectCount() <= 0) |
540 | return {.redirectUrl: {}, .errorCode: QNetworkReply::TooManyRedirectsError}; |
541 | |
542 | // Resolve the URL if it's relative |
543 | if (redirectUrl.isRelative()) |
544 | redirectUrl = reply->request().url().resolved(relative: redirectUrl); |
545 | |
546 | // Check redirect url protocol |
547 | const QUrl priorUrl(reply->request().url()); |
548 | const QString targetUrlScheme = redirectUrl.scheme(); |
549 | if (targetUrlScheme == "http"_L1|| targetUrlScheme == "https"_L1 |
550 | || targetUrlScheme.startsWith(s: "unix"_L1)) { |
551 | switch (reply->request().redirectPolicy()) { |
552 | case QNetworkRequest::NoLessSafeRedirectPolicy: |
553 | // Here we could handle https->http redirects as InsecureProtocolError. |
554 | // However, if HSTS is enabled and redirectUrl.host() is a known STS |
555 | // host, then we'll replace its scheme and this won't downgrade protocol, |
556 | // after all. We cannot access QNAM's STS cache from here, so delegate |
557 | // this check to QNetworkReplyHttpImpl. |
558 | break; |
559 | case QNetworkRequest::SameOriginRedirectPolicy: |
560 | if (priorUrl.host() != redirectUrl.host() |
561 | || priorUrl.scheme() != targetUrlScheme |
562 | || priorUrl.port() != redirectUrl.port()) { |
563 | return {.redirectUrl: {}, .errorCode: QNetworkReply::InsecureRedirectError}; |
564 | } |
565 | break; |
566 | case QNetworkRequest::UserVerifiedRedirectPolicy: |
567 | break; |
568 | default: |
569 | Q_ASSERT(!"Unexpected redirect policy"); |
570 | } |
571 | } else { |
572 | return {.redirectUrl: {}, .errorCode: QNetworkReply::ProtocolUnknownError}; |
573 | } |
574 | return {.redirectUrl: std::move(redirectUrl), .errorCode: QNetworkReply::NoError}; |
575 | } |
576 | |
577 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::createAuthorization(QIODevice *socket, QHttpNetworkRequest &request) |
578 | { |
579 | Q_ASSERT(socket); |
580 | |
581 | QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel &channel = channels[indexOf(socket)]; |
582 | |
583 | QAuthenticator *authenticator = &channel.authenticator; |
584 | QAuthenticatorPrivate *priv = QAuthenticatorPrivate::getPrivate(auth&: *authenticator); |
585 | // Send "Authorization" header, but not if it's NTLM and the socket is already authenticated. |
586 | if (priv && priv->method != QAuthenticatorPrivate::None) { |
587 | const bool ntlmNego = priv->method == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Ntlm |
588 | || priv->method == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Negotiate; |
589 | const bool authNeeded = channel.lastStatus == 401; |
590 | const bool ntlmNegoOk = ntlmNego && authNeeded |
591 | && (priv->phase != QAuthenticatorPrivate::Done |
592 | || !channel.authenticationCredentialsSent); |
593 | const bool otherOk = |
594 | !ntlmNego && (authNeeded || request.headerField(name: "Authorization").isEmpty()); |
595 | if (ntlmNegoOk || otherOk) { |
596 | QByteArray response = priv->calculateResponse(method: request.methodName(), path: request.uri(throughProxy: false), |
597 | host: request.url().host()); |
598 | request.setHeaderField(name: "Authorization", data: response); |
599 | channel.authenticationCredentialsSent = true; |
600 | } |
601 | } |
602 | |
603 | #if QT_CONFIG(networkproxy) |
604 | authenticator = &channel.proxyAuthenticator; |
605 | priv = QAuthenticatorPrivate::getPrivate(auth&: *authenticator); |
606 | // Send "Proxy-Authorization" header, but not if it's NTLM and the socket is already authenticated. |
607 | if (priv && priv->method != QAuthenticatorPrivate::None) { |
608 | const bool ntlmNego = priv->method == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Ntlm |
609 | || priv->method == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Negotiate; |
610 | const bool proxyAuthNeeded = channel.lastStatus == 407; |
611 | const bool ntlmNegoOk = ntlmNego && proxyAuthNeeded |
612 | && (priv->phase != QAuthenticatorPrivate::Done || !channel.proxyCredentialsSent); |
613 | const bool otherOk = !ntlmNego; |
614 | if (ntlmNegoOk || otherOk) { |
615 | QByteArray response = priv->calculateResponse(method: request.methodName(), path: request.uri(throughProxy: false), |
616 | host: networkProxy.hostName()); |
617 | request.setHeaderField(name: "Proxy-Authorization", data: response); |
618 | channel.proxyCredentialsSent = true; |
619 | } |
620 | } |
621 | #endif // QT_CONFIG(networkproxy) |
622 | } |
623 | |
624 | QHttpNetworkReply* QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::queueRequest(const QHttpNetworkRequest &request) |
625 | { |
626 | Q_Q(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
627 | |
628 | // The reply component of the pair is created initially. |
629 | QHttpNetworkReply *reply = new QHttpNetworkReply(request.url()); |
630 | reply->setRequest(request); |
631 | reply->d_func()->connection = q; |
632 | reply->d_func()->connectionChannel = &channels[0]; // will have the correct one set later |
633 | HttpMessagePair pair = qMakePair(value1: request, value2&: reply); |
634 | |
635 | if (request.isPreConnect()) |
636 | preConnectRequests++; |
637 | |
638 | if (connectionType == QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionTypeHTTP |
639 | || (!encrypt && connectionType == QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionTypeHTTP2 && !channels[0].switchedToHttp2)) { |
640 | switch (request.priority()) { |
641 | case QHttpNetworkRequest::HighPriority: |
642 | highPriorityQueue.prepend(t: pair); |
643 | break; |
644 | case QHttpNetworkRequest::NormalPriority: |
645 | case QHttpNetworkRequest::LowPriority: |
646 | lowPriorityQueue.prepend(t: pair); |
647 | break; |
648 | } |
649 | } |
650 | else { // HTTP/2 ('h2' mode) |
651 | if (!pair.second->d_func()->requestIsPrepared) |
652 | prepareRequest(messagePair&: pair); |
653 | channels[0].h2RequestsToSend.insert(key: request.priority(), value: pair); |
654 | } |
655 | |
656 | // For Happy Eyeballs the networkLayerState is set to Unknown |
657 | // until we have started the first connection attempt. So no |
658 | // request will be started until we know if IPv4 or IPv6 |
659 | // should be used. |
