1// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
8// W A R N I N G
9// -------------
11// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
12// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
13// version without notice, or even be removed.
15// We mean it.
18#include <QtGui/qcolor.h>
19#include <QtQml/qqml.h>
20#include <QtQuickControls2/qquickattachedpropertypropagator.h>
21#include <QtQuickControls2Material/qtquickcontrols2materialexports.h>
25class Q_QUICKCONTROLS2MATERIAL_EXPORT QQuickMaterialStyle : public QQuickAttachedPropertyPropagator
28 Q_PROPERTY(Theme theme READ theme WRITE setTheme RESET resetTheme NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
29 Q_PROPERTY(QVariant primary READ primary WRITE setPrimary RESET resetPrimary NOTIFY primaryChanged FINAL)
30 Q_PROPERTY(QVariant accent READ accent WRITE setAccent RESET resetAccent NOTIFY accentChanged FINAL)
31 Q_PROPERTY(QVariant foreground READ foreground WRITE setForeground RESET resetForeground NOTIFY foregroundChanged FINAL)
32 Q_PROPERTY(QVariant background READ background WRITE setBackground RESET resetBackground NOTIFY backgroundChanged FINAL)
33 Q_PROPERTY(int elevation READ elevation WRITE setElevation RESET resetElevation NOTIFY elevationChanged FINAL)
34 Q_PROPERTY(RoundedScale roundedScale READ roundedScale WRITE setRoundedScale RESET resetRoundedScale
35 NOTIFY roundedScaleChanged FINAL)
36 Q_PROPERTY(ContainerStyle containerStyle READ containerStyle WRITE setContainerStyle RESET resetContainerStyle
37 NOTIFY containerStyleChanged FINAL)
39 Q_PROPERTY(QColor primaryColor READ primaryColor NOTIFY primaryChanged FINAL) // TODO: remove?
40 Q_PROPERTY(QColor accentColor READ accentColor NOTIFY accentChanged FINAL) // TODO: remove?
41 Q_PROPERTY(QColor backgroundColor READ backgroundColor NOTIFY backgroundChanged FINAL)
42 Q_PROPERTY(QColor primaryTextColor READ primaryTextColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
43 Q_PROPERTY(QColor primaryHighlightedTextColor READ primaryHighlightedTextColor NOTIFY primaryHighlightedTextColorChanged FINAL)
44 Q_PROPERTY(QColor secondaryTextColor READ secondaryTextColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
45 Q_PROPERTY(QColor hintTextColor READ hintTextColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
46 Q_PROPERTY(QColor textSelectionColor READ textSelectionColor NOTIFY themeOrAccentChanged FINAL)
47 Q_PROPERTY(QColor dropShadowColor READ dropShadowColor CONSTANT FINAL)
48 Q_PROPERTY(QColor dividerColor READ dividerColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
49 Q_PROPERTY(QColor iconColor READ iconColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
50 Q_PROPERTY(QColor iconDisabledColor READ iconDisabledColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
51 Q_PROPERTY(QColor frameColor READ frameColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
52 Q_PROPERTY(QColor rippleColor READ rippleColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
53 Q_PROPERTY(QColor highlightedRippleColor READ highlightedRippleColor NOTIFY themeOrAccentChanged FINAL)
54 Q_PROPERTY(QColor switchUncheckedTrackColor READ switchUncheckedTrackColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
55 Q_PROPERTY(QColor switchCheckedTrackColor READ switchCheckedTrackColor NOTIFY themeOrAccentChanged FINAL)
56 Q_PROPERTY(QColor switchUncheckedHandleColor READ switchUncheckedHandleColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
57 Q_PROPERTY(QColor switchUncheckedHoveredHandleColor READ switchUncheckedHoveredHandleColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
58 Q_PROPERTY(QColor switchDisabledUncheckedTrackColor READ switchDisabledUncheckedTrackColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
59 Q_PROPERTY(QColor switchDisabledCheckedTrackColor READ switchDisabledCheckedTrackColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
60 Q_PROPERTY(QColor switchDisabledUncheckedTrackBorderColor READ switchDisabledUncheckedTrackBorderColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
61 Q_PROPERTY(QColor switchCheckedHandleColor READ switchCheckedHandleColor NOTIFY themeOrAccentChanged FINAL)
