1use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
3use crate::EitherOrBoth::*;
5use either::Either;
7/// Value that either holds a single A or B, or both.
8#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
9pub enum EitherOrBoth<A, B> {
10 /// Both values are present.
11 Both(A, B),
12 /// Only the left value of type `A` is present.
13 Left(A),
14 /// Only the right value of type `B` is present.
15 Right(B),
18impl<A, B> EitherOrBoth<A, B> {
19 /// If `Left`, or `Both`, return true. Otherwise, return false.
20 pub fn has_left(&self) -> bool {
21 self.as_ref().left().is_some()
22 }
24 /// If `Right`, or `Both`, return true, otherwise, return false.
25 pub fn has_right(&self) -> bool {
26 self.as_ref().right().is_some()
27 }
29 /// If `Left`, return true. Otherwise, return false.
30 /// Exclusive version of [`has_left`](EitherOrBoth::has_left).
31 pub fn is_left(&self) -> bool {
32 match *self {
33 Left(_) => true,
34 _ => false,
35 }
36 }
38 /// If `Right`, return true. Otherwise, return false.
39 /// Exclusive version of [`has_right`](EitherOrBoth::has_right).
40 pub fn is_right(&self) -> bool {
41 match *self {
42 Right(_) => true,
43 _ => false,
44 }
45 }
47 /// If `Both`, return true. Otherwise, return false.
48 pub fn is_both(&self) -> bool {
49 self.as_ref().both().is_some()
50 }
52 /// If `Left`, or `Both`, return `Some` with the left value. Otherwise, return `None`.
53 pub fn left(self) -> Option<A> {
54 match self {
55 Left(left) | Both(left, _) => Some(left),
56 _ => None,
57 }
58 }
60 /// If `Right`, or `Both`, return `Some` with the right value. Otherwise, return `None`.
61 pub fn right(self) -> Option<B> {
62 match self {
63 Right(right) | Both(_, right) => Some(right),
64 _ => None,
65 }
66 }
68 /// If `Left`, return `Some` with the left value. If `Right` or `Both`, return `None`.
69 ///
70 /// # Examples
71 ///
72 /// ```
73 /// // On the `Left` variant.
74 /// # use itertools::{EitherOrBoth, EitherOrBoth::{Left, Right, Both}};
75 /// let x: EitherOrBoth<_, ()> = Left("bonjour");
76 /// assert_eq!(x.just_left(), Some("bonjour"));
77 ///
78 /// // On the `Right` variant.
79 /// let x: EitherOrBoth<(), _> = Right("hola");
80 /// assert_eq!(x.just_left(), None);
81 ///
82 /// // On the `Both` variant.
83 /// let x = Both("bonjour", "hola");
84 /// assert_eq!(x.just_left(), None);
85 /// ```
86 pub fn just_left(self) -> Option<A> {
87 match self {
88 Left(left) => Some(left),
89 _ => None,
90 }
91 }
93 /// If `Right`, return `Some` with the right value. If `Left` or `Both`, return `None`.
94 ///
95 /// # Examples
96 ///
97 /// ```
98 /// // On the `Left` variant.
99 /// # use itertools::{EitherOrBoth::{Left, Right, Both}, EitherOrBoth};
100 /// let x: EitherOrBoth<_, ()> = Left("auf wiedersehen");
101 /// assert_eq!(x.just_left(), Some("auf wiedersehen"));
102 ///
103 /// // On the `Right` variant.
104 /// let x: EitherOrBoth<(), _> = Right("adios");
105 /// assert_eq!(x.just_left(), None);
106 ///
107 /// // On the `Both` variant.
108 /// let x = Both("auf wiedersehen", "adios");
109 /// assert_eq!(x.just_left(), None);
110 /// ```
111 pub fn just_right(self) -> Option<B> {
112 match self {
113 Right(right) => Some(right),
114 _ => None,
115 }
116 }
118 /// If `Both`, return `Some` containing the left and right values. Otherwise, return `None`.
119 pub fn both(self) -> Option<(A, B)> {
120 match self {
121 Both(a, b) => Some((a, b)),
122 _ => None,
123 }
124 }
126 /// If `Left` or `Both`, return the left value. Otherwise, convert the right value and return it.
127 pub fn into_left(self) -> A
128 where
129 B: Into<A>,
130 {
131 match self {
132 Left(a) | Both(a, _) => a,
133 Right(b) => b.into(),
134 }
135 }
137 /// If `Right` or `Both`, return the right value. Otherwise, convert the left value and return it.