660 | if (networkLayerState == Unknown || networkLayerState == HostLookupPending) { |
661 | startHostInfoLookup(); |
662 | } else if ( networkLayerState == IPv4 || networkLayerState == IPv6 ) { |
663 | // this used to be called via invokeMethod and a QueuedConnection |
664 | // It is the only place _q_startNextRequest is called directly without going |
665 | // through the event loop using a QueuedConnection. |
666 | // This is dangerous because of recursion that might occur when emitting |
667 | // signals as DirectConnection from this code path. Therefore all signal |
668 | // emissions that can come out from this code path need to |
669 | // be QueuedConnection. |
670 | // We are currently trying to fine-tune this. |
671 | _q_startNextRequest(); |
672 | } |
673 | return reply; |
674 | } |
675 | |
676 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::fillHttp2Queue() |
677 | { |
678 | for (auto &pair : highPriorityQueue) { |
679 | if (!pair.second->d_func()->requestIsPrepared) |
680 | prepareRequest(messagePair&: pair); |
681 | channels[0].h2RequestsToSend.insert(key: QHttpNetworkRequest::HighPriority, value: pair); |
682 | } |
683 | |
684 | highPriorityQueue.clear(); |
685 | |
686 | for (auto &pair : lowPriorityQueue) { |
687 | if (!pair.second->d_func()->requestIsPrepared) |
688 | prepareRequest(messagePair&: pair); |
689 | channels[0].h2RequestsToSend.insert(key: pair.first.priority(), value: pair); |
690 | } |
691 | |
692 | lowPriorityQueue.clear(); |
693 | } |
694 | |
695 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::requeueRequest(const HttpMessagePair &pair) |
696 | { |
697 | Q_Q(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
698 | |
699 | QHttpNetworkRequest request = pair.first; |
700 | switch (request.priority()) { |
701 | case QHttpNetworkRequest::HighPriority: |
702 | highPriorityQueue.prepend(t: pair); |
703 | break; |
704 | case QHttpNetworkRequest::NormalPriority: |
705 | case QHttpNetworkRequest::LowPriority: |
706 | lowPriorityQueue.prepend(t: pair); |
707 | break; |
708 | } |
709 | |
710 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: q, member: "_q_startNextRequest", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
711 | } |
712 | |
713 | bool QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::dequeueRequest(QIODevice *socket) |
714 | { |
715 | int i = 0; |
716 | if (socket) |
717 | i = indexOf(socket); |
718 | |
719 | if (!highPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) { |
720 | // remove from queue before sendRequest! else we might pipeline the same request again |
721 | HttpMessagePair messagePair = highPriorityQueue.takeLast(); |
722 | if (!messagePair.second->d_func()->requestIsPrepared) |
723 | prepareRequest(messagePair); |
724 | updateChannel(i, messagePair); |
725 | return true; |
726 | } |
727 | |
728 | if (!lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) { |
729 | // remove from queue before sendRequest! else we might pipeline the same request again |
730 | HttpMessagePair messagePair = lowPriorityQueue.takeLast(); |
731 | if (!messagePair.second->d_func()->requestIsPrepared) |
732 | prepareRequest(messagePair); |
733 | updateChannel(i, messagePair); |
734 | return true; |
735 | } |
736 | return false; |
737 | } |
738 | |
739 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::updateChannel(int i, const HttpMessagePair &messagePair) |
740 | { |
741 | channels[i].request = messagePair.first; |
742 | channels[i].reply = messagePair.second; |
743 | // Now that reply is assigned a channel, correct reply to channel association |
744 | // previously set in queueRequest. |
745 | channels[i].reply->d_func()->connectionChannel = &channels[i]; |
746 | } |
747 | |
748 | QHttpNetworkRequest QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::predictNextRequest() const |
749 | { |
750 | if (!highPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) |
751 | return highPriorityQueue.last().first; |
752 | if (!lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) |
753 | return lowPriorityQueue.last().first; |
754 | return QHttpNetworkRequest(); |
755 | } |
756 | |
757 | QHttpNetworkReply* QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::predictNextRequestsReply() const |
758 | { |
759 | if (!highPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) |
760 | return highPriorityQueue.last().second; |
761 | if (!lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) |
762 | return lowPriorityQueue.last().second; |
763 | return nullptr; |
764 | } |
765 | |
766 | // this is called from _q_startNextRequest and when a request has been sent down a socket from the channel |
767 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::fillPipeline(QIODevice *socket) |
768 | { |
769 | // return fast if there is nothing to pipeline |
770 | if (highPriorityQueue.isEmpty() && lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) |
771 | return; |
772 | |
773 | int i = indexOf(socket); |
774 | |
775 | // return fast if there was no reply right now processed |
776 | if (channels[i].reply == nullptr) |
777 | return; |
778 | |
779 | if (! (defaultPipelineLength - channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.size() >= defaultRePipelineLength)) { |
780 | return; |
781 | } |
782 | |
783 | if (channels[i].pipeliningSupported != QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::PipeliningProbablySupported) |
784 | return; |
785 | |
786 | // the current request that is in must already support pipelining |
787 | if (!channels[i].request.isPipeliningAllowed()) |
788 | return; |
789 | |
790 | // the current request must be a idempotent (right now we only check GET) |
791 | if (channels[i].request.operation() != QHttpNetworkRequest::Get) |
792 | return; |
793 | |
794 | // check if socket is connected |
795 | if (QSocketAbstraction::socketState(device: socket) != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) |
796 | return; |
797 | |
798 | // check for resendCurrent |
799 | if (channels[i].resendCurrent) |
800 | return; |
801 | |
802 | // we do not like authentication stuff |
803 | // ### make sure to be OK with this in later releases |
804 | if (!channels[i].authenticator.isNull() |
