1 | // Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd. |
2 | // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause |
3 | #include <QTest> |
4 | #include <QSqlDatabase> |
5 | #include <QFontDatabase> |
6 | |
7 | #include <initializer_list> |
8 | |
9 | using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; |
10 | |
11 | // dummy |
12 | class TestBenchmark : public QObject |
13 | { |
14 | Q_OBJECT |
15 | private slots: |
16 | void simple(); |
17 | }; |
18 | |
19 | // dummy |
20 | class MyTestClass : public QObject |
21 | { |
22 | public: |
23 | void cleanup(); |
24 | void addSingleStringRows(); |
25 | void addMultStringRows(); |
26 | void addDataRow(); |
27 | }; |
28 | // dummy |
29 | void closeAllDatabases() |
30 | { |
31 | }; |
32 | |
33 | class TestQString : public QObject |
34 | { |
35 | public: |
36 | void toInt_data(); |
37 | void toInt(); |
38 | void toUpper(); |
39 | void Compare(); |
40 | }; |
41 | |
42 | void wrapInFunction() |
43 | { |
44 | //! [1] |
45 | QVERIFY2(QFileInfo("file.txt" ).exists(), "file.txt does not exist." ); |
46 | //! [1] |
47 | |
48 | //! [2] |
49 | QCOMPARE(QString("hello" ).toUpper(), QString("HELLO" )); |
50 | //! [2] |
51 | } |
52 | |
53 | //! [3] |
54 | void TestQString::toInt_data() |
55 | { |
56 | QTest::addColumn<QString>(name: "aString" ); |
57 | QTest::addColumn<int>(name: "expected" ); |
58 | |
59 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "positive+value" ) << "42" << 42; |
60 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "negative-value" ) << "-42" << -42; |
61 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "zero" ) << "0" << 0; |
62 | } |
63 | //! [3] |
64 | |
65 | //! [4] |
66 | void TestQString::toInt() |
67 | { |
68 | QFETCH(QString, aString); |
69 | QFETCH(int, expected); |
70 | |
71 | QCOMPARE(aString.toInt(), expected); |
72 | } |
73 | //! [4] |
74 | |
75 | void testInt() |
76 | { |
77 | // dummy |
78 | int i = 0, j = 0; |
79 | //! [5] |
80 | if (sizeof(int) != 4) |
81 | QFAIL("This test has not been ported to this platform yet." ); |
82 | //! [5] |
83 | |
84 | //! [6] |
85 | QFETCH(QString, myString); |
86 | QCOMPARE(QString("hello" ).toUpper(), myString); |
87 | //! [6] |
88 | |
89 | //! [7] |
90 | QTEST(QString("hello" ).toUpper(), "myString" ); |
91 | //! [7] |
92 | |
93 | //! [8] |
94 | if (!QSqlDatabase::drivers().contains(t: "SQLITE" )) |
95 | QSKIP("This test requires the SQLITE database driver" ); |
96 | //! [8] |
97 | |
98 | //! [9] |
99 | QEXPECT_FAIL("" , "Will fix in the next release" , Continue); |
100 | QCOMPARE(i, 42); |
101 | QCOMPARE(j, 43); |
102 | //! [9] |
103 | |
104 | //! [10] |
105 | QEXPECT_FAIL("data27" , "Oh my, this is soooo broken" , Abort); |
106 | QCOMPARE(i, 42); |
107 | //! [10] |
108 | } |
109 | |
110 | //! [11] |
111 | QTEST_MAIN(TestQString) |
112 | //! [11] |
113 | |
114 | void testObject() |
115 | { |
116 | class MyTestObject : public QObject |
117 | { |
118 | }; |
119 | //! [18] |
120 | MyTestObject test1; |
121 | QTest::qExec(testObject: &test1); |
122 | //! [18] |
123 | } |
124 | |
125 | void tstQDir() |
126 | { |
127 | //! [19] |
128 | QDir dir; |
129 | QTest::ignoreMessage(type: QtWarningMsg, message: "QDir::mkdir: Empty or null file name(s)" ); |
130 | dir.mkdir(dirName: "" ); |
131 | //! [19] |
132 | } |
133 | |
134 | //! [20] |
135 | void MyTestClass::addSingleStringRows() |
136 | { |
137 | QTest::addColumn<QString>(name: "aString" ); |
138 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "just.hello" ) << QString("hello" ); |
139 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "a.null.string" ) << QString(); |
140 | } |
141 | //! [20] |
142 | |
143 | void MyTestClass::addMultStringRows() |
144 | { |
145 | //! [addRow] |
146 | QTest::addColumn<int>(name: "input" ); |
147 | QTest::addColumn<QString>(name: "output" ); |
148 | QTest::addRow(format: "%d" , 0) << 0 << QString("0" ); |
149 | QTest::addRow(format: "%d" , 1) << 1 << QString("1" ); |
150 | //! [addRow] |
151 | } |
152 | |
153 | void MyTestClass::addDataRow() |
154 | { |
155 | //! [21] |
156 | QTest::addColumn<int>(name: "intval" ); |
157 | QTest::addColumn<QString>(name: "str" ); |
158 | QTest::addColumn<double>(name: "dbl" ); |
159 | QTest::newRow(dataTag: "row1" ) << 1 << "hello" << 1.5; |
160 | //! [21] |
161 | } |
162 | |
163 | //! [22] |
164 | void MyTestClass::cleanup() |
165 | { |
166 | if (qstrcmp(str1: QTest::currentTestFunction(), str2: "myDatabaseTest" ) == 0) { |
167 | // clean up all database connections |
168 | closeAllDatabases(); |
169 | } |
170 | } |
171 | //! [22] |
172 | |
173 | void quarterSecondSleep() |
174 | { |
175 | //! [23] |
176 | using namespace std::chrono_literals; |
177 | QTest::qSleep(msecs: 250ms); |
178 | //! [23] |
179 | } |
180 | |
181 | //! [27] |
182 | void TestBenchmark::simple() |
183 | { |
184 | QString str1 = u"This is a test string"_s ; |
185 | QString str2 = u"This is a test string"_s ; |
186 | QCOMPARE(str1.localeAwareCompare(str2), 0); |
187 | QBENCHMARK { |
188 | str1.localeAwareCompare(s: str2); |
189 | } |
190 | } |
191 | //! [27] |
192 | |
193 | void verifyString() |
194 | { |
195 | QFile file; |
196 | //! [32] |
197 | bool opened = file.open(flags: QIODevice::WriteOnly); |
198 | QVERIFY(opened); |
199 | //! [32] |
200 | //! [33] |
201 | QVERIFY2(file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly), |
202 | qPrintable(QString("open %1: %2" ) |
203 | .arg(file.fileName()).arg(file.errorString()))); |
204 | //! [33] |
205 | } |
206 | |
207 | void compareListToArray() |
208 | { |
209 | //! [34] |
210 | const int expected[] = {8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24}; |
211 | QCOMPARE(QFontDatabase::standardSizes(), expected); |
212 | //! [34] |
213 | } |
214 | |
215 | void compareListToInitializerList() |
216 | { |
217 | //! [35] |
218 | #define ARG(...) __VA_ARGS__ |
219 | QCOMPARE(QFontDatabase::standardSizes(), ARG({8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24})); |
220 | #undef ARG |
221 | //! [35] |
222 | } |
223 | |