1// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
4#include <private/opcuastatus_p.h>
5#include <private/opcuaconnection_p.h>
10 \qmltype Status
11 \inqmlmodule QtOpcUa
12 \brief Status code of an OPC UA function.
13 \since QtOpcUa 5.13
15 This QML element contains information about the result status of an OPC UA action.
16 The most common use case is to check if a call was successful
17 \code
18 if (methodNode.resultCode.isGood) {
19 // do something
20 }
21 \endcode
25 \qmlproperty bool Status::isGood
27 Returns whether the result status is a success.
31 \qmlproperty bool Status::isBad
33 Returns whether the result status is a failure.
37 \qmlproperty Status.Status Status::status
39 Returns the exact status code. This allows to handle the status specifically.
41 \code
42 if (resultStatus.status == QtOpcUa.Status.BadTimeout) {
43 // try again
44 }
45 \endcode
49 \qmlproperty enumeration Status::Status
51 The names of this enumeration are matching the names from the standard, but
52 the values are different.
54 Attributes of a status
56 \value Status.Good The operation succeeded.
57 \value Status.Uncertain The operation was uncertain.
58 \value Status.Bad The operation failed.
59 \value Status.BadUnexpectedError An unexpected error occurred.
60 \value Status.BadInternalError An internal error occurred as a result of a programming or configuration error.
61 \value Status.BadOutOfMemory Not enough memory to complete the operation.
62 \value Status.BadResourceUnavailable An operating system resource is not available.
63 \value Status.BadCommunicationError A low level communication error occurred.
64 \value Status.BadEncodingError Encoding halted because of invalid data in the objects being serialized.
65 \value Status.BadDecodingError Decoding halted because of invalid data in the stream.
66 \value Status.BadEncodingLimitsExceeded The message encoding/decoding limits imposed by the stack have been exceeded.
67 \value Status.BadRequestTooLarge The request message size exceeds limits set by the server.
68 \value Status.BadResponseTooLarge The response message size exceeds limits set by the client.
69 \value Status.BadUnknownResponse An unrecognized response was received from the server.
70 \value Status.BadTimeout The operation timed out.
71 \value Status.BadServiceUnsupported The server does not support the requested service.
72 \value Status.BadShutdown The operation was cancelled because the application is shutting down.
73 \value Status.BadServerNotConnected The operation could not complete because the client is not connected to the server.
74 \value Status.BadServerHalted The server has stopped and cannot process any requests.
75 \value Status.BadNothingToDo No processing could be done because there was nothing to do.
76 \value Status.BadTooManyOperations The request could not be processed because it specified too many operations.
77 \value Status.BadTooManyMonitoredItems The request could not be processed because there are too many monitored items in the subscription.
78 \value Status.BadDataTypeIdUnknown The extension object cannot be (de)serialized because the data type id is not recognized.
79 \value Status.BadCertificateInvalid The certificate provided as a parameter is not valid.
80 \value Status.BadSecurityChecksFailed An error occurred verifying security.
81 \value Status.BadCertificatePolicyCheckFailed The certificate does not meet the requirements of the security policy.
82 \value Status.BadCertificateTimeInvalid The certificate has expired or is not yet valid.
83 \value Status.BadCertificateIssuerTimeInvalid An issuer certificate has expired or is not yet valid.
84 \value Status.BadCertificateHostNameInvalid The HostName used to connect to a server does not match a HostName in the certificate.
85 \value Status.BadCertificateUriInvalid The URI specified in the ApplicationDescription does not match the URI in the certificate.
86 \value Status.BadCertificateUseNotAllowed The certificate may not be used for the requested operation.
87 \value Status.BadCertificateIssuerUseNotAllowed The issuer certificate may not be used for the requested operation.
88 \value Status.BadCertificateUntrusted The certificate is not trusted.
89 \value Status.BadCertificateRevocationUnknown It was not possible to determine if the certificate has been revoked.
90 \value Status.BadCertificateIssuerRevocationUnknown It was not possible to determine if the issuer certificate has been revoked.
91 \value Status.BadCertificateRevoked The certificate has been revoked.
92 \value Status.BadCertificateIssuerRevoked The issuer certificate has been revoked.
93 \value Status.BadCertificateChainIncomplete The certificate chain is incomplete.
94 \value Status.BadUserAccessDenied User does not have permission to perform the requested operation.
95 \value Status.BadIdentityTokenInvalid The user identity token is not valid.
96 \value Status.BadIdentityTokenRejected The user identity token is valid but the server has rejected it.
97 \value Status.BadSecureChannelIdInvalid The specified secure channel is no longer valid.
98 \value Status.BadInvalidTimestamp The timestamp is outside the range allowed by the server.
99 \value Status.BadNonceInvalid The nonce does appear to be not a random value or it is not the correct length.
100 \value Status.BadSessionIdInvalid The session id is not valid.
101 \value Status.BadSessionClosed The session was closed by the client.
102 \value Status.BadSessionNotActivated The session cannot be used because ActivateSession has not been called.
103 \value Status.BadSubscriptionIdInvalid The subscription id is not valid.
104 \value Status.BadRequestHeaderInvalid The header for the request is missing or invalid.
105 \value Status.BadTimestampsToReturnInvalid The timestamps to return parameter is invalid.
106 \value Status.BadRequestCancelledByClient The request was cancelled by the client.
107 \value Status.BadTooManyArguments Too many arguments were provided.
108 \value Status.BadLicenseExpired The server requires a license to operate in general or to perform a service or operation, but existing license is expired.
109 \value Status.BadLicenseLimitsExceeded The server has limits on number of allowed operations / objects, based on installed licenses, and these limits where exceeded.
110 \value Status.BadLicenseNotAvailable The server does not have a license which is required to operate in general or to perform a service or operation.
111 \value Status.GoodSubscriptionTransferred The subscription was transferred to another session.
112 \value Status.GoodCompletesAsynchronously The processing will complete asynchronously.
113 \value Status.GoodOverload Sampling has slowed down due to resource limitations.
114 \value Status.GoodClamped The value written was accepted but was clamped.
115 \value Status.BadNoCommunication Communication with the data source is defined, but not established, and there is no last known value available.
116 \value Status.BadWaitingForInitialData Waiting for the server to obtain values from the underlying data source.
117 \value Status.BadNodeIdInvalid The syntax of the node id is not valid.
118 \value Status.BadNodeIdUnknown The node id refers to a node that does not exist in the server address space.
119 \value Status.BadAttributeIdInvalid The attribute is not supported for the specified Node.
120 \value Status.BadIndexRangeInvalid The syntax of the index range parameter is invalid.
121 \value Status.BadIndexRangeNoData No data exists within the range of indexes specified.
