2use crate::util::AnyValueId;
4/// Behavior of arguments when they are encountered while parsing
6/// # Examples
8/// ```rust
9/// # #[cfg(feature = "help")] {
10/// # use clap_builder as clap;
11/// # use clap::Command;
12/// # use clap::Arg;
13/// let cmd = Command::new("mycmd")
14/// .arg(
15/// Arg::new("special-help")
16/// .short('?')
17/// .action(clap::ArgAction::Help)
18/// );
20/// // Existing help still exists
21/// let err = cmd.clone().try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "-h"]).unwrap_err();
22/// assert_eq!(err.kind(), clap::error::ErrorKind::DisplayHelp);
24/// // New help available
25/// let err = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "-?"]).unwrap_err();
26/// assert_eq!(err.kind(), clap::error::ErrorKind::DisplayHelp);
27/// # }
28/// ```
29#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
31#[allow(missing_copy_implementations)] // In the future, we may accept `Box<dyn ...>`
32pub enum ArgAction {
33 /// When encountered, store the associated value(s) in [`ArgMatches`][crate::ArgMatches]
34 ///
35 /// **NOTE:** If the argument has previously been seen, it will result in a
36 /// [`ArgumentConflict`][crate::error::ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict] unless
37 /// [`Command::args_override_self(true)`][crate::Command::args_override_self] is set.
38 ///
39 /// # Examples
40 ///
41 /// ```rust
42 /// # use clap_builder as clap;
43 /// # use clap::Command;
44 /// # use clap::Arg;
45 /// let cmd = Command::new("mycmd")
46 /// .arg(
47 /// Arg::new("flag")
48 /// .long("flag")
49 /// .action(clap::ArgAction::Set)
50 /// );
51 ///
52 /// let matches = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "--flag", "value"]).unwrap();
53 /// assert!(matches.contains_id("flag"));
54 /// assert_eq!(
55 /// matches.get_many::<String>("flag").unwrap_or_default().map(|v| v.as_str()).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
56 /// vec!["value"]
57 /// );
58 /// ```
59 Set,
60 /// When encountered, store the associated value(s) in [`ArgMatches`][crate::ArgMatches]
61 ///
62 /// # Examples
63 ///
64 /// ```rust
65 /// # use clap_builder as clap;
66 /// # use clap::Command;
67 /// # use clap::Arg;
68 /// let cmd = Command::new("mycmd")
69 /// .arg(
70 /// Arg::new("flag")
71 /// .long("flag")
72 /// .action(clap::ArgAction::Append)
73 /// );
74 ///
75 /// let matches = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "--flag", "value1", "--flag", "value2"]).unwrap();
76 /// assert!(matches.contains_id("flag"));
77 /// assert_eq!(
78 /// matches.get_many::<String>("flag").unwrap_or_default().map(|v| v.as_str()).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
79 /// vec!["value1", "value2"]
80 /// );
81 /// ```
82 Append,
83 /// When encountered, act as if `"true"` was encountered on the command-line
84 ///
85 /// If no [`default_value`][super::Arg::default_value] is set, it will be `false`.
86 ///
87 /// No value is allowed. To optionally accept a value, see
88 /// [`Arg::default_missing_value`][super::Arg::default_missing_value]
89 ///
90 /// **NOTE:** If the argument has previously been seen, it will result in a
91 /// [`ArgumentConflict`][crate::error::ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict] unless
92 /// [`Command::args_override_self(true)`][crate::Command::args_override_self] is set.
93 ///
94 /// # Examples
95 ///
96 /// ```rust
97 /// # use clap_builder as clap;
98 /// # use clap::Command;
99 /// # use clap::Arg;
100 /// let cmd = Command::new("mycmd")
101 /// .arg(
102 /// Arg::new("flag")
103 /// .long("flag")
104 /// .action(clap::ArgAction::SetTrue)
105 /// );
106 ///
107 /// let matches = cmd.clone().try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "--flag"]).unwrap();
108 /// assert!(matches.contains_id("flag"));
109 /// assert_eq!(
110 /// matches.get_flag("flag"),
111 /// true
112 /// );
113 ///
114 /// let matches = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["mycmd"]).unwrap();
115 /// assert!(matches.contains_id("flag"));
116 /// assert_eq!(
117 /// matches.get_flag("flag"),
118 /// false
119 /// );
120 /// ```
121 ///
122 /// You can use [`TypedValueParser::map`][crate::builder::TypedValueParser::map] to have the
123 /// flag control an application-specific type:
124 /// ```rust
125 /// # use clap_builder as clap;
126 /// # use clap::Command;
127 /// # use clap::Arg;
128 /// # use clap::builder::TypedValueParser as _;
129 /// # use clap::builder::BoolishValueParser;
130 /// let cmd = Command::new("mycmd")
131 /// .arg(
132 /// Arg::new("flag")
133 /// .long("flag")
134 /// .action(clap::ArgAction::SetTrue)
135 /// .value_parser(
136 /// BoolishValueParser::new()
137 /// .map(|b| -> usize {
138 /// if b { 10 } else { 5 }
139 /// })
140 /// )
141 /// );
142 ///
143 /// let matches = cmd.clone().try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "--flag"]).unwrap();
144 /// assert!(matches.contains_id("flag"));
145 /// assert_eq!(
146 /// matches.get_one::<usize>("flag").copied(),
147 /// Some(10)
148 /// );
149 ///
150 /// let matches = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["mycmd"]).unwrap();
151 /// assert!(matches.contains_id("flag"));
152 /// assert_eq!(
153 /// matches.get_one::<usize>("flag").copied(),
154 /// Some(5)
155 /// );
156 /// ```
157 SetTrue,
158 /// When encountered, act as if `"false"` was encountered on the command-line
159 ///
160 /// If no [`default_value`][super::Arg::default_value] is set, it will be `true`.
