1 | // Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. |
2 | // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only |
3 | |
4 | #include <QtVirtualKeyboard/private/qvirtualkeyboardinputcontext_p.h> |
5 | #include <QtVirtualKeyboard/private/platforminputcontext_p.h> |
6 | #include <QtVirtualKeyboard/private/settings_p.h> |
7 | #include <QtVirtualKeyboard/private/shifthandler_p.h> |
8 | #include <QtVirtualKeyboard/private/virtualkeyboarddebug_p.h> |
9 | #include <QtVirtualKeyboard/private/enterkeyaction_p.h> |
10 | #include <QtVirtualKeyboard/qvirtualkeyboardinputengine.h> |
11 | #include <QtVirtualKeyboard/qvirtualkeyboardobserver.h> |
12 | #include <QtVirtualKeyboard/private/enterkeyactionattachedtype_p.h> |
13 | #include <QtVirtualKeyboard/private/virtualkeyboardattachedtype_p.h> |
14 | #include <QtVirtualKeyboard/qvirtualkeyboarddictionarymanager.h> |
15 | |
16 | #include <QFile> |
17 | #include <QGuiApplication> |
18 | #include <QtQuick/qquickitem.h> |
19 | #include <QtQuick/qquickwindow.h> |
20 | #include <QtGui/qpa/qplatformintegration.h> |
21 | #include <QtGui/private/qguiapplication_p.h> |
22 | #include <QQmlEngine> |
23 | |
25 | |
26 | using namespace QtVirtualKeyboard; |
27 | |
28 | |
29 | bool QtVirtualKeyboard::forceEventsWithoutFocus() |
30 | { |
31 | static bool env = qEnvironmentVariableIsSet(varName: "QT_VIRTUALKEYBOARD_FORCE_EVENTS_WITHOUT_FOCUS"); |
32 | return env; |
33 | } |
34 | |
35 | QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate(QVirtualKeyboardInputContext *q_ptr) : |
36 | QObject(nullptr), |
37 | q_ptr(q_ptr), |
38 | platformInputContext(nullptr), |
39 | inputEngine(nullptr), |
40 | _shiftHandler(nullptr), |
41 | keyboardRect(), |
42 | previewRect(), |
43 | _previewVisible(false), |
44 | animating(false), |
45 | _focus(false), |
46 | cursorPosition(0), |
47 | anchorPosition(0), |
48 | forceAnchorPosition(-1), |
49 | _forceCursorPosition(-1), |
50 | inputMethodHints(Qt::ImhNone), |
51 | preeditText(), |
52 | preeditTextAttributes(), |
53 | surroundingText(), |
54 | selectedText(), |
55 | anchorRectangle(), |
56 | cursorRectangle(), |
57 | selectionControlVisible(false), |
58 | anchorRectIntersectsClipRect(false), |
59 | cursorRectIntersectsClipRect(false) |
61 | , activeNavigationKeys() |
62 | #endif |
63 | { |
64 | } |
65 | |
66 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::init() |
67 | { |
68 | Q_Q(QVirtualKeyboardInputContext); |
69 | QGuiApplicationPrivate *guiApplicationPrivate = QGuiApplicationPrivate::instance(); |
70 | QPlatformIntegration *platformIntegration = guiApplicationPrivate->platformIntegration(); |
71 | QPlatformInputContext *unknownPlatformInputContext = platformIntegration->inputContext(); |
72 | platformInputContext = qobject_cast<PlatformInputContext *>(object: unknownPlatformInputContext); |
73 | inputEngine = new QVirtualKeyboardInputEngine(q); |
74 | _shiftHandler = new ShiftHandler(q); |
75 | inputEngine->init(); |
76 | _shiftHandler->init(); |
77 | _shadow.setInputContext(q); |
78 | if (platformInputContext) { |
79 | platformInputContext->setInputContext(q); |
80 | QObject::connect(sender: platformInputContext, signal: &PlatformInputContext::focusObjectChanged, context: this, slot: &QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::onInputItemChanged); |
81 | QObject::connect(sender: platformInputContext, signal: &PlatformInputContext::focusObjectChanged, context: this, slot: &QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::inputItemChanged); |
82 | } |
83 | } |
84 | |
85 | QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::~QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate() |
86 | { |
87 | } |
88 | |
89 | bool QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::focus() const |
90 | { |
91 | return _focus; |
92 | } |
93 | |