138 pub fn into_right(self) -> B
139 where
140 A: Into<B>,
141 {
142 match self {
143 Right(b) | Both(_, b) => b,
144 Left(a) => a.into(),
145 }
146 }
148 /// Converts from `&EitherOrBoth<A, B>` to `EitherOrBoth<&A, &B>`.
149 pub fn as_ref(&self) -> EitherOrBoth<&A, &B> {
150 match *self {
151 Left(ref left) => Left(left),
152 Right(ref right) => Right(right),
153 Both(ref left, ref right) => Both(left, right),
154 }
155 }
157 /// Converts from `&mut EitherOrBoth<A, B>` to `EitherOrBoth<&mut A, &mut B>`.
158 pub fn as_mut(&mut self) -> EitherOrBoth<&mut A, &mut B> {
159 match *self {
160 Left(ref mut left) => Left(left),
161 Right(ref mut right) => Right(right),
162 Both(ref mut left, ref mut right) => Both(left, right),
163 }
164 }
166 /// Converts from `&EitherOrBoth<A, B>` to `EitherOrBoth<&_, &_>` using the [`Deref`] trait.
167 pub fn as_deref(&self) -> EitherOrBoth<&A::Target, &B::Target>
168 where
169 A: Deref,
170 B: Deref,
171 {
172 match *self {
173 Left(ref left) => Left(left),
174 Right(ref right) => Right(right),
175 Both(ref left, ref right) => Both(left, right),
176 }
177 }
179 /// Converts from `&mut EitherOrBoth<A, B>` to `EitherOrBoth<&mut _, &mut _>` using the [`DerefMut`] trait.
180 pub fn as_deref_mut(&mut self) -> EitherOrBoth<&mut A::Target, &mut B::Target>
181 where
182 A: DerefMut,
183 B: DerefMut,
184 {
185 match *self {
186 Left(ref mut left) => Left(left),
187 Right(ref mut right) => Right(right),
188 Both(ref mut left, ref mut right) => Both(left, right),
189 }
190 }
192 /// Convert `EitherOrBoth<A, B>` to `EitherOrBoth<B, A>`.
193 pub fn flip(self) -> EitherOrBoth<B, A> {
194 match self {
195 Left(a) => Right(a),
196 Right(b) => Left(b),
197 Both(a, b) => Both(b, a),
198 }
199 }
201 /// Apply the function `f` on the value `a` in `Left(a)` or `Both(a, b)` variants. If it is
202 /// present rewrapping the result in `self`'s original variant.
203 pub fn map_left<F, M>(self, f: F) -> EitherOrBoth<M, B>
204 where
205 F: FnOnce(A) -> M,
206 {
207 match self {
208 Both(a, b) => Both(f(a), b),
209 Left(a) => Left(f(a)),
210 Right(b) => Right(b),
211 }
212 }
214 /// Apply the function `f` on the value `b` in `Right(b)` or `Both(a, b)` variants.
215 /// If it is present rewrapping the result in `self`'s original variant.
216 pub fn map_right<F, M>(self, f: F) -> EitherOrBoth<A, M>
217 where
218 F: FnOnce(B) -> M,
219 {
220 match self {
221 Left(a) => Left(a),
222 Right(b) => Right(f(b)),
223 Both(a, b) => Both(a, f(b)),
224 }
225 }
227 /// Apply the functions `f` and `g` on the value `a` and `b` respectively;
228 /// found in `Left(a)`, `Right(b)`, or `Both(a, b)` variants.
229 /// The Result is rewrapped `self`'s original variant.
230 pub fn map_any<F, L, G, R>(self, f: F, g: G) -> EitherOrBoth<L, R>
231 where
232 F: FnOnce(A) -> L,
233 G: FnOnce(B) -> R,
234 {
235 match self {
236 Left(a) => Left(f(a)),
237 Right(b) => Right(g(b)),
238 Both(a, b) => Both(f(a), g(b)),
239 }
240 }
242 /// Apply the function `f` on the value `a` in `Left(a)` or `Both(a, _)` variants if it is
243 /// present.
244 pub fn left_and_then<F, L>(self, f: F) -> EitherOrBoth<L, B>
245 where
246 F: FnOnce(A) -> EitherOrBoth<L, B>,
247 {
248 match self {
249 Left(a) | Both(a, _) => f(a),
250 Right(b) => Right(b),
251 }
252 }
254 /// Apply the function `f` on the value `b`
255 /// in `Right(b)` or `Both(_, b)` variants if it is present.
256 pub fn right_and_then<F, R>(self, f: F) -> EitherOrBoth<A, R>
257 where
258 F: FnOnce(B) -> EitherOrBoth<A, R>,
259 {
260 match self {
261 Left(a) => Left(a),
262 Right(b) | Both(_, b) => f(b),
263 }
264 }
266 /// Returns a tuple consisting of the `l` and `r` in `Both(l, r)`, if present.