122 \value Status.BadDataEncodingInvalid The data encoding is invalid.
123 \value Status.BadDataEncodingUnsupported The server does not support the requested data encoding for the node.
124 \value Status.BadNotReadable The access level does not allow reading or subscribing to the Node.
125 \value Status.BadNotWritable The access level does not allow writing to the Node.
126 \value Status.BadOutOfRange The value was out of range.
127 \value Status.BadNotSupported The requested operation is not supported.
128 \value Status.BadNotFound A requested item was not found or a search operation ended without success.
129 \value Status.BadObjectDeleted The object cannot be used because it has been deleted.
130 \value Status.BadNotImplemented Requested operation is not implemented.
131 \value Status.BadMonitoringModeInvalid The monitoring mode is invalid.
132 \value Status.BadMonitoredItemIdInvalid The monitoring item id does not refer to a valid monitored item.
133 \value Status.BadMonitoredItemFilterInvalid The monitored item filter parameter is not valid.
134 \value Status.BadMonitoredItemFilterUnsupported The server does not support the requested monitored item filter.
135 \value Status.BadFilterNotAllowed A monitoring filter cannot be used in combination with the attribute specified.
136 \value Status.BadStructureMissing A mandatory structured parameter was missing or null.
137 \value Status.BadEventFilterInvalid The event filter is not valid.
138 \value Status.BadContentFilterInvalid The content filter is not valid.
139 \value Status.BadFilterOperatorInvalid An unrecognized operator was provided in a filter.
140 \value Status.BadFilterOperatorUnsupported A valid operator was provided, but the server does not provide support for this filter operator.
141 \value Status.BadFilterOperandCountMismatch The number of operands provided for the filter operator was less then expected for the operand provided.
142 \value Status.BadFilterOperandInvalid The operand used in a content filter is not valid.
143 \value Status.BadFilterElementInvalid The referenced element is not a valid element in the content filter.
144 \value Status.BadFilterLiteralInvalid The referenced literal is not a valid value.
145 \value Status.BadContinuationPointInvalid The continuation point provide is longer valid.
146 \value Status.BadNoContinuationPoints The operation could not be processed because all continuation points have been allocated.
147 \value Status.BadReferenceTypeIdInvalid The reference type id does not refer to a valid reference type node.
148 \value Status.BadBrowseDirectionInvalid The browse direction is not valid.
149 \value Status.BadNodeNotInView The node is not part of the view.
150 \value Status.BadNumericOverflow The number was not accepted because of a numeric overflow.
151 \value Status.BadServerUriInvalid The ServerUri is not a valid URI.
152 \value Status.BadServerNameMissing No ServerName was specified.
153 \value Status.BadDiscoveryUrlMissing No DiscoveryUrl was specified.
154 \value Status.BadSempahoreFileMissing The semaphore file specified by the client is not valid.
155 \value Status.BadRequestTypeInvalid The security token request type is not valid.
156 \value Status.BadSecurityModeRejected The security mode does not meet the requirements set by the server.
157 \value Status.BadSecurityPolicyRejected The security policy does not meet the requirements set by the server.
158 \value Status.BadTooManySessions The server has reached its maximum number of sessions.
159 \value Status.BadUserSignatureInvalid The user token signature is missing or invalid.
160 \value Status.BadApplicationSignatureInvalid The signature generated with the client certificate is missing or invalid.
161 \value Status.BadNoValidCertificates The client did not provide at least one software certificate that is valid and meets the profile requirements for the server.
162 \value Status.BadIdentityChangeNotSupported The server does not support changing the user identity assigned to the session.
163 \value Status.BadRequestCancelledByRequest The request was cancelled by the client with the Cancel service.
164 \value Status.BadParentNodeIdInvalid The parent node id does not to refer to a valid node.
165 \value Status.BadReferenceNotAllowed The reference could not be created because it violates constraints imposed by the data model.
166 \value Status.BadNodeIdRejected The requested node id was reject because it was either invalid or server does not allow node ids to be specified by the client.
167 \value Status.BadNodeIdExists The requested node id is already used by another node.
168 \value Status.BadNodeClassInvalid The node class is not valid.
169 \value Status.BadBrowseNameInvalid The browse name is invalid.
170 \value Status.BadBrowseNameDuplicated The browse name is not unique among nodes that share the same relationship with the parent.
171 \value Status.BadNodeAttributesInvalid The node attributes are not valid for the node class.
172 \value Status.BadTypeDefinitionInvalid The type definition node id does not reference an appropriate type node.
173 \value Status.BadSourceNodeIdInvalid The source node id does not reference a valid node.
174 \value Status.BadTargetNodeIdInvalid The target node id does not reference a valid node.
175 \value Status.BadDuplicateReferenceNotAllowed The reference type between the nodes is already defined.
176 \value Status.BadInvalidSelfReference The server does not allow this type of self reference on this node.
177 \value Status.BadReferenceLocalOnly The reference type is not valid for a reference to a remote server.
178 \value Status.BadNoDeleteRights The server will not allow the node to be deleted.
179 \value Status.UncertainReferenceNotDeleted The server was not able to delete all target references.
180 \value Status.BadServerIndexInvalid The server index is not valid.
181 \value Status.BadViewIdUnknown The view id does not refer to a valid view node.
182 \value Status.BadViewTimestampInvalid The view timestamp is not available or not supported.
183 \value Status.BadViewParameterMismatch The view parameters are not consistent with each other.
184 \value Status.BadViewVersionInvalid The view version is not available or not supported.
185 \value Status.UncertainNotAllNodesAvailable The list of references may not be complete because the underlying system is not available.
186 \value Status.GoodResultsMayBeIncomplete The server should have followed a reference to a node in a remote server but did not. The result set may be incomplete.
187 \value Status.BadNotTypeDefinition The provided Nodeid was not a type definition nodeid.
188 \value Status.UncertainReferenceOutOfServer One of the references to follow in the relative path references to a node in the address space in another server.
189 \value Status.BadTooManyMatches The requested operation has too many matches to return.
190 \value Status.BadQueryTooComplex The requested operation requires too many resources in the server.
191 \value Status.BadNoMatch The requested operation has no match to return.
192 \value Status.BadMaxAgeInvalid The max age parameter is invalid.
193 \value Status.BadSecurityModeInsufficient The operation is not permitted over the current secure channel.
194 \value Status.BadHistoryOperationInvalid The history details parameter is not valid.
195 \value Status.BadHistoryOperationUnsupported The server does not support the requested operation.
196 \value Status.BadInvalidTimestampArgument The defined timestamp to return was invalid.
197 \value Status.BadWriteNotSupported The server does not support writing the combination of value, status and timestamps provided.
198 \value Status.BadTypeMismatch The value supplied for the attribute is not of the same type as the attribute's value.