94 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::setFocus(bool focus) |
95 | { |
96 | if (_focus != focus) { |
97 | VIRTUALKEYBOARD_DEBUG() << "QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::setFocus():"<< focus; |
98 | _focus = focus; |
99 | emit focusChanged(); |
100 | } |
101 | } |
102 | |
103 | QRectF QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::keyboardRectangle() const |
104 | { |
105 | return keyboardRect; |
106 | } |
107 | |
108 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::setKeyboardRectangle(QRectF rectangle) |
109 | { |
110 | if (keyboardRect != rectangle) { |
111 | keyboardRect = rectangle; |
112 | emit keyboardRectangleChanged(); |
113 | platformInputContext->emitKeyboardRectChanged(); |
114 | } |
115 | } |
116 | |
117 | QRectF QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::previewRectangle() const |
118 | { |
119 | return previewRect; |
120 | } |
121 | |
122 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::setPreviewRectangle(QRectF rectangle) |
123 | { |
124 | if (previewRect != rectangle) { |
125 | previewRect = rectangle; |
126 | emit previewRectangleChanged(); |
127 | } |
128 | } |
129 | |
130 | bool QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::previewVisible() const |
131 | { |
132 | return _previewVisible; |
133 | } |
134 | |
135 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::setPreviewVisible(bool visible) |
136 | { |
137 | if (_previewVisible != visible) { |
138 | _previewVisible = visible; |
139 | emit previewVisibleChanged(); |
140 | } |
141 | } |
142 | |
143 | QString QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::locale() const |
144 | { |
145 | return platformInputContext ? platformInputContext->locale().name() : QString(); |
146 | } |
147 | |
148 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::setLocale(const QString &locale) |
149 | { |
150 | VIRTUALKEYBOARD_DEBUG() << "QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::setLocale():"<< locale; |
151 | if (!platformInputContext) |
152 | return; |
153 | QLocale newLocale(locale); |
154 | if (newLocale != platformInputContext->locale()) { |
155 | platformInputContext->setLocale(newLocale); |
156 | platformInputContext->setInputDirection(newLocale.textDirection()); |
157 | emit localeChanged(); |
158 | } |
159 | } |
160 | |
161 | QObject *QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::inputItem() const |
162 | { |
163 | return platformInputContext ? platformInputContext->focusObject() : nullptr; |
164 | } |
165 | |
166 | ShiftHandler *QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::shiftHandler() const |
167 | { |
168 | return _shiftHandler; |
169 | } |
170 | |
171 | ShadowInputContext *QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::shadow() const |
172 | { |
173 | return const_cast<ShadowInputContext *>(&_shadow); |
174 | } |
175 | |
176 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::setKeyboardObserver(QVirtualKeyboardObserver *keyboardObserver) |
177 | { |
178 | if (!this->keyboardObserver.isNull()) |
179 | return; |
180 | |
181 | this->keyboardObserver = keyboardObserver; |
182 | } |
183 | |
184 | bool QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::fileExists(const QUrl &fileUrl) |
185 | { |
186 | QString fileName; |
187 | if (fileUrl.scheme() == QLatin1String("qrc")) { |
188 | fileName = QLatin1Char(':') + fileUrl.path(); |
189 | } else { |
190 | fileName = fileUrl.toLocalFile(); |
191 | } |
192 | return !fileName.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(fileName); |
193 | } |
194 | |
195 | bool QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::hasEnterKeyAction(QObject *item) const |
196 | { |
197 | return item != nullptr && qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<EnterKeyAction>(obj: item, create: false); |
198 | } |
199 | |