805 | && (!channels[i].authenticator.user().isEmpty() |
806 | || !channels[i].authenticator.password().isEmpty())) |
807 | return; |
808 | if (!channels[i].proxyAuthenticator.isNull() |
809 | && (!channels[i].proxyAuthenticator.user().isEmpty() |
810 | || !channels[i].proxyAuthenticator.password().isEmpty())) |
811 | return; |
812 | |
813 | // must be in ReadingState or WaitingState |
814 | if (! (channels[i].state == QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WaitingState |
815 | || channels[i].state == QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::ReadingState)) |
816 | return; |
817 | |
818 | int lengthBefore; |
819 | while (!highPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) { |
820 | lengthBefore = channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.size(); |
821 | fillPipeline(queue&: highPriorityQueue, channel&: channels[i]); |
822 | |
823 | if (channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.size() >= defaultPipelineLength) { |
824 | channels[i].pipelineFlush(); |
825 | return; |
826 | } |
827 | |
828 | if (lengthBefore == channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.size()) |
829 | break; // did not process anything, now do the low prio queue |
830 | } |
831 | |
832 | while (!lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) { |
833 | lengthBefore = channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.size(); |
834 | fillPipeline(queue&: lowPriorityQueue, channel&: channels[i]); |
835 | |
836 | if (channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.size() >= defaultPipelineLength) { |
837 | channels[i].pipelineFlush(); |
838 | return; |
839 | } |
840 | |
841 | if (lengthBefore == channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.size()) |
842 | break; // did not process anything |
843 | } |
844 | |
845 | |
846 | channels[i].pipelineFlush(); |
847 | } |
848 | |
849 | // returns true when the processing of a queue has been done |
850 | bool QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::fillPipeline(QList<HttpMessagePair> &queue, QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel &channel) |
851 | { |
852 | if (queue.isEmpty()) |
853 | return true; |
854 | |
855 | for (int i = queue.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { |
856 | HttpMessagePair messagePair = queue.at(i); |
857 | const QHttpNetworkRequest &request = messagePair.first; |
858 | |
859 | // we currently do not support pipelining if HTTP authentication is used |
860 | if (!request.url().userInfo().isEmpty()) |
861 | continue; |
862 | |
863 | // take only GET requests |
864 | if (request.operation() != QHttpNetworkRequest::Get) |
865 | continue; |
866 | |
867 | if (!request.isPipeliningAllowed()) |
868 | continue; |
869 | |
870 | // remove it from the queue |
871 | queue.takeAt(i); |
872 | // we modify the queue we iterate over here, but since we return from the function |
873 | // afterwards this is fine. |
874 | |
875 | // actually send it |
876 | if (!messagePair.second->d_func()->requestIsPrepared) |
877 | prepareRequest(messagePair); |
878 | channel.pipelineInto(pair&: messagePair); |
879 | |
880 | // return false because we processed something and need to process again |
881 | return false; |
882 | } |
883 | |
884 | // return true, the queue has been processed and not changed |
885 | return true; |
886 | } |
887 | |
888 | |
889 | QString QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::errorDetail(QNetworkReply::NetworkError errorCode, QIODevice *socket, const QString &extraDetail) |
890 | { |
891 | QString errorString; |
892 | switch (errorCode) { |
893 | case QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError: { |
894 | const QString peerName = socket ? QSocketAbstraction::socketPeerName(device: socket) : hostName; |
895 | errorString = QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QHttp", key: "Host %1 not found").arg(a: peerName); |
896 | break; |
897 | } |
898 | case QNetworkReply::ConnectionRefusedError: |
899 | errorString = QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QHttp", key: "Connection refused"); |
900 | break; |
901 | case QNetworkReply::RemoteHostClosedError: |
902 | errorString = QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QHttp", key: "Connection closed"); |
903 | break; |
904 | case QNetworkReply::TimeoutError: |
905 | errorString = QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QAbstractSocket", key: "Socket operation timed out"); |
906 | break; |
907 | case QNetworkReply::ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError: |
908 | errorString = QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QHttp", key: "Proxy requires authentication"); |
909 | break; |
910 | case QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError: |
911 | errorString = QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QHttp", key: "Host requires authentication"); |
912 | break; |
913 | case QNetworkReply::ProtocolFailure: |
914 | errorString = QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QHttp", key: "Data corrupted"); |
915 | break; |
916 | case QNetworkReply::ProtocolUnknownError: |
917 | errorString = QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QHttp", key: "Unknown protocol specified"); |
918 | break; |
919 | case QNetworkReply::SslHandshakeFailedError: |
920 | errorString = QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QHttp", key: "SSL handshake failed"); |
921 | if (socket) |
922 | errorString += ": "_L1+ socket->errorString(); |
923 | break; |
924 | case QNetworkReply::TooManyRedirectsError: |
925 | errorString = QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QHttp", key: "Too many redirects"); |
926 | break; |
927 | case QNetworkReply::InsecureRedirectError: |
928 | errorString = QCoreApplication::translate(context: "QHttp", key: "Insecure redirect"); |
929 | break; |
930 | default: |
931 | // all other errors are treated as QNetworkReply::UnknownNetworkError |
932 | errorString = extraDetail; |
933 | break; |
934 | } |
935 | return errorString; |
936 | } |
937 | |
938 | // this is called from the destructor of QHttpNetworkReply. It is called when |