199 \value Status.BadMethodInvalid The method id does not refer to a method for the specified object.
200 \value Status.BadArgumentsMissing The client did not specify all of the input arguments for the method.
201 \value Status.BadNotExecutable The executable attribute does not allow the execution of the method.
202 \value Status.BadTooManySubscriptions The server has reached its maximum number of subscriptions.
203 \value Status.BadTooManyPublishRequests The server has reached the maximum number of queued publish requests.
204 \value Status.BadNoSubscription There is no subscription available for this session.
205 \value Status.BadSequenceNumberUnknown The sequence number is unknown to the server.
206 \value Status.GoodRetransmissionQueueNotSupported The Server does not support retransmission queue and acknowledgement of sequence numbers is not available.
207 \value Status.BadMessageNotAvailable The requested notification message is no longer available.
208 \value Status.BadInsufficientClientProfile The client of the current session does not support one or more Profiles that are necessary for the subscription.
209 \value Status.BadStateNotActive The sub-state machine is not currently active.
210 \value Status.BadAlreadyExists An equivalent rule already exists.
211 \value Status.BadTcpServerTooBusy The server cannot process the request because it is too busy.
212 \value Status.BadTcpMessageTypeInvalid The type of the message specified in the header invalid.
213 \value Status.BadTcpSecureChannelUnknown The SecureChannelId and/or TokenId are not currently in use.
214 \value Status.BadTcpMessageTooLarge The size of the message chunk specified in the header is too large.
215 \value Status.BadTcpNotEnoughResources There are not enough resources to process the request.
216 \value Status.BadTcpInternalError An internal error occurred.
217 \value Status.BadTcpEndpointUrlInvalid The server does not recognize the QueryString specified.
218 \value Status.BadRequestInterrupted The request could not be sent because of a network interruption.
219 \value Status.BadRequestTimeout Timeout occurred while processing the request.
220 \value Status.BadSecureChannelClosed The secure channel has been closed.
221 \value Status.BadSecureChannelTokenUnknown The token has expired or is not recognized.
222 \value Status.BadSequenceNumberInvalid The sequence number is not valid.
223 \value Status.BadProtocolVersionUnsupported The applications do not have compatible protocol versions.
224 \value Status.BadConfigurationError There is a problem with the configuration that affects the usefulness of the value.
225 \value Status.BadNotConnected The variable should receive its value from another variable, but has never been configured to do so.
226 \value Status.BadDeviceFailure There has been a failure in the device/data source that generates the value that has affected the value.
227 \value Status.BadSensorFailure There has been a failure in the sensor from which the value is derived by the device/data source.
228 \value Status.BadOutOfService The source of the data is not operational.
229 \value Status.BadDeadbandFilterInvalid The deadband filter is not valid.
230 \value Status.UncertainNoCommunicationLastUsableValue Communication to the data source has failed. The variable value is the last value that had a good quality.
231 \value Status.UncertainLastUsableValue Whatever was updating this value has stopped doing so.
232 \value Status.UncertainSubstituteValue The value is an operational value that was manually overwritten.
233 \value Status.UncertainInitialValue The value is an initial value for a variable that normally receives its value from another variable.
234 \value Status.UncertainSensorNotAccurate The value is at one of the sensor limits.
235 \value Status.UncertainEngineeringUnitsExceeded The value is outside of the range of values defined for this parameter.
236 \value Status.UncertainSubNormal The value is derived from multiple sources and has less than the required number of Good sources.
237 \value Status.GoodLocalOverride The value has been overridden.
238 \value Status.BadRefreshInProgress This Condition refresh failed, a Condition refresh operation is already in progress.
239 \value Status.BadConditionAlreadyDisabled This condition has already been disabled.
240 \value Status.BadConditionAlreadyEnabled This condition has already been enabled.
241 \value Status.BadConditionDisabled Property not available, this condition is disabled.
242 \value Status.BadEventIdUnknown The specified event id is not recognized.
243 \value Status.BadEventNotAcknowledgeable The event cannot be acknowledged.
244 \value Status.BadDialogNotActive The dialog condition is not active.
245 \value Status.BadDialogResponseInvalid The response is not valid for the dialog.
246 \value Status.BadConditionBranchAlreadyAcked The condition branch has already been acknowledged.
247 \value Status.BadConditionBranchAlreadyConfirmed The condition branch has already been confirmed.
248 \value Status.BadConditionAlreadyShelved The condition has already been shelved.
249 \value Status.BadConditionNotShelved The condition is not currently shelved.
250 \value Status.BadShelvingTimeOutOfRange The shelving time not within an acceptable range.
251 \value Status.BadNoData No data exists for the requested time range or event filter.
252 \value Status.BadBoundNotFound No data found to provide upper or lower bound value.
253 \value Status.BadBoundNotSupported The server cannot retrieve a bound for the variable.
254 \value Status.BadDataLost Data is missing due to collection started/stopped/lost.
255 \value Status.BadDataUnavailable Expected data is unavailable for the requested time range due to an un-mounted volume, an off-line archive or tape, or similar reason for temporary unavailability.
256 \value Status.BadEntryExists The data or event was not successfully inserted because a matching entry exists.
257 \value Status.BadNoEntryExists The data or event was not successfully updated because no matching entry exists.
258 \value Status.BadTimestampNotSupported The client requested history using a timestamp format the server does not support (i.e requested ServerTimestamp when server only supports SourceTimestamp).
259 \value Status.GoodEntryInserted The data or event was successfully inserted into the historical database.
260 \value Status.GoodEntryReplaced The data or event field was successfully replaced in the historical database.
261 \value Status.UncertainDataSubNormal The value is derived from multiple values and has less than the required number of Good values.
262 \value Status.GoodNoData No data exists for the requested time range or event filter.
263 \value Status.GoodMoreData The data or event field was successfully replaced in the historical database.
264 \value Status.BadAggregateListMismatch The requested number of Aggregates does not match the requested number of NodeIds.
265 \value Status.BadAggregateNotSupported The requested Aggregate is not support by the server.
266 \value Status.BadAggregateInvalidInputs The aggregate value could not be derived due to invalid data inputs.
267 \value Status.BadAggregateConfigurationRejected The aggregate configuration is not valid for specified node.
268 \value Status.GoodDataIgnored The request specifies fields which are not valid for the EventType or cannot be saved by the historian.
269 \value Status.BadRequestNotAllowed The request was rejected by the server because it did not meet the criteria set by the server.
270 \value Status.BadRequestNotComplete The request has not been processed by the server yet.
271 \value Status.BadTicketRequired The device identity needs a ticket before it can be accepted.
272 \value Status.BadTicketInvalid The device identity needs a ticket before it can be accepted.