200 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::registerInputPanel(QObject *inputPanel) |
201 | { |
202 | VIRTUALKEYBOARD_DEBUG() << "QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::registerInputPanel():"<< inputPanel; |
203 | Q_ASSERT(!this->inputPanel); |
204 | this->inputPanel = inputPanel; |
205 | } |
206 | |
207 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::hideInputPanel() |
208 | { |
209 | platformInputContext->hideInputPanel(); |
210 | } |
211 | |
212 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::updateAvailableLocales(const QStringList &availableLocales) |
213 | { |
214 | Settings *settings = Settings::instance(); |
215 | if (settings) |
216 | settings->setAvailableLocales(availableLocales); |
217 | } |
218 | |
219 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::forceCursorPosition(int anchorPosition, int cursorPosition) |
220 | { |
221 | if (!_shadow.inputItem()) |
222 | return; |
223 | if (!platformInputContext->m_visible) |
224 | return; |
225 | if (testState(state: State::Reselect)) |
226 | return; |
227 | if (testState(state: State::SyncShadowInput)) |
228 | return; |
229 | |
230 | VIRTUALKEYBOARD_DEBUG() << "QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::forceCursorPosition():"<< cursorPosition << "anchorPosition:"<< anchorPosition; |
231 | if (!preeditText.isEmpty()) { |
232 | forceAnchorPosition = -1; |
233 | _forceCursorPosition = cursorPosition; |
234 | if (cursorPosition > this->cursorPosition) |
235 | _forceCursorPosition += preeditText.size(); |
236 | commit(); |
237 | } else { |
238 | forceAnchorPosition = anchorPosition; |
239 | _forceCursorPosition = cursorPosition; |
240 | Q_Q(QVirtualKeyboardInputContext); |
241 | q->setPreeditText(text: QString()); |
242 | if (!inputMethodHints.testFlag(flag: Qt::ImhNoPredictiveText) && |
243 | cursorPosition > 0 && selectedText.isEmpty()) { |
244 | QVirtualKeyboardScopedState reselectState(this, State::Reselect); |
245 | if (inputEngine->reselect(cursorPosition, reselectFlags: QVirtualKeyboardInputEngine::ReselectFlag::WordAtCursor)) |
246 | setState(State::InputMethodClick); |
247 | } |
248 | } |
249 | } |
250 | |
251 | /*! \internal |
252 | The context private becomes a containment mask for a dimmer opened by a |
253 | modal QQuickPopup. The dimmer eats events, and the virtual keyboard must |
254 | continue to work during modal sessions as well. This implementation lets |
255 | all pointer events within the area of the input panel through. |
256 | */ |
257 | bool QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::contains(const QPointF &point) const |
258 | { |
259 | bool hit = false; |
260 | if (dimmer) { |
261 | const auto scenePoint = dimmer->mapToScene(point); |
262 | if (keyboardRectangle().contains(p: scenePoint)) { |
263 | hit = true; |
264 | } else if (QQuickItem *vkbPanel = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(o: inputPanel)) { |
265 | const auto vkbPanelPoint = vkbPanel->mapFromScene(point: scenePoint); |
266 | if (vkbPanel->contains(point: vkbPanelPoint)) |
267 | hit = true; |
268 | } |
269 | } |
270 | // dimmer doesn't contain points that hit the input panel |
271 | return !hit; |
272 | } |
273 | |
274 | KeyboardFunctionKey QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::keyboardFunctionKey(QtVirtualKeyboard::KeyboardFunction keyboardFunction) const |
275 | { |
276 | switch (keyboardFunction) { |
277 | case KeyboardFunction::HideInputPanel: |
278 | return KeyboardFunctionKey::Hide; |
279 | case KeyboardFunction::ChangeLanguage: |
280 | return KeyboardFunctionKey::Language; |
281 | case KeyboardFunction::ToggleHandwritingMode: |
282 | return KeyboardFunctionKey::None; |
283 | } |
284 | return KeyboardFunctionKey::None; |
285 | } |
286 | |
287 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::onInputItemChanged() |