939 | // the reply was finished correctly or when it was aborted. |
940 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::removeReply(QHttpNetworkReply *reply) |
941 | { |
942 | Q_Q(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
943 | |
944 | // check if the reply is currently being processed or it is pipelined in |
945 | for (int i = 0; i < activeChannelCount; ++i) { |
946 | // is the reply associated the currently processing of this channel? |
947 | if (channels[i].reply == reply) { |
948 | channels[i].reply = nullptr; |
949 | if (channels[i].protocolHandler) |
950 | channels[i].protocolHandler->setReply(nullptr); |
951 | channels[i].request = QHttpNetworkRequest(); |
952 | channels[i].resendCurrent = false; |
953 | |
954 | if (!reply->isFinished() && !channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.isEmpty()) { |
955 | // the reply had to be prematurely removed, e.g. it was not finished |
956 | // therefore we have to requeue the already pipelined requests. |
957 | channels[i].requeueCurrentlyPipelinedRequests(); |
958 | } |
959 | |
960 | // if HTTP mandates we should close |
961 | // or the reply is not finished yet, e.g. it was aborted |
962 | // we have to close that connection |
963 | if (reply->d_func()->isConnectionCloseEnabled() || !reply->isFinished()) { |
964 | if (reply->isAborted()) { |
965 | channels[i].abort(); |
966 | } else { |
967 | channels[i].close(); |
968 | } |
969 | } |
970 | |
971 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: q, member: "_q_startNextRequest", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
972 | return; |
973 | } |
974 | |
975 | // is the reply inside the pipeline of this channel already? |
976 | for (int j = 0; j < channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.size(); j++) { |
977 | if (channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.at(i: j).second == reply) { |
978 | // Remove that HttpMessagePair |
979 | channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.removeAt(i: j); |
980 | |
981 | channels[i].requeueCurrentlyPipelinedRequests(); |
982 | |
983 | // Since some requests had already been pipelined, but we removed |
984 | // one and re-queued the others |
985 | // we must force a connection close after the request that is |
986 | // currently in processing has been finished. |
987 | if (channels[i].reply) |
988 | channels[i].reply->d_func()->forceConnectionCloseEnabled = true; |
989 | |
990 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: q, member: "_q_startNextRequest", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
991 | return; |
992 | } |
993 | } |
994 | // is the reply inside the H2 pipeline of this channel already? |
995 | const auto foundReply = [reply](const HttpMessagePair &pair) { |
996 | return pair.second == reply; |
997 | }; |
998 | auto &seq = channels[i].h2RequestsToSend; |
999 | const auto end = seq.cend(); |
1000 | auto it = std::find_if(first: seq.cbegin(), last: end, pred: foundReply); |
1001 | if (it != end) { |
1002 | seq.erase(it); |
1003 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: q, member: "_q_startNextRequest", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
1004 | return; |
1005 | } |
1006 | } |
1007 | // remove from the high priority queue |
1008 | if (!highPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) { |
1009 | for (int j = highPriorityQueue.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j) { |
1010 | HttpMessagePair messagePair = highPriorityQueue.at(i: j); |
1011 | if (messagePair.second == reply) { |
1012 | highPriorityQueue.removeAt(i: j); |
1013 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: q, member: "_q_startNextRequest", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
1014 | return; |
1015 | } |
1016 | } |
1017 | } |
1018 | // remove from the low priority queue |
1019 | if (!lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) { |
1020 | for (int j = lowPriorityQueue.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j) { |
1021 | HttpMessagePair messagePair = lowPriorityQueue.at(i: j); |
1022 | if (messagePair.second == reply) { |
1023 | lowPriorityQueue.removeAt(i: j); |
1024 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: q, member: "_q_startNextRequest", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
1025 | return; |
1026 | } |
1027 | } |
1028 | } |
1029 | } |
1030 | |
1031 | |
1032 | |
1033 | // This function must be called from the event loop. The only |
1034 | // exception is documented in QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::queueRequest |
1035 | // although it is called _q_startNextRequest, it will actually start multiple requests when possible |
1036 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::_q_startNextRequest() |
1037 | { |
1038 | // If there is no network layer state decided we should not start any new requests. |
1039 | if (networkLayerState == Unknown || networkLayerState == HostLookupPending || networkLayerState == IPv4or6) |
1040 | return; |
1041 | |
1042 | // If the QHttpNetworkConnection is currently paused then bail out immediately |
1043 | if (state == PausedState) |
1044 | return; |
1045 | |
1046 | //resend the necessary ones. |
1047 | for (int i = 0; i < activeChannelCount; ++i) { |
1048 | if (channels[i].resendCurrent && (channels[i].state != QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::ClosingState)) { |
1049 | if (!channels[i].socket |
1050 | || QSocketAbstraction::socketState(device: channels[i].socket) == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState) { |
1051 | if (!channels[i].ensureConnection()) |
1052 | continue; |
1053 | } |
1054 | channels[i].resendCurrent = false; |
1055 | |
1056 | // if this is not possible, error will be emitted and connection terminated |
1057 | if (!channels[i].resetUploadData()) |
1058 | continue; |
1059 | channels[i].sendRequest(); |
1060 | } |
1061 | } |
1062 | |
1063 | // dequeue new ones |
1064 | |
1065 | switch (connectionType) { |
1066 | case QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionTypeHTTP: { |
1067 | // return fast if there is nothing to do |