161 ///
162 /// No value is allowed. To optionally accept a value, see
163 /// [`Arg::default_missing_value`][super::Arg::default_missing_value]
164 ///
165 /// **NOTE:** If the argument has previously been seen, it will result in a
166 /// [`ArgumentConflict`][crate::error::ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict] unless
167 /// [`Command::args_override_self(true)`][crate::Command::args_override_self] is set.
168 ///
169 /// # Examples
170 ///
171 /// ```rust
172 /// # use clap_builder as clap;
173 /// # use clap::Command;
174 /// # use clap::Arg;
175 /// let cmd = Command::new("mycmd")
176 /// .arg(
177 /// Arg::new("flag")
178 /// .long("flag")
179 /// .action(clap::ArgAction::SetFalse)
180 /// );
181 ///
182 /// let matches = cmd.clone().try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "--flag"]).unwrap();
183 /// assert!(matches.contains_id("flag"));
184 /// assert_eq!(
185 /// matches.get_flag("flag"),
186 /// false
187 /// );
188 ///
189 /// let matches = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["mycmd"]).unwrap();
190 /// assert!(matches.contains_id("flag"));
191 /// assert_eq!(
192 /// matches.get_flag("flag"),
193 /// true
194 /// );
195 /// ```
196 SetFalse,
197 /// When encountered, increment a `u8` counter
198 ///
199 /// If no [`default_value`][super::Arg::default_value] is set, it will be `0`.
200 ///
201 /// No value is allowed. To optionally accept a value, see
202 /// [`Arg::default_missing_value`][super::Arg::default_missing_value]
203 ///
204 /// # Examples
205 ///
206 /// ```rust
207 /// # use clap_builder as clap;
208 /// # use clap::Command;
209 /// # use clap::Arg;
210 /// let cmd = Command::new("mycmd")
211 /// .arg(
212 /// Arg::new("flag")
213 /// .long("flag")
214 /// .action(clap::ArgAction::Count)
215 /// );
216 ///
217 /// let matches = cmd.clone().try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "--flag", "--flag"]).unwrap();
218 /// assert!(matches.contains_id("flag"));
219 /// assert_eq!(
220 /// matches.get_count("flag"),
221 /// 2
222 /// );
223 ///
224 /// let matches = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["mycmd"]).unwrap();
225 /// assert!(matches.contains_id("flag"));
226 /// assert_eq!(
227 /// matches.get_count("flag"),
228 /// 0
229 /// );
230 /// ```
231 Count,
232 /// When encountered, display [`Command::print_help`][super::Command::print_help]
233 ///
234 /// Depending on the flag, [`Command::print_long_help`][super::Command::print_long_help] may be shown
235 ///
236 /// # Examples
237 ///
238 /// ```rust
239 /// # #[cfg(feature = "help")] {
240 /// # use clap_builder as clap;
241 /// # use clap::Command;
242 /// # use clap::Arg;
243 /// let cmd = Command::new("mycmd")
244 /// .arg(
245 /// Arg::new("special-help")
246 /// .short('?')
247 /// .action(clap::ArgAction::Help)
248 /// );
249 ///
250 /// // Existing help still exists
251 /// let err = cmd.clone().try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "-h"]).unwrap_err();
252 /// assert_eq!(err.kind(), clap::error::ErrorKind::DisplayHelp);
253 ///
254 /// // New help available
255 /// let err = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "-?"]).unwrap_err();
256 /// assert_eq!(err.kind(), clap::error::ErrorKind::DisplayHelp);
257 /// # }
258 /// ```
259 Help,
260 /// When encountered, display [`Command::print_help`][super::Command::print_help]
261 ///
262 /// # Examples
263 ///
264 /// ```rust
265 /// # #[cfg(feature = "help")] {
266 /// # use clap_builder as clap;
267 /// # use clap::Command;
268 /// # use clap::Arg;
269 /// let cmd = Command::new("mycmd")
270 /// .arg(
271 /// Arg::new("special-help")
272 /// .short('?')