273 \value Status.GoodEdited The value does not come from the real source and has been edited by the server.
274 \value Status.GoodPostActionFailed There was an error in execution of these post-actions.
275 \value Status.UncertainDominantValueChanged The related EngineeringUnit has been changed but the Variable Value is still provided based on the previous unit.
276 \value Status.GoodDependentValueChanged A dependent value has been changed but the change has not been applied to the device.
277 \value Status.BadDominantValueChanged The related EngineeringUnit has been changed but this change has not been applied to the device. The Variable Value is still dependent on the previous unit but its status is currently Bad.
278 \value Status.UncertainDependentValueChanged A dependent value has been changed but the change has not been applied to the device. The quality of the dominant variable is uncertain.
279 \value Status.BadDependentValueChanged A dependent value has been changed but the change has not been applied to the device. The quality of the dominant variable is Bad.
280 \value Status.GoodEdited_DependentValueChanged It is delivered with a dominant Variable value when a dependent Variable has changed but the change has not been applied.
281 \value Status.GoodEdited_DominantValueChanged It is delivered with a dependent Variable value when a dominant Variable has changed but the change has not been applied.
282 \value Status.GoodEdited_DominantValueChanged_DependentValueChanged It is delivered with a dependent Variable value when a dominant or dependent Variable has changed but change has not been applied.
283 \value Status.BadEdited_OutOfRange It is delivered with a Variable value when Variable has changed but the value is not legal.
284 \value Status.BadInitialValue_OutOfRange It is delivered with a Variable value when a source Variable has changed but the value is not legal.
285 \value Status.BadOutOfRange_DominantValueChanged It is delivered with a dependent Variable value when a dominant Variable has changed and the value is not legal.
286 \value Status.BadEdited_OutOfRange_DominantValueChanged It is delivered with a dependent Variable value when a dominant Variable has changed, the value is not legal and the change has not been applied.
287 \value Status.BadOutOfRange_DominantValueChanged_DependentValueChanged It is delivered with a dependent Variable value when a dominant or dependent Variable has changed and the value is not legal.
288 \value Status.BadEdited_OutOfRange_DominantValueChanged_DependentValueChanged It is delivered with a dependent Variable value when a dominant or dependent Variable has changed, the value is not legal and the change has not been applied.
289 \value Status.GoodCommunicationEvent The communication layer has raised an event.
290 \value Status.GoodShutdownEvent The system is shutting down.
291 \value Status.GoodCallAgain The operation is not finished and needs to be called again.
292 \value Status.GoodNonCriticalTimeout A non-critical timeout occurred.
293 \value Status.BadInvalidArgument One or more arguments are invalid.
294 \value Status.BadConnectionRejected Could not establish a network connection to remote server.
295 \value Status.BadDisconnect The server has disconnected from the client.
296 \value Status.BadConnectionClosed The network connection has been closed.
297 \value Status.BadInvalidState The operation cannot be completed because the object is closed, uninitialized or in some other invalid state.
298 \value Status.BadEndOfStream Cannot move beyond end of the stream.
299 \value Status.BadNoDataAvailable No data is currently available for reading from a non-blocking stream.
300 \value Status.BadWaitingForResponse The asynchronous operation is waiting for a response.
301 \value Status.BadOperationAbandoned The asynchronous operation was abandoned by the caller.
302 \value Status.BadExpectedStreamToBlock The stream did not return all data requested (possibly because it is a non-blocking stream).
303 \value Status.BadWouldBlock Non blocking behaviour is required and the operation would block.
304 \value Status.BadSyntaxError A value had an invalid syntax.
305 \value Status.BadMaxConnectionsReached The operation could not be finished because all available connections are in use.
306 \value Status.UncertainTransducerInManual The value may not be accurate because the transducer is in manual mode.
307 \value Status.UncertainSimulatedValue The value is simulated.
308 \value Status.UncertainSensorCalibration The value may not be accurate due to a sensor calibration fault.
309 \value Status.UncertainConfigurationError The value may not be accurate due to a configuration issue.
310 \value Status.GoodCascadeInitializationAcknowledged The value source supports cascade handshaking and the value has been Initialized based on an initialization request from a cascade secondary.
311 \value Status.GoodCascadeInitializationRequest The value source supports cascade handshaking and is requesting initialization of a cascade primary.
312 \value Status.GoodCascadeNotInvited The value source supports cascade handshaking, however, the source’s current state does not allow for cascade.
313 \value Status.GoodCascadeNotSelected The value source supports cascade handshaking, however, the source has not selected the corresponding cascade primary for use.
314 \value Status.GoodFaultStateActive There is a fault state condition active in the value source.
315 \value Status.GoodInitiateFaultState A fault state condition is being requested of the destination.
316 \value Status.GoodCascade The value is accurate, and the signal source supports cascade handshaking.
317 \value Status.BadDataSetIdInvalid The DataSet specified for the DataSetWriter creation is invalid.