62 Q_PROPERTY(QColor switchDisabledUncheckedHandleColor READ switchDisabledUncheckedHandleColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
63 Q_PROPERTY(QColor switchDisabledCheckedHandleColor READ switchDisabledCheckedHandleColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
64 Q_PROPERTY(QColor switchDisabledCheckedIconColor READ switchDisabledCheckedIconColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
65 Q_PROPERTY(QColor switchDisabledUncheckedIconColor READ switchDisabledUncheckedIconColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
66 Q_PROPERTY(QColor scrollBarColor READ scrollBarColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
67 Q_PROPERTY(QColor scrollBarHoveredColor READ scrollBarHoveredColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
68 Q_PROPERTY(QColor scrollBarPressedColor READ scrollBarPressedColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
69 Q_PROPERTY(QColor dialogColor READ dialogColor NOTIFY dialogColorChanged FINAL)
70 Q_PROPERTY(QColor backgroundDimColor READ backgroundDimColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
71 Q_PROPERTY(QColor listHighlightColor READ listHighlightColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
72 Q_PROPERTY(QColor tooltipColor READ tooltipColor NOTIFY tooltipColorChanged FINAL)
73 Q_PROPERTY(QColor toolBarColor READ toolBarColor NOTIFY toolBarColorChanged FINAL)
74 Q_PROPERTY(QColor toolTextColor READ toolTextColor NOTIFY toolTextColorChanged FINAL)
75 Q_PROPERTY(QColor spinBoxDisabledIconColor READ spinBoxDisabledIconColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
76 Q_PROPERTY(QColor sliderDisabledColor READ sliderDisabledColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL REVISION(2, 15))
77 Q_PROPERTY(QColor textFieldFilledContainerColor READ textFieldFilledContainerColor NOTIFY themeChanged FINAL)
79 Q_PROPERTY(int touchTarget READ touchTarget CONSTANT FINAL)
80 Q_PROPERTY(int buttonVerticalPadding READ buttonVerticalPadding CONSTANT FINAL)
81 Q_PROPERTY(int buttonHeight READ buttonHeight CONSTANT FINAL)
82 Q_PROPERTY(int delegateHeight READ delegateHeight CONSTANT FINAL)
83 Q_PROPERTY(int dialogButtonBoxHeight READ dialogButtonBoxHeight CONSTANT FINAL)
84 Q_PROPERTY(int dialogTitleFontPixelSize READ dialogTitleFontPixelSize CONSTANT FINAL)
85 Q_PROPERTY(RoundedScale dialogRoundedScale READ dialogRoundedScale CONSTANT FINAL)
86 Q_PROPERTY(int frameVerticalPadding READ frameVerticalPadding CONSTANT FINAL)
87 Q_PROPERTY(int menuItemHeight READ menuItemHeight CONSTANT FINAL)
88 Q_PROPERTY(int menuItemVerticalPadding READ menuItemVerticalPadding CONSTANT FINAL)
89 Q_PROPERTY(int switchIndicatorWidth READ switchIndicatorWidth CONSTANT FINAL)
90 Q_PROPERTY(int switchIndicatorHeight READ switchIndicatorHeight CONSTANT FINAL)
91 Q_PROPERTY(int switchNormalHandleHeight READ switchNormalHandleHeight CONSTANT FINAL)
92 Q_PROPERTY(int switchCheckedHandleHeight READ switchCheckedHandleHeight CONSTANT FINAL)
93 Q_PROPERTY(int switchLargestHandleHeight READ switchLargestHandleHeight CONSTANT FINAL)
94 Q_PROPERTY(int switchDelegateVerticalPadding READ switchDelegateVerticalPadding CONSTANT FINAL)
95 Q_PROPERTY(int textFieldHeight READ textFieldHeight CONSTANT FINAL)
96 Q_PROPERTY(int textFieldHorizontalPadding READ textFieldHorizontalPadding CONSTANT FINAL)
97 Q_PROPERTY(int textFieldVerticalPadding READ textFieldVerticalPadding CONSTANT FINAL)
98 Q_PROPERTY(int tooltipHeight READ tooltipHeight CONSTANT FINAL)
101 QML_ATTACHED(QQuickMaterialStyle)
106 enum Theme {
107 Light,
108 Dark,
109 System
110 };
112 enum Variant {
113 Normal,
114 Dense
115 };
117 enum Color {
118 Red,
119 Pink,
120 Purple,
121 DeepPurple,
122 Indigo,
123 Blue,
124 LightBlue,
125 Cyan,
126 Teal,
127 Green,
128 LightGreen,
129 Lime,
130 Yellow,
131 Amber,
132 Orange,
133 DeepOrange,
134 Brown,
135 Grey,
136 BlueGrey
137 };
139 enum Shade {
140 Shade50,
141 Shade100,
142 Shade200,
143 Shade300,
144 Shade400,
145 Shade500,
146 Shade600,
147 Shade700,
148 Shade800,
149 Shade900,
150 ShadeA100,
151 ShadeA200,
152 ShadeA400,
153 ShadeA700,
154 };