1068 | if (highPriorityQueue.isEmpty() && lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) |
1069 | return; |
1070 | |
1071 | // try to get a free AND connected socket |
1072 | for (int i = 0; i < activeChannelCount; ++i) { |
1073 | if (channels[i].socket) { |
1074 | if (!channels[i].reply && !channels[i].isSocketBusy() |
1075 | && QSocketAbstraction::socketState(device: channels[i].socket) |
1076 | == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) { |
1077 | if (dequeueRequest(socket: channels[i].socket)) |
1078 | channels[i].sendRequest(); |
1079 | } |
1080 | } |
1081 | } |
1082 | break; |
1083 | } |
1084 | case QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionTypeHTTP2Direct: |
1085 | case QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionTypeHTTP2: { |
1086 | if (channels[0].h2RequestsToSend.isEmpty() && !channels[0].reply |
1087 | && highPriorityQueue.isEmpty() && lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) { |
1088 | return; |
1089 | } |
1090 | |
1091 | if (networkLayerState == IPv4) |
1092 | channels[0].networkLayerPreference = QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol; |
1093 | else if (networkLayerState == IPv6) |
1094 | channels[0].networkLayerPreference = QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol; |
1095 | channels[0].ensureConnection(); |
1096 | if (auto *s = channels[0].socket; s |
1097 | && QSocketAbstraction::socketState(device: s) == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState |
1098 | && !channels[0].pendingEncrypt) { |
1099 | if (channels[0].h2RequestsToSend.size()) { |
1100 | channels[0].sendRequest(); |
1101 | } else if (!channels[0].reply && !channels[0].switchedToHttp2) { |
1102 | // This covers an edge-case where we're already connected and the "connected" |
1103 | // signal was already sent, but we didn't have any request available at the time, |
1104 | // so it was missed. As such we need to dequeue a request and send it now that we |
1105 | // have one. |
1106 | dequeueRequest(socket: channels[0].socket); |
1107 | channels[0].sendRequest(); |
1108 | } |
1109 | } |
1110 | break; |
1111 | } |
1112 | } |
1113 | |
1114 | // try to push more into all sockets |
1115 | // ### FIXME we should move this to the beginning of the function |
1116 | // as soon as QtWebkit is properly using the pipelining |
1117 | // (e.g. not for XMLHttpRequest or the first page load) |
1118 | // ### FIXME we should also divide the requests more even |
1119 | // on the connected sockets |
1120 | //tryToFillPipeline(socket); |
1121 | // return fast if there is nothing to pipeline |
1122 | if (highPriorityQueue.isEmpty() && lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) |
1123 | return; |
1124 | for (int i = 0; i < activeChannelCount; i++) { |
1125 | if (channels[i].socket |
1126 | && QSocketAbstraction::socketState(device: channels[i].socket) |
1127 | == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) { |
1128 | fillPipeline(socket: channels[i].socket); |
1129 | } |
1130 | } |
1131 | |
1132 | // If there is not already any connected channels we need to connect a new one. |
1133 | // We do not pair the channel with the request until we know if it is |
1134 | // connected or not. This is to reuse connected channels before we connect new once. |
1135 | int queuedRequests = highPriorityQueue.size() + lowPriorityQueue.size(); |
1136 | |
1137 | // in case we have in-flight preconnect requests and normal requests, |
1138 | // we only need one socket for each (preconnect, normal request) pair |
1139 | int neededOpenChannels = queuedRequests; |
1140 | if (preConnectRequests > 0) { |
1141 | int normalRequests = queuedRequests - preConnectRequests; |
1142 | neededOpenChannels = qMax(a: normalRequests, b: preConnectRequests); |
1143 | } |
1144 | |
1145 | if (neededOpenChannels <= 0) |
1146 | return; |
1147 | |
1148 | QVarLengthArray<int> channelsToConnect; |
1149 | |
1150 | // use previously used channels first |
1151 | for (int i = 0; i < activeChannelCount && neededOpenChannels > 0; ++i) { |
1152 | if (!channels[i].socket) |
1153 | continue; |
1154 | |
1155 | using State = QAbstractSocket::SocketState; |
1156 | if ((QSocketAbstraction::socketState(device: channels[i].socket) == State::ConnectingState) |
1157 | || (QSocketAbstraction::socketState(device: channels[i].socket) == State::HostLookupState) |
1158 | || channels[i].pendingEncrypt) { // pendingEncrypt == "EncryptingState" |
1159 | neededOpenChannels--; |
1160 | continue; |
1161 | } |
1162 | |
1163 | if (!channels[i].reply && !channels[i].isSocketBusy() |
1164 | && (QSocketAbstraction::socketState(device: channels[i].socket) == State::UnconnectedState)) { |
1165 | channelsToConnect.push_back(t: i); |
1166 | neededOpenChannels--; |
1167 | } |
1168 | } |
1169 | |
1170 | // use other channels |
1171 | for (int i = 0; i < activeChannelCount && neededOpenChannels > 0; ++i) { |
1172 | if (channels[i].socket) |
1173 | continue; |
1174 | |
1175 | channelsToConnect.push_back(t: i); |
1176 | neededOpenChannels--; |
1177 | } |
1178 | |
1179 | auto channelToConnectSpan = QSpan{channelsToConnect}; |
1180 | while (!channelToConnectSpan.isEmpty()) { |
1181 | const int channel = channelToConnectSpan.front(); |
1182 | channelToConnectSpan = channelToConnectSpan.sliced(pos: 1); |
1183 | |
1184 | if (networkLayerState == IPv4) |
1185 | channels[channel].networkLayerPreference = QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol; |
1186 | else if (networkLayerState == IPv6) |
1187 | channels[channel].networkLayerPreference = QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol; |
1188 | |
1189 | channels[channel].ensureConnection(); |
1190 | } |
1191 | } |
1192 | |
1193 | |
1194 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::readMoreLater(QHttpNetworkReply *reply) |
1195 | { |
1196 | for (int i = 0 ; i < activeChannelCount; ++i) { |
1197 | if (channels[i].reply == reply) { |
1198 | // emulate a readyRead() from the socket |
1199 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: &channels[i], member: "_q_readyRead", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
1200 | return; |
1201 | } |
1202 | } |
1203 | } |
1204 | |
1205 | |
1206 | |
