1pub(crate) use imp::*;
3#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
4mod imp {
5 use alloc::sync::Arc;
6 use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering};
7 use core::{mem, ptr};
9 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
10 pub(crate) struct LazyArc<T> {
11 // Only written once with a value obtained from `Arc<T>::into_raw`.
12 // This holds a ref count for the `Arc`, so it is always safe to
13 // clone the `Arc` given a reference to the `LazyArc`.
14 value: AtomicPtr<T>,
15 }
17 impl<T> Drop for LazyArc<T> {
18 fn drop(&mut self) {
19 let value_ptr = self.value.load(Ordering::Acquire);
20 if !value_ptr.is_null() {
21 // SAFETY: all writes to `self.value` are pointers obtained from `Arc::into_raw`.
22 drop(unsafe { Arc::from_raw(value_ptr) });
23 }
24 }
25 }
27 impl<T> LazyArc<T> {
28 pub(crate) fn get<E, F: FnOnce() -> Result<T, E>>(&self, f: F) -> Result<Arc<T>, E> {
29 // Clone an `Arc` given a pointer obtained from `Arc::into_raw`.
30 // SAFETY: `value_ptr` must be a valid pointer obtained from `Arc<T>::into_raw`.
31 unsafe fn clone_arc_ptr<T>(value_ptr: *const T) -> Arc<T> {
32 let value = Arc::from_raw(value_ptr);
33 let clone = Arc::clone(&value);
34 mem::forget(value);
35 clone
36 }
38 // Return the existing value if already computed.
39 // `Ordering::Acquire` is needed so that the content of the loaded `Arc` is
40 // visible to this thread.
41 let value_ptr = self.value.load(Ordering::Acquire);
42 if !value_ptr.is_null() {
43 // SAFETY: all writes to `self.value` are pointers obtained from `Arc::into_raw`.
44 return Ok(unsafe { clone_arc_ptr(value_ptr) });
45 }
47 // Race to compute and set the value.
48 let value = f().map(Arc::new)?;
49 let value_ptr = Arc::into_raw(value);
50 match self.value.compare_exchange(
51 ptr::null_mut(),
52 value_ptr as *mut T,
53 // Success: `Ordering::Release` is needed so that the content of the stored `Arc`
54 // is visible to other threads. No ordering is required for the null ptr that is
55 // loaded, but older rust versions (< 1.64) require that its ordering must not
56 // be weaker than the failure ordering, so we use `Ordering::AcqRel`.
57 Ordering::AcqRel,
58 // Failure: `Ordering::Acquire` is needed so that the content of the loaded `Arc`
59 // is visible to this thread.
60 Ordering::Acquire,
61 ) {
62 Ok(_) => {
63 // Return the value we computed.
64 // SAFETY: `value_ptr` was obtained from `Arc::into_raw`.
65 Ok(unsafe { clone_arc_ptr(value_ptr) })
66 }
67 Err(existing_value_ptr) => {
68 // We lost the race, drop unneeded `value_ptr`.
69 // SAFETY: `value_ptr` was obtained from `Arc::into_raw`.
70 drop(unsafe { Arc::from_raw(value_ptr) });
71 // Return the existing value.
72 // SAFETY: all writes to `self.value` are pointers obtained from `Arc::into_raw`.
73 Ok(unsafe { clone_arc_ptr(existing_value_ptr) })
74 }
75 }
76 }
77 }
80#[cfg(feature = "std")]
81mod imp {
82 use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
84 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
85 pub(crate) struct LazyArc<T> {
86 value: Mutex<Option<Arc<T>>>,
87 }
89 impl<T> LazyArc<T> {
90 pub(crate) fn get<E, F: FnOnce() -> Result<T, E>>(&self, f: F) -> Result<Arc<T>, E> {
91 let mut lock: MutexGuard<'_, {unknown}> = self.value.lock().unwrap();
92 if let Some(value: &{unknown}) = &*lock {
93 return Ok(value.clone());
94 }
95 let value = f().map(Arc::new)?;
96 *lock = Some(value.clone());
97 Ok(value)
98 }
99 }
103mod tests {
104 use super::*;
106 #[test]
107 fn lazy_arc() {
108 let lazy = LazyArc::default();
109 let value = lazy.get(|| Err(()));
110 assert_eq!(value, Err(()));
111 let value = lazy.get(|| Ok::<i32, ()>(3)).unwrap();
112 assert_eq!(*value, 3);
113 let value = lazy.get(|| Err(())).unwrap();
114 assert_eq!(*value, 3);
115 }