288 | { |
289 | QObject *item = inputItem(); |
290 | if (item) { |
291 | if (QQuickItem *vkbPanel = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(o: inputPanel)) { |
292 | if (QQuickItem *quickItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(o: item)) { |
293 | const QVariant isDesktopPanel = vkbPanel->property(name: "desktopPanel"); |
294 | if (isDesktopPanel.isValid() && !isDesktopPanel.toBool()) { |
295 | // Integrated keyboards used in a Qt Quick Controls UI must continue to |
296 | // work during a modal session, which is implemented using an overlay |
297 | // and dimmer item. So, make use of some QQC2 internals to find out if |
298 | // there is a dimmer, and if so, make ourselves the containment mask |
299 | // that can let pointer events through to the keyboard. |
300 | if (QQuickWindow *quickWindow = quickItem->window()) { |
301 | if (QQuickItem *overlay = quickWindow->property(name: "_q_QQuickOverlay").value<QQuickItem*>()) { |
302 | if (dimmer && dimmer->containmentMask() == this) { |
303 | dimmer->setContainmentMask(nullptr); |
304 | dimmer = nullptr; |
305 | } |
306 | if (overlay && overlay->isVisible()) { |
307 | dimmer = overlay->property(name: "_q_dimmerItem").value<QQuickItem*>(); |
308 | if (dimmer) |
309 | dimmer->setContainmentMask(this); |
310 | } |
311 | } |
312 | } |
313 | } |
314 | } |
315 | } |
316 | } else { |
317 | if (!activeKeys.isEmpty()) { |
318 | // After losing keyboard focus it is impossible to track pressed keys |
319 | activeKeys.clear(); |
320 | clearState(state: State::KeyEvent); |
321 | } |
322 | } |
323 | clearState(state: State::InputMethodClick); |
324 | |
325 | QStringList extraDictionaries; |
326 | if (item) { |
327 | VirtualKeyboardAttachedType *virtualKeyboardAttachedType = static_cast<VirtualKeyboardAttachedType *>(qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<VirtualKeyboard>(obj: item, create: false)); |
328 | if (virtualKeyboardAttachedType) |
329 | extraDictionaries = virtualKeyboardAttachedType->extraDictionaries(); |
330 | } |
331 | QVirtualKeyboardDictionaryManager::instance()->setExtraDictionaries(extraDictionaries); |
332 | } |
333 | |
334 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::sendPreedit(const QString &text, const QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> &attributes, int replaceFrom, int replaceLength) |
335 | { |
336 | VIRTUALKEYBOARD_DEBUG() << "QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::sendPreedit()" |
337 | #ifdef SENSITIVE_DEBUG |
338 | << text << replaceFrom << replaceLength |
339 | #endif |
340 | ; |
341 | |
342 | bool textChanged = preeditText != text; |
343 | bool attributesChanged = preeditTextAttributes != attributes; |
344 | |
345 | if (textChanged || attributesChanged) { |
346 | preeditText = text; |
347 | preeditTextAttributes = attributes; |
348 | |
349 | if (platformInputContext) { |
350 | QInputMethodEvent event(text, attributes); |
351 | const bool replace = replaceFrom != 0 || replaceLength > 0; |
352 | if (replace) |
353 | event.setCommitString(commitString: QString(), replaceFrom, replaceLength); |
354 | |
355 | sendInputMethodEvent(event: &event); |
356 | |
357 | // Send also to shadow input if only attributes changed. |
358 | // In this case the update() may not be called, so the shadow |
359 | // input may be out of sync. |
360 | if (_shadow.inputItem() && !replace && !text.isEmpty() && |
361 | !textChanged && attributesChanged) { |
362 | VIRTUALKEYBOARD_DEBUG() << "QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::sendPreedit(shadow)" |
363 | #ifdef SENSITIVE_DEBUG |
364 | << text << replaceFrom << replaceLength |
365 | #endif |
366 | ; |
367 | event.setAccepted(true); |
368 | QGuiApplication::sendEvent(receiver: _shadow.inputItem(), event: &event); |
369 | } |
370 | } |
371 | |
372 | if (textChanged) { |