320OpcUaStatus::OpcUaStatus() = default;
322OpcUaStatus::OpcUaStatus(OpcUaStatus::Status status)
324 m_statusCode = static_cast<quint32>(status) << 16;
327OpcUaStatus::~OpcUaStatus() = default;
329bool OpcUaStatus::isBad() const
331 return m_statusCode & 0x80000000;
334bool OpcUaStatus::isGood() const
336 return !isBad();
339OpcUaStatus::OpcUaStatus(QOpcUa::UaStatusCode uaStatusCode)
341 m_statusCode = static_cast<quint32>(uaStatusCode);
344OpcUaStatus::Status OpcUaStatus::status() const
346 switch (static_cast<QOpcUa::UaStatusCode>(m_statusCode)) {
347 case QOpcUa::Good:
348 return Status::Good;
349 case QOpcUa::Uncertain:
350 return Status::Uncertain;
351 case QOpcUa::Bad:
352 return Status::Bad;
353 case QOpcUa::BadUnexpectedError:
354 return Status::BadUnexpectedError;
355 case QOpcUa::BadInternalError:
356 return Status::BadInternalError;
357 case QOpcUa::BadOutOfMemory:
358 return Status::BadOutOfMemory;
359 case QOpcUa::BadResourceUnavailable:
360 return Status::BadResourceUnavailable;
361 case QOpcUa::BadCommunicationError:
362 return Status::BadCommunicationError;
363 case QOpcUa::BadEncodingError:
364 return Status::BadEncodingError;
365 case QOpcUa::BadDecodingError:
366 return Status::BadDecodingError;
367 case QOpcUa::BadEncodingLimitsExceeded:
368 return Status::BadEncodingLimitsExceeded;
369 case QOpcUa::BadRequestTooLarge:
370 return Status::BadRequestTooLarge;
371 case QOpcUa::BadResponseTooLarge:
372 return Status::BadResponseTooLarge;
373 case QOpcUa::BadUnknownResponse:
374 return Status::BadUnknownResponse;
375 case QOpcUa::BadTimeout:
376 return Status::BadTimeout;
377 case QOpcUa::BadServiceUnsupported:
378 return Status::BadServiceUnsupported;
379 case QOpcUa::BadShutdown:
380 return Status::BadShutdown;
381 case QOpcUa::BadServerNotConnected:
382 return Status::BadServerNotConnected;
383 case QOpcUa::BadServerHalted:
384 return Status::BadServerHalted;
385 case QOpcUa::BadNothingToDo:
386 return Status::BadNothingToDo;
387 case QOpcUa::BadTooManyOperations:
388 return Status::BadTooManyOperations;
389 case QOpcUa::BadTooManyMonitoredItems:
390 return Status::BadTooManyMonitoredItems;
391 case QOpcUa::BadDataTypeIdUnknown:
392 return Status::BadDataTypeIdUnknown;
393 case QOpcUa::BadCertificateInvalid:
394 return Status::BadCertificateInvalid;
395 case QOpcUa::BadSecurityChecksFailed:
396 return Status::BadSecurityChecksFailed;
397 case QOpcUa::BadCertificatePolicyCheckFailed:
398 return Status::BadCertificatePolicyCheckFailed;
399 case QOpcUa::BadCertificateTimeInvalid:
400 return Status::BadCertificateTimeInvalid;
401 case QOpcUa::BadCertificateIssuerTimeInvalid:
402 return Status::BadCertificateIssuerTimeInvalid;
403 case QOpcUa::BadCertificateHostNameInvalid:
404 return Status::BadCertificateHostNameInvalid;
405 case QOpcUa::BadCertificateUriInvalid:
406 return Status::BadCertificateUriInvalid;
407 case QOpcUa::BadCertificateUseNotAllowed:
408 return Status::BadCertificateUseNotAllowed;
409 case QOpcUa::BadCertificateIssuerUseNotAllowed:
410 return Status::BadCertificateIssuerUseNotAllowed;
411 case QOpcUa::BadCertificateUntrusted:
412 return Status::BadCertificateUntrusted;
413 case QOpcUa::BadCertificateRevocationUnknown:
414 return Status::BadCertificateRevocationUnknown;
415 case QOpcUa::BadCertificateIssuerRevocationUnknown:
416 return Status::BadCertificateIssuerRevocationUnknown;
417 case QOpcUa::BadCertificateRevoked:
418 return Status::BadCertificateRevoked;
419 case QOpcUa::BadCertificateIssuerRevoked:
420 return Status::BadCertificateIssuerRevoked;
421 case QOpcUa::BadCertificateChainIncomplete:
422 return Status::BadCertificateChainIncomplete;
423 case QOpcUa::BadUserAccessDenied:
424 return Status::BadUserAccessDenied;
425 case QOpcUa::BadIdentityTokenInvalid:
426 return Status::BadIdentityTokenInvalid;
427 case QOpcUa::BadIdentityTokenRejected:
428 return Status::BadIdentityTokenRejected;
429 case QOpcUa::BadSecureChannelIdInvalid:
430 return Status::BadSecureChannelIdInvalid;
431 case QOpcUa::BadInvalidTimestamp:
432 return Status::BadInvalidTimestamp;
433 case QOpcUa::BadNonceInvalid:
434 return Status::BadNonceInvalid;
435 case QOpcUa::BadSessionIdInvalid:
436 return Status::BadSessionIdInvalid;
437 case QOpcUa::BadSessionClosed:
438 return Status::BadSessionClosed;
439 case QOpcUa::BadSessionNotActivated:
440 return Status::BadSessionNotActivated;
441 case QOpcUa::BadSubscriptionIdInvalid:
442 return Status::BadSubscriptionIdInvalid;
443 case QOpcUa::BadRequestHeaderInvalid:
444 return Status::BadRequestHeaderInvalid;
445 case QOpcUa::BadTimestampsToReturnInvalid:
446 return Status::BadTimestampsToReturnInvalid;
447 case QOpcUa::BadRequestCancelledByClient:
448 return Status::BadRequestCancelledByClient;
449 case QOpcUa::BadTooManyArguments:
450 return Status::BadTooManyArguments;
451 case QOpcUa::BadLicenseExpired:
452 return Status::BadLicenseExpired;
453 case QOpcUa::BadLicenseLimitsExceeded:
454 return Status::BadLicenseLimitsExceeded;
455 case QOpcUa::BadLicenseNotAvailable:
456 return Status::BadLicenseNotAvailable;
457 case QOpcUa::GoodSubscriptionTransferred:
458 return Status::GoodSubscriptionTransferred;
459 case QOpcUa::GoodCompletesAsynchronously:
460 return Status::GoodCompletesAsynchronously;
461 case QOpcUa::GoodOverload:
462 return Status::GoodOverload;
463 case QOpcUa::GoodClamped:
464 return Status::GoodClamped;
465 case QOpcUa::BadNoCommunication:
466 return Status::BadNoCommunication;
467 case QOpcUa::BadWaitingForInitialData:
468 return Status::BadWaitingForInitialData;
469 case QOpcUa::BadNodeIdInvalid:
470 return Status::BadNodeIdInvalid;
471 case QOpcUa::BadNodeIdUnknown:
472 return Status::BadNodeIdUnknown;