1207 | // The first time we start the connection is used we do not know if we |
1208 | // should use IPv4 or IPv6. So we start a hostlookup to figure this out. |
1209 | // Later when we do the connection the socket will not need to do another |
1210 | // lookup as then the hostinfo will already be in the cache. |
1211 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::startHostInfoLookup() |
1212 | { |
1213 | networkLayerState = HostLookupPending; |
1214 | |
1215 | // check if we already now can decide if this is IPv4 or IPv6 |
1216 | QString lookupHost = hostName; |
1217 | #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY |
1218 | if (networkProxy.capabilities() & QNetworkProxy::HostNameLookupCapability) { |
1219 | lookupHost = networkProxy.hostName(); |
1220 | } else if (channels[0].proxy.capabilities() & QNetworkProxy::HostNameLookupCapability) { |
1221 | lookupHost = channels[0].proxy.hostName(); |
1222 | } |
1223 | #endif |
1224 | QHostAddress temp; |
1225 | if (temp.setAddress(lookupHost)) { |
1226 | const QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol protocol = temp.protocol(); |
1227 | if (protocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) { |
1228 | networkLayerState = QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::IPv4; |
1229 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: this->q_func(), member: "_q_startNextRequest", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
1230 | return; |
1231 | } else if (protocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) { |
1232 | networkLayerState = QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::IPv6; |
1233 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: this->q_func(), member: "_q_startNextRequest", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
1234 | return; |
1235 | } |
1236 | } else { |
1237 | int hostLookupId; |
1238 | bool immediateResultValid = false; |
1239 | QHostInfo hostInfo = qt_qhostinfo_lookup(name: lookupHost, |
1240 | receiver: this->q_func(), |
1241 | SLOT(_q_hostLookupFinished(QHostInfo)), |
1242 | valid: &immediateResultValid, |
1243 | id: &hostLookupId); |
1244 | if (immediateResultValid) { |
1245 | _q_hostLookupFinished(info: hostInfo); |
1246 | } |
1247 | } |
1248 | } |
1249 | |
1250 | |
1251 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::_q_hostLookupFinished(const QHostInfo &info) |
1252 | { |
1253 | bool bIpv4 = false; |
1254 | bool bIpv6 = false; |
1255 | bool foundAddress = false; |
1256 | if (networkLayerState == IPv4 || networkLayerState == IPv6 || networkLayerState == IPv4or6) |
1257 | return; |
1258 | |
1259 | const auto addresses = info.addresses(); |
1260 | for (const QHostAddress &address : addresses) { |
1261 | const QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol protocol = address.protocol(); |
1262 | if (protocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) { |
1263 | if (!foundAddress) { |
1264 | foundAddress = true; |
1265 | delayIpv4 = false; |
1266 | } |
1267 | bIpv4 = true; |
1268 | } else if (protocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) { |
1269 | if (!foundAddress) { |
1270 | foundAddress = true; |
1271 | delayIpv4 = true; |
1272 | } |
1273 | bIpv6 = true; |
1274 | } |
1275 | } |
1276 | |
1277 | if (bIpv4 && bIpv6) |
1278 | startNetworkLayerStateLookup(); |
1279 | else if (bIpv4) { |
1280 | networkLayerState = QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::IPv4; |
1281 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: this->q_func(), member: "_q_startNextRequest", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
1282 | } else if (bIpv6) { |
1283 | networkLayerState = QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::IPv6; |
1284 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj: this->q_func(), member: "_q_startNextRequest", c: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
1285 | } else { |
1286 | auto lookupError = QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError; |
1287 | #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY |
1288 | // if the proxy can lookup hostnames, all hostname lookups except for the lookup of the |
1289 | // proxy hostname are delegated to the proxy. |
1290 | auto proxyCapabilities = networkProxy.capabilities() | channels[0].proxy.capabilities(); |
1291 | if (proxyCapabilities & QNetworkProxy::HostNameLookupCapability) |
1292 | lookupError = QNetworkReply::ProxyNotFoundError; |
1293 | #endif |
1294 | if (dequeueRequest(socket: channels[0].socket)) { |
1295 | emitReplyError(socket: channels[0].socket, reply: channels[0].reply, errorCode: lookupError); |
1296 | networkLayerState = QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::Unknown; |
1297 | } else if (connectionType == QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionTypeHTTP2 |
1298 | || connectionType == QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionTypeHTTP2Direct) { |
1299 | for (const HttpMessagePair &h2Pair : std::as_const(t&: channels[0].h2RequestsToSend)) { |
1300 | // emit error for all replies |
1301 | QHttpNetworkReply *currentReply = h2Pair.second; |
1302 | Q_ASSERT(currentReply); |
1303 | emitReplyError(socket: channels[0].socket, reply: currentReply, errorCode: lookupError); |
1304 | } |
1305 | } else { |
1306 | // We can end up here if a request has been aborted or otherwise failed (e.g. timeout) |
1307 | // before the host lookup was finished. |
1308 | qDebug(msg: "QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::_q_hostLookupFinished" |
1309 | " could not de-queue request, failed to report HostNotFoundError"); |
1310 | networkLayerState = QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::Unknown; |
1311 | } |
1312 | } |
1313 | } |
1314 | |
1315 | |
1316 | // This will be used if the host lookup found both and Ipv4 and |
1317 | // Ipv6 address. Then we will start up two connections and pick |
1318 | // the network layer of the one that finish first. The second |
1319 | // connection will then be disconnected. |
1320 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::startNetworkLayerStateLookup() |
1321 | { |
1322 | if (activeChannelCount > 1) { |