267 /// Otherwise, returns the wrapped value for the present element, and the supplied
268 /// value for the other. The first (`l`) argument is used for a missing `Left`
269 /// value. The second (`r`) argument is used for a missing `Right` value.
270 ///
271 /// Arguments passed to `or` are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing
272 /// the result of a function call, it is recommended to use [`or_else`],
273 /// which is lazily evaluated.
274 ///
275 /// [`or_else`]: EitherOrBoth::or_else
276 ///
277 /// # Examples
278 ///
279 /// ```
280 /// # use itertools::EitherOrBoth;
281 /// assert_eq!(EitherOrBoth::Both("tree", 1).or("stone", 5), ("tree", 1));
282 /// assert_eq!(EitherOrBoth::Left("tree").or("stone", 5), ("tree", 5));
283 /// assert_eq!(EitherOrBoth::Right(1).or("stone", 5), ("stone", 1));
284 /// ```
285 pub fn or(self, l: A, r: B) -> (A, B) {
286 match self {
287 Left(inner_l) => (inner_l, r),
288 Right(inner_r) => (l, inner_r),
289 Both(inner_l, inner_r) => (inner_l, inner_r),
290 }
291 }
293 /// Returns a tuple consisting of the `l` and `r` in `Both(l, r)`, if present.
294 /// Otherwise, returns the wrapped value for the present element, and the [`default`](Default::default)
295 /// for the other.
296 pub fn or_default(self) -> (A, B)
297 where
298 A: Default,
299 B: Default,
300 {
301 match self {
302 EitherOrBoth::Left(l) => (l, B::default()),
303 EitherOrBoth::Right(r) => (A::default(), r),
304 EitherOrBoth::Both(l, r) => (l, r),
305 }
306 }
308 /// Returns a tuple consisting of the `l` and `r` in `Both(l, r)`, if present.
309 /// Otherwise, returns the wrapped value for the present element, and computes the
310 /// missing value with the supplied closure. The first argument (`l`) is used for a
311 /// missing `Left` value. The second argument (`r`) is used for a missing `Right` value.
312 ///
313 /// # Examples
314 ///
315 /// ```
316 /// # use itertools::EitherOrBoth;
317 /// let k = 10;
318 /// assert_eq!(EitherOrBoth::Both("tree", 1).or_else(|| "stone", || 2 * k), ("tree", 1));
319 /// assert_eq!(EitherOrBoth::Left("tree").or_else(|| "stone", || 2 * k), ("tree", 20));
320 /// assert_eq!(EitherOrBoth::Right(1).or_else(|| "stone", || 2 * k), ("stone", 1));
321 /// ```
322 pub fn or_else<L: FnOnce() -> A, R: FnOnce() -> B>(self, l: L, r: R) -> (A, B) {
323 match self {
324 Left(inner_l) => (inner_l, r()),
325 Right(inner_r) => (l(), inner_r),
326 Both(inner_l, inner_r) => (inner_l, inner_r),
327 }
328 }
330 /// Returns a mutable reference to the left value. If the left value is not present,
331 /// it is replaced with `val`.
332 pub fn left_or_insert(&mut self, val: A) -> &mut A {
333 self.left_or_insert_with(|| val)
334 }
336 /// Returns a mutable reference to the right value. If the right value is not present,
337 /// it is replaced with `val`.
338 pub fn right_or_insert(&mut self, val: B) -> &mut B {
339 self.right_or_insert_with(|| val)
340 }
342 /// If the left value is not present, replace it the value computed by the closure `f`.
343 /// Returns a mutable reference to the now-present left value.
344 pub fn left_or_insert_with<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut A
345 where
346 F: FnOnce() -> A,
347 {
348 match self {
349 Left(left) | Both(left, _) => left,
350 Right(_) => self.insert_left(f()),
351 }
352 }
354 /// If the right value is not present, replace it the value computed by the closure `f`.
355 /// Returns a mutable reference to the now-present right value.
356 pub fn right_or_insert_with<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut B
357 where
358 F: FnOnce() -> B,
359 {
360 match self {
361 Right(right) | Both(_, right) => right,
362 Left(_) => self.insert_right(f()),
363 }
364 }
366 /// Sets the `left` value of this instance, and returns a mutable reference to it.
367 /// Does not affect the `right` value.
368 ///
369 /// # Examples
370 /// ```
371 /// # use itertools::{EitherOrBoth, EitherOrBoth::{Left, Right, Both}};
372 ///
373 /// // Overwriting a pre-existing value.