373 | Q_Q(QVirtualKeyboardInputContext); |
374 | emit q->preeditTextChanged(); |
375 | } |
376 | } |
377 | |
378 | if (preeditText.isEmpty()) |
379 | preeditTextAttributes.clear(); |
380 | } |
381 | |
382 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::sendInputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *event) |
383 | { |
384 | QVirtualKeyboardScopedState inputMethodEventState(this, State::InputMethodEvent); |
385 | platformInputContext->sendEvent(event); |
386 | } |
387 | |
388 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::reset() |
389 | { |
390 | inputEngine->reset(); |
391 | } |
392 | |
393 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::commit() |
394 | { |
395 | inputEngine->update(); |
396 | } |
397 | |
398 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::update(Qt::InputMethodQueries queries) |
399 | { |
400 | Q_Q(QVirtualKeyboardInputContext); |
401 | |
402 | // No need to fetch input clip rectangle during animation |
403 | if (!(queries & ~Qt::ImInputItemClipRectangle) && animating) |
404 | return; |
405 | |
406 | // fetch |
407 | QInputMethodQueryEvent imQueryEvent(Qt::InputMethodQueries(Qt::ImHints | |
408 | Qt::ImQueryInput | Qt::ImInputItemClipRectangle)); |
409 | platformInputContext->sendEvent(event: &imQueryEvent); |
410 | Qt::InputMethodHints inputMethodHints = Qt::InputMethodHints(imQueryEvent.value(query: Qt::ImHints).toInt()); |
411 | inputMethodHints |= Settings::instance()->inputMethodHints(); |
412 | const int cursorPosition = imQueryEvent.value(query: Qt::ImCursorPosition).toInt(); |
413 | const int anchorPosition = imQueryEvent.value(query: Qt::ImAnchorPosition).toInt(); |
414 | QRectF anchorRectangle; |
415 | QRectF cursorRectangle; |
416 | if (const QGuiApplication *app = qApp) { |
417 | anchorRectangle = app->inputMethod()->anchorRectangle(); |
418 | cursorRectangle = app->inputMethod()->cursorRectangle(); |
419 | } else { |
420 | anchorRectangle = this->anchorRectangle; |
421 | cursorRectangle = this->cursorRectangle; |
422 | } |
423 | QString surroundingText = imQueryEvent.value(query: Qt::ImSurroundingText).toString(); |
424 | QString selectedText = imQueryEvent.value(query: Qt::ImCurrentSelection).toString(); |
425 | |
426 | // check against changes |
427 | bool newInputMethodHints = inputMethodHints != this->inputMethodHints; |
428 | bool newSurroundingText = surroundingText != this->surroundingText; |
429 | bool newSelectedText = selectedText != this->selectedText; |
430 | bool newAnchorPosition = anchorPosition != this->anchorPosition; |
431 | bool newCursorPosition = cursorPosition != this->cursorPosition; |
432 | bool newAnchorRectangle = anchorRectangle != this->anchorRectangle; |
433 | bool newCursorRectangle = cursorRectangle != this->cursorRectangle; |
434 | bool selectionControlVisible = platformInputContext->evaluateInputPanelVisible() && (cursorPosition != anchorPosition) && !inputMethodHints.testFlag(flag: Qt::ImhNoTextHandles); |
435 | bool newSelectionControlVisible = selectionControlVisible != this->selectionControlVisible; |
436 | |
437 | QRectF inputItemClipRect = imQueryEvent.value(query: Qt::ImInputItemClipRectangle).toRectF(); |
438 | QRectF anchorRect = imQueryEvent.value(query: Qt::ImAnchorRectangle).toRectF(); |
439 | QRectF cursorRect = imQueryEvent.value(query: Qt::ImCursorRectangle).toRectF(); |
440 | |
441 | bool anchorRectIntersectsClipRect = inputItemClipRect.intersects(r: anchorRect); |
442 | bool newAnchorRectIntersectsClipRect = anchorRectIntersectsClipRect != this->anchorRectIntersectsClipRect; |
443 | |
444 | bool cursorRectIntersectsClipRect = inputItemClipRect.intersects(r: cursorRect); |
445 | bool newCursorRectIntersectsClipRect = cursorRectIntersectsClipRect != this->cursorRectIntersectsClipRect; |
446 | |
447 | // update |
448 | this->inputMethodHints = inputMethodHints; |