473 case QOpcUa::BadAttributeIdInvalid:
474 return Status::BadAttributeIdInvalid;
475 case QOpcUa::BadIndexRangeInvalid:
476 return Status::BadIndexRangeInvalid;
477 case QOpcUa::BadIndexRangeNoData:
478 return Status::BadIndexRangeNoData;
479 case QOpcUa::BadDataEncodingInvalid:
480 return Status::BadDataEncodingInvalid;
481 case QOpcUa::BadDataEncodingUnsupported:
482 return Status::BadDataEncodingUnsupported;
483 case QOpcUa::BadNotReadable:
484 return Status::BadNotReadable;
485 case QOpcUa::BadNotWritable:
486 return Status::BadNotWritable;
487 case QOpcUa::BadOutOfRange:
488 return Status::BadOutOfRange;
489 case QOpcUa::BadNotSupported:
490 return Status::BadNotSupported;
491 case QOpcUa::BadNotFound:
492 return Status::BadNotFound;
493 case QOpcUa::BadObjectDeleted:
494 return Status::BadObjectDeleted;
495 case QOpcUa::BadNotImplemented:
496 return Status::BadNotImplemented;
497 case QOpcUa::BadMonitoringModeInvalid:
498 return Status::BadMonitoringModeInvalid;
499 case QOpcUa::BadMonitoredItemIdInvalid:
500 return Status::BadMonitoredItemIdInvalid;
501 case QOpcUa::BadMonitoredItemFilterInvalid:
502 return Status::BadMonitoredItemFilterInvalid;
503 case QOpcUa::BadMonitoredItemFilterUnsupported:
504 return Status::BadMonitoredItemFilterUnsupported;
505 case QOpcUa::BadFilterNotAllowed:
506 return Status::BadFilterNotAllowed;
507 case QOpcUa::BadStructureMissing:
508 return Status::BadStructureMissing;
509 case QOpcUa::BadEventFilterInvalid:
510 return Status::BadEventFilterInvalid;
511 case QOpcUa::BadContentFilterInvalid:
512 return Status::BadContentFilterInvalid;
513 case QOpcUa::BadFilterOperatorInvalid:
514 return Status::BadFilterOperatorInvalid;
515 case QOpcUa::BadFilterOperatorUnsupported:
516 return Status::BadFilterOperatorUnsupported;
517 case QOpcUa::BadFilterOperandCountMismatch:
518 return Status::BadFilterOperandCountMismatch;
519 case QOpcUa::BadFilterOperandInvalid:
520 return Status::BadFilterOperandInvalid;
521 case QOpcUa::BadFilterElementInvalid:
522 return Status::BadFilterElementInvalid;
523 case QOpcUa::BadFilterLiteralInvalid:
524 return Status::BadFilterLiteralInvalid;
525 case QOpcUa::BadContinuationPointInvalid:
526 return Status::BadContinuationPointInvalid;
527 case QOpcUa::BadNoContinuationPoints:
528 return Status::BadNoContinuationPoints;
529 case QOpcUa::BadReferenceTypeIdInvalid:
530 return Status::BadReferenceTypeIdInvalid;
531 case QOpcUa::BadBrowseDirectionInvalid:
532 return Status::BadBrowseDirectionInvalid;
533 case QOpcUa::BadNodeNotInView:
534 return Status::BadNodeNotInView;
535 case QOpcUa::BadNumericOverflow:
536 return Status::BadNumericOverflow;
537 case QOpcUa::BadServerUriInvalid:
538 return Status::BadServerUriInvalid;
539 case QOpcUa::BadServerNameMissing:
540 return Status::BadServerNameMissing;
541 case QOpcUa::BadDiscoveryUrlMissing:
542 return Status::BadDiscoveryUrlMissing;
543 case QOpcUa::BadSempahoreFileMissing:
544 return Status::BadSempahoreFileMissing;
545 case QOpcUa::BadRequestTypeInvalid:
546 return Status::BadRequestTypeInvalid;
547 case QOpcUa::BadSecurityModeRejected:
548 return Status::BadSecurityModeRejected;
549 case QOpcUa::BadSecurityPolicyRejected:
550 return Status::BadSecurityPolicyRejected;
551 case QOpcUa::BadTooManySessions:
552 return Status::BadTooManySessions;
553 case QOpcUa::BadUserSignatureInvalid:
554 return Status::BadUserSignatureInvalid;
555 case QOpcUa::BadApplicationSignatureInvalid:
556 return Status::BadApplicationSignatureInvalid;
557 case QOpcUa::BadNoValidCertificates:
558 return Status::BadNoValidCertificates;
559 case QOpcUa::BadIdentityChangeNotSupported:
560 return Status::BadIdentityChangeNotSupported;
561 case QOpcUa::BadRequestCancelledByRequest:
562 return Status::BadRequestCancelledByRequest;
563 case QOpcUa::BadParentNodeIdInvalid:
564 return Status::BadParentNodeIdInvalid;
565 case QOpcUa::BadReferenceNotAllowed:
566 return Status::BadReferenceNotAllowed;
567 case QOpcUa::BadNodeIdRejected:
568 return Status::BadNodeIdRejected;
569 case QOpcUa::BadNodeIdExists:
570 return Status::BadNodeIdExists;
571 case QOpcUa::BadNodeClassInvalid:
572 return Status::BadNodeClassInvalid;
573 case QOpcUa::BadBrowseNameInvalid:
574 return Status::BadBrowseNameInvalid;
575 case QOpcUa::BadBrowseNameDuplicated:
576 return Status::BadBrowseNameDuplicated;
577 case QOpcUa::BadNodeAttributesInvalid:
578 return Status::BadNodeAttributesInvalid;
579 case QOpcUa::BadTypeDefinitionInvalid:
580 return Status::BadTypeDefinitionInvalid;
581 case QOpcUa::BadSourceNodeIdInvalid:
582 return Status::BadSourceNodeIdInvalid;
583 case QOpcUa::BadTargetNodeIdInvalid:
584 return Status::BadTargetNodeIdInvalid;
585 case QOpcUa::BadDuplicateReferenceNotAllowed:
586 return Status::BadDuplicateReferenceNotAllowed;
587 case QOpcUa::BadInvalidSelfReference:
588 return Status::BadInvalidSelfReference;
589 case QOpcUa::BadReferenceLocalOnly:
590 return Status::BadReferenceLocalOnly;
591 case QOpcUa::BadNoDeleteRights:
592 return Status::BadNoDeleteRights;
593 case QOpcUa::UncertainReferenceNotDeleted:
594 return Status::UncertainReferenceNotDeleted;
595 case QOpcUa::BadServerIndexInvalid:
596 return Status::BadServerIndexInvalid;
597 case QOpcUa::BadViewIdUnknown:
598 return Status::BadViewIdUnknown;
599 case QOpcUa::BadViewTimestampInvalid:
600 return Status::BadViewTimestampInvalid;
601 case QOpcUa::BadViewParameterMismatch:
602 return Status::BadViewParameterMismatch;
603 case QOpcUa::BadViewVersionInvalid:
604 return Status::BadViewVersionInvalid;
605 case QOpcUa::UncertainNotAllNodesAvailable:
606 return Status::UncertainNotAllNodesAvailable;
607 case QOpcUa::GoodResultsMayBeIncomplete:
608 return Status::GoodResultsMayBeIncomplete;
609 case QOpcUa::BadNotTypeDefinition:
610 return Status::BadNotTypeDefinition;
611 case QOpcUa::UncertainReferenceOutOfServer:
612 return Status::UncertainReferenceOutOfServer;
613 case QOpcUa::BadTooManyMatches:
614 return Status::BadTooManyMatches;
615 case QOpcUa::BadQueryTooComplex:
616 return Status::BadQueryTooComplex;
617 case QOpcUa::BadNoMatch:
618 return Status::BadNoMatch;
619 case QOpcUa::BadMaxAgeInvalid:
620 return Status::BadMaxAgeInvalid;
621 case QOpcUa::BadSecurityModeInsufficient:
622 return Status::BadSecurityModeInsufficient;
623 case QOpcUa::BadHistoryOperationInvalid:
624 return Status::BadHistoryOperationInvalid;
625 case QOpcUa::BadHistoryOperationUnsupported:
626 return Status::BadHistoryOperationUnsupported;
627 case QOpcUa::BadInvalidTimestampArgument:
628 return Status::BadInvalidTimestampArgument;
629 case QOpcUa::BadWriteNotSupported:
630 return Status::BadWriteNotSupported;
631 case QOpcUa::BadTypeMismatch:
632 return Status::BadTypeMismatch;
633 case QOpcUa::BadMethodInvalid:
634 return Status::BadMethodInvalid;
635 case QOpcUa::BadArgumentsMissing:
636 return Status::BadArgumentsMissing;
637 case QOpcUa::BadNotExecutable:
638 return Status::BadNotExecutable;
639 case QOpcUa::BadTooManySubscriptions:
640 return Status::BadTooManySubscriptions;
641 case QOpcUa::BadTooManyPublishRequests:
642 return Status::BadTooManyPublishRequests;
643 case QOpcUa::BadNoSubscription:
644 return Status::BadNoSubscription;
645 case QOpcUa::BadSequenceNumberUnknown:
646 return Status::BadSequenceNumberUnknown;
647 case QOpcUa::GoodRetransmissionQueueNotSupported:
648 return Status::GoodRetransmissionQueueNotSupported;
649 case QOpcUa::BadMessageNotAvailable:
650 return Status::BadMessageNotAvailable;
651 case QOpcUa::BadInsufficientClientProfile:
652 return Status::BadInsufficientClientProfile;
653 case QOpcUa::BadStateNotActive:
654 return Status::BadStateNotActive;
655 case QOpcUa::BadAlreadyExists:
656 return Status::BadAlreadyExists;
657 case QOpcUa::BadTcpServerTooBusy:
658 return Status::BadTcpServerTooBusy;
659 case QOpcUa::BadTcpMessageTypeInvalid:
660 return Status::BadTcpMessageTypeInvalid;
661 case QOpcUa::BadTcpSecureChannelUnknown:
662 return Status::BadTcpSecureChannelUnknown;
663 case QOpcUa::BadTcpMessageTooLarge:
664 return Status::BadTcpMessageTooLarge;
665 case QOpcUa::BadTcpNotEnoughResources:
666 return Status::BadTcpNotEnoughResources;
667 case QOpcUa::BadTcpInternalError:
668 return Status::BadTcpInternalError;
669 case QOpcUa::BadTcpEndpointUrlInvalid:
670 return Status::BadTcpEndpointUrlInvalid;
671 case QOpcUa::BadRequestInterrupted:
672 return Status::BadRequestInterrupted;
673 case QOpcUa::BadRequestTimeout:
674 return Status::BadRequestTimeout;
675 case QOpcUa::BadSecureChannelClosed:
676 return Status::BadSecureChannelClosed;
677 case QOpcUa::BadSecureChannelTokenUnknown:
678 return Status::BadSecureChannelTokenUnknown;
679 case QOpcUa::BadSequenceNumberInvalid:
680 return Status::BadSequenceNumberInvalid;
681 case QOpcUa::BadProtocolVersionUnsupported:
682 return Status::BadProtocolVersionUnsupported;
683 case QOpcUa::BadConfigurationError:
684 return Status::BadConfigurationError;
685 case QOpcUa::BadNotConnected:
686 return Status::BadNotConnected;
687 case QOpcUa::BadDeviceFailure:
688 return Status::BadDeviceFailure;
689 case QOpcUa::BadSensorFailure:
690 return Status::BadSensorFailure;
691 case QOpcUa::BadOutOfService:
692 return Status::BadOutOfService;
693 case QOpcUa::BadDeadbandFilterInvalid:
694 return Status::BadDeadbandFilterInvalid;
695 case QOpcUa::UncertainNoCommunicationLastUsableValue:
696 return Status::UncertainNoCommunicationLastUsableValue;
697 case QOpcUa::UncertainLastUsableValue:
698 return Status::UncertainLastUsableValue;
699 case QOpcUa::UncertainSubstituteValue:
700 return Status::UncertainSubstituteValue;
701 case QOpcUa::UncertainInitialValue:
702 return Status::UncertainInitialValue;
703 case QOpcUa::UncertainSensorNotAccurate:
704 return Status::UncertainSensorNotAccurate;
705 case QOpcUa::UncertainEngineeringUnitsExceeded:
706 return Status::UncertainEngineeringUnitsExceeded;
707 case QOpcUa::UncertainSubNormal:
708 return Status::UncertainSubNormal;
709 case QOpcUa::GoodLocalOverride:
710 return Status::GoodLocalOverride;
711 case QOpcUa::BadRefreshInProgress:
712 return Status::BadRefreshInProgress;
713 case QOpcUa::BadConditionAlreadyDisabled:
714 return Status::BadConditionAlreadyDisabled;
715 case QOpcUa::BadConditionAlreadyEnabled:
716 return Status::BadConditionAlreadyEnabled;
717 case QOpcUa::BadConditionDisabled:
718 return Status::BadConditionDisabled;
719 case QOpcUa::BadEventIdUnknown:
720 return Status::BadEventIdUnknown;
721 case QOpcUa::BadEventNotAcknowledgeable:
722 return Status::BadEventNotAcknowledgeable;
723 case QOpcUa::BadDialogNotActive:
724 return Status::BadDialogNotActive;
725 case QOpcUa::BadDialogResponseInvalid:
726 return Status::BadDialogResponseInvalid;
727 case QOpcUa::BadConditionBranchAlreadyAcked:
728 return Status::BadConditionBranchAlreadyAcked;
729 case QOpcUa::BadConditionBranchAlreadyConfirmed:
730 return Status::BadConditionBranchAlreadyConfirmed;
731 case QOpcUa::BadConditionAlreadyShelved:
732 return Status::BadConditionAlreadyShelved;
733 case QOpcUa::BadConditionNotShelved:
734 return Status::BadConditionNotShelved;
735 case QOpcUa::BadShelvingTimeOutOfRange:
736 return Status::BadShelvingTimeOutOfRange;
737 case QOpcUa::BadNoData:
738 return Status::BadNoData;
739 case QOpcUa::BadBoundNotFound:
740 return Status::BadBoundNotFound;
741 case QOpcUa::BadBoundNotSupported:
742 return Status::BadBoundNotSupported;