374 /// let mut either: EitherOrBoth<_, ()> = Left(0_u32);
375 /// assert_eq!(*either.insert_left(69), 69);
376 ///
377 /// // Inserting a second value.
378 /// let mut either = Right("no");
379 /// assert_eq!(*either.insert_left("yes"), "yes");
380 /// assert_eq!(either, Both("yes", "no"));
381 /// ```
382 pub fn insert_left(&mut self, val: A) -> &mut A {
383 match self {
384 Left(left) | Both(left, _) => {
385 *left = val;
386 left
387 }
388 Right(right) => {
389 // This is like a map in place operation. We move out of the reference,
390 // change the value, and then move back into the reference.
391 unsafe {
392 // SAFETY: We know this pointer is valid for reading since we got it from a reference.
393 let right = std::ptr::read(right as *mut _);
394 // SAFETY: Again, we know the pointer is valid since we got it from a reference.
395 std::ptr::write(self as *mut _, Both(val, right));
396 }
398 if let Both(left, _) = self {
399 left
400 } else {
401 // SAFETY: The above pattern will always match, since we just
402 // set `self` equal to `Both`.
403 unsafe { std::hint::unreachable_unchecked() }
404 }
405 }
406 }
407 }
409 /// Sets the `right` value of this instance, and returns a mutable reference to it.
410 /// Does not affect the `left` value.
411 ///
412 /// # Examples
413 /// ```
414 /// # use itertools::{EitherOrBoth, EitherOrBoth::{Left, Both}};
415 /// // Overwriting a pre-existing value.
416 /// let mut either: EitherOrBoth<_, ()> = Left(0_u32);
417 /// assert_eq!(*either.insert_left(69), 69);
418 ///
419 /// // Inserting a second value.
420 /// let mut either = Left("what's");
421 /// assert_eq!(*either.insert_right(9 + 10), 21 - 2);
422 /// assert_eq!(either, Both("what's", 9+10));
423 /// ```
424 pub fn insert_right(&mut self, val: B) -> &mut B {
425 match self {
426 Right(right) | Both(_, right) => {
427 *right = val;
428 right
429 }
430 Left(left) => {
431 // This is like a map in place operation. We move out of the reference,
432 // change the value, and then move back into the reference.
433 unsafe {
434 // SAFETY: We know this pointer is valid for reading since we got it from a reference.
435 let left = std::ptr::read(left as *mut _);
436 // SAFETY: Again, we know the pointer is valid since we got it from a reference.
437 std::ptr::write(self as *mut _, Both(left, val));
438 }
439 if let Both(_, right) = self {
440 right
441 } else {
442 // SAFETY: The above pattern will always match, since we just
443 // set `self` equal to `Both`.
444 unsafe { std::hint::unreachable_unchecked() }
445 }
446 }
447 }
448 }
450 /// Set `self` to `Both(..)`, containing the specified left and right values,
451 /// and returns a mutable reference to those values.
452 pub fn insert_both(&mut self, left: A, right: B) -> (&mut A, &mut B) {
453 *self = Both(left, right);
454 if let Both(left, right) = self {
455 (left, right)
456 } else {
457 // SAFETY: The above pattern will always match, since we just
458 // set `self` equal to `Both`.
459 unsafe { std::hint::unreachable_unchecked() }
460 }
461 }
464impl<T> EitherOrBoth<T, T> {
465 /// Return either value of left, right, or apply a function `f` to both values if both are present.
466 /// The input function has to return the same type as both Right and Left carry.
467 ///
468 /// # Examples
469 /// ```
470 /// # use itertools::EitherOrBoth;
471 /// assert_eq!(EitherOrBoth::Both(3, 7).reduce(u32::max), 7);
472 /// assert_eq!(EitherOrBoth::Left(3).reduce(u32::max), 3);
473 /// assert_eq!(EitherOrBoth::Right(7).reduce(u32::max), 7);
474 /// ```
475 pub fn reduce<F>(self, f: F) -> T
476 where
477 F: FnOnce(T, T) -> T,
478 {
479 match self {
480 Left(a: T) => a,
481 Right(b: T) => b,
482 Both(a: T, b: T) => f(a, b),
483 }
484 }
487impl<A, B> Into<Option<Either<A, B>>> for EitherOrBoth<A, B> {
488 fn into(self) -> Option<Either<A, B>> {
489 match self {
490 EitherOrBoth::Left(l: A) => Some(Either::Left(l)),
491 EitherOrBoth::Right(r: B) => Some(Either::Right(r)),
492 _ => None,
493 }
494 }