1323 | // At this time all channels should be unconnected. |
1324 | Q_ASSERT(!channels[0].isSocketBusy()); |
1325 | Q_ASSERT(!channels[1].isSocketBusy()); |
1326 | |
1327 | networkLayerState = IPv4or6; |
1328 | |
1329 | channels[0].networkLayerPreference = QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol; |
1330 | channels[1].networkLayerPreference = QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol; |
1331 | |
1332 | int timeout = 300; |
1333 | delayedConnectionTimer.start(msec: timeout); |
1334 | if (delayIpv4) |
1335 | channels[1].ensureConnection(); |
1336 | else |
1337 | channels[0].ensureConnection(); |
1338 | } else { |
1339 | networkLayerState = IPv4or6; |
1340 | channels[0].networkLayerPreference = QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol; |
1341 | channels[0].ensureConnection(); |
1342 | } |
1343 | } |
1344 | |
1345 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::networkLayerDetected(QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol protocol) |
1346 | { |
1347 | for (int i = 0 ; i < activeChannelCount; ++i) { |
1348 | if ((channels[i].networkLayerPreference != protocol) && (channels[i].state == QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::ConnectingState)) { |
1349 | channels[i].close(); |
1350 | } |
1351 | } |
1352 | } |
1353 | |
1354 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::_q_connectDelayedChannel() |
1355 | { |
1356 | if (delayIpv4) |
1357 | channels[0].ensureConnection(); |
1358 | else |
1359 | channels[1].ensureConnection(); |
1360 | } |
1361 | |
1362 | QHttpNetworkConnection::QHttpNetworkConnection(quint16 connectionCount, const QString &hostName, |
1363 | quint16 port, bool encrypt, bool isLocalSocket, QObject *parent, |
1364 | QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionType connectionType) |
1365 | : QObject(*(new QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate(connectionCount, hostName, port, encrypt, isLocalSocket, |
1366 | connectionType)), parent) |
1367 | { |
1368 | Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1369 | d->init(); |
1370 | if (QNetworkConnectionMonitor::isEnabled()) { |
1371 | connect(sender: &d->connectionMonitor, signal: &QNetworkConnectionMonitor::reachabilityChanged, |
1372 | context: this, slot: &QHttpNetworkConnection::onlineStateChanged, type: Qt::QueuedConnection); |
1373 | } |
1374 | } |
1375 | |
1376 | QHttpNetworkConnection::~QHttpNetworkConnection() |
1377 | { |
1378 | } |
1379 | |
1380 | QString QHttpNetworkConnection::hostName() const |
1381 | { |
1382 | Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1383 | return d->hostName; |
1384 | } |
1385 | |
1386 | quint16 QHttpNetworkConnection::port() const |
1387 | { |
1388 | Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1389 | return d->port; |
1390 | } |
1391 | |
1392 | QHttpNetworkReply* QHttpNetworkConnection::sendRequest(const QHttpNetworkRequest &request) |
1393 | { |
1394 | Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1395 | return d->queueRequest(request); |
1396 | } |
1397 | |
1398 | void QHttpNetworkConnection::fillHttp2Queue() |
1399 | { |
1400 | Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1401 | d->fillHttp2Queue(); |
1402 | } |
1403 | |
1404 | bool QHttpNetworkConnection::isSsl() const |
1405 | { |
1406 | Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1407 | return d->encrypt; |
1408 | } |
1409 | |
1410 | QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel *QHttpNetworkConnection::channels() const |
1411 | { |
1412 | return d_func()->channels; |
1413 | } |
1414 | |
1415 | #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY |
1416 | void QHttpNetworkConnection::setCacheProxy(const QNetworkProxy &networkProxy) |
1417 | { |
1418 | Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1419 | d->networkProxy = networkProxy; |
1420 | // update the authenticator |
1421 | if (!d->networkProxy.user().isEmpty()) { |
1422 | for (int i = 0; i < d->channelCount; ++i) { |
1423 | d->channels[i].proxyAuthenticator.setUser(d->networkProxy.user()); |
1424 | d->channels[i].proxyAuthenticator.setPassword(d->networkProxy.password()); |
1425 | } |
1426 | } |
1427 | } |
1428 | |
1429 | QNetworkProxy QHttpNetworkConnection::cacheProxy() const |
1430 | { |
1431 | Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1432 | return d->networkProxy; |
1433 | } |
1434 | |
1435 | void QHttpNetworkConnection::setTransparentProxy(const QNetworkProxy &networkProxy) |
1436 | { |
1437 | Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1438 | for (int i = 0; i < d->channelCount; ++i) |
1439 | d->channels[i].setProxy(networkProxy); |
1440 | } |
1441 | |
1442 | QNetworkProxy QHttpNetworkConnection::transparentProxy() const |
1443 | { |
1444 | Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1445 | return d->channels[0].proxy; |
1446 | } |
1447 | #endif |
1448 | |
1449 | QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionType QHttpNetworkConnection::connectionType() const |
1450 | { |
1451 | Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1452 | return d->connectionType; |
1453 | } |
1454 | |
1455 | void QHttpNetworkConnection::setConnectionType(ConnectionType type) |
1456 | { |
1457 | Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1458 | d->connectionType = type; |
1459 | } |
1460 | |
1461 | QHttp2Configuration QHttpNetworkConnection::http2Parameters() const |
1462 | { |
1463 | Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1464 | return d->http2Parameters; |
1465 | } |
1466 | |
1467 | void QHttpNetworkConnection::setHttp2Parameters(const QHttp2Configuration ¶ms) |
1468 | { |
1469 | Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1470 | d->http2Parameters = params; |
1471 | } |
1472 | |
1473 | // SSL support below |
1474 | #ifndef QT_NO_SSL |
1475 | void QHttpNetworkConnection::setSslConfiguration(const QSslConfiguration &config) |
1476 | { |
1477 | Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1478 | if (!d->encrypt) |
1479 | return; |
1480 | |
1481 | // set the config on all channels |
1482 | for (int i = 0; i < d->activeChannelCount; ++i) |
1483 | d->channels[i].setSslConfiguration(config); |
1484 | } |
1485 | |