156 enum class RoundedScale {
157 NotRounded,
158 ExtraSmallScale = 4,
159 SmallScale = 8,
160 MediumScale = 12,
161 LargeScale = 16,
162 ExtraLargeScale = 28,
163 FullScale = 0xFF // For full we use half the height of the item.
164 };
166 enum class ContainerStyle {
167 Filled,
168 Outlined
169 };
171 Q_ENUM(Theme)
172 Q_ENUM(Variant)
173 Q_ENUM(Color)
174 Q_ENUM(Shade)
175 Q_ENUM(RoundedScale)
176 Q_ENUM(ContainerStyle)
178 explicit QQuickMaterialStyle(QObject *parent = nullptr);
180 static QQuickMaterialStyle *qmlAttachedProperties(QObject *object);
182 Theme theme() const;
183 void setTheme(Theme theme);
184 void inheritTheme(Theme theme);
185 void propagateTheme();
186 void resetTheme();
187 void themeChange();
189 QVariant primary() const;
190 void setPrimary(const QVariant &accent);
191 void inheritPrimary(uint primary, bool custom);
192 void propagatePrimary();
193 void resetPrimary();
194 void primaryChange();
196 QVariant accent() const;
197 void setAccent(const QVariant &accent);
198 void inheritAccent(uint accent, bool custom);
199 void propagateAccent();
200 void resetAccent();
201 void accentChange();
203 QVariant foreground() const;
204 void setForeground(const QVariant &foreground);
205 void inheritForeground(uint foreground, bool custom, bool has);
206 void propagateForeground();
207 void resetForeground();
208 void foregroundChange();
210 QVariant background() const;
211 void setBackground(const QVariant &background);
212 void inheritBackground(uint background, bool custom, bool has);
213 void propagateBackground();
214 void resetBackground();
215 void backgroundChange();
217 int elevation() const;
218 void setElevation(int elevation);
219 void resetElevation();
220 void elevationChange();
222 RoundedScale roundedScale() const;
223 void setRoundedScale(RoundedScale roundedScale);
224 void resetRoundedScale();
226 ContainerStyle containerStyle() const;
227 void setContainerStyle(ContainerStyle containerStyle);
228 void resetContainerStyle();
230 QColor primaryColor() const;
231 QColor accentColor() const;
232 QColor backgroundColor() const;
233 QColor primaryTextColor() const;
234 QColor primaryHighlightedTextColor() const;
235 QColor secondaryTextColor() const;
236 QColor hintTextColor() const;
237 QColor textSelectionColor() const;
238 QColor dropShadowColor() const;
239 QColor dividerColor() const;
240 QColor iconColor() const;
241 QColor iconDisabledColor() const;
242 Q_INVOKABLE QColor buttonColor(Theme theme, const QVariant &background, const QVariant &accent,
243 bool enabled, bool flat, bool highlighted, bool checked) const;
244 QColor frameColor() const;
245 QColor rippleColor() const;
246 QColor highlightedRippleColor() const;
247 QColor switchUncheckedTrackColor() const;
248 QColor switchCheckedTrackColor() const;
249 QColor switchDisabledUncheckedTrackColor() const;
250 QColor switchDisabledCheckedTrackColor() const;
251 QColor switchDisabledUncheckedTrackBorderColor() const;
252 QColor switchUncheckedHandleColor() const;
253 QColor switchUncheckedHoveredHandleColor() const;
254 QColor switchCheckedHandleColor() const;
255 QColor switchDisabledUncheckedHandleColor() const;
256 QColor switchDisabledCheckedHandleColor() const;
257 QColor switchDisabledCheckedIconColor() const;
258 QColor switchDisabledUncheckedIconColor() const;
259 QColor scrollBarColor() const;
260 QColor scrollBarHoveredColor() const;
261 QColor scrollBarPressedColor() const;
262 QColor dialogColor() const;
263 QColor backgroundDimColor() const;
264 QColor listHighlightColor() const;
265 QColor tooltipColor() const;
266 QColor toolBarColor() const;
267 QColor toolTextColor() const;