449 | this->surroundingText = surroundingText; |
450 | this->selectedText = selectedText; |
451 | this->anchorPosition = anchorPosition; |
452 | this->cursorPosition = cursorPosition; |
453 | this->anchorRectangle = anchorRectangle; |
454 | this->cursorRectangle = cursorRectangle; |
455 | this->selectionControlVisible = selectionControlVisible; |
456 | this->anchorRectIntersectsClipRect = anchorRectIntersectsClipRect; |
457 | this->cursorRectIntersectsClipRect = cursorRectIntersectsClipRect; |
458 | |
459 | // update input engine |
460 | if ((newSurroundingText || newCursorPosition) && |
461 | !testState(state: State::InputMethodEvent)) { |
462 | commit(); |
463 | } |
464 | if (newInputMethodHints) { |
465 | reset(); |
466 | } |
467 | |
468 | // notify |
469 | if (newInputMethodHints) { |
470 | emit q->inputMethodHintsChanged(); |
471 | } |
472 | if (newSurroundingText) { |
473 | emit q->surroundingTextChanged(); |
474 | } |
475 | if (newSelectedText) { |
476 | emit q->selectedTextChanged(); |
477 | } |
478 | if (newAnchorPosition) { |
479 | emit q->anchorPositionChanged(); |
480 | } |
481 | if (newCursorPosition) { |
482 | emit q->cursorPositionChanged(); |
483 | } |
484 | if (newAnchorRectangle) { |
485 | emit q->anchorRectangleChanged(); |
486 | } |
487 | if (newCursorRectangle) { |
488 | emit q->cursorRectangleChanged(); |
489 | } |
490 | if (newSelectionControlVisible) { |
491 | emit q->selectionControlVisibleChanged(); |
492 | } |
493 | if (newAnchorRectIntersectsClipRect) { |
494 | emit q->anchorRectIntersectsClipRectChanged(); |
495 | } |
496 | if (newCursorRectIntersectsClipRect) { |
497 | emit q->cursorRectIntersectsClipRectChanged(); |
498 | } |
499 | |
500 | // word reselection |
501 | if (newInputMethodHints || newSurroundingText || newSelectedText) |
502 | clearState(state: State::InputMethodClick); |
503 | if ((newSurroundingText || newCursorPosition) && !newSelectedText && isEmptyState() && |
504 | !inputMethodHints.testFlag(flag: Qt::ImhNoPredictiveText) && |
505 | cursorPosition > 0 && this->selectedText.isEmpty()) { |
506 | QVirtualKeyboardScopedState reselectState(this, State::Reselect); |
507 | if (inputEngine->reselect(cursorPosition, reselectFlags: QVirtualKeyboardInputEngine::ReselectFlag::WordAtCursor)) |
508 | setState(State::InputMethodClick); |
509 | } |
510 | |
511 | if (!testState(state: State::SyncShadowInput)) { |
512 | QVirtualKeyboardScopedState syncShadowInputState(this, State::SyncShadowInput); |
513 | _shadow.update(queries); |
514 | } |
515 | } |
516 | |
517 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::invokeAction(QInputMethod::Action action, int cursorPosition) |
518 | { |
519 | switch (action) { |
520 | case QInputMethod::Click: |
521 | if (isEmptyState()) { |
522 | if (inputEngine->clickPreeditText(cursorPosition)) |
523 | break; |
524 | |
525 | bool reselect = !inputMethodHints.testFlag(flag: Qt::ImhNoPredictiveText) && selectedText.isEmpty() && cursorPosition < preeditText.size(); |
526 | if (reselect) { |
527 | QVirtualKeyboardScopedState reselectState(this, State::Reselect); |
528 | _forceCursorPosition = this->cursorPosition + cursorPosition; |
529 | commit(); |
530 | inputEngine->reselect(cursorPosition: this->cursorPosition, reselectFlags: QVirtualKeyboardInputEngine::ReselectFlag::WordBeforeCursor); |
531 | } else if (!preeditText.isEmpty() && cursorPosition == preeditText.size()) { |
532 | commit(); |
533 | } |
534 | } |
535 | clearState(state: State::InputMethodClick); |
536 | break; |
537 | |
538 | case QInputMethod::ContextMenu: |
539 | break; |
540 | } |
541 | } |
542 | |
543 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::maybeCloseOnReturn() |
544 | { |
545 | if (!Settings::instance()->closeOnReturn()) |
546 | return; |
547 | |
