1use crate::errors::OutIsTooSmallError;
2use core::{marker::PhantomData, slice};
4#[cfg(feature = "block-padding")]
5use crate::errors::PadError;
6#[cfg(feature = "block-padding")]
7use crate::{InOut, InOutBuf};
8#[cfg(feature = "block-padding")]
9use block_padding::{PadType, Padding};
10#[cfg(feature = "block-padding")]
11use generic_array::{ArrayLength, GenericArray};
13/// Custom slice type which references one immutable (input) slice and one
14/// mutable (output) slice. Input and output slices are either the same or
15/// do not overlap. Length of the output slice is always equal or bigger than
16/// length of the input slice.
17pub struct InOutBufReserved<'inp, 'out, T> {
18 in_ptr: *const T,
19 out_ptr: *mut T,
20 in_len: usize,
21 out_len: usize,
22 _pd: PhantomData<(&'inp T, &'out mut T)>,
25impl<'a, T> InOutBufReserved<'a, 'a, T> {
26 /// Crate [`InOutBufReserved`] from a single mutable slice.
27 pub fn from_mut_slice(buf: &'a mut [T], msg_len: usize) -> Result<Self, OutIsTooSmallError> {
28 if msg_len > buf.len() {
29 return Err(OutIsTooSmallError);
30 }
31 let p = buf.as_mut_ptr();
32 let out_len = buf.len();
33 Ok(Self {
34 in_ptr: p,
35 out_ptr: p,
36 in_len: msg_len,
37 out_len,
38 _pd: PhantomData,
39 })
40 }
42 /// Create [`InOutBufReserved`] from raw input and output pointers.
43 ///
44 /// # Safety
45 /// Behavior is undefined if any of the following conditions are violated:
46 /// - `in_ptr` must point to a properly initialized value of type `T` and
47 /// must be valid for reads for `in_len * mem::size_of::<T>()` many bytes.
48 /// - `out_ptr` must point to a properly initialized value of type `T` and
49 /// must be valid for both reads and writes for `out_len * mem::size_of::<T>()`
50 /// many bytes.
51 /// - `in_ptr` and `out_ptr` must be either equal or non-overlapping.
52 /// - If `in_ptr` and `out_ptr` are equal, then the memory referenced by
53 /// them must not be accessed through any other pointer (not derived from
54 /// the return value) for the duration of lifetime 'a. Both read and write
55 /// accesses are forbidden.
56 /// - If `in_ptr` and `out_ptr` are not equal, then the memory referenced by
57 /// `out_ptr` must not be accessed through any other pointer (not derived from
58 /// the return value) for the duration of lifetime 'a. Both read and write
59 /// accesses are forbidden. The memory referenced by `in_ptr` must not be
60 /// mutated for the duration of lifetime `'a`, except inside an `UnsafeCell`.
61 /// - The total size `in_len * mem::size_of::<T>()` and
62 /// `out_len * mem::size_of::<T>()` must be no larger than `isize::MAX`.
63 #[inline(always)]
64 pub unsafe fn from_raw(
65 in_ptr: *const T,
66 in_len: usize,
67 out_ptr: *mut T,
68 out_len: usize,
69 ) -> Self {
70 Self {
71 in_ptr,
72 out_ptr,
73 in_len,
74 out_len,
75 _pd: PhantomData,
76 }
77 }
79 /// Get raw input and output pointers.
80 #[inline(always)]
81 pub fn into_raw(self) -> (*const T, *mut T) {
82 (self.in_ptr, self.out_ptr)
83 }
85 /// Get input buffer length.
86 #[inline(always)]
87 pub fn get_in_len(&self) -> usize {
88 self.in_len
89 }
91 /// Get output buffer length.
92 #[inline(always)]
93 pub fn get_out_len(&self) -> usize {
94 self.in_len
95 }
98impl<'inp, 'out, T> InOutBufReserved<'inp, 'out, T> {
99 /// Crate [`InOutBufReserved`] from two separate slices.
100 pub fn from_slices(
101 in_buf: &'inp [T],
102 out_buf: &'out mut [T],
103 ) -> Result<Self, OutIsTooSmallError> {
104 if in_buf.len() > out_buf.len() {
105 return Err(OutIsTooSmallError);
106 }
107 Ok(Self {
108 in_ptr: in_buf.as_ptr(),
109 out_ptr: out_buf.as_mut_ptr(),
110 in_len: in_buf.len(),
111 out_len: out_buf.len(),
112 _pd: PhantomData,
113 })
114 }
116 /// Get input slice.