743 case QOpcUa::BadDataLost:
744 return Status::BadDataLost;
745 case QOpcUa::BadDataUnavailable:
746 return Status::BadDataUnavailable;
747 case QOpcUa::BadEntryExists:
748 return Status::BadEntryExists;
749 case QOpcUa::BadNoEntryExists:
750 return Status::BadNoEntryExists;
751 case QOpcUa::BadTimestampNotSupported:
752 return Status::BadTimestampNotSupported;
753 case QOpcUa::GoodEntryInserted:
754 return Status::GoodEntryInserted;
755 case QOpcUa::GoodEntryReplaced:
756 return Status::GoodEntryReplaced;
757 case QOpcUa::UncertainDataSubNormal:
758 return Status::UncertainDataSubNormal;
759 case QOpcUa::GoodNoData:
760 return Status::GoodNoData;
761 case QOpcUa::GoodMoreData:
762 return Status::GoodMoreData;
763 case QOpcUa::BadAggregateListMismatch:
764 return Status::BadAggregateListMismatch;
765 case QOpcUa::BadAggregateNotSupported:
766 return Status::BadAggregateNotSupported;
767 case QOpcUa::BadAggregateInvalidInputs:
768 return Status::BadAggregateInvalidInputs;
769 case QOpcUa::BadAggregateConfigurationRejected:
770 return Status::BadAggregateConfigurationRejected;
771 case QOpcUa::GoodDataIgnored:
772 return Status::GoodDataIgnored;
773 case QOpcUa::BadRequestNotAllowed:
774 return Status::BadRequestNotAllowed;
775 case QOpcUa::BadRequestNotComplete:
776 return Status::BadRequestNotComplete;
777 case QOpcUa::BadTicketRequired:
778 return Status::BadTicketRequired;
779 case QOpcUa::BadTicketInvalid:
780 return Status::BadTicketInvalid;
781 case QOpcUa::GoodEdited:
782 return Status::GoodEdited;
783 case QOpcUa::GoodPostActionFailed:
784 return Status::GoodPostActionFailed;
785 case QOpcUa::UncertainDominantValueChanged:
786 return Status::UncertainDominantValueChanged;
787 case QOpcUa::GoodDependentValueChanged:
788 return Status::GoodDependentValueChanged;
789 case QOpcUa::BadDominantValueChanged:
790 return Status::BadDominantValueChanged;
791 case QOpcUa::UncertainDependentValueChanged:
792 return Status::UncertainDependentValueChanged;
793 case QOpcUa::BadDependentValueChanged:
794 return Status::BadDependentValueChanged;
795 case QOpcUa::GoodEdited_DependentValueChanged:
796 return Status::GoodEdited_DependentValueChanged;
797 case QOpcUa::GoodEdited_DominantValueChanged:
798 return Status::GoodEdited_DominantValueChanged;
799 case QOpcUa::GoodEdited_DominantValueChanged_DependentValueChanged:
800 return Status::GoodEdited_DominantValueChanged_DependentValueChanged;
801 case QOpcUa::BadEdited_OutOfRange:
802 return Status::BadEdited_OutOfRange;
803 case QOpcUa::BadInitialValue_OutOfRange:
804 return Status::BadInitialValue_OutOfRange;
805 case QOpcUa::BadOutOfRange_DominantValueChanged:
806 return Status::BadOutOfRange_DominantValueChanged;
807 case QOpcUa::BadEdited_OutOfRange_DominantValueChanged:
808 return Status::BadEdited_OutOfRange_DominantValueChanged;
809 case QOpcUa::BadOutOfRange_DominantValueChanged_DependentValueChanged:
810 return Status::BadOutOfRange_DominantValueChanged_DependentValueChanged;
811 case QOpcUa::BadEdited_OutOfRange_DominantValueChanged_DependentValueChanged:
812 return Status::BadEdited_OutOfRange_DominantValueChanged_DependentValueChanged;
813 case QOpcUa::GoodCommunicationEvent:
814 return Status::GoodCommunicationEvent;
815 case QOpcUa::GoodShutdownEvent:
816 return Status::GoodShutdownEvent;
817 case QOpcUa::GoodCallAgain:
818 return Status::GoodCallAgain;
819 case QOpcUa::GoodNonCriticalTimeout:
820 return Status::GoodNonCriticalTimeout;
821 case QOpcUa::BadInvalidArgument:
822 return Status::BadInvalidArgument;
823 case QOpcUa::BadConnectionRejected:
824 return Status::BadConnectionRejected;
825 case QOpcUa::BadDisconnect:
826 return Status::BadDisconnect;
827 case QOpcUa::BadConnectionClosed:
828 return Status::BadConnectionClosed;
829 case QOpcUa::BadInvalidState:
830 return Status::BadInvalidState;
831 case QOpcUa::BadEndOfStream:
832 return Status::BadEndOfStream;
833 case QOpcUa::BadNoDataAvailable:
834 return Status::BadNoDataAvailable;
835 case QOpcUa::BadWaitingForResponse:
836 return Status::BadWaitingForResponse;
837 case QOpcUa::BadOperationAbandoned:
838 return Status::BadOperationAbandoned;
839 case QOpcUa::BadExpectedStreamToBlock:
840 return Status::BadExpectedStreamToBlock;
841 case QOpcUa::BadWouldBlock:
842 return Status::BadWouldBlock;
843 case QOpcUa::BadSyntaxError:
844 return Status::BadSyntaxError;
845 case QOpcUa::BadMaxConnectionsReached:
846 return Status::BadMaxConnectionsReached;
847 case QOpcUa::UncertainTransducerInManual:
848 return Status::UncertainTransducerInManual;
849 case QOpcUa::UncertainSimulatedValue:
850 return Status::UncertainSimulatedValue;
851 case QOpcUa::UncertainSensorCalibration:
852 return Status::UncertainSensorCalibration;
853 case QOpcUa::UncertainConfigurationError:
854 return Status::UncertainConfigurationError;
855 case QOpcUa::GoodCascadeInitializationAcknowledged:
856 return Status::GoodCascadeInitializationAcknowledged;
857 case QOpcUa::GoodCascadeInitializationRequest:
858 return Status::GoodCascadeInitializationRequest;
859 case QOpcUa::GoodCascadeNotInvited:
860 return Status::GoodCascadeNotInvited;
861 case QOpcUa::GoodCascadeNotSelected:
862 return Status::GoodCascadeNotSelected;
863 case QOpcUa::GoodFaultStateActive:
864 return Status::GoodFaultStateActive;
865 case QOpcUa::GoodInitiateFaultState:
866 return Status::GoodInitiateFaultState;
867 case QOpcUa::GoodCascade:
868 return Status::GoodCascade;
869 case QOpcUa::BadDataSetIdInvalid:
870 return Status::BadDataSetIdInvalid;
871 }
872 return Status::BadUnexpectedError;

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source code of qtopcua/src/declarative_opcua/opcuastatus.cpp