548 | const int imHints = QInputMethod::queryFocusObject(query: Qt::ImHints, argument: QVariant()).toInt(); |
549 | if (imHints & Qt::ImhMultiLine) |
550 | return; |
551 | |
552 | const Qt::EnterKeyType keyType = static_cast<Qt::EnterKeyType>(QInputMethod::queryFocusObject(query: Qt::ImEnterKeyType, argument: QVariant()).toInt()); |
553 | switch (keyType) { |
554 | case Qt::EnterKeyDefault: |
555 | case Qt::EnterKeyDone: |
556 | case Qt::EnterKeyGo: |
557 | case Qt::EnterKeySend: |
558 | case Qt::EnterKeySearch: |
559 | break; |
560 | case Qt::EnterKeyReturn: |
561 | case Qt::EnterKeyNext: |
562 | case Qt::EnterKeyPrevious: |
563 | return; |
564 | } |
565 | |
566 | if (EnterKeyActionAttachedType *enterKeyActionAttachedType = static_cast<EnterKeyActionAttachedType *>(qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<EnterKeyAction>(obj: inputItem(), create: false))) { |
567 | const EnterKeyAction::Id enterKeyActionId = static_cast<EnterKeyAction::Id>(enterKeyActionAttachedType->actionId()); |
568 | switch (enterKeyActionId) { |
569 | case EnterKeyAction::None: |
570 | case EnterKeyAction::Done: |
571 | case EnterKeyAction::Go: |
572 | case EnterKeyAction::Search: |
573 | case EnterKeyAction::Send: |
574 | break; |
575 | case EnterKeyAction::Next: |
576 | return; |
577 | } |
578 | } |
579 | |
580 | hideInputPanel(); |
581 | } |
582 | |
583 | bool QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::filterEvent(const QEvent *event) |
584 | { |
585 | QEvent::Type type = event->type(); |
586 | if (type == QEvent::KeyPress || type == QEvent::KeyRelease) { |
587 | const QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<const QKeyEvent *>(event); |
588 | const int key = keyEvent->key(); |
589 | |
590 | // Keep track of pressed keys update key event state |
591 | if (type == QEvent::KeyPress) |
592 | activeKeys += keyEvent->nativeScanCode(); |
593 | else if (type == QEvent::KeyRelease) |
594 | activeKeys -= keyEvent->nativeScanCode(); |
595 | |
596 | if (activeKeys.isEmpty()) |
597 | clearState(state: State::KeyEvent); |
598 | else |
599 | setState(State::KeyEvent); |
600 | |
602 | if ((key >= Qt::Key_Left && key <= Qt::Key_Down) || key == Qt::Key_Return) { |
603 | if (type == QEvent::KeyPress && platformInputContext->isInputPanelVisible()) { |
604 | activeNavigationKeys += key; |
605 | emit navigationKeyPressed(key, keyEvent->isAutoRepeat()); |
606 | return true; |
607 | } else if (type == QEvent::KeyRelease && activeNavigationKeys.contains(key)) { |
608 | activeNavigationKeys -= key; |
609 | emit navigationKeyReleased(key, keyEvent->isAutoRepeat()); |
610 | return true; |
611 | } |
612 | } |
613 | #endif |
614 | |
615 | if (type == QEvent::KeyRelease && (key == Qt::Key_Return || key == Qt::Key_Enter)) { |
616 | maybeCloseOnReturn(); |
617 | } |
618 | |
619 | // Break composing text since the virtual keyboard does not support hard keyboard events |
620 | if (!preeditText.isEmpty()) { |
621 | if (type == QEvent::KeyPress && (key == Qt::Key_Delete || key == Qt::Key_Backspace)) { |
622 | reset(); |
623 | Q_Q(QVirtualKeyboardInputContext); |
624 | q->clear(); |
625 | return true; |
626 | } else { |
627 | commit(); |
628 | } |
629 | } |
630 | } |
632 | else if (type == QEvent::ShortcutOverride) { |
633 | const QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<const QKeyEvent *>(event); |
634 | int key = keyEvent->key(); |
635 | if ((key >= Qt::Key_Left && key <= Qt::Key_Down) || key == Qt::Key_Return) |
636 | return true; |
637 | } |
638 | #endif |
639 | |
640 | return false; |
641 | } |
642 | |
643 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::addSelectionAttribute(QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> &attributes) |
644 | { |
645 | if (!testAttribute(attributes, attributeType: QInputMethodEvent::Selection)) { |
646 | // Convert Cursor attribute to Selection attribute. |