117 #[inline(always)]
118 pub fn get_in<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [T] {
119 unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(self.in_ptr, self.in_len) }
120 }
122 /// Get output slice.
123 #[inline(always)]
124 pub fn get_out<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut [T] {
125 unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.out_ptr, self.out_len) }
126 }
129impl<'inp, 'out> InOutBufReserved<'inp, 'out, u8> {
130 /// Transform buffer into [`PaddedInOutBuf`] using padding algorithm `P`.
131 #[cfg(feature = "block-padding")]
132 #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "block-padding")))]
133 #[inline(always)]
134 pub fn into_padded_blocks<P, BS>(self) -> Result<PaddedInOutBuf<'inp, 'out, BS>, PadError>
135 where
136 P: Padding<BS>,
137 BS: ArrayLength<u8>,
138 {
139 let bs = BS::USIZE;
140 let blocks_len = self.in_len / bs;
141 let tail_len = self.in_len - bs * blocks_len;
142 let blocks = unsafe {
143 InOutBuf::from_raw(
144 self.in_ptr as *const GenericArray<u8, BS>,
145 self.out_ptr as *mut GenericArray<u8, BS>,
146 blocks_len,
147 )
148 };
149 let mut tail_in = GenericArray::<u8, BS>::default();
150 let tail_out = match P::TYPE {
151 PadType::NoPadding | PadType::Ambiguous if tail_len == 0 => None,
152 PadType::NoPadding => return Err(PadError),
153 PadType::Reversible | PadType::Ambiguous => {
154 let blen = bs * blocks_len;
155 let res_len = blen + bs;
156 if res_len > self.out_len {
157 return Err(PadError);
158 }
159 // SAFETY: `in_ptr + blen..in_ptr + blen + tail_len`
160 // is valid region for reads and `tail_len` is smaller than `BS`.
161 // we have verified that `blen + bs <= out_len`, in other words,
162 // `out_ptr + blen..out_ptr + blen + bs` is valid region
163 // for writes.
164 let out_block = unsafe {
165 core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(
166 self.in_ptr.add(blen),
167 tail_in.as_mut_ptr(),
168 tail_len,
169 );
170 &mut *(self.out_ptr.add(blen) as *mut GenericArray<u8, BS>)
171 };
172 P::pad(&mut tail_in, tail_len);
173 Some(out_block)
174 }
175 };
176 Ok(PaddedInOutBuf {
177 blocks,
178 tail_in,
179 tail_out,
180 })
181 }
184/// Variant of [`InOutBuf`] with optional padded tail block.
185#[cfg(feature = "block-padding")]
186#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "block-padding")))]
187pub struct PaddedInOutBuf<'inp, 'out, BS: ArrayLength<u8>> {
188 blocks: InOutBuf<'inp, 'out, GenericArray<u8, BS>>,
189 tail_in: GenericArray<u8, BS>,
190 tail_out: Option<&'out mut GenericArray<u8, BS>>,
193#[cfg(feature = "block-padding")]
194impl<'inp, 'out, BS: ArrayLength<u8>> PaddedInOutBuf<'inp, 'out, BS> {
195 /// Get full blocks.
196 #[inline(always)]
197 pub fn get_blocks<'a>(&'a mut self) -> InOutBuf<'a, 'a, GenericArray<u8, BS>> {
198 self.blocks.reborrow()
199 }
201 /// Get padded tail block.
202 ///
203 /// For paddings with `P::TYPE = PadType::Reversible` it always returns `Some`.
204 #[inline(always)]
205 pub fn get_tail_block<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Option<InOut<'a, 'a, GenericArray<u8, BS>>> {
206 match self.tail_out.as_deref_mut() {
207 Some(out_block) => Some((&self.tail_in, out_block).into()),
208 None => None,
209 }
210 }
212 /// Convert buffer into output slice.
213 #[inline(always)]
214 pub fn into_out(self) -> &'out [u8] {
215 let total_blocks = if self.tail_out.is_some() {
216 self.blocks.len() + 1
217 } else {
218 self.blocks.len()
219 };
220 let res_len = BS::USIZE * total_blocks;
221 let (_, out_ptr) = self.blocks.into_raw();
222 // SAFETY: `res_len` is always valid for the output buffer since
223 // it's checked during type construction
224 unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(out_ptr as *const u8, res_len) }
225 }