1//! The module contains [`Height`] structure which is responsible for a table and cell height.
3mod cell_height_increase;
4mod cell_height_limit;
5mod height_list;
6mod table_height_increase;
7mod table_height_limit;
8mod util;
10use crate::settings::measurement::Measurement;
12pub use cell_height_increase::CellHeightIncrease;
13pub use cell_height_limit::CellHeightLimit;
14pub use height_list::HeightList;
15pub use table_height_increase::TableHeightIncrease;
16pub use table_height_limit::TableHeightLimit;
18/// Height is a abstract factory for height settings.
20/// # Example
22/// ```
23/// use tabled::{Table, settings::{Height, Settings}};
25/// let data = vec![
26/// ("Some data", "here", "and here"),
27/// ("Some data on a next", "line", "right here"),
28/// ];
30/// let table = Table::new(data)
31/// .with(Settings::new(Height::limit(10), Height::increase(10)))
32/// .to_string();
34/// assert_eq!(
35/// table,
36/// "+---------------------+------+------------+\n\
37/// | &str | &str | &str |\n\
38/// | | | |\n\
39/// +---------------------+------+------------+\n\
40/// | Some data | here | and here |\n\
41/// | | | |\n\
42/// +---------------------+------+------------+\n\
43/// | Some data on a next | line | right here |\n\
44/// | | | |\n\
45/// +---------------------+------+------------+",
46/// )
47/// ```
49pub struct Height;
51impl Height {
52 /// Create [`CellHeightIncrease`] to set a table/cell height.
53 ///
54 /// # Example
55 ///
56 /// ## Cell height
57 ///
58 /// ```
59 /// use tabled::{Table, settings::{Height, Modify, object::Columns}};
60 ///
61 /// let data = vec![
62 /// ("Some data", "here", "and here"),
63 /// ("Some data on a next", "line", "right here"),
64 /// ];
65 ///
66 /// let table = Table::new(data)
67 /// .with(Modify::new(Columns::first()).with(Height::increase(5)))
68 /// .to_string();
69 ///
70 /// assert_eq!(
71 /// table,
72 /// "+---------------------+------+------------+\n\
73 /// | &str | &str | &str |\n\
74 /// | | | |\n\
75 /// | | | |\n\
76 /// | | | |\n\
77 /// | | | |\n\
78 /// +---------------------+------+------------+\n\
79 /// | Some data | here | and here |\n\
80 /// | | | |\n\
81 /// | | | |\n\
82 /// | | | |\n\
83 /// | | | |\n\
84 /// +---------------------+------+------------+\n\
85 /// | Some data on a next | line | right here |\n\
86 /// | | | |\n\
87 /// | | | |\n\
88 /// | | | |\n\
89 /// | | | |\n\
90 /// +---------------------+------+------------+"
91 /// )
92 /// ```
93 ///
94 /// ## Table height
95 ///
96 /// ```
97 /// use tabled::{Table, settings::Height};
98 ///
99 /// let data = vec![
100 /// ("Some data", "here", "and here"),
101 /// ("Some data on a next", "line", "right here"),
102 /// ];
103 ///
104 /// let table = Table::new(data)
105 /// .with(Height::increase(10))
106 /// .to_string();
107 ///
108 /// assert_eq!(
109 /// table,
110 /// "+---------------------+------+------------+\n\
111 /// | &str | &str | &str |\n\
112 /// | | | |\n\
113 /// +---------------------+------+------------+\n\
114 /// | Some data | here | and here |\n\
115 /// | | | |\n\
116 /// +---------------------+------+------------+\n\
117 /// | Some data on a next | line | right here |\n\
118 /// | | | |\n\
119 /// +---------------------+------+------------+",
120 /// )
121 /// ```
122 pub fn increase<W: Measurement<Height>>(width: W) -> CellHeightIncrease<W> {
123 CellHeightIncrease::new(width)
124 }
126 /// Create [`CellHeightLimit`] to set a table/cell height.
127 ///
128 /// # Example
129 ///
130 /// ## Cell height
131 ///
132 /// ```
133 /// use tabled::{Table, settings::{Height, Modify, object::Columns}};
134 ///
135 /// let data = vec![
136 /// ("Some\ndata", "here", "and here"),
137 /// ("Some\ndata on a next", "line", "right here"),
138 /// ];
139 ///
140 /// let table = Table::new(data)
141 /// .with(Modify::new(Columns::first()).with(Height::limit(1)))
142 /// .to_string();
143 ///
144 /// assert_eq!(
145 /// table,
146 /// "+------+------+------------+\n\
147 /// | &str | &str | &str |\n\
148 /// +------+------+------------+\n\
149 /// | Some | here | and here |\n\
150 /// +------+------+------------+\n\
151 /// | Some | line | right here |\n\
152 /// +------+------+------------+"
153 /// )
154 /// ```
155 ///
156 /// ## Table height
157 ///
158 /// ```
159 /// use tabled::{Table, settings::Height};
160 ///
161 /// let data = vec![
162 /// ("Some\ndata", "here", "and here"),
163 /// ("Some\ndata on a next", "line", "right here"),
164 /// ];
165 ///
166 /// let table = Table::new(&data)
167 /// .with(Height::limit(6))
168 /// .to_string();
169 ///
170 /// assert_eq!(
171 /// table,
172 /// "+------+------+------------+\n\
173 /// +------+------+------------+\n\
174 /// | Some | here | and here |\n\
175 /// +------+------+------------+\n\
176 /// | Some | line | right here |\n\
177 /// +------+------+------------+",
178 /// );
179 ///
180 /// let table = Table::new(&data)
181 /// .with(Height::limit(1))
182 /// .to_string();
183 ///
184 /// assert_eq!(
185 /// table,
186 /// "+--+--+--+\n\
187 /// +--+--+--+\n\
188 /// +--+--+--+\n\
189 /// +--+--+--+",
190 /// );
191 /// ```
192 pub fn limit<W: Measurement<Height>>(width: W) -> CellHeightLimit<W> {
193 CellHeightLimit::new(width)
194 }
196 /// Create [`HeightList`] to set a table height to a constant list of row heights.
197 ///
198 /// Notice if you provide a list with `.len()` less than `Table::count_rows` then it will have no affect.
199 ///
200 /// # Example
201 ///
202 /// ```
203 /// use tabled::{Table, settings::{Height, Modify, object::Columns}};
204 ///
205 /// let data = vec![
206 /// ("Some\ndata", "here", "and here"),
207 /// ("Some\ndata on a next", "line", "right here"),
208 /// ];
209 ///
210 /// let table = Table::new(data)
211 /// .with(Height::list([1, 0, 2]))
212 /// .to_string();
213 ///
214 /// assert_eq!(
215 /// table,
216 /// "+----------------+------+------------+\n\
217 /// | &str | &str | &str |\n\
218 /// +----------------+------+------------+\n\
219 /// +----------------+------+------------+\n\
220 /// | Some | line | right here |\n\
221 /// | data on a next | | |\n\
222 /// +----------------+------+------------+",
223 /// )
224 /// ```
225 pub fn list<I: IntoIterator<Item = usize>>(rows: I) -> HeightList {
226 HeightList::new(rows.into_iter().collect())
227 }