1486 | std::shared_ptr<QSslContext> QHttpNetworkConnection::sslContext() const |
1487 | { |
1488 | Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1489 | return d->sslContext; |
1490 | } |
1491 | |
1492 | void QHttpNetworkConnection::setSslContext(std::shared_ptr<QSslContext> context) |
1493 | { |
1494 | Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1495 | d->sslContext = std::move(context); |
1496 | } |
1497 | |
1498 | void QHttpNetworkConnection::ignoreSslErrors(int channel) |
1499 | { |
1500 | Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1501 | if (!d->encrypt) |
1502 | return; |
1503 | |
1504 | if (channel == -1) { // ignore for all channels |
1505 | // We need to ignore for all channels, even the ones that are not in use just in case they |
1506 | // will be in the future. |
1507 | for (int i = 0; i < d->channelCount; ++i) { |
1508 | d->channels[i].ignoreSslErrors(); |
1509 | } |
1510 | |
1511 | } else { |
1512 | d->channels[channel].ignoreSslErrors(); |
1513 | } |
1514 | } |
1515 | |
1516 | void QHttpNetworkConnection::ignoreSslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &errors, int channel) |
1517 | { |
1518 | Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1519 | if (!d->encrypt) |
1520 | return; |
1521 | |
1522 | if (channel == -1) { // ignore for all channels |
1523 | // We need to ignore for all channels, even the ones that are not in use just in case they |
1524 | // will be in the future. |
1525 | for (int i = 0; i < d->channelCount; ++i) { |
1526 | d->channels[i].ignoreSslErrors(errors); |
1527 | } |
1528 | |
1529 | } else { |
1530 | d->channels[channel].ignoreSslErrors(errors); |
1531 | } |
1532 | } |
1533 | |
1534 | #endif //QT_NO_SSL |
1535 | |
1536 | void QHttpNetworkConnection::preConnectFinished() |
1537 | { |
1538 | d_func()->preConnectRequests--; |
1539 | } |
1540 | |
1541 | QString QHttpNetworkConnection::peerVerifyName() const |
1542 | { |
1543 | Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1544 | return d->peerVerifyName; |
1545 | } |
1546 | |
1547 | void QHttpNetworkConnection::setPeerVerifyName(const QString &peerName) |
1548 | { |
1549 | Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1550 | d->peerVerifyName = peerName; |
1551 | } |
1552 | |
1553 | void QHttpNetworkConnection::onlineStateChanged(bool isOnline) |
1554 | { |
1555 | Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection); |
1556 | |
1557 | if (isOnline) { |
1558 | // If we did not have any 'isOffline' previously - well, good |
1559 | // to know, we are 'online' apparently. |
1560 | return; |
1561 | } |
1562 | |
1563 | for (int i = 0; i < d->activeChannelCount; i++) { |
1564 | auto &channel = d->channels[i]; |
1565 | channel.emitFinishedWithError(error: QNetworkReply::TemporaryNetworkFailureError, message: "Temporary network failure."); |
1566 | channel.close(); |
1567 | } |
1568 | |
1569 | // We don't care, this connection is broken from our POV. |
1570 | d->connectionMonitor.stopMonitoring(); |
1571 | } |
1572 | |
1573 | #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY |
1574 | // only called from QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::_q_proxyAuthenticationRequired, not |
1575 | // from QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::handleAuthenticationChallenge |
1576 | // e.g. it is for SOCKS proxies which require authentication. |
1577 | void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::emitProxyAuthenticationRequired(const QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel *chan, const QNetworkProxy &proxy, QAuthenticator* auth) |
1578 | { |
1579 | // Also pause the connection because socket notifiers may fire while an user |
1580 | // dialog is displaying |
1581 | pauseConnection(); |
1582 | QHttpNetworkReply *reply; |
1583 | if ((connectionType == QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionTypeHTTP2 |
1584 | && (chan->switchedToHttp2 || chan->h2RequestsToSend.size() > 0)) |
1585 | || connectionType == QHttpNetworkConnection::ConnectionTypeHTTP2Direct) { |
1586 | // we choose the reply to emit the proxyAuth signal from somewhat arbitrarily, |
1587 | // but that does not matter because the signal will ultimately be emitted |
1588 | // by the QNetworkAccessManager. |
1589 | Q_ASSERT(chan->h2RequestsToSend.size() > 0); |
1590 | reply = chan->h2RequestsToSend.cbegin().value().second; |
1591 | } else { // HTTP |
1592 | reply = chan->reply; |
1593 | } |
1594 | |
1595 | Q_ASSERT(reply); |
1596 | emit reply->proxyAuthenticationRequired(proxy, authenticator: auth); |
1597 | resumeConnection(); |
1598 | int i = indexOf(socket: chan->socket); |
1599 | copyCredentials(fromChannel: i, auth, isProxy: true); |
1600 | } |
1601 | #endif |
1602 | |
1603 | |
1605 | |
1606 | #include "moc_qhttpnetworkconnection_p.cpp" |
1607 |
- defaultPipelineLength
- defaultRePipelineLength
- getPreferredActiveChannelCount
- QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate
- ~QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate
- init
- pauseConnection
- resumeConnection
- indexOf
- shouldEmitChannelError
- uncompressedBytesAvailable
- uncompressedBytesAvailableNextBlock
- makeAcceptLanguage
- prepareRequest
- emitReplyError
- copyCredentials
- handleAuthenticateChallenge
- parseRedirectResponse
- parseRedirectResponse
- createAuthorization
- queueRequest
- fillHttp2Queue
- requeueRequest
- dequeueRequest
- updateChannel
- predictNextRequest
- predictNextRequestsReply
- fillPipeline
- fillPipeline
- errorDetail
- removeReply
- _q_startNextRequest
- readMoreLater
- startHostInfoLookup
- _q_hostLookupFinished
- startNetworkLayerStateLookup
- networkLayerDetected
- _q_connectDelayedChannel
- QHttpNetworkConnection
- ~QHttpNetworkConnection
- hostName
- port
- sendRequest
- fillHttp2Queue
- isSsl
- channels
- setCacheProxy
- cacheProxy
- setTransparentProxy
- transparentProxy
- connectionType
- setConnectionType
- http2Parameters
- setHttp2Parameters
- setSslConfiguration
- sslContext
- setSslContext
- ignoreSslErrors
- ignoreSslErrors
- preConnectFinished
- peerVerifyName
- setPeerVerifyName
- onlineStateChanged
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