268 QColor spinBoxDisabledIconColor() const;
269 QColor sliderDisabledColor() const;
270 QColor textFieldFilledContainerColor() const;
272 Q_INVOKABLE QColor color(Color color, Shade shade = Shade500) const;
273 Q_INVOKABLE QColor shade(const QColor &color, Shade shade) const;
275 int touchTarget() const;
276 int buttonVerticalPadding() const;
277 Q_INVOKABLE int buttonLeftPadding(bool flat, bool hasIcon) const;
278 Q_INVOKABLE int buttonRightPadding(bool flat, bool hasIcon, bool hasText) const;
279 int buttonHeight() const;
280 int delegateHeight() const;
281 int dialogButtonBoxHeight() const;
282 int dialogTitleFontPixelSize() const;
283 RoundedScale dialogRoundedScale() const;
284 int frameVerticalPadding() const;
285 int menuItemHeight() const;
286 int menuItemVerticalPadding() const;
287 int switchIndicatorWidth() const;
288 int switchIndicatorHeight() const;
289 int switchNormalHandleHeight() const;
290 int switchCheckedHandleHeight() const;
291 int switchLargestHandleHeight() const;
292 int switchDelegateVerticalPadding() const;
293 int textFieldHeight() const;
294 int textFieldHorizontalPadding() const;
295 int textFieldVerticalPadding() const;
296 int tooltipHeight() const;
298 static void initGlobals();
300 static Variant variant();
303 void themeChanged();
304 void primaryChanged();
305 void accentChanged();
306 void foregroundChanged();
307 void backgroundChanged();
308 void elevationChanged();
310 void themeOrAccentChanged();
312 void primaryHighlightedTextColorChanged();
313 void dialogColorChanged();
314 void tooltipColorChanged();
315 void toolBarColorChanged();
316 void toolTextColorChanged();
317 void roundedScaleChanged();
318 void containerStyleChanged();
321 void attachedParentChange(QQuickAttachedPropertyPropagator *newParent, QQuickAttachedPropertyPropagator *oldParent) override;
324 void init();
325 bool variantToRgba(const QVariant &var, const char *name, QRgb *rgba, bool *custom) const;
327 QColor backgroundColor(Shade shade) const;
328 QColor accentColor(Shade shade) const;
330 Shade themeShade() const;
332 // These reflect whether a color value was explicitly set on the specific
333 // item that this attached style object represents.
334 bool m_explicitTheme = false;
335 bool m_explicitPrimary = false;
336 bool m_explicitAccent = false;
337 bool m_explicitForeground = false;
338 bool m_explicitBackground = false;
339 // These reflect whether the color value that was either inherited or
340 // explicitly set is in the form that QColor expects, rather than one of
341 // our pre-defined color enum values.
342 bool m_customPrimary = false;
343 bool m_customAccent = false;
344 bool m_customForeground = false;
345 bool m_customBackground = false;
346 // These will be true when this item has an explicit or inherited foreground/background
347 // color, or these colors were declared globally via settings (e.g. conf or env vars).
348 // Some color properties of the style will return different values depending on whether
349 // or not these are set.
350 bool m_hasForeground = false;
351 bool m_hasBackground = false;
352 // The actual values for this item, whether explicit, inherited or globally set.
353 bool m_systemTheme = false;
354 Theme m_theme = Light;
355 uint m_primary = 0;
356 uint m_accent = 0;
357 uint m_foreground = 0;
358 uint m_background = 0;
359 int m_elevation = 0;
360 RoundedScale m_roundedScale = RoundedScale::NotRounded;
361 ContainerStyle m_containerStyle = ContainerStyle::Filled;

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source code of qtdeclarative/src/quickcontrols/material/qquickmaterialstyle_p.h