647 | // In this case the cursor is set in pre-edit text, but |
648 | // the cursor is not being forced to specific location. |
649 | if (_forceCursorPosition == -1) { |
650 | int cursorAttributeIndex = findAttribute(attributes: preeditTextAttributes, attributeType: QInputMethodEvent::Cursor); |
651 | if (cursorAttributeIndex != -1 && preeditTextAttributes[cursorAttributeIndex].length > 0) |
652 | _forceCursorPosition = cursorPosition + preeditTextAttributes[cursorAttributeIndex].start; |
653 | forceAnchorPosition = -1; |
654 | } |
655 | |
656 | if (_forceCursorPosition != -1) { |
657 | if (forceAnchorPosition != -1) |
658 | attributes.append(t: QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(QInputMethodEvent::Selection, forceAnchorPosition, _forceCursorPosition - forceAnchorPosition, QVariant())); |
659 | else |
660 | attributes.append(t: QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(QInputMethodEvent::Selection, _forceCursorPosition, 0, QVariant())); |
661 | } |
662 | } |
663 | forceAnchorPosition = -1; |
664 | _forceCursorPosition = -1; |
665 | } |
666 | |
667 | bool QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::testAttribute(const QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> &attributes, QInputMethodEvent::AttributeType attributeType) const |
668 | { |
669 | for (const QInputMethodEvent::Attribute &attribute : std::as_const(t: attributes)) { |
670 | if (attribute.type == attributeType) |
671 | return true; |
672 | } |
673 | return false; |
674 | } |
675 | |
676 | int QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::findAttribute(const QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> &attributes, QInputMethodEvent::AttributeType attributeType) const |
677 | { |
678 | const int count = attributes.size(); |
679 | for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { |
680 | if (attributes.at(i).type == attributeType) |
681 | return i; |
682 | } |
683 | return -1; |
684 | } |
685 | |
686 | void QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate::updateSelectionControlVisible(bool inputPanelVisible) |
687 | { |
688 | Q_Q(QVirtualKeyboardInputContext); |
689 | bool newSelectionControlVisible = inputPanelVisible && (cursorPosition != anchorPosition) && !inputMethodHints.testFlag(flag: Qt::ImhNoTextHandles); |
690 | if (selectionControlVisible != newSelectionControlVisible) { |
691 | selectionControlVisible = newSelectionControlVisible; |
692 | emit q->selectionControlVisibleChanged(); |
693 | } |
694 | } |
695 | |
696 | QVirtualKeyboardInputContext *QVirtualKeyboardInputContextForeign::create( |
697 | QQmlEngine *qmlEngine, QJSEngine *) |
698 | { |
699 | static QMutex mutex; |
700 | static QHash<QQmlEngine *, QVirtualKeyboardInputContext *> instances; |
701 | QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); |
702 | QVirtualKeyboardInputContext *&instance = instances[qmlEngine]; |
703 | if (instance == nullptr) |
704 | instance = new QVirtualKeyboardInputContext(qmlEngine); |
705 | return instance; |
706 | } |
707 | |
709 |
- forceEventsWithoutFocus
- QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate
- init
- ~QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate
- focus
- setFocus
- keyboardRectangle
- setKeyboardRectangle
- previewRectangle
- setPreviewRectangle
- previewVisible
- setPreviewVisible
- locale
- setLocale
- inputItem
- shiftHandler
- shadow
- setKeyboardObserver
- fileExists
- hasEnterKeyAction
- registerInputPanel
- hideInputPanel
- updateAvailableLocales
- forceCursorPosition
- contains
- keyboardFunctionKey
- onInputItemChanged
- sendPreedit
- sendInputMethodEvent
- reset
- commit
- update
- invokeAction
- maybeCloseOnReturn
- filterEvent
- addSelectionAttribute
- testAttribute
- findAttribute
- updateSelectionControlVisible
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