273 /// .action(clap::ArgAction::HelpShort)
274 /// );
275 ///
276 /// // Existing help still exists
277 /// let err = cmd.clone().try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "-h"]).unwrap_err();
278 /// assert_eq!(err.kind(), clap::error::ErrorKind::DisplayHelp);
279 ///
280 /// // New help available
281 /// let err = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "-?"]).unwrap_err();
282 /// assert_eq!(err.kind(), clap::error::ErrorKind::DisplayHelp);
283 /// # }
284 /// ```
285 HelpShort,
286 /// When encountered, display [`Command::print_long_help`][super::Command::print_long_help]
287 ///
288 /// # Examples
289 ///
290 /// ```rust
291 /// # #[cfg(feature = "help")] {
292 /// # use clap_builder as clap;
293 /// # use clap::Command;
294 /// # use clap::Arg;
295 /// let cmd = Command::new("mycmd")
296 /// .arg(
297 /// Arg::new("special-help")
298 /// .short('?')
299 /// .action(clap::ArgAction::HelpLong)
300 /// );
301 ///
302 /// // Existing help still exists
303 /// let err = cmd.clone().try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "-h"]).unwrap_err();
304 /// assert_eq!(err.kind(), clap::error::ErrorKind::DisplayHelp);
305 ///
306 /// // New help available
307 /// let err = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "-?"]).unwrap_err();
308 /// assert_eq!(err.kind(), clap::error::ErrorKind::DisplayHelp);
309 /// # }
310 /// ```
311 HelpLong,
312 /// When encountered, display [`Command::version`][super::Command::version]
313 ///
314 /// Depending on the flag, [`Command::long_version`][super::Command::long_version] may be shown
315 ///
316 /// # Examples
317 ///
318 /// ```rust
319 /// # use clap_builder as clap;
320 /// # use clap::Command;
321 /// # use clap::Arg;
322 /// let cmd = Command::new("mycmd")
323 /// .version("1.0.0")
324 /// .arg(
325 /// Arg::new("special-version")
326 /// .long("special-version")
327 /// .action(clap::ArgAction::Version)
328 /// );
329 ///
330 /// // Existing help still exists
331 /// let err = cmd.clone().try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "--version"]).unwrap_err();
332 /// assert_eq!(err.kind(), clap::error::ErrorKind::DisplayVersion);
333 ///
334 /// // New help available
335 /// let err = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["mycmd", "--special-version"]).unwrap_err();
336 /// assert_eq!(err.kind(), clap::error::ErrorKind::DisplayVersion);
337 /// ```
338 Version,
341impl ArgAction {
342 /// Returns whether this action accepts values on the command-line
343 ///
344 /// [`default_values`][super::Arg::default_values] and [`env`][super::Arg::env] may still be
345 /// processed.
346 pub fn takes_values(&self) -> bool {
347 match self {
348 Self::Set => true,
349 Self::Append => true,
350 Self::SetTrue => false,
351 Self::SetFalse => false,
352 Self::Count => false,
353 Self::Help => false,
354 Self::HelpShort => false,
355 Self::HelpLong => false,
356 Self::Version => false,
357 }
358 }
360 pub(crate) fn default_value(&self) -> Option<&'static std::ffi::OsStr> {
361 match self {
362 Self::Set => None,
363 Self::Append => None,
364 Self::SetTrue => Some(std::ffi::OsStr::new("false")),
365 Self::SetFalse => Some(std::ffi::OsStr::new("true")),
366 Self::Count => Some(std::ffi::OsStr::new("0")),
367 Self::Help => None,
368 Self::HelpShort => None,
369 Self::HelpLong => None,
370 Self::Version => None,
371 }
372 }
374 pub(crate) fn default_missing_value(&self) -> Option<&'static std::ffi::OsStr> {
375 match self {
376 Self::Set => None,
377 Self::Append => None,
378 Self::SetTrue => Some(std::ffi::OsStr::new("true")),
379 Self::SetFalse => Some(std::ffi::OsStr::new("false")),
380 Self::Count => None,
381 Self::Help => None,
382 Self::HelpShort => None,
383 Self::HelpLong => None,
384 Self::Version => None,
385 }
386 }
388 pub(crate) fn default_value_parser(&self) -> Option<super::ValueParser> {
389 match self {
390 Self::Set => None,
391 Self::Append => None,
392 Self::SetTrue => Some(super::ValueParser::bool()),
393 Self::SetFalse => Some(super::ValueParser::bool()),
394 Self::Count => Some(crate::value_parser!(u8).into()),
395 Self::Help => None,
396 Self::HelpShort => None,
397 Self::HelpLong => None,
398 Self::Version => None,
399 }
400 }
402 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
403 pub(crate) fn value_type_id(&self) -> Option<AnyValueId> {
404 match self {
405 Self::Set => None,
406 Self::Append => None,
407 Self::SetTrue => None,
408 Self::SetFalse => None,
409 Self::Count => Some(AnyValueId::of::<CountType>()),
410 Self::Help => None,
411 Self::HelpShort => None,
412 Self::HelpLong => None,
413 Self::Version => None,
414 }
415 }
418pub(crate) type CountType = u8;